
English subtitles are available from the main story (0:30 onwards) There’s someone there There are Do you usually go camping? Are doing that? Frayed or damaged There was one person Beware the fox When I was tidying up at night, a fox appeared… When I was with Kusane It was so scary. I thought something was coming Yeah, I can’t see anything I thought he was gone, but he was right behind me. When I realized it, it was right behind me Because there are no footsteps But it was nice here Good for you There is also a washing area Toilets too I think I have one, but I don’t use it. This is free it’s the best So there’s this AERU no Yu that I went to yesterday. It’s that facility. It’s a hotel after all. It seems to be That’s right The room Famous race horses In a room that feels like wallpaper Apparently you can experience horse riding. You can’t get in unless you make a reservation. I won’t go this time. I seeI see I want to tell you about that kind of place. Even though it was night, there were quite a few people there. There I was surprised. Already this I don’t know if it’s a race track. It’s so huge. This is too big It’s amazing though The land that is being used abundantly A running horse Really… is that a horse? Horse Horse? Are you practicing something? For a race? amazing I wonder if it shakes quite a bit when you’re riding it? I wonder what will happen I don’t know because I’ve never ridden it. I’m about to be shaken off If you get knocked off, it’s over It’s quite tall, isn’t it? scary! If you get trampled by a horse, it’s all over. Beware of horse crossings!? There are so many There are There are so many Crossing again, crossing again Horses crossing the street is funny There’s no scene like this. First time seeing this No way, a horse. I’m just crossing the street. When I came here last night, the message said "Watch out for horses crossing the road." Oh? I was wondering what that meant, "Caution: Horse Crossing" This is what I mean. In the past, there was a horse This… swordsman, I was slashing him. That’s amazing. While riding like that It seems like it would be hard to ride it Seriously. It feels like the cherry blossoms are blooming around here too. Wow, it’s like a soccer field. Huge! What is this one? Is a soccer field really that big? amazing It’s so big I’ve never seen it Maybe this is it It’s Yushun Sakura Road seriously!? We’re already here Wow! Cherry blossoms! Amazing! It’s so red, or is it pink? I wrote "Yushun Sakura Road" It’s true, it’s written "Yushun Sakura Road" On the road I just walked We were talking about how the cherry blossoms were blooming. It seems that was the case after all. It’s already turning blue on this side There are no cherry blossoms There are some There are a few Really on the right However This side Passing Yushun Sakura Road To the left Only two places Why is that the only place left? There are a bunch of things like this lined up, right? Over 1,000 Siberian cherry trees line the 3km road, creating a veritable "cherry blossom tunnel." Is this still pretty scattered? Is this scattered? A little bit of cherry blossoms I didn’t get to see much though. Just this time The time has already passed It was really too late to come The scenery of this trip was I haven’t been able to take very good pictures yet. I’m going to Cape Erimo next. Next Let’s go So then It’s about a 50-minute drive from here to Cape Erimo. So far away Far It’s far away I’ll do my best! Yes Because this view is beautiful yeah, I guess so And it’s warm Ahhhh~~~ Enjoy the vast land Arrived at Cape Erimo! So, this time Here you can experience the seals. A seal experience!? Can you become a seal? You can experience wind speeds of 25 m/s. Was it here?It said something like "Wind House" What can you do with the wind experience? Just a little more perspective A telescope that can see the tip of Cape Erimo? 先に奥行く? Apparently there is one there. We love capes I love capes Because it’s beautiful Ocean transparency And there were some waves A bunch I know what you mean There is a pattern in the sea Is there a seal? Around here Something like that On top of that rock Probably so. If there is Are seals a normal thing? I’m surprised. I can only imagine her in cold places. Antarctica and stuff Amazing! This Whatever Looks like Iron Man’s house Recognize It’s amazing though Go over there warp Cape Erimo Wind House Enter Here we go! Isn’t this something like that? Like an experimental facility Underground? Put someone in the middle It looks like a beam is falling from above. Shall we come in here for now? Wind experience and Go deeper first? Wouldn’t it be better to have more depth? While it’s sunny Finally, we went to the tip of Cape Erimo. Before going to the Iron Man facility It’s sunny now First Port (?) Port (?) Cape Erimo Head towards the tip I want to eat ice cream Recognize In the end I didn’t eat it Let’s eat it! Green pepper soft serve ice cream That’s good. Let’s forget that Spotted seal Zenigata? Conan? what? different? Are you okay? What is Zenigata? what!? You’re kidding, right? Lupin Ah, what a surprise! Oh! Cape Erimo What do you call this? The tip? The Hidaka Mountains sinking into the Pacific Ocean amazing Is this where the seal comes from? Wonder if there? I don’t know. I don’t know, but I don’t think so. There are only seagulls Because I can’t see any seals earlier Towards the Wind House I’ll come and pick you up (?) So then I’ll come and pick you up. tired tired Phew. Phew. I can hear you out of breath Endure it. Heading to the Wind House Amazing, this is a spiral. Spiral is good spiral staircase Reception left Adults/university students: 300 yen Elementary/middle/high school students 200 yen Free for children under elementary school age Before that, let’s experience the wind. We can do it all at once. We can do it all at once. *Please enjoy the video as the wind noise is quite loud. I’ve had a modern experience. The wind was stronger than I expected It was amazing. The first one was crazy The front center This one telescope? Outlook··· What can I say? Is it a telescope? Some kind of seal Isn’t it a place where you can see if they are there? TV Boy If you think you’ll take a peek It’s called a monitor. That’s what it feels like It’s true, it’s amazing. Just a close-up of the screen I can get really, really close. Can you expand that much? This is too much magnification! Is that the maximum? This is the maximum Can it be enlarged like this? amazing I hadn’t even continued searching, I had almost given up And at that time The marten is using the telescope on this side. It seems like I found a seal lie!? There is! There is. Yes x 3 Amazing x 4 It’s a wild seal. It says there are 45 of them (today) There are quite a few I didn’t know because it was the deepest part. Is that so? I can’t see it with the naked eye That’s true Really deep There it is! There it is! There it is! There it is! There it is! Wow! It’s so in focus! There it is! It’s moving, it’s moving amazing That’s good. There Because it’s impossible with the naked eye Pay 200 yen to enter It’s better to see it from the observation deck So next Because it’s lunchtime It’s a little far away, but it’s in Shinhidaka. Asarihama is a restaurant serving set meals. I would like to move towards So then So this time They were selling Cape Erimo stickers. I bought it This is the third one Cape Erimo! It takes too long Time is running out A set meal is good too~ No, a tempura bowl. I feel like I want to eat something other than a tempura set meal or shrimp tempura. Huh? Huh? really!? Are you really saying that?! The Iso Ramen has arrived I’ll have it first In the end, I decided to have Iso Ramen. Wow! So delicious! Two is bad because I’m hungry though. The Tendon has arrived, so Just a moment I can’t stop feeling excited I’m getting hungry too I’ll enjoy having this There’s a huge amount of tempura on the bowl too. Yeah ・Shrimp, perilla leaves, eggplant, squid, white fish There are also small fish in it. So I went to eat clams at Hama. Yes~ First, Eight Iso Ramen and I had a tempura bowl. Iso ramen for 950 yen Tendon is 900 yen But it was First, Iso Ramen We talked about it in the store too. Quite a lot of seafood ・Shrimp・Scallops・Clams・Whiskey In Moreover, this shrimp Big It’s also filling. And then the soup After all, it contains seafood. The seafood stock is very effective. It has a light taste. To that ramen The right flavor intensity It had just the right amount of flavor. So, Tendon is better. ・Shrimp, perilla leaves, eggplant, squid, white fish But it was This shrimp is really It’s thick It’s satisfying to eat When it’s greasy By eating perilla leaves Refreshing And I was able to eat it. It’s so cheap at this price The quantity is also large. It’s delicious It was the best If you sit by the window in the store You can see the ocean Because it was a view That’s also something you can enjoy. The clerk It feels like home. It felt kind of friendly I prefer it that way though I was talking to the customers a lot. The store clerk Why Eight Tabelog Sea Ramen Tendon also available Well, if we just talk about food… It’s around 3.6 or 3.7. After all, that The view is nice and The staff’s homely atmosphere It’s good I rated it a little high Well that’s an overall rating Ten is Tempura set meal? I asked him to ・Tempura・Small bowl・Miso soup・Rice・Tea But there was Tempura is ・2 shrimps, squid, white fish, shiitake mushrooms, eggplant There were seven in it. And the price is Pricey at 1,400 yen But it was I really like tempura. I sometimes go out to eat. The crispness of this batter And after Eating it with grated daikon radish I have the impression that tempura is quite oily. It’s refreshing and easy to eat. It ended up being just a review of normal tempura. It was delicious Four years ago That’s right, the atmosphere of the shop was good. \Did you eat two?/ It was delicious It’s slim but nice/ It was delicious Thank you for the meal It was delicious! Dangerous Stomach rupture I ate too much. I guess the salesperson didn’t expect me to buy two either. I was surprised too Eh, I thought it was two. I never thought I’d eat something like that. By yes This trip It’s the end first First, go see the cherry blossoms I was really worried about whether this trip would be okay. Then we went to see the cherry blossoms next. There were a few blooms there too. A little bit. Really a little Then I went to Cape Erimo. I thought there were no seals either. in the end If you look through a telescope I can see I thought for sure there wouldn’t be any. I think it was an interesting trip. Hidaka Erimo Hidaka and Erimo arc complete next time #%$&$#$% I would like to head towards Now on to the next video Thank you for watching until the end! Please subscribe, like, comment, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok!



0:00 見どころポイント
0:30 あの動物が道路横断!?【移動】
3:56 桜を見にきたはずが…【優駿桜ロード】
5:33 ついに野生の〇〇発見!?【襟裳岬】
12:18 海を眺めながら昼ご飯【あさり浜】
16:20 日高・えりも編完結

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