
Keiga) So, what are we making today? Soga) Today, it’s chicken nanban and… Soga) Galette and… Soga) I lost my whetstone. Keiga) Huh? Soga) The thing for sharpening. Staff) The sharpening thing? Soga) Thank you. Staff) You’re properly sharpening the knife, huh? Soga) Yeah, that’s right. Staff) What are you making? Soga) The batter for the chicken nanban. Soga) Made with eggs and flour. Soga) I’m cracking the eggs. Staff) Potato starch. Staff) What’s this? Soga) Flour. Staff) You mix them? Soga) Yeah, that’s right. Staff) Does it make a difference when you mix them? Soga) I don’t know. Staff) Why did you mix them? Soga) Denuma did Soga) When making fried chicken, he often mixes them. Staff) Thigh meat. Soga) Yes, thigh meat. Salt and pepper. Staff) Does it make a difference if you sprinkle it from a high position? Soga) Yeah. Soga) It spreads out better. Soga) It mixes well. Staff) Overdoing it. Soga) Salt and Pepper Splash. Staff) What did you say? Soga) Salt and Pepper Splash. Staff) Splash? Soga) Embarrassing. Soga) Let’s start frying. Staff) When you look up recipes… Staff) What kind of sites do you check? Soga) For me… Soga) Cookpad and… Soga) Kurashiru. Soga) I have the Kurashiru app. Staff) You have the app? Staff) Is there any benefit to having the app? Soga) I have it, but… Soga) I usually… Soga) Search through Google. Staff) Useless. Soga) I just end up on the app. Soga) I don’t really look at it much. Staff) What’s that? Soga) Multi-Purpose Vinegar. Staff) Did you buy that vinegar with your own money? Soga) Yes. Soga) It’s useful. Staff) Soy sauce? Soga) Yes, soy sauce. Staff) Doesn’t your stable have it? Soga) No. Staff) So, you use it for everyone? Soga) Yeah. Soga) It’s delicious. Staff) Is this vinegar good? Soga) It’s good. Soga) I always make teriyaki with it. Soga) It’s really tasty. Soga) Keiga. Soga) Can you grab that rack? Soga) Any containers? Soga) The ones with racks. Soga) Yes, those. Staff) Tartar sauce, right? Soga) Soussune(Yeah). Staff) Which one do you mean by "Soussune"? Soga) The “yes” kind, not “sauce”. Soga) Not "sauce". Soga) It’s fine. Soga) Dipping it in the sauce. Staff) You’re dipping it already? Soga) Soussune. Staff) Which one? Soga) The “yes” kind, not “sauce”. Soga) Not "sauce". Staff) Looks delicious. Soga) Yeah. Staff) Looks delicious. Soga) Yes. Staff) Nice. Staff) Soga, you’re wearing socks for a change. Soga) My heels are cracked. Staff) Hurts? Soga) Hurts. Staff) Both? Soga) Both. Soga) Ever since I started butsukari Soga) My heels started cracking. Staff) Since you started butsukari? Soga) Yeah. Soga) When I get up to the edge of the ring… Soga) I think they’re cracked. Staff) Is that so? Soga) Looks good. Staff) Totally doable. Soga) Totally doable. Staff) You could fry two at a time but were doing one. Soga) Well… Soga) I thought it wouldn’t fit. Keiga) Probably… Keiga) Just wants to be with you. Staff) Is that so? Soga) Well, yeah. Staff) What’s that face? Staff) When you’re stressed… Staff) What do you do? Soma) When I’m stressed? Staff) Any way to relieve it? Soma) For me… Soma) I usually listen to music. Staff) Listen to music and forget? Soma) I listen… Soma) Or take a walk alone. Soma) Spend some time alone. Soma) Something like that. Soma) Make some alone time. Staff) What music helps you relieve stress? Soma) Lately? Staff) Lately is fine. Soma) I’ve been into the Japanese rock band “Neguse”. Soma) Listening to that song calms me down. Soma) I’ve been listening to it lately. Staff) Which song from Neguse? Soma) Neguse’s… Soma) "Sweat" and others. Soma) They have many songs. Soma) Everyone, please give it a listen. Staff) Keiga, how do you relieve stress? Keiga) Three choices. Keiga) There are three options. Keiga) I have three. Keiga) First, Keiga) Forget and sleep. Keiga) If it’s in the evening, Keiga) Go cycling. Staff) Cycling? Keiga) Cycling. Staff) How far do you go? Keiga) To Kanamachi… Staff) That’s close. Staff) You get there quickly. Keiga) I just go around here. Keiga) Back and forth Keiga) Until I’m satisfied. Keiga) Overeat and overdrink. Staff) A reward for yourself. Staff) Do you have something special? Keiga) It depends on the time. Keiga) If I want something, Keiga) I’ll buy it as a reward for myself. Keiga) For my hard work. Keiga) What else… Keiga) For now, in my heart… Keiga) I praise myself. Staff) Soga, how do you relieve stress? Staff) Tell us. Soga) Singing. Staff) You sing? Soga) Karaoke. Staff) Alone? Soga) No, not alone. Soga) With someone. Keiga) Never invited me. Soga) Huh? Soga) Usually go with Maikeru-san. Soga) And Kotakiyama-san. Soga) Usually with them. Staff) What do you sing? Soga) Anime songs. Staff) Which anime songs? Soga) Anime songs? Soga) "Genesis of Aquarion." Soga) Anime songs. Staff) Then, please sing. Soga) No, no. Staff) I don’t know the song. Soga) “It’s been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you♪" Soga) That song. Staff) I’ve heard it somewhere. Staff) I’ve heard it in a commercial. Soga) It’s quite famous. Staff) Yeah. Soga) Even people who don’t know the anime… Soga) Know this song. Staff) What else? Staff) You sing a lot of anime songs, right? Soga) Various songs. Soga) The songs I’m listening to at the time. Soga) Also, Soga) I went recently, Soga) To the hot stone spa. Soga) Recently, Soga) Sauna too. Soga) Feels really good. Staff) Keiga, invite him to karaoke. Soga) Karaoke, yeah. Keiga) We’ve said let’s go together a few times but… Keiga) No money, no time. Soga) Haven’t been to karaoke lately. Staff) Hot stone spa. Staff) Invite him to the hot stone spa. Soga) We went together before. Soga) In Nagoya. Keiga) In Nagoya. Keiga) The place in Nagoya is good. Soga) That place is the best. Soga) They had good food. Keiga) It’s just a food court. Staff) Sauna food? Soga) Yeah. Soga) The place in Nagoya was the best. Soga) They had the most variety. Soga) Many different shops. Keiga) What’s it called? Soga) What? Keiga) Double dip. Soga) It’s not double dip. Keiga) First time? Soga) Didn’t dip it before frying. Keiga) Liar. Soga) Really, really. Keiga) Liar. Soga) Didn’t dip it before frying. Soga) Didn’t double dip. Keiga) Liar. Soga) “In one hundred million and two thousand more♪ ” Soga) “I will still love you♪.” Soga) Oh, what’s up? Kikuchi) No particular reason. Kikuchi) If I had to say, how much longer? Soga) The big room? Kikuchi) The big room… Kikuchi) I can wait. Kikuchi) But I thought it’s still early. Kikuchi) So, how much longer? Kikuchi) Just wondering how much longer. Soga) Got it. Soma) What about the lettuce? Soga) For the nanban. Soma) On the bottom? Soga) Saw it in a video earlier. Soga) Oh right, we have lettuce. Staff) Lettuce? Soga) Lettuce. Soga)Why is Lettuce like… Soga) Difficult. Soga)Why is Lettuce like Cabbage? Staff) What? Soga) Cabbage. Staff) Why? Soga) Both are green. Staff) What’s that? Staff) Doing something? Keiga) Mashing eggs. Nobehara) Can I watch the egg mashing? Keiga) Definitely mashing this. Keiga) Struggling. Nobehara) What’s it for? Keiga) Tartar sauce for the chicken nanban. Mayonnaise. Staff) Mayonnaise and eggs. Soga) Salt and pepper. Keiga) Soga-san, is it done? Soga) Taste it. Keiga) I can’t eat tartar sauce. Staff) Why? Keiga) Never could since childhood. Keiga) I can’t eat tartar sauce. Staff) Enough tartar sauce? Soma) Hands are fine. Soma) Tastes good. Keiga) It’s fine. Keiga) Soga-san, concerns about not having enough. Soga) Just a little bit each. Soma) Soga-san, in the middle? Tartar. Staff) What are you making? Staff) It’s big. Soma) Big. Soga) Cut it like this. Soma) Like this. Soga) Into long, thin pieces like French fries. Soga) Long and thin. Soma) Got it. Soga) Microwave it later. Soga) Too thin and it gets mushy. Soma) A bit thicker and longer. Soga) Like this. Soma) Looks tasty as is. Staff) Really? Soma) Big. Staff) What do you like about Soma? Keiga) What I like… Keiga) Kind to everyone. Keiga) Easy to talk to. Staff) He’s not listening. Keiga) He’s not listening. Soma) Huh? Keiga) See, not listening. Keiga) Never mind~. Staff) What do you like about Keiga? Soma) About Keiga? Keiga) Nothing. Soma) Not a good thing but… Soma) Seems to enjoy himself a lot. Staff) Enjoying? Soma) Invites me out to eat often. Soma)He said “Let’s go eat”. Soma) And, Soma) Can be friends with anyone. Soma) Can get along with anyone. Soma) Has that personality. Soma) I think that’s it. Soma) Easy to talk to. Soma) Easy to make friends with. Soma) Makes friends quickly. Staff) Both of you are easy to talk to. Keiga) By the way Keiga) He said the same thing twice. Soma) Do you want to wrap it, Soga-san? Soma) Should I wrap it, Soga-san? Soga) Yeah, wrap it. Soma) I will. Keiga) What was it? Soga) Hm? Keiga) Galette? Soga) Yes, galette. Staff) There was a character named Galette in One Piece. Soma) Galette? Soga) Isn’t it Barret? Keiga) Douglas Barret. Soma) Is this okay? Soma) About this much. Soga) Hot. Soma) About this much. Keiga) Deep or shallow, which is better? Soga) This one. Keiga) Not much difference~. Keiga) What’s this? Soga) Cheese. Staff) Cheese? Soga) Yes. Soga) Bought it along with Multi-Purpose Vinegar. Oil. Soga) Adding oil. Keiga) If you add it as is, water gets in. Soga) Don’t worry about it. Soga) No time left. Keiga) Didn’t add all? Soga) No. Keiga) Potatoes left. Staff) Cheese. Staff) From above. Staff) Just potatoes and cheese? Soga) Yes. Staff) Flip it? Soga) Yes, when the batter… Soga) Solidifies. Soga) Oh no. Soga) It’s different from the one I made in Tokorozawa. Soga) Needs more time. Staff) Tokorozawa? Staff) When was that? Soga) Three years ago. Staff) After three years. Soga) Haven’t made it recently. Soga) This will solidify. Soga) Oh no. Staff) Tough. Soga) Not solidifying at all. Soga) Can’t do it, not solidifying. Soga) It’s over. Keiga) Don’t give up. Soga) Not solidifying. Soga) What to do? Soga) It’s no use, can’t do it. Staff) What now? Staff) Stir-fry? Soga) Put it on. Soga) Sticking. Soma) Not sticking? Soma) Looks tasty. Soga) Got the shape. Staff) Smells good. Soga) I’m sure it will be delicious. Staff) After doing the dishes, what did you do? Soma) This afternoon? Soma) Did the dishes, then… Soma) Went to the convenience store with Soga-san. Soma) Then relaxed upstairs. Staff) What did you buy at the convenience store? Soma) At the convenience store? Soma) Lipovitan D. Staff) Bought Lipovitan D? Soma) Lipovitan D and… Soma) Pocari Sweat. Staff) Tired? Soma) A bit. Soma) Just drinking that. Staff) Does Lipovitan D make a difference? Soma) Not sure. Soma) But… Soma) Says it helps with fatigue recovery. Soma) Tough. Staff) Tough? Soma) Tough. Keiga) Making me cut it… Keiga) It’s heavy on the stomach. Soga) Just need to fry it now. Keiga) “It is time to go we know♪” Keiga)”from the earth that we love so♪” Keiga)”Man, the cruiser which is called YAMATO~♪.” Soma) Sweet potato. Keiga) About two pieces? Soga) One plate, yeah. Soga) Tear a bit. Soga) Tasty. Soma) Tasty? Soma) All good? Soga) Sweet. Staff) Already done? Soga) Mostly cooked. Soma) Around that much. Staff) Quick. Staff) Anything you want to ask Soga? Soma) Want to ask? Soma) Teach me cooking. Soma) Also, Soma) How to gain weight quickly. Soma) Soga-san knows. Staff) Ask him. Soma) Soga-san, Soma) How to gain weight? Soga) Night snacks. Soma) What? Soga) Night snacks. Soma) Yasaku? Soma) Yasaku. Soma) Yasaku. Staff) Night snacks. Soma) What? Staff) Night snacks. Keiga) Like candied sweet potatos. Soma) Color is yellow, right? Keiga) Looks shiny. Keiga) Looks like candied sweet potatos. Soma) Keiga, Soma) Can you prepare four plates like this? Soma) On top of the freezer. Keiga) Surenk’s Mare Staff) Haven’t heard that in a while. Soma) That one. Soma) Himura’s one. Staff) Really? Soma) That one. Soma) Right? Staff) Know the original? Soma)Sure Sure Keiga) Surenk’s Mare Staff) Know the original word(Shank’s Mare), right? Soma) Don’t know. Soma) Knew from Himura’s one. Soma) Lastly, sprinkle salt. Staff) Sugar could be tasty too. Soma) Both sugar and salt? Staff) Only sugar. Soma) No sugar. Staff) Wanted to use up the potatoes. Oyakata) Right. Oyakata) This is potato cheese, right? Staff) That’s galette. Staff) Right, potato and cheese. Oyakata) More cheese would be good. Staff) Roga, are you okay? Oyakata) Muscle strain. Oyakata) Here, so probably… Oyakata) No need to rest. Oyakata) If it were the Achilles tendon, it’d be bad. Oyakata) But here, probably okay. Oyakata) Need acupuncture and other treatments. Oyakata) It’s quite scary here. Oyakata) Can’t brace. Oyakata) Mine almost tore once. Oyakata) If you push too hard, Oyakata) It tears a lot. Oyakata) It was good because he was attacking. Oyakata) He’s a yotsu-sumo type. Oyakata) Mine was this side. Oyakata)I’m the one who tore the muscles in my arms. Staff)Really? Oyakata)Yes. Oyakata) Type of sumo… Oyakata) Determines which part tears. Staff) Any problems in daily life? Oyakata) Can’t do this. Oyakata) Can’t flex it. Oyakata) Doesn’t bulge. Oyakata) Can’t make a bicep. Staff) I didn’t know that. Oyakata) Wakamiyabi, glass and sake please. Oyakata) Who else? Oyakata) Denuma, you can start. Denuma) Gocchandesu Kyoda) Gocchandesu Maikeru) Gocchandesu Oyakata) Sweet potato? Potato? Staff) Sweet potato. Oyakata) What? Wakamiyabi) Excuse me. Wakamiyabi) No ice? Oyakata) No, no ice needed. Oyakata) They’re used to it now. Staff) Do you always drink at night? Staff) Always have a nightcap? Oyakata) No. Staff) Not always? Oyakata) No. Oyakata) Today, Oyakata) Had a dental treatment. Oyakata) Asked if I could drink. Oyakata) They said it’s better not to. Staff) That’s right. Staff) That’s expected. Oyakata) They said preferably, so I thought it’s okay. Staff) No, no. Staff) We’re worried about your health. Oyakata) Worried… Oyakata) Eat up. Denuma) Gocchandesu Oyakata) Tasty. Denuma) Yes. Oyakata) Soga’s style, lots of cheese. Oyakata) Tasty. Oyakata) Why didn’t you say you were going to buy it? Soga) Went to the convenience store and… Soga) Also went to the supermarket. Soga) Bought it then. Soga) Went to the supermarket. Oyakata) Bought it? Soga) Yes, bought it. Oyakata) Should have said. Did you tell them? Soga) Didn’t say. Oyakata) You should tell. Oyakata) You have the receipt? Soga) Yes, I do. Oyakata) Always tell. Staff) Any rules? Oyakata) When you want to make something with today’s ingredients. Oyakata) We have a lot of condiments. Oyakata) If you want to use more, like cheese, Oyakata) Tell us and buy more. Oyakata) That’s the rule. Oyakata) Not a rule, but… Oyakata) If you want to challenge, do it. Oyakata) Keep challenging. Oyakata) Denuma bought things himself before. Oyakata) I told him to say it. Oyakata) That’s that. Oyakata) That feeling is nice. Oyakata)But as our stable. Denuma) Spoon? Kyoda) I’m good. Denuma) Enough? Kyoda) No, I’m good. Oyakata) Quiet. Oyakata) Focused. Denuma) Always like this. Oyakata) I watch always. Denuma) If Nabatame is here, Denuma) I talk a bit more. Oyakata) He prompts you? Denuma) He prompts me. Oyakata) Even when eating or drinking, Oyakata) If I don’t tease, he won’t talk. Oyakata) If I don’t tease… Oyakata) Gets grumpy if not teased. Oyakata) Nobehara, been to the curry place? Oyakata) Curry place? Nobehara) Haven’t been. Oyakata) Haven’t been lately. Nobehara) Cheap. Oyakata) Cheap, right? Oyakata) Takeout curry at home. Kotakiyama) Gocchandesu Kuwae) Gocchandesu Oyakata) Soga, you can start. Soga) Gocchandesu Wakamiyabi) Gocchandesu Staff) How is it? Staff) How is it? Soma) Very tasty. Staff) Which group made it? Soma) Not sure which group made it. Staff) Kotakiyama, you look tired. Kotakiyama) A bit sleepy. Bad. Nobehara) Koga, glasses? Koga) Yes? Nobehara) Glasses? Koga) Bringing them. Nobehara) Bring them. Koga) Gocchandesu Koga) Excuse me. Nobehara) What’s up? Staff) No, no. Staff) You’re one of the subjects, so of course shooting. Staff) Tasty? Nobehara) Tasty. Nobehara) Really full. Nobehara) This galette is tasty. Nobehara) I like cheese. Staff) Can it be a side dish? Nobehara) Yes. Staff) Really? Nobehara) No? Nobehara) Want to eat it alone? Staff) Yes. Nobehara) Sumo Wrestlers make anything a side dish. Staff) What about fried rice? Nobehara) Fried rice is fried rice. Keiga) Who do you think made this? Koga) Looks tasty. Keiga) Who do you think made it? Koga) Soga-san, right? Keiga) I helped make it too. Koga) Tasty. Keiga) At first, Keiga) Thought “What is this?” while eating. Staff) Really? Koga) Didn’t think that. Tasty. Koga) Why? Koga) Don’t say weird things. Koga) Soga’s chanko is delicious. Keiga) Didn’t think so. Keiga) Didn’t think so. Staff) What’s up? Wakamiyabi) Soma did it at lunch. Wakamiyabi) Thought I’d copy. Keiga) Want to eat? Koga) No, I’m good. Koga) You can eat. Denuma) Gocchandeshita Everyone) Gocchandeshita


00:00 チキン南蛮
07:07 相馬・恵雅・颯雅のストレス発散方法
14:33 カリカリガレット
21:06 さつまいもスティック
25:10 食事開始







🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 募集 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸

🔳 二子山部屋では、新弟子(行司、床山、呼出し)を募集中。




🔳 後援会のご案内



【🎬運営 🎥撮影 🖥️編集確認 / 坂上祐生】



  1. え!前に名古屋の岩盤浴行った時に、彼氏が「力士さんいた!」って言ってたのもしかしたら颯雅さんたちだったかもしれない??

  2. 22:08 恵雅さんが歌ってる後ろで颯雅さん何歌ってるのかなと聞いてたら美声でアクエリオン歌ってて⁉︎となりました、ありがとうございます‼︎

  3. ラーメンをおかずにしてご飯食べるけど、チャーハンをおかずにしてご飯食べるのはチャレンジしたことないですわ🤣

  4. 出来上がった料理一式うつしてもらえると嬉しいな~💗

  5. Вот ВЫ постепенно переходите с палочек на ЛОЖКИ и ВИЛКИ . Начинайте с обычных столов и НАКЛОНЯТЬСЯ К НОГАМ НЕ ПРИДЕТСЯ . Очень удобно , а нас чёт своих обычий , ВАС НИ кто не сможет заставить , это ВАШЕ право .

  6. みんなYoutube始めた頃に比べて自然な笑顔も増えたしそれぞれのキャラも無理なく楽しそうに出せてるように見えます。親方や女将さんはもちろん坂上さんの接し方もすごく柔らかいのがいい方向に働いてるんだと思います!ただ厳しいだけじゃ今の世代は成長しない。

  7. I looked up "Sweat" by Neguse. Very good! I also will say that I love your guys' channel. Such a cultural difference than here in California where I'm at. Your guys' food always looks delicious and everyone seems very kind. Would love to visit one day. Keep up the amazing work though with this channel and sumo 👍💪

    *By the way, you guys should look up "Bass God" by Last Dinosaurs. Great track 👌

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