
Today’s challenge is… a prank to Qnly! Whoever stays close to Qnly the longest while hunting Ender dragon is the winner! Qnly believes today’s shooting is defeating the dragon with 0.5 heart. As they proceed the fake challenge, the rest of the members try to stay close to Qnly within 5 blocks. Who can stay the longest until the prank is over? Please subscribe, hit the like button, and pray the prank will succeed! And here we go today! Today’s challenge is throwing a prank at our member. – I was looking forward to this. – It’s been a while! Yup, it’s been a while! Our target today is… Qnly! I see. Qnly is a keen observer. Today’s challenge is very simple. The challenge is whoever stays close to Qnly the longest is the winner. You’ll get points if you are within 5 blocks near Qnly. And see who can get the most point within the given time. Qnly is a speed runner. Today’s fake challenge is to defeat the dragon with 0.5 heart. Okay… You’ll be away from Qnly if you die. It’s a difficult challenge for us. You can stick with Qnly even though you normally don’t. Or you can lure Qnly to come to you. Okay. The challenge is over the moment Qnly says the word “prank.” Okay. If he says something like, “Is someone doing a prank on me?” Then, the challenge is over. If not, the challenge is over when we defeat the Ender dragon. Understood. I wonder what’s gonna happen. This is acceptable if it’s within 5 blocks, right? Yeah. You can stand behind him as well. You can follow him from behind. – Does the challenge from the opening? – Yup! Gotcha. The challenge is over if he says “prank,” so be careful. There’s a chance today’s shooting becomes a Short. Because he’s such a good guesser… I hope that doesn’t happen. – I won’t be surprised if the challenge ends in 5 min. – For reals. He might be like, “Is someone throwing a prank?” The challenge is over. – Anyways, let’s do our best. – Let’s do this! How long will it take to defeat the dragon with 0.5 heart? “Currently, explaining the fake challenge.” – Today, we will defeat the Ender dragon with 0.5 heart. We’ve done this before. That’s so close. Watch out! Don’t swing your arms! It might hit me! Let’s work together as a team. – Let’s do our best! – Wait a min! If we are defeating the dragon with 0.5 heart… does this mean we only have health of 0.5 heart? Isn’t it obvious? Okay, then let’s get going? Let’s do our best! Okay! Ow! – That was quick. – You guys should be careful! That felt like you did it on purpose. – So, you did it on purpose? – No, I didn’t! Can we not go for the same tree? – Hey… – There’s only one tree! We die easily from the fall damage, so I gotta be careful. – I see a shipwreck. – It might be a good idea to explore from the ocean. – There’s an ocean nearby? – You’re right, I see the shipwreck. It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! Why four of us have to go? Everyone’s so hyped up. I see a shipwreck! – Yup. – Should we check the other side? – Qnly, spare us some stones. – Someone took all the wood. – Here you go. – I can spare some of my sticks, Bon. – Thanks! – Take my wood. Please give me some stone. Will I die if I jump from here? Most likely, yes. I can’t get down! – Gimme stone! – Just dig down. It’s just the beginning. – Gimme stone! – Here. Spare me some stone, Dozle. No. – Why are you so mean? – If we miss this chance, nothing is gonna happen. There are plenty of chances for us to die. I died earlier. – Hey, there’s a village. – Does this mean I’m allow to smack you? That’s not what I said. Stop it, MEN! – No, no, no. – That was close. You better watch your back, Qnly. Why are you acting like an enemy? Where’s everyone? – Heading to the village. – I’m not gonna tell you. That’s not fair! Which way is the village? Pass the cherry blossom? I think it’s pass the ocean. That’s a lie. – Where’s everyone? – Is that okay? Easy peasy. It’s no big deal as long as we don’t get any damage. – I should have gotten more blocks… – I’m so behind! You’re always behind. Why do you say that? Why you make it sound like he’s never around? So mean. – Oh, bread… – I see hay bale. – We should grab food, just in case. – Anything good in there? I found five iron ingots. I’ll grab some hay bale. Where’s Qnly? – He’s at the village. – We are all here. I wanna set the respawn point. – Are you reading the time perfectly? – Is that better method? – What’s happening? – I’m not sure… Are we gonna do a chicken race? I’ll stack four blocks in case. That was close! I’m finally here. Nice. I should look for a lava pool. True that. Who needs bread? – Me! – I found another village. What? I don’t see any lava pool. The mountain is so steep it’s asking us for death. That’s not the intention. – Something is on fire. – Where can we find a lava pool? – Ow! – Oh no, Qnly! Are you okay, Qnly? Where am I? – Are you okay? – Can someone take my stuff? Why are you after me? What are you doing? Why are you asking me if I’m okay? Oh, I see someone on a boat! Hold on… Darn it, no treasure map. Lemme get on the boat! I can always smack you. Welp, this seat is mine. – What do you mean, you can always hit me? – Smack him. I’m going that way. It’s all about teamwork! Where are you guys? It’s not PvP. – We are on the opposite side of the village. – I might accidentally slip my hand and smack someone. – All three of you? – Why? – Yeah, three of us. – Well, you know. Accident can happen at anytime. What do you mean? – I’m gonna search for a lava pool. – I forgot that I lost my items. – Are you guys even looking for a lava pool? – Can you spare me wood? We gotta look for one! Everyone, search for it! – I’m looking for one! – I guess Bon is the only person that’s searching. – Are you sure he’s searching? – I got completely lost! Ow! Can someone pick up my stuff? – You didn’t have enough guts, huh, Dozle? – I need guts for this? Where’s everyone? Where are you? I got lost. We are at -1400 and 0. – Minus what? – -1400… -1400!? Yeah. It’s true! I’m not lying! – Really? – We are at -1400. The initial spawning point is at -900. So, it’s not me, you guys are lost. Why the table turned so suddenly? Today’s hero is whoever finds the lava pool. You’re right. For reals. Why is MEN constantly next to me? I need food. Do you have any? – I have food! – You’re at the village. I’ll grab whatever I can find here. Are you sleeping today? I can sleep whenever! What’s the point of sleeping at 0.5 heart? Cause we only have 0.5 heart! Where are you, Qnly? He’s at the initial spawning point, so at -900. It’s such a weird place to start. But there are many villages. I’ll keep your items, Qnly. Thanks. – Can you hand me mine as well? – Sure. I have food to spare. I really can’t find a lava pool. I thought I found one… Is there something I didn’t hear about today? What do you mean? Maybe I’m just overthinking. I died twice so far. The first time, somehow, MEN kept chasing after me. Oraf is also staying very close to me. – Watch behind, Qnly. – Oh, it’s you, Dozle. Even Oraf is not cooperating more than usual. What? I’ve been searching! So, does this mean Oraf was slacking this whole time? He was running through the snowy plain with me the entire time. We found out Oraf has been slacking. What am I the only one getting the blame? – No, no, no… – If nothing’s happening behind my back, keep searching. The skeletons are intimidating. I’m near Bon. – I’m alone. – Can you guys look for a lava pool? – I’m finally with someone! – This snowy peak… Ugh, but I’m with MEN. What? Excuse me? – I don’t mind sending you back to initial spawning point. – Stop it. I found a ruined portal! It’s on the left! We can enter from here as long as we can get two obsidian. Really? I have them! I’ll share the coordinate. Hold on. Hurry! We are at -1150 and -400. That’s far! 1150… I’ll leave it on the chat. That’s far. I need to move about 1000 blocks. 1000!? Really? – Is it better to go back to initial spawning point? – But if they die, they will lose their items. – I see it! – I found a lava pool! I’ll meet you guys in the Nether. – Okay. – I’m bringing the obsidian. I see you guys! Oh, MEN is here. I wanna go there, too. Bon is here, too! Ah, zombie! – Someone save me. – Watch out for the baby zombie! – I’m scared! Can someone! – I want stone. Can someone kill the baby zombie? Skeleton! – I have a shield! – Skeletons are the worst enemy for today’s challenge! Can someone finish it? Can we even sleep? – Look behind! – We can’t sleep? That was close… Omg, I didn’t know you were in there, Dozle. Were you about to hit me? Let’s sleep! Can you sleep, Oraf? I don’t think so! – Why? – Go to sleep! Fine, I’ll sleep. Hold on. I can’t sleep cause the MOB is nearby. Dozle might get shot. – That was close. – Oh, good. Open the portal. I have the flint and steel. Someone place the obsidian. I can’t fail. Of course. I’m placing them correctly, right? Do not fail! Don’t make him do it. Don’t listen to Oraf. You cannot fail this. You guys are going in already!? Lemme die once to recover my hunger level. – I see a stray. – I found a warped forest! I’ll craft some boat. Ah! That surprised me! Did some make a pitfall here? – You were digging there earlier. – Oh yeah, I forgot. Were you trying to blame on us? Look at this! This isn’t my fault! I want you guys to take a look at this. – Can you stop being a sock puppet? – My bad. It’s just a plain field… And then I see a soul sand valley. I don’t wanna go that way. Well, someone has to find a fortress. – I guess so. – Do you need food? Yeah. Lemme hop on! I wanna go too! Do you wanna hop on mine? Hurry! That was close. – Someone save me. – I’m not the target. – Wait… ow! – My bad. – Did you hit me? – No, I can explain. I wanted to get rid of the boat. You were aiming for me! I just wanted to get rid of the boat… Are we gonna fight against the ghast? Do we ignore? Are we gonna ignore? – Let’s do it. – It’s too far for me. Hey, Qnly! Don’t hit it back to us! – That’s not my fault. – How could you do that to Dozle, Qnly? – He killed me. – I witnessed everything! – Qnly was… – He totally faced us. – He hit it back to Dozle. – It was different one. That was my fault. I’m going from a different portal. Why are we not scattering today? Are you guys that scared of 0.5 heart challenge? I found a bastion remnant! Should we go? You go, MEN! But I don’t have any iron. – Same. – Can someone gimme an iron pickaxe? Do you wanna go together since I have some iron? Sure. Come to me. I’m at 0 and -80. Oh, did you use gravel as a mark? – Yeah. – Ow! – The piglin killed Bon! – That was the worst. Thanks for the tool! Is that why you were with me? Of course! Why didn’t you go to bastion remnant when you had all these irons, Bon? He had six iron ingots! What a bad ass… I can’t believe this. Let’s make Bon go instead as a punishment. Somehow, I survived even though I got shot by a skeleton. That happens sometimes. – I dunno why, though. – I got Protection III golden boots. Oh snap! – I see. – You probably have better chance to survive. Oh, nice. I found a diamond pickaxe. Yay. Nice! Lucky you! I can’t keep up with MEN. I can get stuff. Wanna do our usual thing? What is it? An irrational quiz? No. Choose a player randomly… and continuously chase after the player. What kind of game is that? I’ve never heard of it. I thought it’s gonna be the irrational quiz. Should we do that instead? No, we good. If you answer it wrong, I’m taking away your tools. But there’s no answer. I have 4… 3 pearls. One pearl! Zero! What about fortress? I seriously can’t find one. Hot! Ugh, great. I simply died from the lava. – What should I even do if I find it? – We gotta go. We gotta figure it out somehow. – We gotta hunt the blaze. – But I have 0.5 heart! We all do! I’ll look for one since you guys think I’m slacking. Don’t worry, I know you’re not. Maybe Qnly is the one slacking after all this time. – I got wood for you guys. – He even went to bastion remnant. – Oh, I finally see the bastion remnant. – Oh? – Why is Bon in the bastion remnant? – I’m just passing by! That surprised me how you suddenly decided to go in. You’re not slacking, right? How is it possible to slack in bastion remnant? It’s not the best place to slack off. You’re right. I guess I’ll pass through the delta. He’s going in. It has to be that way. Salute to Dozle! Um… why? – We hope you stay safe! – Pray for me more. It’s another bastion remnant! I’m at positive, negative direction. We only have positive, positive direction left. Oh, it’s Dozle. Hey, it’s MEN. – Why are you aiming at me? – No. I thought you were Enderman. How can you not tell apart? They’re not even the same color. There’s really not many fortress within the area. I dunno what to do if we can’t find in positive, positive direction. Then for food… – Do you have bread? – I have five with me. That’s not enough. Let’s get going. – I have plenty of bread since I took them from Bon. – Ah, thanks. I didn’t give them to you. I found the fortress! Finally! If I can, I’ll bring you guys two potions of fire resistance. Please! I’ll wait for Qnly to bring the potions. Let’s wait here. Let’s make a bridge in the meantime. We entered the fortress. We’re such brave people. Let’s go in further. Don’t shoot. This area is clear! This area is clear! Oh, over there… We shouldn’t go in further. I’m freaking out. Just go! – I can’t go in without the potion of fire resistance! – You can! – Just go! – How can we go when we only have 0.5 heart and no shield? Even if Dozle die, you still have MEN. True that. It’s not scary as long as you guys stay together. It’s even better if we get the potion of fire resistance! Why do we need to sacrifice ourselves? – Think about it! – It depends on what type of potion he has. We always used potion of fire resistance for this kind of challenge! Right. So, I don’t get why we’re eliminating that for today’s challenge! Is it the regular potion or splash potion? I have one splash type and two regular type. Well, the problem solves when Qnly comes, so hurry up! – Just come to us, Qnly. – Oh, hey, Qnly. Yeah? It’s in that direction. Yeah, it’s this way. I went to secure the pearls. You did? Okay. I see someone! Oh, it’s Bon. Why you sound so disappointed? Well, are you joining us? Do you have any potion of fire resistance? – They sounded upset. – We are waiting for the potion! – I’m gonna drop the potion from above! – From above? Oh, I see him. – Qnly and Oraf are up there. – We are heading back. Is anyone going to the fortress? I, OoharaMEN, am going in. Awesome. The most hardworking member within Dozle Corp, OoharaMEN, has entered the fortress with the potion! – Let’s go to the fortress together, Bon. – That blaze keeps shooting at me… – I got two rods! I’m going home! – Good job. Why leave with only two rods? Isn’t our quota to get two rods? No. The most hardworking man is gonna leave with only rods? I’m trying to be fair to give you guys a chance. If each person gets two rods, that’ll be perfect. Who do you wanna pass the baton to? I choose Oraf! I’ve been working hard collecting the pearls! Let’s ask Qnly to decide. Hm, what? Then I’ll go. Fine, I’ll stay. I got the skull. – Go get the rods, MEN. – You got the skull? Yeah. Because I’m a hard worker! You’re always on top of it. Should I put it back? But I’m scared. Where are you? I’ll get the pearls in the warped forest. I see Bon. Let’s go find Endermans together, Bon! Sure. Where’s Qnly? Leave me alone! Yeah, Bon. Leave him alone. He always depend on Qnly. There are six pearls in the chest. I have six with me. That’s awesome. We only need two more. – I’ll do my best. – I have one pearl. One more to go! Wait, I’m freaking out. We are all counting on you. Oh, it dropped a pearl. So we finished? Yeah, we should have 14 in total. Are you not going back to leave the pearls? It’s only one. What do you mean, only one? Each pearl is precious! I see what’s going on. No, don’t fool around. Bon is not being serious. Omg, this blaze is so slippery all of a sudden. It doesn’t slip. I wonder why it’s so slippery. I’m at the Nether nearby the lava… Why are you stopping with me, Bon? Aren’t we heading to the portal together? No, we’re not. You can see the portal over there! We told you it’s up there earlier! Are you slacking, Bon? Really? What does that coughing mean? I feel so lonely at the fortress. I’m so scared to fight against the blaze in the fortress! – We believe in you. – Who are you even? – I’m scared but no one… – Does anyone wanna get the pearls with me? Aren’t we done with the pearls? Yeah. – Oh, someone is here. – Ey, yo! We only have 14 pearls! – It’s more than enough! – Did you get the rods? – We collect at least 16 pearls all the time! – No, I’m not done. Why did you come back then? I have this type of potion. I guess we will go. Lemme go! Why did you use two potions and still didn’t finish collecting the rods? These potions were tasty. Please let me do this. I volunteer! Please gimme the potion. It’s the splash type, so we all can go. Then, I wanna go too! Wait, I shouldn’t. – Never mind. – We can build a portal here. Do you want me to bring the pearls then? Yeah, that might be easier. I’m gonna toss it. Okay, let’s go! Oh shoot. Watch out for that guy. I only have suspicious stew to eat. – Do you think I will not die? – You won’t! Then, I’ll eat it. I got the night vision effect. It’s mine! Go! That was easy. Can someone pick me up at some point? – We believe in you. – No way. – Are you okay? – Did you have the pearls? Uh oh… Oh snap! Go back! But this is the only chance for us to get the rods. It’s fine. I have enough! What? I have eight rods. Is he out of his mind? Why did you lie? What was the purpose for you to do that? Hold on. I need an explanation for this. It felt unfair that I had to get the rods by myself. – I wanted everyone… – Can you stop trolling during this challenge? – Seriously. – That was messed up. What are you doing, Bon? What is Qnly doing? Every time Qnly stops, Bon stops. I placed the crafting table randomly five times. Were you crafting each time? What do you mean? What were you doing, Bon? I’m just following you. 0.5 heart challenge… It’s not that hard. It feels too easy for us. I feel like everyone’s fooling around. I see Oraf. It’s been a while. Seriously. It’s been a while. I was hunting Endermans the whole time. Do you wanna toss, Qnly? Nah, I’ll ask Bon to do it. Here you go, Bon. Do you guys have food? I have one stock of bread. Can someone gimme the rods? That way. Ah! That was close. It’s a bad timing to die now. Did you guys sleep? Yup! I’ll do it again. I went to sleep. Okay. RISING SUN! Everyone, reset your spawning point. – Let’s go. – That way. He’s so fast! – He ran away. – That’s a smart move. – Are you sure it’s that way? – Yeah. You need to lead us, Bon. That’s true. You guys are going too fast! Walk faster, Bon! Are you not cold, Qnly? Why are you saying such creepy things? Never say that when you have a daughter. – You guys are fast. – Where is Bon? Oh, there he is. – I’m all the way in the back. – Why? – Why can you lead us? – Because you guys are too fast! Welp, sucks for Bon. No one dares to stop for me when I keep saying you guys are fast. Welp. I’ll get left behind the moment I stop. Oh snap! Darn it. What did you say, Oraf? – Who said such horrible thing? – It was you. Let’s toss it here. Gotcha. Oh snap. It might be far. – How can you tell? – It’ll either go back or continue. You’re right. We are at… I hope we are close. It might be on the opposite side. – I’m gonna toss it. – Okay. – It’s far. – Oh god, it’s on the other side. – It’s far. – Can someone pick up the Eye of Ender? I lost you guys. Lead us, Bon. We are about to leave the snowy peaks. Thank goodness. Should we toss it again after 2000 blocks? That’s so far. But we can… We can toss it again at -1200. Why did you toss it now? – Which way did it go? – It’s still in the same direction. I wanted to eat, but I threw it instead. Don’t make such careless mistake. Ugh, the slopes are annoying. Should we go around? I usually swing my arms; I hope I don’t smack anyone. Don’t do that! That’s your bad habit. You can toss one here. Okay. – Oh, it went that way! – We’re getting close! I’m glad it wasn’t too far. Toss it again and… Is here fine? Yeah, it’s fine. Oh, it’s fine. I placed a bed here. Everyone sleep. Okay. Wait, two Eye of Enders broke? – I only have 12. – I have two extra. I’m glad you have two extra. It’s here. I’ll dig. Please. I have a diamond pickaxe. I have a diamond shovel. Then, can I ask you guys to do it? My job is over. That was quick. There’s no need to use the shovel from here on. Me? Thanks. Or we evenly share Qnly. – That’s right. – What do you mean? – You guys are hiding something! – What do you mean equally? What… I have no clue what equally means. What are you doing? Bon is being so clingy on me. Wait, I died from the fall damage. It’s fine. Did you place water? Nope, I died before. – Pour from the top. – I got this. Oraf is the next challenger. Just stay at the top, and we will flow down with the water. You did the same thing as I did. Just come straight down, Oraf. Is he gonna be okay for sure? I’m too scared to try. Don’t worry, trust me and come down. Are you sure? Of course. I didn’t die, right? I guess I’ll trust him. Hopefully, I have enough air. If I die, I won’t forgive Oraf. Don’t worry. – These stuff… – I’m checking out the middle area. I’ll search this area. I picked up someone’s items. Maybe that’s mine. Not this way. I don’t see the portal. I found it! It’s in the middle area. – It’s close to the Deep Dark. – Who shut the door on me? Someone shut the door on me. – Hey, Qnly! – Well, it’s a manner to close the door if it’s opened. – Don’t bother me. – Ah, that was close. Don’t cheer for him. What are you doing, Qnly? Thanks for placing the bed. Is today’s challenge whoever trolls the most wins? – It’s disgusting over here. – Yeah, I know. Your false report was definitely trolling. That didn’t make sense. Anyways, place them onto the portal, Bon! Okay, should we get going? Yeah. – Did you reset your spawning point? – Everyone, double-check on that. – Do you need a weapon, Dozle? – Oh, thanks. I dropped everything earlier. Oh, yeah. I have your stuff, Dozle. Ah, thank you. Thank you. I’m gonna give half of my bread. Ah, thank you. Thank you. This is more than enough. Okay, then let’s go! – Yeah! – Do we have enough iron? – I think we are fine without it. – For the bucket… Whoever has the bucket, can someone scoop the water here? Oh, Oraf got it. – Oh, here. – Can I have a bucket? Thanks. You’re the best. Leggo! I guess so. Alrighty! Let’s go! Watch out! We need make a path. It’s packed here. Let’s be cooperative. Whoever has the bow please take care of the crystals. I don’t have a water bucket, but I can handle it if you give it to me. Oh, I’ll leave water here. I wanna go up. Here you go. What are you doing? The dragon is above you. Ow! – The dragon killed me. – What are you doing? I said the dragon killed me. lol Aren’t you being too strict on me? Where did Qnly go? I’m busy destroying the crystals. Oh. Do you have food? Food? I have food! Okay, then we good. Ow! – What are you doing? – I’m not dying on purpose! Are you not taking this seriously? I am! I’m just being its target! Am I the only one destroying the crystals? – There are few people with bow and arrows. – Hey! I’m the only one doing it! I killed my arrows from shooting at the members. Someone is slacking for sure. Guys, get the job done! Don’t come here, Bon. – What are you doing here? – Don’t come here, Bon. Are you guys working? Is Qnly even around? Yeah, I’m here! I went to the Overworld. – Don’t slack, Qnly. – Please do your job. – I think I did my part for the day. – That’s true. Bon even said everyone should equally take a break. Right… – Hey, Dozle. – Yeah? This is cheating. What do you mean? We will never finish defeating the dragon. What? Yeah, you’re right. – Where are you guys? – We should make a deal. – Where’s everyone? – We will never finish… I picked up someone’s pickaxe. Hey, Oraf. – Yeah? – All of you come here. Yeah, sure. What’s going on? Yeah? What’s up, Dozle? Come stand here. Huh? Where’s MEN? I’m nearby. I don’t see MEN. I see you guys. Ow! Huh? What are you doing, Qnly? Omg, omg, omg! Are you okay? Are you okay, Qnly? – Is everything okay, Qnly? – What’s up with you guys? Qnly escaped! Look for him! Go defeat the dragon already! I’m stuck! Ah, help me, Qnly! – Save me, Qnly! – Where are you, Qnly? – I don’t see him. – What are you guys up to? He escaped! What did I do to you guys? – Get back to work! – I worked enough! You promised we will defeat the dragon together! – Let’s work as a team! – And you call this a teamwork? – Why are you escaping from us? – Let’s get together! – Spit it out already! – We need you, Qnly! – Where are you, Qnly? – Without you, we… – Nothing can proceed without you. – Where are you? I wanna defeat the dragon with you, Qnly! – Where is he? – Why are you guys desparately searching for me? – I can’t tell you. – You’re just making an excuse! Are you guys getting points or something? I won’t forgive you! – What do you mean points? – What are you even talking about? There’s no such points when defeating the dragon. Guys, gather for a sec! I have a plan! Should we all go back to the initial spawning point? No. We will never finish today’s challenge. And then! – We ask Qnly to defeat the dragon. – Oh, he’s here! We all should… It’ll be fair if the four of us defeat the dragon. Hey! That hurt! – What? – Good job. Ow… stop it. You stay here, Qnly. We will defeat the dragon. Or you can head to the initial spawn. You guys are not doing anything. Go in already! – Go defeat it now! – Okay, let’s go, guys. Okay. Stay back, Qnly! We have a new deal! I’ll make sure all of you go in. Okay, let’s be fair and go. 1, 2, …3! Oh snap, I slipped! My bad! Do not break our agreement! Hey, Bon! – Seriously, stop. – Huh? What? Is there something unusual on everyone’s screen? What are you talking about? If you see someone, smack him! That’s true. I don’t like smart kids like you. Honestly, I knew there’s something behind from the very beginning. The staff told me there may be more like this kind of challenges in the near future. I knew there was something going on the moment they said that! I guess they sucked at lying. I don’t have a water bucket. – I can’t do anything. – Leave it up to me. No offense, 0.5 heart challenge is too easy for us. No, that’s not true! – It’s not an easy challenge. – It’s definitely a challenge for us! You make it sound like we do it very easily. – Ow, ow, ow… – I’m scared what could happen if we believe 0.5 heart challenge is easy. Wait a min… Stay away from me! Don’t stand there to gather points. What are you talking about? Dozle should get his points deducted! – Guys, keep your words til the end. – Dozle has failed the challenge. I’m just working hard. That’s what you get for being a hard-worker. You guys are all cheaters. – Did we destroy all crystals? – Yes. – Ow! – Oh, it’s here. Qnly left. – He’s gone. – That’s better. Dozle and I were busy breaking all the crystals. – I’m at the End this whole time. – I also participted, too! – He’s in the End? – He’s somewhere nearby. So, you guys stop doing everything when you know I’m in the End. You can be in Spectator Mode, Qnly. That’s ridiculous. It’ll be great if you can stand next to me, Qnly. That doesn’t make sense. Ow… He’s gone. I want him to be my moral support. Today’s challenge is horrible… Keep the secret til the end. Let’s defeat the dragon. Where’s Qnly? Is he slacking off? – I don’t see Qnly. Where are you? – Fireball is everything. Who was here earlier? There’s fireball everywhere… It’s such a waste to die right now! Ow! Ow! Ow! I’m gonna die… Qnly popped up as usual. That scared me. I’m not slacking. I think the Enderman is pissed at Dozle. – Never mind. It was the dragon. – Ow! Oh, my bad. What? That’s his fault. Huh? We’re not getting any points. That ended up a fair point. What do you mean? It’s fair if we all die together. I think they turned off the system. They turned it off cause we’ve been doing a hideous fight. Basically, they are telling us to defeat the dragon already. We look pathetic. It’s here. – Okay. – Here, have this. Ah, thanks. Let’s defeat the dragon. I can finally know why Bon has been stalking me all day. I wasn’t stalking you around. No, it was really bad when we were in the Nether. – He kept placing the crafting tables. – That was horrible. – He kept stopping every single time. – I was so behind, so I had to catch up at some point. I got lost in the beginning, so I had to catch up. We usually scatter to search for a lava pool, but you followed me. That was also horrible. I went overboard in the beginning, so I backed up. I know. I got confused when you suddenly wanted to play a nonsense game. Yeah, I remember that. – I placed a bed, but… – Someone might die. I’ll do it. Ow… why? It’s here. I think we can finish it with the bed explosion. – Go! – Leave it up to me. Bed explosion attack! Go! At least, let’s end it nicely. “Defeated the Ender dragon.” Let’s wrap up! And today’s challenge is to defeat the Ender dragon with 0.5 heart. We succeeded in today’s challenge! So, yeah… We will see you in the next video. Due to a hideous result, we will not introduce today’s real challenge. No, we will tell you. You have a keen insight, Qnly. What do you think today’s real challenge is? I think… Take a guess! you guys needed to stay close to me. I was chilling under the bedrock in the center. It sounded like you guys were still getting points. So smart of you! You hit the bullseye, Qnly! Today’s real challenge is who stays the longest near Qnly within five blocks. Good job, guys. What’s the result? Even if we were fooling around, we still defeated the dragon in an hour and 10 min. That’s why I told you this challenge is too easy for us. I’m scared what’ll happen to us if we say 0.5 heart challenge is too easy! – Don’t say that! – We can’t do anything. It was still a challenge… anyways, let’s see the result! I think I did well. I know Oraf went to get pearls and everything. – So, I feel bad that he didn’t get much points. – But I’m proud how he carried us for the most parts. Hey! I went to both bastion remnant and Nether fortress! I’m also proud of you. You guys should look up to this clingy man with sunglasses. Bon did his best within today’s challenge. Yes, yes, yes! I needed to catch up. Let’s give an applause to the winner. Yeah. And the winner goes to… “1. OoharaMEN (19 min) 2. Dozle (14 min) 3. Bonjour (14 min) 4. Oraf (11 min)” He won that race, hands down! I’m the best of all! Damnnn You won’t believe how clingy MEN was in the beginning. For reals! He was stepping my feet. I thought he was rubbing his forehead against Qnly’s back. Seriously! That’s how close we was in the beginning! He didn’t care about his personal boundary. There has to be something when all of us go for one tree. Keep in mind for the next prank! So you knew at that moment. We decided on a forbidden word. Oh, really? The challenge has ended if you said the word “prank.” Oh, I see. But I kept dodging the bullet. So, if you used the word “prank,” it would have ended there. I see. Well, I’m glad it lasted for an hour. It was a prank challenge that we haven’t done in a while. We would continue doing more challenges. If you enjoyed today’s video, please subscribe and hit the like button! That’s it for today! See you in the next video! Our next prank should be whoever stays away from Bon within 1000 blocks the longest wins. No! I’ll chase after you guys! Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to our channel! Please check out our recommendation! Please leave us a comment! We will be happy if you do all of them. Like really happy… No, seriously. We will be happy.










▼ドズル社×LEVEL∞ コラボPC







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  1. サムネしっかりぼんさん遅れてるのおもろいなw


  2. ドッキリとは言えど、いつもみんな

  3. 21:40ら辺の誰がロッドをさらに集めるかでおんりーに決めてもらうってMENが言ったあとのおんりーびっくりするぐらいイケメンじゃないか!、笑

  4. 31:22の時のおんりーの、「金魚のフンみたいに着いてくるのんだけど」にツボった🤣
    チャンネル登録してます😊固定してくださいm(_ _)m

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