石垣島3泊4日 2日目編part5《4K》

spe [Music] welcome to my funeral I’m so glad you [Music] came have we met before do you know my [Music] name tell me what you’re feeling don’t feel a thing [Music] it doesn’t hurt no more doesn’t even Sting the room is dark and everyone is sad saying nice things of the life I’ve heard voices echo through my skin nothing left to do but sink in [Music] welcome to my funeral I’m so glad you [Music] came have we met before do you know my name tell me what you feeling I don’t feel a thing it doesn’t hurt no more doesn’t even St the room is Stars and everyone is said see nice things of the life I had voices that go through my skin nothing left to do but sing in you [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I always give what I can get back I’m like a therapist some medicine for your after past for me there’s nothing left let me hold you in my baby even though you’re not a Baby Let Me swim you through the shallows even though you’re grown hello it’s nice to meet you I am everybody’s therapist don’t know what I’m feeling but that’s really not the point of it ask me how I’m doing oh you probably wouldn’t think of it hello I am drowning I am everybody’s therapist hello hello hello o hello hello I am drowning I am everybody’s therapist [Music]






#たかもえチャンネル #たか #もえ #コアラ #パンダ #旅行 #沖縄 #石垣島 #八重山 #八重山諸島 #4k #石垣シーサイドホテル #ホテル #リゾートホテル #海 #石垣ブルー #石垣港離島ターミナル #石垣港 #離島ターミナル #高速船 八重山観光フェリー #友利観光 #レンタサイクル #自転車 #ママチャリ #ちゃりんこ #赤瓦 #古き良き沖縄家屋 #白砂 #道 #カイジ浜 #星砂 #星砂浜 #浜 #観光スポット #ちろりん村 #カフェ #マンゴー #パイナップル #スムージー #生マンゴースムージー #生パイナップルスムージー #飲食店 # 離島 #八重山諸島 #八重山

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