跟想像中差好多!外國人初嚐台灣鳳梨酥 狂讚「甜度比例剛好」:完美-全民話燒

M oh wow that’s not what I was expecting actually it’s really interesting yeah what do you think what’s the interesting part do you know what it is they’re so confused I thought maybe was so sweet sweet yeah but no not that sweet no it’s not that sweet it’s smile it’s perfect it’s perfect yeah it’s perfect [Music] [Music] let’s go okay so we’re here today to let people try some Taiwan snacks are you guys ready yes yes we are yes where are you from guys Colombia we are from Colombia where are you from I’m Australian from Melbourne where are you from I’m from West Africa from Switzerland from Melbourne where are you guys from uh we are from Afghanistan we from Nepal Nepal where are you guys from colia where are you guys from I’m from Pakistan I’m from India where are you guys from I’m uh Melbourne melb oh from Melbourne no I’m from Tasmania Tasmania cool so first of all have you heard of Taiwan before oh yeah yeah have you have you ever heard of Taiwan before Taiwan yeah yeah yeah have you guys ever heard about Taiwan oh no not really and have you ever heard of Taiwan before yes we have actually have you been to no no have you guys ever heard of Taiwan before uh yeah of course yeah yeah I heard about like a tourist place you just said yeah have you ever heard of Taiwan before really no have you ever heard of Taiwan before I have I’ve actually been to Taiwan once no way where have you been to uh I went to Kong and I went to taipe for a little bit oh my God you know K is actually my city no way I was Bor there yeah I love K very cool you like it yeah very cool you probably haven’t tried any of Taiwan snacks before have you um don’t remember if I did I don’t yeah okay so first of all we’ve got this one for you guys to try out you can just open it and then tell me what you there you go first so what do you think about the package it looks like something we have in Switzerland it’s um uh what it’s called kagy fret kif fret okay I’ll Google it it’s beautiful yeah yeah yeah it looks good yeah I can see can you tell what it is I can see it’s already chocolate and peanut butter it’s hard to open it it’s hard to open CH well you have to try oh it’s like a wafer is it yeah exactly yeah this one’s good yeah I’ve this before yeah have you something similar in your country yeah very similar is it peanut butter yeah it smells like peanut butter yeah there is Peanut in it it’s like a chocolate wafer with peanut butter yeah but it’s just like the snack from trood from Taiwan and then I brought them just like straight from Taiwan oh right be good with the coffee or something yeah exactly it tastes uh same like uh KY fret but with peanut butter really M yummy do you like it yeah we are a we are a similar and sweet in Colombia you have similar sweets It’s like a cookie or a cookie this are similar similar a cookie oh nice do you think this one tastes better or the one backing home it’s almost the same almost the same and this one’s got peanut butter right did you taste that mhm how would you rate this out of 10 what do you think about this 10 10 really that’s awesome what do you think I don’t know you can give me the honest R that’s fine eight an eight yeah that’s pretty good that’s good what would you rate out of 10 about this one this one’s a 10 oh no no way I like it so this one’s a 10 that be a eight out of 10 yeah good nine good nine oh cool how about you I’m not really the peanut person but I think it’s really nice so H yeah okay next one we have this okay take a guess okay here you go um Sunny Hills yeah oh look at that Max yeah it’s in a bike what do you think it is is our cake yes Pepple cake yes I actually got this from Kon it’s like a very famous brand in gon it’s like the most popular sweets in Taiwan oh yes so give it a try yeah this SS beautiful I like it it’s beautiful minimalist so I’m not sure what to expect actually seems very solid yeah wow very thck open it and then give you a try let’s go oh my God want a reaction do you guys like it oh wow it’s not what I was expecting actually it’s really interesting yeah what do you think what’s the interesting part do you know what it is they’re so confused I thought maybe was so sweet sweet yeah but no not that sweet no it’s not that it’s smile it’s perfect it’s perfect yeah it’s perfect I thought maybe it would be more spongy M can you taste what it is it’s like a orange juice yeah like a fruit it’s actually pineapple pineapple yeah it’s like a shortbread but yeah with the pineapple stuffing or something exactly exactly yeah when you smell it yeah we should have get better when I say it’s fine oh yeah do you have something similar like this the pineapple inside yeah we did we didn’t have you don’t have right we’ve got something like this called shortbread without the pineapple in the middle we just have just like a biscuit of this yeah and that’s really good yeah I love that growing up have you ever had this anything like this before no no right it’s new and it’s nice and this thing like had pineapple stuff in there yeah yeah yeah I think that’s awesome I don’t think there’s something similar like this before yeah nothing like this before now I love it soft it’s not really hard yeah it’s easy to eat it this to is really smooth actually I like it because it’s not too sweet yeah and it’s good I know because for some sweet if it’s too sweet it’s too like you don’t want to keep having it what would you rate this out of 10 I write that an eight this one is nice but I feel like it’s a little dry yeah so I’m probably going to say maybe like a six like a six how about the rate out of 10 I would give it eight eight y yeah I would give it nine nine I don’t like sweet things so this is like a it’s perfect for you yeah eight for me eight for what would you write out of 10 about this one I keep it up um I give it an 8.5 because I’m not very into sweet things but this is not that sweet so I like it okay 8.5 is good how about you nine nine y awesome nine as well what would you rate this out of 10 10 10 how about you 10 another 10 10 n n 9.9 no 10 10 10 for sure yeah 11 good that’s good let them try this one okay rip it off and then everyone give you a try here we gok you what do you think about the packaging it’s really cool it looks very appealing to kids yeah cool what do you expect from the package there is no English on the package actually I think the packaging is pretty cool I don’t know this little pirate looking guy yeah holding up three green lights just by the packaging it kind of feels like a ship kind of thing but I’m not sure what to expect okay okay that’s exactly what I want you to expect just nothing yes let’s give you a try awesome we kind of have something similar like what we call twisties twisties yeah we got twisty chips yeah it’s like a similar looking thing kind of yeah maybe not as puffy as they yeah but yeah like a chippy kind of thing okay nice yeah it’s nice really that’s that’s sweeter than I thought it’ be they’re very sweet oh actually I wasn’t expecting it to be so sweet yeah it looks PL doesn’t it it does it’s really it’s really smooth as well it what do you think about this one it’s like tastes like FS tast like fruit loaves lies I would say similar uh yeah expecting it to be a bit more Savory than sweet super crunchy but it melts in your mouth pretty quickly yeah how nice is that yeah it’s a good feeling can you guess what’s the flavor I have to have one mhm can you guess what’s the flavor it’s like a honey got no idea it’s delicious though I don’t know yeah I can see your picture but I don’t know what what that is it’s sweet I don’t know if it’s like a maybe like a a fruity flavor feels the milk pow milk as well powder so it’s actually butter coconut flavor butter coconut so it’s actually butter coconut oh yeah it is really nice yeah do you like it yes butter and coconut butter and coconut that’s a great combination it tastes like coconut and when you eat it it just like disappears from you’re right actually have you ever have anything like this before uh texture yes the twisty you said yeah but flavor wise not butter and coconut never never but it works it’s good I wanted to ask what what do you think about the flavor it tastes a lot like coconut and like a cereal like I feel like I could put milk in it yeah M real quick yeah yeah it’s really nice green apple um green apple not like it tastes identical and makes you want to keep having it having it what would you rate out of 10 about this one a good eight and a half uh nine just because it’s not filling enough yeah yeah 9.5 9.5 how about you really good give it a another nine that’s good that’s pretty good yeah bit nine here nine n n yeah I like 8.5 maybe because got some more to try yes yes that’s SM that’s SM next one will be this one each as well thank you there you go what do you think about the package packaging is really cool mhm packaging is like really good this one is really looks kind of attractive and uh the colors are really nice it looks like a chocolate biscuit how do you pronounce that crunch chocol yeah the name crunch choco crunch CH yeah because it’s crunchy yes I didn’t like the packaging of this one to be honest I didn’t like the I didn’t like the orangish color of this thing it’s like too dull for me yeah okay so now just give you a try looks good actually this is more like my sort of thing okay I love s things [Music] so just ripe It Off M can you taste what it is yeah that’s really delicious yeah yeah yeah like a chocolate flavor chocolate biscuit yes exactly I’m a chocolate sort of guy so give me a chocolate biscuit I’m happy that’s really delicious this is very good not very sweet and I like the crunchy part the crunchy and the chocolate and the Almond all together and it’s it’s it’s better than that yeah look at him definitely yeah he likes it yeah it’s like chocolate cookie with almonds in it exactly yeah beautiful yeah personally I really like this one give it a nine same yes yeah same n [Music] yeah she likes it or yes I love it out of 10 that’s nine how would you write out of 10 six six a bit higher yes nine n yeah I love it that’s pretty good you do you like it yes but eight for me eight I’ve got this for you to try so so it’s like a big package and maybe you open and I’ll try together this is like a very very classic snack from Taiwan can you guess what it is from the package okay I don’t knows like milk on it milk in it yeah and do just looks like a pastry with maybe like a cream filling yeah just try it out all right C yesing babies they look like little pancakes cheers oh c yeah oh Del beautiful did you like it m yeah yeah it’s good yeah it’s a little bit dry but it’s good oh my God I love it m you like it 10 that’s delicious pastry balls with like a vanilla Creamy Feeling exactly I really like it because I so probably it’s more salty or something but like a dessert it’s actually sweet it’s good so good I love it in that have inside yeah it’s like a milk flavor it tastes really good it’s really nice and crunchy but then it goes into like a soft paste and it tastes really good I it would be really hard yeah so soft it has a surprising really really good so good really really good I like it it’s like soft on the inside like a marshmallow so it’s like so milky yeah it’s milky yeah I like them and do you have something similar before like in your country we have biscuits in Switzerland and they taste a bit similar but it’s different shade but not maybe the texture outside but the thing inside no what would you write out of 10 about this one good nine nine I really like it for me a seven because it’s a little Dr it’s hard to give a 10 but I find these better than the other nines are given so I’ll give it a 9.2 9.2 yeah so stet how about the the right I give it like a 9.5 out of 10 cuz everything can improve I’m going to give it a 10 a 10 how about you 10 10 10 10 a 10 y I’ve got the last one for you guys to try there you go you already saw it not sure you have to try so you can just open it up and try like one or two R it front here yes you got it but it’s got different flavor you have to try first good oh it’s so good [Laughter] that’s another 10 m it’s spicy but not too hot at the same time you know mhm what do you think how how it taste like it’s like spicy spicy okay it’s not that spicy though you guess what’s the flavor besides garlic some chili no I can see the be oh yeah she got it she got it it has flavor this one has some kind of flavor I like so this is actually like a pea crackers it’s a bit Savory yeah yeah but it’s just like a cracker like you can eat it with t garc and tea this one is my favorite of 10 on 10 yeah yeah seriously this one is too good what do you think about the the flavor the texture is really good it’s really crunchy it’s like a garlicky um yes a grain wave that’s what tast like a gy grain wave that’s super accurate they’re really good you tried something like this before no right it’s really cool it’s one of my favorite it’s crunchy and it’s nice it’s 10 out of 10 for me 10 out of 10 what would you wrate out of 10 about this snacks five five that’s not too high six no try more I don’t I don’t want to give a bad rating but doesn’t like this it wouldn’t be something I I would like go buy but it’s like I say five I’ll give you a five yeah average just cuz it’s it’s eatable yeah yeah but it’s not the best not the best the right out of 10 10 10 10 yeah 9.5 9.5 10 and awesome yeah pretty successful everyone 10 for this one h [Music] [Music]





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