【ゆるキャン△season3】聖地巡礼 大井川後編 キャンプロケ 追体験

My name is Zundamon, and I ‘m P-chan’s excellent assistant. This time, it’s the second half of the Yuru Camp Oigawa edition. We’re leaving Hatanagi Dam and returning.The next destination is Shirakabaso.For those who haven’t seen the first part. I want you to look ahead first , so this is a continuation of the return from the Hatanagi Suspension Bridge.The construction on Death Road has progressed and the descent went down smoothly.First of all, Shirakaba-so, a beautiful accommodation in such a remote area. Yes, the restaurant is only open for lunch, and the hot springs for day trips are open until 5pm.It’s closed on Tuesdays, so I recommend checking in advance.It’s fun.In the process of updating.Currently , the third season of Yuru Camp has finished airing, but there’s still a lot more to see in Shizuoka. Yuru Camp is hot! We really want you to come sightseeing. The hot springs have an open-air bath just like in the anime. When you get out of the bath, please leave a message from the staff as a memento. Please post on the bulletin board. I also wrote a message to someone who is good at drawing. Go to Shirakaba-so and find P-chan’s message . You can get a dam card at Shirakaba-so. Show the photo of the dam that you took. Next, head to Abt Ichiro Campsite. Oden from earlier. We passed the building and went downhill. There were a lot of construction vehicles. P-chan was scared to come by motorcycle. CHAKA said that P-chan, who rides the ZRR85 smoothly on mountain roads, is amazing, but after all, he rides a truck. Also, P. She doesn’t like transportation . She usually lives in a car. After crossing the Nagashima Dam, you’ll see the entrance to the Abt Ichiro campsite. When you go down from there, you’ll find the campground management building. After checking in at the reception. Park your car on the site. Check-in is strictly until 5:00 pm. After that, the manager will have left. Now, go to Abt Ichishiro Station, where Nadeshiko got off. Pass through the tunnel of the old Igawa Line. Ikunoda Aputo Ichishiro Station was opened in 1990 when the Nagashima Dam was built.The old Igawa Line was submerged under the dam, so it was replaced with an Apt-type railway that climbed the express bus to a place higher than the dam. If you’re interested in running, there’s a detailed exhibit at the Nagashima Dam exhibition hall, so it’s fun to look at. P-chan, who loves ruins, likes it. In the story, it says Camp Ichishiro. This bridge is located in the city. This is a suspension bridge. Beyond this is the Oigawa Dam of the Okuizumi Power Plant. The Igawa Line has been crossing this bridge since 1936. If you follow the signboard, you will find a mystery tunnel. You will need a flashlight to pass through it. Enter the tunnel and exit. The ghosts are on display so much so that you can see the light from them.It uses a motion sensor to turn on the lights and start moving when you approach.It is created by local children.We want you to actually go there and enjoy it.Early in the morning. I took this photo when there was no one around. I fixed the camera on my bicycle and pushed it along with the headlights on. It’s an old tunnel, just dug into the bedrock. I went through it by myself, but there were bats and it was a bit crowded. Was it scary ? When you catch a fish, it’s fishing.A tengu family and their child.Hyottoko ‘s directional board Bucket’s ghost ski bootsThere are illuminations drawn in the storyThere is a Christmas reindeer at your feetI have the courage to open the door. mosquito? Well, it seems like the ghosts are probably arranged, but there’s still some kind of trick.On the promenade heading towards Nagashima Dam, there’s an “Enjoyable Photo Tunnel” displaying stories about making ghosts.Now , Nadeshiko is in the administration building. Yurucamp goods are sold on the shelf here.Of course, firewood is also sold.There is also a carp shower and restroom.Nearby , you can take a hot spring bath at the forest spring.There are discount coupons at the administration building, so go ahead and get them. Let’s go ! We’ve arrived at Nagashima Dam. Now we’re going to start camping at the campsite. The Abt Railway is going up. I took photos of the campsite after everyone left. The manager was kind enough to take lots of pictures. It ‘s a cozy campsite with a rustic feel.It ‘s a slideshow of various scenes.The kitchen is lit at night , so you can see the starry sky clearly.It’s safe to go to the bathroom at night.There are a lot of families here, so there are no strange people. There wasn’t. In the story, I used the A-1 site. It’s a river side site, and it’s a little expensive. By the way, P-chan used the B-1 site. It’s about time for Yakiniku. When I light a bonfire . It’s relaxing, isn’t it? We cooked Yakiniku on a cassette stove. We don’t really use the bonfire as fuel. It’s an insect repellent. It gets cold at night. For breakfast, it’s easy to make tuna sandwiches with a hot sandwich maker. As for P-chan’s story about camping food. I’ll save that for another time , but first thing in the morning I’ll take pictures of the fishing bridge of Sumita Noriyuki’s dream.The tourist association has told me to take drone pictures early in the morning.I returned to Sumata Gorge by the tangent line and took the prefectural road. Go towards No. 77 Sumata Gorge. It’s a signboard for Sumata Gorge Onsen. In the back there is a tourist information center and an old forest railway vehicle on display. If you go to the back, you will find a souvenir shop and a footbath cafe called Haruko Uyomi. It’s early in the morning, so the cut of the pre-opening anime was probably filmed early in the morning.There ‘s an entrance to Sumata Gorge Promenade at the very back.No vehicles other than bicycles are allowed in, so be careful when you leave.The one who’s wandering around is P-chan. I’m not very good at riding bikes.It ‘s scary when it’s humid because it looks like it’s going to be crowded.In the summer, P-chan hates insects, so I can’t go there.Today, the dream fishing bridge is one-way, so I crossed it. It is necessary to climb steep stairs.On the internet, it seems that some people have climbed the mountain carrying bikes.After climbing the steep slope, all that is left to do is to make a long circuit around the paved road and return.Of course, Pea-chan will not be able to cross the suspension bridge.It would be impossible if his legs are weak. It’s a long way from coming back to life , so I want you to decide based on your physical condition.There ‘s a toilet on the way.You’ll see a tunnel.This is after the forest railway line was discontinued.If you’re interested, it’s interesting to look into it. It was called the Senzu Forest Railway, and it was connected to Sawama Station on the Igawa Line.It was in 1931, so it was before the war.There was no heavy machinery, so it’s amazing.Today, we’re going to visit the Dream Suspension Bridge at Oma Dam, where it says it’s a one-way street. I’m going down some stairs. There’s a series of steep stairs. It reminds me of this scene. The stairs look like a slide . There’s a dam management island on the way. I’ll fly a drone. There’s no one in the administrative office . I’ve called the office, okay? There’s a suspension bridge of your dreams further ahead. There’s a scaffolding platform that’s widened so you can wait. Only 10 people can cross at the same time. Depending on the time of year, it gets very crowded, causing traffic jams. So let’s observe it from the sky.The sun isn’t out, but the Tyndall phenomenon is occurring.The light is diffusely reflected in the water, making it appear blue.If you know more, please let me know in the comments.Nerin – chan and Aya-chan are crossing. I wonder if the location was shot with a drone.This time I used DJI MINI2, which is compact and portable, so the wind blows it around.This suspension bridge has a maximum of 10 people, which is less than the Hatanagi Suspension Bridge, which has a maximum of 15 people.What is there in Nakasu? You can see the rocks at the bottom of the lake.The water is clean.As expected from the Oigawa water system.You can see Madame in the opposite direction.Let’s go get a dam card later.Oma Dam was completed in 1938. But it was before the war. Apparently there was Oma Dam curry. It was apparently available at Suikoen, an inn in Sumata Gorge. The front of the restaurant was briefly shown in the film. Now, we went around the forest path to the other side of the fishing bridge. Noda We have come to the end of the left bank forest road. From here to the Yume no Suspension Bridge exit, there is the Sumata Gorge Ozakizaka Observation Deck. If it is sunny, the view is nice. There is a Softbank base station and toilet. Docomo is out of range. During the high season, you have to wait for several hours to cross the suspension bridge, which is 340 steps, so the vending machines and restrooms are a blessing.There is also a railway exhibit here.If you go a little further, there are stairs from the suspension bridge.Aya -chan is down on a bench. It’s true that if you’re not in good shape, you’ll fall down. This forest road has many landslides. It’s a death road . The road ahead is closed to traffic. The forest road on the left bank is a promenade, and nothing other than the mountain trail has been maintained. The bridge is also the remains of a railway. Ozaki slope view. The area that looks like a platform is a train station.The scenery under the bridge is beautiful.I can understand why it is so crowded during the autumn leaves season.After all, the number of people who are looking for the early morning camp is increasing. It’s still 9 o’clock, so I went back and went to the town hot springs. I was sweating on the stairs of Oma Dam. The video on Chari is fast-forwarded and almost uncut, so you can get an idea of ​​the approximate distance. There was a public phone in the dream. I’m finally back at the entrance to the fishing bridge. I’m almost there. There aren’t any streetlights since the tunnel. It’s no longer possible to visit the suspension bridge after sunset. It’s a public restroom. It feels like a long time until I get to the gate. The workers were mowing the grass. Thank you for your hard work. There is a scene in the movie where a monkey appears. There was a monkey at the end of Hiryu Bridge. I pointed the camera at it, but the shutter couldn’t be released in time. It was summertime. It looks like it’s going to be a pain to walk around. This year, it’s Obon and there’s going to be a lot of raking. At the gate, we’re collecting donations for environmental preservation. I talked to the lady at the donation box and collected some money. Then, I went to the tourist information center to get a dam card. There is also a library there.There are various materials, so if you are interested in history, you should check it out.You can get the Oma Dam card (smug) .It’s a footbath cafe.First, order at the left and then go to the footbath. No, my feet are tired, so a footbath is good. I’m relaxing while drinking iced tea. The scenery is nice, and I’m relaxing. However, the crowds have already started. Shima’s older sisters appear in the story. Yesterday, Buppigan. I didn’t know that there was a line about getting on the train, so I looked it up, and in the scene of the suspension bridge in Shiogo, the sound of the Igawa Line train was described as "Buppigan".I looked it up on the internet to see if this was a foreshadowing, but I couldn’t figure it out. Well, someone in the know can tell me in the comments.The foot cafe is also a hot spring, but it’s a hot spring, so I don’t have any photos of the inside.It’s closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays.What’s the quality of the hot springs? It’s a Sumata Gorge hot spring, so the water is slippery and smooth with hot water flowers floating in it.It’s only an open-air bath, and there are lockers and a hair dryer.There are no amenities, so bring your own soap and towels.Towels are sold at the entrance for 200 yen. The bathing fee is 400 yen for adults, so I’m sweating and it’s 11 o’clock, so I go to eat Keiryu Soba.In the story, it’s called Shochiku, but before I knew it, it was a restaurant called Kuretake Shokudo. It was written on the menu that it was a page from the manga.I was allowed to take a photo of the inside of the store.It was exactly like the anime.The arrangement was a little different.There was nothing on the wall in the anime version, but in reality it was Canco Star was full, so I made the right decision to come right after it opened.I think Keiryu Soba was limited to 20 meals.I took a 360° photo, and soon after that, more and more customers came.You could eat the whole fish, and Keiryu Soba, This place is actually the inn Sumatasou where Rin-chan and Aya-chan parked their bikes , but it’s called Gumuso. Just beyond this is the promenade, 300 yen for cars, 200 yen for bikes, and the Sumata Gorge bus stop. Once you pass through here, you’re on your way home, so that’s all for this video.In any case, it’s the Oigawa edition, packed full of highlights , and you can feel Afro-sensei’s love for Shizuoka.Sumata Gorge still has a lot of charm. I want you to make a pilgrimage to the sacred place and make new discoveries.P-chan has been to Jimoti many times, so I recommend Okuoi.If you have noticed anything, please let me know in the comments.I want this video. If you think it’s good, please like it. P-chan will be happy if you subscribe to the channel. I hope he stays motivated. Bye bye next video.

ゆるキャン△seasen3の大井川編の聖地巡礼 後編
日本語/English CC available!


0:00 畑薙ダム戻り
0:42 白樺荘
2:10 アプトいちしろキャンプ場
3:02 アプトいちしろ駅
3:51 ミステリートンネル
6:01 長島ダム
6:24 長島ダム駅
7:18 キャンプ場の夜
8:22 キャンプ焼き肉
8:35 ホットサンドメーカー
9:15 寸又峡温泉
9:59 寸又峡プロムナード
11:03 大間ダムを降りる
12:04 夢の吊り橋(ドローン)
14:09 大間ダム堤体
14:28 尾崎坂展望台
15:37 飛龍橋
18:18 ゲート募金箱
18:27 寸又峡観光案内所
18:46 足湯カフェ(晴耕雨読)
19:20 ブッピガンの謎
19:54 美女つくりの湯
20:24 渓流そば(紅竹食堂)
21:46 編集後記

#ずんだもん #チャリ載 #insta360x3
#ドローン #drone #飛行許可 #包括申請

P-CHAN: 撮影編集, ドローン操縦, 運転
     Pスタ工房 https://www.youtube.com/c/PStudio2525
     Pスタ工房 holiday https://www.youtube.com/c/PStudio2525mc
    [X] @p_studio_jp https://twitter.com/pstudio2525
    [Instagram] @pstudio2525 https://www.instagram.com/pstudio2525/
CHAKA: ドローン補助, 出演


大井川で逢いましょう https://oi-river.com/blog/11193 
ゆるキャン△聖地巡礼マップ 島田市観光課 https://oi-river-trip.com/travel-info/%e3%80%8c%e3%82%86%e3%82%8b%e3%82%ad%e3%83%a3%e3%83%b3%e2%96%b3%e5%a4%a7%e4%ba%95%e5%b7%9d%e3%83%9e%e3%83%83%e3%83%97%e3%80%8d%e5%ae%8c%e6%88%90%e3%81%97%e3%81%be%e3%81%97%e3%81%9f%ef%bc%81/
wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%83%E9%A0%AD%E6%A3%AE%E6%9E%97%E9%89%84%E9%81%93
https://yumenotsuribashi-sumatakyo.com/ 寸又峡美女づくりの湯観光事業協同組合



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NOTICE: ©P-Studio 2010 – 2021
Produced By P-Studio


  1. Pさん大井川の後編配信お疲れ様です。面白いお化けトンネルですね。👻👻👻今でも、日本の使われていない廃道には素掘りのトンネルがありますよね、でもこのトンネルは手作りのお化けで本物のお化けもビックリしていると思います。寸又峡のサイクリングは最高にキモチ良く良いですね。また次回の配信を楽しみにしてます。👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️

  2. Pちゃん楽しい配信でした。元になるアニメの事知らないこの爺さんも楽しめました。きっと高所恐怖症の私も渡れなかった、トンネルも楽しかった、ありがとうございました。

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