[CHAElog 채끼라웃yo] EP.7 CHAElog #3ㅣ대구 홍보하는 광주 청년 어떠신데유~☺

[CHAElog ChaeKi’s Smileyo / EP.07 / CHAElog: Gwangju Youth Promoting Daegu] [This video was filmed before HYUNGWON began serving in the military in November 2023] [(The end of October 2023 when autumn leaves covered the street…)] [(I’m sleepy…) / (Early in the morning) / Chaenyang yawning appeared] [(Mumbling…)] Guys… [(Alley-oop) / He turned on the camera but he looks like sleep talking)] [(Mumbling…)] Now… [(The image steals the spotlight) / His face and voice are swollen right now. What time is it now?)] [(Okay, I understand you)] It’s 10:09. This is… Daegu, guys. [(Chaenyang is washing his face)] I’m almost at North Daegu. What I’m going to do today is that I’m going to take photos promoting Daegu. [(Daegu Tour introduced by Gwangju Youth with Vogue Taiwan)] [(His hometown is Gwangju)] I was born in Gwangju but I’m going to promote Daegu. Personally, I think it’s so rewarding to me. I think it’s an honor for Daegu to call me. [(I’ll do my best to be an honorary Daegu person for today)] [(Let me see)] I’ve been to Daegu once during a fan signing event. [(His acquaintance)] The man who practiced with me as trainees was from Daegu. So I have been familiar with Daegu. [(Second acquaintance)] The other man who is a vocal teacher in Daegu practiced with me. The two guys were from Daegu… [(He’s trying to attract a connection with Daegu somehow)] Except them, I don’t know Daegu people… Today, I… Huh…? [(Whispering… JOOHONEY)] [(He is being given a hint that there’s one more person from Daegu…)] (Who?) [(Despite obvious hint, he can’t catch it)] [(Oh, my)] [I can’t believe I made this mistake!] Cut! [(Playing innocent) / (Host like an MC)] Okay, now, additionally, Daegu is JOOHONEY’s hometown! [(We can here him holding a grudge)] As you know, JOOHONEY was brought up in Daegu. Although he was so young… [(Oh no…) / (JOOHONEY was so young that he can’t remember for a moment!)] [(He’s trying to handle the mistake)] So JOOHONEY… I’ll think about him, filming today. [(Somehow, he will film today thinking about JOOHONEY)] I’m going to go to great spots in Daegu [(Daegu’s travel spots)] and film today. I’m looking forward to visiting there. [(These suitcases)] As you know if you see the back, I have so many outfits prepared for today. [(You can look forward to it)] [As it’s the last filming before joining the military, I’ve prepared many outfits that MONBEBE will like)] [(Full of MSG)] My back is curved like this seriously. [(I need to get spinal surgery cost 18 million at the expense of today’s costume)] I’m okay. I did my best to show you my great appearance. So please look forward to seeing me. [(Call time AM 6:30)] I’m here early in this morning. Luckily, the weather is nice. And I think as it’s an outdoor shoot, I’ll get natural light well. [(Handsome guy and natural light make success)] Daegu is known as a holy place for ‘Fashion in the World’. So I hope the results are good for that reputation. [(Face completes the look. So I have no problem with that)] You might be wondering [(Lovey-dovey)] what’s wrong with my face now. [(What the…) / Like macaroons on his eyes, the swelling is maxed)] Actually… [(Self-pinch) / (We have to take the scene) / We want to get his soft cheek] I didn’t get enough sleep… But this time, I slept well after a long time… [(His soft cheeks look like they’re going to sag)] My face is puffy now. [(Your puffy face makes you so cute!)] I think I have to grab a bite and remove the swelling on my face. [(A swelling expert’s routine) / I’ll share the legendary puffiness today] [(The circle)] You saw me in the before status, right? Let me show you how to remove the swelling later. [(The circle wants to be a triangle again today. Will its dream come true?)] [Dramatic scene changes] [(He’s moving a long time with sleepy eyes…)] [(HYUNGWON found cyclists)] [(Mumbling…)] I want to ride a bike… [(His voice feels like he should sleep, not ride a bike)] [(So distant Daegu…) / He arrived at the ‘Future Farm’ in Daegu…] [(The first film spot) / as he moved around looking at the pretty scenery!] [(The child is mild) / He appeared with a pad on his face again today] [(Hello)] [(Hoong Meow)] [(Hoong Meow Hoong Meow…)] Before designing my hairstyle and makeup… my face needs to be hydrated… So I put them instead of mask packs… [(Frozen) / (The child, HYUNGWON is good at putting on makeup so gently)] [(Am I done…?) / Hehe, I’m done] [(I’m done!)] [(Wellage’s Real Cica Calming Big Embo Toner Pad)] In this pad… [(Wellage’s Real Hyaluronic Blue 100 Ampoule) the ampoule can be poured. They put these on my face instead of a mask pack. [(Great tips) / (The Wellage’s prince who tries to put on the Wellage’s items until the last schedule before joining the military)] [(Calming) / Watching your soft skin kneaded is healing today)] [(Baby Bruni)] [(She heard this is his last schedule before joining the military…)] [(I can’t believe it…) / (This can’t be the last shoot…)] [(Who Who…)] [(Goodbye MONBEBE…) / Why are you waving your hand as a last greeting while putting on makeup…)] [(Staff: HYUNGWON, I can’t believe you have to leave)] [(Uneasy…) / (The world tricks me…) / How can this little cat serve in the military?] [(As he is the last person to join the military except for the youngest member, everyone can’t believe it…)] [(It’s just fate) / (I can’t believe I have to join the military)] [(Patting…) / (It’s the last time to put on a makeup to a soft circle like this…)] It’s going to get so cold from now on… [(Phew…) / (Cold, are you good at fighting…?)] I have to go to Cheorwon… [(CHAE HYUNGWON / (It snows in May like a miracle in Cheorwon…)] Baekgol (Skeleton). [(Can I do it well…?)] [(Half kidding and half serious) / (Staff: Can’t you send all the heating insoles to the camp’s brothers? The insoles? [(‘Sajang Dol Market’)] When I filmed a drama? [(Thank you for saying that…)] They might like that… [(Everyone wants to take care of princess Chae who is about to join the military…)] [(The heating insole that he used to shoot the drama)] The insole was so hot. Do you know what its disadvantage is? It’s too hot when it’s hot. [(Feels like fire on the soles of his feet)] If we tie the boots, we can’t even take them out, you know. When it cools down, it becomes so hard. My feet is… [(INFP’s imagination to a simulation of putting a heating insole in boots)] [(The cliche that covers the bangs!) / Handsome guy with makeup doen] [(Swelling boy’s last step) / If he drinks the green water,] [(his swelling and his soul are lost…) / (After all the efforts…) / Prince Triangle makes an entrance without swelling] [(The start is by making his bangs like a prince)] [(He’s checking the swelling carefully)] I think I’ll feel seriously I’m joining the military when I get a physical test tomorrow. [(Darling, please don’t feel that…)] It doesn’t feel real yet… [(It doesn’t feel real) / (HYUNGWON is still focused on his last schedule without feeling like he’s joining the military)] It’s time to call it a day. Let me go to start shooting after removing the swelling outside. [(This is the last schedule before joining the military) / Let’s burn it up until the end] [(HYUNGWON’s customized long coat makes him a prince)] If I didn’t join the military… I would want to buy it. This coat has a perfect length that I like so much… [(Focusing on the shooting) / Can we buy this as a season-off item in 2025…)] [(He’s leaving a lot of presents for MONBEBE before joining the military)] [(The second spot) / Move to the ‘Missionary Blair’s Housing’!] [(The interesting online Daegu travel with CHAE HYUNGWON’s face…)] The third outfit shooting is done. [(Hectic) / (In fact, it’s the third)] I’m going to move back the fifth spot. Today, my concept is [(Daegu Travel Campaign)] introducing great spots in Daegu. I’m going to film while moving to from a location to another one. I usually only filmed in the studio, right? But today, I’m looking around such great spots. [(Tada!)] [(Welcome to Daegu)] Daegu has so great places. Today, I’ll share the places with you. [(So busy!)] Let me move to another spot! [(Flashing in the east and flashing in the west! CHAE Gildong) / This time, he’s at ‘Daegu Hyanggyo’!] [(This time, he changed into the cutest son in the world) / (A smile with his shoulder)] [(When he works, he becomes professional without laughing)] [(A cool kind of handsome guy with soft cheek appeared)] [(The last spot) / He’s at ‘The ARC Culture Center’!] [(His model-like grand physique is not discouraged in front of grand landmarks)] [(CHAE HYUNGWON, you’re my landmark, cultural asset, and tourist attraction)] [(Bow) / (I can’t believe this is the last…) / Today’s shooting was short and sweet] [(CHAE cat is walking on)] [the sunny side of Daegu] I just finished my last film… I finished my last film. I have to change my outfit and go back to Seoul. (Huh…) Before joining the military… [Successful conclusion] [(Rather than bittersweet)] This was the last film so I’m feeling sorry for it. I’m satisfied with that I can finish filming well until the end. And I’m satisfied with the photos. I did my best to film today, [(He is a man who only thinks about presents for MONBEBE even after joining the military…)] so that [(Unstinting man)] you can see my great appearances even after joining the military, so please keep an eye on me. [(We will see and feel your precious content…)] [(Today, he’s the honorary Daegu person)] It’s good that I got to know a lot about Daegu thanks to filming. Let me see… [(Victorious face)] I think the results are nice. [(Phew…)] That’s all for today. Thank you everyone for my last schedule. [(He’s HYUNGWON, baby Santa of MONBEBE, preparing presents before joining the military)]

[※ 본영상은 형원이 2023. 11월 군 복무 시작 이전에 촬영한 영상임을 알려드립니다]
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  1. 얼굴공격이 너무 심하다 ㅜㅜㅜ 얼굴만 보는데 이렇게 재밌을 일이야 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 중간중간 잉뿌삐 모먼트도 넘넘 귀엽고ㅜㅜ💚 보고싶어 형워나 ㅜㅜㅜ💚💚

  2. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you❤❤❤❤

  3. 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이? 6분이 뭐야 6분이?

  4. 4:40 말랑이에서 갑자기 왕자님등장해서 심장이 바운스바운스~~ 절세미남 형오나~ 어디서 모하니~~(다알고있음…) 보고싶구나~ 형오나아아~~~

  5. 벌써 입대라니 ㅠㅠ 😭 슬프다
    이렇게 멋진 형원이를 어떻게 보내 ㅠㅠ
    군대가서도 몬베베 생각하면서
    힘내 나는 항상 형원이를 응원하고있어
    항상 좋운모습 보여줘서 고마워 ~^^❤

  6. It's so therapeutic to follow you, so kind to leave these vlogs for us. I miss you so much, thank you for everything! Monbebes will always be here to support you.

  7. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  8. 허니 비지는 소리 여기까지 들리넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    근데 저 화보 볼 때도 그랬지만 영상에서도 너무 예쁘다 저 코트 특히 진짜 잘 어울려ㅠㅠㅠ🫶 얼른 나와라 채형원어어어어어어어

  9. 영상마저 월요일에 올라와버리면 채다정씨 그리워서 어떡하라구…😢 몬베베에게 영원한 월요일의 남자…💚

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