〈来々軒 全4店〉グッピーの北九州麺探訪!

Rairaiken is one of the origins of Kitakyushu’s tonkotsu ramen. Its history goes back to 1945 when it opened as a ramen stand called "Sanku" in Kurume, and then left it at Noai Kume, which was ranked 3rd grade, and moved to Kawaguchi, Kokura Kita-ku in 1951, opening the first Kuriraiken.It has now moved to the town. The store is open as a bookstore.Many Norenwake stores have sprung up in the city, including the Shimizu store, the Tomatomachi store, the Hito store, the Kamitomino store, and the Kitagata store.Currently, there are two stores running parallel to each other, including the main store. There are only 4 stores left. This time, we will record 4 points of ramen that still have the same taste. First of all, of course, you should know the main store, Fuma store in Raila Prefecture. The thick letters written on it give a sense of stateliness. [Music] The interior of this old-fashioned restaurant has a counter in the front, a small raised area in the back, and two tables along the wall.The restaurant is very busy as soon as it opens. [Music] The menu is tonkotsu ramen. There is a wide range of lineups centered on ramen.There are no substitutes.We also have spicy ramen and tomoori.On the table are peppers, red ginger, garlic, and Nanban spicy miso.The one thing that remains unchanged at Uma Honten is this.The clear, cloudy pork bone soup is mellow. [Music] The soup has a refreshing pork bone flavor, and the noodles have a mild texture with a deep flavor, and the flavor of the soup is well entwined in the middle. [Music] The Masu Chashu is The lightly salted type has an elegant taste, and the bean sprouts have a lively texture with wood ear mushrooms.The mellow soup goes well with the seaweed [music].Nanban spicy miso is added in the middle of the soup.The spiciness brings out the flavor of the soup even more. This is a recommended flavor.Furthermore, this is a half-baked rice from the lunch set.Simple fried rice with onion as the main ingredient, drizzled with oil.With just the right amount of salt, it goes perfectly with the ramen soup.[Music]The taste of the river continues to heal the soul through the ages. Next, in Lala Prefecture, the Shimizu store in Kokura Kita Ward has a nice taste.The nostalgic frosted glass that you won’t see in modern times gives it a Showa feel.The inside of the store is also better than the main store. The menu has a taste that makes you feel like you’ve traveled back in time, with ramen at the top, as well as rice bowls and stir-fried dishes . [Music] Here is a classic cup of Masu Shimizu point.The appearance is typical of a Lala dog, and the soft scent of pork bones.The characteristic feature of this dish is that it has a solid oil film on the surface. [Music] The soup is salty, gentle, and flavorful, and is a little lighter than the main store.The noodles have an oily coating on the surface and are delicious while retaining heat.The refreshingly salty chashu has just the right amount of fat and is exquisite.At this store, there are no wood ear mushrooms and bean sprouts. The seaweed that shines with the oil film on the surface is obsidian . From the middle, you can add chili oil with chopped chili peppers and garlic to change the taste. It’s a deep plate and plenty of fried rice, which makes you feel full even though it’s small in size. Laila Prefecture ushered in a new era of inheritance, but also unique arrangements. Next is Lala Prefecture, Kanayama Town Prefecture in the Fallen Town area. It’s also a restaurant with an old-fashioned feel to it, but it’s in the fallen town area, so it’s sometimes empty on weekend nights.The interior has a single row of counters in front of the kitchen , and there are also small tables in the back. The menu is based on the basic ramen, but there are also toppings such as rice dishes and fried noodles. [Music] Masu also has value sets A and B. Pepper, red ginger chili oil, etc. are placed on the table. This jet-black garlic is a seasoning unique to Kanayama Point.Here ‘s a cup of Kanayama Point’s pride.The soft, gentle scent of pork bones tickles your tail.The pepper sprinkled from the beginning stimulates your appetite. [Music] The soup is a fairly light pork bone soup with a strong pepper flavor.The noodles are medium-thin and have a soft texture that makes it easy to eat.There are 3 thin pieces of chashu.This one has menma instead of bean sprouts. Of course, we didn’t forget the little nori seaweed and the surprisingly nice topping, wood ear fungus.We also recommend adding jet black garlic midway through the soup to instantly transform the flavor from a gentle flavor to a powerful soup.Furthermore, this is Danchi’s B. Dark-colored bread served on a plate with the set date [Music] Fried rice with lots of onions and a homey taste [Music] It’s a light taste that makes you want to eat it for a drink rather than at lunch. The last one I would like to introduce is a restaurant in Lailai Prefecture in the northern part of Minami-ku , Kokura, which was founded in 1972 and is also operated as a very divine place. [Music] There is a counter and table in the front, and a tatami room in the back. There are several seats in the room.In addition to the basic ramen, the menu also includes kimchi ramen and champon, as well as sets and rice bowls.The tabletops are filled with yam sesame, pickled ginger, and more.Click here for a cup of Kitagata store’s best. The soup is cloudy and has a mild aroma typical of Lala dogs.The ingredients are also very stable.The soup is a little thick, and the pork bones and oil are well mixed in.The noodles are smooth on the inside and go down easily. The soup goes well with it.This chashu is thick and flavorful, soft and carefully made.Of course, wood ear mushrooms and bean sprouts are also included.Furthermore, this is Set A’s salt-fried rice.This is also colored with green onions and carrots. The rich fried rice comes with homemade pickles, which is a nice touch.It’s a nostalgic fried rice with a slight Worcestershire flavor.It’s a cup that can only be found at the Kitagata store, which retains the goodness of Lala-ken but has a rich and relaxing tune.All 4 items introduced this time are the same score. However, each ramen has changed over time and has its own individuality.The biggest charm of the prefecture is that it makes me want Kitakyushu to continue to exist in the future.There are still many delicious ramen in Kitakyushu. See you in the next video




#Tonkotsu ramen
#YouTube noodle
#japanese noodle
#japanese food


  1. よく調査されましたね!貴重な記録になりますよね。

  2. 上富野店によく行ってました。庶民の味方ですね。

  3. 動画アップありがとうございます。2年前の帰省時に日明在住の知人と本店に行きました。北九州の豚骨ラーメンはここが一番美味しいのではと思います。紺屋町店は30年くらい前に丸源ビルで飲んだ帰りに寄った記憶がありますが、やはり個人的には宇佐町本店がベストかと思います。今年も帰省出来るかわかりませんが、また行きたくなりました。(追伸)鳥町食堂街の火災のニュースを見て心が痛みました。これから復興に向けて動き出すと思いますので、その時は微力ながら応援していきたいです。

  4. 宇佐町はめちゃくちゃ美味いしクリーミーで濃厚だけど紺屋町の来々軒はマジで別物、豚骨が薄くてマジでクソまずいその癖宇佐町と値段が全く違うし高いし焼き飯は作り置きで冷たいし踏んだり蹴ったりですわ

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