
I went on a trip around Japan on my mamachari. Starting from the southern part of Miyazaki, my favorite car is Mamachari. I’m in Yamaguchi right now, so I’ll post pictures of Miyazaki and Oita.The start was Joyful.It was wonderful.At the beginning, I ran all the way along the coast of Miyazaki.Is it an SLR?What are you using?EOS6DThe coast of Miyazaki looks like a washboard in places . The first sightseeing spot we went to was Aoshima, a small uninhabited island where people like land and the decorations on the shrine there were stylish.I’ve never measured how much luggage was handled though. I think it’s less compared to my colleagues, but this is the one I got at Joyful, the starting point , and it’s an amazing mama-chari 2 list.I can run long distances with this, and it looks like it would be easy to fix a flat tire, but I got tired of the sea on the second day, so this time I did it. I set my course toward the highlands . Well, Hosu is deep in the mountains and it’s a tough climb, but it was fun to see the shrines in the countryside. Do you have any expectations? Today’s business trip. Where are we now? We’re already at Yamaguchi . Good evening, roadside station. I’m a poor college student, so I go to cram school every day.2nd day in a row I seriously didn’t sleep that night, so I ran all the way deep into the mountains.In the end, I pitched a tent on the grass by the river, listening to the sounds of the murmuring sounds and the Higurashi Nero. I remember having a good night’s sleep in this tent. It’s raining, so I’m afraid I’ll get soaked. It has a removable seat. That ‘s fine, but make sure it’s close to a typhoon. I’ll be seriously prepared for Typhoon No. 5. It looks like there’s a bear. If it rains, I won’t die. Come on. There’s nothing really going on. It’s the third day. I guess elementary schools are on summer vacation from this day onwards. There were a lot of people with children on their way through the mountains. As the typhoon approached, we went to a guest house or a business hotel. Please evacuate properly. I’m jealous of how well people are taking photos. Where are all the photos right now? It looks like we haven’t gotten past Miyazaki yet, or are we already at that point? Where are the photos of Yamaguchi? I don’t have too many photos of Yamaguchi. I’m sorry, but it’s still Miyazaki. I have a lot of photos, but it took me a while to upload them. It looks like they’re taking photos of many places, and I’m going to come all the way to Nakabetsu, so I’m going to spend the third day in Miyazaki’s mountains. I was heading north all the way, but as I was running, sweating and sweating, an old local woman suddenly gave me some salt water.I was so cold that the old woman in the country was more than a veteran.The salt water was amazing . On this day, I personally encountered many good roads.I think this is the kind of place where I feel nostalgic.This is definitely not a mama’s bike.It’s a mama’s bike.Here are some photos.The 4th day The weather is a little cold on this day. Isn’t the stand broken or is it too far forward? I still don’t feel out of place. The strings are praising me and the atmosphere on the road is quite picturesque. The countryside is spreading out. The energy is amazing. I can’t really go on a bicycle trip. 18 I could have done a leisurely train trip like Kip, but I got stuck , but unexpectedly I was attacked by guerrillas, and it was a painful trip to Mama Chili.I was heading from Takachiho towards Mie, and when I was out of the rain, I called out to the locals. I came all this way to show you around, so I took you for a drive around Takaho. It really shows the kindness of the people of Miyazaki Prefecture. The first photo shows how to strengthen the highlands. The second photo shows how I took them to a mountain with the best view in the area. By the time I arrived at the mountain I was looking for, the rain had stopped and the scenery was beautiful.By the way, is it heading north along with the typhoon?It seems to be traveling at the same speed as a bicycle, so it’s probably slower than the typhoon.It’s Mama Chili, and I took her for a drive yesterday on the morning of the 5th day. By the way, I cook my own rice almost every day. How about a cassette stove? Just like that, a 100 yen stove will last you a week. Cooking your own rice is tough these days. I’m finally escaping from Miyazaki.So I passed only around the hemp area of ​​Kumamoto Prefecture and proceeded to Oita Prefecture.I planned to go around Kumamoto properly in a bag, but after that I found a shrine with a nice atmosphere.It’s really nice to go to a shrine deep in the mountains at night. It’s a shrine where ghosts appear.Day 6There were no special events on this day, I just came down all at once on Oita Island.There was free Wi-Fi in the city of Oita, which was great.By the way, how much money did I have?I’ll probably run out of about 100,000 yen. It looks like it would be fun to have a part-time job in Hokkaido or somewhere else on the trip with Aga.Day 7On this day, we entered the Kunizaki Peninsula from Beppu Onsen.I heard that all the hot springs in Beppu are 100 yen, and it’s amazing at Akita’s townspeople hot springs. It was 20 yen , but normally if you’re a swordsman, you ‘d have to pay 500 yen, but the expensive ones were 1000 yen, and I remember that 20 yen was amazing.That day I slept on the beach, but I went out to the beach in the evening. I noticed that there are jellyfish sleeping on the sand. Will they just crack and die? Or will they come back to life when the tide comes in? Someone please tell me. On this day, I took a detour to see the ocean in Oita . After all, it’s the sea in the summer.When I went out to the sea in the morning, there was fog and a mysterious space was spreading out.I was able to take a photo that I would like to use as my wallpaper.I was wrong.This is probably about Fumi Takada . It’s fun just looking at the kana images.I was thinking of sleeping on the beach just around the northern tip of the peninsula on this day because I wanted to get nostalgic, but once again, there were a lot of jellyfish abandoned at Mt. Fuji. It’s like a sea of ​​clouds.It’s amazing how it went all around Japan.I felt sorry for it, so I had some free time, so I rescued one of them.I’m in Yamaguchi, so Yamaguchi is nice too.The sea is so beautiful.It’s all over Yamaguchi right now. You should go to the shop and see the jellyfish’s crown. It’s pretty big. I wonder if it won’t sting me or if it’s too late. I don’t know much about jellyfish, but it was fun to come to the jellyfish’s waterway. Well, I returned the jellyfish and it swam beautifully back to the Pacific Ocean. I went to the beach and returned home on the 9th day.This day I went to a town called Buntakashi, which apparently is also called the town of the Showa era.After that, I went to a place called Makikaigan.I’ve come here once to pick up food, so I skipped it. During the best season, you can see this kind of scenery.Day 10Day 10We went to the depths of the mountains of Hauno.We passed a famous place called Machipichi.It certainly had a feel of Machipichi.We went to a direct sales shop deep in the mountains of Uno. I bought some tomatoes there, but I also received dumplings, pickled plums, and pickled vegetables. Half of the people of Oita Prefecture are made of kindness, but I can’t help but laugh at the fact that the consumption tax on the receipt was still 5%. There were a lot of other beautiful roads that I slept on that day.Where are you now?I think it will be a long road trip if I take Hagiya to Yamaguchi, the northwestern tip of Hokkaido, and go back to my hometown. It’s still early days, but if we don’t run quickly, we’ll be in the worst condition of winter in Hokkaido.On the 11th day, we’re heading to Hisashi.This place is famous for its natural water.The water was delicious, but there were beautiful waterfalls and roads, so I felt relaxed here. On the way home, I noticed that the sagging butt I wore was not so great.I was wearing nice tight pants for my bicycle rider, so I noticed that the typhoon had affected me.So I finished the second round.Normally, I don’t have enough money to get to the tent white goal. If the atomic gold of 100,000 yen is not enough, I will make up for it with my part-time job.On the 12th day, my data has completely disappeared in Yamaguchi Prefecture, where I am now.I want to die, but I won’t give up.Not until I win, but not until I return to Joyful in Miyazaki. This time we’re done here, and our route from now on is to climb all the way up the Sea of ​​Japan side, land in Hokkaido by September, escape from Hokkaido by November, winter on the Pacific side, and land in Kyushu next spring. I’m aiming for something like Kyoto or Tottori when I cross paths again.I hope I can go home alive.If it were Tetoh White, it would be summer and I would be exhausted from my physical strength.It’s like summer every day, but I’m already used to it. Also, if you’re going to collapse from heatstroke sooner or later , it’s better to sleep in a guest house or something like that for a few thousand yen without meals, with the air conditioning on, once every few days.If you feel like you’re about to die, you’ll run away.If you have any questions, I can answer them. I misunderstood, but I’m still in the middle of my journey. I hope it goes smoothly. How much sightseeing do you do while you’re on the road? Actually, I’m not really interested in sightseeing. I’d rather spend time taking photos of the scenery along the way. I especially like this kind of scenery in the countryside, and it looks like it was taken with a good camera with great care.It looks like it would be fun to eat local specialties and strong dishes.If you can come to Osaka within 3 days. I’m going to buy some food , but just saying "thank you" is enough, so I was replying to him every day, like the guy on the Hokkaido motorcycle trip, but when he suddenly disappeared, he was in an accident.That scary guy was suddenly turned on. The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital. There’s no way to avoid it, but please be careful. I’m looking forward to doing this from now on. I want to do it all at once, so I’m planning on breaking it up every few weeks. When I do it again, I want to do it with a woman. What are you doing? I ‘m a NEET again. Why are you doing this? I’m so tired. I’m rooting for you if you’re still alive. I’m looking forward to next time. I’ll treat you to a meal. I’m still alive. It’s been a while since we met. I’m in Kyoto now. Yesterday, I posted a continuation of my trip on a new board, but there were so few people that I ended up being an enemy, so tonight around 10 o’clock I’ll post another photo of the trip to Kyoto.I wonder if anyone will take a look.Today is Misaki, so it’s kind of weird right now.Currently in progress. I’m traveling around Japan on a train.My starting point is Miyazaki.Currently, I’ve come to Kyoto.This time I ‘ll post photos of Tottori prefecture, Yamaguchi prefecture.August 2ndThis day, I’ll start from Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi prefecture.I’ll be heading north on Honshu along the Sea of ​​Japan side. The Sea of ​​Japan in Yamaguchi Prefecture was an emerald green color and was very beautiful. It looked like it had been transplanted from a tropical sea. On August 3rd, the Sea of ​​Japan was beautiful. I stopped and looked at it many times. I wonder why it’s that color. I wonder why it’s that color. It’s sturdy, and while I was at it, I stopped by a roadside station that was said to be the best in Japan.The restrooms and terrace had a great view, so it wasn’t the same building as the number one. There was an abandoned school that was open to the public, so I went to visit it.In the first part, there seemed to be an English class going on, and there were children wandering around, so it didn’t look like an abandoned school.It was an abandoned school.Maybe it was overtaken by a typhoon.The typhoon really scared the three of us. So there was almost no damage.Children came.You can kill cockroaches anytime, but you shouldn’t kill clouds.However , you should kill clouds at night.August 4th.Going around the island.What an emotional world view. On August 5th, we left the island and moved to Hagi.The road along the way east through Yamaguchi Prefecture was full of scenery that stirred the traveler’s spirit, so I didn’t care about the summer heat . As I was passing through a small village, I was stopped by a great bar and was given rice balls and cold tea.The cold water tasted devilishly delicious after running under the scorching sun.August 6th, I entered Shimane Prefecture.On this day, in Shimane Prefecture. It seemed like it was over 39 degrees, which was the first time in the country, and I actually didn’t feel like I was alive.I felt cracked when running on concrete under the scorching sun, but as I was relaxing in front of a vending machine, a great old man invited me to a BBQ.The route was the opposite. It was a run, but it was a rare opportunity, so I followed along and did all the fireworks I wanted to do.It really felt like summer.The old man told me to cherish the friends who scold me the most.August 7th Typhoon No.5 At this time, I was off course in Shimane , but the weather was raining all the time.While I was taking shelter from the rain, I killed time with a mysterious udon vending machine.I wonder if these machines exist in other areas as well.There are many along the national highway in Shimane. Back when there were no convenience stores open 24 hours a day, it was common to find them in service areas and parking areas on expressways.They were probably open 24 hours a day, similar to the popular restaurants before roadside stations were built. There were a lot of vending machines with onigiri and rice balls, but the soba noodles were pretty good.I don’t know what was going on inside the vending machine.Maybe it was summer on August 8th.I slept in the park until noon.After that, I went along the coast. Deep in the mountains of a remote island August 9 It rained 1 day 10, but the roads in the countryside were clean.The station we stopped at on the way was close to the wiring, and the depopulation was visible.According to the residents, it could not be helped . I was making a flower bed. Maybe there’s no one around. I’m not sure if I should continue. Miyazaki, Oita, Fukuoka, Yamaguchi, Shimane. I’m looking forward to bird hunting if I have time. When I return to Kyushu again, I’ll plan on doing it in the evening. I’ll secretly do it later. I’m sure there’s someone out there watching it. There was a story about the Shirakawa train a long time ago. The Shirakawa train is probably going to stop in the future. I only know roughly where it is, but it gives me a summer feel. Please continue. Let’s continue a little longer. August 10th, Let’s Izumo. I was surprised to see that the population of Taisha people was the same as that of the prefecture, and then I stopped by the waste liquid metabolism station.It was a station that had been open for more than 100 years, and the construction was very nostalgic.It was raining again on August 11th.The place was a little shiny. The Heaven’s Gate theory of Shimane Prefecture somehow seemed to fit in with the theory, so I thought it was okay to be the head of Shimane Prefecture, so as I was running towards Hikari Village, an old lady called out to me again and asked me to stay for the night, so I decided to stop in the countryside. Shimane Prefecture’s humanity is half-hearted, and according to Nebaa-sama, helping others is the greatest happiness.They still have that humanity.On the internet , they get criticized, or they expose themselves.Oji-san and Hokkaido. There are places like inns that have been destroyed, but at this time they were just private houses and treated me generously . I’m sure I can still go to Japan. August 12th. After all, it was daytime and it was great. After being taken care of by Bertha House, I finished the day by going through Heaven’s Gate and getting into the Tottori ticket, arranging my bike and sorting out my luggage.August 13th.On this day, I drove all the way along the Tottori coast. There were many roads that made me wish I had been commuting to school.Most of the time from August 14th to 15th, I played with the stray cats in the rain park and stared at the rabbits at the roadside station.I took shelter from the rain and went all the way to the left.Look at the missing river. I still have plenty of time, but the saddle on my mama’s bike is the fluffiest and the funniest thing to do. Enji Sakamoto reminds me of him. Thank you for your support. Well, that’s all for now. I wonder if the next one will be about the Hyogo incident. If you have any questions, I can answer them. Where is Kumamoto now? If you come, I’ll give you Hiehie tomatoes. I’m currently on the Monogo Peninsula in Kyoto. If I haven’t forgotten about this, I ‘ll treat you to some delicious vegetables. It’ll probably be next year, but I’m planning on continuing on with my previous one, so I hope I find it again. I’ve bookmarked the thread, and I’ll be sure to come. I’ll be cheering you on and waiting. Thank you. I won’t be updating very often, but I’ll do my best. I’m currently working part-time while I’m there. I’m planning on getting a part-time job when I run out of 100,000 yen in my military funds. But I hardly spend it, so it’s not going to decrease easily. About 500 yen a day On the other hand, I’m curious about what I’m buying: canned rice with sprinkles Aquarius I cook my own rice every day like this.I’m going over the cost of cheap food alone.Tell me the most interesting person you saw this summer.We’re also traveling around Japan. I met a 20-year-old mama-chari rider who was doing a lot of things, and it was interesting because there were so many things missing.I was traveling with a lot of anime goods on my 8,000 yen battered mama-chari, and I gradually distributed the goods to the people I met. Apparently, it was something that I really didn’t understand.In the end, I got the goods too.I still keep it in my bag.It’s nice to have such interesting encounters.When I come to the neighborhood, I secretly want to pile up 10kg of rice and cat cans.I don’t have many cat cans. I don’t need it because it tastes too much, but I think I’d like retort curry, beef bowl, or stew, but canned cats are more expensive.I don’t understand what you’re talking about.Maybe I should share it with the stray cats in Japan.I had a dinner party with the cat. I don’t know who will come to Kumamoto, but in case that happens, I’ll prepare some curry, and I ‘ll add rice balls, tamagoyaki, and homemade pickled plums. I’ll do my best to come to Kumamoto. Is it finally okay ? I don’t hate idiots like you. I’m waiting for the great Kumamoto prefecture to live and land in Kyushu. If you ever come to Asakura City, Fukuoka, please let me know. I went on a disaster sightseeing tour. I went all the way through Touhou Village. It was sad. And it was a little dangerous because I passed there just at the moment of Guerrilla 55. It seems like things have loosened up, so I’m sure it won’t last forever, but I want you to communicate as much as you can right now.I’m not saying this as someone who can’t do anything, but I’m afraid there’s still time. I’ll come here at some point. By the way, you can take my cat with you. It’s also a good idea to travel with a cat in front of you. This is a really useless way of registering. It’s okay. Go to bed early. I’m going to bed in the evening today. I’ve had a lot of free time because of the passing of time, so I looked for insects, but they weren’t there today, but oh no, the countryside is a great place to find insects, and they often come to my vegetable garden. Every time I look at it again, it’s really beautiful. It’s a really mysterious creature because it has this gloss on the back. It was dead, so I put it in Chelsea’s box and captured it. I keep it in my actual case. The natural colors and shapes. I often go to the mountains in the middle of the night to look for insects, and there are a lot of insects out there.How long did the person who just came here get that time off?I was a college student and took a year off from school. I know what I’m talking about from here on out, but I’m debating whether to go around the Echizen coast course, around the peninsula, or attack the mountains of Gifu.There’s a famous ho who’s waiting for travelers in the muzzle, so I want you to be careful. That’s interesting, but I’ve heard rumors about it on Twitter or something. It’s scary, but what direction should I take? It might be better if it’s not cold and the wind isn’t blowing. It’s natural if you’re traveling by the sea on a bicycle. Let’s enjoy it.It ‘s true that the sea is fun and comfortable, but the various mountain passes around the Nippon Arc are also fun, so I think I’ll go to both of them.The Echizen coast is also nice.Gifu, which I’ve ridden many times on a bike, is also nice.Will I ride my bike over the mountains? Before the first round, I was cleaning Higashimoto with Mama Chili quite a bit, so that’s about it. You should be confident.You can buy a fishing rod and a set for less than 3,000 yen.It’s good to go fishing along the coast.At this time of year when you don’t have time to waste, you can only catch beans and kisses.It ‘s good food, isn’t it?The soles of your feet. You can even catch a large black fish.You can also catch rockfish if it’s on a rocky area.If you dry it, it will last for a long time.If you’re going to run along the coast of Fukushima on the way home, you’ll have to treat yourself to a meal.I’m an individual traveling through the countryside on a cracking bicycle. I like country roads and the atmosphere, and I also like taking photos, so it’s really fun.The purpose of the trip is to collect as many photos as possible that will tempt me on a trip like this, rather than sightseeing or food, so I wonder if I’m doing what I want to do. It’s a nondescript rural landscape, but it’s a nice photo.It’s a nice old man, but it reminds me of my childhood.I’m going to bed soon.The next time I come here, it’ll be after I’ve passed 34 cases.I’ll see you then.Goodbye.I’ll leave this for next time. Please tell me how you load all your luggage.I have a side bag for my bicycle on each side, and a 55L backpack tied with strings on both sides.Backpacks are convenient when I go on foot, so I’ll continue. So, I’ll continue writing here.August 16th.On this day, I entered Hyogo from Tottori.As usual, the mountain road in Tottori was full of countryside.The countryside looked like a picture, and I crossed a long hill and reached Tottori. Reached the prefectural border of Hyogo The inside of the long tunnel was cold and felt super nice It seemed like there was no one there, but I’ll continue. I haven’t been to the desert before, but I went but it was so deserted that I turned back after about 2 steps. Thanks for watching. I’ll continue a little longer. And then at night. As I was walking down Hyogo, I came across a mysterious group of people wearing yukata.As I followed the group, I noticed that a summer festival was going on.I thought I had no choice but to take advantage of this, so I put my bicycle at a nearby roadside station, and ran into the kiosk selling goldfish. It felt like a summer festival like Hill Link or Radema.They also had a lot of hand spinners on sale.At the end, they even went up for sale, so I had a lot of fun.It’s a summer festival like any other in a city I don’t know.This is a good viva hall. When I looked it up, it turned out to be exactly where I was.August 17th: It was a heavy rain, but I was almost confined to my tent.The rain was so strong that it flooded the forest.August 18th: My camera was submerged.It was a sunny day, so I put my last hope on it. The battery was removed while I was driving.The sub-camera was also a bit sluggish and looked strange.Although it’s a weird camera to begin with, I’m pretty sure I had it because I encountered a festival while traveling. Well, I’ve been touring 2 of them all August, and this happened about once, so when I put the camera on, which I had hung out to dry in the middle of the day, it made a big comeback and came out properly.Buttons are a little unresponsive, but the 6D is something. It seems to be strong, but you can clearly see it just by looking at the user’s back.It’s actually strong.It’s sturdy and gives me a sense of security.The thing I felt as I crossed from Hyogo Prefecture to Kyoto Fuue Prefecture this afternoon was that my house in Kyoto was the best I’ve ever felt. I thought it was amazing that they were more conscious about building their houses than the prefectures in the prefecture.No , the first picture is not that so.Looking at the flags, you can see that they are making houses by region.Ah, this is a river. It’s fun to travel while observing walls and things like that.I also wanted to go around eastern Japan when I was a student, and when I came to Kansai, I was full of joy and gratitude. On August 19th, we headed to the Monoko Peninsula. The Japanese Society was beautiful as always. I thought I could use Ichiko’s poster. I was able to take some photos that I wanted to use. Well, S is on the Monoko Peninsula, and there are a lot of nice roads around here, so I stopped for a long time. There were a lot of Rider Shudders who were taking pictures. Next time I come , I’d like to ride and ride, but it starts from the middle of the road. The scenery is so magnificent that it’s an eternal ups and downs, but it’s August. Today on the 20th, I went from the central part of the vocabulary to Amanohashidate and around the area, and while I was running through the rice fields, I found an abandoned school, but it was now being used like a recycling shop, and I showed the administrator about the abandoned school. When I told Ina that I had been there, I didn’t forget to go to Ina’s boat shop.Also, there was a smug face hanging near the boat shop.In the evening, I passed through the famous Amanohashidate and caught a tree trap on the way. It was tough because the battles were set up all over the place. I’m looking forward to seeing you again next week or next week. Good night, Otsu. Why didn’t I do something like this when I was a student? Good night. I’m going to escape from Kyoto today. I did it, I ‘ll do my best in Fukui Prefecture tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the photos. Thank you. I can eat everything from sauce cutlet bowl to crab rice. I ‘m glad I’m still alive. I’m sure I’ll be able to complete my trip around Japan next spring. There must have been a famous suicide spot like that How much did you come to Kyoto? How much money do you plan to spend in total? About 100,000 yen I think domestic travel would be interesting. If you meet a bear in Hokkaido, please say hello. I’ve said a lot of things, but when I come someday, I’ll consult with my financial situation at that time and support them.I’ve got a lot left over.When will I come to Tohoku for about two weeks?I ‘ll probably go around the Tohoku Peninsula in about two weeks. Good luck! I’ll be waiting for the photos. I wonder if the weather is good for me. It’s amazing at the moment. If I had this kind of energy, I’d go north on the Sea of ​​Japan side. Did I go north to Fukui on the Sea of ​​Japan side? I’m so jealous of Fukui right now. I respect it so much. I won’t go to Saitama, I think it will be next spring. Let’s have a drink. Miyazaki’s blood starts. Miyazaki’s joyful oil point. Thank you for the maintenance. Good luck for now. Ishikawa. Just be careful of the typhoon. My wisdom teeth. I don’t really know what road I went on, I don’t know which road it was Ishikawa just now. It’s probably around noon. I want to do it sometime soon, but I don’t want to get my wisdom teeth removed. I can’t find meaning in life either, so I think I’ll take a trip before I die. Nothing will change even if I appear on , but maybe I can find a new year that won’t change. It’s August 31st, so I can’t post photos properly due to communication restrictions, and I haven’t been feeling well lately, so it’s September. Around 22:00 on the 8th, Mitsui on the 10th asked if I was okay . Don’t push yourself too hard. I hope your condition gets better soon. It’s okay. Don’t choose a road that’s less popular and has a long distance. In the worst case scenario, if you collapse, someone will notice. Nishitoko I can’t take off the country roads I’ve caught up and I’m looking forward to updating Are you going to go to Hokkaido? I want to land by the end of September I’m on the ferry By the way, I’m currently going around the peninsula It looks like it’s going to be Hokkaido in the winter Well , I’m in the mood for Tsuruga I thought about crossing over to Hokkaido and conquering the northern land first, but Shun would probably be covered in snow by the time I got back, so I decided against it.I’m glad I’m feeling better.I arrived at the tip of the peninsula from yesterday. It’s a plagiarism like 100km to Io or 20,000km to Brazil.If there’s a plagiarism, it’s Nihonbashi, Tokyo.I’m glad I’m alive.If I haven’t moved yet, I want a panorama.My house is also moving. I’ve had a flat tire once so far, so I’m strong because I’m wearing a flat tire.The ferry is expensive.I want to go there, but where are the best toilets?Convenience stores and parks.Most of the time, I sleep in parks.Sometimes I sleep at roadside station toilets as well as on the park road. Station convenience stores and other support The cool season has arrived. Don’t catch a cold. It’s gotten cold all of a sudden since September started. I can’t see before and after photos of my thighs. It’s a shame that I don’t have any old photos now. Get some rest. My thighs are swollen from rowing for so long . Ishikawa Prefecture is becoming more and more bloated.There are many Japanese houses with black roofs and shiny roofs.There are many red roofs in the San-in area, but it’s interesting to see how the styles of houses differ depending on the region.Especially since I moved to Ishikawa, double-pane windows are installed. There are a lot of them and it’s interesting.As expected, I use the snow country tent every time.If I had a wide bench or an amateur, I wouldn’t use it.Especially tonight, it’s like a bird observatory tonight.By the way, today’s sunset was beautiful.I saw a long bench.It was better than I expected. It was a long time, and above all, the sea was beautiful, but there are definitely people who imitate you.There was one who slept on a bench even though he was young.I’ve been losing motivation for the past few days because I put a convenience store umbrella on Mama Chili . Anyway, I ‘m going to find a place to sleep and take pictures. I waited until about 10 o’clock. I’m glad you’re safe. I’m tired. Don’t push yourself too hard and write when you feel like it. I’m sorry for not making a sound. I was traveling all the time, and I was lucky to be alive.I got no news after the trip, but I got a self-report a few months later, so I was worried.I hope I made it safely.The seasons are changing, there ‘s a big difference between day and night, and I’m in an unfamiliar place. First of all, please put your health and safety first and have fun. Thank you. I ‘ll continue to buy. I wonder if I’m still alive. If I sleep in the park, I’m going to get crab bites. If I ignored Niigata and Toyama, I’d have made a lot of progress. The real peninsula was too long. Well then. I’m going to buy it, this time with Fukui. I’ll tell you about my trip to Ishikawa Prefecture, especially the peninsula. Please use it even if the top person is 2. Do you have any plans to conquer all the prefectures? If you go to Okinawa properly, let me know when you come to Tokyo. As soon as I arrived at Tsuru on August 21st, Mr. Noji got out of the car. There is a rumor that is famous in the traveler’s world that there is an old man in the muzzle who intercepts bicycle-riding travelers. Taho ‘s uncle said there was no place he wanted me to get a massage.Then I went to a deserted game center vending machine.It was more of a space to enjoy the atmosphere than to enjoy games.Maybe it was the store that got scolded for exchanging money.August 22nd, I went to a mysterious park.August On the 23rd, I came across a free aquarium on my way north along the coast of Fukui Prefecture, and the biggest shock at the aquarium was the drifting debris from North Korea.The countless scary holes were apparently targets for bigamy training. It was August 24th.It was a hopelessly hot day.I was floating on the sea most of the day.After swimming in the sea in Fukui, I stopped at a nearby shrine and found myself alone on a bicycle. The direction we met was the same, so we decided to ride together.At the roadside station, we met another new cyclist.A trip around Japan.Japanese BulletsA miraculous gathering of cyclists. Everyone went their own way.In the tunnel we went through, there was a cave with a rope attached to it, so we went down to the back.It was quite an amazing sight.It was interesting.Thank you very much.In August, it rains regularly on the 15th.In the morning, it is ruins. I woke up on a bench and slept with rice as my pillow.It was raining anyway.On the way, there was a rock that looked like it was during the war.I named it Dosugiya.On August 26th, I reached the name of the place, which is known as a suicide spot. In reality, it didn’t have that kind of atmosphere.It was just a tourist spot.Also, thanks to Pokemon GO, the number of suicides here seems to have decreased recently.Pokego was a really bright atmosphere.As soon as I entered Ishikawa Prefecture that evening, The spoke broke off, probably because I drove all those weird roads, and the tool to fix it broke while I was repairing it, so I was at a loss, and someone who saw my Twitter at the right time helped me out. Oh, by the way. I stayed there for one night.Oh wow, it was August 27th.The next day, a human demon appeared all over my body, from the tip of my head to the tip of my head.I don’t understand what it means anymore.I can’t think of anything, no matter how much I think about it, it came out. Except for the other day when I drank 5 days worth of vegetable juice in one meal, it doesn’t matter whether it’s gymnastics or allergies, I sometimes break out when I’m tired.It wouldn’t be strange if I crashed out when I was on a long flight.Anyway, from there I went to the seaside park. So I took a break for about 2 days and watched the Tetra Pots get clogged, until I became good friends with a guy who had already used the Tetra Pots.At night, high school students were setting off fireworks, so I got tired of it. It was August 30th. I wonder if that happened. It ‘s almost over. Summer is coming to an end. Anyway, I ran down all kinds of roads . Before I knew it, I was running on the sandy beach. The beach is right next to a place I’ve always wanted to go to. I don’t mind washing the car , but the tank is important.While I was taking photos, my bike got touched by the waves and it looked like that.It was very difficult to escape.August 31st: Started around the peninsula from the beach.On this last day in August. It was a very sunny day, and the mountains, the ocean, and the power lines were all blue.As I was running, I discovered what was the longest bench in the world.It was so long that it would have taken me two minutes to run from bridge to bridge. It was so long that I forgot to take it, so I replaced it with Google Maps.Rather, I sat on a bench and the view in front of me was a straight horizontal horizon.It was a general meeting.It was more like the sea than the sea.I’ll continue tomorrow night.Good night, good night. It’s really good. I’m looking forward to the continuation. Yes, I slept before it started. Yesterday, I went over a 1000m class mountain pass, so I was tired to death. Please forgive me. It’s probably going to rain all day today, so I won’t be able to move. I’ll definitely come back at 10 p.m. I definitely want you to stream it live.I’m going to ride the Class Skyline 2700mm next time.I’m looking forward to it too.The weather forecast said that the Honshu typhoon is coming from the 15th.I’ll do my best to escape.September 1stSeptember is a park with a sea view. As I washed my body at the nearby faucet , I wanted to stuff my shit.It’s true that since September, the wind has suddenly gotten colder.That’s what it felt like.The sky still had the smell of summer, though. I ‘m planning on doing so , but I probably won’t go. I haven’t decided yet, so I can’t say anything. If I feel like it, I’ll stop by Gunma. If I get tired of the seaside, I’ll go to the mountains. When the mountains open up again, I’ll go down to the seaside . I live in a city so it’s okay if I don’t stop by.I live in a city and it seems like I’m running around giving guidance.On this night, I was in a calm town called Wajima, and as soon as I entered, a mysterious thing appeared. I went to sleep by the sea, but I remember that a typhoon was waiting on the Pacific side that day.The wind and clouds were violent until midnight.September 2nd, I went to Wajima’s morning market. The main street, which seems to have been supervised by a famous company, was crowded with tourists from the morning. Also, this town is famous for urushi lacquerware, and geta and bridges were lined up neatly. It’s so peaceful to not be reported for selling on the street. It’s nice that it’s not as rugged as it used to be. After leaving Wajima, there was almost no waiting until we got to the tip of the peninsula. It was impressive to see that the scenery became more and more like an unexplored area of ​​the town and countryside as we got to the tip. The tip of the peninsula is famous for its salt production, where we have seen people spraying seawater on the soil several times.On this day, we took a rest on a hill just before the tip.The sunset was clearly visible.The tip of the peninsula on September 3rd. The signboard pointing into the distance is doing a good job. After that, I go down to a town called Suzu, and on the way I see a few strange objects. I go into a candy store in a small village and ask about it, and it turns out it’s international. The art festival is being held in Suzu, and from today onwards, the people in town seem to be getting excited about it, so much so that the mystery has been solved.All of them were on display, and the ice cream sticks from the candy shop were delicious.30 yen Suzu on September 4th. When I left the area, the sky seemed like it was summer, but the mornings and nights were gradually getting colder.As I traveled, I could feel the seasons changing little by little.When I was camping, I noticed fewer mosquitoes and bell bugs. I heard it, and I could feel it directly, so I guess I was driving along the wiring that day, and I came across some waste liquid several times on the way.I happened to stop by, and the sounds of visitors in the waiting room also left me with today’s notes. I’m loved. The autumn rain front has arrived since September 5th. I spent time in the park in Noshima waiting for the weather to clear up on September 8th. Escaped from Noshima Island and spent my time along the coast immersed in Toyama. My daily life on September 9th. Reaching the flowers Almost all the way around here on September 10th I headed towards the Japanese Alps, passing over several mountain passes and huge tunnels to reach that famous choral composing village, which was 3,000 meters long and had no sidewalks, so it was like a gallows for cyclists only. The tunnel was difficult.The chorus was so expensive that it felt like a fairy tale, or rather, it didn’t feel like life was there.It was surreal, or maybe that’s what it felt like.On September 11th, we went deeper and reached the biggest village . There were a lot of tourists here on the Shirakawa train. Most of all, there were foreigners. It was certainly nice to see the picturesque countryside from the hill. I can understand why they had to come all the way across the sea, but I was a little nervous. I wonder if the reason why it became so is that if some villages were able to raise the stone monuments of the ruins of other villages that were located under the expressway heading towards Damya Gozan in the surrounding area, there were also other villages that were lowered. The climb up to the sun was not an unusual hill, and the descent was extremely cold and quite difficult.Well , next time I will have to cross a mountain pass that is more than twice as big as this one, but that is a story in the near future.By the way, I couldn’t move today due to heavy rain. That’s it . Let’s meet up next time at Nori Class Skyline. I really like the matching photo. Thank you so much. Also, I finally put up a placard for going around Japan. If you see this somewhere in Japan, please say hello . I’ll be waiting for you in Tokyo. I’ll be waiting for you when we get to Tokyo. I guess it’s in the middle of winter.It may not be related at all, but there are unparalleled beauties in the countryside too.If you look for the glossy ones that appear in manga, you might find them.In the countryside, there are basically no old women, but there are quite a few. It’s a popular thing.It ‘s the first time I’ve seen it, but going to an unexplored area on a mama’s bike is a must-go.I guess I’ve climbed about 1,400m, which I’m currently climbing . It will be a burden on you, so you can go to a rest spot and upload it little by little if you feel like it , or you can do whatever you like.23 I’ve been posting pictures every week since I woke up, and I thought I had a good style, but it’s boring. You can do whatever you want, but when things go down like the other day, everyone worries about one of you. I can show my face as much as possible every day. I’m looking forward to it.The blog is filled with great photos.Thank you.Tonight, I ‘ll take a break at an altitude of about 1600, looking at the Japanese Alps.Then I’ll be traveling all the time on a bicycle.It’s a total mama’s bike, so I’m tired of mountain climbing. It looks like it’s cold in the mornings and evenings at high altitudes.There are a lot of nice photos so you don’t catch a cold.If I could talk about what was mentioned above, I ‘d like to do something to make sure you’re alive.If you want to stop, just stop, I want to know that you’re safe.As a reader, I want to know that you’re safe. I think it’s more important to confirm that I’m alive than nice photos or live commentary, but I don’t want to force myself to be the fastest, and I want you to enjoy your life in your own style without being too burdensome. Apparently Noku Skyline is the highest road in Japan, at 2702m, so it’s safe to climb up.By the way, the morning sun looked like this.Up until yesterday, I had climbed about 1600m, but now I’m still at about 1800m. I’ve been climbing for two days in a row, and I’ve climbed up to 2,702 m today, so I’ll be there by noon, so please be careful. It’s March, and I thought the Fuji Skyline would be the highest one, but Fujinomiya. It’s 280m above sea level, and it looks cold up there. I want to go get some water, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to be there after I get home. I went to the infamous Norikura Hill Climb, but I went to that area the other day. Is it the highest? The Japanese Alps are a nice view, but the radio waves are getting weaker little by little. Please let me know if it stops updating soon. I wonder if I’ll be lost. I found a toilet at 1900m. Let’s see. It’s rainwater, not rescue water or underground water. Maybe it’s just before the typhoon, so the weather looks nice.Even in the middle of summer, it’s a place where you’ll get hot in short sleeves, and if you take a break, you’ll lose body heat right away.There should be cell phone reception on the national highway, so I think you’ll be fine.Anoku Skyline It’s a national highway, but there are radio stations on the mountain trail, so it’s probably okay. I got there early, so I stayed overnight in Kamichi, and there was a vending machine to change the water. There doesn’t seem to be a vending machine, but there is one if you go to the bus terminal. It’s a pity that I can’t ride Mica.This time of year is the best.From the ride, the skyline is a nice mountain.I wonder if I’ll bring it next year.I reached around 2000m.I didn’t get water at Baste near Meoto Matsu, where the sky is blue. After not listening to Kayona, the signal was too bad so I decided to upload the image.I had to go another 600m to this bastardized field.It was already taking a break, so it was pretty slow.I passed the 2200m point and the slope was starting to get serious.It was almost above the clouds. I think the temperature is around 20 degrees.It ‘s 2300 meters above sea level, so it’s warm, so I can afford it.If I can stay for one night, I might find some luck.I hope my luck touches you. If there are clumps that look like long, white pubic hair, it might be a rare medicinal herb.It used to be easy to get it, but I don’t really see it anymore.There’s a place to eat it at the bus terminal.Fire cows are nice.We’re passing around 2400m and it looks like we’re almost at the tree line.The weather is nice. I can see the stars. The stars must be beautiful. Is the roundness of the earth reflected? The roundness of the lens is above the clouds. And the water is almost gone. Hurry! There must be water somewhere. It’s a very old memory, so I’m not sure. It’s near the parking lot. It’s about 1km from the terminal, so it’ll take about 30 minutes. You won’t die if you don’t drink. It looks like you’ve already passed the water supply point. It’s close to the white line. If you go to a cheap place, the smell of yellow will permeate you on the 23rd, and it’ll be fun. I don’t want to go down the mountain covered in dirt.The white bones were nice and the bubble water was expensive, but by the 9th issue I was already descending at speed and I don’t want to die yet.I want to be 1550mm.What a fitting view of the skyline. Congratulations, this seems like a sense of accomplishment . Did you arrive? Congratulations, thank you, congratulations. You should take off the brake pads. What you see is a processing eye. I think it’s a rock that was on the ocean floor about a million years ago. I could see a flower garden. Biome-wise, it’s a flower garden. But it’s amazing to be able to go around Japan without knowing what you’re doing.I feel guts about the mama-chari.The mama-chari is amazing.It’s funny.I also climbed a nearby mountain.After that, I slowly descended to Matsumoto.Please take a look . Thank you so much, it feels so good to be here. It’s about to be destroyed by the typhoon. It’s an amazing view. Where will we survive the typhoon? Tomorrow we’ll go to Itoi River and spend it by the sea. Tonight we’ll be around Matsumoto. The second half of the journey from Matsumoto to Itoi River will be all downhill though. Despite the distance, I went to Daio Wasabi Farm Matsumoto in Amino all the way, and the Shiose is delicious . However, it’s difficult to spend time inland.If you live along the coast, there are many roadside stations and parks, and it’s easy to set up a tent.There are a lot of bugs like this.If you have a tent, the typhoon is too strong, or there are no pegs in the ground, so your tent will be blown away. It’s going to turn into a low pressure system on the way. Are you going to cover all of the Japanese archipelago? I don’t want to tent in a cave. I’ve come all the way to Itoi River. I’m tired. Tomorrow it’s going to be rough, so I’m going to look for rocks here and make some money. It seems like there are gemstones lying around on the Itoi River coast. I’m guessing they’re planning on setting them up separately , so that’s okay. It’s near my wisdom teeth. Are you going to pick up the stones and resell them? If they’re beautiful, I’ll use them as a charm. They’re a beautiful color for both sun and water. Apparently there are some that look no different from ordinary stones, so be careful not to steal them.There are some places where picking up stones is prohibited, so be careful . Don’t get too close to it Well, when the waves are coming, I keep quiet.As long as I believe it’s a real gem, it’s still a gem.If I show it to someone who understands, it won’t be a gem anymore . From the person who went to the highest altitude, it must have been Skyline. I’ve often climbed that place. I ran out on the way, but it was okay to replenish water. Halfway through, I ran out of water and was thirsty and sweaty, but I managed to climb it. The cola I bought at the top of Mt. Tawa was the best tasting thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. Thank you for your hard work. I don’t have any particular plans to try something else, like conquering the three major mountain passes. The owner of Japan is thinking of going to Okinotorishima and Minamitorishima, but please do so in an area that is reachable to the general public.This is the border between Gun and No. It is at the end of Shibu Pass, the highest point on the national highway. I’m going to go to a famous place, or I won’t pass by again.I’ve secured a safe place to sleep.I found a place that looks strong.Let ‘s try the highest altitude in Japan.I’ll use my mountain bike to eavesdrop on Mt.Fuji.The return trip will be easy.I’m not that strong on a bike. The typhoon is terrible, but it’s also the change of seasons, so don’t catch a cold. I ‘ve been trained by the widespread cold, so it feels pretty hot along the coast. I can’t find any water. The black and white zebra stones are so cool. Sorry, I threw them away. Today is also a high wave. So, I wasn’t able to collect properly , but tonight when I was passing by the roadside station, someone who seemed to be the stationmaster asked my brother to stay the night, so I’m indebted to the 24-hour space inside the station. I think I saw you. It was the guy on the bike who said he was traveling around Japan. I saw him at a supermarket called Fresco in Kyoto. The guy was wearing something that looked like a fishnet. I don’t think he went to that supermarket, but Mugi. It’s to prevent laughter, but it disappeared in yesterday’s typhoon, but I wish I had called out to prevent it from happening. It’s a typhoon, but it looks like it’s going to be difficult. Please be careful. Thank you for your hard work. I envy you. I’m glad you made it through March safely. I’d like to ask you one thing , is this bending possible? Is the stand itself bent, is the attachment loose and wobbly, or is it not fixed where it should be? If it’s number 23, I think it can be fixed by re-tightening it. I’m sure I might have to retighten it, so I’ll try going to Charia anyway. Yeah, I’ll go to Charia. I don’t know where the stand is bent. This is what happens when the binding nut is really loose, but it looks like it’s already at the end of its lifespan, so I’ll use it until it breaks. I think I was on my way to Tatamidaira, where there was only a storage room, and suddenly I passed a village right in front of me, but I was an employee there, and I probably passed by when I was crossing the street.I don’t think I remember, but there was a nut that was tied up. This is what happens when the wheels are really loose, but I’m rooting for them.It’s the Nagano River, but they were going pretty fast on the way down. Thanks, maybe, but there’s a sign hanging on the back of the bike that says how many days it’s been around Japan.If not, I’m sorry, but I’m wearing it like this.It makes me want to travel around the country on my bike.It ‘s fun.Especially in the summer, when I come to Kanagawa, I’ll come and stay overnight and have a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama. If you come, we’ll have a feast of meat and vegetables.Thank you to the same person.Kanagawa is still a long way away, but I’m still alive to see this.When I see things like this, I want to go there before I die.I’m rooting for you.Yesterday, I finally entered Yamagata Prefecture, so I’ve been there for a long time. I was interested in the jellyfish dream museum. Wow, that’s amazing. What does it mean to travel around Japan? I have an image that I want to capture, so I’m traveling through Niigata as well. Niigata is supposed to be a long way from Shizuoka Wave, but there are mountains. I guess the difficulty level is low because there aren’t many. I mostly ran along the sea or on a one-story street. I was there for quite a while, but there were a lot of bad weather days, so I didn’t leave much of an impression. Now that I’m tired of it, I’ve come to Yamagata Prefecture. It’s amazing. I respect the job and spend money sleeping. What are you doing? I took a leave of absence from university and saved up money from my part-time job. I usually sleep in parks or at roadside stations. Have I ever paid for a hotel? Jellyfish are too fantastic. I’ll keep it up, so do your best. Maybe an aquarium. I went there last week too, and I’m sure you’re good at taking photos.The seaside of Niigata is calm, but when you enter Yamagata, the mountains rise like a rear type, and the scenery changes all at once.I came to Akita, and it was really cold.I’ve made a lot of progress. Even in western Japan, I’d like to wear long sleeves at night. Especially in the northern countries, food is terrible in Akita. It’s getting cold, so be careful of the captain. Autumn is nice. I love the small peninsula Hachiro-type roads along the Sea of ​​Japan. I ‘m fine. If I go to Aomori, I’ll probably be worried. It’s been raining lately, so I was just running. It’s around 80,000 now, so be careful about the temperature. Did you go to Iwate ? I’m planning to go to Toda and Shimokita Peninsula to see the land that will test me.Sorry, I haven’t been able to take many photos lately, so I haven’t been able to update them.Oh, I guess I went in that direction.No, I don’t really care, but I thought I’d be coming to the Japan Association side for a long time. So I’m a little hopeful that I might see some sunshine the day after tomorrow.From now on, I’m going to the Shimokita Peninsula.I went to the blog with the name in the photo and clicked it.MarchToday, I’m going to go around Towada and go to Aomori.AkitaToday is It looks cold, and Towada is a state that goes around and around like there was a statue of some kind. Where is it now? Apparently it’s the Shimokita Peninsula. Tonight, I thought I’d eat as much tuna as I could get to Omae, the northernmost part of Honshu. But my husband didn’t allow me to eat out.I didn’t have any money and I did n’t have the nerve to go out , so I came here.It’s the northernmost part of Honshu.It’s still a long way to go.Do your best.I’ve come here.Hokkaido from here on out is fucking cold. Are you going to go around Hokkaido in the winter? Didn’t you call me? I ‘m here. Since I arrived in cold Hokkaido , there hasn’t been a moment when I didn’t think it was cold. I can’t stop cheering for you. Let’s go around Hokkaido before it unexpectedly snows. It’s ideal to do something to escape the snow. Buy warm clothes. I bought warm clothes at a warm store, along with long pants and waterproof ones. It rained all the time until yesterday, so I was wet and cold. I ‘m on the edge of Muroran, in the middle of the earth. I’ve come this far, it’s beautiful, but it’s cold now, so I guess I came from the south, where it feels cold.Maybe the correct answer was to go north before the sun sets and it gets cold.It ‘s morning sun.I’m in Tomamae.I’m going to go to Sapporo and go clockwise. I’m thinking, do your best, welcome to Muroran. It must have been windy, but where are we headed next? It ‘s getting cold. I saw something I shouldn’t have seen. Be careful. Has it started heading north? Is this cool? It’s probably a comb. I thought it would take about 50 to 60 km. There are no wild boars in Hokkaido. I was surprised because it was running fast on the national highway. It looks like it’s going to follow me right away until it’s alive or not. It seems like it was faster than the one on the bike and was lowered. But I’ll update it when I have time.Right now, Ororon Line Kita Kitsu’s night crying is so loud.I think I’ll be able to go to the northern end tomorrow.I hope I can get around before it snows. Kitakine is cute, but she has electric wire disease, so be careful and don’t get wire disease. I wonder if it was an infectious disease? The cox at the station seems to be suddenly going there in 5 years , so I’ll have to be careful. Photos of Kitakine are amazing. When I was running in Hokkaido, I saw something like this wandering around. It’s so cute. I want to go there. I can take pictures like this. It’s amazing. I think I’ll make it to the northernmost point tonight, that’s great! Zhang, just keep trying! You’ve trained in Nakano, the northernmost part of Japan. Thank you! All I can say is congratulations for catching up with me and reaching the northernmost point in Japan. MarchDET ​

0:00 宮崎スタート
9:52 山口、島根、鳥取、京都
20:38 鳥取、兵庫、京都、
26:00 京都、石川、福井、岐阜
39:55 【実況】乗鞍スカイライン
44:59 新潟、山形、岩手、青森
51:21 北海道

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