京都ポタリング 通りの端から端まで走る! #40 美福通 #京都 #ポタリング #自転車

The southern end of Bifuku-dori This is Kyoto Sanjo-kai Shopping Street on Sanjo-dori Is this a motorcycle for delivering tea? There’s a tea shop too The matcha soft serve ice cream looks delicious Let’s start Further ahead is a former candy shop factory which is now the office of a theater company [00:02:48 .34] This is the office of a theater company called Europe Kikaku The family home of the person who is the representative of the theater company The father of the person used to run a confectionery shop called Ueda Seika Honpo Unfortunately the father passed away due to a sudden illness and the confectionery shop went out of business I remember that the rusks here were delicious and I would eat them occasionally Confectionery It’s a shame that you can no longer eat there but the troupe is very popular and has its own TV show on Kyoto’s local TV Their plays have also been made into movies and their performances are very popular The remains of the Nijo Castle film studio can be seen In 1910 Kyoto’s first film studio was built here It is now the grounds of Kyoto Municipal Nakakyo Junior High School It seems that Chushingura was filmed here This is the southwest corner tower of Nijo Castle located just in front of the ruins of the Nijo Castle film studio It’s a beautiful tower The west gate of Nijo Castle is now in sight This west gate was used as a service gate for Nijo Castle After the Meiji Restoration Tokugawa Yoshinobu left the castle through this gate Currently There is no bridge over the moat but apparently there was a wooden bridge there until the Meiji period The building on the left is Kyoto Prefectural Suzaku High School On the other side of the moat of Nijo Castle on the right there used to be the Bifukumon Gate of Heian-kyo Of course there is nothing there now The next building on the left is Kyoto Municipal Nijo Junior High School Nijo Park is now in sight [00:06:10.1 0]This is Nijo Park This park is located on the north side of Nijo Castle During the Heian period there were facilities called the "Dajokan" and the "Kunaisho" here The Dajokan was the highest administrative body at the time The Kunaisho still exists today but at the time it was the department in charge of food clothing and shelter for the emperor and the imperial family As time passed during the Edo period The Kyoto Shoshidai’s lower residence was here The Kyoto Shoshidai was a position appointed by the Edo Shogunate to govern Western Japan The Shoshidai lived in the upper residence which was also used as a government office The lower residence was where the Shoshidai’s vassals and the families of foot soldiers who served the Shoshidai lived This area was the political center during both the Heian and Edo periods [00:06 :58.36]Excavations have also been carried out in this park and remains from that era remain underground There is one more thing to see in this park Let’s walk a little further and take a look I can see it now The Nue that appeared in the city of Kyoto at the end of the Heian period terrified and tormented Emperor Nijo Therefore The brave Minamoto no Yorimasa was ordered to subjugate the Nue Yorimasa took up a bow and defeated the Nue This monument was made later and tells the Nue legend of this area The Nue is a monster with a monkey’s face a raccoon’s body tiger’s front and back legs and a snake’s tail The image is from the Wikipedia entry on Nue It is a work by Utagawa Kuniyoshi Yorimasa shot his bow and the arrow hit the Nue which fell to the north of Nijo Castle The Nue was then killed by Yorimasa’s vassal Ino Hayata The tip of the arrow used to shoot down the Nue was washed in the pond that was located here This is also thought to be a monument about the Nue legend (this monument seems to have been made quite a long time ago) However the letters are faded and it is almost impossible to make out what is written The pond where the arrowheads were washed was named Nue Pond Currently Nue Pond has been beautifully maintained and is now a water park where children can play And right next to it Nue Daimyojin is enshrined perhaps to mourn the Nue The NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station used to be in the area under construction to the right It seems that a paid nursing home will be built here We have arrived at the northern end of Bifuku-dori The north end of Bifuku-dori The intersection with Marutamachi-dori Roadside gourmet Today’s roadside gourmet is Yorozu Shokudo in Sanjo-kai Shopping Street The inside of the restaurant is surrounded by greenery and it looks like a place where you can relax Recommended The main dish is fried chicken It’s not just fried chicken but it’s seasoned with some unusual spices It’s also good to use it as a cafe This time I ordered Khao Man Gai and also some coriander Khao Man Gai with coriander and iced lemon tea [00:11:40.02 ] Khao man Gai is a Thai dish of boiled chicken and vegetables on top of rice It is eaten with a sweet and spicy sauce Jasmine rice was also used It was a healthy lunch It’s perfect for the upcoming hot season


This is an on-board video of a bicycle ride on Bifuku-dori, a north-south street in Kyoto, from the southern end (intersection with Sanjo-dori) to the northern end (intersection with Marutamachi-dori).
Please enjoy the video, which includes a guide to Kyoto from a local’s point of view.

※English subtitles available

0:24 ご挨拶と説明
1:15 スタート
2:39 御池通と元上田製菓本舗
3:34 押小路通と二条城撮影所跡
5:02 二条城西門
5:26 影も形もない美福門
6:04 二条公園と鵺伝説
9:11 NHK京都放送局跡地
10:06 ゴール
10:45 道の端グルメ

△ 動画内に出てきた場所など
 京都市平安京創生館(HP内 ※下の方です の平安宮跡散策マップにて美福門の場所を確認出来ます)

△ 道の端グルメでご紹介したお店


Hello everyone
Thank you for watching Cycle Panda ch.
In this video, we will take you through the streets of Kyoto,
which are said to be shaped like a checkerboard.
I ride my bike (and walk where I can’t) at a leisurely pace.
I hope to be able to show you around the city along the way.
Please take your time to take a look.



Bifuku Street
A north-south street that runs from Kamigyo Ward to Nakagyo Ward in Kyoto City.
The street’s name comes from the “Bifukumon Gate” of Heian-kyo.
Although it is a very short street, it is a road with many historical sights, including Nijo Castle.


Thank you for watching.
With this, Bifuku-Dori Pottering will end.
Thank you for watching this video,
I would be happy if you could learn about a side of Kyoto that you don’t know about.
We look forward to seeing you again in the next video.


  1. 朱雀高校は 戦前京都府立第二高等女学校で 亡き母の母校です。大変懐かしく

  2. 三条会商店街は京都で最長の商店街ですね(多分)
    遠い昔 何度か買い物に行きました♬とても懐かしいです。

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