四万十川の脇道で絶景探し この景色最高!

Oh, it’s beautiful! Too beautiful! This time, we will venture off the national highway along the Shimanto River and ride my bike along the side road shown in blue in search of spectacular views. Oh, the wind is cool. Now, which side of the Shimanto River are we on? North side? That’s right. Oh, how wonderful. There are rice fields here either. Are there rice terraces above this? And bees. What is this place? Yes, we will pass under JR. It says please come again. Touwamura is old to say. Is that what you’re saying? Touwason?This house, above this… oh, here in Shimanto City, from here, "Welcome to Nishitosa" The left side is the Shimanto River. oh. I stepped on a branch and my rear wheel was slipped. It has become a very interesting path. It would be better not to use NC (700X) on a road like this. Lots of spring water. I guess so. This rich river… oh. Quite. It feels pretty good. Look. Does this have headlights on? Oh, it’s on, it’s on. Oh, there are a lot of falling rocks. Oops! Fallen leaves or fallen rocks? oh! The view is nice here. Oh ! Good here. The best! That’s wonderful. This is the view. What I want to see. Yes, I’m glad I ran this road. Would you like to turn off the engine for a moment? wonderful. That’s nice. There’s a sandy hill over there. I think I could pitch a tent there. I don’t think there’s a toilet. Yay. Oh yes, it’s beautiful! Too beautiful! I want to stay here forever. WOW Wow, that big rock is falling, it’s scary. Oh! You have to drive carefully. Oh. The house came out. This is also a very interesting road. Oh, it’s a nice view here too. Unfortunately I can’t see it from here. Oops. If you go down there, you can go down to the riverside. There’s quite a difference in height though. This time it’s completely different and it’s a bamboo forest. This bamboo forest is also very interesting. Hmm. Since this is a slope, I wonder if they planted bamboo? But not planted upside. Oh, is this JR? that? Yes, this is JR I guess. The iron bridge I saw earlier. yeah? No, this is a road. Yeah, I guess so. This is a road. That’s it, then cross over to the other side. The Otori Ayu Sales Office… I see, it meets the road that came through the tunnel here. yes. Let’s meet up here (see you later).


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