CYCLEATHON Ⅲ – Day 4-6: 312.69 km from Toyokawa to Shiojiri

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning everybody rain is so comfy no it’s so miserable I don’t know if I’m going to be a to have chat on today let’s see this is the first time I’ve used bike in a full day of rainy weather so so far my bag technology is holding dude maybe if I had like a little piece of plastic in there just to separate the bag from the phone W damn it splashed me so badly guys it might this rain is getting crazy might come a time when I have to stop the music and stuff hey did the rain actually stop stop it might be back again so I’ll just uh I’ll just unb I’ll just Billy ready a little bit is that really the end of the rain for today I wonder chat the rain looks to have stopped begin the rain dancing again no dancing that’s the castle there guys the castle maybe I just park my bike here almost lost the whole bike oh you can actually go in the castle I’m not going to do that though I’m kind of wet who oh look at that guy he looks so pissed off someone put a giant rock on his back no wonder history of okazaki Castle the Han or main Bailey of okazaki Castle is located at top mount rioto the top of the hill and extended to mount Kabuto in the to Northeast parts of the castle ruins became okazaki Park in 1887 and the wall was rebuilt in 1959 and became the city or the city’s cultural property no this guy I can’t take this I hav I have no place for it for the me you have for the me this guy I can’t believe you came here you live here yeah like 15 minutes away oh really yeah how long have you been here for 20 years damn how how big is okazaki I didn’t even know it’s quite big it’s obviously not as big as like Nagoya but as far as I prefecture goes it’s one of the bigger one of the Bigg ones oh my name is Evan by the way I’m Kinders in chat but yeah yeah nice to meet you man to Rob all right man thanks for saying hi huh my pleasure thanks for chatting with me for a little bit yeah no worries Google says I should go back onto the main road but I say no I may regret this oh they’re doing cool stuff with the dam look they they trust this this part’s closed look this part’s blocked off this part’s closed the one next to it is also closed only one available is that far one look at it Go all right onward brief Soldier here we are okay now which hotel am I staying at today right here that was fast please wait a moment guys wa nice room austral [Music] nice to meet [Music] you it’s already kind of spicy actually [Music] thank you thank you [Music] very okay let’s see this is today wait yeah this is today it was raining at the start of the day I didn’t take any photos for the first the first few hours but then it cleaned up a bit so I could take some look at that red train there very nice Road not sure why I took this photo cute entrance to a place beautiful River this Castle I visited look a kind of small Castle okay guys short stream today I will see you tomorrow [Music] good morning everyone where am I going natwa the station wa old Mercedes dude what are all these nice cars doing here holy crap [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh day five so I do screw counting dates days in Japanese numbers honestly casually lied it was an accidental lie look at this place go through it I need to turn that way though but sure we can go through there’s one someone’s house oh it goes on dude I definitely should have stayed here dude I can be m [Music] Rushmore on one taada wow the famous Trail poo bike poo bike [Music] M [Music] yummy uh what happened to my road to this poor dude’s house let’s go what was that I just saw dude there’s a Cave System over there can you see it Juno time no habo have a quick look what do you reckon is going on there if you look closely you can see some grass in there minerals it’s not graffiti it’s like grass or something all right everybody’s posting that stupid frog I’m going on one hooray we arrived whoa look at my view here cool where even is the station oh there the question is guys should I ride should I ride over to the station yes no yes yes yes yes yes of course yes you have to why it’s your goal oh sure we can go there let’s go is this going to hurt my cheeks Ro I wonder turn right here this is where you here we are guys look at this place kna pizza now we’re talking it’s called tiny Pizza not going there the whole reason I’m here is because this road used to be used by Merchant many centuries ago called the nakasendo trail between Tokyo and PTO and they used to walk this this road nakawa zuku is the 45th of 69 post towns on the on the nakasendo which connected Edo with Kyoto Historical Museum Co they probably closed oh I can take my photo now yeah all right now we’re into our he told his car sced that was fine that was totally fine hey thank you cheers more what it’s chicken I’m I’m kind of nervous it’s chicken onion and cabbage with the miso paste on this looks fine to me let’s [Music] try backing up truck so good 2,000 calories okay let’s go see you good luck it’s night time okay thanks for watching everybody I will see you tomorrow for a very big day I’m going to start earlier than today tomorrow we have a long day so thank you what the how long is this this been the thing [Music] for hello everybody good morning as you can see it just finished raining let’s hope it stays that way finished raining that is I saw I saw a traveler in there he’s got a giant backpack he’s a far he’s I assume backpacking around the trail onward it’s chilly I ate a massive breakfast today hopefully today’s not too bad hopefully it’s just like a gentle uphill slope all day I turn we do a little detour here to see part of the the official Yi route it’s up here so according to this map this is the old Route the oldie route here oh actually have people here everything is closed look at these YY buildings oh this is the spot wow a boys Festival display try it on and take a photo all right what it’s heavy it’s got the this massive neck guard look no one’s chopping my head off what’s this place called I forgot the name already there’s like there’s like a a whole bunch of places like this along the trail this one is called Sumo Juku the next one we’re going to is Fukushima that’s the that’s the hiking way probably all right let’s go W look at this road though holy crap so nice and the river that’s insane that’s it this is the official nakasendo Trail route oh no have I screwed myself over this isn’t going to be a big hill is it oh how don’t mind going uphills as long as it’s not unnecessarily bro I’m supposed to be down there if this doesn’t go down a massive downhill I’ll be okay with it what a tunnel you say whoa you’re back did you did you see in there that was terrifying just 3 seconds of tunnel it was Pitch Black I had to turn my light I couldn’t see anything this guy’s got it’s our first tar hey y what’s up dude what are you what’s your what that’s a lot of stuff you got there this is like the minimum I could pack down to oh really I mean granted I’ve got all my camping gear have any of that it looks like I’m too soft for camping um yeah I’ve done it for two nights uh I might I might be in the same boat it’s not that but it’s not fun going you know two days without a show I me where you coming from I came from Nagoya and I’m going up north now so and where you head it eventually uh like uh the Al I I’m coming the other way now I I started in Tokyo in s oh you’re doing the full nakend though uh at the moment yeah so I just left key so I’m headed towards Ana now oh okay I’m headed towards Kyoto obviously so I’ve got Ana then I’m going to go up and see some of the castles around gefu awesome and then uh you know past that it’s just a straight shot through Sakara to Kyoto so yeah yeah cool man well best of luck huh what was your name Rob Rob Travis Travis can we get a selfie do you mind yeah no that’s great actually actually I’m going to take the shot ready 3 two 1 nice all right best of luck H see you Travis look at these little stores cute wa what the heck dude what what is that this is also what I saw this has a mount this height Mountain has a height of 3067 W it’s pretty very far away though not Fuji onward where is it where is it happy birthday woo guys thank you very much 300 I mean 500 M yay thank you very much you you’ve been incredibly generous again for cycleon 3 thank you very much for supporting again it’s the first 500 M of cyclon 3 we’ve made it to the nakasendo trail and now we go North to the north towards Alon hooray [Music] have a good night my friends thank you very much thank you for your generosity I very much appreciate it it was a tough day but worth peace guys thanks for [Music] watching this guy was will only read your messages if you donate to him on a regular [Music] basis but even then he’ll read it in a monotone uninterested [Music] voice for this

I’m making a video series of my 3rd cycling trip around Japan!
A cycleathon is like a subathon on Twtich but instead of increasing a timer, subs, bits and gifts increase a distance counter that I have to cover while cycling.
Since I want to try a new route this year, I’m gonna go north but via part of the Nakasendo trail! So far we’ve already met a bunch of incredible people and seen some wicked views. I hope you enjoy the series as we go toward the less traveled areas of Japan!

In the days 4-6 days, we traveled from Toyokawa to Shiojiri, and took some time to check out the old samurai trail (Nakasendo). There’s a lot of it still around and kept in good condition!

Day 4 Toyokawa to Toyota (49.55 km )
Day 5 Toyota to Nakatsugawa (80.20 km)
Day 6 Nakatsugawa to Shiojiri (66.06 km)

Cycleathon 3 route:

VOD: Day 4 – Toyota:
VOD: Day 5 – Nakatsugawa:
VOD: Day 6 – Shiojiri:


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My gear:
Bike: BESV JR1
Pannier: Ortileb (
Helmet: OGK Kabuto VITT
Shoes: Adidas Velosamba (
Glasses: BLIZ Breeze (


Made by Arc:


Music list:
Fiesta de la Vida – Aaron Kenny
Correle Carna – Cumbia Deli
Wager With Angels – Nathan Moore
Kawaii! – Bad Snacks
Mizuki – Bad Snacks
OK POP KO! – Freedom Trail Studio
Helium – TrackTribe


00:00 – Intro
00:15 – Day 4 Start
01:13 – Okazaki Castle
02:36 – Google Says I should go back to the Main Road
03:12 – Dinner
04:13 – Day 4 End
05:07 – Day 5 Start
06:07 – Look at this place
07:45 – We Arrived
08:21 – The Nakasendo Place
09:10 – Dinner Alone
10:13 – Day 5 End
10:44 – Day 6 Start
11:26 – We’re taking a little detour
12:23 – Woah look at this road
13:19 – Another Cyclist
14:38 – A nice scenery
15:02 – Reaching 500km
16:08 – Day 6 End
16:45 – End

#cycleathon #cycling #stream #cyclist #cyclingaroundjapan #twitch #irl #サイクリング #自転車 #日本 #japanlife #japan


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