Let’s Enjoy the Ride on dirt! そうだ!オフ車乗ろう! Beta Evo 2T 300@Dream Factory Official YouTube

[Music] a [Music] time I’ve been passing time watching trains go back all of my life lying on the sand watching seabirds fly wishing now would be someone waiting home for me something’s telling me it might be you it’s telling me it might be you all of my life looking back as lovers go walking past all of my life wondering how they met and what makes it last if I found the place would I recognize the [Music] face something’s telling me it might be you yeah it’s telling me it might be [Music] you so many quiet words to take so many dreams to wake and with so much love to [Music] make I think we’re going to need some time maybe all we need is time [Music] and it’s telling me it might be you all of my [Music] life I’ve been saving love songs and love the and there’s so much more no one’s ever heard before something’s telling me it might be you yeah it’s telling me it must be you and I’m feeling it’ll just be you all of my life it’s you it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of my life maybe it’s you it’s you maybe it’s you it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of maybe it’s you maybe it’s you I’ve been waiting for it’s you it’s you baby it’s you it’s you

Let’s Enjoy the Ride on dirt!
#Betamotor Evo 2T 300
#betaevo #betaevo300
#betaevofactory #beta #evo300

From Japan
Sending out the happiness of owning a dirt road motorcycle♪

breathe the fresh air of nature
You can enjoy the best scenery!

if you look at the beautiful scenery
give a relaxing effect
Helps relieve stress
There is also a diet effect.

I would be happy if you could DM or comment.

Follows and likes are encouraging!

De Japon
Enviando la felicidad de tener una motocicleta de camino de tierra♪

respirar el aire puro de la naturaleza
¡Podrás disfrutar de los mejores paisajes!

si miras el hermoso paisaje
dar un efecto relajante
Ayuda a aliviar el estrés
También hay un efecto de la dieta.

Me encantaría si pudieras enviar un mensaje privado o comentar.

¡Los seguidores y los me gusta son alentadores!

Du Japon
Envoyer le bonheur de posséder une moto de chemin de terre ♪

respirer l’air frais de la nature
Vous pouvez profiter des meilleurs paysages!

si tu regardes le beau paysage
donner un effet relaxant
Aide à soulager le stress
Il y a aussi un effet diététique.

Je serais heureux si vous pouviez DM ou commenter.

Les followers et les likes sont encourageants !

Dal Giappone
Inviare la felicità di possedere una moto da strada sterrata♪

respirare l’aria fresca della natura
Puoi goderti il miglior scenario!

se guardi lo splendido scenario
dare un effetto rilassante
Aiuta ad alleviare lo stress
C’è anche un effetto dietetico.

Sarei felice se potessi scrivere un DM o commentare.

Follow e like sono incoraggianti!






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