[MULTI SUB]年代动画【惨死重生七零,狠狠掌掴绿茶闺蜜】前世被闺蜜陷害,重生后发誓要拿回一切!#沙雕 #小说 #爽文 #沙雕轻漫

Lu Yao was hot There was unbridled laughter in my ears Until someone came to him Only then did he suddenly come to his senses He was born again It was the 70s when he went to the countryside to be an educated youth He was deceived by his best friend Liu Yuyan Ate something unclean Find several strong men to destroy him According to the development of the previous life Duan Mingjie will be here soon He must hold out until his arrival Baby, etc Let’s start shouting later Who’s there Suddenly, he asked He knew that it was Duan Mingjie who came Duan Mingjie strode over It’s done in three or two clicks The legs were held by a pair of soft little hands Get me out of here Duan Mingjie squatted down How are you Can you still hold on The girl’s face flushed unnormally Lu Yao cried Get me out of here Someone will come over in a moment Duan Mingjie picked up Lu Yao and walked towards the residence of the educated youth Lu Yao was extremely uncomfortable I can’t take it anymore You take me to a safe place Help me Duan Mingjie paused suddenly Asked uncertainly What did you say Don’t you want to help me I’m afraid you’ll regret it Lu Yao’s breathing gradually became short I couldn’t hold on anymore Duan Mingjie felt the blood all over his body All rushed to the door of the head The next second, he led the girl and strode towards the cave I don’t know when it snowed outside Wait until it’s over Lu Yao was exhausted The unbearable feeling on his body finally dissipated In his previous life, he was also in the grove with Duan Mingjie The person who was called by Liu Yuyan was arrested He hated Duan Mingjie to the core A month after sending him to prison He found out she was pregnant Utter collapse ruthlessly kept the child The villagers laughed at him Liu Yuyan publicized his scandals everywhere caused him to become more and more depressed I can’t afford to be sick Duan Mingzhuo was imprisoned Despite the opposition of the family Insist on taking care of him And with his own ability, he broke out of the world became a big boss The woman outside struggled to climb into his bed But he still only guarded him He died of depression a few years later The old people say that people have a soul after death He didn’t believe it But after he died saw Duan Mingjie after burying him Went home and took a bottle of sleeping pills Sleep forever Lu Yao realized In this life, you have to live well with him Duan Mingjie got dressed Turning around, he saw the girl looking at him He was happy and ashamed Lu Zhiqing: I don’t know who you are plotting against But I did want you I can’t say these three words Duan Mingjie plucked up the courage to look into his eyes I’m sorry, but I assure you There won’t be a third person who knows what happened tonight As soon as the words fell His waist was hugged by a pair of thin arms Duan Mingjie, you have to be responsible for me He wants me to be accountable to him Are you sure it’s not a dream I’ll just assume that you didn’t say that I’ll send you back first It must be tonight It hit him too hard More nonsense Then send me back We’ll talk about it tomorrow Duan Mingjie was looking at him I’m going to talk about the two of us tomorrow He came for real Put Lu Yao at the door Duan Mingjie turned around and prepared to leave Lu Yao looked at him with blank eyes Someone will come over Can you protect me nearby Duan Mingjie thought that he had been drugged just now It should be that he is worried that someone will harm him again I’m right around the corner Thank you I’d love to see him a little more But he knew that Liu Yuyan couldn’t find it He’ll be back for sure Let the villagers know that he didn’t return all night His reputation will also be ruined Lu Yao entered the back of the house Waiting for Liu Yuyan’s arrival Lu Yao hooked his lips and sneered Liu Yuyan, what you did to me in your previous life In this life, I will- get it back 12 o’clock in the middle of the night Liu Yuyan couldn’t find Lu Yao anywhere I’m so happy It must have been dragged away and ruined by those big men Thinking of Lu Yao, he was in tatters and threw it on the road Tomorrow morning I will feel happy to be observed So that you are always in a gesture of charity Everyone said that I relied on Lu Yao to live It is my blessing that Lu Yao and I have made friends But no one knows how much I hate Lu Yao’s hypocrisy Just as he was about to cry and perform with tears was thundered by the lights in Lu Yao’s house Lu Yao is back One person pointed to Lu Yao’s door and shouted Lu Zhiqing There were people in the house He was lying on his stomach at the door of Lu Yao Wow cried out Yaoyao, are you alright? I’m scared to death What did those men do to you Come out and let me see Liu Yuyan cried sincerely Some people are starting to believe it It seems that Lu Zhiqing has really been ruined A woman put her arms together I have to look at him in the future Relying on his good looks The men of the whole village revolved around him He still looked impatient In the future, I want to let the man overcome Do people still think he’s dirty? The people in the village are the best at falling into the ground He curled his lips triumphantly The next second, he started crying Yaoyao, don’t be afraid Even if you’re ruined I’ll always be with you People won’t dislike you Hurry up and let me see you Don’t think about it If you’re looking for a short-term view I’m not alive anymore Wheeze The door suddenly opened Liu Yuyan didn’t react He was stunned and planted on the ground Liu Yuyan covered the tip of her nose that was knocked over Looking up at Lu Yao’s cold gaze Then you go and die Liu Yuyan was stunned The villagers in the back also swarmed here I’m afraid I’ll miss the fine Liu Yuyan stood up Ignoring Lu Yao’s abnormality just now Grab his hand Yaoyao, are you alright? When did those men leave? Liu Yuyan’s words are telling others Lu Yao, she is not clean Smack Lu Yao instantly gave Liu Yuyan a lesson Everyone’s eyes widened in shock Liu Yuyan covered her face Yaoyao, I know you hate me Doesn’t care about you I’m going to call someone to save you There are no more than a few men in the two of us Who knows when I find someone You’re gone If you hit me, you’ll be relieved Just hit me Someone next to him immediately said Liu Yuyan is right They are two female intellectuals How can you beat several men? Lu Zhiqing even beat her It’s so unreasonable I really thought people owed her Lu Yao stared at her and sneered Liu Yuyan, when did you hate me so much Liu Yuyan was stared at so much that her scalp was numb Yaoyao: We are best friends How could I hate you Then why do you defile me with such things? Lu Yao pushed him away I’m so good to you I treat you like a sister As long as I have it I’ll give it all to you But you were in front of so many people Ruined my reputation Where the hell have I offended you? No, Yao Jing is still quibbling Yaoyao, I know you’ve been badly recorded by so many people I feel uncomfortable Suddenly, out of nowhere, a big yellow dog popped up went up and grabbed Liu Yuyan’s clothes A woman in the crowd stepped forward and shouted rhubarb It’s over Lu Yao looked at the source of the sound This person is Duan Mingjie’s mother, Gu Fulan In her previous life, Gu Fulan was dissatisfied with her But never said anything particularly excessive See familiar people again Lu Yao felt inexplicably cordial Rhubarb didn’t listen to Gu Fulan’s words at all The clothes were torn apart How can their family have money to lose? The third and the third Pull the dog away Now pull away Rhubarb, they only need to pay for a padded jacket – I can’t afford to bite it again Hearing this, everyone looked at Duan Mingjie Rhubarb is a dog raised by Duan Mingjie He was a notoriously ruthless man in the village Whoever bullies him When the family goes up, they are beaten And his raised dogs Just one look Go up and bite it So everyone privately said he was a bully However, Duan Mingjie has always been principled in his work Others don’t take the initiative to bully him He won’t make a move Duan Mingjie watched coldly I can’t hold it Gu Fulan raised her eyes in a daze What do you say? If the third child of his family can’t pull the rhubarb No one in the entire Duanjia Village could hold it Lu Yao lowered his head and smiled I’m just a man The dog is also very powerful Liu Yuyan was so anxious that she yelled Don’t bite me, don’t bite me I’m about to be He was obviously here to catch the traitor Why did a dog pop up out of nowhere? In my previous life, I was framed by my best friend Saved by him Bad reputation Hate him to the bone Depression ends Until I turned into a Piao only to find out that he not only never married And martyred for me after my funeral Open your eyes again I’m back to the moment when I was by that Pick up the rhubarb and refuse to let him go The padded jacket and cotton pants were torn Duan Mingjie whistled at this time Rhubarb obediently ran to his feet Duan Mingjie, you pay me for my clothes Duan Mingjie said lightly No money, Lu Yao almost laughed Liu Yuyan grinned It’s so reasonable to have no money It was the first time he had seen him But Duan Mingjie is tall and big He endured and shouted, "You don’t have any money." Then kill your dog tags Kill my dog Do you dare Liu Yuyan was about to be angry to death He was obviously here to catch the traitor Why did a Duan Mingjie suddenly appear Liu Yuyan couldn’t be angry Find a book review Secretary My clothes were bitten by Comrade Duan Mingjie’s dog Should he pay or not? Duan Rong laughed dryly Duan Mingjie’s family is poor and white The family hasn’t bought a new outfit this year Home with children Next year’s tuition is not expected to be settled Let him pay for his clothes and throat But he can’t be ignored as a branch secretary looked at Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie first colonel Liu Yuyan notified him to apologize Duan Mingjie didn’t even look at him Not to mention Duan Rong was embarrassed Look at Gu Flan Sister-in-law, you take care of Fran He had already asked him to give rhubarb away I just don’t send it Everyone can’t get enough to eat Also get a dog It’s going to get you in trouble We accompany To live is to fight for luck I apologized to my son for a piece of clothing Will they still have the face to go out in the future Lu Yao stood up Since Liu Yuyan asked Comrade Duan Mingjie to pay for his clothes Then I’ll take this opportunity to do the math How many clothes I have given you How many are new Lu Yao stretched out his hand I won’t mention the old clothes I gave you I don’t want it anyway I will give me new clothes Liu Yuyan said aggrievedly Yaoyao, those were all given to me by you That’s not what I gave you You snatched it with your dead face Look at the new clothes my uncle sent me The material is good, the style is good I have to go I don’t want to give it to you You want to kneel for me You won’t forget about it Oh yes I remember a lot of things you flattered me I need to list them Let’s have fun Lu Yao’s words gave Liu Yuyan a blow to the head Those flattering images come to mind A great disgrace swept over him Lu Yao, why are you doing this to me Then why are you ruining my reputation in the middle of the night? That’s not right A woman asked Comrade Liu Yuyan Say you met a couple of slackers at 7 o’clock I want to protect you He was so frightened that he hurried back to find someone to save you So we found you It’s the middle of the night Lu Zhiqing, how can you say that you are ruining your reputation? Gu Fran raised her voice Lu Zhiqing stood well in front of us It’s obvious that he was wronged Don’t follow the What did I say I’m not just worried about Lu Zhiqing You are worried about other people’s road knowledge It’s still a joke to see Lu Zhiqing No wonder your family’s own land doesn’t grow crops It turns out that you have a foul mouth Lu Yao burst out laughing Gu Fulan looked at Liu Yuyan I see, Lu Zhiqing has nothing to do at all We have fallen into Liu Yuyan’s trap He said he would take us to save people Actually, it’s a joke I don’t have it, I don’t Lie to you, I’ll go out with Yaoyao Really met a couple of lazy people Liu Yuyan grabbed Lu Yaoyao I know you love face But everybody knows that you are a victim Won’t look down on you It’s okay if you’re ruined People still like you Don’t worry, we won’t tell you about it One lesson Lu Yao praised the strength of the accumulation this time All threw on Liu Yuyan’s face lessons Liu Yuyan was a little confused Liu Yuyan didn’t know which side of her face to cover Why are you hitting me again Don’t ask me why I’m hitting you Because when I give you sugar You never say thank you 1. Liu Yuyan’s language is the secretary of the Se branch How important a girl’s reputation is Everybody knows that She spread rumors that I had been ruined I don’t feel wronged by who this matter puts on it Duan Rong didn’t want Lu Yao to have an accident either Not to mention that Lu Yao’s family background is not simple It was the educated youth who had an accident within his jurisdiction He has to take responsibility Material purity is a misunderstanding Whoever is talking nonsense I’ll be sure to clarify it for you I won’t let everyone wronged you What Lu Yao wanted was his words Liu Yuyan was anxious It’s past today It will be difficult for him to find another opportunity Yaoyao, I don’t believe it You take off your clothes Let me see Everyone looked at Liu Yuyan with strange eyes I think this person might be crazy I said Liu Yuyan You’re not married yet How can such a thing be said Gu Fulan looked at Liu Yuyan amusedly You take off your clothes from Lu Zhiqing What you’re going to see Only experienced hehe Only those who know will know Doing that kind of thing may leave marks on you You won’t be by which man I don’t know who said it Then everyone laughed You are talking nonsense I’ll tear your mouths apart Now you know it’s nonsense Lu Yao looked at him Others say about you You say it’s slander You say I’m the truth I’m insulted by your left sentence The right sentence I was kicked badly If I hadn’t slept out to refute a few Tomorrow the whole village will spread A headache for a broken container! Okay, they’re all good girls It’s getting late Hurry home and go to bed Liu Yuyan still has to speak There was a hint of warning in Duan Rong’s eyes Comrade Wu Yuyan Everyone is tired You’re tired too Go back to sleep His mind This will be seen by anyone who is not blind Liu Yuyan closed her mouth unwillingly Before everyone leaves Lu Yao glanced at Duan Mingjie meaningfully He pointed in the direction of his home Duan Mingjie hurriedly moved away from Ziguang Lu Yao didn’t know Did Duan Mingjie understand his hints? Even if you understand it I don’t know if he will Bang There was a noise in the courtyard Lu Yao was startled Hurriedly stood up and walked outside After seeing that it was Duan Mingjie A smile tugged at the corner of Lu Yao’s mouth Duan Mingjie, you’re here Duan Mingjie was stunned to hear the feeling of a hundred turns It’s just nice What are you thinking Lu Yao didn’t know when he stood next to him Duan Mingjie subconsciously took a step back Lu Yao looked at him aggrievedly Why are you so far away from me? Duan Mingjie’s throat was very dry Lu Zhiqing is not Liu Yuyan harming you Lu Yao’s reaction just now was that he was drugged Combined with Liu Yuyan’s actions After a little thought, you can know what Lu Yao has experienced Lu Yao nodded It’s Liu Yuyan I drank the water he gave me That’s it After the men came And he ran Duan Mingjie clenched his fists Don’t associate with him in the future Lu Yao approached him Duan Mingjie, are you taking care of me? Duan Mingjie hurriedly denied it I didn’t It’s okay, I’m happy to let you take care of it Duan Mingjie’s heart suddenly accelerated Bang bang bang seems to be unable to hold it back He was looking at Lu Yao Lu Zhiqing, what do you mean by this? First he let him into his dwelling And now again Duan Mingjie couldn’t control it Start thinking about it Duan Mingjie: My best friend betrayed me I only have you now Buzz Duan Mingjie felt that his brain was not enough What does Lu Zhiqing mean? Duan Mingjie: Let’s get married Duan Mingjie’s pupils widened suddenly The head was directly confused Lu Zhiqing, do you know what you’re talking about? I know I said we got married Duan Mingjie frowned His hand loosened I was stunned and couldn’t say a word Seeing this, Lu Yao turned around and cried You are not responsible We’ve all done that You don’t want to marry me yet When she cried, Duan Mingjie was very distressed How could I not be willing to be responsible I’m so willing, okay? The people in the village like Lu Yao a lot Many people were there for her Duan Mingjie’s heart would beat faster every time he saw him He knows this generation What is the table But he was self-aware A family like him is simply not worthy of him Everything is like a dream today The girl who was in his heart turned out to be his woman And he is also responsible Duan Mingjie opened his hand I want to hug him coaxed him, but he was afraid of offending him Lu Zhiqing Don’t cry I didn’t mean that I’m willing to be responsible for you As long as you want I can marry you tomorrow But I do I am willing to marry you Duan Mingjie’s heart was half a beat It was as if something was coming towards him He wanted to reach for it But he didn’t have the courage Lu Zhiqing, there are too many things happening tonight I can understand how sad you are Think about it again After speaking, Duan Mingjie fled in the wilderness looked at Duan Mingjie who was escaping The corners of Lu Yao’s mouth couldn’t help but rise In this life, I must marry Duan Mingjie Make him the happiest man in the world Duan Mingjie returned home Sit on the bed I pinched my thighs The pain turned out to be real It wasn’t even a dream Liu Yuyan looked at the self-faced bun in Lu Yao’s hand Look at the nest head in your hand Can’t help but swallow saliva Thinking of Lu Yao He was furious last night Lu Yao, what are you proud of? You’re not relying on the stinky money you have in your house You have the ability to let your family pick you up Show off something here I volunteered to build the great rivers and mountains of the motherland Why do you want to go home? It’s you Do you think Duanjia Village is not good enough? Or you can’t endure hardship Liu Yuyan was dumbfounded When did Lu Yao say that Everyone looked at Liu Yuyan one after another Liu Yuyan, if you don’t look down on us from Duanjia Village Get out of here Oh what I didn’t have Lu Yao to defile me Is it slandering you best Anyway, I think Duanjia Village is pretty good I don’t know what others think Lu Yao took the meal and left Go find Duan Mingjie Liu Yuyan was left alone Accept the rebuke of the crowd Didn’t make it clear yesterday Today he is going to take down Duan Mingjie There is not much work in the fields in winter The villagers usually go hunting in the wilderness At this time, Duan Mingjie must have gone hunting I finally got to the wilderness Lu Yao’s feet slipped The whole person fell in the snow Such a cold day Why don’t you stay in the house? Hear familiar voices Look up at those dark eyes Reach out to him Lu Yao patted the snow on his body and said with a smile Sure enough, you’re here Yesterday he didn’t sleep all night The mind is full of when they are inciting Eyes dodge Are you looking for me? Yao: Of course Didn’t you say make me think again? I figured it out Of course, I’ll have to talk to you about it You tell me what you think What do I think Of course I do I want to marry you in my dreams Seeing that he did not speak Lu Yao took a step closer to him Why don’t you speak Duan Mingjie breathed in unison The kind of familiar The woman’s incense that had swoons him was here again Looked around Make sure there is no one Lu Zhiqing I know you were framed by Liu Yuyan yesterday We don’t have a relationship that you willingly Last night you said on the spur of the moment that you wanted to marry me Now we’re both sober Let’s talk about it Lu Yao didn’t rush to refute Okay, you say The situation of my family You know it too My dad and my eldest brother were both killed in battle The eldest brother left behind a pair of children My mother is old So my inverted niece had to be taken care of by me Our family is an ordinary peasant family Not even those ordinary people If you follow me, you’ll have a hard time Duan Mingjie’s voice tightened Although the two of us had a relationship But you’re beautiful The family background is good Wait until you get back to the city I will definitely be able to find someone who can guarantee the harvest in drought and flood Man, I can assure you What happened yesterday I’m not going to tell anyone Even if I’m sorry for you Anything you need me in the future I’ll help you Mingjie kept his head down during the time he spoke Wait for him to look up at Lu Yao’s angry eyes At this moment, Mingjie panicked Is it all over? That’s it It’s up to me to speak You look at me Duan Mingjie slowly raised his eyes Match her pretty eyes First of all, I said yesterday that I would marry you Not on the spur of the moment I said it after I thought about it Duan Mingjie’s heartbeat suddenly trembled violently clause Your father and your eldest brother are both heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country If none of these families are good families What kind of family is that? Your nephews and nieces are the only blood of your eldest brother You don’t take care of it Who will take care of it This cannot be said to be a burden It’s because you have a sense of responsibility It shows that you are a responsible man I’m far away is to marry a good man like you Duan Mingjie choked in his throat He is 23 years old It’s not that no one gave him a matchmaker The woman after hearing that he was going to take care of his nephew and niece I don’t want to in time No one wants to match him Or do you think I’m delicate? I don’t think I’ll do anything Unwilling to marry I feel like I’m marrying you Give your family an extra job Of course not Duan Mingjie hurriedly denied it You marry me I’m not going to let you do anything I do all the housework and the work in the field That’s not it I’m happy to marry you Will you marry me? Wouldn’t it be nice for us to get married Or do you want me to marry another man? I don’t want to Lu Yao must be his alone It’s going to take a while for us to get married I need to prepare the bride price in order to propose to you I don’t need a bride price As long as you’re good to me I’m the one who has the most opportunities to make money in the future Nothing That’s not going to work, I’m going to marry you home in style Don’t let people laugh at you Lu Yao was in a hurry It will take another half a year What if I’m pregnant? Bang Duan Mingjie felt that there was a stick It smacked him the head What should I do I, Duan Mingjie, got up with incoherence He wanted to marry him right now But he doesn’t have a bride price yet It looks like the previous goods are going to be picked up again I promise you a month I’ll marry you home in a month Can you give me some time? Lu Yao nodded It’s the month you say You won’t marry me after a month I’ll marry someone else Let the child call other man’s father I hate you all my life Duan Mingjie said in a suppressed voice Don’t say that again I’m going to go crazy Duan Mingjie was carrying two rabbits A pheasant comes home Gu Fulan was taken aback Third, where did you come from? Fought in the wasteland Luck came across it Gu Fulan was very happy Oops, that’s great It’s a good year to be The tuition fees for the two children and your sister have also been settled Mother, I’m getting married Gu Fulan didn’t feel anything when she heard it Suddenly he came back to his senses and looked at him He Lu Zhiqing Duan Mingjie nodded Gu Fulan sighed Find a stool and sit down What did Lu Zhiqing say Last night, he discovered the abnormality of the third child It’s normal to think that the third child likes Lu Yao Lu Yao is good-looking Well-bred but look at this home What is worthy of the educated youth of others? Ask someone to talk about the matchmaker He can’t open his mouth Duan Mingjie knew what his mother meant Didn’t say much I want to try to get it Gu Shulan was silent for a while I can’t help you with anything, the third child You don’t care about it at home Don’t give me any more money you earn in the future Save money to marry a daughter-in-law In the afternoon, Lu Yao came to the county seat Go straight to the big mall To Gu Fulan and Duan Mingjie ‘s sister Duan Mingming There are also two inverted pieces The niece bought a padded jacket and cotton pants When Lu Yao went Duan Mingjie is not there He handed the prepared gift to Gu Flana Auntie I came out of my way to thank you for your cooperation with me last night This is my gift to you Please be sure to accept it Gu Fulan was dumbfounded That Lu Zhiqing I didn’t do anything either I can’t afford you You can afford it Auntie, everyone wanted to see me laugh last night Only you are facing me If you don’t take it I’ll think you’re a virtuous young man Oh, no, no, no That was not what I meant Gu Fulanji’s straight slap on the thigh Okay, I’ll take it Lu Zhiqing In the morning, my third child caught two rabbits A pheasant We plan to stew the free meat in the evening Don’t go back Let’s eat at my house and then leave Gu Fulan deliberately said in such detail I just want to express that the third child of his family is very powerful Follow him to eat a full meal Sure enough, Lu Yao said adoringly Duan Mingjie is so powerful Not really Gu Fulan suddenly picked it up I gave birth to three sons The number of the three is strong It’s a good hand at work Lu Yao smiled It’s really powerful Does he still hurt now? Gu Fulan seized the opportunity praised Duan Mingjie as having nothing in the sky and no in the earth Lu Yao listened energetically Duan Mingjie didn’t know when he appeared at the door of the hall Gu Fulan was taken aback Lu Yao held his little hand behind his back Looking at her with a smile Why did you go Duan Mingjie didn’t dare to look directly at him I went hunting Let’s see if we can get some more game Duan Mingjie gave him a look He knew if he was lying It’s true I’m going to look for the old black Lu Yao heard the name You know that you are not on the right path Who is Old Black Someone who takes me to make money I’ve had some deals with him before Later, my mother found out and didn’t let me do it Lu Yao understood What did the old black do? Then why are you going to him again? Duan Mingjie didn’t speak He didn’t want him to be psychologically burdened It’s because I’m not telling the truth In order to prepare a bride price for me Duan Mingjie nodded If I want to marry you, I can’t be wronged You’re making in the ground I can’t earn what I want to give you at any time He couldn’t let his woman be wronged Three major pieces of the house Trim your clothes He will give him the best furniture Lu Yao’s heart was sweet You don’t tell me You know that you are thinking Maybe I’ll support you Duan Mingjie looked at him Really, you don’t think I’m opportunistic As long as you have faith Just don’t get caught Do what you want Don’t be worried Duan Mingjie assured I’ll definitely be careful 1 a.m Duan Ming is outstanding Has Brother Hei had a job making money recently? You still want to keep doing it Duan Mingjie didn’t speak Yes, there is a recent batch of watches in the south 20 bucks a piece Take the train to the capital 125 pieces rushed to ask A million profits It’s up to you to have the guts Duan Mingjie thought for a while When to go But I don’t have a lot of money I can’t get a few watches How many dollars do you think you’re going to get in? I’m just going to get 5 bucks If you have too much goods, you won’t be worth much You wait for me to inform I’ll call you when I go After breakfast, Lu Yao went out to find Duan Mingjie Duan Huawei came out of nowhere Lu Yao was startled The fear of that night came back to my heart After seeing that it was Duan Huawei D His face turned cold You’re in trouble D Duan Huawei took a step forward I want to shake Lu Yao’s hand Lu Yao hurriedly dodged Comrade Duan Huawei Please be respectful Lu Yao, marry me Marry me and others won’t bully you anymore You don’t have to work in the fields Duan Huawei is the son of the branch secretary I’ve liked Lu Yao for a long time Pushed off the blind date at home many times Dead knock on the road But in the past life After Lu Yao was born Duan Huawei turned around and married Liu Yuyan Lu Yao had a decent smile on his face Half-truths and half-truths answer: I don’t deserve you Comrade Duan Huawei I still have to go beforehand How could Duan Huawei let him leave so easily Stop him Lu Yao exclaimed There was a hint of panic in his voice Duan Huawei, what are you doing? Duan Huawei leaned over A scorching breath sprayed on Lu Yao’s face It’s disgusting Lu Zhiqing: What do I want to do? Can’t you see it That night, Liu Yuyan told everyone Lu Yao was ruined He was dumbfounded Wasted by lazy people It’s better to be ruined by him Lu Zhiqing followed me You’ve got everything Lu Yao panicked After escaping, Lu Yao shouted for help Turning his head, he saw Duan Mingjie running towards him Lu Yao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief shouted Duan Mingjie loudly Save me Duan Mingjie’s mind at home is full of Lu Zhiqing I couldn’t sit still and came out Unconsciously, he walked towards the residence of the educated youth Duan Mingjie ran to his side Whisper to soothe You’re standing behind me Duan Hua came over to this matter Duan Mingjie, you are less nosy Duan Jiasun who doesn’t know that I like to record Duan Mingjie, you are convinced I’m crazy There was a moment when I wanted your life Do you also like Lu Yao Duan Mingjie was silent Now he has not proposed to Lu Zhiqing You can’t just say you like it would ruin his reputation Duan Huawei laughed Another toad wants to eat swan meat Just the jingle of your poor family With two drag oil bottles I’m embarrassed to have thoughts about Lu Zhiqing I don’t look at myself if I’m worthy It doesn’t matter to you whether you deserve it or not I said I wasn’t worthy of you That’s for your face You’re still gasping Lu Yao, don’t be embarrassed Duan Mingjie rewarded him again Pointing at him and gritting his teeth You try to scold him again Duan Huawei looked at him incredulously You got it for him Don’t forget that my father is the secretary Duan Mingjie sneered The son of the branch secretary can bully lesbians casually Let me know again that you bullied Lu Zhiqin I’ll see you once and reward you once Duan Huawei knew that he couldn’t beat him But it’s not good to be too cowardly in front of Lu Yao I had to say cruel words You two waited for me Lu Yao, you are my person sooner or later Try it if you don’t believe me Duan Mingjie, when can you marry me? I’m so scared Duan Mingjie’s heart felt like someone had dug a piece It hurts, it hurts He wanted to hug him Tell him he wants to marry her now He will protect her for the rest of her life But no He swallowed hard Lu Zhiqing: I’ll do it as soon as possible If you are bullied by other men I’m not going to live Duan Mingjie’s face instantly turned cold What nonsense You are my man You try to die Duan Mingjie took a deep breath Comforted Lu Yaodao Lu Zhiqing: I have something to do right now Don’t be afraid Since Tianduan Hua Wei didn’t dare to do anything to you I’ll protect you at night Lu Yao’s eyes suddenly lit up It’s true Duan Mingjie nodded I won’t lie to you Lu Yaoji nodded as Zhuo Min I’ll wait for you in the evening Duan Mingjie’s smile gradually faded Replaced by force All those who hurt Lu Zhiqing will have to pay the price A plan quickly took shape in my mind Lu Yao was hot There was unbridled laughter in my ears Until someone came to him Only then did he suddenly come to his senses He was born again It was the 70s when he went to the countryside to be an educated youth Duan Mingjie suddenly brought someone to the residence of the educated youth Find a male intellectual Lu Yao, who was working at the educated youth, heard a voice Go over right away Can I go along? Lu Zhiqing together Liu Yuyan was not to be outdone I’ll go with you Duan Mingjie glanced at Liu Yuyan Then he said to several male intellectuals Let’s go A male intellectuals said suddenly Call Comrade Hua Wei on the last paragraph Daodi is the only son of the branch secretary It is not appropriate to call him for an event Arrived at the grove Lu Yao was accompanied by several female intellectuals Not far away, not close, walking in front of Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie shouted at everyone to stop Set traps It was found that Duan Mingjie’s cousin Duan Chengcai was also there He also holds a string of sugar gourds in his hand At this time, Hua Wei came over Duan Mingjie said to Duan Chengcai Don’t eat rock sugar gourds yet When I go back, I will bring your mother to taste Duan Chengcai nodded stupidly Yes, Duan Chengcai is a fool When he was 15 years old, he had a high fever Not treated in time Burned out the brain Duan Huawei glanced at the two cousins Walked up to Duan Chengcai I’ll put it on you for you lest thou steal it Duan Chengcai held it tightly A childish face Duan Mingjie glanced at Duan Chengcai Check it out there Remember not to eat rock sugar gourds Got it Duan Chengcai nodded Got it Duan Chengcai left Lu Yao expressed his dissatisfaction in a soft voice He drooled from all his hunger You won’t let him eat either Duan Mingjie lowered his head and set up a trap He didn’t raise his head back I’ll buy it for him tomorrow Lu Yao didn’t know before biting his lip Dao Duan Mingjie is so stubborn After a while, a few educated youths came over Comrade Duan Mingjie Got it done Duan Mingjie stood up and got it done Let’s find a place to sit and wait Please hope that today can be the whole big Let’s have a good meal Lu Yao followed behind them Find a place to sit Wait, wait, wait, wait Still no movement Lu Yao looked at the time Hours passed Duan Chengcai hasn’t come back yet He opened his mouth and said Comrade Duan Mingjie Do you want to find Duan Chengcai? Duan Mingjie stood up, let’s go with me to find it Chengcai may be running around again It is the time to show your kindness Naturally, others have no opinion Duan Mingjie finally looked at Lu Yao Lu Zhiqing: There are beasts here You must follow me Lu Yao felt that Duan Mingjie was a little wrong today But he couldn’t tell what was wrong Suddenly, a man came in front of him Oh no, not good, front See the way the man wants to speak Lu Yao blinked Ask what’s going on in front of you The man stepped on his feet In short, don’t go there Duan Mingjie was about to pass Duan Mingjie, you can’t go over Chengcai is gone I’ll have to go find him After speaking, Duan Mingjie spared him directly Go first The people behind followed The man was so anxious that he stepped on his feet I’ll go find the branch secretary With Duan Mingjie A group of people walked away The man grinned Where is there a half-point hurry A group of people walked deeper into the grove The person in front suddenly stopped What a sound this is When Lu Yao heard this, this was not Duan Mingjie shouted loudly to become a talent- came to Duan Mingjie majestically The third brother had two people fighting Duan Chengcai spoke Everyone knows what’s going on Duan Mingjie frowned In our country, it is forbidden to engage in sexual relations between men and women I’d like to see Who dares to bully lesbians in broad daylight Chengcai took us to break the rope of Chengcai’s heavy grace He also snatched my rock sugar gourd Lu Yao didn’t expect it The two people who fought would be Duan Huawei and Liu Yuyan When they arrived The two of them are selfless I don’t know what heaven and earth are There was a female Zhiqing who was so frightened that she was so frightened Duan Huawei was scared on the spot Liu Yuyan crawled and hid behind a tree Lu Yao was also stunned His eyes were covered by a pair of hands around his neck Don’t look at Lu Yao obediently saw Duan Rong, the branch secretary, and his wife Xu, who came in a hurry See this scene Xu was so frightened that he almost fainted Duan Huawei was about to run Liu Yuyan blocked his way Duan Huawei, you can’t go Xu’s big deal Trying to run a way for his son Hokai Liu Yuyan stubbornly blocked the front and did not give points Good but Hua Wei Here we are You have to give me an explanation As soon as Xu heard it, he knew what Liu Yuyan was planning Facing Liu Yuyan is directly a lesson You still want to explain You have seduced my son from your own liver I still want my son to marry you Dreaming from day to day Liu Yuyan cried It was your son who suddenly held me down I didn’t do anything What the hell is going on One sentence made Duan Huawei and Liu Yuyan feel sorry They don’t know what’s going on Liu Yuyan Seeing that Duan Huawei wanted Duan Chengcai’s rock sugar gourd snatched it from Duan Chengcai’s hand and gave it to Duan Huawei to eat After eating, it’s like becoming a person Aware of Duan Huawei’s intentions Liu Yuyan obediently lay down and let him bully He originally wanted to marry Duan Huawei How could you miss such an opportunity Duan Huawei pointed at Liu Yuyan It’s him, I ate the rock sugar gourd he gave I can’t control myself Liu Yuyan retorted loudly I didn’t It’s Duan Chengcai’s fool’s rock sugar gourd Not me What nonsense are you talking about Duan Mingjie replied coldly I bought the rock sugar gourd for Chengcai He was reluctant to eat Wants to keep it for me You snatched his rock sugar gourd, don’t say anything And slander him Duan Chengcai’s mother, Yang Na, was so frightened that the six gods were lost Hear Duan Mingjie’s words Immediately had confidence How dare you slander my son Looking at my son stupidly Won’t defend themselves Is it his father and mother far away? Liu Yuyan roared Your son gave it to me It must be your son who wants to give to someone else And then spoil other people’s girls Wen Yan Lu Yao laughed Liu Yuyan, listen to it yourself Is what you say credible? an hour ago I also saw Comrade Duan Chengcai looking at the rock sugar gourd with greed I let him eat But he wanted to eat but was reluctant to eat I just thought about keeping it for his mother If there is a problem He can feed his mother Besides The rock sugar gourd was bought for him by Comrade Duan Mingjie What could be the problem Don’t you rob someone else’s rock sugar gourd Then smear things secretly Deliberately give it to Duan Huawei Besides Even if Duan Chengcai’s rock sugar gourd has a problem You took it from him Liu Yuyan’s mind was a mess Can’t sort out your thoughts Endless humiliation overwhelmed him For the first time, he realized what it meant to be reasonable He looked at Duan Rong I really didn’t do anything I was wronged Duan Rong has one head and two big Someone else told him His son and Liu Yuyan secretly tried the forbidden fruit in the grove He did not believe Come here The two of them gave him a slap in the face Duan Rong sighed There is a language to inform Comrade Mu Yao that what he said is right If you’re not lucky There is no such thing as a rock sugar gourd that has become a talent Wen Yan Lu Yao hooked his lips Duan Rong is really an old fox With a word, he plucked his son clean By the way, Duan Chengcai’s rock sugar gourd has a problem I didn’t say that there was a problem with Duan Chengcai’s rock sugar gourd Besides, Duan Chengcai also I don’t have the brain Yang Na reacted It was you who robbed my son of the rock sugar gourd I haven’t asked you for an explanation yet You have wronged my son Who knows if Liu Yuyan wants to marry Duan Huawei came up with the idea You want to marry the son of the branch secretary Fight for it yourself I want to step on my son as a stepping stone Let’s see if I say yes Liu Yuyan’s face turned red Find it hard to defend oneself Nothing can be pulled off to make a cushion back He can only fight for it himself The branch secretary and Duan Huawei are like this If he doesn’t marry me Do I still have a face? It’s better to die At this moment Liu Yuyan even thanked this string of rock sugar gourds Xu pinched his waist Then you go and die I want to marry my son No way, my son and I are in love with Lu Yao Except for Lu Yao No one wants to marry my precious son Liu Yuyan cried Okay, then I’ll die here After speaking, Liu Yuyan got up and crashed into the big tree I don’t know who was when Liu Yuyan was about to bump into him Knocked her to the ground with a kick Lu Yao turned his head to look at Duan Mingjie beside him and the leg she had just withdrawn Liu Yuyan sat on the ground and cried Duan Huawei was upset by her crying What are you crying about Who did you give yourself to Who do you go to draw it with? Everyone present was silent Liu Yuyan forgot to cry Stunned Lu Yao was also shocked I didn’t expect this scene to become more and more exciting Lu Yao was hot There was unbridled laughter in my ears Until someone came to him Only then did he suddenly come to his senses He was born again It was the 70s when he went to the countryside to be an educated youth What are you crying about It’s not the first time you’ve been there Whoever got along with you first Who do you go to draw it with? Everyone present was silent Liu Yuyan forgot to cry Stunned Lu Yao was also shocked I didn’t expect this scene to become more and more exciting Some people don’t think it’s a big deal to see the excitement No wonder the other day Liu Yuyan wants to see the clothes of the eight-way educated youth Liu Yuyan’s face was hot and painful It was as if there were countless slaps in his face He likes Duan Huawei But Duan Huawei didn’t like him I had to buy him something to please him So I sneak around with other men Earned a meter for the first time He tasted the sweetness Later, the number of times increased But so what Who can stand up and prove it Hua Wei, you are my first man If you don’t want to marry me Just say you can’t ruin my reputation Liu Yuyan looked at Duan Rong He knew that Duan Rong took the position of branch secretary very seriously Since Duan Huawei is unwilling to marry me Then I can only report Let the county give me an explanation All right Duan Rong was as disgusted as if he had swallowed a fly Married a lot Duan Huawei voiced his dissatisfaction Xu Shi got up and went to fight Duan Rong Duan Rong flashed That’s it After Duan Rong’s family and Liu Yuyan left Yang Na slapped at their backs Then said to Lu Yao with a smile, Lu Zhiqing Thank you for speaking for my son Lu Zhiqing is not only beautiful is also kind to Lu Zhiqing Tell me what you have to do in the future I’m sure I’ll help you Lu Yao smiled Okay 42 I would like to ask you to give me a matchmaker Yang looked at Duan Mingjie Mingjie, who do you have a crush on? Duan Mingjie took a deep breath Take courage Lu Zhiqing and Lu Yao When the words fell, everyone looked at Duan Mingjie with the eyes of a madman Some people couldn’t help but laugh at Duan Mingjie You are talking in your dreams What kind of family do you have? also delusionally wants to take other people’s road knowledge In the midst of a laugh Lu Yao smiled at the corner of his mouth Will you be nice to me Duan Mingjie straightened his waist Lu Zhiqing: Although our family is poor now But I can assure you As long as I’m here I won’t be hungry for you I will try to make you live a good life Lu Yao smiled at the corner of his mouth And there’s more I can protect you Don’t let anyone bully you Marry me and you don’t have to work No need to do household chores I’ll do it all Hearing this, the villagers were amazed Duan Mingjie in order to marry an educated youth It’s really a bloody investment What a daughter-in-law is this? This is marrying an ancestor Whose daughter-in-law doesn’t work? Lu Yao smiled at Duan Mingjie Nodding in front of everyone All right The painting fell and everyone looked at Lu Yao differently This is Ah Ying Duan Mingjie, I am willing to marry you Duan Mingjie exhaled heavily The whole person seems to be stepping on the clouds Within a day Duanjiacun has set up two family affairs It has become a topic of conversation among the villagers after dinner Everyone thinks Lu Yao, who has good conditions, will marry Duan Hua The family matter is settled Lu Yao didn’t have the same scruples as before blatantly went to find Duan Mingjie Did you deliberately give Duan Chengcai that rock sugar gourd? He went back and thought about it Yesterday, Duan Mingjie suddenly called someone to hunt also let Duan Chengcai hold the rock sugar gourd Duan Mingjie did not deny it I said I would protect you Who dares to hurt you There is a price to pay In the next second, Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao looked at each other You’re so nice Take you to meet a few people Your second brother and sister-in-law are back It’s not like you’ll know when you arrive Lu Yao followed him obediently Run into the upper segment head-on Behind Hua Wei, Liu Yuyan was chasing her Duan Hua Wei You stop Lu Yao has times when you regret it When the time comes, you will just beg me I wouldn’t want you to be second-hand Duan Mingjie’s muscles burst out It is directly a wave of benefits Lu Yao said with a smile Don’t you already have second-hand goods? See Liu Yuyan Duan Huawei was disgusted as if he had swallowed a mouthful of flies Oh no Probably not second-hand Probably a lot Liu Yuyan was annoyed and ashamed Lu Yao, shut up for me I didn’t say anything about you Why are you so angry Liu Yuyan went up and was about to tear Lu Yao’s mouth Lu Yao also generously gave away a wave of benefits Lu Yao looked at Duan Huawei apologetically I’m sorry Beat the dog forgot to ask the owner Duan Huawei can’t afford to lose this person Stride away Lu Yao waited and see Liu Yuyan put down her cruel words and went to chase Duan Huawei Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie Don’t be so impulsive in the future Duan Huawei is the son of the branch secretary After you beat him, you will be put in small shoes by the branch secretary It doesn’t matter if you’re young But the son can’t stand the toss I can’t swallow this breath Someone who will see you in a moment can use it Lu Yao didn’t expect it You can also see a few lazy people who attacked him that night And there are quite a few of them lying on the ground All of them have been given gifts You did it Unknowingly, we were wrong We also take money to do things I have an 80-year-old mother There is a 3-year-old child under him I can’t help it Lu Yao didn’t believe what they said Who supports yours Liu Yuyan is Liu Yuyan A few lazy people didn’t hesitate to move He gave us 5 bucks for each person Said it would send you to the grove Let’s wait Lu knows that you have nothing to do We’ve also received our rewards Leave us alone Lu Yao nodded at Duan Mingjie There are two things that you should do well We will not pursue it any further Wow, we’ll do it Duan Mingjie instructed the second thing looked at the ugliest man The second thing is up to you Others assisted him The ugly man’s face instantly flashed with greed Okay, yes, I’ll do it Explain that Duan Mingjie rode Lu Yao’s bicycle Take him to the county seat to find a carpenter to make furniture Arrived at the county seat Lu Yao knew that Duan Mingjie was going to make a three-door wardrobe I also want to make him a dresser and a desk Ask for the best wood Lu Yao frowned Just make a big cabinet I don’t have a lot of clothes Don’t do anything else No, a cabinet is too small Dressers and desks are required Duan Mingjie knew that Lu Yao loved to read A desk is a must The manager smiled Girl, you’re willing to do the best for you You’re going to have to wait until you’re married If you want it, you won’t have it Fought for so many years The furniture is not satisfied with the woman It’s the first time I’ve seen a woman, and I think it’s too much In the end, the two each took a step back Hit a closet with double doors Set your wardrobe Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao to make a bridal outfit again Bought red shoes Everything is done with the welcome light Duan Mingjie took out the money to go to the state-run restaurant for a meal Lu Yao looked at him fixedly Find the location I whispered to him why do you have so many votes The peasants had almost no votes It will only divide the grain, oil and meat on time If you want a ticket You have to change things Duan Mingjie smiled at him I’ve been going out every night lately He also did a few others Lu Yao was distressed You’re going to get sick Meet his distressed gaze Duan Mingjie’s heart seemed to be poked And he poured honey into it It hurts and sweets He’s so rough There is also a day of distress by people No, I’m in good health Back to Duan Mingjie’s house Gu Fulan said mysteriously Have you heard? Duan Huawei was beaten Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao came back from the county seat Gu Fulan said mysteriously Have you heard? Duan Huawei was rewarded I haven’t heard of it Hahaha’s face was beaten into a pig’s head The nose is blue and the face is swollen His father and mother didn’t recognize him Lu Yao pursed his lips and smiled I guess I offended someone Those guys were pretty fast Duan Huawei said who did it Except for Liu Yuyan’s family Who else would do such a thing Liu Yuyan’s family is quite shrewd Cover Duan Huawei with a sack Punching and kicking Duan Huawei was stunned and didn’t see who rewarded him Watching the two of them talk and laugh Duan Mingjie was also in a happy mood Thinking about the morning, Lu Yao said to himself Reward people in person How can you put people in sacks to reward people? Reward people casually I don’t know who rewarded it yet Or my daughter-in-law is thoughtful It’s not like I’m a reckless man In the future, you have to listen to your daughter-in-law more Lu Zhiqing: I’m looking for someone to figure it out The sixth day of the lunar month is a good day Is my aunt obviously at home on the sixth day of the first lunar month? is obviously Duan Mingjie’s younger sister Obviously, there is a holiday on the sixteenth day of the lunar month Not coming back before that Then why not the nineteenth day of the lunar month Lu Yao proposed Everyone was there at that time Okay, I’ll see tomorrow if nineteen is a good day Lu Zhiqing Lu Yao interrupted Gu Fulan’s words Auntie, we’ll be a family soon Don’t call the young people who know the road Call me Yaoyao That’s what my family calls me Gu Fulan smiled Good Yaoyao Before you get married, let Mingjie take you back to your parents’ house We’ve got to do all the etiquette Duan Mingjie only knew that Lu Yao’s maiden family was very rich But I don’t know anything about the situation at home My father and I don’t have a good relationship Not to mention the relationship with my stepmother I didn’t plan to tell them when I got married After I get married, I’ll go back and let my uncle see Ming Jay is fine Duan Mingjie looked at him distressedly Lu Yao smiled at him Tell him with the look he is okay Duan Mingjie was even more distressed It turned out to be a late mother Saying that, Gu Fulan held Lu Yao’s hand Yaoyao, don’t worry In the future, I will treat you as my own daughter Lu Yao grinned Okay Lu Yao Duan Mingjie Xu Wei threatened to settle accounts with Liu Yuyan’s family Liu Yuyan cried a lot My aunt didn’t do it My family doesn’t know Xu is going up is a jujube You’re still quibbling Who else but you Liu Yuyan can’t say what she is suffering about Not really The branch secretary was upset and irritable All right Liu Yuyan saw the branch secretary like this Hurriedly stepped forward and asked The secretary of my marriage with Hua Wei Don’t even think about it Xu Shi looked disgusted Liu Yuyan bit her lip A well-behaved look Auntie, I know that you and Hua Wei have a crush on Lu Yao But Lu Yao agreed Duan Mingjie: I’m not much worse than Lu Yao I went to high school Is your family treating you badly? Don’t they all say that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather And they bore sons and daughters Then I’m an outsider In his previous life, after his father found out that he was pregnant Without saying a word, he broke off the father-daughter relationship with him Since then, there has been no tube After him, Duan Mingjie looked at his eyes seriously In the future, you are no longer an outsider, it is mine Later words Duan Mingjie couldn’t say anything back Lu Yao curled his lips said to Duan Mingjie It’s your love Duan Mingjie stiffened looked at Lu Yao’s eyes a little more serious Duan Mingjie solemnly promised I will definitely be good to you Make up for everything you’re missing I believe you Gu Fran found someone to calculate Married on the nineteenth day of the lunar month Set your sights Lu Yao invited a few educated youths to come together Attend his wedding As a result, Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia divorced in their previous life It’s been less than two months since the string was renewed Duan Mingcheng’s daughter-in-law became pregnant Because Duan Mingjie took care of him Zhang Xia sneered at him What are you crazy about? What’s wrong with you not in the house? Gu Fran couldn’t see such a fool When Lu Yao’s face is like this, he doesn’t give people face Say it’s stupid What’s wrong with me preparing a bride price for my daughter-in-law You feel more I’m not too little If you have an opinion Then split up Zhang Xia suddenly played her role Who doesn’t know This home was supported by Duan Mingjie single-handedly Their second room took a lot of advantage of Duan Mingjie But there is no separation Isn’t the property everyone’s Duan Mingjie’s money, they can naturally spend it Why don’t you speak, dumb Zhang Xia was yelled at and trembled Mingcheng and I don’t have children yet You also know Mingcheng’s body I broke up and didn’t have any children What should we do if others bully us in the future Duan Mingcheng suddenly looked at Zhang Xia He can’t give birth Only the family knows Everyone said yes Don’t say it to the public Zhang Xia actually said it in front of Lu Yao Zhang Xia stared at her heart Whispered Lu Yao can also be regarded as a member of the family He won’t say anything out there Duan Mingcheng took a deep breath Turned around and walked away Zhang Xia followed shouted Duan Mingcheng at the top of his voice Who are you throwing your face at? It’s that you can’t give birth It’s not that I can’t give birth For your sake Externally, I acquiesce It’s that I can’t give birth I’ve heard so many unpleasant things You’re still throwing your face at me If you don’t think about it That’s it Gu Flan strode over looked at Zhang Xia angrily Okay, but that’s it Neither is my son subject to divorce You’re so angry Zhang Xia didn’t expect Gu Fulan to say this Panicked instantly Lu Yao walked over slowly You say you can’t give birth to a man You’ve got a doctor’s check Hearing this, Zhang Xia sighed in her heart Pretend to be calm on your face Of course, Mingcheng and I have never had children I saw a doctor last year What a doctor? You doubt me Duan Mingcheng was present at the time I’m not talking nonsense Did I say you’re talking nonsense? What are you panicking about Zhang Xia choked her neck I’m panicking about something You talk less nonsense Well, it’s a good thing that the third brother gets married Don’t mess around Zhang Xia was unwilling But he was afraid that Lu Yao would ask something next Lu Xia simply changed the topic Mother, I heard that our family has free meat Is it true I’ve got a leg for you to eat Gu Fulan’s chest rose and fell in anger I knew she was such a person She would rather the second child not get married Yaoyao, don’t be angry You can rest assured that you and Mingjie are married It certainly won’t make you angry Gu Flan was scared Such a good daughter-in-law can’t run away Auntie, I’m not angry Duan Mingjie looked at Lu Yao Mother, I’ll take him out for a walk Saying that, Duan Mingjie left the house with Lu Yao Wishing for a beating Lu Yaoyao I’m sorry It’s okay, no one has a bad deal The one I marry is you It’s you who counts on it, too It’s not your second sister-in-law Don’t worry, I won’t suffer I didn’t let him do the same just now Because our family is poor Otherwise, my second brother wouldn’t have gotten married so late At that time, the second sister-in-law was willing to get married My mother was so happy Who knew it would turn out like this How do you know that your second brother can’t give birth? The second brother has been married for more than a year The second sister-in-law’s stomach did not move The two of them went to see the doctor The doctor said that my second brother couldn’t give birth The second sister-in-law is in good health Sometimes I look at the second brother’s life Duan Mingjie wanted to persuade him to divorce Because they can’t give birth Therefore, Duan Mingcheng consciously lowered Zhang Xia’s head Endure him everywhere It is not the eyes of people who live by accommodating him Is it a doctor in the county? Do you know each other? It’s from the county But we don’t know Then your second brother didn’t go to the hospital for a check-up Can it be cured? Duan Mingjie shook his head again The doctor said that no matter how much money was spent, it would not be cured The second sister-in-law said she didn’t mind They didn’t look anywhere else It’s a big deal Such an important thing I only saw one doctor Go back and persuade your second brother Let’s go to other hospitals Preferably a big hospital in the county Children are a lifelong event Let’s take another look As far as he knew Duan Mingcheng’s body is fine Examining Zhang Xia was naturally exposed Duan Mingjie pondered Okay, I’ll let him go see my second brother after a while If only it was cured can raise his head in front of the second sister-in-law Duan Mingjie returned home Zhang Xia’s rabbit legs are almost finished saw Duan Mingjie come back Stuff the rest of the pork into your mouth Suddenly, his eyes widened His hand kept patting his chest The other hand waved vigorously at Duan Mingjie Make a whining cry for help Duan Mingjie glanced at him with disdain entered the house and shouted Duan Mingcheng to come out In the end, Zhang Xia spit out a large piece of rabbit meat Look at the rabbit meat on the ground Zhang Xia cried distressedly Gu Fulan’s face was full of disgust It’s a shame ‘s Zhang Xia eased up began to interrogate Lu Yao’s dowry Yaoyao did not have a dowry Duan Mingjie said angrily What we need ourselves will buy Zhang Xia’s breath of anger almost didn’t come up Well, you can’t give her a bride price Gu Fulan pinched her waist Whoever marries a daughter-in-law does not give a bride price They’re not going to go out to meet people You married into our family We gave you 200 dollars And you don’t give me a dowry What did you take on your wedding day It’s not from our family 200 yuan, your father and mother have swallowed it privately You still have the face to give me a bride price Zhang Xia was scolded speechless Mingjie doesn’t need your money to get married He earned all the money he spent You’d better give me a little rest Otherwise, we’ll divide the marriage I followed the third child You two go over on your own Lu Yao returned to the residence of the educated youth I found out that the Zheng family had returned The Zheng family is an educated youth from the capital In his previous life, everyone slept on him But he often enlightened Lu Yao The Zheng family has something to do Lu Yao smiled at him I’m getting married on the nineteenth day of the lunar month I would like to invite you to participate The Zheng family won’t go Liu Yuyan, who was working, walked over with a grin She walked over and looked at Zheng Jiaji A beautiful face Jiajia, when are you coming back? Zheng Jiajia dodged her eyes Just came back Lu Yao rolled his eyes He’s really everywhere Liu Yuyan didn’t mind Zheng Jiajia’s coldness On the nineteenth day of Jiajiala’s month, I am going to marry Deng Huawei You’ll have to come Zheng Jiajia is from the capital will not participate in Duan Mingjie’s poor boy’s wedding banquet Zheng Jiajia raised her eyebrows The two actually got married on the same day Haven’t the two of them always been friendly? How is the tension today It’s a mess Lu Yao is finally not blind Deng Jiajia’s tone was detached I’m sorry Lu Yao invited me first Be particular about first-come, first-served in everything Liu Yuyan couldn’t believe it The voice becomes sharp Do you know who Lu Yao is going to marry? He marries someone and I don’t marry him! I’m asking what I’m doing with all this All I know is that everything is on a first-come, first-served basis Zheng Jiajia, don’t think that you come often Everybody’s stumbling at you! I’m married to the son of the branch secretary If you oppose me, you will not have good fruit to eat It turns out that you are married to the son of the branch secretary Listening to your tone, I thought you were married to the branch secretary Threatening him, the last thing his Zheng family is afraid of is threats You’re all waiting for me How is it from the capital? As the saying goes, a strong dragon can’t suppress a snake Wait for him to marry Duan Huawei Let the branch secretary do the most tiring and dirty work Leave it to them Okay, I’ll wait Liu Yuyan snorted and left Lu Yao looked at Zheng Jiajia Suddenly laughed I didn’t expect you to be so sharp-toothed Zheng Jiajia hummed I didn’t expect you to open your eyes to this day It’s really a poisonous tongue Zheng Jiajia smiled Sorry for the bad talk Don’t mind It’s just that I saw you being so good to Liu Yuyan before Think you’re blind You’re right Thank you for attending my wedding reception I’m going to marry Duan Mingjie Zheng Jiajia raised her eyebrows Duan Mingjie, who has the greatest strength Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh That’s right, that’s him Zheng Jiajia gave him a thumbs up Revealing a smile that Lu Yao couldn’t understand Courage is commendable When did you buy the clothes for Zhiwei and them? Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan came back from school The clothes they wore were exactly the clothes Lu Yao bought for them Zhang Xia said dissatisfiedly The two children have already spent a lot of money to go to school You also buy them such nice clothes The days are over Duan Yanyan shrank behind Duan Zhiwei in fear Stealing looked at Zhang Xia Duan Mingjie walked over Get in front of them This was bought for us by Sister Lu Gu Fulan was angry This is what Lu Zhiqing bought for the two children Besides, the two children haven’t added new clothes for a few years I just bought it Who believes what you say? Believe it or not Lu Yao gave us clothes Live flour is known to everyone in the village You don’t believe it Go out and ask Zhang Xia is faster than changing her face Nianglu Zhiqing also bought me clothes No Lu Yao bought clothes for the child’s sister Ming Ming and me Lu Yao: This is treated differently Mother, I and Ming Ming are about the same height I can wear his clothes My clothes are torn Give me his garments Save more money on it I want new clothes Go to your own man Duan Mingjie, who had never spoken, spoke coldly Zhang Xia’s body is smart This family is in addition to Gu Fulan He was also afraid of Duan Mingjie Mingcheng, look at your third brother I didn’t take my second sister-in-law seriously at all After all, he doesn’t take you seriously Well, Mingjie didn’t mean it You want new clothes I’ll buy it for you in a few days Duan Zhiwei shook Duan Mingjie’s hand Uncle Sai, I want to go to Sister Lu’s There were a few questions I wanted to ask her Duan Mingjie took the two children to find Lu Yao After the three arrived Lu Yao tutored Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan with homework Duan Mingzhuo went to cook Lu Yao found that the two children didn’t need him at all They are particularly smart They will be taught by the teacher Do your homework Duan Zhiwei mysteriously leaned into Lu Yao’s ear Sister Lu, I’ll tell you secretly Second, you will snatch the clothes you bought for your aunt It’s true Duan Zhiwei nodded Duan Zhiwei took Duan Yanyan’s hand Uncle Sai, let’s go back first Duan Mingjie hadn’t spoken yet Lu Yao walked over Let’s go for a walk The two of them walked through the fields Not far away, there were occasional cheers Who to go so bold Lu Yao didn’t expect to see such a scene Not far away, he fought the landlord with two men It’s not Liu Yuyan Who else Liu Yuyan is really bold Torigami is going to marry Duan Huawei You can also play with other men Important: Or two men Duan Mingjie took him away quickly Sudden footsteps Liu Yuyan was so frightened that she was thrilled Panicked looking around Two men Remind him to draw cards Liu Yuyan endured the nausea and accompanied them He’s getting married soon The man who had beaten him with the landlord came to threaten him Say if you don’t play with them Just tell Duan Huawei Liu Yuyan was afraid I had to obey them Liu Yuyan cooperated with them unlovingly He thought it would be okay These men won’t say it for the sake of the family As long as you don’t get caught They will also give him money Nothing to lose Come to the small cave Lu Yao was shocked You saw it It’s Liu Yuyan Duan Mingjie hummed absently Lu Yao shook his head vigorously Oh my God, he’s ridiculous Duan Mingjie originally planned to frame Liu Yuyan after he got married The child born at that time may not necessarily be Duan Huawei’s Who knows not to arrange with them Liu Yu’s mother found a man by herself I also looked for two Sure enough, the hostages are invincible Lu Yao wondered why Liu Yuyan did this What is he trying to do? It should be wanting money Lu Yao turned his face to look at him How do you know Duan Mingjie stared at his sparkling eyes There are no secrets in the village I’ve heard about a young intellectual Playing with the men of the village for money I didn’t know who it was before Now I know Men have no scruples when they talk about souls Duan Mingjie still remembers Several men in the village discussed this educated youth Said to be a young night Over 40 years old A night at the age of 50 Lu Yao to the west exit Chills in the back It’s horrible Brother Hei sent me news Set off in these two days When to go Just these days He prepared me Leave at any time Do you have enough money Duan Mingjie prepared a lot of furniture The money is probably spent You don’t have to worry about money Wait until I’m gone You take good care of yourself Just in case Liu Yuyan and Duan Huawei have something to find me Second brother, I will say hello to him Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh feel relieved I definitely won’t give anyone a chance to get close to me I belong to you alone Mingjie, are you in the water? I found a young man and didn’t know how old I was What’s wrong with this 100 dollars? 100 yuan is enough for our family to spend for several years You need 100 yuan to open your mouth Why give it to you? Besides I didn’t know I had so much money at home Pick up the set with confidence I definitely won’t give anyone a chance to get close to me I belong to you alone I’m afraid they’ll hurt you Duan Mingjie wanted to go to the black market to resell watches for a bride price Lu Yao was not at ease You can go and sell watches But I want to meet the old black After breakfast the next day Duan Mingjie led the way to see Lao Hei from afar When you see the old black Lu Yao was stunned for a moment Memories of past lives also came flooding back It turned out that Duan Mingjie had known this person for a long time saw Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao coming over sweetly Lao Hei saw the relationship between the two at a glance This is my brother and sister Lu Yao smiled at him Hello, my name is Lu Yao Old Black smiled heartily Then he looked at Duan Mingjie No wonder you want to make money, boy It turned out that she was married to such a good-looking daughter-in-law Duan Mingjie’s hand tightened It is as it should be for a man to earn money to support his family The old black beckoned them to sit down and talk Lu Yao didn’t beat around the bush Brother Hei Mingjie said that you have to turn the watch upside down Yes, there is a plan for this Can I go Lao Hei was stunned The girl is dangerous You better not go Lu Yao tugged at his lips It’s dangerous Duan Mingjie told him in his previous life Lao Hei was arrested in the capital for speculation Presumably because it has been a matter of several years After coming out, he did business with Duan Mingjie Because they are not satisfied with the distribution of dividends, they transfer their property Fortunately, Duan Mingjie found out in time Such people How could Lu Yao be willing Duan Mingjie to do things with him Yaoyao, I’ll just go I don’t know what Brother Hei’s real name is Lao Hei called Duan Mingjie with a smile Dude, you’re worried about you Ah, I’m afraid I’ll take you into the ditch Brother Hei’s original name was Zhou Qiyu Because people are darker It’s not very appropriate for people to know That’s why he let people call him Lao Hei He is from Zhoujia Village Heard Zhou Qiyu Lu Yao was even more sure that it was after him He didn’t ask any more Lao Hei and Duan Mingjie agreed to leave tomorrow afternoon On the way back Duan Mingjie saw that Lu Yao was obviously not in a state Yaoyao, don’t you want me to go Lu Yao really didn’t want Duan Mingjie to follow He wasn’t sure Lao Hei was not caught this time by turning the watch upside down But the calculation time is not far from ten He didn’t want Duan Mingjie to take risks Will you listen to me then I would like to know why It’s too dangerous I don’t want anything wrong with you I have a bad hunch I’ll be careful Lu Yao pressed his lips Knowing that she still wanted to go It is also a profitable business No one is willing to take risks Okay, then you have to promise me When I arrived in the capital, I separated from Lao Hei Far away from him Where he goes, you don’t want to go Since you can’t stop him Then try to keep him out of danger Duan Mingjie looked at him puzzled Why What are your 100,000 whys? If you don’t agree, don’t go Let’s not get married I promise you Duan Mingjie hurriedly said Don’t say yes but don’t do it I do what I say Arrived in the capital They’re definitely going to be separated You can’t all sell watches in one place Decide to go to the south to enter the table Duan Mingjie had a meeting with his family in the evening Said about it Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia immediately objected Zhang Xia showed no mercy under her mouth Mingjie, are you in the water? I found a young man and didn’t know how old I was What’s wrong with this 100 dollars? 100 yuan is enough for our family to spend for several years You need 100 yuan to open your mouth Why give it to you? Besides I didn’t know I had so much money at home Mother, you can talk about it Do you have so much money at home Lu Zhiqing knew about this I don’t know So what is his attitude Yaoyao supported me Let me be careful Support you, I think he’s going to push you into the fire pit You’re telling the truth He didn’t let you go The second sister-in-law is what I insist on Yaoyao said it was dangerous I’m worried about me too You can’t misunderstand her like that I misunderstood her I think you’ve been poured ecstasy soup by her Lu Yao has nothing good about except being good-looking Like a goblin I can’t do anything I haven’t married yet I urge you to do something risky If you want me to say that this marriage can’t be consummated I’m in charge of my marriage Except for Lu Yao I will not marry anyone You are not in a position to dictate my marriage Zhang Xiahao cried hugged Duan Mingcheng and yelled aggrievedly Duan Mingcheng, look at your brother He’s not married One quarreled with me for a woman Such a woman is a scourge Married in, our chickens and dogs are restless Mingjie, your second sister-in-law and I don’t have to stop you Just think about it Will someone like Lu Zhiqing be dead set on you? She’ll have to go back to the city sooner or later Wait until she gets back to the city What do you do Your second sister-in-law is also for your good Let’s find a girl from an ordinary family to marry Duan Mingjie’s heart hurt Lu Yao’s return to the city was his pain But so what Even if he has to go He also wants to be as kind to him as he can before he leaves Except for Lu Yao I will not marry anyone Since you don’t want to take the money In the future, I won’t give all the money I earn to my family Including the money earned from going out this time We haven’t separated yet Duan Mingjie retorted You also know that they haven’t separated yet Why not willing to take money Okay Mingjie Since you insist on marrying I won’t stop either But I can’t give you the money either Such a result Duan Mingjie was not surprised On the contrary, he liked the result In this way, all the money he earns is his own 1 a.m Duan Mingjie got up and wanted to go out As soon as I went out, I saw Gu Fulan What’s wrong with my mother Ming Jie Niang couldn’t stand it Can’t help you You take the money Don’t be found out by your second brother and sister-in-law Duan Mingjie looked at him fixedly Mother, don’t say anything This home is all you raising Now you need money I can’t help but help I saved the money privately for you to marry a daughter-in-law Your second brother and sister-in-law don’t know You can use it Away from home The road is easy to walk Early in the morning Lu Yao went to Duan Mingjie’s house to find him Duan Mingjie looked at it Zhang Xia who pretended to be standing outside and dangling "Let’s Go Out and Talk" All the money earned is handed over to you You can spend it however you want Yaoyao can’t make up my mind right now I want to go in a little more But I’m worried that I won’t be able to sell it Smash in your hands But I want to make a little more Lu Yao thought about the situation in the capital in his previous life You don’t just buy men’s watches Buy some women’s watches too Since going to the south It’s winter again Why don’t you go and see if there are any cheap bread servings? What is bread serving It is a padded jacket made of goose feathers It’s easy to put on It’s warmer than a padded jacket It’s so hot in the south Who makes padded jackets? You go to the pier where there is Duan Mingjie hurriedly looked around at him Lower your voice Doing business with foreigners Do you dare But I don’t know the language I’ll teach you a few words in a foreign language After learning Then you gesture with their hands I really can’t communicate, forget it When Duan Mingjie left Mother, I’ll be back soon Wait until I earn money Let you live a good life I’m just a good eye Just come back safely After Duan Mingjie left Lu Yao was reading a book at home The college entrance examination will resume next year He’s definitely going to participate In his spare time, he went to see Gu Fran Five days have passed Duan Mingjie still has no news at all Gu Fulan was anxious Will something happen to Yaoyao Mingjie? Zhang Xia looked at Gu Fran looked worried Happy Wen is worried again Duan Ming is outstanding He gloated But if something happens The labor force at home is gone Duan Mingcheng didn’t make much money at all So selfishly Zhang Xia just hoped that Duan Mingjie would suffer a little I don’t want him to come back If it weren’t for you He won’t go out and speculate If something happens to him What to do with our family Is he more than you You’re just his second sister-in-law Why do I raise you? 5 days have passed since the last episode Duan Mingjie still has no news at all Gu Fulan was anxious Will something happen to Yaoyao Mingjie? Sister Ziming told us before leaving Won’t call us Let’s wait with peace of mind Rest assured, you’ll be fine That being said Gu Fulan still couldn’t stop worrying Zhang Xia sneered You certainly don’t have to worry If Mingjie can’t come back You have a reason not to get married I think you just don’t want to marry us Mingjie That’s why I encouraged him to do such a dangerous thing Lu Yao didn’t care what Zhang Xia said for no good words can come out of his mouth But look at the reaction of Gu Fulan and Duan Mingcheng They obviously listened to Zhang Xia’s words Duan Mingjie is not there He didn’t want to mess with his family Zhang Xia saw the reaction of her mother-in-law and husband I suddenly had the confidence to speak Lu Zhiqing said that you Zhiqing are smart Not at all I think you were heartbroken by Duan Huawei will choose to marry Duan Mingjie You don’t have the skills yourself didn’t rob Liu Yuyan came to plague our family Mingjie If you make money I’ll definitely leave it to you If you can’t come back, you can find another one No matter how you get married, you won’t lose money But Mingjie is our relative If he’s gone What do you want my mother to do? You shut up Mother, you are still facing him Look at what he did to Mingjie I’ll just say that he and Mingjie won’t last long He simply couldn’t endure hardship You and Mingjie If you don’t believe me, let’s see what to do now Wait a few more days and see Lu Zhiqing is not the kind of person you say Yaoyao, don’t mind We are also in too much of a hurry Mingjie has been gone for 5 days There was no letter The people in the village have asked me where Mingjie has been these days I can only lie But your wedding date with Mingjie is almost up Mingjie was not there No one else believed me du u How many people in the village want to marry Lu Zhiqing 0r 4 Their family got their wish u It is impossible not to see a figure before you get married I understand I’m not angry 5 days is a long time for us But for Duan Mingjie, it is very short It takes a day and two nights to get from us to the south They’re going to go to the seller again Then go out to the capital It takes two days and two nights to get to the capital from there It takes more than ten hours to get from the capital to us Other words It took almost 4 days on the train Lu Yao calmed down and analyzed with them Gu Fulan patted his head You see, too I’m confused Zhang Xia saw Lu Yao and moved her mother-in-law in a few words Suddenly there was a fire Mother, you believe everything she says What if Mingjie really can’t come back You shut up and shut your crow’s mouth Zhang Xia’s eyes are full of words, is it the time for superstition? There must be an explanation for this matter What statement do you want If it weren’t for you Mingjie also won’t go out and dump his watch Our family is all supported by Mingjie alone If something happens to him What to do with our family Lu Yao sneered, is Duan Mingjie your father Why raise you Zhang Xia’s face turned red instantly What are you and me Duan Mingjie should feed his son for the Son begotten him and raised him Supporting two nephews and nieces is because the eldest brother is gone Adopted a sister because he was still in school Why did he raise you? Zhang Xia was annoyed and angry, just because we haven’t separated yet That’s why you suck his blood hard Now I think he may not be able to come back That’s why they hit me with the idea That’s because Mingjie does it all for you If not you Mingjie will not take risks in the chain Our family is fine now Auntie, I’m here to promise If Duan Mingjie can’t come back Zhiwei Yanyan also There is a clear tuition fee, I will pay for it I’ll give you a pension Definitely won’t let you be wronged But I’m firm Duan Mingjie will definitely come back Yaoyao doesn’t need to I have one more thing I want to say Except for Duan Mingjie I don’t marry anyone I’ve never thought about waiting for something great to be BHE I’ve never thought about waiting for a paragraph Then go to someone else I never thought about marrying Duan Huawei If I want to Don’t wait until now Gu Shulan stood up Yaoyao, me What about us You shut up One more thing I’ll tear your mouth apart Zhang Xia shrank her neck in fright As a result, Lu Yao came to say I’m not your mother Why bother you Zhang Xia was trembling with anger But Gu Fulan was afraid that he didn’t dare to speak had to catch Duan Mingcheng and beat him Lu Yao didn’t want to see this Get up and leave Lu Yao Lu Yao didn’t go far just now Duan Huawei called out to him Lu Yaodang didn’t hear it Keep striding forward Duan Huawei ran in front of him What do you run You’re in trouble There are 5 days left to get married Duan Mingjie left you behind Are you still going to marry him? It’s to marry him Except for Duan Mingjie I’m not going to marry anyone Lu Yong, don’t forget The rock sugar gourd that Liu Yuyan handed me at the beginning It was Duan Mingjie who bought it If I’m going to pursue it Can you still marry him What do you mean Duan Mingjie’s historical scheme is to let you play with Liu Yuyan Isn’t it? Liu Yuyan told you so Could it really not be Duan Mingjie Duan Huawei, you won’t be unaware Liu Yuyan has wanted to marry you for a long time I’ve been friends with her for so many years She often recites in front of me Said to marry you I don’t have to work anymore You can also walk sideways in the village She’s afraid it’s been designed a long time ago Let you her Lu Yao added to the fire again You’re pathetic If you are not the son of the branch secretary Liu Yuyan may not even like you He’s something Duan Huawei clenched his fists Turn away and look I came to settle accounts with Liu Yuyan Lu Yao hooked his lips Do it yourself How can you borrow a knife to kill people Liu Yuyan’s account in her previous life Let’s settle it slowly The sixth day of Duan Mingjie’s departure Still no news There is more and more gossip in the village This afternoon The party secretary of Zhoujia Village suddenly came to Duanjia Village A shocking announcement was made Zhou Qiyu speculated against the target Arrested in the capital Along with Zhou Qiyu is Duan Mingjie Hear the message Gu Fulan fainted on the spot Pham Minh Seng, your mother doesn’t have me in her eyes Your brother bullied me He doesn’t treat you like a brother at all I can’t get over it Connected to the episode, Duan Mingjie carried a bag of hemp The ragged floor appeared Lu Yao’s eyes were sour Strode towards Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie dropped the sack Catch up with Lu Yao who is rushing over Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie seriously Wow cried out How did you just come back Lu Yao cried heartbreakingly Duan Mingjie, who hadn’t eaten for a day and a night Frightened by him, he took a step back Lu Yao cried Duan Mingjie’s heart was broken Spread out your arms to hug him But he was too dirty Don’t cry I am back I’m not going to hug you yet I’m dirty Lu Yao cried even louder He shook his head vigorously I don’t want to He’s not dirty at all Duan Mingjie looked at him The voice was a little tired But gentleness Sorry I came back late Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia also hurriedly stepped forward The third child is really you Duan Mingjie was originally quite handsome I haven’t seen you for a few days Plus I didn’t wash my face If not too familiar I don’t recognize it Duan Mingjie nodded at Duan Mingcheng Duan Mingcheng’s eyes turned red with excitement It’s good to come back Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie Reassuring to make sure he’s unharmed He glanced at the people behind him Said out loud on purpose You didn’t say you went to the south to buy me clothes Didn’t you say you’d be back in three or four days? Why did it take so long to come back Zhou Qiyu of Zhoujia Village upside down watch Wronged you for being with him I’m glad you’re back Otherwise, everyone will misunderstand you and speculate Duan Mingjie immediately understood what he meant Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia didn’t dare to say a word My first trip to the South I don’t know where the clothes are beautiful I just looked at a few more Bought you a few other things So came back late Everyone believed in the painting So that’s what happened I don’t want anything It’s good if you come back Young men in the village Seeing that Lu Yao relied on Duan Mingjie It’s hard to imagine Lu Yao would be so desperate for Duan Mingjie Liu Yuyan bit her lip and stared at them How could Duan Mingjie come back? The same is true for Duan Huawei He has been waiting for the news of Duan Mingjie’s arrest As long as Duan Mingjie is arrested Lu Yao had the opportunity to throw himself into his arms Why did Duan Mingjie come back unharmed Let’s go back My aunt was scared yesterday You hurry home to appease him Duan Mingjie turned around and slapped the sack on his shoulder with one hand One hand held Lu Yao’s hand Go home Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia followed After a few people left Everyone was booed Mingjie was planted on Lu Zhiqing Look at him and care about Lu Zhiqing I’m afraid I’ll have a hard time in the future Isn’t it a dress that we can’t buy? I also have to go to the south to buy it It must have been Lu Zhiqing who let him Hey, it’s a disaster Lu Yao didn’t know such a kung fu for a while He was labeled as a red face and a curse Gu Flan was lying on the bed crying After seeing Duan Mingjie Like I can’t believe one Sister Ming, you’re back Duan Mingjie dropped the sack Mother, I’m back Gu Fulan was stunned for a moment Crying echoed throughout the room You bastard You also know to come back Your eldest brother is gone If something happens to you again, how will I live? Duan Mingjie knew that his mother was frightened this time Keep coaxing him softly Gu Flan was sure that no one asked Aren’t you with Zhou Qiyu? Zhou Qiyu was arrested, do you know it? I know Yaoyao told me just now looked at Lu Yao Gu Fulan was a little embarrassed Lu Yao stepped forward and smiled It’s a good thing that Zi Mingjie is back Let’s go out, let’s not mention him going to the capital Well, listen to you What the hell is going on with the third child You’re scaring us to death Duan Mingjie said I went to Beijing with Lao Hei And the city was divided I said that I would go to the train station to meet in the afternoon But the capital suddenly arrested people Quite a few people were arrested I didn’t dare to wait for Lao Hei to come back alone Just come back Zhou Qi was not kind After being caught, he confessed to you Good thing you didn’t wait for him Maybe he’ll tell the police about your whereabouts If it weren’t for Yaoyao I may have been caught too Hearing this, Gu Fulan was stunned Yaoyao didn’t want me to take any chances But I want to go Tell me before you go When you arrive in the capital, you must be separated from Lao Hei Originally, we didn’t plan to separate If it weren’t for Yaoyao’s reminder I’m definitely with Lao Hei Siran was also arrested After listening to this, Gu Fulan looked at Lu Yao apologetically I don’t know what to say Duan Mingjie didn’t come back And they did that to him Think about it, they’re not doing personnel Duan Mingcheng also felt ashamed It’s Zhang Xia It looks like he’s done nothing wrong Lu Yao could understand Gu Fulan’s feelings Naturally, I don’t mind noticing their differences Duan Mingjie frowned Suppress your emotions Didn’t ask much The third child went to make a lot of money this time Zhang Xia couldn’t hide greed in her eyes Didn’t make much money I borrowed more than 100 dollars from a friend Took 5 tables Only 3 pieces were sold Zhang Xia’s eyes lit up Wouldn’t that earn more than 200? All you have in your eyes is money Didn’t you see that the third child hadn’t changed his clothes yet? Zhang Xiaxin shut up in confidence Third, hurry up and change your clothes Duan Mingjie squeezed Lu Yao’s hand You wait for me for a while I’ll be right away Lu Yao nodded I’ll wait for you Duan Mingjie left Gu Fulan glared at Zhang Xia The money is earned by the third child Whoever is a regular ship Who am I fighting with? But all the money Mingjie earned before was spent by his family While speaking, Zhang Xia hurriedly looked at Lu Yao How could he forget that Lu Yao was also there What if Yao Yi asks him to pay back the money he had before Lu Yao didn’t say a word You also said it was before Let’s not talk about it this time We don’t pay for it Mingjie earns all his own What’s more, the third child is getting married In the future, whoever earns the money will spend it Lu Yao’s mood moved slightly Gu Fran is fair What’s the difference between that and a separation? If you really want to know the difference between the separation and the present It is also possible to separate families Then you’ll know the difference Duan Mingjie changed his clothes and came over The house is just that big And it’s not soundproof He heard the conversation between Zhang Xia and Gu Fulan clearly He opened the sack on the ground Quite a few things rolled out of it The most conspicuous are 3 pieces of cotton See bread serving Lu Yao was pleasantly surprised And he really did He knew he was a great man Duan Mingjie handed the bread clothes to Lu Yao and Gu Fulan Niang Yaoyao You guys try You scumbag A little money is a curse What kind of ragged clothes this is Fluttery If you buy me a padded jacket, it’s better than this This is bread It’s much warmer than a padded jacket And it’s also comfortable to wear Inside the cloth is goose feathers Not cotton Goose feathers can also be used to make padded jackets Duan Mingjie saw this Rejoice in your heart Put the other one away Zhang Xia licked her face and stepped forward The third child, this is for me I’ll try it, it’s definitely appropriate This is for Ming Ming Zhang Xia’s face suddenly turned bad There are women in the co-authoring family He didn’t Duan Mingcheng couldn’t hold it on his face The tone of his speech was somewhat resentful Why don’t you buy it for your second sister-in-law A bread serves more than 70 I sold a total of 3 watches Bought something else I didn’t make any money on this trip I also put a few dozen pieces in it The second sister-in-law wants to You buy it for her Zhang Xia gave up her illness That’s more than 70 clothes Who are you fooling? I went out for a walk in my breadsuit Just go out and show off Out of the evil spirit of these two days Look at the three of them One was happier than the other to go out Zhang Xia clenched her fists Duan Mingcheng can’t live this life anymore Okay, it’s good that the third child is back If you want I’ll buy it for you How to buy here Duan Mingcheng, he didn’t treat you as a brother at all Hear the words Duan Mingcheng complained more about Duan Mingjie Mother, are you complaining about Yaoyao? The second brother told him to get out The second sister-in-law blamed him If it weren’t for the fear that you would be sad I’m sure I’ll reward them with a few dates to eat Fan Mingjie was originally going to take Lu Yao to the restaurant to eat was stopped by Lu Yao Lu Yao said in one word You’ve said you didn’t make any money Where did you get the money to take me to the hotel? In the end, Duan Mingjie followed Lu Yao back to the residence of the educated youth Lu Yao while cooking Duan Mingjie wanted to help was pressed back by Lu Yao You lie down for a while I’ll be fine in a moment Duan Mingjie’s ears turned red He would lie down Lu Yao pressed him down on the bed and sat down Look at his tired look I certainly haven’t had a good night’s sleep these days Lie down and rest Sit on the bed Duan Mingjie’s whole person was fluttering There seems to be Lu Yao’s aroma under the buttocks I sat on the bed far away The whole person is uncomfortable Lu Yao asked him to lie down He had to be obedient So Duan Mingjie lay down Hug Lu Yao’s pillow Duan Mingjie was unprecedentedly satisfied Maybe it’s too tired and in a comfortable environment Soon Duan Mingjie fell asleep Lu Yao cooked and came in Duan Mingjie slept soundly He put the meals and porridge on the table Come to the bedside Lu Yao squatted down and stared at Duan Mingjie’s face It was the first time he had looked at him so seriously Duan Mingjie is not a particularly handsome kind Very masculine and secure Even if you’re wearing clothes Lu Yao could imagine the lines and muscles in his arms He reached out and touched his face Duan Mingjie slowly opened his eyes I saw Lu Yao Lu Yao smiled at him Get up and eat Look at his bright smile Duan Mingjie really wanted to reward him He looked outside In the end, it was still hindered by his reputation Didn’t do anything to him The two eat face to face Lu Yao ate less Most of them were eaten by Duan Mingjie After eating, he pulled Lu Yao to the bedside Took a large one out of his pocket Dish money comes Lu Yao was stunned for a moment Somewhat surprised But think about Duan Mingjie’s ability And I don’t think there’s anything surprising about it Lu Yao asked him It’s all earned this time Duan Mingjie nodded with a smile I take 10 watches Sell for 8 pieces So the watch alone earned more than 700 I went to the dock as you said Took 10 pieces of bread clothes from foreigners 7 pieces sold The knight can be sold out Duan Mingjie left three bread clothes He took it for 10 bucks Sold 45 Duan Mingjie earned more than 1,000 on this trip Lu Yao praised without hesitation I’m a great man And assertive I know how to plug Zhang Xia’s mouth If you knew that Duan Mingjie had earned so much Zhang Xia must take advantage Duan Mingjie’s face burned But I was very happy And a little bit of my previous deposit 1,200 in total It’s all yours now Lu Yao looked at him The eyes don’t blink Duan Mingjie was uncomfortable with him What’s wrong Lu Yao sighed softly Stuff the money to him It’s all earned by your hard work You take it yourself It’s useless for me to take money as a big man In the future, all the money I earn will be handed over to you Buy whatever you want I bought you some small things in the capital There is also snowflake cream I’ll send it to you tomorrow Lu Yao looked at him helplessly He was still the same as in his previous life I can’t wait to give him the best Don’t think about it for yourself What about you, have you bought clothes? I don’t have to buy it You bought me those two sets enough to wear He knew it Lu Yao was reluctant to ask for his money Duan Mingjie directly stuffed the money under his pillow Yaoyao, I didn’t get the money back My mother, are they embarrassing you? He saw the reaction of his mother and second brother just now You don’t think much more My aunt didn’t embarrass me What about my second brother and sister-in-law The news of Zhou Qiyu’s arrest came He didn’t believe it Mother and second brother didn’t complain about Yaoyao Road Haruka smiled helplessly Not really! Tomorrow is obviously not a holiday Seeing that he was reluctant to say Duan Mingjie didn’t ask any more Well, it’s a holiday tomorrow Lu Yao hugged his arm I’ll pick him up with you When he got home, Duan Mingjie packed his luggage To the Guflan House Mother, I didn’t come back before Are you complaining about Yaoyao? Gu Fran is upright A hint of shame flashed across his face Yaoyao told you Duan Mingjie shook his head If only he had told me I’m not going to ask He told me that you were very good to him Didn’t embarrass him But I don’t believe it Before the third child I also don’t think Yaoyao can get along with you It was I who misunderstood her Gu Fulan told Duan Mingjie Everything that has happened these days What Gu Fran said Duan Mingjie couldn’t listen That phrase echoed in my head Except for Duan Mingjie I don’t marry anyone/ It turned out that he was not wishful thinking He also has him in his heart Lu Yao slept soundly Suddenly there was a knock on the window Who me Lu Yao washed It’s Duan Mingjie How to come here at this time Yaoyao, I will definitely let you live a good life I know You’ve said it many times I believe you My second brother and sister-in-law bullied you Why don’t you tell me Look at the pained guilty look on his face Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh I thought it was a big deal You don’t have a message It’s because of me again You’ve just gone out of the far door They are your loved ones Isn’t it right to blame me? Duan Mingjie looked at Lu Yao distressedly How could she be so sensible The sensible one is distressing When spring begins, I’ll find someone to build a house We moved out to live Lu Yao was surprised You’re going to split up I can’t let you be wronged Just think of the second brother and let him go The scene where the second sister-in-law blames him He couldn’t stand it A warm current crossed Lu Yao’s heart Even if it’s a cold winter wax moon I don’t feel that cold I was not wronged Don’t mention separation The separation is Ken It’s just that Duan Mingjie can’t pick it out He couldn’t let Duan Mingjie bear the infamy of unfilial piety Duan Mingjie couldn’t swallow this breath If it weren’t for the fear of the mother’s sadness He had already beaten Duan Mingcheng The news of Duan Mingjie’s return quickly spread to the county Early the next morning The county sent someone to investigate Duan Mingjie insisted once He was going to the south to buy clothes for the subject There is no ironclad evidence in the county didn’t catch Duan Mingjie and left After being surveyed Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao to the county to pick up Duan Mingming Duan Mingming left the school gate I saw Duan Mingjie He carried a thick bag Third brother, why did you come to pick me up Duan Mingjie took his luggage Lu Yao shouted sweetly clearly Duan Mingming found out at this time The most beautiful educated youth in Lu Yao Village is also the best character of the educated youth Never look down on them as poor He knew that the third brother liked him He also loves the road Educated youth, why are you here? Under Duan Mingming’s surprised gaze hugged Duan Mingjie’s arm I’ll pick you up with your third brother Duan Mingming’s jaw dropped in shock Third brother Duan Mingjie was still a little embarrassed Yaoyao and I got married the day after tomorrow Yaoyao will be your sister-in-law soon Let’s go and eat first Duan was obviously happy Lu Zhiqing, you are really going to marry my third brother Lu Zhiqing is so good How could he fall in love with his third brother? Of course, his third brother is also very powerful I just feel that the two are very incompatible Lu Yao blushed Hummed softly Duan Mingming covered his mouth excitedly It’s great, it’s wonderful Past Duan Mingming was admitted to Jingcheng University with excellent results but met a scumbag Duan Mingming’s husband was pregnant with her I was caught stealing food Duan Mingming, who is upright and proud, plays with Xiao San Unfortunately miscarriage Can’t get pregnant anymore The scumbag is still going to divorce him Such a sunny and excellent girl Absolutely not Repeat the mistakes of the past I will help him in this life Duan Mingjie took the two of them to the state-run hotel Ming Ming suddenly asked during the meal Third brother, you won’t let your sister-in-law pay, right? A sister-in-law shouted Lu Yao and blushed Lu Yao was about to drive back and say no A familiar voice sounded from behind Obviously, you’re right Your third brother is the rice of Hua Lu Zhiqing If you laugh again, give me G I think the person who wants G is you, sister-in-law dared to let the sister-in-law get out of the way in front of her mother-in-law In the end, the sister-in-law is not sensible It’s still my sister-in-law who is unreasonable Obviously, your third brother is spending Lu Zhiqing’s money The person who spoke was Hsu He is also here to pick up his daughter today followed by Liu Yuyan, who was carrying luggage In order to curry favor with Xu Liu Yuyan picked up Duan Huawei’s sister with him Duan Huamei’s luggage is really much It’s all on his back From the school here The mother and daughter didn’t say a word of help Liu Yuyan was angry I can only endure it I’ll talk about it when I marry Duan Huawei He followed Xu’s taunt Not really So much beef noodles Duan Mingjie is afraid that there are not enough food stamps A few bowls of beef noodles and wrap He can still afford it Auntie, you bring Liu Yuyan here Let him pay for it Xu is face flushed He did have that idea Lu Yao laughed What kind of person you are So I feel that others are just as fond of taking advantage of you as much as you do But Liu Yuyan is a little rich woman What she has is money Definitely willing to give you flowers Liu Yuyan bit her lip tightly Where does he have money It’s not earned by fighting landlords with others Now those people threaten him Money is also given less Some are not even willing to give Aunt Yu Yan It’s hard to come out once You’ve got to be entertained My family is poor Let’s just have some beef noodles You’re so rich You can order more dishes Let the aunt eat well Liu Yuyan glared at him fiercely Yu Yan, why are you looking at me like this? Am I saying the wrong thing? You don’t just want you to look at the sub I’m just going to talk about it Yu Yan, he has no money Saying that, Lu Yao sighed I don’t know if your daughter-in-law has money or not I won’t say anything Hurry up and order Let’s go back together in a moment Xu snorted Lu Zhiqing and Duan Mingjie also ate it Afford beef noodles Marrying him has a time when you suffer Wenyan Duan Huamei looked at Duan Mingjie fiercely He is going to marry Lu Zhiqing Duan Ming was not happy How can I endure hardship if I marry my third brother My third brother can do anything Xu Shi couldn’t get used to Duan Mingming They all pay the same tuition Why is his score better than that of Thrush What’s the use of good grades still nest in the countryside and get married Auntie hurry up and order Be sure to order the best in the store I can’t eat it It’s also good to smell the scent Xu raised his head proudly Just go Liu Yuyan had no choice but to accompany Xu to order food What’s the matter with sister-in-law Liu Zhiqing Lu Yao winked at him That’s what you see Liu Zhiqing is going to marry Hua Viagra Lu Yao nodded at him They are so well matched Sister-in-law, your trick is really high It’s just that he doesn’t understand Lu Zhiqing and Liu Zhiqing have always been good Is this a fuss? They love to show off Just let them show off It’s better to spend 10 pieces of 20 pieces Duan Mingjie looked at the two girls muttering It’s like a sister The mood is also happy Soon Xu Shi’s loud voice came from the front desk Liu Yuyan, what do you mean? That’s it It’s not enough to stuff the teeth Xu is scolding Liu Yuyan had no choice but to endure the pain I ordered another beef and potato stew Lu Yao and the three of them lowered their heads and snickered After eating, Duan Mingjie was carrying his luggage The three of them followed Xu looked at Lu Yao Smug nostrils to the sky I was filled Lu Yao and Duan Mingming almost laughed Duan Hua didn’t feel ashamed Keep your head down and don’t speak Liu Yuyan vomited to death Xu’s is too good to eat A meal cost him 10 bucks If he can’t finish eating, he will carry it and go home in the evening to eat again This is what it means to eat Bright robbery It’s better to be Yuyan Rich and beautiful and willing to give me flowers I said I couldn’t finish it I couldn’t finish it, but he had to give me some He also said that he couldn’t finish eating and took it back to eat at night You say such a good daughter-in-law It’s hard to find a lantern Liu Yuyan rolled her eyes angrily looked at Liu Yuyan carrying heavy luggage Even the leftovers had to be carried by themselves Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh Chong Xu gave a thumbs up Blessed is the son That’s not like some people I really thought I was a character My son has a crush on him It’s to look up to him As a result, people don’t appreciate it Fortunately, my son married Yu Yan Otherwise, how could I have such a good eye Lu Yao bowed his head thoughtfully You can rest assured Your blessings are at the back Lu Yao did not have a maiden family to prepare a dowry He prepared it himself It just so happened that Duan Ming was on vacation Call him along Third brother, when did you buy the clothes? Suddenly, Duan Mingming’s voice sounded Everyone looked at Duan Mingjie This is incredible Zhang Xia blew up directly Third, when did you buy the clothes Gu Fulan was also stunned Lu Yao ignored Zhang Xia’s anger came to Duan Mingjie I tidied up his clothes Don’t forget to rush Duan Ming raised his eyebrows I bought it with a good eye Do you feel that your third brother has changed his clothes? It’s like being a person Duan Mingming nodded silently Good-looking sister-in-law You have such a good eye When did you buy the clothes for the third child? How we don’t know I need to say hello to my man when I buy clothes for my man Lu Yao, who are you fooling? I think the third child bought it himself Duan Mingcheng stepped forward Well, don’t think about it It’s not like you don’t know, the third child I don’t want to buy myself such good clothes I think it’s too little for me to think about it The third child said that he didn’t make any money, and you all believed it But I don’t believe it He just didn’t want to give us flowers I said that I didn’t earn a penny Lu Yao hasn’t married in yet The third child is not Give money to the family In the future, we will all drink the northwest wind Lu Yao pointed out the gate The northwest wind is blowing If you want to drink, you go out Duan Mingming didn’t hold back Poof, laughing Zhang Xia was annoyed and angry yelled at Duan Mingming If you laugh again, get out of here I think you’re the one who’s going to get out Gu Flan stopped the fire in his hand Zhang Xia, I’ll tell you You were looking for something before the third child got married Just give me the go Zhang Xia was very angry I didn’t dare to talk to Gu Fulan shouted out a word of eccentricity And he ran out crying Duan Mingcheng hurriedly chased after him Fortunately, Lu Zhiqing is sensible If it were someone else, he would have quit his family a long time ago Zhang Xiao was very aggrieved Ran to the back of the house and cried Okay, don’t cry It is estimated that Lu Zhiqing bought it Duan Mingcheng, you idiot You believe whatever your brother says You trust him so much How he did it to you Bought something for everyone Even the youngest child in the family has it We don’t have it He doesn’t take you to heart at all He just relied on the two of us not being able to have children So suppress us Let us know that we will rely on him in the future He has given us all his reward If you don’t want to give, don’t give In the end, they just look down on us Duan Mingcheng’s face gradually sank Irritably, he scratched his hair Maybe the third child just looks down on him You can’t give birth Mingcheng has to ask him for money Wait for Lu Yao to marry in We’re going to see their faces and live our lives The second sister-in-law praised the sister-in-law But she couldn’t resist The third sister-in-law who was about to pass through the door said that you will follow me in the future I’ve got your back Duan Mingming nodded heavily Good sister-in-law, I admire you One, you are my idol Although in this era There are no particularly nice decorations for marriage But Lu Yao was reluctant to be sloppy He bought two pairs of red lanterns I bought some more red paper Duan Ming’s outstanding student couplet was bought When you get married, you should put a festive couplet on the door Couplets are expensive, so some people want to save money Buy red paper and write it yourself Duan Mingjie thought he was going to buy red paper to write couplets I knew I was going to cut the window grilles Stick it on the wall And on the windows Duan Ming looked at Lu Yao with admiration sister-in-law You can also cut paper Well, when I was a child, my mother and my grandmother taught me Duan Ming planned to ask when Lu Yao’s maiden family would come was deeply glanced at by Duan Mingjie Duan Mingming shut up and didn’t dare to ask In the end, Lu Yao bought two more quilts I know it when I see this paragraph Maybe Lu Yao’s mother’s family won’t come Buy good stuff The three of them went home Lu Yao took Duan Mingming to pick up window flowers Lu Yao’s palmistry is magical Soon And he picked up a free boy under his hand Duan Ming was pleasantly surprised The third brother and sister-in-law are so powerful Lu Zhiqing’s hands are so skillful Zhang Xiamei glanced at him angrily Duan Mingcheng was silent for a moment On the morning of the eighteenth day of the lunar month Lu Yao began to decorate his room You only get married once in a lifetime He has to do his best No regrets Zheng Jiajia came over to help Looking at the portraits of Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie Animal portraits and a variety of flowers come to life Zheng Jiajia was surprised Lu Yao, our small place There are also people who would cut such a portrait I cut it myself Lu Yao, you’re too powerful, aren’t you? suddenly hugged Lu Yao’s arm Yaoyao: My eldest brother will get married next year Can you cut it for my family Absolutely Do you have a photo Since Zheng Jiajia helped him inquire about Duan Mingjie Lu Yao regarded him as a friend There is no next time I go home and bring it Anyway, he got married early Lu Yao was born If only my aunt were still alive His paper-cuts are also very good-looking Your aunt is sick Zheng Jiajia shook her head Forget it Set up the room The two of them were not lightly tired But see clean and festive rooms Both laughed Jiajia, thank you Zheng Jiajia waved her hand You’re welcome I’ve wanted to be friends with you before But you’re blind I have to get close to Liu Yuyan I’m so angry that I don’t want to talk to you You scolded me in front of me I’m not afraid I’ll be angry Don’t be afraid, it’s hard to tell the truth But I love to tell the truth Surely you don’t want to listen to lies Lu shook his head Smiled at night There was news from Duanjia Village that a child heard Duan Huawei was taken away by Jiang Li again When the news came Lu Yao was shocked It won’t be Duan Mingjie’s job again Lu Yao was about to ask about the situation The silver chain and Liu Yuyan Xu are on the same page Lu Yao, you are a little cutie Xu scolded when he came up After scolding Yang Shou, he was going to give Lu Yao a date on his face Lu Yao grabbed it He was given two dates on his backhand Xu Shi went up and threw dates with Lu Yao Liu Yuyan also joined the battlefield A few educated youths didn’t dare to interfere when they watched from the side You’re a good guy You won’t let us get married You don’t want to get married Seeing that Liu Yuyan’s hand was about to grab Lu Yao’s face Lu Yao closed his eyes Her face was going to spent She can’t marry Duan Mingjie beautifully However, the expected hand did not fall on her face Liu Yuyan snorted in pain Lu Yao opened his eyes saw Gu Fulan and Duan Mingming controlled Xu Shi and Liu Yuyan Gu Fulan is a good hand at work Don’t look at her thin But you have to play a little bit There are few rich people in the village who can play with her Bullying my daughter-in-law When I was Gu Fran, I was ga Lu Yao frowned I want to stop Duan Mingjie to block him This is the daughter-in-law of the branch secretary Don’t make a big deal out of it I don’t want Duan Mingjie’s family to be wearing small shoes because of him Rest assured, it’s okay Liu Yuyan saw that Xu’s was at a loss To help Duan Ming blocked him Liu Zhiqing: I heard that you are going to marry Hua Viagra I haven’t congratulated you yet Congratulations to your mother’s cutie Liu Yuyan spoke ill of her Duan Mingming looked up at a big red date I kindly bless you but thou hast scolded me When Duan Rong rushed over Liu Yuyan and Xu Shi’s faces couldn’t be seen He jumped in anger It’s too bullying Gu Fulan, you can’t be good Dare to scold again I’ll tear your mouth Just scold him Cursing his future mother-in-law just can’t do it Xu is going to get started again Duan Rong stopped him You’ve had enough of Mu Yu It’s this good guy who rewarded your son and couldn’t get married Was it wrong for me to reward him A good guy at once I think you’re the human being The mouth stinks worse than the water in the stinking gutter The mouth is stinky Duanjia Village is going to be smoked by you Gu Fran didn’t have any injuries on her body Gu Fulan, you wait My man is the branch secretary There will be you good-looking in the future Everyone looked at Xu Burnt head and low ears Hui realized that he had said the wrong thing Panic can’t be Lu Yao sneered Who doesn’t know that the branch secretary has always been fair and just But I married you rat If it weren’t for the usual secretary, he was easy-going And not biased You say something like that Everyone should think that the branch secretary is a bully Lu Yao deliberately held Duan Rong high Who doesn’t like to be boasted Duan Rong loves face very much Lu Yao said this, which can be regarded as relieving him Get the hell out of here Less gibberish outside It was Lu Yao who took revenge on us The sons were rewarded like that You are the branch secretary Neither can we be wronged I also sympathize with your son being beaten But you can’t be indiscriminate Come up and wronged me I spent the whole day at home tidying up my room Didn’t go out at all The Zheng family stepped forward I can testify to this I’ve been with him all the time Xu pointed at Duan Mingjie That’s what Duan Mingjie did Put your mother’s shit Our family has been busy since yesterday It’s not just your son getting married tomorrow The crowd also thought it was impossible Duan Mingjie is getting married tomorrow Even a smart person wouldn’t cause trouble at this time What’s more, it’s the bookshelves that provoke it You say it’s our hands Do you have proof Lu Yao looked at Xu Wasn’t Duan Huawei rewarded? He knew for sure who rewarded him, and he let him say Xu hated itchy This time it’s still in a sack I don’t know who it is Xu couldn’t say why Duan Rong tugged at his clothes Walk home and be embarrassed Liu Yuyan jumped up angrily Followed The crowd dispersed Lu Yao looked at Gu Fulan I’m sorry, auntie What stupid things to say We are a family Can I still watch you being bullied Lu Yao’s eyes turned red went up and hugged Gu Fulanniang Isn’t it just a daughter-in-law? I can’t say a few words We are brothers You also warn for her Get me up The nineteenth day of the lunar month Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie got married Suona firecrackers are lively But the most novel thing for everyone is that Portraits of people posted in the courtyard This was cut by Lu Yao Marrying Lu Zhiqing is already very enviable I didn’t expect to be versatile I don’t know what life Duan Mingjie is blessed to cultivate The feast ends in the evening Gu Fran cooks Lu Yao went to help was pushed out by Gu Fulan How can a new daughter-in-law cook when she enters the door You go back and do it I’ll bring it to you Listen to my mother, this is the rule It was only during the meal that Lu Yao knew about the customs here The first meal that the new daughter-in-law had when she got married Mother-in-law does a good job Cover with a plate Let the son and daughter-in-law lift it Generally, the mother-in-law will make good food Surprise the daughter-in-law If you encounter a big shelf It’s hard to say what’s in the bowl There are bugs Lu Yao felt strange Sit at the table I rubbed my hands in anticipation Mother, I opened it After opening it, Lu Yao was pleasantly surprised Beef noodles Gu Fulan was relieved now The third said you like to eat It seems to be true Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie Sweet in my heart Duan Mingjie opened his eyes unnaturally Eat it Lu Yao endured his shyness Stinky men are reserved now See if you’re still reserved for a while Had dinner Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie returned to their own room Large bed for two I got a new quilt Lu Yao sat down and felt it It’s so soft, Duan Mingjie’s throat tightened Tightness all over the body I felt like I was dreaming It was snowing outside Everyone should be happy tonight Lu Yao asked Duan Huawei is not you looking for someone to beat him Duan Mingjie did not deny it Lu Yao pursed his lips and smiled You’re not going to beat him all the time, are you? If he stops bullying you This will be the last time Why beat him up this time Let’s get married You don’t mention other men Lu Yao burst out laughing I seem to smell a sour smell Liu Yuyan invited all the educated youths away Let’s get married Others will surely go to the book teller as well Then we won’t have many of us Getting married is a lifelong event It has to be lively So you will find someone to reward Duan Huawei It turns out that my man is so black-bellied Let’s get married Many of them followed If you take the money, there is no reason not to eat Besides, if only one comes That’s against the branch secretary If everybody comes The branch secretary’s family didn’t know who to wear small shoes on The branch secretary in order to reflect his generosity came over in person to attend the wedding of Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao Naturally, there is no reason for others not to come Originally, Duan Mingjie didn’t plan to do this After knowing the original wedding date of Duan Huawei and Liu Yuyan It is set on the sixteenth day of the lunar month Because they deliberately changed back to their sons Duan Mingjie was furious Don’t worry, Uncle Nao loves face the most I am also most afraid of gossip behind my back So he’s not going to do anything to us When Lu Yao woke up Duan Mingjie is no longer in bed It was as if he had been beaten My whole body aches At this time, Mingjie walked in Why didn’t you call me when you woke up It’s past 7 o’clock I didn’t call you when I saw that you were sleeping soundly I slept late last night He must have been exhausted That’s why I didn’t call him Lu Yao stretched out his legs Then you put shoes on me If someone else makes such a request Duan Mingjie will definitely feel that he is doing fine But Lu Yao mentioned it He took it for granted Duan Mingjie was snowing Let’s have some fun in a moment Eat first Gu Flan has already cooked the meal I’m sorry I woke up late Gu Fulan waved her hand indifferently Big winter It’s okay to play for a while I didn’t have much work to do It’s better to lie down under the covers to get warmer Gu Fulan said that it was for Lu Yao to relieve the siege The first day of the wedding The new daughter-in-law got up late Everybody knows why Lu Yao blushed Duan Mingjie led him out to wash Hot water was ready for him Lu Yao’s heart was warm He was most afraid of the cold At the dinner table, Gu Fulan said to her mother Don’t boil me hot water in the future Too much trouble I can use well water I don’t have the time to spare It was the third child who got up early to burn it for you Say you’re afraid of the cold How do you know I’m afraid of the cold In the middle of the night, my feet were still cold I used to say that my third brother was a big boss It seems that the heart is thinner than anyone else Duan Mingjie glanced at him Eat your meals Zhang Xia looked at the tired white eyes of the two It’s all on the roof Turning his head to look at Duan Mingcheng, who was drinking Western porridge I was so angry that my chest hurt It’s all women Why is Lu Yao’s treatment so good Isn’t it just a little better-looking? The lake girl knows how to seduce men Had breakfast Lu Yao returned to the house Take out a few things and give them to Duan Mingjie A gift for the family Gu Flan is a scarf Duan Ming is a bracelet Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan have one book each Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia are both one person and one sweater This time, Zhang Xia’s face was better Duan Mingming likes it very much Love Thank you, sister-in-law We’ll be a family in the future Don’t say thank you anymore Duan Ming sighed heavily Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingming, Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan Let’s go for a walk The two girls ran out with their children Cheerful laughter soon rang out from inside the courtyard Duan Mingjie walked out Duan Mingcheng followed The tone was not without envy The third child is so blessed You’re so tormented by people Lu Zhiqing can still get up in the morning That’s good Houses in the countryside are not soundproofed What did the two of them do last night? He could hear it clearly The younger sibling looked delicate I didn’t expect it to be so resistant Duan Mingcheng found Duan Ming Jay’s face darkened Don’t make fun of him I said that Duan Mingjie is not just a daughter-in-law I can’t say a few words We are brothers You warn him for him I’m angry Men chatting with each other Dare to say anything soulful That’s all that was discussed in private Usually discuss with Duan Mingjie I didn’t see him react so much You can just talk about others, and he can’t do it Duan Mingcheng was angry remembered what Zhang Xia said to him that day I was even more angry It’s not just a woman He didn’t hesitate to turn his face with me, Second Brother Qin At the end of the day, they still look down on me Duan Mingcheng was angry in his heart Turned around and went back to the house Duan Mingjie didn’t care if he was angry or not turned his head and saw Lu Yao and Duan Mingling playing Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan applauded their aunt on the side It’s amazing She’s got a crush on you Definitely disagree You see him every day How can it be They’re getting married Men know men best Chen Dongliang looked at Lu Yao’s eyes He was all too familiar The courtyard was filled with the laughter of the two girls Duan Mingjie stood there and watched them build a snowman Soon Lu Yao and Duan Ming are obviously not interesting Boring Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came from outside the door Is this Duan Mingjie’s home? Duan Mingjie had a serious face It’s you who have something to do with me The woman stood at the doorway Yu Guang saw the portrait that had not yet been removed Did you cut it yourself? It was my daughter-in-law who picked it up Comrade, my son is getting married Can you help pick up some Lu Yao attacked It’s time for business Yes, you can tell us your requirements first I’ll see if I can do it The rich man points to the paper cutouts on the wall This is the trick of the line There are more than 30 people in the family, and they have to pick up the forehead Son and daughter-in-law pick up freshman Others are a little smaller/ Okay, no problem Do you have time today I’ll take you to see it E-family Money drops are good to give As long as you cut the drip well! The family will never treat you badly Gu Fulan and Duan Mingcheng rushed over when they heard the sound You can also earn money by working part-time The rich are gorgeously dressed At first glance, you know that you are rich Lu Yao naturally did not miss the opportunity to make money I have time now My sister-in-law is just amazing It’s her unpopular craft Whether they are willing to give it to her is another matter Duan Mingming took a deep breath Keep a smile on your face Tell yourself not to dodge like Zhang Xia Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie arrived I knew The woman is Dong Huani, the wife of Deputy County Magistrate Chen Quan Duan Mingjie suddenly became nervous Lu Yao was not nervous When I was a child, I followed my mother to meet a lot of big people What worries him most is that the other party is picky County Magistrate Chen was not at home The soon-to-be-married son Chen Dongliang and the object Ho Lotus at home I heard that my mother found a paper-cutting place The two of them came over to take a look The moment Chen Dongliang saw Lu Yao Stunned for a second He Lianhua saw the man’s reaction The expression on his face did not stop But I didn’t dare to attack on the spot Lu Zhiqing This is my son Chen Dongliang and his object He Lianhua, this is Lu Zhiqing It’s just beautiful It’s the same as the real thing Please come and cut it for us He Lianhua pursed her lips disdainfully I thought I had a lot of talent Lu Yao smiled at them Hello Chen Dongliang was dazzled by Lu Yao’s smile The heartbeat was uncontrollably beating Duan Mingjie frowned shook Lu Yao’s hand in front of everyone Men know men best Chen Dongliang looked at Lu Yao’s eyes He was all too familiar This is my lover A smile reappeared on He Lianhua’s face Chen Dongliang’s face is not good-looking Such a good-looking girl turned out to be married is also married to a poor and white mud leg Duan Mingjie clenched Lu Yao’s hand with satisfaction Lu Yao didn’t notice her abnormality Said to Dong Huani, madam I’ll cut one out for you to see If you think it’s okay, say yes When Lu Yao lowered his head to pick up the paper Chen Dongliang kept staring at Lu Yao He Lianhua couldn’t be angry Portraits are so easy to pick up It’s really like that I see it And Lotus didn’t speak but his heart is itching with hatred Lu Yao said as he picked it up It’s okay, if you don’t think it’s good, forget it Marriage is a happy event Or the newcomer is happy Lu Yao handed it to Dong Huani Madame, take a look Lu Zhiqing, you are too powerful Chen Dongliang glanced over I was also shocked And the real thing If you like it, it’s fine I like what I like Lu Zhiqing Then please cut one for each of our families Auntie, we don’t need to spend this money Just stick the couplet It’s okay to get married as a lifelong event There should be Gotta have Lu Zhiqing, you just pick it up Money is not an issue Madame is like this The big ones are easier to pick up 3 cents a piece It’s a small amount of work 5 cents a piece It’s so expensive, it’s still cheap for you After all, there is no deputy county magistrate Chen We, the common people, can’t do that far I won’t reduce the price of others Lu Yao’s words are beautiful Dong Huani and Chen Dongliang both felt that they had face Dong Huani is happy has another appreciation for Lu Yao Lu Zhiqing, you just pick it up At this price Madame, so be it I’ll give you 10 more Double Happiness Rounds Okay, okay, I was going to tell you I saw the double happiness in your hospital It’s very good-looking, it’s the first time I’ve seen a round double happiness He Lianhua saw that the two of them immediately finished talking Anxious like ants on a hot pan If it were to be Won’t this woman come every day after that? He Lianhua grabbed Dong Huani’s arm Forget it, aunt It’s too expensive, and he just looks like you like it and starts at the price And I don’t really like him either Definitely not let this woman Scratching his head in front of Chen Dongliang Duan Mingjie didn’t say a word Pull the deer and shake it We don’t pick it up Money he will earn Yaoyao must not be wronged If it weren’t for not wanting him to feel idle at home I don’t feel like I’m contributing to this home He would not have agreed to him coming at all Lu Yao also sensed He Lianhua’s hostility towards him Madame, then we’ll go first I wish you the best of luck in advance and your grandchildren soon Dong Huani hurriedly took Lu Yao’s hand Lu Zhiqing Lotus He didn’t want them to spend more It’s not nice to speak You have to mind Madame is fine Then we’ll go back You guys get busy first Dong Huani still wants to keep it was held by He Lianhua’s arm Auntie, I spent a lot of money to get married to Dongliang Don’t spend money you don’t need to On the way back Lu Yao sighed regretfully I thought I could make money It doesn’t matter, I’ll go out and earn money in a few years Then you will be a good wife in the future What if I can’t do anything I won’t dislike you When hell freezes over Look at his serious demeanor Lu Yao burst out laughing I know you won’t Duan Mingjie looked at him Bite one’s tongue Why just say it if you have something to say I meant to tell you It’s not that you cut it badly It’s the woman who doesn’t want you to go to his house Lu Yao was stunned In fact, he also felt the hostility with Lotus I just don’t know where this hostility comes from He’s got a crush on you He certainly disagreed You see him every day How can it be They’re getting married I felt Duan Mingjie’s uneasiness Even if others take a fancy to me That’s useless either I am your woman That will never change Duan Mingjie’s eyes were all over My heart is as sweet as honey In fact, only he knows He has a lot of bottom in his heart That’s the son of the deputy county magistrate He’s just a rough guy with brute strength He was worried that Lu Yao would have to leave him one day Even if you know it’s a possibility Duan Mingjie still had to try his best to be good to him Regardless of the outcome At least he won’t regret it When he got home, Duan Mingming hurriedly asked Is my sister-in-law becoming? Don’t put pressure on your sister-in-law Yaoyao has not eaten Mother, we’ve eaten Zhang Xia saw that she didn’t mention paper-cutting Snorted disdainfully At first glance, you can tell that it was not negotiated It’s as good as you are Let’s get down Duan Mingming rolled his eyes You’re so good, you can pick it up But she didn’t dare say it Yaoyao is fine Just hand it over to the third child to earn money Mother, I’m fine Zhang Xia has such a temperament If she gets angry again and again Don’t be angry yet But she wasn’t angry I just didn’t expect it There are times when her looks hinder her from making money The third child has only been married for a few days He found all the sons of the deputy county magistrate Lu Zhiqing is a phoenix in the sky Not what you can think of You don’t believe it After the last episode, Duan Huawei and Liu Yuyan’s marriage was postponed The longer the marriage is delayed Duan Huawei didn’t want to get married more and more He still couldn’t let go of Lu Yao Xu also doesn’t look down on Liu Yuyan But they couldn’t marry Lu Yao The only way to do this is to settle for the next best thing Yu Yan, this kid is actually good Good for us And it’s a good hand at work Much better than Lu Yao Look at what Duan Mingjie said when he married Lu Yao Don’t let him do any work Clothes are not washed If you don’t cook food, you say you can do it Your clothes are still washed by my wife Besides, I marry my daughter-in-law and wait for me I didn’t marry him and let me serve him People used to be confused I actually think that Lu Zhiqing is good I heard that Lu Yao got up in the morning to wash his face and brush his teeth Duan Mingjie got up early to boil hot water What a daughter-in-law is this? This is to marry an ancestor to offer Duan Huawei was moved by Xu’s words But I thought that Liu Yuyan had been in love with someone else He was aggrieved in his heart No man can accept it Especially Lu Yao’s day said that Liu Yuyan has several boyfriends Desires that have just risen Once again, it was suppressed It’s not the first time Liu Yuyan has talked to someone She remembered that her son had said the same that day Liu Yuyan is not the first time she has talked to someone She still thought The son is an excuse for not wanting to marry Liu Yuyan Now it doesn’t seem like so Duan Huawei looked at Xu and Duan Rong Are you just watching me fall into the pit? Duan Rong frowned You are not responsible If you have a prophecy, you can buckle the hat of a scumbag I won’t be able to protect you then Lu Yao thought that the paper-cutting was out of play Who knew that an uninvited guest came to the house that day When Chen Dongliang came Lu Yao was giving Duan Yanyan Tutoring homework Duan Mingjie went to hunt game As soon as Chen Dongliang arrived, he looked at his surroundings He didn’t understand Lu Yao is an educated youth from the city Looks good and beautiful Why did you marry into this family? It must have been forced Lu Yao introduced them to Gu Fulan Chen Dongliang heard that the other party was the son of the deputy county magistrate Gu Fulan hurriedly poured tea for people I also took out the brown sugar at home looked at Gu Fulan holding the bowl with the missing corner Chen Dongliang disliked it Lu Yao naturally didn’t miss the disgust on Chen Dongliang’s face She frowned took the bowl in Gu Fulan’s hand and put it on the table Turned around and asked Comrade Chen Dongliang You’re in trouble This is your man’s home Lu Yao’s tone was impatient Yes, this is my home Chen Dongliang noticed Lu Yao’s unhappiness Forcibly suppress the disdain in your heart I smiled at him Lu Zhiqing is very sorry Last time I had a bad attitude Don’t take it personally Comrade Chen Dongliang He is your future lover He’s also saving you money You should be relieved Instead of apologizing for him here Chen Dongliang was stunned I didn’t expect Lu Yao to speak for He Lianhua The favorability of Lu Yao has increased a little Such a good girl It’s really not suitable for grievances here He said that about you that day It’s hard for you to speak for him He’s a bit of a petty kid Our family is not going to let him save us this money After you’re gone My mother and I both talked about him He agreed to give us a paper cut I don’t know if you have time right now I’ll take you there Duan Mingming came to Gu Fulan’s side stared straight at the two of them Here’s what’s going on Duan Mingcheng frowned Daoist Zhang Xia was already watching the joke on the door frame No, it’s going to be the New Year soon I’m going to work at home Before, he might have doubted Now it is certain that Chen Dongliang does have thoughts about him He is not absolutely not and right He has a man with ideas Walk too close It can be seen that Lu Yao values this family very much Chen Dongliang became more and more unworthy for him But a good tutor kept him from saying nasty things It’s okay, I didn’t get married until 26 in the month of Wax There are still a few more days When are you available When to go Do you remember the address of my house? I don’t remember Is your man not at home How to leave you alone at home Married such a good daughter-in-law Jing Ran was relieved to leave her alone at home He doesn’t seem to care much about her either It’s also that if you get married, you naturally don’t care Aren’t we human Chen Dongliang looked at Duan Mingming It’s pretty good-looking But compared with Lu Yao, it is still a lot worse Chen Dongliang smiled patiently Apologize for saying the wrong thing But the man who came last time Definitely remember the way we got home Come with us The price is good to say I don’t remember your way to home Duan Mingjie walked in from the courtyard He carried a free child and a pheasant in his hand I still have a basket on my back Lu Yao’s face was happy Hurriedly ran over You’re back Well, look at what’s in the back SS 5 specialized Chen Dongliang turned around looked at Lu Yao’s happy appearance because of this little thing Suddenly felt unworthy for him In his opinion A beautiful girl like Lu Yao You should marry a rich and powerful family Pampered at home by men Live the life of a superior man Instead of wasting your life with this mud leg Your name is Duan Mingjie The man looked like he was on top He grabbed Duan Mingjie’s arm My man’s name is Duan Mingjie I’m here to ask you to cut my paper I hope you think about it Don’t think about it Your subject is so clear We won’t be going to your house again This comrade Although Lu Zhiqing is married to you But he still has freedom You shouldn’t call the shots for him My man is in charge of everything Go back There will be He coaxed him You can feel it Duan Mingjie was uneasy again It’s okay, there’s no hurry You slowly think about me waiting for you Chen Dongliang reported his address and left How can there be such a dead-faced man Chen Dongliang left The room was suddenly embarrassed Duan Mingjie’s expression was a little frustrated But he still smiled at Lu Yao Do you want to eat chicken or rabbit at night Looking at the man, Lu Yao, who was more ugly than crying The distress is like a knife A little bit of Ling retreated from him He shook his arm coquettishly Eat rabbit meat The pheasant is sold I said it a long time ago The educated youth is a phoenix in the sky Not what you can think of You don’t believe it It’s only been a few days since we’ve been married The sons of the deputy county magistrate have all been found Oh, the son of the deputy county magistrate looked at Lu Zhiqing’s eyes Greasy It’s everyone who knows what it means What if you catch someone else? It’s still not as good as the son of the deputy county magistrate You shut up Lu Yao’s cold eyes looked at Zhang Xia Why are you telling me to shut up? The son of the deputy county magistrate was not recruited by you You’ve got a big temper If you don’t seduce people Can people come? Yaoyao didn’t Sister-in-law take care of your mouth otherwise Sooner or later, there will be a day when you will pay for your mouth After speaking, Duan Mingjie pulled Lu Yao back to his house Zhang Xia hurriedly put the brown sugar water that the county magistrate’s son disliked After drinking it, Duan Ming couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he saw it People who are unproductive and stir up right and wrong Second brother, do you think You honor your mother-in-law with your brother’s things It’s a glorious thing Pick up the last set and go back to your house Lu Yao held Duan Mingjie’s hand tightly I didn’t expect him to come I didn’t promise him either When I saw him later, I ignored him Don’t be angry It’s me who is bad I’m not angry Don’t think about it You’re good Don’t hold it back when you’re angry Say whatever you want He treated him so well like that Duan Mingjie: Let’s live a good life Don’t care what other people think, okay The small episode did not affect the relationship between the two Instead, it’s more intimate My mother is probably dealing with rabbits We went out to help The two went out hand in hand I saw that the two of them were tired and crooked When Mingjie regretted it Afraid of the cold, you are profitable Gu Fulan boiled water by herself Someone else runs SN E’s to I know why you started my third brother Believe me, my third brother will definitely get ahead It was his move forward Duan Mingming The third brother was full of energy When the time comes No one can compare to him I’m confident that your brother will be good to me I believe that your third brother will be good to me I also believe that he will get ahead Even though he always did I won’t leave him either Look at my third brother Duofu Handle the rabbit well Gu Flan made half of it The remaining half will be eaten next time Served with mushrooms picked by Duan Mingjie A big pot is enough to eat Although each person is only given two pieces of meat But the food is happy and satisfied After eating, Zhang Xia said mother Half a rabbit remaining I’ll bring it back tomorrow for my mom and dad to taste I haven’t been back to my parents’ house for a few days Hearing this, Gu Fulan frowned Forget it before Three got married In front of the third daughter-in-law Said to give it to his mother’s family I can’t say anything Smack Lu Yao put the chopsticks on the table Rabbit you caught Zhang Xia blushed I didn’t catch it What’s wrong with such a big rabbit We can’t finish eating I’ll send one to my mom and dad What’s wrong with your clumsy eyes? See that there are not a few pieces of meat in the mother’s bowl I went out on such a cold day My mother and I haven’t eaten it yet You’ve got a big face Take it to your father and mother You can go out and get it yourself Now here he comes can watch him bully Duan Mingjie Duan Mingming drank the soup quietly secretly gave Lu Yao a thumbs up Heavens, earth Someone finally cleaned up Zhang Xia Lu Yao’s line of sight Switch back and forth between Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia God, I’ll put it here Duan Mingjie’s stuff My mother and I can control it You can eat I used to do favors with things the same See if I agree Brother and sister can’t say that We’re not separated yet How Second brother, do you think You honor your mother-in-law with your brother’s things It’s a glorious thing The younger siblings are in charge of this family The rabbit is the third old Neither of them spoke Yaoyao: That’s right I handed things over Except for her and her mother No one is qualified to move He didn’t interject just now It’s because I think it’s good for them to settle things between women Men rent But it seems that the second brother doesn’t think so Duan Mingcheng was so angry that his face darkened Third child, you are planning to turn your face for him and me hands He didn’t want him to have a conflict with his family Gu Fulan put down her chopsticks I’ve raised you so much It’s up to you to quarrel in front of me You are so filial Hearing this, Duan Mingjie and Duan Mingcheng fell silent There is no more saber-rattling just now Since you brothers don’t like each other Then split up Zhang Xia was suddenly angry Mother, you must be threatening us with a separation Knowing that they are afraid of separation I also mentioned the separation every time You heard me clearly Not a threat is to inform you And I’ll tell you You brought it all upon yourself And then by your feet clamped Jin Huohuo Our family is scattered Duan Mingcheng stood up Since I can divide the family Then divide it In your eyes anyway I’m just a wreck There is no hope for not being able to give birth Duan Mingcheng turned around and went back to the house The back is lonely and decadent Gu Flan was stunned on the spot Then the eye sockets immediately turned red Is this what his son said? Zhang Xia glared at them viciously You are happy Gu Fulan lowered her head and cried Mother, don’t It’s me who is bad Yaoyao is not your fault I just don’t have a taste in my heart Lu Yao did the right thing The third child’s stuff is hers She didn’t even take it to her mother’s house What qualifications does Zhang Xia have to go to her mother’s house Mother, don’t cry The second brother didn’t mean it You can’t take your words seriously Gu Fulan cried even more fiercely She patted her chest How could she say that? She is my flesh and blood born in October I don’t think so Abandon her When she said that, she cut my heart with a knife Duan Mingjie stood up in pain Strode towards Duan Mingcheng’s room Duan Mingcheng naturally heard Gu Fulan’s words It’s also very uncomfortable Blame yourself and want to get out Suddenly, Duan Mingjie came over and dragged him away Duan Mingjie, what are you doing? Apologize to my mother Gu Fulan cried breathlessly Duan Mingcheng was also uncomfortable Half-pushed, half-knelt beside Gu Fran Well, I was wrong Hit me Gu Shulan cried even more fiercely to their own house Duan Mingcheng panicked Hurriedly followed Duan Mingcheng with a strong voice But Gu Shulan couldn’t look at it for a while As soon as he came out, he was pulled away by Duan Mingjie I’m definitely not talking about it prepare You can try But now go and clean up the kitchen1 Why don’t I receive the newspaper when I’m old? Rabbit dried meat The male came to Japan with dried rabbit meat The next time you eat meat, you won’t even drink the soup The two children went back to sleep House you a Duan Mingming felt His sister-in-law is simply a heroine Angry After Duan Mingjie’s east Fang Bei looked at the road You can try But now go clean up the kitchen You eat my man’s rabbit jerky The next time you eat meat, you will even drink soup The two children went back to sleep You are not allowed to enter the house Duan Mingming felt that he was a sister-in-law It’s a heroine Angry, his eyes were full of tears You dare say you don’t Because I don’t have children Look down on me I don’t have you in my own heart Think of us so badly Still say this about our mother You’re not a thing Duan Mingcheng covered his face Whimpered Pick up the set Because he didn’t let his daughter-in-law bring anything to her mother’s family The two go for a snowball fight Duan Mingjie was tired Sit down beside him Second brother in your eyes We don’t trust you like that Especially the mother Worry about your business You’re just breaking her heart with words I knew it was me who was wrong I’m a man But I could not give birth Do you think I’m comfortable? Second brother We have never had children because of you Just look down on you My mother even found several doctors to see you But you don’t want to go Mother is afraid of hurting your self-esteem I don’t dare to rush you But she only needed to know a doctor will ask you about your situation Can it be cured? Duan Mingcheng covered his face in shame It’s very uncomfortable At the beginning you said you were infertile Put Zhiwei and Yanyan over But the second sister-in-law refused to live or die We’re not separated The two children will not let you raise them Could it be that the mother passed the child to you? Do you want you to raise children? She wants you to be old You can have a child by your side Don’t talk about it I’m a bastard, I’m not a thing Duan Mingjie stood up Since the second brother said it, it has been opened Let’s make it clear all at once You took my things to your mother-in-law before I’m okay with that I don’t want to embarrass everyone But now I’m married Everything I have is Yaoyao’s It’s okay if you have an opinion about me This is the last time I don’t want to always have trouble with that You go back and talk to your second sister-in-law Duan Mingjie went back with a blue nose and swollen face Lu Yao was startled Soon Duan Mingcheng also returned The injury was more serious than Duan Mingjie Lu Yao frowned Did you two have a snowball fight Don’t go yet, either of you Duan Mingcheng was stunned thought that Lu Yao was going to settle accounts with him As a result, Lu Yao went to the kitchen house Duan Mingjie was not at ease followed Only then did he know that he was going to boil eggs Lu Yao peeled the eggs Roll in Duan Mingjie’s face Yaoyao, what are you doing? obedient Gu Fulan heard the movement I saw it The brothers had more dates on their faces than the other You two bastard stuff It’s to be angry My family was already poor How can I have money to buy medicine for you? None of the brothers dared to speak up Duan Mingjie hissed in pain Yaoyao, what are you doing? Mother, you can help the second brother get it Just like me Peel the eggs and roll them on your face Tomorrow you shouldn’t be able to see any injuries Gu Fulan was a little unlucky Also distressed eggs This is the egg he has praised for a long time Who knew that the egg hadn’t fallen on Duan Mingcheng’s face yet If it hurts, it hurts It will be fine in a few days What are you doing with wasting eggs? My son can’t compare What’s wrong with the two eggs Bad Climb aside for me Zhang Xia snorted and stood aside Watching 4 eggs being ruined I was so angry that my heart was about to stop Duan Mingcheng didn’t dare to look up at Fran A thrifty mother But he was willing to give him an egg to roll his face He’s not a thing How can you feel that your mother looks down on him Duan Mingcheng suddenly knelt down Well, I was wrong Hit me Gu Fulan’s eyes turned red Pull him up [Said angrily.] What am I going to do with you? Waste two more eggs Duan Mingcheng sniffed His mother scolded him, and he was very happy Duan Mingjie touched his face It’s really swelling My younger siblings know a lot If it weren’t for you My third child and I can’t go out these days Just now, I thought that Lu Yao would not live Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie’s face I don’t care about Duan Mingcheng It’s good that you’re all right Duan Mingjie pulled Lu Yao back Lu Yao reminded Eggs on the table are not edible Will have diarrhea He knew his reminder was useless Sure enough Lu Yao walked Zhang Xia took all the eggs away Didn’t you listen to your siblings? This egg is not edible He said you would believe it He eats too much meat I can’t eat it anymore I’ll wait until I get up tomorrow morning to eat 4 eggs too Wait until morning and he can only eat one Now he can eat it all A conversation between the two Lu Yao heard it clearly Anyway, he reminded him He doesn’t listen to anyone The two sat on the bed Take your second brother to the county hospital for a check-up tomorrow But no But don’t you want your second brother to have children? You can’t bear to watch him look up like this My second brother did that to you You’re still thinking about him I’m not thinking about him I don’t want to make you uncomfortable He’s the two of you, after all He’s doing well You’re happy, aren’t you? Daughter-in-law, you are so nice 3 a.m Zhang Xia is sick The miserable sound alarmed the family Lu Yao slept soundly Disturbed It’s annoying When I got up in the morning, I realized that Zhang Xia had diarrhea Diarrhea is painful Duan Mingcheng took him for injections When I came back, I couldn’t get out of bed Is it something that should not be eaten? He ate all 4 eggs last night Didn’t I remind you There are bacteria in it Will have diarrhea It seems that the second sister-in-law thinks I lied to her Zhang Xiala’s body softened I heard Lu Yao’s words in the back room I don’t have the strength to refute it How did he know that what Lu Yao said was true It just so happened that Zhang Xia was sick Won’t stop my plans for today After eating, Duan Mingjie put down his chopsticks looked at Duan Mingcheng on the other side The second brother is fine today Let’s go to the new hospital for a check-up What are you doing with that unjust money? Money is needed everywhere in the house The second brother’s medical treatment cannot be said to be a waste of money Our family is short of money The disease still has to be seen The doctors at the county hospital are more professional Cure and cure If you can’t cure it, wait for me and Duan Mingjie to go back to the city to visit relatives You follow us to the hospital in the city It’s a lifetime event It does not benefit medical practitioners Hello, Niang and Duan Mingjie are relieved Even if it’s for them Check it out too Lu Yao’s words made Duan Mingcheng blush He was so to him He can still think about him regardless of his previous suspicions Gu Fulan looked at Lu Yao even more gratefully Go for the second child It’s really not okay to go and see it We’re going to die Maybe the person who treated you before was a quack Duan Mingcheng was moved Make up your mind Zhang Xia, who was in the back room, was as pale as paper There are some things that cannot be hidden Duan Mingcheng and Duan Mingjie left Zhang Xia wanted to go back to her parents’ house Lu Yao went up to block him When you’re sick, just lie down in bed and rest I want to go out and report the news Don’t even think about it finally persuaded Duan Mingcheng to go to the doctor If it’s messed up this time I don’t know when next time The second sister-in-law and second brother went to the hospital You are in a hurry to go back to your parents’ house at this time What do you want to do I don’t do anything I just miss my mom and dad I’m not like you Dad doesn’t hurt mom and doesn’t like to go Lay down on the bed Wait for your man to come back Nature will take you back Zhang Xia’s heart was in turmoil It’s really over now 11 p.m Duan Mingjie and Duan Mingcheng are back Duan Mingcheng was in a trance Second, what’s wrong Don’t scare me If we can’t cure it, we won’t cure it It’s nothing if you don’t have children Duan Mingcheng handed the checklist to Gu Fulan The expressions are complicated His voice trembled It seems that he can’t believe this result Well, I’m not sick, yes, me You can believe it The younger brother who could not have children after the sacrifice of the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War refused to adopt his child Because my brother is afraid of spending money I never expected that Years later, the secret was discovered The one who can’t give birth is actually his brother-in-law Pick up the set Duan Mingcheng to go to the hospital for examination It’s complicated to come back, huh No one expected it Duan Mingcheng was not sick at all Gu Fran was illiterate Hurry up and hand the list to Lu Yao Yaoyao, let’s see if it’s true Mother is real The second brother is indeed not sick Gu Fulan cried When you cry enough, you start scolding A quack doctor who kills a thousand knives They even said that my son was sick He’s sick I’m going to settle accounts with him Well, I’ve been there with the third child The doctor said it was a misdiagnosis Since the second brother is not sick Then why hasn’t the second sister-in-law’s stomach moved? Zhang Xia came out holding on to the wall at some point What do you mean Zhang Xia had diarrhea Weakly sat down on the ground Duan Mingcheng, you just watched others bully me The low sister just said a word Why are you so excited? Zhang Xia was stunned Duan Mingcheng, you’re not sick Confidence is not it I’m just being realistic Second sister-in-law, I’m just asking The second brother was sure that his body was fine But you don’t have children I care about you too You don’t think I said you can’t give birth One last word It was like stepping on Zhang Xia’s sore spot The voices were shouting What do you pretend That’s what you mean If you think so I can’t help it Yaoyao was right The second child is in good health Why have you been married for a few years and still haven’t had any children? The second child was examined at the county hospital There can be no mistake The one who said before that the second child was infertile also said that he was misdiagnosed Let the dick take you in the afternoon Both of you do a detailed check-up He wanted to see what the problem was I’m sure I’ll be able to give birth Who said you can’t give birth What are you doing in such a hurry? Can you give birth If you go to the hospital for a check-up, you won’t know Yi Xia hated death in her heart After Lu Yao got married Duan Mingjie’s stuff is no longer his A secret that has been carefully guarded I can’t hold it anymore I have diarrhea I don’t have the strength to go Wait a few days When you quarreled with me just now, you had a lot of strength Let you go to the hospital You’re out of energy It doesn’t matter Just let the second brother take you by bicycle Anyway, I can’t tire you Zhang Xia blocked her throat in one breath Not up or down Second sister-in-law, you are so resistant to inspection There won’t really be a problem I checked when I wasn’t sick I’m not sick, I’m not afraid The second brother and sister-in-law agreed You take the bike and ride it Brother and sister, thank you Zhang Xia wanted to regret it too late After the second couple left Why do you say that the second daughter-in-law is reluctant to do the examination? Lu Yao is waiting for this sentence But pretend not to understand Mother, why do you ask that? I just wondered We always thought that the second child couldn’t give birth But now there is nothing wrong with the second child Neither of them had children Zhang Xia was reluctant to check Mother, you mean that the second sister-in-law can’t give birth Lu Yao hurriedly covered her mouth It looks like he said the wrong thing I remember that the doctor who treated my second brother was found by my second sister-in-law Say they know each other Later, we asked the second brother to find other doctors The second sister-in-law said that she did not dislike the second brother The second brother didn’t look at it again The doctor It can’t be that the second sister-in-law came to lie to us She can’t give birth Wen is worried that her second brother will divorce her That’s why I found someone to say that the second brother was sick Lu Yao wanted to say You look like you The more Gu Fulan thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong If that’s the case I skinned her! Mother may be our conjecture The second sister-in-law is fine We’ll wait until they get their results out You don’t know Zhang Xia If there’s something wrong with her I will not agree to the inspection So what to do The third doctor, who misdiagnosed Do you remember where the clinic was? remember You go check it out now Zhang Xia went to find him This matter must be clarified It’s not that he turned the page with a misdiagnosis Okay, I’ll go I’ll go with you I’ll go too, third brother Three stooges Top Zhuge Liang I’ll give you ideas when I go Wait for me to get something After a while, Lu Yao had an extra sack in his hand Let’s go Sister-in-law, what are you doing with the sack? useful Lu Yao and the three of them came to the clinic The clinic doesn’t even have a single patient At first glance, you know that it is a quack Not even a single patient Let’s go to find him Lu Yao grabbed his arm We can’t be blatantly past Wait until he’s off work Let’s put on the sack Come by surprise You can’t ask anything if you go in like this It turns out that sacks can still be used like this And they are lucky At 4 o’clock, the doctor left Lu Yao and the three of them followed him Follow along Duan Mingjie noticed that something was wrong This is the road to Zhang Xia’s mother’s house watched the doctor enter the door of Zhang Xia’s mother’s house When I went in, I also secretly looked around to see if there was anyone See him This man is interesting When I go back to my own home, I still worship ghosts Duan Mingjie squeezed out a few words hatefully This is Zhang Xia’s maiden home Lu Yao looked at him fixedly He really didn’t know it was Zhang Xia’s maiden family Things are also going too well It is also this person who has a ghost in his heart lose one’s cool Duan Ming raised his feet to go in was pulled by Lu Yao What are you doing I’m going to settle accounts with them I’m going to ask clearly How do you ask They won’t admit it Don’t be impulsive and wait for him to come out We lassoed him Go where no one is Whatever you ask Here they have no acquaintances In the event of an argument, they will definitely lose My third brother one vs ten Can he stand up to a village? When the time comes, it will be us who will be hurt Do things with a little brain Listen to your sister-in-law The three of them seemed to listen There was a dispute Soon The doctor came out with a black face and scolding The three of them also left Soon, Duan Mingjie walked towards them with a sack Make sure there’s no one here Duan Mingjie kicked C on the sack Call me honestly I’ll talk to you about it The doctor was so frightened that his body was in a ball Don’t dare to be loud Who are you It doesn’t matter who we are Just be honest with our questions It was getting dark Lu Yao and Duan Mingming went home Duan Mingjie didn’t come back Gu Fulan looked at Zhang Xia with cold eyes Is it checked? Why came back so late Zhang Xia was so thirsty Drink a large bowl of hot water first Gu Fulan snatched the bowl and fell to the ground As soon as I ask you, you’re deaf What are you doing? I can’t drink saliva Lu Yao came back every time he went out to eat outside Why don’t you ask? Why don’t I have a meal outside You’ll lose your temper at me when you come back a little late Mother, don’t be too biased I’m biased towards fucking you Gu Fulan frothed at the mouth Zhang Xia was very angry Mother, if you look down on us husband and wife To put it bluntly, it is Why discriminate How do you talk to your mother? I’m telling the truth Zhang Xia glared at him viciously The doctor said you can give birth You’ve got a stiff back, aren’t you? Duan Mingcheng lips I don’t want to deal with him Okay, now that we’ve said that The doctor saw what he said The doctor said I don’t have any problems with Mingcheng Children are a matter of time Gu Fulan smiled angrily What about the test list? That’s a lot of money Let the doctor sell the same I’m saving money and you’re not happy Fart your mother’s dog You really don’t cry when you don’t see the coffin The third brought people in It never appeared Duan Mingjie came out of the back room with a sack A man comes out of the sack It’s not the doctor who misdiagnosed Zhang Xia’s face suddenly changed After being reborn, he returned to the years of educated youth I just want to have a good time with him I didn’t expect to find out about today’s big conspiracy The sister-in-law is infertile The collusion doctor said it was the second brother’s problem I have wronged him Dr. Chen, let’s talk about it Everyone wants to hear it Dr. Chen curled up in fright His voice trembled Zhang Xia gave me 50 yuan Let me say that he can’t give birth to men My clinic is not doing well I agreed In fact, Zhang Xia can’t give birth Duan Mingcheng’s body choked Xia looked at Zhang Xia You fart Zhang Xia pointed to Lu Yao It’s not you Didn’t you make him say that? Second sister-in-law, how can you wronged me so much I don’t even know him Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie aggrievedly Zhang Xia take care of your mouth Yao Yao won’t care about your bad things Lu Yao stood behind Duan Mingjie The corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising He didn’t want to be a wicked person Duan Mingcheng look at your good brother The second sister-in-law didn’t call anymore Is that how he is a human brother? Did he take you seriously? All times it is said that 5M Second Brother Ba saw it in his eyes What kind of heart do you have in peace? My brother and sister are right Zhang Xia always said that my mother and third brother looked down on me I had a good relationship with the third child before But now I complain more about the third child If it weren’t for the third child talking to me yesterday I’ll even hate the third child You’re a cunning The cunning of our chickens is restless In front of us You’re all stirring up our relationship I don’t know what to tell my son Zhang Xia was besieged by several people Defenseless Zhang Xia, tell me What he said was not true There is no clear hand Not really I didn’t look for him Duan Mingcheng took a deep breath Zhang Ying Zhang Xia froze in place It’s also easy to know what’s true or not Dr. Guo said that the second sister-in-law was fine What Dr. Chen said was naturally false We didn’t go to the hospital Why not They all walked to the entrance of the hospital Zhang Xia said she had seen it before Let’s look at the waste of money Under Zhang Xia’s soft grinding and hard bubbles I didn’t check it Come on now It’s not that I’m afraid of wasting money It’s because I’m afraid that she won’t be able to give birth when she finds out What else can it be She knew she couldn’t give birth Dr. Chen said tremblingly Can I go Zhang Xia couldn’t hide it anymore He grabbed Duan Mingcheng’s arm, Mingcheng I didn’t mean to I’m afraid you don’t want me You’re afraid I don’t want you So just lie to me, I can’t give birth Duan Mingcheng shook Zhang Xia hard Do you know it or not? How did I get over the years divorce Zhang Xia went back to her parents’ house in a rage Duan Mingcheng looked at Lu Yao ashamedly Brother and sister, I’m sorry I had a misunderstanding about you before I apologize to you But the second brother I have one thing to say Niang and Duan Mingjie have never looked down on you Duan Mingcheng was even more ashamed He bowed his head and apologized Duan Mingjie and Gu Fulan will not take it to heart Just asked, are you really planning to divorce Duan Mingcheng’s lips Lan sighed and went back to the house As she spoke, Gu Flan sighed and went back to the house I don’t feel like my second brother is planning to divorce Duan Mingjie didn’t seem to hear it looked at Lu Yao directly Regardless of him The next day Lu Yao is idle at home and has nothing to do Dragged Duan Mingzhuo to hunt The day before yesterday, Duan Mingjie’s pheasant was sold for more than 3 yuan Recently, Duan Mingjie has been particularly lucky I never went back empty-handed when I went out hunting Duan Mingjie led Lu Yao Carry a basket on your back There is also a stool in the back basket Lu Yao said several times that he would help him get it All were rejected Suddenly, a man came Lao Duan is really you This is your mother-in-law Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao’s hand Well, my daughter-in-law said Duan Mingjie introduced Lu Yao This is my classmate Feng Wei Lu Yao struggled to recall I didn’t think of this person I just didn’t want to Hello, my name is Lu Yao Feng Wei looked at Lu Yao The eyes lit up Then Chong Duan Mingjie smiled You kid married such a good sister-in-law behind our back We are not invited to get married Duan Mingjie’s face did not change You’re not happy to save you money Feng Wei pointed at him and quipped I think you kid is trying to hide your daughter-in-law Don’t let us see it It’s good to know After speaking, Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao to hunt in the woods Lu Yao turned his face sideways to look at Duan Mingjie You have a good relationship with him Not bad Maybe it’s all on holiday There are especially many people in the grove When all of them are with their guys A few educated youths also came Traps are being laid Lu Yao also bent down to help Duan Mingjie arrange Duan Mingjie put things down Then he took out a stool and put it behind Lu Yao You just sit and watch It’s too cold on the ground Lu Yao bit his lip But I want to play too Poof I don’t know who laughed Lu Zhiqing: This is not playing It’s work You city people are just playful But you’re a rough man Lu Yao frowned I was about to open my mouth to refute Duan Mingjie said: My daughter-in-law can do whatever she wants If he wants to play, let him play As he spoke, Duan Mingjie handed the rope to Lu Yao The voice is gentle and not like words Rhubarb and I got the bottom one right You get the ones above Lu Yao nodded obediently Okay The man was bored Toot is gone Rhubarb pit planing Duan Mingjie with a stick Lu Yao completed the last item A trap is quickly laid out The two of them went to the next one Soon Beads of sweat appeared on Lu Yao’s nose Duan Mingjie didn’t let him do it Sit honestly Sweating is easy to catch a cold Lu Yao was indeed tired Bring a stool and sit down Hold your chin in both hands Watch Duan Mingjie work My man is so handsome The lines on the arms are powerful Look at the strength Duan Mingjie turned his head and met his foolish eyes An unspeakable emotion welled up in my heart All in all very satisfying He was in love with the girl The girl is also attached to him Several men not far away snorted with disdain Duan Mingjie is marrying an ancestor It’s going to be the New Year Which mother-in-law is not at home Lu Zhiqing, who was busy before and after, came out to play I really don’t know what Duan Mingjie thinks Stop it I saw Duan Mingjie washing Lu Zhiqing’s clothes yesterday Which man in our Duanjia Village has washed his daughter-in-law’s clothes What a shame on a man Lu Yao blushed and covered his face He was going to do the laundry yesterday But just got it to the yard was snatched away by Duan Mingjie He said the water was too cold and it would frostbite his hands You can’t offer it like an ancestor But no matter how good it is to him Lu Zhiqing will have to go back sooner or later There were times when he regretted it Hearing this, Duan Mingjie’s hand froze without knowing the trap Lu Yao also noticed him frowned He was still worried that he would leave I haven’t eaten meat in 20 years Just caught a rabbit It was said that she lost it, so. The trap is set Trap A group of people are waiting nearby Suddenly, Lu Yao saw a rabbit that was fat and fat Ran past Liu Yuyan’s happy cheers came from there I’ve got a rabbit Eyes lit up It was finally able to eat rabbit meat Haven’t run to the trap yet There was a thud and a trip under his feet Fell a dog gnawed mud I haven’t had time to scream yet The rabbit in its trap ran away I don’t care about the pain and get up to catch it As a result, the free child didn’t catch it He also destroyed the traps of several people Liu Yuyan was so angry Lu Yao didn’t have time to laugh And they saw the freeman running toward their trap Duan Mingjie, go √ rhubarb runs faster went up and pressed the rabbit Duan Mingjie picked up the free child Rhubarb is so powerful Things happened too fast Liu Yuyan was dumbfounded Duan Mingjie returned my free son to me Long and none Lesbian lie in our trap That’s our free son What does it have to do with you Liu Yuyan’s face flushed angrily It ran out of my trap The one that escaped from your trap is yours That’s what you say The whole grove of critters is yours Why is your face so big? They don’t want to stay in your trap Even the son dislikes you You still have the face to say Maybe you’ve done something wrong Rabbits think you’re dirty Lu Yao-Don output Liu Yuyan raised her hand to touch Lu Yao’s face You little cutie Lu Yao grabbed her hand with all his might The two of them hugged and played Duan Mingjie went up to help was glared back by Lu Yao He didn’t want the villagers to say that Duan Mingjie was bullying women Gu Fulan and Xu came over Just see the scene you want to play Gu Fulan ran over pulled Liu Yuyan away A large red date was thrown over Liu Yuyan regretted it Gu Fulan crossed her hands on her hips Yaoyao, you step aside I’d like to see how capable he is Dare to beat my daughter-in-law Where is Liu Yuyan’s opponent Gu Fulan Sued Xu Auntie Lu Yao snatched my free son away Liu Yuyan was beaten Hsu was indifferent But as soon as I heard this Suddenly angry Give me my son Xu is talking about his free son And not Liu Yuyan’s rabbit In his eyes Liu Yuyan’s is his Lu Yao walked in front of him The Waiko is ours Why give it to you Xu didn’t care Liu Yuyan said that what she said was hers was hers Gu Fulan is willing to suffer Go up and pull Xu over Deaf I didn’t hear my daughter-in-law say that the son is ours The Xu family originally hated Gu Fulan married the daughter-in-law she had always wanted At this time, he spilled all his anger I want to get up and play with Gu Fulan The scene was chaotic Duan Rongqi, who rushed over, had a dark face Let go and let go Duan Rongqi’s rushing Duan Huawei and Duan Mingjie shouted You two are dead Pull away Duan Mingjie stood still Anyway, Xu’s can’t beat his mother Duan Huawei didn’t dare to make a move He couldn’t beat Duan Mingjie Duan Rong said The people of Duanjia Village pulled the two apart Gu Fulan grabbed her hair Except that the body is a little messy It didn’t hurt at all The Xu family suffered a big loss If you are angry, you will find Duan Rong They robbed me of my free son What’s going on I would like to ask If a free child runs into my house We didn’t catch him Then the free child ran into your house You’ve got him Then who is this free son? Nature is our family The branch secretary is really sensible Lu Yao praised Duan Rong first Explained later This rabbit originally jumped into the trap arranged by Liu Yuyan didn’t wait for Liu Yuyan to arrest him And he broke free and ran out Then I entered the trap set by me and Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie grabbed him Naturally, the Son is ours Duan Rong frowned and looked at Liu Yuyan Is what Wu Zhiqing said true? But the advanced one is my trap They are robbers Fight or not rob The branch secretary will definitely give an explanation I believe that the secretary is fair and impartial Xu was so angry that he almost turned his back Lu Yao, the little cutie, is putting a high hat on his man again He was born a man to eat this set Liberty is listed in the short-lived realm You’re all silent Xu still has to speak was glared back fiercely by Duan Rong Go back, don’t embarrass me here Suddenly, a few people came You can’t go back This lesbian ran too fast Destroy the trap we have set You’ve got to fix it for us Get out of the way Whoever breaks you will go to whomever you go Pulling Xu Shi angrily and leaving He began to think about it Is it really to let his son marry Liu Yuyan? This one is a troublemaker Liu Yuyan choked her neck I’m the future daughter-in-law of Zhishu and ye shall be worthy of my work for you Dreaming by oneself That’s you How can we call the most beautiful educated youth in our village? She is the daughter-in-law of Uncle Zhi Work for you It would be better to let her die A few people listened stepped forward and pushed Liu Yuyan a few times your mother’s Xiao cute The daughter-in-law of the village party secretary is only I don’t know, I thought you were the daughter of the Jade Emperor They still dislike us And I don’t look at your bear-like look If you want to ga, you will also fix it for us, and then ga It’s still a young man Educated youth are not like you bears These villagers are not from Duanjia Village, so they will not be afraid Liu Yuyan shouted loudly with Duan Huawei Don’t touch me, you mud-legged people Touch me My man beats you to death The people from Duanjia Village looked at Duan Huawei Your daughter-in-law has been bullied Hurry up and save him Duan Huawei didn’t raise his eyelids Not to mention helping Liu Yuyan saw that Duan Huawei didn’t help him I had to swallow my anger and fix it But there are still two that can’t be repaired The man cursed Liu Yuyan was so angry that she cried Hua Wei, why don’t you help me You’re embarrassed Don’t take me with you Liu Yuyan was stunned It’s all because of Lu Yao’s cutie Lu Yao seems to be slapping your mouth, isn’t it? What does my business have to do with you? Liu Yuyan, why don’t you know how to list I was speaking for you just now But you have come to accuse me You’re in the wrong head After scolding, Liu Yuyan raised her hand to touch Lu Yao’s face Who knows that the hand has not reached yet Ahh Duan Mingjie retracted his foot looked at Liu Yuyan condescendingly with a black face If you are sick, you will be cured Don’t bite here Liu Yuyan broke down and screamed loudly Duan Huawei you Liu Yuyan broke down and screamed loudly Duan Huawei, you just watched others bully me Duan Huawei didn’t say a word Dog beating also depends on the owner Duan Mingjie bullied your woman in front of you He didn’t take you seriously Men love face Duan Huawei especially loves face It is best for Duan Huawei and Duan Mingjie to fight In this way, Duan Rong will definitely put on small shoes for Duan Mingjie Brother Lu Yao laughed So you think you’re a dog Lu Yao is good-looking When he laughs, his eyes are like stars The cheeks are white and red was stunned to make the men around him blush Duan Mingjie held Lu Yao’s hand Sworn sovereignty Liu Yuyan glared at Lu Yao viciously A cutie is a cutie She also seduces people in front of her man I’m talking about some people It just doesn’t hurt Gu Fulan snapped back I’m not married yet Begin to say who is the woman I think it’s crazy to think of men I want a man to go home Climb and bite here V He didn’t satisfy you Gu Fran is a woman who is dozens of years old There is no one to speak Liu Yuyan’s face turned red I’m what I’m doing Gu Fulan pinched her waist Why do you still want to hug and play together? uncouth To me, I was a rural person It’s vulgar It’s like you Qingzi has never been married or married Just pull a man into your house and don’t hurt Liu Yuyan said But Gu Fran Stepped on the foot Turned around and ran Something cute It’s really so pleasant, Yaoyao It’s okay, that little cutie Didn’t hurt you Mother no I’m fine, I’m my mother’s daughter-in-law How can you suffer a loss Don’t be like me, silly boy He was forced to be helpless What woman doesn’t want a good name? Lu Yao took Gu Fulan’s arm Mother, let’s continue to squat Maybe there will be rabbits in a while The people around see that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along so well They were all shocked Who in Duanjia Village didn’t know that Gu Fulan was strong Lu Yao is a little pitiful But now it seems It doesn’t seem to be what they think Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie’s kung fu of rearranging traps Someone came to Gu Fran’s side Lao Gu I heard that Lu Zhiqing went to your house and didn’t do anything Mingjie had to wash his clothes He smelled a lot of sourness A man can’t wash his daughter-in-law’s clothes When my man was alive, he did laundry, cooking, and everything I think you are making yourself cheap I’m used to seeing a good man like our third child I started to be jealous My daughter-in-law is a daughter in the city It’s a book I don’t do anything at home I married this delicate daughter-in-law I’m glad my son and I are happy to spoil her Some people don’t have this life, no matter how sour they are Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie came over Just hear Bufflan I almost didn’t praise her as a princess in the sky Lu Yao held back a smile You’re also very good to your mother Mother likes you very much Lu Yao sat down beside Gu Fulan Take out a large white toffee from your pocket / Put it in Gu Fulan’s mouth You stupid boy What are you doing with candy for me? You keep it for yourself Mother, you’re too thin Prone to hypoglycemia It’s good to eat more sugar Gu Flan twisted her body uncomfortably But I think so many people are watching Gu Fulan straightened up several times in an instant My daughter-in-law is too clingy to me The tone was full of show-offs Duan Mingjie raised the corners of his lips slightly beside him He’s really happy The little girl is a personal essence Give your mother enough face outside Kung Fu for a while Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie caught two free children A pheasant Others didn’t gain anything at all Duan Mingjie’s Si Yang Na smiled I found out that Lu Zhiqing is a lucky star Mingjie can always catch game after getting married Since the last time Lu Yao spoke for his son Yang Na fell in love with him Yang Na said Everyone found out that it was true Don’t say anything else Let’s just say that today’s free son Obviously, they have all fallen into Liu Yuyan’s trap But a jump jumped into the trap set by Duan Mingjie again It’s really wicked Could it be that Lu Yao is really a lucky star? Think about it this way Some are starting to regret it again didn’t treat Lu Yao like Duan Mingjie turned Lu Yao home again Sisha is right Yaoyao is a lucky star Lu Yao blushed at their praise Gu Fulan’s happy mouth reached the root of her ears Nana stewed free meat at our house at night Send a bowl to your family Yang Na looked at the sun coming out of the west Looking at Gu Flan It seems that my sister-in-law really likes you I’ll just compliment you He’s going to bring me meat It’s amazing My mother was very good to me Duan Huawei stood at the back of the crowd Hands clasped together Why is Lu Yao so happy to marry Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie’s family is so serious How could he possibly endure it I don’t know how to be green Suddenly, a not-so-unfamiliar female voice came It turned out to be He Lianhua and Chen Dongliang He Lianhua strode towards Lu Yao Lu Yao subconsciously held Duan Mingjie’s hand You’ve got something Lu Zhiqing: I’m here to ask you to cut the window flowers for us I’m sorry that our family has been busy lately So I don’t have time to cut it for you He Lianhua glanced at the people around her Said deliberately Lu Zhiqing, you can help me Dongliang, he took a fancy to the window grilles you cut He said if you don’t cut the window grilles for us He won’t marry me After speaking, He Lianhua cried The people around watched this scene and talked about it This man didn’t look at the window grilles cut by Lu Zhiqing It’s because I like Lu Zhiqing, I think it is Excuse me There are many people who can cut flowers You’d better find someone else He promised Duan Mingjie that he would not go to the secondary line again Price, but none of them look as good as your cut My mother loves it too I’m sorry "You have too many families I can’t cut it You’d better find a professional to cut it for you Lu Yao pulled Duan Mingjie and was about to leave Chen Dongliang stepped forward to grab him Duan Mingjie’s eyes quickly blocked his arm He looked at him with cold eyes How the son of the deputy county magistrate is planning to force people to do things Chen Dongliang looked at the little woman behind Duan Mingjie Lu Zhiqing’s price is whatever you want As long as you are willing to cut paper for our family This man turned out to be the son of the deputy county magistrate This man must have taken a fancy to Lu Zhiqing Otherwise, I wouldn’t have said that the price would have been raised casually Some people talk in their heads The son of the deputy county magistrate is about to get married How could you fall in love with me, a married woman It’s better for everyone to keep their mouths shut First, if it is the son of the deputy county magistrate who misunderstands men and women That’s going to be pulled out and criticized It’s just that some people are used to it in their heads What thoughts are so dirty Chen Dongliang frowned His intention was to misunderstand the people of Duanjia Village Let the rumors spread throughout the village At that time, Duan Mingjie will dislike Lu Yao Disgrace him Give him warmth when he is sad It is impossible to marry her He won’t marry a second-hand guy Who knew that Lu Yao would clear up the misunderstanding in three or two sentences But he didn’t know how to pick it up Lu Yao’s last words Actually, it was for him Just tell him If he men and women will be criticized His father would also pull off the horse You are very smart Others thought that Chen Dongliang was talking about Lu Yao Able to see the facts But Lu Yao understood He grasped Chen Dongliang’s lifeblood He couldn’t ruin an entire family for the sake of one woman Chen Dongliang glanced at He Lian I can’t do this little thing You are indeed not suitable to be the daughter-in-law of our Chen family He Lianhua grabbed Chen Dongliang’s arm Our family affairs are settled You can’t stop marrying me just because of a woman Chen Dongliang ruthlessly shook off his hand Stride away Lotus looked at Lu Yao There was hatred in his eyes It’s him, it’s he, it’s he who hurt me Case He didn’t want to be better Lotus came to Lu Yao As soon as your knees bend, you have to kneel Lu Yao hurriedly grabbed his arm Comrade, please respect yourself Lotus looked at her menacingly Then you promise me The lotus flower is deliberate Kneel down for Lu Yao in front of everyone She would definitely say yes If you don’t Afterwards, someone will poke you in the back Lotus that you Thinking about it, you kneel down now But I can’t marry Mr. Chen at all As long as you say yes I’ll be able to marry him Do you know how much I paid to marry him I can’t give up Lu Yao felt sad for He Lianhua instead He lowered his voice He Lianhua, you think about it Once you kneel That’s not just yourself It is the identity of the future daughter-in-law of the Chen family Do you think the Chen family will marry you at that time? I’m afraid He Lianhua won’t understand Do you think the daughter-in-law of the Chen family kneels Is it a glorious thing for the Chen family? He Lianhua’s body froze looked at Lu Yao with a sad face Your wedding date with Mr. Chen has been set I guess I also sent someone a bundle of invitations Chen Jia will not marry you Annulment of the marriage Chen Jia can’t afford to lose this person He Lianhua suddenly realized yes, why is she so confused Thankfully, fortunately Do you believe me, once you kneel me Not in half a day The news will spread throughout the county Think of that scene Lotus gasped A chill down the spine You want to embarrass me Ruined my reputation It’s not that I don’t know If I really want to get revenge on you It won’t stop you from kneeling You are mine, and I will be talked about at best After a while, everyone forgets But you have lost the marriage you dreamed of Light and heavy You know it in your heart Why help me Because we are all women Not as a last resort I don’t embarrass women It’s hard enough for a woman to live in this world But we have to make it difficult for each other This is the saddest thing about women And I’m very clear to you I’m not interested in you men I have a husband I love him so much Also very happy So I’m definitely not going to leave him Lu Zhiqing: Thank you This thank you is genuine And Lotus looked at Lu Yao It was like remembering what she looked like That bit of resentment in my heart vanished Never again Lu Yao smiled I can’t ask for it When Lu Yao and He Lianhua were talking The sound is low The people around them could only see their mouths moving But I could not hear what they said Except for Duan Mingjie He Lianhua looked at Duan Mingjie You don’t deserve him But you’re happy After speaking, He Lianhua walked away Lu Yao held Duan Mingjie’s hand Don’t listen to his nonsense We’re the best match Walk home Halfway through Feng Wei walked over said that there was something to discuss with Duan Mingjie Lu Yao and Gu Fulan went back with the pheasant and pheasant Duan Mingjie returned home said that Feng Wei wanted him to kill pigs It’s the New Year soon Pigs were to be killed and meat to be divided among the villages But not everyone can be a householder Duan Mingjie is strong The strength is also great Killing pigs is definitely no problem At that time, every pig killed will be divided into 1 pound of pork Pigs can also be taken casually when they go into the water But Duan Mingjie had to follow Feng Wei to the black market Lu Yao sat up straight in an instant Didn’t you say that he had a good family? His father was still an official in the county Officials should not dare to do such a thing I don’t know He said there had been a big deal recently Want to take me there After what happened last time Lu Yao didn’t want him to be in the black market Last time, though, there was no danger But it’s also because Duan Mingjie is lucky enough But who knows if it will be so lucky next time Not to mention the more than 1,000 dollars he earned That’s enough for them to spend more than two years Wait another two years You can do business openly There is no need to hide in Tibet Can you not go Yaoyao, I want to go He Lianhua was right She doesn’t deserve to be far away Today, Chen Dongliang still influenced her She looked at Gu Flan I hope my mother-in-law can persuade her Yaoyao and the third child want to go, let her go Pure son Mo Ruomu If the third child doesn’t break out of the roll call One he will not be happy for the rest of his life Okay, but you have to make sure that you are There is absolute freedom You don’t want to do it Feng Wei can’t force you, you won’t Feng Wei is my friend Last time, you told me that Lao Hei was good to you But what about the result He’s going to pull you up if he’s caught The human heart is unpredictable, you know Duan Mingjie Hou Jie Roll on I know Lu Yao grabbed Duan Mingjie’s hand Duan Mingjie, my mother and I still want you to live We’ll have children in the future We can’t live without you Men can’t give birth to Y Always pressed by the daughter-in-law I didn’t expect to discover a shocking secret It turned out that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Concealed for so many years Not only did I not feel ashamed ran back to her parents’ house and asked her to take money and gifts to invite her But men are reluctant to divorce I was afraid that I wouldn’t find my daughter-in-law in the future The next day, Duan Mingjie, the other little couple, went to kill pigs Take him with you too Today I went to a village on the edge of the county seat Two pigs I saw the two of them come over together Feng Wei ran over and hooked Duan Mingjie’s neck Pull people aside I said bro You’re putting your sister-in-law on the waistband of your pants Take it with you wherever you go Duan Mingjie pushed him You’re a man who doesn’t even have a partner Not qualified to talk to me about that You can do it It’s too bloody for a son to kill a pig You go and sit next to it It’s okay, I’ll just stand next to it Duan Mingjie held his hand Be obedient Stand farther away Otherwise I’ll be distracted Lu Yao smiled Good Lu Yao found a place to sit down in the distance Feng Wei bumped Duan Mingjie’s shoulder How did you take down such a well-behaved little daughter-in-law I also taught my brothers Duan Mingjie glanced at him Shut up Just your cold look I don’t know what other girls like about you You don’t have to worry about it Duan Mingjie finished the flavor Walked towards the two pigs After killing the pig, Duan Mingjie smelled of blood all over his body Lu Yao stepped forward to wipe his sweat Duan Mingjie quickly took a few steps back Don’t come here I’m dirty Lu Yao lips Look straight at her Duan Mingjie didn’t dare to move Lu Yao walked over slowly Raise your hand to wipe the pig’s blood off her face The girl’s sweet scent instantly filled her nostrils It seems that the smell of pigs on my body has decreased a lot Lu Yao said with a smile It’s really dirty Duan Mingjie wanted to squeeze his hand Think of more blood on your hands I gave up Lu Yao took the initiative to hold his hand Let’s get pork Duan Mingjie looked down at the hands of the two of them Sweet emotions filled my heart Killed two pigs Two pounds of pork as a reward Lu Yao pointed to the pig on the ground and asked Feng Wei Can we take a set of pigs in the water? Yes, if you want Both sets can be taken away Pig sewerage is difficult to dispose of It’s not tasty either So no one wants Then you’re welcome Two sets of pigs in the water are enough for them to eat for a long time Carrying two catties of pork Two sets of pigs went home The two had an argument over the water treatment of the pigs Then we’ll deal with it together Just deal with it Let’s go take a shower I’ve wanted to take a shower for a long time Duan Mingjie blinked Thinking of Lu Yao, he loves cleanliness very much He used to take a bath a lot It’s time to take a shower Why don’t you go take a shower first? Pig water can be disposed of tomorrow You don’t have to take a good shower and deal with it again Don’t get so close to me Stain your clothes Lu Yao curled the corners of his lips at him I’m not afraid I’m going to wash it anyway Lu Yao still didn’t deal with the beads into the water Duan Mingjie and Gu Fulan didn’t let her touch it at all Mother, let’s go take a bath together Gu Phran was not willing to waste money No, no, no You go with Mingjie Yiniang goes, taking a bath is good for the body And she’s obviously a big girl I don’t take a bath to school in winter Her classmates would laugh at her Wash it with me Mother go Get clean clothes Gu Fulan had no choice but to agree Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan heard that they went to take a bath Delighted And they went to prepare their clothes The family set off in a majestic manner And he was still holding his clothes It has attracted a lot of attention Being asked Gu Fulan couldn’t stop showing off My daughter-in-law took me to take a bath I’ve been living for decades I haven’t been to a bathhouse yet They all pouted I am not afraid of colds and colds when taking a bath in winter When you are sick, you have to take medicine and spend money Rural people are blind and pay attention to what they are Rural people are not allowed to take a bath Pull the bird yourself Don’t let people go with you The speaker shut up Lu Yao smiled His mother-in-law really walked all over Duanjia Village with one mouth After they are gone Quite a few people are starting to sour Married a city daughter-in-law I thought I was the queen mother I think it’s money burning What has become of their family? It’s not that Lu Zhiqing’s money is spent justifiably Don’t lose fire But they dare to say it in private In front of Gu Fran, he said that he could tear their mouths Take a good shower Lu Yao took alabaster and applied it to his face and neck Then ignore Gu Fran’s refusal I painted it on her, too Gu Fulan’s eyes turned red I didn’t expect to be able to apply alabaster before I died When her man was alive I also bought her alabaster Niang Duan Mingjie bought me two bottles I’ll give you a bottle when I get back You and Ming Ming I’ll buy you again when I’m done with it Old woman What a waste of money to do with this thing Not much I’ll buy it for you Out of the bathhouse Duan Mingjie took them to the restaurant for dinner You scumbag What has become of poverty in the family? Next time you bring Yaoyao to eat Now go home Lu Yao whispered a few words in Gu Fulan’s ear Gu Fulan’s eyes widened like copper bells looked at Duan Mingjie in disbelief Yaoyao: It’s true I really don’t tell you I was worried that the second sister-in-law would find out You know her character, too You guys are right Take the money yourself Don’t say anything Duan Ming didn’t know why Mother-in-law, what are you talking about? Nothing Just open your mouth and eat it in a while Okay, I shouldn’t have spoken The family returned home full of food and drink I saw Duan Mingcheng sitting at the door of the hall decadently After asking, I learned that Zhang Xia was unwilling to go home Lu Yao was quite speechless Duan Mingcheng is a lot of pockets will be reluctant to Zhang Xia In his opinion Zhang Xia’s daughter-in-law It’s better to have than not to have Did their family ask for it again? A rabbit There is still 50 yuan to let Zhang Xia come back I must also promise that I will never be separated in the future Lu Yao laughed angrily Second brother, if you want to earn it for yourself I don’t have an opinion on how much you want to give How masochistic he is will agree to live with Zhang Xia for the rest of his life Second brother, what do you like about him? It was originally wrong for him Not only did he not feel ashamed also ran back to his parents’ house in anger Now he wants us to get something to ask him Don’t you think it’s ridiculous Zhang Xia deceived him Duan Mingcheng is not angry or angry But putting aside the feelings of the two If divorced In the future, it will be difficult for him to find another daughter-in-law Dick Are you worried that you won’t be able to find your daughter-in-law in the future? Duan Mingcheng scratched his hair irritably See how he reacts Everyone knows that Gu Flan is right Duan Mingjie was so angry that he pinched his waist What’s the use of such a woman if you want it She confessed that she couldn’t go on I looked up at her At least the character is good As a result, if you don’t admit it, forget it And it will be planted on you You’ve been married for a few years How much stuff did I fill to feed her She’s not just as insatiable Such a daughter-in-law It’s better to have than not to have But the third Zhang Xia is no longer good Will be with me in the future I’m not going to be alone when I’m old Have you ever thought about your love with your younger siblings? Groups of children What does it feel like for me to look at it? I also want a family A family of my own Gu Flan sighed The second child, you see that the third child was not the same before No one wants to marry him But Yaoyao fell in love with him I don’t dislike our family for being poor Now our family is in a better situation than before Obviously, I graduated right away The days will get better and better You’re not going to beat a single Even if you can’t marry a yellow flower girl It is also okay for a widow to divorce As long as the character is good I’ll have a baby later Life is definitely better than it is now The second brother and sister-in-law always bullied me I don’t want to embarrass you I didn’t say anything But I’m just not worth it for you Duan Mingcheng listened to them, you said everything I said I thought of Zhang Xia’s words Your family just can’t see you will usurp more and I will divorce you Is that really the case? As soon as the thought came out Duan Mingcheng secretly scolded himself How can I doubt my own mother and brother again? If you really want to have a relationship with Zhang Xia I won’t stop you But don’t take the third child’s things to make up for his mother’s house You can’t go to him anymore Dry him for two days and he will come back by himself He’s forcing you to be anxious now If you are divorced, you can only rely on your parents’ home If only he had been smarter I’ll be back tomorrow Lu Yao pulled Duan Mingjie back to his house Lu Yao sat on the bed with a huff Duan Mingjie looked at him anxiously Don’t be angry Duan Mingjie: I’m not angry with myself I’m mad at them like a vampire Suck your blood endlessly Not in the future I’m here I will never allow Zhang Xia to take your things Daughter-in-law, you are so fragrant Men can’t give birth to Y Always pressed by the daughter-in-law I didn’t expect to discover a shocking secret It turned out that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Concealed for so many years Not only did I not feel ashamed ran back to her parents’ house and asked her to take money and gifts to invite her But men are reluctant to divorce I was afraid that I wouldn’t find my daughter-in-law in the future Zhang Xia waited at home for two days didn’t wait for Duan Mingcheng He was starting to get anxious Look at how unproductive you are Duan Mingcheng couldn’t come Wait for him to come I had to add something more Mother, we want a lot Who’s sick with a lot of stuff Dead girl, be sober You can’t give birth Your in-laws won’t be nice to you Only me and your dad are genuinely good to you Take advantage of this opportunity Let’s ask for more money I’ll put it for you I’ll give it to you when you need it Can I still hurt you? Zhang Xia’s eyes were red Why can’t she have children? Okay, then I’ll wait another day That’s right Everything is safe to rest assured Zhang Xia looked at the smile on Qi Xiaohua’s face I was inexplicably a little uneasy But thinking that this is her own mother I feel like I’m thinking too much about it Duan Mingjie is going to kill pigs again Today Feng Wei will take him to the black market Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao discussed He wanted to take his second brother with him Will Feng Wei agree? He should not be refused The second brother is just too indecisive He’s really got what he can do I won’t worry about Zhang Xia anymore Lu Yao has no opinion Although Duan Mingcheng is a nest also often doubted Duan Mingjie’s brotherhood towards him But it doesn’t matter in the past life or in this life He didn’t hurt Duan Mingjie I advise you to ask the second brother’s opinion first I don’t think he’s going to necessarily go Lu Yao was not wrong Duan Mingcheng heard that he went to the black market Immediately refused The third is speculative Grab it and you’re done Second brother, I’ve done it many times When the time comes, you follow me Just look at the way I look and do it Duan Mingcheng still didn’t dare to go to Gu Fulan Angry, he swung his fist down How did I give birth to your pus Well, I’ll go Don’t scold me Lu Yao didn’t go with Duan Mingjie today Pull the upper paragraph Ming together Take back the belongings of his dearest When he came out, he happened to run into Zheng Jiajia Seeing Lu Yao’s red face knew that he was doing well at his in-law’s house Jiajia is about to celebrate the New Year Are you going back for the New Year? Zheng Jiajia shook her head Not going back Zheng Jiajia’s situation, Lu Yao didn’t know much I only know that they are all soldiers In the past few years, I was oppressed because of the movement He was rehabilitated only this year It is estimated that there are too many people staring at their family So can’t go back He came from the same batch as Zheng Jiajia I don’t know if I was greeted The house assigned to him by the branch secretary was the worst After getting better this year The branch secretary said many times that he would change his residence Zheng Jiajia arrogantly refused Jiajia my room is very clean I took all the things Why don’t you move in? Yes I didn’t expect him to agree so quickly Lu Yao smiled at him Then I won’t move the furniture Moving back is also taking up space Okay, then I’ll treat you to dinner another day Lu Yao waved his hand Don’t have to do me a great favor last time I don’t even thank you Zheng Jiajia asked suddenly Lu Yao, where is your home? Lu Yao was stunned by the question Chen The Zheng family’s breathing was a little tight in the city It’s not from Rong County, Chenshi The Zheng family sighed Lu Yao seemed to notice that he seemed to be a little disappointed It’s nothing On the way back Duan Mingming sighed The branch secretary must not have thought that his in-laws would be rehabilitated Now I definitely regret dying Lu Yao fails The branch secretary can sit so steadily Isn’t it just a meeting with dishes? Back home Lu Yao went into the kitchen room Gu Fran rolls noodles He stir-fried vegetables and made a pot of shredded pork noodles It just so happened that the Duan Mingjie brothers also returned Killed two pigs Divided two catties of pork The pig went into the water and got it back Well, you made noodles You’re a dog Duan Mingcheng touched his nose It’s not his dognose It’s the noodles that are so fragrant During the meal, Zhiwei ate two bowls Gu Fulan gave him a look The boy couldn’t walk when he saw something delicious Grandma, I still want to eat Can’t eat it anymore If you eat it again, you will be bored Don’t be reluctant to use noodles in the future I have enough food stamps It’s time for the two children to grow up Don’t grieve the kid Noodles are so expensive How can you eat it every day? You see, the second and third children ate three bowls alone You ask them if they’re full Duan Mingcheng didn’t dare to speak Afraid of a mouth I don’t know when the next noodle meal will be Mother, you just make flour and I’ll get it That won’t work either How can you eat your stuff all the time Mother, I have to eat it too Gu Flan smiled at him When the time comes, I’ll open a small stove for you Zhang Xia waited another day Duan Mingcheng still didn’t come to pick him up He couldn’t sit still Mother, I’m home Qi Xiaohua grabbed him Things and money haven’t arrived yet What are you going to do back to do? You go back yourself Wouldn’t that let them abuse you at will? Zhang Xia’s eyes were slightly red No, I have to go back Zhang Xia went home despite her father’s opposition I happened to meet Liu Yuyan on the way Isn’t this Mingcheng’s sister-in-law Okay, I didn’t see you anymore You’re back to your parents’ house Zhang Xia hummed absentmindedly Liu Yuyan is mysterious sister-in-law I heard Lu Yao say that I won’t let you come to my house for dinner tomorrow The aunt took him and Duan Mingjie there This is true or false Zhang Xia listened Immediately exploded Why did I go to the table before? Lu Yao has only been married for a few days Just thinking about me on the other side and thinking about it beautifully Liu Yuyan saw that the provocation was successful I snickered in my heart It’s my sister-in-law You are the mistress of this house You can’t let Lu Yao replace it I’ll tell you Don’t say I said it Zhang Xia frowned You said Liu Yuyan looked around I’m sure no one said that Duan Mingjie had recently killed pigs Divided a lot of pork The family eats meat and noodles every day behind your back Are you serious Can I still lie to you Sister-in-law, you are so pathetic Since my son has Lu Yao, my daughter-in-law Hang Lu Yao on his lips every day Boast wherever you go But every time I talked about you before I can’t wait to kill you in one sentence Do you think the difference is too big? Liu Yuyan saw that Zhang Xia’s chest rose and fell in anger I can’t be happy She is unhappy, and others don’t want to be comfortable Liu Yuyan continued to stimulate her In the end, I still look down on you What’s wrong with the educated youth It’s not about going to the countryside yet Got together with us country girls Looks like a vixen Seduce people everywhere I don’t know what day The third child was cuckolded by him Not really Last time, the son of the deputy county magistrate chased him to the grove Say it in front of the whole village Lu Yao didn’t go to cut the window grilles for him And he did not get married You said that Lu Yao didn’t create evil? The girl didn’t offend him But he made it impossible for people to get married Such a person will be punished sooner or later This is what Liu Yuyan still knows from other people’s mouths He left early that day I knew that there would be such a big drama in the future No matter how aggrieved he is, he has to stay Maybe you can hook up with the son of the deputy county magistrate The son of the deputy county magistrate is here again Liu Yuyan heard him say that her chest was stuffy again I didn’t even notice the acid when I spoke Been here before Zhang Xia didn’t answer only said hatefully that the third child would be planted on him sooner or later No, I have to go back and remind the third child Optimistic about Lu Yao, a slut looked at Zhang Xia’s hurried back Liu Yuyan smiled evilly Men can’t give birth to Y Always pressed by the daughter-in-law I didn’t expect to discover a shocking secret It turned out that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Zhang Xia went home Seeing Gu Fulan and Lu Yao talking and laughing The smiles of the two seemed particularly glaring to him Duan Mingjie was washing clothes next to him It’s still Lu Yao’s slut who washed it I saw Zhang Xia come back Gu Fran withdrew the smile on her face I said that I was back Zhang Xia suddenly became angry Mother, are you so impatient with me? He pointed at Lu Yao Facing Lu Yao You’re always smiling When you see me, you don’t like to answer If you look down on me, I’ll just say it Lu Yao was speechless, what did it have to do with him It can affect him Why, you’re still reasonable, aren’t you? You yourself cannot win against my son When the matter was revealed, you were still angry and went back to your parents’ house My son went and told you not to come back Who gave your face so horizontal Quarrels are heard Duan Mingcheng came out of the house He grabbed Zhang Xia’s arm Speak well Don’t get angry Zhang Xia shook off Duan Mingcheng’s hand Duan Mingcheng Look at what your family has done to me You blame me for hiding it from you But if I say I can’t give birth Your family doesn’t know how to spoil me Then tell me about it How I spoiled you Less you eat, less you wear Or do you take less things from your parents’ house? Insatiable stuff And say that I am worthy of you Mother-in-law is really powerful, I can’t afford to mess with her But fortunately, Gu Fulan is reasonable Love and hate If only Zhang Xia could live a little safely Gu Flan will definitely not find fault What about Lu Yao Ever since she got married You all revolve around her I can’t wait to give her the best I don’t have anything Now you don’t take me to the table Isn’t it just a know All green clothes must be washed by men What kind of woman I tell you Just like he’s a fox Sooner or later, I ran away with other men Bang Duan Mingjie threw his clothes into the basin Apologize to my daughter-in-law Duan Mingjie’s eyes were cold It was like a knife slashing straight at Zhang Xia Zhang Xia was frightened Duan Mingjie walked up to him A cold face I repeat Apologize to my daughter-in-law Zhang Xia’s lips trembled I’m sorry After speaking, Zhang Xia couldn’t wait to bite off her tongue How could he be frightened by Duan Mingjie Duan Mingjie raised his hand and pointed at him You’ll talk about that later Don’t blame me for being unkind Zhang Xia was so frightened that she drilled behind Duan Mingcheng I am willing to do my daughter-in-law’s laundry If you’re red-eyed In the future, your clothes will be washed by your man My daughter-in-law is a normal woman It’s not like you can’t have children That’s not a woman You said that Nian likes my daughter-in-law and doesn’t like you Then you should think about it Why are you so impatient Duan Mingjie was reluctant to say such a lesbian But Zhang Xia is really hateful Zhang Xia was so angry that her face turned blue for a while I couldn’t say anything to refute it You just said that you won’t be taken to the table I didn’t understand what it meant Tomorrow the second son of the branch secretary will get married Mother is not going to take you there Don’t you take me there What are you pretending to be confused You’re not going to come back for a table, are you? Zhang Xia blushed No Eating at the table is important But her marriage was more important Gu Flan looked at the second child Said impatiently You take her away Don’t dangle in front of my eyes I feel sick to see her Duan Mingcheng frowned Pull Zhang Xia back to her house 1. What kind of sin have I created? Don’t be angry It’s not worth it to be angry with yourself Gu Flan sighed and left Duan Mingjie pulled him to sit down He continued to do his laundry Lu Yao dragged his chin to look at him Duan Mingjie, you are so good-looking Duan Mingjie’s action of washing clothes Stop, wow, it’s beautiful Look at his self-doubting expression Lu Yao hahaha How not to believe what I say Love is blind It’s not Xi Shi, it’s Pan An Duan Mingjie shook his head and smiled His daughter-in-law would make fun of him He looks rough The facial features are seductive I can’t get along with Pan An But his daughter-in-law praised him He was still happy Zhang Xia’s scolding came from Duan Mingcheng’s house Duan Mingcheng, you are not a thing Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie glanced at each other Then there was the sound of smashing things Immediately after that, Zhang Xia ran out See Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie Zhang Xia glared fiercely Ran out in tears Lu Yao was speechless What am I doing with him? Why did he glare at me? He’s got something wrong with his brain We ignore him Duan Mingcheng came out Zhang Xia has already run away Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao walked over Duan Mingjie asked him what was going on I told her I don’t mind if she can’t give birth If you are worried that you will have no one to take care of you when you are old It is possible to adopt two Anyway, many people sell their children by children I told her not to take anything from her mother’s house in the future Let her get along with her mother That’s it Duan Mingjie frowned Since that’s the case Why don’t you get divorced yet You can’t live without him or whatever Just like him He can’t teach adoption well If you can’t keep it, you will also abuse your children Lu Yao felt that there was nothing wrong with what Duan Mingjie said But marriage is like drinking water Warm and cold self-aware He doesn’t talk much Persuade Duan Mingcheng You go back and rest first We went out at 1 o’clock in the middle of the night Duan Mingcheng reluctantly agreed looked at Duan Mingcheng’s unmotivated back Lu Yao thought it was funny In his previous life, Duan Mingjie’s business became bigger and bigger gave Duan Mingcheng a project As a result, people don’t want it You have to look at the gate Say it’s easy to see the door Duan Mingcheng is still the same Duan Mingcheng Not at all Duan Mingjie still dragged Lu Yao to play until midnight If it weren’t for Lu Yao Stop saying he’s going to the black market in a while Duan Mingjie didn’t want to stop Daughter-in-law, don’t you really come home to see it a year ago? No, there’s no need to go back and torture each other I want to have a happy New Year with you I won’t go back and feel uncomfortable Duan Mingjie looked at him distressedly Okay, if you don’t want to go back, you won’t go back You want to see my family They treat you badly If you don’t see it, you don’t see it Lu Yao smiled I’ll take you back to my uncle in a few years Duan Mingjie saw him take the initiative to mention his family He asked, following his words You have a good relationship with your uncle My uncle was 10 years older than me It was especially good for me If you have to tell my family about my marriage Then tell your uncle It doesn’t have to be told It’s just that they got married The daughter-in-law’s family did not know Doesn’t seem to value him Daughter-in-law, I want to see your family I want to tell them I will take good care of you Put them at ease Not for anything else I know why you’re so nervous It’s time to go to bed for a while You’ll need to get some sleep You’re going to kill the pigs tomorrow morning The body doesn’t want it 1 a.m Duan Mingcheng came over and called him I saw the scratches and bite marks on Duan Mingjie’s neck Duan Mingcheng was shocked My eyes were about to fall off How fierce the battle between the two of you is Duan Mingjie took the flashlight in Duan Mingcheng’s hand Go outside You say you really are Don’t wear it in the back room How cold it is to come out in the middle of winter without clothes My daughter-in-law sleeps lightly I’m worried about waking her up I said the third You are a daughter-in-law It’s not about marrying an ancestor You go out to earn money to spend on her Isn’t that a little thing like dressing up to accommodate you? As they spoke, the two of them got on their bicycles Duan Mingjie stepped on his feet and left the house My daughter-in-law, I’m happy Don’t talk nonsense in front of Yaoyao Duan Mingcheng shook his head No wonder Lu Zhiqing promised to marry you He really can’t find anything like you Someone who was good to him As long as he wants He’ll be able to find someone better than me He suffers from marrying me I should take care of him more It’s just that my brother and sister are so delicate Can he hold it? Duan Mingjie didn’t speak Duan Mingcheng didn’t say anything when he saw him Touched his nose No more asking When Lu Yao woke up in the morning Duan Mingjie and Duan Mingcheng are back It’s just that Duan Mingcheng was injured Lu Yao hurriedly ran to Duan Mingjie How are you Duan Mingjie looked at him The look of worrying about him is very useful I’m fine Lu Yao didn’t believe it Pull him back to the house to check I’m really fine The second brother and I got separated Said it was to save a lesbian Got injured in a fight with someone Lu Yao didn’t care what happened to Duan Mingcheng As long as Duan Mingjie is fine, it’s fine Today is the marriage of Duan Huawei and Liu Yuyan Gu Fulan led the two children to the table Come back in the afternoon Lu Yao found that Gu Fulan’s face was about to laugh Why is my mother so happy We have a happy event in our family It’s not our house He is a scholar Men cannot have children Always squeezed by her daughter-in-law Years later, it was found that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Unexpectedly, a beautiful widow was rescued on the way Completely change his attitude Zhang Xia, let’s get a divorce Why is my mother so happy We have a happy event in our family It’s not our house It’s a scrivener What’s wrong Today, the welcoming team went to pick up Liu Yuyan from the educated youth You know what Before Lu Yao could speak Gu Fulan slapped her thigh with a smile Xu asked Liu Yuyan for 200 yuan Isn’t it right for the man to give money to the woman? It was Xu who said that Liu Yuyan promised to give him 200 yuan He agreed to let his son marry her As a result, Liu Yuyan repented and did not give it It was a commotion Don’t give money and don’t let him get on the sedan chair Liu Yuyan really took out 200 yuan This marriage was consummated Oops, I’m laughing to death Lu Yao had nothing to say It’s really a big forest, and there are all kinds of birds I don’t know what Liu Yuyan likes about Duan Huawei is willing to take out the money to sell his body to please the disgusting mother-in-law At night Liu Yuyan took the initiative to ask for cooking He thought that Xu would definitely refuse Lu Yao said it when chatting with other educated youths The day he and Duan Mingjie got married Gu Flan didn’t let him cook Say it’s custom The first day of the new daughter-in-law’s marriage Mother-in-law won’t let cook will also make food for the new daughter-in-law outcome Xu, who was sitting in the yard munching corn, nodded Go ahead and make something to eat Don’t waste food Liu Yuyan was dumbfounded It shouldn’t be like this It’s getting dark before you go I didn’t see it Can I be polite It’s about respecting you! But you can’t take it seriously Whose new daughter-in-law cooks on the first day she enters the door Why do you still want me to cook for you? You don’t look like that either I also want to be served like Lu Yao Do you have this life? and cook Liu Yuyan stood there motionless looked at Duan Hua pitifully Wei Duan Hua Wei was annoyed when he saw him Don’t roll out to cook yet Look what I’m doing Liu Yuyan really cried this time This is nothing more than a son Duan Huawei seemed to have been waiting for this sentence for a long time Divorce though Liu Yuyan was frightened The crying shoulders trembled Isn’t this the marriage he’s always longed for Why is it different from what he thinks What the hell went wrong Lu Yao listened to Gu Fulan’s storytelling The farce at Liu Yuyan and Duan Huawei’s wedding Suddenly, an unfamiliar female voice came from outside the door Is this Comrade Duan Mingcheng’s home? Yao and Gu Fulan hurriedly stood up The woman looks like she is in her twenties or thirties Carrying a bag of eggs in his hand looked at them timidly Sister, you have something to do with my second brother I am here to thank Comrade Duan Mingcheng Is he at home My second brother was injured because of you Sorry for hurting him That’s a little bit of my heart Not much stuff Don’t be disgusted Gu Shulan smiled The girl Duan Mingcheng is a big man Punish evil and promote good, that is what should be done You take the eggs back and give them to your child He’s a big man who doesn’t have to eat this I don’t have children Comrade Dominion saved me You must take these things The woman’s name is Xia Guihua She was a widow Because it looks pretty good The men of the village always came to harass her That day it was because she didn’t obey A man in the village stopped her at the intersection where she was rushing to the market Fortunately, Duan Mingcheng passed by Otherwise he will be ruined Zhang Xia is back And he saw his mother-in-law and a beautiful woman Pushing each other A bag of eggs Lu Yao came indirectly from it Sister Niang Don’t argue Eggs fall to the ground No one can eat it Xia Guihua smiled at him Lu Yao stuffed the egg into his arms Sister, don’t let it anymore It’s not easy for you as a woman If we take it and eat it I don’t feel good either Who is this? Zhang Xia walked over and stared Look at the summer osmanthus Xia Guihua looked at Lu Yao inexplicably This is Duan Mingcheng’s daughter-in-law Xia Guihua was stunned Immediately gratefully stretched out his hand to Zhang Xia to express his gratitude After learning that it was Duan Mingcheng who saved a widow Zhang Xia exploded in an instant You’re a widow The second sister-in-law spoke with respect Xia Guihua didn’t expect Zhang Xia’s reaction to be so big Sister-in-law me Whose sister-in-law do you call? Are we related? Zhang Xia pointed to Xia Guihua’s nose Widows are good-looking and seduce people everywhere Do you know that my man is divorcing me? You’re going to give me this Why are you so shameless? Xia Guihua was scolded and stunned I didn’t get you wrong "Smack Zhang Xia gave Xia Guihua a big red date Duan Mingjie and Duan Mingcheng saw this scene when they came back The two of them hurriedly ran over Duan Mingcheng found that it was Xia Guihua What are you doing here It’s okay not to ask Zhang Xia listened Skilful tone grabbed Duan Mingcheng’s ears and twisted them Duan Mingcheng couldn’t have asked me to go for so many days You won’t call me back This is the Xia family’s search You’re not afraid to beat a single, right? Have you had enough trouble? I’m making trouble, and you actually say I’m making trouble Zhang Xia pointed to Xia Guihua Isn’t this widow able to give you a baby? I’m telling you I don’t know whose child it is when I give birth I don’t know how many people have the widow You can see it too Xia Guihua had already burst into tears Lu Yao stood aside and couldn’t bear to watch Look at what you look like now Duan Mingcheng pulled him behind him I’m sorry, comrade My daughter-in-law can’t talk more than her brain I apologize to you on his behalf I’m the one who should say I’m sorry Sorry for misunderstanding your lover I went back Thank you for saving me Xia Guihua bowed to Duan Mingcheng Place the eggs on the ground If Xia Guihua is his family and friend He will definitely not let him today So go back I have to ask Zhang Xia to apologize to him But if he talks too much Duan Mingjie will also be embarrassed Xia Guihua left Gu Fulan looked at Zhang Xia coldly Just in front of outsiders I’ll save you face I’m also afraid of people’s jokes Now the people are gone Let’s talk about divorce Zhang Xia and Duan Mingcheng looked at Gu Fulan at the same time You can’t give birth It’s not your fault It’s okay to have a good character As a result, you don’t take either As the saying goes, one woman influences three generations I will never allow you to continue to plague people in my house Zhang Xia opened her mouth was glared back by Gu Fulan Second, you have a word today It’s to divorce him Or cut off the mother-son relationship with me You choose the same No one expected Gu Fulan to be so resolute Duan Mingcheng was directly stunned Don’t call me mother Duan Mingcheng has him and me today With me without him Zhang Xia panicked instantly Mother, what are you doing to force him Forcing us to get by What’s in it for you Gu Fulan pointed at him You shut up Why should I shut up? This is also my home Okay, this is your home, I’ll go Gu Fran was about to go back and pack her things Lu Yao glanced at Duan Mingjie Silent inquiry Duan Mingjie held his hand Shook his head at him Duan Mingcheng ran to Gu Fulan Well, it’s not you who should go Zhang Xia tensed A wave of fear crept in The lips trembled slightly Duan Mingcheng Duan Mingcheng turned around slowly There was a look of pain on his face Zhang Xia’s hands trembled uncontrollably Tears slipped uncontrollably You’re really going to divorce me Zhang Xia: How did you scold me before Not like a man I also had self-doubts late at night I didn’t even think to blame you I hate you and I don’t think I can live The family is poor You have been wronged for marrying me But what’s happened recently You’ve disappointed me Lu Yao felt that Duan Mingcheng was so unmotivated Part of it comes from Zhang Xia’s long-term denial of him wiped out Duan Mingcheng’s enthusiasm Now it seems Maybe there’s a reason for that That lesbian is already pitiful You didn’t just hit people and verbally insulted him You don’t feel guilty at all I can say that right One woman influences three generations Someone like you who has no heart I really can’t go on with my life Tomorrow morning, let’s go for a divorce Zhang Xia fell to the ground unsteadily None of the people present went up to help her Duan Mingcheng turned around ruthlessly Go back to your house This is no longer your home Zhang Xia looked up at the ruthless Duan Mingcheng Stand up slowly Throw your head up and laugh The laughter was a bit of a rash Men cannot have children Always squeezed by her daughter-in-law Years later, it was found that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Unexpectedly, a beautiful widow was rescued on the way Completely change his attitude Zhang Xia, let’s get a divorce Give my daughter 300 dollars We agreed to a divorce That lesbian is already pitiful You didn’t just hit people and verbally insulted him You don’t feel guilty at all I can’t continue my life with you Tomorrow morning, let’s go for a divorce Duan Mingcheng: You want to divorce and marry that little widow I’m telling you I’m not going to give you that chance I will never divorce you Zhang Xia left in a huff I don’t have to force you, second child Or you’ll always know You Zhang Xia is our family’s time bomb Maybe it will blow up one day Such a person cannot be kept Duan Mingcheng lowered his head decadently Well, I know I don’t blame you Second brother Did Zhang Xia keep saying that you can’t do this, that can’t work How do you know Isn’t it every time there is work at home He’s holding you back Say you can’t do it Not as powerful as Duan Mingjie You want to do one thing at a time He’ll tell you you can’t do it Don’t waste time Duan Mingcheng was stunned How do you know He never spoke to anyone Zhang Xia, this is splashing you Once or twice you think it’s nothing But he said you can’t do it too many times You start to wonder if you really can’t Resulting in a nest of cysts now Nothing Why am I capable? Didn’t he also enjoy the blessings? Lu Yao spread his hands He doesn’t want you to be too powerful You don’t have the skills to handle it Even if you know he can’t give birth You can’t do anything with him Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie and Gu Fulan How was the second brother before he got married The second child is also quite capable Although not as capable as the third child But the work in the village is also countable Since I got married, I don’t want to work I thought I wanted to And Zhang Xia is so greasy Look, don’t listen to anyone else Second brother, think about it yourself What has changed before and after marriage In the past, we brothers went hunting After you get married The second sister-in-law said that there were wolves on the mountain I won’t let you go Duan Mingcheng raised his head suddenly yes, before marriage He’s a seven-foot man, too Second brother, it’s not me who I said Our dad and big brother A bloody man Duan Mingjie is also very powerful I don’t believe you’re going to be a Duan Mingcheng clenched his fists I have to admit it Lu Yao was right In the past, he was also very combative But Zhang Xia said in his ear every day Duan Mingcheng, you can’t Let the third go You can’t You can’t do it in time He really can’t do it anymore Second brother, think about it Zhang Xia returned home Holding Qi Xiaohua Hao Tao cried Qi Xiaohua pushed her away in disgust What’s going on Duan Mingcheng wants to divorce me I thought something was wrong He’s just scaring you It’s not that he’s really going to divorce me Tomorrow you want me to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau The house wouldn’t let me in He really doesn’t want me anymore, really Zhang Xia nodded tearfully Girl, you go back to the house and rest first I’ll talk to your dad about it In the evening, Qi Xiaohua came to Zhang Xia’s house Xiaoxia Fan Mingcheng said divorce You leave him Zhang Xia blinked I can’t believe it’s what his mother said Mother, what are you talking nonsense? I’ll go with you tomorrow It’s okay if you want to get a divorce Give us 300 dollars With money, are you still worried about the rest of your life? Zhang Xia shook her head Don’t I don’t get a divorce But Duan Mingcheng has to leave you It’s better to give him something At least you don’t lose Zhang Xia shook her head He doesn’t necessarily have that much money Don’t worry, we’re just looking for a loan He couldn’t come up with that much money I won’t divorce you Zhang Xia was right when she thought about it Qi Xiaohua patted Zhang Xia on the shoulder Xiao Xia Niang won’t hurt you There is no Zhang Xia here Lu Yao is in a beautiful mood The dishes on the table look quite accomplished Duan Zhiwei couldn’t stop eating chopsticks The food cooked by my aunt is delicious The family eats fragrantly Qi Xiaohua came over with Zhang Xia See eating scrambled meat and eggs on the table The eyes are straight Mother-in-law, what you did was not authentic My daughter is not at home You steal meat Eat meat with them I have to wait for Zhang Xia to eat at home Gu Fulan put down her chopsticks with a snap This meat was killed by the third child of my family What’s wrong with what we eat Besides, my second child told your daughter yesterday Divorce today So we do whatever we want Having a fart relationship with your daughter I don’t get divorced Why don’t you say that if you don’t get divorced, you won’t get divorced Why is your face so big? Zhang Xia looked at the meat on the table Extremely spicy Originally, she should have sat here to eat I won’t tell you I’ll tell your son Duan Mingcheng, you really want to divorce me Duan Mingcheng stood up I made it very clear yesterday Now that you’re here Let’s go to the Civil Affairs Bureau now Zhang Xia was completely panicked Duan Mingcheng really wants to divorce him He grabbed Duan Mingcheng Tears fell Mingcheng: I was really wrong I will never lie to you again Don’t divorce me Duan Mingcheng softened deep in his heart But thinking of Lu Yao’s words He was ruthless again Zhang Xia: We can’t go on Zhang Xia let go of Duan Mingcheng’s arm Staring blankly at the ground If you say divorce, you will divorce Why do you want a divorce? You have to come up with the money to give my daughter Guarantee my daughter’s life for the rest of her life Gu Fulan pinched her waist Qi Xiaohua, you don’t look beautiful It’s a beautiful thought Whoever divorces still has to give money To say money What about the bride price for our family to marry your daughter? Also want to give it to us There’s no way to ask for money I’ll give my daughter the money for my marriage If I had brought it in the first place The money is all for you to spend My daughter didn’t get a point Gu Shulan smiled You don’t blush when you talk nonsense Your eldest son Why do you have to wait for your daughter to get married before starting a family? You know it Now your youngest son is getting married Came again to ask us for money You want to be ashamed You talk nonsense I keep all my daughter’s money Since it’s all there Then you take it out and show it to your daughter You really took my money to give my brother a daughter-in-law No, I’m your mother Can I still hurt you? I’ve said it all The money is for you Zhang Xia didn’t know who to trust In his selfish heart, he felt that his mother would not harm him They just don’t want to give money to provoke the relationship between our mother and daughter Don’t be fooled Duan Mingcheng has to divorce you How can you live if you are divorced and have no money I’m for your good Lu Yao sneered A good sentence for your own good It seems that Zhang Xia has come to the step of divorce I’m afraid he played a lot of roles in the middle Didn’t I give the money You will be willing to divorce Give my daughter 300 dollars We agreed to a divorce Zhang Xia wanted to speak and stopped You are robbing 300 yuan, why don’t you go and rob the bank The bank didn’t marry my daughter My daughter married into your family and worked hard for the past few years 300 dollars is not too much Gu Fulan’s face turned blue and white for a while Don’t be angry It’s not worth it when you’re angry Qi Xiaohua noticed Lu Yao when she came This is her best-looking It should be Duan Mingjie’s newly married daughter-in-law I said why I suddenly don’t like my daughter It turned out that she had married a good daughter-in-law I dislike my daughter I’d like to see After your second child and my daughter divorced What kind of marriage can you get Lu Yao didn’t want to speak Now that it’s him Zi means that your daughter is not good without me In the eyes of all mothers Your own children are the best How did you get to my aunt here? I think your daughter is everywhere If you are a person, others look down on your daughter Or do you look down on your daughter? You’re really sharp-toothed I don’t dare to be sharp-toothed It’s just that I love to tell the truth Don’t talk nonsense, give money if you want a divorce Duan Mingcheng’s brows were furrowed, and he could kill a fly I don’t have that much money You’re going to have to pay 50 bucks Qi Xiaohua looked at Lu Yao A greedy smile appeared on his face Aren’t your younger siblings educated youth? I heard that his mother’s family sent him money every month Now he’s married His money isn’t yours You made me a big man to spend my younger siblings’ money Do I still have the face to go out to meet people Then don’t get a divorce Duan Mingcheng exhaled deeply Look up at Lu Yao Brother and sister, can you lend me 300 yuan first? Don’t worry, I will definitely work hard to make money and return it to you in the future Gu Fulan reached out to pinch Duan Mingcheng’s ear Duan Mingcheng, you really give it Duan Mingcheng did not resist either Well, I’ve been married to Zhang Xia for a few years Even if it’s my last reparation Men cannot have children Always squeezed by her daughter-in-law Years later, it was found that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Unexpectedly, a beautiful widow was rescued on the way Completely change his attitude Zhang Xia, let’s get a divorce Give my daughter 300 dollars We agreed to a divorce Pick up the set Well, I’ve been married to Zhang Xia for a few years Even if it’s my last reparation Gu Fulan was so angry that her teeth itched His son was the same as his old man It’s about affection Sometimes it’s not necessarily a good thing I can lend you money But Zhang Xia I have another option Let’s tell you about it Zhang Xia couldn’t listen to anything She didn’t want a divorce at all The heart is like ashes You say, 300 yuan will be spent sooner or later It’s not as good as this The second brother gives you 5 yuan a month The term is 10 years It adds up to a total of 600 dollars Directly doubled What do you say Zhang Xia didn’t know Her mind was full of not wanting a divorce No, what you say sounds good What if you don’t give it after the divorce How can 5 yuan a month work My youngest son is still waiting for 300 yuan to marry his daughter-in-law If you don’t believe it We can find the party secretaries of the two villages to testify It is written in black and white that we cannot afford to pay the bill Lu Yao walked up to Zhang Xia in a few steps Zhang Xia is not a question of whether you want to divorce or not It’s how you live after your divorce Do you really believe that your mother will give you the money? Zhang Xia’s pupils shrank Qi Xiaohua pushed Lu Yao What do you mean? Duan Mingjie hurriedly helped Lu Yao glared at Qi Xiaohua viciously Frightened, he shrunk his neck I don’t hit women Don’t force me to do anything to you Qi Xiaohua was so frightened that she didn’t dare to come out He knows how ruthless Duan Mingjie is He had seen with his own eyes how hard Duan Mingjie beat people Lu Yao stepped forward Why are you so excited? Or was it really said by my mother Take the money for your daughter’s divorce Give your youngest son a daughter-in-law I don’t, I’m afraid you’ll pay the bills in the future Give it clear at one time Save yourself the trouble later In case a paragraph of Ming Cheng remarried His daughter-in-law was unwilling to give it When the time comes, it’s useless to find a branch secretary Lu Yao didn’t bother to talk to him Just ask Zhang Xia Have you figured it out I do not know I’m in charge of my daughter’s business 300 yuan is not a penny Since the line is broken Then let’s cut it off completely 300 dollars for you In the future, we will not interfere with the water of the well Qi Xiaohua was so excited that her hands trembled He didn’t expect it to go so well Duan Mingcheng looked at Lu Yao Brother and sister, can you lend me money Yes, but not yet We need to find the secretaries of the two villages to be witnesses Write the words lest they later deny it Qi Xiaohua was afraid that they would regret it No problem Lu Yao went back to the bedroom and took 30 sheets of unity Hand it to Duan Mingcheng Be sure to put your handprint on it before giving them money Brother and sister, don’t worry I’ll pay you back Lu Yao was not at ease Let Duan Mingming follow As soon as the person left, Duan Mingjie held Lu Yao’s hand The mood is a little low Daughter-in-law, I’m sorry Before getting married, he promised him that he would let him live well But after he got married I haven’t had a day in peace What to say 300 dollars to buy family harmony It’s good It’s the money you earn Duan Mingcheng is your second brother Isn’t it right to pay for him? See him so sensible Duan Mingjie felt more and more that his daughter-in-law was good Gu Fulan covered her heart and replied 300 bucks That’s it Lu Yao smiled and walked over Mother’s money, we’ll earn it later You just have to think about it In the future, we don’t have to look at Zhang Xia’s mournful face again Isn’t it a lot of fun Gu Fulan thought so But I thought of 300 dollars The heart is still blocked It’s yours to lose If someone else else else is going to make a fuss, they might make a fuss You didn’t make a fuss and took so much money for the second child Yaoyao, me, me I really don’t know what to say Mother, I like to hear everything you said I like it most when you compliment me Gu Fulan sighed Touching her hand Wow, I must have burned high incense in my last life will marry a good daughter-in-law like you I also accumulated virtue and did good deeds in my previous life to marry into such a humane family Duan Mingjie walked over Niang Yaoyao is not feeling well today Let her go back to the house and lie down What’s wrong with it? Lu Yao leaned into Gu Fulan’s ear and finished speaking The face was red Gu Fulan patted her thigh Hurry back to the house and rest The third child makes brown sugar water for your daughter-in-law I also praise you for being good to your daughter-in-law Yaoyao was not feeling well You also let her cook Brown sugar water was not given to her to drink Duan Mingjie slipped away and went to soak in brown sugar water Mother, she’s very good to me Also gave me a menstrual belt change in the morning I changed it and washed it for me Didn’t even let me wash it This stinky boy is really Point is not afraid of taboos But it’s nothing My man also washed him I’m not jealous Duan Mingjie took the brown sugar water to the house My mother said to drink it hot Lu Yao has a bowl of brown sugar under the water I feel a lot warmer Mingjie Zhang Xia still has a brother who is not married Well, I’m afraid this money won’t fall into Zhang Xia’s hands Zhang Xia and my second brother got married not long ago His eldest brother is married The bride price money was not returned The second brother didn’t have much Now his youngest brother is getting married If you think about it a little, you will know what to do with it So Qi Xiaohua put her daughter together used the marriage of his own daughter to marry his two sons I don’t understand How can there be such a mother in this world? His mother was very kind to him before she died Give him anything delicious When he was dying, he was properly arranged Lu Yao couldn’t understand it Women are patriarchal Fathers favor sons over daughters They are the ancestors of a man Protecting the same sex is a matter of preference for women Put yourself in a certain position After Duan Mingjie, we had a daughter Be sure to be nice to her I like girls What a girl Self-tender It’s better to be as good looking as my daughter-in-law Really, I hear people The girl is the lover of her father’s last life You still have a lover in your last life I was wrong There is no lover, only you Lu Yao smiled happily Her menstruation meant she wasn’t pregnant After being reborn A lot has changed Is it good for us to have children a few years later The child’s problem has been talked about once before Last time, Lu Yao said go with the flow This time it’s a few years of direct play Duan Mingjie pressed it Playing for a few years is a few years Lu Yao was reluctant to give him a child Isn’t it too firm in my heart? Lu Yao, who passed with him See his sad expression I was in a hurry Duan Mingjie: It’s not that I don’t want to give you a baby I just feel like I’m young It’s not well developed yet Having a baby now is not good for your health I want to wait a few years If you want to live I’ll give you life Duan Mingjie saw that he was in a hurry Heavy The mood is much lighter He still cares about him Then regenerate in a few years If Lu Yao is not going to take the college entrance examination next year He will not postpone having children In her last life, Liu Yuyan was admitted to university Left Duanjia Village Every time I come back and show off to him He wasn’t envious of anything else I just want to experience university life Relive a lifetime He hopes to achieve something Can’t rely on Duan Mingjie all the time Then wait until my period is gone I went to get it ligated The most effective form of contraception in this era was sterilization No, if you want to be ligated, I’ll go Thinking of Lu Yao moving a knife for her In the future, if you want to have a child, you will have to have another operation How could she be willing In case something goes wrong As a result, she can’t have children She will never forgive herself in her life Have you thought about going back to the city? Lu Yao was stunned think But if he goes back to the city Must be going back with him Duan Mingjie’s expression darkened He still wanted to go back Can I really hold his hand firmly? Once you’ve got it, you don’t want to lose it Just the thought that he would leave I felt so heartache that I couldn’t help myself Okay, I got it Lu Yao thought that his good thing was that he agreed not to get sterilized I didn’t expect that At this time, Duan Mingjie had a bold idea Men cannot have children Always squeezed by her daughter-in-law Years later, it was found that it was his daughter-in-law who could not have children Give my daughter 300 dollars We agreed to a divorce Well, I’ve been married to Zhang Xia for a few years Even if it’s my last reparation Security Department Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau Duan Mingcheng and Zhang Xia completed the divorce procedures Zhang Xia was confused Pale face Qi Xiaohua (Zhang Xia’s mother) tried her best not to laugh on the side Duan Mingcheng and Duan Mingming both felt uncomfortable for him Duan Mingcheng looked at Zhang Xia and wanted to tell him a few words Qi Xiaohua was so frightened that she hurriedly pulled the person away When he got home, Qi Xiaohua showed the money to Zhang Qingguo Zhang Qingguo had a smile on his face Zhang Xia sat on a stool Mother, I’m hungry Vimu has a nest head When you’re hungry, go eat Tell me I can give you the kudzu to eat Zhang Xia came to the kitchen I saw an egg just brought over Qi Xiaohua, who didn’t know when she came over, snatched it up Eggs are all you can eat Mother, I also eat eggs when Duan Ming gets married Then you’re still divorced It’s good for a divorced woman to go back to her parents’ house and have something to eat I also want to eat eggs Why did my mother talk to me like that Qi Xiaohua took the nest head and threw it into her hands You’ll eat this later After eating, he washed all the clothes of the house Zhang Xia trembled and held her head in the nest Tears fell uncontrollably Twenty-sixth of the lunar month Duanjia Village killed pigs and divided the meat The branch secretary called Duan Mingjie and the residents to kill the pigs together Lu Yao and Gu Fulan watched from the side Duan Mingcheng hurriedly took the basin to catch the pig’s blood Others also lined up to pick it up A poor man is a poor man Pig blood is required Gu Flan rolled her eyes You have money, Zhu Xuan, you can’t look down on it Don’t borrow it Some people laugh at others for being poor It seems that he has a lot of money But we don’t know if there is money or not I know the day some people marry their daughters-in-law asked for 200 yuan for his daughter-in-law If you don’t give it, you won’t be allowed to get on the sedan chair That’s how rich people make money Poof I don’t know who couldn’t hold back the laughter Xu is blushing Lu Yao, don’t be complacent He didn’t even bother to deal with such mean people Who let this man talk to him? Xu is angry Killing pigs is detrimental to yin morality Some people now look comfortable eating a few more pounds of meat Who knows how many years they will live Smack for a lifetime Xu felt a gust of wind blowing towards him The next second, his face was numb by the beating Lu Yao’s eyes flashed with anger His hands were numb You can imagine how much force was used Xu covered his face was shocked by Lu Yao’s expression A sense of fear arises But when I thought it was just a little girl secretly scolded himself for being unproductive She raised her hand to touch Lu Yao Where is Gu Fulan willing to give her this opportunity A big red date was thrown over The two hugged each other and played Duan Huamei was so frightened that she cried beside her Shout Duan Huawei and Duan Rong Duan Huawei just came over Duan Mingcheng intercepted him and got out of the way Duan Mingcheng did not move Just stared at Duan Huawei Liu Yuyan hid behind Duan Huamei in fear I was very happy He deserves to be taught a lesson Duan Rong rushed over Angry, he stomped on his feet Stop it all for me Lu Yao and Duan Mingming Very cooperatively went over to Pully Guflan Duan Huamei and Liu Yuyan hurriedly came over to support him Xu Shi gave Liu Yuyan a big red date Liu Yuyan covered her face violently What can you do with me? I’ll touch you how AT You’re a worthless thing Didn’t you see me being beaten You’re dead if you stand on the side Duan Huamei didn’t help you either He’s still your own daughter Xu raised his hand Touch him again You still dare to talk I’ll make your mouth Lu Yao sneered Look at Liu Yuyan’s eyes like this And he was relieved Duan Hua didn’t feel ashamed Hold on to Xu Don’t touch it Everybody is watching Duan Rong put his hands behind his back You all go back to me I’m not going back You love to be a good old man I’m going to watch here I’ll go back when I get the meat Duan Rong is dying to save face and suffer crimes If he’s not there He specified that he wanted his own pork It was distributed to the old, weak, sick and disabled in the village Those people are better alive than dead Still want to eat his pork Thinking about the beauty, Duan Mingjie kept looking at Lu Yao I was relieved to see that they didn’t suffer a loss Next, shave the pig The pig must be blown to the bone It’s a tiring job It takes a lot of strength Otherwise, it won’t blow up watched Duan Mingjie half-squat and blow up the pig Lu Yao felt very uncomfortable Liu Yuyan looked at Lu Yao’s distressed eyes I’m really tempted by a mud leg You said that the householder and the pig kissed each other When I go home, I can kiss my daughter-in-law His daughter-in-law designated him as disgusted Lu Yao’s grim eyes shot towards him Yaoyao, why are you staring at me I’m talking about households I didn’t say anything about you man Everyone was waiting to see the joke To say that the young people of Lu Zhiqing are better than the flowers Duan Mingjie is a rough man The mouth must stink I don’t know if Lu Zhiqing asked him to drill the quilt at night Lu Zhiqing is so particular I have to take a shower once every half a month Duan Mingjie smelled of sweat Maybe take off your shoes The smell of feet is so bad that I can’t take it all over the house Lu Zhiqing definitely disliked him Duan Mingcheng touched his nose He doesn’t know if he dislikes it He only knew that he could still hear the two of them tossing in the middle of the night Lu Yao – sweep over Your men’s feet must stink How else do you know Not like my man Feet are washed every night It doesn’t smell like sweat as those people say Men don’t like to be clean Just speculate about other men Lu Yao is most disgusted with these eight women It looks like they have a mouth The few people who spoke just now laughed Lu Zhiqing: We are just speculating Don’t take it to heart I didn’t care Removed Duan Mingjie No one can go to my heart Lu Yao looked at Liu Yuyan coldly I think some people just aren’t well nourished So my mind is full of these dirty things Instead of worrying about how others will kiss their mouths It’s better to go home and kiss your man Yaoyao, I’m good for you You man and pig mouth to mouth You’ll have to supervise him to rinse and brush his teeth I think you’re the one who should brush your teeth How many men have kissed and bitten your mouth? There is also the face to say to others Liu Yuyan’s face suddenly changed There was a panic in my heart He even felt it Duan Huawei looked at him with an inquiring gaze Lu Yao, you don’t talk nonsense Lu Yao laughed His eyes grew threatening This is annoyance You’d better shut up for me Otherwise I don’t know The next thing will be a shocking secret Duan Huawei grabbed Liu Yuyan What’s going on Liu Yuyan panicked Don’t you know what he’s talking about He doesn’t see us well Duan Huawei looked at him Liu Yuyan squeezed out a smile at him Duan Huawei turned his head Too lazy to look at him Liu Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief But he didn’t dare to provoke Lu Yao Lu Yao, a slut, doesn’t know anything Kill the pig branch secretary and start dividing the pork Lu Yao hurriedly ran to Duan Mingjie’s side Lu Yao took the prepared wet towel Chong Duan Mingjie raised his lips Bow your head and I’ll wipe it for you Duan Mingjie took it I’ll do it myself Lu Yao’s hand hung in midair watched Duan Mingjie wipe his face clean I have to wipe my hands again Lu Yao stiffened his face Take it over The voice was a little angry I’m going to wipe it for you Seeing that he was angry Duan Mingjie didn’t dare to move Obediently stood there and let him wipe it Mingjie, your daughter-in-law is really virtuous He doesn’t dislike you when you’re so dirty LgEs This is my mother-in-law It’s definitely far away from me It’s Mingjie You’re so blessed, boy I hate my son’s like this Yang Na smiled kindly Yao Yao is so good to you You have to be kind to people Sidan Mingjie was very good to me And he’s not dirty either Yang Na listened Oops Mingjie, you’ve found a treasure Duan Mingjie’s face softened What Liu Yuyan said to those people just now He heard it all He also heard Lu Yao’s words to defend him But I still feel uncomfortable Does Yaoyao really not dislike him? The man stayed at home with his daughter-in-law for 999 years Just out of the house The brother and sister next door are thinking about the man’s daughter-in-law Everyone looked at Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao with their fingers interlocked Walking together on the background Looking at Lu Zhiqing, he didn’t dislike it Mingjie There is pork to eat Of course I don’t dislike it The master is Liu Yuyan Hate itchy Lu Yao must have pretended Let’s see how long he can fit In the afternoon, Feng Wei came over with two fish Auntie, I’ll come and see you Gu Flan was washing clothes in the yard Hurriedly stood up He wiped his hand on his clothes You kid Come on, come on How can you still take such a good thing Gu Fulan smiled from ear to ear But I’m still embarrassed to accept it Duan Mingjie heard movement Get out of the house Mother take it Feng Wei is not short of this You’re really not polite to me Come on in My relatives called me in the morning Say there’s a big deal It’s here in the early hours of tonight Do you want to come with me? I knew there would be no pie in the sky There must be something wrong with someone sending something Duan Mingjie couldn’t refuse This was the condition for Feng Wei to take him to kill pigs No problem, when are we leaving I bought the train tickets 6 p.m We had to get to the train station by half-past five so as not to delay things Duan Mingjie pointed his finger on his chin There was a knock on and on Yu Guang didn’t dare to look at Lu Yao’s expression Lu Yao didn’t speak But the eye sockets were already red Feng Wei: I’m 26 today It’s going to be the New Year in a few days Can you go back after the New Year? The last time I was with Lao Hei Gu Fulan was afraid Lu Yao must be afraid The son is because it is the New Year That’s why I have to go out and make money Come back for a good year Don’t worry, we’ll leave today It is worth coming back on the evening of the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month There will be no delay in the New Year Feng Wei looked at Lu Yao Duan Mingjie was silent Married such a good-looking daughter-in-law You can’t make more money It’s not a good life for a daughter-in-law We’re having a good time now There is no need for Duan Mingzhuo to work hard I didn’t want to speak But he didn’t want anyone to put pressure on Duan Mingjie Sister-in-law, I know you feel sorry for your man But when a man marries a daughter-in-law, he wants to be good to him Besides, we’re not out to work hard It’s just pouring something I can’t tire him It seems that this marriage is not favored His brother was not wishful thinking either Duan Mingjie looked at Feng Wei You go back first I’ll go to you at 5 o’clock Feng Wei knew that he was going to coax his daughter-in-law again It’s really not appropriate here Lu Yao sat on the bed and sulked Duan Mingjie sat upstairs and grabbed his waist Can’t you just not go? The New Year is coming soon This is the first year we have spent since we got married Can you bear to leave me at home? Listen to his soft and glutinous voice The heart is like a fork, painful and itchy But thinking of his plans Still ruthless Daughter-in-law, you believe me I’m sure I’ll be home before 8 p.m. on the 28th of the lunar month Wait at home for me to come back You don’t have to do anything I’ll wash my clothes when I get back This is the second time Duan Mingjie has come A relatively large black market Feng Wei patted him on the shoulder I know this land well Let’s not go far If something happens, just run with me By this time, the two had already changed into tattered clothes Feng Wei smiled Rest assured, brother will not betray you Of course, Duan Mingjie would not admit it I know neither of us will betray anyone 4 a.m Duan Mingjie and Feng Wei sold out their things smoothly Because it was introduced by Feng Wei’s relatives So you need to give them a commission Duan Mingjie took out 60 yuan without saying a word Hand it to Feng Wei’s cousin The friends you brought this time are respectful That’s not to look at the Dead Water Brothers The cousin was speechless did not dismantle his stage in front of Duan Mingjie The two spoke Duan Mingjie couldn’t interject Yu Guang alerted the landline in the living room Can I make a call The next morning Lu Yao went to the village communication room early Waiting for Duan Mingjie’s call Lu Yao pinched his fingers nervously I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait Daughter-in-law, I’ve arrived Hear Duan Mingjie’s voice Lu Yao’s heart finally let go Then you are careful I’ll wait for you to come back Daughter-in-law, I miss you Lu Yao’s face instantly turned red I miss you too Phone bills are just too expensive The two hung up without saying a few words On the way back Facing the upper section of Huamei Lu Yao frowned Because of Duan Huawei’s relationship Lu Yao also didn’t have a good impression of his family So I saw Duan Huamei’s expression that she was about to cry And that’s okay too I can’t carry it away Ding Zhuo Luyao’s back Duan Huamei’s face was distorted almost peacefully A slut is a slut will talk about it Duan Mingjie had only been out for one night I had to ask Duan Mingjie to call him Don’t know how expensive the phone bill is How did you marry such a ruined woman I’m so good Sister Bing is housekeeper again Dad is still the branch secretary But Duan Mingjie just can’t look down on me Think about Duan Mingjie’s rejection of him before Duan Huamei was angry No, I must save Duan Mingjie He’s going back to him Isn’t Brother Lu Yao inseparable from men Then he’ll give him a man Duan Huamei returned home Don’t you like Lu Yao Duan Huawei didn’t speak It doesn’t matter if he likes it Duan Huamei was sure that Liu Yuyan was not at home Brother Duan Ming is far away Here’s your chance You have a way Duan Huamei leaned into Duan Hua’s ear Whispered a few words Mei Mei I didn’t realize you still have so many bad intentions before How can you get Duan Mingjie without bad intentions As long as Lu Yao is ruined by my brother Duan Mingjie will dislike Lu Yao That’s when I had a chance Before getting Duan Mingjie He wouldn’t let anyone know that he liked Duan Mingjie Lu Yao and Duan Mingming went to the county seat to buy things Came back and met Crying pear blossom belt Rain of Duan Huamei What’s wrong with you Lu Yao originally wanted to pretend not to see it Duan Mingming stepped forward to care My sister-in-law won’t let me go to school Lu Yao was not surprised Liu Yuyan is such a person Unexpectedly, Xu Shi agreed It is estimated that she didn’t want Duan Huamei to go to school for a long time So what’s the matter, you’re not saying your dad is going to graduate you Teaching in the village Can you still teach if you can’t finish your studies? It definitely can’t be taught Obviously you can teach me in the future I have a lot of life in my family I’m going to work on vacation Duan Huamei cried even more fiercely I’m not like you Greedy for a good girl No matter how Zhang Xia stops her son, she can let you go to school But my sister-in-law said it My mother agreed My life is so miserable Lu Yao squinted at him I always feel that Duan Huamei is not a good stubble Mingniang is still waiting at home Let’s go home Duan Mingming looked at Duan Huamei’s expectant eyes Well, I’ll teach you later I’ll go first Lu Yao was dumbfounded I’m urging you to go home and get rid of him It’s not for you to promise him I knew you would promise me Lu Yao was turned over Rolled his face It’s not good to refuse for Duan Mingming I’ll treat you to dinner in the evening You’ve helped me a lot I have to treat you to dinner No need If you have this spare money, you might as well pay for your own tuition I just don’t eat the food It’s not easy for you either Obviously, we don’t eat well Just eat whatever you want I would like to express my gratitude to you Otherwise, I don’t want to go That’ll do Thank you, Mingming Lu Zhiqing, you should come along We girls got together and had something to say Lu Yao didn’t worry about Duan Mingming going alone Nature also followed On the way back Lu Yao asked Duan Mingming You have a good relationship with Duan Huamei Not good Then you promise her I just thought of myself After Zhang Xia got married Because I had a lot of trouble going to school The whole village knows about me I understand this feeling too well I just wanted to help her Lu Yao didn’t speak Duan Ming had to make a mistake can understand that girls should not sympathize with others Duan Huamei found a state-run hotel in the town Ordered a lot of delicious food I asked for a bottle of wine This meal I’m afraid I’m going to have to pay for two years of your tuition My dad thanked you so much when he found out He gave me 10 dollars Let me please Mingming for dinner My dad said for the sake of family harmony He had to listen to Liu Yuyan So I gave more money It’s kind of compensating me Lu Yao didn’t say anything when he heard it Duan Huamei picked up the wine and said to Duan Mingming Thank you, I respect you Three of us girls It’s not safe to come out at night You can’t drink any more wine You take it back and give it to the secretary to drink Let’s just drink some hot water Duan Ming waved his hand, I won’t drink There is no one who invites someone to dinner without drinking Drink a little meaning meaning Obviously you can’t drink it Duan Huamei’s smile froze on her face Turned to look at Lu Yao Lu Zhiqing, you intellectuals Don’t they all like to discipline their sisters-in-law? Then you ask Mingming I don’t need to care if she needs it Rice to mid-term Duan Huamei went out to relieve herself Duan Mingming looked at Lu Yao Sister-in-law, you won’t go Go ahead Duan Hua closed the door when he didn’t leave After the two left Lu Yao was picking up vegetables Suddenly, the door opened Lu Yao thought the two of them were back Didn’t look back The next second he heard the sound of the door closing Lu Yao was just about to turn his head He saw a disgusting face Lu Yao stood up in pain There was impatience on his face Why are you here Lu Yao accompanied her sister to the appointment I didn’t expect to fall into the trap designed by the other party Lu Yao is in danger Duan Huawei got up and stepped forward Exhale lightly into Lu Yao’s face I’ve been here a long time ago Lu Yao felt a chill Liu Yuyan also said that Duan Mingjie stinks And he doesn’t care about his own man first A mouth almost didn’t smoke him to death Help me No need to shout I’m DJing all the time I’m going to gag you tonight Others think it’s the love between husband and wife Lu Yao’s body slowly retreated The hand quietly moved back Successfully grabbed the drink bottle Duan Huawei went to snatch the drink bottle from Lu Yao’s hand Yaoyao, you want to have a drink with me You can do it if you want It will be more emotional Lu Yao’s brain was running rapidly It turned out to be on the set They proclaimed that they were not Duan Mingming It’s that if he wants to get out, he can only delay time Now Duan Mingming must have been taken away by Duan Huamei It can only be seen when he realizes that something is wrong to save him Before that He had to stabilize Duan Huawei Lu Yao smiled at Duan Huawei, hmm You’re right Let’s have a drink first You sit down first Let’s have a few drinks Anyway, it’s so long in one night, isn’t it? A bottle of drink Lu Yao is finished Duan Huawei’s share accounted for 3/4 His share was only 1/4 Lu Yao picked it up and handed it to Duan Huawei He smiled at him Let’s have a drink Duan Huawei was stunned I didn’t even think about taking it Drank 7 taels Drink under the stomach The body is a little shaky That’s when I realized Lu Yao seemed to be trying it on him. Listen to you drink too Lu Yaojia drank it once I can’t, I can’t It’s too spicy do you drink it I know you’re the best Duan Mingjie can’t drink it Yaoyao, you finally know that I am better than him After drinking, let’s start to get good ( Well, that’s not the case Gotta pour a little more I love the way you drink wheat drinks Particularly charming Poured the bottle all over me The metrics are very good Lu Yao is really all down Two pounds of belly Duan Huawei’s body shook a little He was going to pull Lu Yao’s hand Lu Yao dodged in disgust Yaoyao also drank the drink Let’s get started Lu Yao saw that the time was ripe Look at your bear-like look You still want to fight with me Next life The body is shaking The mind is not very clear But realized that Lu Yao was deliberately pouring her Sudden outbursts of rage Pulled Lu Yao’s arm Little cutie, you dare to lie to me Lu Yao didn’t expect to drink so much water The strength is still so great Can’t break free yes, I lied to you The good night is short Why don’t we have some more food I haven’t eaten yet Still trying to lie to me Aren’t you hungry? I’ll feed you now Lu Yao saw that the beauty was not good Foot towards the crotch He just can’t lose his innocence Just scrap Duan Huawei Even if he is karma, he is clean Duan Huawei screamed in pain Help, someone bullied lesbians, save me Duan Huawei covered his crotch There was a fierce light in his eyes Reach out and touch his face The next second, Lu Yao touched the drink bottle smashed into Duan Huawei’s head The sound of the door opening open Duan Mingming and Duan Mingcheng came in Just see this scene Duan Huawei’s body, which was pressed on Lu Yao’s body, slowly slid down Bright red blood trickled down from the top of his head Duan ran over Hug Duan Hua Viagra Brother Duan How are you Duan Huawei tilted his head Completely unconscious Duan Huamei’s face turned white with fright His brother won’t fight Wake up, wake up, wake up Duan Mingcheng ran over Drag Lu Yao aside Brother and sister, how are you? Duan Mingming also followed The whole person was stupefied His face was as white as paper Take the person to the hospital first Don’t let him gag Duan Mingcheng looked at Duan Huawei Can’t let him gag Otherwise, Lu Yao will be in big trouble Duan Mingcheng pushed Duan Huamei away Picked up Duan Huawei and ran out Duan Huamei’s face turned pale when she looked at it Lu Yao, whose body trembled Strode up to him He waved his hand at him Lu Yao didn’t react I was born with a big red date Lu Yao, if my brother has three long and two short We won’t let you go You’re just waiting to go to jail It’s your brother who deserves to go to jail Today, I’m going to kill you It is also justified defense My brother didn’t care much about you Your fucking eyes are for breath When we came in Your brother pressed on my sister-in-law The people outside the door saw it My brother was drunk There is no consciousness I can’t control myself These people won’t testify to you either A young man walked out of the crowd I can testify I just saw the gay man Bullying this lesbian Lu Yao looked at him gratefully 0 thanks S0 Youth nodded his head You’re welcome I just can’t see gay men bullying lesbians Duan Hua didn’t hold Lu Yao’s arm Lu Zhiqing: I’m sorry I didn’t know it would be like that Ming Ming and I came back from the toilet See my brother He told us there was an emergency at home You’re home So Ming Ming and I hurried after you I didn’t know my brother lied to me and did such a thing that is inferior to a beast Your face changes so fast It’s a pity not to sing Lu Zhiqing, you believe me I really didn’t know it would turn out like this Duan Mingming’s lips trembled You’re farting, I’m going to come back to my sister-in-law You pulled me and I wouldn’t let me come back You dare to say you don’t know I don’t want you to waste time I don’t really know The crowd dispersed A sister-in-law, I’m sorry Let’s take a look at Duan Huawei’s situation first Not much of a deal It’s just that it looks more powerful He received 5 stitches on his head Go home and recuperate from all over the world It’s good to remove the stitches when the time comes Fainting is frightened I have something to do in the hospital Just don’t go To put it clearly is to play a scoundrel Duan Mingcheng was so angry that his fists clenched You can not go What I have is money to treat you But I’ll call the police tomorrow Say you’re insulting to me You don’t have to go home when you’re well Go straight to jail I was drunk Uncontrolled behavior You go talk to the police uncle It’s useless to talk to me this Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingcheng Carry him away He paid for the medical expenses I don’t have any money It’s good to say that the second brother went to donate blood behind his back It just so happens that it is still easy to be in the hospital Friends of the road, you little cutie, you dare Lu Yao walked towards him Remember how you felt tonight Next time, I’ll abolish you It’s a big deal, we have a life for a life You can try the second brother to take him to pay the fee Are my brother and sister so powerful? 2 a.m The atmosphere in Duan Mingjie’s house was gloomy If it weren’t for Lu Yao blocking it Gu Fulan has already reached the branch secretary’s house at this time Duan Mingming knelt down in front of Gu Fulan with a plop Mother, it’s all my fault Karma me Gu Fulan was so angry that she threw a big red date over Trembling and pointing at her I didn’t realize that you were still a good person It’s not good to break the words, and the column is the daughter of Zhishu If you don’t go to school, you’re still more promising than you What are you You feel sorry for others You don’t feel distressed yourself I feel sorry for yourself Lu Yao helped Duan Mingming’s body and let him get up Mother, don’t be angry It’s not worth it when you’re angry Obviously, I blamed myself Don’t blame him Sister-in-law let my mother beat me It’s me who is sorry for you I shouldn’t have disobeyed you I should have hit Duan Mingming raised his hand towards a big red date on his face Obviously what you’re doing here They all said it was okay I wasn’t hurt either Everyone feels bad about you like this Thankfully, nothing happened to your sister-in-law Otherwise, you just want your third brother’s life Duan Mingming’s tears couldn’t stop flowing He was in a hurry Gu Fulan was so angry that she spun in place Fortunately, the third child is not at home Otherwise, you have to beat Duan Huawei Lu Yao is also worried about this Duan Mingjie was insecure It always felt like he was going to run away with other men If you know that he was almost robbed It’s definitely going to be his mother Duan Huawei definitely didn’t dare to say anything about this Don’t tell Duan Mingjie about it or not Paper can’t hold fire fast Duan Huawei will not tell others But he will tell the third child When the time comes, it will be too late for the third child to do something impulsively I know mother Don’t say it I’ll tell him Seeing that Duan Mingjie will be back soon Lu Yao didn’t think of how to talk to him Lu Yao lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep The rhubarb outside suddenly puffed Lu Yao trembled He heard the door being crossed Pushed away Getting closer Lu Yao took out a magic wand from under the pillow just in case The little girl fell asleep It’s the voice of longing and thinking Duan Mingjie Daughter-in-law, you didn’t sleep Duan Mingjie poured out a large plate of money Lu Yao’s eyes are full of stars It’s all earned this time And the money you gave me before I went It cost about seventy or eighty dollars The rest is here, you put it away Earned a total of 526 yuan 8 Plus the one Lu Yao gave him before he went It adds up to almost 800 I’m a great man Don’t save it later The flower is spent Lu Yao took half of the money Give it to my mother tomorrow in the morning Daughter-in-law, why are you so good By the way, I also bought good things What a good thing I also discovered the birth control pill by accident It was prepared by an old Chinese medicine doctor It can be drunk by both men and women Drink once for a month I bought 12 packs I drank it every month after that You don’t have to be afraid I conceived a child and went to get sterilized Does it work, why does it sound so unreliable? The man who worked was a very famous old Chinese medicine doctor This medicine does not harm the human body Feng Wei’s cousin gave me a ticket It’s just a bit expensive A pack of medicine costs 5 yuan It cost him 60 bucks But it’s worth it when you think about it Lu Yao looked at him Bite one’s tongue What’s wrong There’s one thing I don’t think I can hide from you But you promise me first Don’t be impulsive You speak first Lu Yao held her hand tightly I’ll tell you first This thing is in the past I didn’t suffer Didn’t hurt either It’s good that you know about it You promised me that I could be angry But don’t be impulsive, okay Duan Mingjie had an anger It’s about to rush out of the chest He had only one thought In the days of his absence His daughter-in-law was bullied Isn’t it good? Okay, you say Here’s the thing Lu Yao didn’t say it so seriously as much as possible Cautiously looked at the expression on Duan Mingjie’s face Duan Mingjie’s face was expressionless Lu Yao’s heart beat a drum You don’t mean a few words Daughter-in-law, I’ll go out You wait at home for me to come back Don’t, I won’t let you out I was not wronged I beat him up Don’t be impulsive Duan Mingjie strode out Lu Yao chased out the door No one is gone Second brother Hurry up What’s wrong with Yaoyao Niang Duan Mingjie is back went to Duan Huawei to settle accounts It didn’t take long to leave I went first Get dressed and hurry over Come with me Duan Mingjie clenched his fists opened the door of Uncle Zhi’s house with one foot Duan Huawei slept soundly Suddenly there was a thud Man was played with on the ground Which good guy Duan Mingjie hugged him and played Liu Yuyan was frightened Daddy has someone to play Hua Wei, get up quickly Duan Mingjie, what are you doing here? Come to my house in the middle of the night Are you slapping me in the face? Since you have no control over your own sons Then I will take care of you today Duan Mingjie bent his knees Fiercely pointed at Duan Huawei Duan Huawei covered his body with his hands Fall to the ground Curled up in a ball Duan Mingjie, stop me Lu Yao ran in I’ll see who dares to touch my man You deceive people too much I’m going to call the police Duan Mingjie, you broke into my house at night Beat up my son This must not be put on hold like this I’ll call the police tomorrow You bullied my wife before I put up with the scolding After all, I’m a direct one The old man in my family should be wronged But because of my kindness It makes you more and more presumptuous This time, I will forget this index I’m going to get you in, too Can you do it as a branch secretary? It really needs to be examined above Wu Zhiqing: I know you’re from the city Know more about what he did today as a burglary Okay, the branch secretary just go and sue I’m here to help But before that Ask them what they did to me Lu Yao pointed at Duan Huamei Your good girl took advantage of Duan Mingjie’s absence In the name of inviting Ming Ming to eat United his brother Trying to destroy my innocence If it weren’t for my cleverness and was ruined by your son I didn’t sue your son, I already gave you face You give back the shame Okay, then we’ll tell each other Your son is afraid that he will not be able to save his life Not to mention the position of your branch secretary Lu Yao looked at Duan Huamei That’s right, as far as I know The branch secretary is planning to let Duan Huamei graduate from high school Become a teacher in the village I can leave a stain on his file with a single complaint Don’t say be a teacher He couldn’t even get his diploma In this life, he doesn’t want to serve an iron rice bowl Duan Huamei shook her head I didn’t have anything to do with me It’s useless to tell me Go talk to the police uncle Lu Yao looked at Liu Yuyan Oh, there’s more I heard that you didn’t let Duan Huamei go to school Says who When did I stop Duan Thrush from going to school Which king has slandered me? Duan Mingming pointed at Duan Huamei He told me Say you don’t let him go to school Let me teach him Liu Yuyan was so angry that she fought Segment thrush Duan Huamei’s body trembled Grabbed Duan Rong’s arm You can’t call the police Call the police and our family will be finished He also wants to be a teacher Mingjie will know at that time He is better than Lu Yao You shut up You say yes, yes Do you have proof My son’s injuries are real Many people in the hotel saw it There are also people who are willing to testify to me Xu’s body shook and finished It’s night No one knows about the two of us You won’t be ashamed of being a branch secretary Let’s just assume that it didn’t happen What will be the fate of the two families in the future It’s all up to you to choose us to go Let me pay for my cutie’s medical treatment, it’s impossible!! Okay, then we’ll see you at the villa Lu Yao and they left Duan Rong looked at Duan Huamei What’s going on Duan Huamei was frightened Eyes fluttering I don’t know Duan Rong also asked Duan Huawei climbed to Duan Rong’s feet Weakly tugged at his trouser leg It hurts so much to change me Duan Rong looked down at Duan Huawei His face changed suddenly, don’t make a fuss Send Huawei to the hospital Lu Yao: They returned home Duan Mingming pounced knelt down in front of Duan Mingjie Third brother, I’m sorry Duan Mingjie grabbed his hair irritably Lu Yao frowned and helped Duan Mingming up I’m going to be mad at you like this Duan Mingming cried I’m sorry, it’s all my fault Duan Mingjie turned his head and glared at him Cry what to cry about I’m stupid and crying Duan Mingjie, don’t talk about him It’s good if I don’t beat him Forget it if you’re stupid And catch up with your sister-in-law You’re too embarrassed to cry Duan Mingjie, shut up Duan Ming was scolded and didn’t dare to cry His shoulders trembled This is the first time that the third brother has been so angry with him Mingming, your third brother is angry now Not the truth Don’t take it to heart You follow your mother back to the house to rest first Mother, you take Mingming to sleep Gu Fulan sighed pulled Duan Mingming back to the house Duan Mingcheng sighed The third child can’t stand it I didn’t take good care of my siblings Second brother is not your fault Speaking of which, I should thank you too If it weren’t for Duan Mingcheng, he found out that something was wrong and came to him in time Maybe something will happen The second brother should also go back to rest Lu Yao pulled Duan Mingjie back to his house As soon as the door closed, Lu Yao sat on the bed angrily That same evening The mother slapped Ming Ming He slapped himself in the face He blamed himself You still say such heavy things to him You are not afraid that he will not be able to bear it When the time comes, you will be the one who cries Duan Mingjie was angry Dizzy knew that his daughter-in-law was almost recorded by Duan Huawei He was bent on killing Duan Huawei Duan Mingjie exhaled deeply Clam up After dawn Duan Mingjie took the gift he had prepared for Duan Mingming Gu Fulan looked at Duan Mingjie’s guilty eyes I went out consciously looked up and saw two slap prints on Duan Mingming’s face and red and swollen eyes Duan Mingjie secretly scolded himself for being a bastard I’m sorry I spoke too much Don’t be angry with the third brother Duan Mingming sighed Loud pain Duan Mingjie was at a loss on the side Clumsily wiped his tears Obviously I was wrong That’s not what I mean I know you don’t want that to happen I’m just angry Wen Yan Duan obviously cried even more fiercely High ego A I was really wrong Duan Mingjie knew that what he said was really heavy this time Fool, I’m just such a sister as you How can I ignore you It was originally intended to be given to you when you start school Now it’s the third brother’s apology to you This stuff is expensive Take it Otherwise, your third brother will feel uncomfortable Duan Mingjie brought it to Duan Mingming Okay, let’s not be angry Duan Mingming bit his lip looked at Lu Yao with tears in his eyes Thank you, sister-in-law His brother is a rough man Can’t think of it at all I can’t think of it at all It must have been my sister-in-law who said about him Okay, wash your face Let’s go cook Duan Ming was very gracious to the county hospital Doctor: Is there really no way for my son to get better? Duan Rong took the doctor’s hand I couldn’t believe what I heard There is no way for the time being When I was injured for the first time The doctor should have told you to recuperate As a result, I didn’t recuperate Hurt again We can’t help it Why don’t you go to the hospital in the city? Maybe it can be cured Duan Rong’s hand hung down The whole person seems to be a teenager old Liu Yuyan, who was standing in the corner, heard this All of them were pale Duan Huawei can’t do it Then I will not be widowed from now on? No, I can’t live with Duan Huawei anymore Divorce is mandatory Duan Rong returned to the ward looked at Duan Huawei, who was like ashes on the hospital bed Duan Rong wiped away his tears in distress Huawei, don’t worry The county is not well governed Let’s go to the city Going to the provincial capital will be cured Duan Huawei’s eyes were like a poisonous scorpion Dad, we and Duan Minjie are not the same You don’t need to say it Let’s go back and ask him for money now They have to pay for your treatment After breakfast After breakfast, Duan Mingjie took the money Lu Yao gave him last night Give it to Guflan Mother, you take the money I usually buy myself something delicious for my children Don’t save it Gu Flan glared at him You’re all married The money should be kept by your daughter-in-law Besides, I have money Since Lu Yao got married Gu Fulan didn’t spend any money It was all bought by Lu Yao Even the New Year’s goods were purchased by Lu Yao can’t be because Lu Yao is sensible She didn’t know what to do Insatiable Mother, this is what Yaoyao specially told me to give you If you don’t I can’t do it At this time, Lu Yao came over with a sack These are all bought by Duan Mingjie for his family Mother, take it There are many places to spend money at home I’m going to be angry if you don’t take me You kid Okay, I’ll take it I don’t melt if I take it Kudos to them both Lu Yao divided the gifts The afterglow was posted to Xu Shi and Duan Rong Came in with a menacing attitude Xu Shi is going to smash things when he comes up Where will Gu Fran give him a chance Shake him off Send the dog crazy back to your house Lu Yao looked at the couple and the couple and Liu Yuyan, who stood behind and hated him to the core You’re in trouble My son was deposed by Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie You have to be responsible Lu Yao was stunned Not too much of a surprise Last night, Duan Mingjie didn’t take those few clicks lightly In addition, he also served Duan Hua Wei old that day The wound does not heal and new wounds are added I’m afraid it really won’t work This is his retribution Save yourself from harming other lesbians You Duan Mingjie I’m going to get you to court You think you’re going to be fine 514 Justifiable Defense But you’re not My son can’t do it now We’re not afraid of anything If you don’t want to see my son Then we’ll be dead Let me pay the bastards It can’t be good to see a doctor Then we’ll see you in court Duan Mingjie clenched his hands Crimson like a cheetah ready to get angry Lu Yao was worried that he would be impulsive Hold his arm tightly How much money do you want Duan Rong knew that Lu Yao would give it Minimum 500 Why don’t you grab it? Dr. Charuld said They can’t be cured We can only go to the city Not in the city We’re going to the provincial capital Not to mention the cost of medicine Food, drink, and Lazar cost money 500 yuan, I’m going to be less Lu Yao sneered So before Duan Huawei was cured They don’t want to be peaceful The meaning of the branch secretary: Duan Huawei can’t be cured in one day We all have to pay for his medicine The secretary abacus played well Beat the beam, our family is easy to bully, right? Duan Mingjie beat Duan Huawei ruthlessly But Duan Huawei’s fault is even greater It’s going to go to court It is not certain who will be punished more heavily Duan Rong knew that his son had made a big mistake But he couldn’t help it It costs money to heal a disease He simply didn’t have that much money However, Duan Mingjie beat Duan Huawei Nor can we ignore it Duan Mingjie suddenly turned his head to look at him Lu Yao ignored his discursive gaze Secretly pinched his arm Let him stop talking Duan Rong listened There is hope Then take the pinch I don’t have 500 bucks You know it too Our village is full of croppers facing the loess with their backs to the sky I can’t earn more than a dozen dollars all year round I don’t have a lot of money either Then how much do you want to give 150 is my entire worth If you want Let’s sign it and stamp it Chapter you promise In the future, Duan Huawei’s illness has nothing to do with us I testify that Duan Huawei did not bully me Since then Let’s write it off at once No, we want 500 You only gave 150 You hit fermented flowers He also wants to draw a line with us Don’t even think about it Who would believe you if you only have 150? Okay, since you don’t agree We’ll see you in court Xu was so angry that his nose smoked Can’t go to court Went to the courthouse If you don’t have money, your son will be gone Lu Yao looked very embarrassed Okay, I’ll see if I have enough money Lu Yao returned to the house Gu Sulan also followed Stuffed the money Duan Mingjie gave him just now into Lu Yao’s hand Yaoyao, you take it Lu Yao looked outside Stuff the money to Gu Flana Mother, you go out and watch I’ll be out right away Gu Fulan knew that Lu Yao had an idea I didn’t insist Soon Lu Yao came out Handing Duan Rong a letter of guarantee Then he said that it was 186 pieces I’ve made up so much for 9 cents and 7 If you want Let’s make a deal Lu Yao, who are you fooling? Get your money out honestly That’s all Do you love it or not? I’m going to go into your room and search for it Yes, go ahead But wait for you to come out I’m missing something in the house You’re a thief Duan Rong looked at Lu Yao Even a few cents were brought I believe that Lu Yao is really only so much Duan Rong was going to pick up the money Lu Yao stepped back Hand the money to Duan Mingcheng Let my second brother go back with you Wait for you to sign Stamped, the money is yours Duan Rong gritted his teeth with hatred But I also had to say yes Good Duan Mingcheng and the branch secretary’s family left Gu Fulan was so angry that she fell to the ground Crying tearfully The branch secretary is here just now Gu Fulan held on Now the man is gone He also fell It’s 200 bucks small Mother, let’s destroy the wealth and eliminate the disaster It’s not worth it to cry for such a little money Such a small amount of money That’s not a little bit of money That’s nearly 200 yuan Gu Flan felt like she was going to be out of breath Niang Duan Mingjie went out and made a lot of money this time We still have money You act like he didn’t go out this time Didn’t make any money either We still have to live our lives Gu Fulan’s face turned pale I was so distressed that I sobbed I’m going to sleep for a while Take care of Gu Fran Sleeping, Lu Yao pulled Duan Mingjie into the house Lu Yao was silent Duan Mingjie panicked Daughter-in-law, don’t stop talking It’s not that I don’t speak I didn’t know what to say to you His clear eyes stared at Duan Mingjie You know what’s wrong Duan Mingjie bowed his head Silent Apparently I felt right Lu Yao held his hand The tone was a little helpless Don’t be so impulsive next time, okay? I couldn’t help it Just — think The daughter-in-law was almost ruined by Duan Huawei’s rotten person There was anger in his heart Not killing Duan Huawei was already his last sanity Lu Yao exhaled lightly Try to be as calm as possible Duan Mingjie is only 23 years old The blood is strong Happened to him again If not impulsive It seems that Duan Mingjie doesn’t have him in his heart But it’s one thing to have him in my heart How to deal with the problem is another matter In previous lives, too If it weren’t for Duan Mingming to stop him Duan Mingjie can beat Duan Mingming’s husband to death" It’s not going to go on like this Duan Mingcheng came back with the guarantee He deliberately wrote only one branch book There’s not so much initiative in their hands Yaoyao is all right Mother, don’t worry, it’s okay Now you can have a good year Duan Rong and Xu did not delay When you get the money, you have to take Duan Huawei to the city to see a doctor Xu Shi looked at Liu Yuyan You also went to take care of my son If I can, I won’t go Watch the door at home It’s the New Year soon You can’t have no one at home And Hua Wei definitely didn’t want to see me He saw that I might be in a worse mood Come over and I’ll tell you something Lu Yao and Duan Mingzhuo went to buy New Year’s goods The people in the village pointed at Lu Yao Duan Mingjie was going to teach them a lesson was pulled by Lu Yao In the afternoon they came back from shopping for good things saw Gu Shulan and Duan Mingming All the colors on the face Mother Mingming The two of you got into a fight I got into a fight with a group of people Are they so fierce? What’s going on? Liu Yuyan told the people in the village that Lu Yao seduced Duan Huawei said that he regretted marrying Duan Mingjie I want to be a small one for Duan Huawei It is said that there is a nose and an eye The entire Duanjia Village knew about it A bunch of black-hearted gadgets Yaoyao, don’t worry Who will dare to say it in the future I tear their mouths apart Lu Yao laughed angrily in the matter of ruining his reputation Liu Yuyan really spared no effort and perseverance Put it in a past life Maybe he still cares But he died once Nothing is downplayed Mother, whatever they say Let’s just live our lives well How can that work Those people just kicked their noses in the face If you don’t refute it They think it’s because you’re weak-hearted I’ve got to give them some color Mother, you don’t have to worry about this matter Leave it to me to handle You can’t be any more bad, third child Mother, my daughter-in-law educated me hard I won’t act impulsively anymore Listen to your daughter-in-law That same evening Liu Yuyan is fighting the landlord with the old man in the village Duan Mingjie took a flashlight and shone it over The two were so frightened that they ran away Duan Mingjie walked quickly and easily picked up Liu Yuyan Threw him on the ground The old man ran away without looking back for fear of turning his head and being seen what he looks like Liu Yuyan You keep saying that my daughter-in-law seduces your man As a result, you play more slippery on your own Liu Yuyan was so frightened that she peed her pants I’m forced It was the branch secretary who asked me to say that It has nothing to do with me Okay, I want me to believe it It’s none of your business Tomorrow you go and explain to the villagers Otherwise, I’ll tell you about your ugliness I promise you that I clarify Tomorrow after 10 a.m You didn’t pay back my daughter-in-law Your scandal will spread throughout Duanjia Village / Duan Mingjie, take me as an apprentice I don’t want anything I just have to follow you I don’t want a name Duan Huawei is not good He can’t hang himself from a tree You’re worthy of it Lu Yao was reading a book in his room saw Duan Mingjie, who had always been diligent and thrifty, come back I threw my pants away What’s the matter How did the pants mess with you Throw these pants away tomorrow Lu Yao thought it was funny What’s wrong Duan Mingjie didn’t want to say it Let him follow the disgust Had breakfast the next day Duan Mingjie took his family to the village When the road is far away Liu Yuyan is marrying the villagers It’s me who blames Lu Yao He didn’t hook up with Hua Wei See Duan Mingjie Liu Yuyan’s body shook involuntarily Fearfully stepped aside I was really wrong Everyone looked at Liu Yuyan’s expression knew that she was threatened by Duan Mingjie Someone stood up and said I illustrate Jay Your daughter-in-law is indecent What are you threatening people for? Liu Yuyan is also for your good Let you know who your daughter-in-law is As a result, you threaten people Just to say ah I Women just can’t get used to UEIE If my woman is fighting the landlord outside I’m going to beat her up half a UEIE It’s reasonable for a man to beat a woman Only men who have no ability will beat their daughters-in-law The men in our family never beat their daughters-in-law Also, some people are not only blind The roots of the ears are softer than the cotton Listening to the wind is rain When others say that my daughter-in-law hooks up with someone, you believe it Which of you has seen it Anyway, I didn’t see Lu Zhiqing hooking up with Duan Huawei However, Duan Huawei always pestered Lu Zhiqing before I think it’s Liu Yuyan who is jealous of Lu Zhiqing That’s what I said Yang Na said Everyone reacted as if this was the case Liu Yuyan saw that her plan to show weakness fell through More and more people believe in Lu Yao The hatred in my heart gradually deepened Why Why is Lu Yao always able to turn evil into good fortune? Lu Yao sat at a relative’s house I’m married It was a little unpleasant before It can be because of the shining like training I hope you keep your eyes open Don’t let him fool you Lu Yao’s voice was gentle No one is blamed My daughter-in-law has an opinion Also looking at jokes daughter-in-law Laugh at me Ruined my daughter-in-law’s reputation What is it like? She’s clear To me I’m a great man TTME’s heart is also temporarily sub-knotted He was sleepy in his clothes Dressed in clothes, he was so sleepy that his eyes were open Eaten dumplings Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao out to pay New Year’s greetings Too tired you to rest in the four houses No, I’ll pick you up again Fourth, I went out to find Duan Mingjie It’s gone I just miss him Lu Yao put his hot face on his face Fourth, you make fun of me Hands stirred nervously Lu Yao saw this scene Look at Duan Mingjie’s hand that was shaken by Duan Huamei just now The wolf wiped it fiercely Daughter-in-law Clothes specialty Take it off and wash it before putting it on Lu Yao was disgusted when he thought about it dared to take advantage of the fact that she no longer held her man’s arm Shameless junior Duan Mingjie hurriedly observed carefully The door is a family I said, "Why are you trying to make your brother destroy me?" It turned out to be my man! Men are interesting It’s not good for my daughter-in-law Daughter-in-law, don’t speak (Duan Mingjie is my man.) I can do whatever I want Can you handle it? Or do you see that he is obedient to me? you Then your ten families are not even a thing Look back at me and pick my man’s celestial system You’re still reasonable Aren’t they all ten well-behaved and cute images? What’s wrong with Jinda The man who robbed someone else is coming Be ashamed Do you know that this public is willing to be a small branch secretary? If it is passed out I’m afraid the face of the branch secretary is about to end It seems to follow You dare to tick I’m not close to my man How can the public only allow the governor to set fires Xu Ri To say shameless You are also the head of Duanjia Village And ah, my man, what do I think You want to make a man My man, go She looked at Duan Mingjie She’s this Do you like it too? Duan Mingjie said that he didn’t like you I don’t deserve to tell you Listen to where you go, where you go The village party secretary has some rights by himself and bullied the sons of martyrs Let him do the dirtiest and most tiring job in the village I don’t know the man’s daughter-in-law Preparations are already underway for the resignation of the village party secretary was seen by the daughter-in-law and other women confessed to herself Duan Mingjie beat a drum in his heart Daughter-in-law, don’t be angry Why be angry? Think about Duan Huamei’s colorful face just now I just feel refreshed But my man thinks I’m angry Or just get angry Lu Yao ignored him I can’t carry it home Duan Mingjie was terrified Gu Shulan was eating melon seeds I saw Lu Yao walking in front of him with a huff His own son followed all the way to curry favor It’s awkward Daughter-in-law, I was wrong Don’t be angry Anger is not good for the body You scold me Hit me too I will never fight back Daughter-in-law, I know I shouldn’t hide it from you Duan Huamei once said that she liked me Don’t be angry, okay? When did she tell you I forgot about it too Lu Yao snickered and forgot I just didn’t pay attention to it at all So do you like her Of course not What I like is you Okay, then I’m not angry Really don’t get angry anymore I wasn’t angry I figured it out It’s not your fault that Duan Huamei likes you Isn’t it very ignorant for me to be angry with you My Duan Mingjie’s woman doesn’t need to be so sensible Get angry when you want Hit me if you want As long as you’re comfortable Then I will be spoiled by you in the future You hate me What if you don’t want me Daughter-in-law, only you don’t want my share I definitely wouldn’t want you Why did Duan Huamei come back He didn’t go to the city with the branch secretary Did you see a doctor for Duan Huawei? Let’s go out and ask in a moment Surely the mother knows Also The secretary of the family Leaving Liu Yuyan for the New Year, she didn’t know where to go There is everything that the village says At dinner Lu Yao asked Gu Fulan why Duan Huamei came back Sure enough, Gu Fulan found out everything clearly Duan Hua didn’t say anything to the public It’s the Chinese New Year, and his sister-in-law can’t be the only one in the family His father and mother let him come back But he didn’t say anything about his brother going to the city to see a doctor It is only said that they have gone to distant relatives But it’s all from one village Who doesn’t know the situation The scrivener family had no distant relatives at all There must be something wrong with the family They act as the only ones in the know I definitely won’t say it out Obviously, you’re about to start school When the time comes, be on guard Duan Huamei is too insidious Usually looks like a little white rabbit In fact, they are all bad-hearted in their hearts Don’t be bullied by him Sister-in-law, don’t worry I’ll walk around Duan Huamei in the future I will never let her lie in a few words again If there’s anything you need to tell us, be sure to tell us Don’t swallow your anger She doesn’t have a sister Since Lu Yao got married She didn’t think there was an extra sister-in-law It’s more like having an extra sister On the morning of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie sent Duan Mingming back to school in the county Obviously, there is still more than half a year to finish high school Be sure to study hard Even if it’s when you go home and farm after graduation You are also a person with higher education The starting point is different from others You’re still young The possibilities for the future are endless Don’t care about momentary gains and losses With a knowledge base Wait until the opportunity comes You can also catch it right away Sister-in-law, don’t worry I don’t want anything Just go to school On the afternoon of the thirteenth day of the first lunar month The branch secretary suddenly appeared in the village Neither Xu nor Duan Huawei returned Duan Rong’s voice resounded throughout Duanjia Village through the loudspeaker Wei Yingjie’s Lantern Festival party this year Cleaning starts tomorrow at 8 a.m All members of the company must be in place to be assigned The branch secretary came back for the annual Lantern Festival party Mainly to meet the inspection above If you get the above like, it is particularly excellent for the award Encourage the whole village Some time ago Liu Yuyan picked up two pieces of Yuan Datou I just came across the above to check handed over Yuan Datou The people above praised Liu Yuyan Everyone in the village also received 10 catties of sorghum rice Since then, Liu Yuyan has become the benefactor of Duanjia Village Liu Yuyan is also because of this I got the opportunity to teach in the village I knew I would be born again I asked Liu Yuyan where she picked it up What does the daughter-in-law think? Are you worried that the branch secretary will retaliate against us? It’s not that I’ve offended the branch secretary anyway If you worry every day that the branch secretary will retaliate against them Those days will not be over Don’t worry, no matter what work you’re assigned tomorrow You can just cook us a meal at home My second brother and I went to Qian How can that work You really think I can’t pick it with my hands I can’t lift my shoulders We are a family You all go to work I’m at home by myself It’s like talking, it’s good, it’s good Let’s talk about what is clear Feed me first tonight Had breakfast the next day The villagers of Duanjia Village gathered in the production brigade Wait for the branch secretary to assign tasks Duan Rong stood on the stage Assignments are sent one by one His eyes were full of hatred Lu Yao, they didn’t see it at all Gufran and your family went to clean up the pig manure and the cowshed And the black water in the ditch The whole village looked towards Gu Fulan’s family One by one, their eyes widened in shock These three places are the dirtiest and most exhausting jobs In previous years, the branch secretary would take out a strong force from each family Take a break It was all distributed to Duan Mingjie’s family It’s to wear small shoes for their family Did Duan Mingjie’s family offend the branch secretary? It stands to reason that the branch secretary has always been fair and impartial There were also people in the village who offended him But I’ve never seen a branch secretary like this Blatantly put on small shoes Sure, it’s still a very serious kind Otherwise, the branch secretary would not have done this Duan Mingjie’s house In an instant, it became a loss Okay, let’s follow the secretary’s arrangement Hard It has always been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation My father-in-law and my eldest brother were both heroes who sacrificed for their country The rest of our family is naturally not far behind We will definitely be able to do the Lantern Festival party for our Duanjia Village Pitch in My daughter-in-law is right But the trouble is for the secretary to record our family’s centimeters In previous years, this kind of work required 5 people per place Three places for 15 people It is counted as three centimeters per person That’s 45 centimeters This time our family is all done That’s 45 centimeters The branch secretary should have no opinion The mother’s branch secretary will definitely not have an opinion He has always been fair and impartial You can’t do the shameless act of putting small shoes on people That’s why he did it I just want to give us these 45 centimeters I see Then our family will thank the branch secretary first The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sang and harmonized Enigmatical Duan Rong blew his beard and glared The Wood Demon is a slut Innuendo scolded me for being shameless Turned his head and put a high hat on me again He finished all the good things he said Naturally, I am fair and just I knew that the branch secretary was the most decent person Then remember to write us 4 books and 5 centimeters You can press the hands first and then talk about success If not qualified I’m still going to deduct points This old fox It is clear that you want to be at the time of acceptance Water* Excuse us Deduct our centimeters Liu Yuyan looked at Lu Yao’s family’s humble appearance It’s so refreshing Isn’t Lu Yao very rampant It’s not that I’m being suppressed by my father-in-law Lu Yao hooked her lips and sneered Turned around to reassure Gu Fulan Mother is fine Let’s get to work first Just do a good job The centimeter is ours Even the branch secretary can’t open his eyes and tell nonsense Today the people above will surprise check I’ll figure it out when the time comes Bring people over At that time, he will be given a big gift to repay him My daughter-in-law is right Mother, let’s go to work first Duan Mingjie took Lu Yao’s hand The family drifted away There was a lot of talk in the crowd The branch secretary will not Or because Duan Mingjie married his favorite daughter-in-law I’m angry Who knows But I think the branch secretary has gone too far this time Gu Fulan’s man and eldest son both died on the battlefield No matter how good the branch secretary is, he should give the martyr’s family some face Besides If I had gone to Mingjie to meet the above arrangements How could the branch secretary have the opportunity to wear small shoes for their family You said that the direct family went to the private one Is it because of Duan Mingjie them Not to mention that it’s really possible The discussion at the bottom Duan Rong was not inaudible He knew it was after today His image will be greatly diminished But when I thought of my son lying in the hospital bed The anger in his chest could not be stopped Along the way, Gu Fulan scolded and scolded Since my mother has given it to us Let’s do it We’re all in this together It’s going to be good in no time Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao came to the cowshed As soon as I walked into Lu Yao, I smelled a strong smell of cow Subconsciously raised his hand and fanned the taste looked at Lu Yao’s frowning brows Daughter-in-law, go back Just cook us a meal and send it over Let’s do it At 11 o’clock I went back to cook in time Or you make those flowers Such a little bit of work I’ll be good in a minute Couples Come on without getting tired of work Duan Mingjie couldn’t bear to let him suffer He was equally distressed Duan Mingjie looked at Lu Yao sweating profusely His hands were also stained with cow dung He agreed to the position assigned to him from above At this time, the family will not be suppressed by the branch secretary The daughter-in-law will not suffer with him Regret it He didn’t feel like he had done anything wrong stepped on the honor that his father and eldest brother fought for with their lives He thought to a big man What do you want to fight for yourself The two finally cleaned up a cowshed Lu Yao poured a bowl of water for Duan Mingjie and handed it to him I kissed it again Duan Mingjie’s heart blossomed I don’t know what to do Several men passing by watched the interaction between the two I couldn’t help but sour a few words Mingjie carries such a beautiful daughter-in-law No matter how much work you do, you can have energy It’s not Lu Zhiqing who wiped Mingjie’s sweat Mingjie doesn’t feel tired no matter how tired he is Not to mention, he took the initiative to give his small mouth to Duan Mingjie to ask for it A group of big men stared straight at Lu Yao What a beauty Thinking of Lu Zhiqing’s cold look In front of Duan Mingjie, it will be such a wave Duan Mingjie’s tall body The road is blocked tightly It’s all men Duan Mingjie understood too well the way these men looked at his daughter-in-law What do you mean? He rolled up his sleeves Pick up the iron strings A pair of fiery eyes shot out two fierce lights He walked towards the group of men Several men were so frightened that they retreated Deng Mingjie, what do you want to do? The eyeballs were eaten by dogs I’m on the lesson I’ll tell you Duan Mingjie, if you dare to hit me I told the branch secretary You think I’m afraid of you who will only sue In the future, who will look at my daughter-in-law like you just did Whoever eats an iron pick will fall on his head The man shuddered in fright I don’t think I’ve got your daughter-in-law How can I marry you You don’t allow anyone else to look at him yet Since it is so protective Lock people in the house and don’t let them see them After saying that, he pulled his legs and ran Don’t be afraid, daughter-in-law I’m not afraid of them I’m afraid you’re really shooting them with a shovel The village party secretary has some rights by himself and bullied the sons of the earth Let him do the dirtiest and most tiring job in the village Lu Yao went home to cook They kept working Who knows when I rush back Quite a few people are already eating Mother is not hungry Not really Just waiting for you to cook Yaoyao, what delicious did you make? Gu Flan deliberately raised her voice Make fried noodles Mother, you can taste it if it’s delicious Delicious and delicious My daughter-in-law’s cooking must be delicious The villagers all looked over to them They couldn’t help but swallow their saliva I don’t know which doll it is I couldn’t help but say something so fragrant Of course the noodles are fragrant It is said that Lu Zhiqing will not live That’s true This meal of fried noodles I’m afraid that I used all the self-noodles in the family See what they eat later Gu Fulan also looked like she had picked up a treasure Others are blinded by lard Gu Fulan’s family was blinded by Lu You My Yaoyao’s cooking is the best Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie with a puzzled expression People say you don’t work I don’t know how to cook My mother reasoned with people for a long time Lu Yao knew Theory in her man’s mouth Definitely not a frivolous debate It must be mixed with shrews scolding the streets The daughter-in-law sits here long Duan Mingjie, your daughter-in-law’s butt is expensive Your clothes smell of sweat Stinky and sour Is it worthy of your daughter-in-law’s dripping ass Don’t smoke your daughter-in-law’s ass Many people laughed ill-intentionedly Rural people are like that Speak vulgarly said that the clothes were not worthy of her In fact, it means that Duan Mingjie is not worthy of him He also scolded him for being squeamish You old shameless You don’t have an ass Old immortal thing Every word never leaves the butt You love ass so much Take off your pants and youquan Let everyone see your light Gu Fulan was so angry that she stood up Husband on the roof of the plane What kind of fare you are? Shameless shit The third child in my family has a good temper Call you uncle And don’t look at yourself if you’re worthy I said bricks You see my big brother is gone No one of your peers can cure you, isn’t it? Duan Mingjie’s fourth uncle stood up angrily Pointing to the broken brick’s nose Old indecent stuff Let me hear you bury me again Nieces and nephews Don’t blame me for being unkind I’m not dead yet At this time, Yang Na also stood up Skimming his face It is Some people envy my family, Duan Mingjie, who married Lu Zhiqing It’s sour Don’t look at the book Give my sister-in-law a bad job You can ride on the face of my sister-in-law’s family Wanting to bully them Let’s see if we both disagree Lu Yao didn’t expect it Duan Mingjie’s fourth uncle and fourth Will stand up at this time Call the shots for them My mouth grinds a door Don’t be like me Duan Fuguo was the same as Duan Mingjie when he was young He’s a ruthless man He didn’t dare to mess with his mother I want to send some fried noodles to the four uncles and four of them Yaoyao picked more meat for them Four uncles and four aunts I make too many chow noodles I’ve brought you two bowls Look at you kid Don’t send something so good here Your family is tired all morning Eat more, and there’s a lot of work to do in the afternoon Wait until we’re done We’re going to do it for you Okay, then we’re welcome So don’t be polite to us It’s extraordinary If you can’t finish it, it’s a waste Eat it part Noodles were a rarity in this era Not to mention fried noodles with meat Yaoyao: One bowl is enough for us to eat I know you’re a good boy We’re all family It is as it should be to help each other Later days It’s still growing You take this bowl back I still have to work in the afternoon You can’t go hungry That line of four aunts This bowl is for you Lu Yao handed him the bowl with a lot of meat Duan Mingjie’s second aunt The third aunt is much dissatisfied But they must not have heard Eat and drink to your heart’s content Lu Yao followed Duan Mingjie and continued to work I saw that the cowshed and pigsty were all cleaned up Only the stinky gutter remains You’re really damn what you did A cowshed took them more than an hour As a result, another cowshed Duan Mingjie did it in an hour I’m not tired Only he did it a little faster His Yaoyao can be a little more relaxed Niang Yaoyao There is not much work in the stinky gutter I’ll go with my second brother Go back and rest Yaoyao, go back and rest None of us will stop Everything the family has to do together My daughter-in-law is right We are a family No one can be a deserter Finish early and go home early to rest While thinking Will there be a surprise inspection from above today? and Yuan Datou I haven’t heard anyone pick it up until now Relive a lifetime A lot of things have changed Suddenly, Lu Yao’s foot was tripped Almost fell Suddenly, I saw two black things He stared at Yuan Datou in disbelief Duan Mingjie ran over Daughter-in-law, are you alright? Be quiet Look at this silence Duan Mingjie nodded He looked around There are no outsiders Gu Fulan and Duan Mingcheng will also come over this time What are you two doing? Ghostly Gu Fulan and Duan Mingjie’s eyes were about to pop out I’ll be obedient We’re going to get rich These two pieces are added together At least twenty or thirty yuan can be sold Public bar Do we need to be on Mother, the four of us know about this Don’t talk about it to anyone In the past, the secretary was fair and just It’s not impossible to hand it in and give him some performance But he’s all stepped on our heads Can we still give up our own interests to save face for him? Mother, this is what Yaoyao found Let him call the shots A car was heard in the distance coming towards them Lu Yao hooked his lips It’s finally here Duan Mingjie ran to Lu Yao and stood in front of him The car stopped in front of them Lu Yao looked at the man standing in front of him A soft mess in my heart Isn’t this Duan Fuhai’s lover? A man in a tunic suit A few steps came to Gu Fulan Auntie, why are you like this? Lu Yao tugged at Duan Mingjie’s clothes Who is this man? I know my mother If I’m not mistaken This person should be the magistrate of our county All he knew was that someone from above would be sent to investigate today But I didn’t expect it to be the county magistrate You know it too He is the comrade-in-arms of the eldest brother The year the eldest brother died He came to our house once At that time, he was not a county magistrate I heard that it was only promoted at the end of last year It’s been a long time, and I can’t remember it clearly But it should be him Hearing this, Lu Yao frightened County Magistrate Xia turned out to be Duan Minghua’s comrade-in-arms It’s too dramatic, isn’t it? The village party secretary has some rights by himself and bullied the sons of the earth Let him do the dirtiest and most tiring job in the village The county magistrate beckoned to Duan Mingjie and the two brothers Come here, you brothers Duan Mingjie and Duan Mingcheng walked over Lu Yao also followed behind Duan Mingjie What did you two promise me before? I actually let your mother do such dirty work If you don’t take care of it I’ll take her away Take care of it personally Oops county magistrate Isn’t this a task assigned to our family Cowshed pigsty in the village And this stinky ditch has been distributed to our family The two brothers couldn’t do a day The inspection will be done in the evening I can’t ignore this mother The Pingshi brothers are filial I hardly get me to work Mother, you have a very good complaint The county magistrate’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot Who allocates the work to you It’s all dirty work Isn’t that nonsense It was assigned to us by the branch secretary Lu Yao blinked at her mother-in-law Don’t be a thousand I’m going to ask how the secretaries are distributed Since the county magistrate has assigned us a task We’re going to do it well However, it is a matter of looking at the official The county magistrate’s eyes lit up This is my little daughter-in-law The county magistrate glanced at Lu Yao, this lesbian is not simple I didn’t expect Duan Mingjie to marry so beautiful A daughter-in-law with a bookish scent Comrade, this behavior of your branch secretary is unfair I should have reasoned with him I didn’t go because of your house I bumped into any of them I’m going to ask Although the branch secretary is not much of an official But since he is an official, he is not in charge of the people Then I have the right to let him go back to planting sweet potatoes The county magistrate is really fine It is appropriate for the branch secretary to assign us tasks It doesn’t matter if it’s reasonable or not We’re all going to get it done You can’t stop halfway And it’s not a big deal Please call the shots yourself I really can’t make sense Whoever knows the situation says you Make your way If you don’t know, you have to say it Because knowing us brings personal emotions Bad for you The county magistrate smiled looked at Duan Mingjie Where did you find such a good daughter-in-law? Not humble or arrogant It’s a rarity My daughter-in-law is an educated youth in the village Coming from the big city Comrade, what’s your name County magistrate, my name is Lu Yao Comrade Lu Yao You’re good to go I’m not going to look for a branch secretary Work with you Gu Fulan listened The legs are all limp Look, county magistrate My mother was scared of you Auntie, although I am the county magistrate, yes But he is also a servant of the people He is Minghua’s comrade-in-arms I’m ashamed of not being able to protect you It is even more important to do things for you You’re tired of the day Go and take a break I’ll take a few juniors with me for the rest Gu Flan didn’t know what to say Lu Yao patted his shoulder Mother, go and rest Let’s listen to the county magistrate Listen to this kid of mine I like Okay, I’ll take a break The county magistrate picked up Gu Fulan’s hand Look at the secretary behind him You do it for Comrade Lu Yao The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sat in the shade of a tree to rest Watch the county magistrate at work Is Yaoyao really okay? Mother is fine Wait, the branch secretary will be here soon This is the daughter-in-law who is playing a trick on Duan Rong It’s amazing I usually look at my daughter-in-law’s soft temperament There is no backbone Actually, it’s a big idea Straight lock straight lock straight lock The accountant ran over Disturb something Now it’s up to me Really fake But you talk, people Which one is straight to say? I told you not to worry If you don’t say I’m in a hurry The county magistrate cleaned the stinky ditch at the gate of Tie Ming Street Duan Rong’s eyes darkened A hound The whole person fell to the ground Clinic, are you alright? Duan Rong was covered in hair Why did you forget Duan Minghua’s comrade-in-arms when it was over My in-laws have become county magistrates Take me there Liu Yuyan didn’t understand Why did the county magistrate help Wu Yao that slut The tree planting booth is on the market Not really It’s still raging in the morning I’m so scared that I won’t be able to walk at this time Our village won’t change to plant trees Liu Yuyan looked at the past coldly What nonsense are you guys talking about What nonsense, guys At that time, the county magistrate still sat in the position of county magistrate The governor personally asked Gu Fulan The man and the eldest son all sacrificed their lives for the country The people above are paying attention to it This time, your family has a big deal Liu Yuyan’s whole body trembled Other villagers in Duanjia Village also followed to see the excitement Can the branch secretary continue to work? Another one It doesn’t matter if you don’t offend Everybody came to see it He can’t retaliate A middle-aged man in a tunic suit and Duan Mingjie talked and laughed to clean up the stinky ditch See this scene Duan Rong almost fainted It’s over, it’s completely over Sweat broke out on Duan Rong’s forehead Duan Rong came Lu Yao helped Gu Fulan up Why are you here? We haven’t cleaned it up yet The branch secretary exhaled deeply looked at Lu Yao’s villain’s face Teeth trembling He crossed Lu Yao and Gu Fulan County magistrate, when are you here? Who are you The county magistrate has a lot of past affairs I am Duan Rong, the branch secretary of Duanjia Village It turns out that you are the branch secretary Beads of sweat on Duan Rong’s forehead One is more than the other is too much to bubble out How can you do this kind of work, county magistrate? I’ll do it anyway There’s nothing you can’t do Minghua entrusted me to take care of my son before he died Seeing that my aunt is so old Still doing such dirty work I feel guilty I’m sorry for Minghua’s trust in me But think about the task you assigned them It’s done I am now doing my filial piety for Minghua Oh my God, the county magistrate said that he would do his filial piety for Duan Minghua Doesn’t it mean that Gu Fulan is regarded as his mother also a mouthful of an aunt What a face Duan Rongxia’s legs trembled Obviously I was wrong How could you be wrong? You are the village party secretary It is appropriate to assign work to members fairly and justly Hello Comrade County Magistrate My dad wanted to give them more work The county magistrate skimmed Liu Yuyan also You’re his daughter, aren’t you I’m his daughter-in-law That’s 45 centimeters My dad wanted to give them more centimeters I also want to take care of them Yes, yes, I want to take care of them My sister-in-law’s family is having a hard time Usually I take care of them a lot Give them something They don’t I thought I would let them do more work They can also take a little more Then thank you We cleaned the cowshed and pigsty It’s also good right away If you don’t have to pay the secretary, you should check whether you meet the requirements first In the morning, the branch secretary also said that he would strictly control us If we don’t do a good job, we will be deducted points The branch secretary will take a look first If it is not qualified, we will take advantage of the dark to tidy it up You must have misheard the material lightness I’m saying I want you to do a good job In this way, you can love a little bit with so many centimeters It can also gag the mouths of other members It turns out that this is what the branch secretary meant In the morning, I listened to the tone of the secretary I thought you didn’t want to give us so many centimeters The village party secretary has some rights by himself and bullied the sons of the earth Let him do the dirtiest and most tiring job in the village Maybe I didn’t make it clear If the book is well checked, let it check ours No need to check I believe in you It’s still going to be checked That’s our task If you don’t check, you will give us four books and 5 centimeters We’re upset Let’s check it out Do the rest I followed the branch secretary to inspect the work The county magistrate looked at the villagers behind him Today was meant to be a surprise inspection The customs of our Duanjia Village Very good, especially Duan Mingjie’s family Hard Thrift Adhering to the concept that suffering is a blessing A good continuation of Duan Fuguo and Duan Minghua’s father and son Selfless dedication to the country and the people I represent the county party committee and the county government Reward Duan Mingjie’s family with 100 catties of wheat I hope that all the villagers will learn from their families Secretary, let’s go Li Mi, you stay and help Duan Rong followed behind like a grandson looked at the way the father-in-law nodded and bowed Liu Yuyan felt aggrieved This time, Lu Yao’s family not only had 75 centimeters more I also got 100 catties of wheat That’s wheat It’s half a year’s worth of fine grains for an ordinary family He looks like Duan Mingjie It turned out that Duan Mingjie was the one hidden in the village Who would have thought He’ll be able to get in touch with the county magistrate one day Lu Yao, did you already know that the county magistrate would come? That’s why I brought the county magistrate to you No wonder you had to marry Duan Mingjie in the first place It turned out that he knew that their family could catch up with the county magistrate If I had known, I wouldn’t be looking for Duan Huawei He couldn’t satisfy me with even basic happiness Lu Yao’s life is getting better day by day How did I become blind in the first place? Don’t say my daughter-in-law doesn’t know The county magistrate is my eldest brother’s comrade-in-arms Even if you know that you want to calculate me Then I am willing to be calculated by him and Lu Yao looked at each other and smiled Liu Yuyan was so angry that her facial features flew wildly Comrade Liu Yuyan The whole village knows that we are in the house The whole village knows about it My man and my eldest son gave their lives for the country But only Yaoyao doesn’t dislike our family for being poor I want to marry the third child How can it become an ulterior motive in your mouth My mother-in-law and I jumped all over the place Lu Yao is a slut can actually be with Gu Fulan, a shrew They get along so well What about being a county magistrate? The county magistrate can still stay in the village every day My father-in-law is the head of Duanjia Village You’ll have to be healed for a while Wait for the county magistrate to leave My dad wants you to look good Liu Yuyan: I should laugh at you for being stupid I should laugh at your naivety You think your dad can be a book for a few days Rather than mess with me here It’s better to go back and burn incense Pray to the gods Let your dad be a book for a few more days The county magistrate inspected them one by one Finally, I went back to the stinky ditch with the branch secretary to check Look at the clean ditch What do you think? Duan Rong swallowed with difficulty Very good, very good Very good, very good, very good I also think it’s very good The county magistrate personally helped clean it I dare to say it’s not good The county magistrate will arrive for dinner soon Go to my house and sit down Yes, county magistrate, you finally came here We’re going to have to be entertained anyway The county magistrate glanced at Liu Yuyan County magistrate: I cook deliciously What do you like to eat I’ll do it for you The county magistrate saw me I must think I have a good temperament Able to carry things No need The county magistrate turned his head to look at the Duan Mingjie brothers This time it was supposed to be a surprise inspection Your eldest brother sacrificed Throw me here You brothers promised me Will take good care of the elderly But today it is letting I saw him doing dirty work I’m very angry I’m sorry for your big brother I’m even more sorry for the sub You brothers have memorized it for me If only let me know that you are not filial I’ll take my aunt away The jaws dropped in shock from the villagers of Duanjia Village The county magistrate is going to put Guflan to the rhythm This is really a monument to Guflan as a palm Gu Fulan thought that the county magistrate was real The county magistrate of Yiniang is standing up for us Don’t speak Gu Fulan hurriedly covered her mouth and stopped talking Duan Mingcheng didn’t understand Too scared to speak Duan Mingjie is the true intention of the county magistrate The county magistrate is reassured No matter how busy and tired you are in the future Neither of us brothers will let my mother suffer I remember Duan Mingjie’s words You have to do what you say Duan Mingjie nodded heavily There must be so many people watching I believe you Word It’s really late today I guess I won’t have anything to eat when I get home I’ll go to your house tonight for a meal The county magistrate, my daughter-in-law’s cooking is delicious Don’t bite a county magistrate Just look at me as my own son Just call me righteous County magistrate Jiaozhou Ziyi Everyone in Duanjia Village was stunned How can this be done How not In my heart You’re just like my mother Gu Fran was flattered But receive the gaze of the people around you Vanity was satisfied Lu Zhiqing’s aunt Always praise your cooking skills Then I’ll try it Okay Liu Yuyan was so angry that her teeth fought Obviously, our home is the most suitable for reception The county magistrate, my father-in-law, is the branch secretary’s office Mingjie is a fart County magistrate: My cooking is also delicious He felt guilty Give us a chance to make amends He was not reconciled The county magistrate must be dragged to their house He hadn’t used up the medicine he gave Lu Yao yet If only the county magistrate could follow him back He’ll be sure to give the county magistrate a good night tonight yes, county magistrate Go to our house Give me a chance to make amends The branch secretary did nothing wrong There is no talk of making amends My son and I haven’t seen each other in years Just take a look at how he’s been doing over the years Zhao Ziyi said Duan Rong didn’t dare to invite again My father and I will go to Yaoyao’s house with you Yaoyao and I are good friends There are more people and it is lively Sorry, we don’t know each other Not to mention friends Yaoyao, we are the best in the educated youth You can’t just because you don’t want us to get along with the county magistrate Just lie Gu Fulan snorted You’re embarrassed to say You’re ruining Yaoyao’s reputation everywhere also said that it was Yaoyao’s friend Yaoyao is blind So good to you before You’re an unfamiliar self-eyed wolf Take it far and let me go Auntie, why are you so fierce You’re finally showing your true colors You just rely on the county magistrate to support you and scold me at will If only the county magistrate knew who you were I will definitely regret supporting you Liu Yuyan noticed Two cold eyes shot at him He looked at the county magistrate This little comrade played tricks in front of me Do you think I’m stupid? Liu Yuyan was so frightened that she didn’t dare to come forward A naked examination of the county magistrate Let the little Jiujiu in him be at a loss Branch secretary, your daughter-in-law has too many eyes When you go back, you have to educate well It’s not a bad thing to be a little clever But to be too clever is to be stupid I was a heavy drinker when I went to Duan Mingjie’s house Go up and rush over is to be afraid of what is yes yes I’ll teach him a good lesson when I go back Duan Rong glared at Liu Yuyan Get out of the way Don’t be embarrassed here Liu Yuyan’s eyes were red with anger Crying left the county magistrate Then I won’t bother you You can rest assured I will take good care of my sister-in-law’s family in the future If there is a benefit, I will think of them first Definitely won’t be bullied If they have sons who are wasted I can’t do it as a branch secretary Our family is in Duanjia Village, and we are about to be slaughtered You don’t have to think about them all the good things Just don’t let them be bullied It is the county magistrate who is relieved I will take good care of them Don’t let anyone bully them Lu Yao hooked his lips It can be regarded as evil and evil retribution And the retribution is quite fast I’ll take you there, magistrate Let’s go, let me taste your daughter-in-law’s cooking The county magistrate said yes To do filial piety for Minghua And take Gu Flan away Gu Vlan was convinced The county magistrate treats her as his own mother The county magistrate is just a scene And ye believed I don’t believe it You just say sour You can smell the sour smell for hundreds of miles Listen to the discussion of the villagers Duan Rong clenched her hands I don’t know what I’m thinking If you really want to make us good It’s better to let him continue to be this branch secretary How to say this Back home Zhao Ziyi took Gu Fulan’s hand kindly asked her how she had been doing in the past few years I’m fine The children in the family are all older It’s a lot more leisurely The third child married his daughter-in-law again I wake up smiling when I sleep at night It’s really fun to see Gu Shulan Zhao Ziyi was relieved The second daughter-in-law is not at home The two of them can’t get by Divorce makes you see the joke It’s okay, it’s okay Zhao Ziyi looked at Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan lovingly This is Minghua’s child It’s grown so big in the blink of an eye I came over a few years ago My little niece can’t walk yet How about the two children’s studies Did you send your child to school? It’s very good to study Both of them were the first in their grades Kids, your father and grandfather are heroes You have to study hard In the future, he will become a pillar of the country Contribute to the great rejuvenation of our country Your Father saw it in heaven I’ll be glad too I want to study hard I’m in a novel As long as I study well Then I will be able to go to heaven Contribute to our country’s aerospace industry I’m going to be the greatest Definitely not to disgrace my dad Zhiwei: I believe in you It’s not the same to have a literate city person at home Children can also be affected I’m just teaching casually The main thing is that the two children are angry If you hadn’t said it The whole village Can’t pick out the second person who knows about aerospace And you can guide your child to have their own goals It’s really good The two children were handed over to the third daughter-in-law You can rest assured There will be a big future in the future After eating The county magistrate called Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao to the courtyard Let’s talk about what is going on with your family and the branch secretary Lu Yao looked at Duan Mingjie Don’t tell the truth If you don’t say it I went door-to-door and asked Your eldest brother asked me to take care of you before he died After retiring, I worked my way up and down in the county Finally took office a year ago I’ve been really busy for the past few years Too busy to take care of the family You are I, I’m sorry for you Your eldest brother, now you have been wronged I don’t want to talk to me The last time I came was the year when Duan Minghua sacrificed At that time, Duan Mingjie was eighteen or nineteen years old I offered to give his brothers a job in the county seat Or let Duan Mingjie be the branch secretary of Duanjia Village But none of the brothers wanted to said that they were unwilling to step on the bones of their father and eldest brother For their own benefit Otherwise, you will be uneasy for the rest of your life This family is all about people I feel sorry for them though But also respect them Before leaving, I also explained to Duan Rong Take good care of their family I’m afraid that Duan Rong thinks I don’t have any rights They didn’t take my words to heart The county magistrate has said everything to this point Concealing it is their fault Duan Mingjie frowned Tell me what happened It’s also that I’m too impulsive It’s not a big deal The branch secretary is such a son It’s also right to hold a grudge against us But his son was such a bastard I couldn’t hold back It’s too unusual I’m going to give you an explanation for this County magistrate: I have a few words to say You said This matter was indeed provoked by Duan Huawei first I also have witnesses on my side If we want to sue him Easy But it is also a fact that Duan Mingjie abolished Duan Huawei If I sue them Then they will definitely send Duan Mingjie in Don’t be afraid of this Duan Mingjie will be fine The county magistrate may not know Duan Rong is a complete hypocrite and a true villain If his son goes in Duan Mingjie is good He’s going to sue you The abuse of power for personal gain will be everywhere Our family relied on the credit of my father and eldest brother to do nonsense Dad and Big Brother are heroes I don’t want because of our relationship Let them be tainted It will do you no good What’s more, I wasn’t hurt But Duan Huawei was abolished because of this It’s a retribution A man cannot have children There is no worse punishment than this Zhao Ziyi lowered his eyes Apparently unwilling But Lu Yao was right Then I’ll remove him as a branch secretary Such a person is not suitable to be a party secretary at all If you really want to make us good It’s better to let him continue to be this branch secretary How to say this If you think about it, Duan Rong must be terrified at this moment Think about how you punish him He thought that this branch secretary would definitely not be able to do it But you just ignored him And you don’t remove him from his post at a glance And he was uneasy I also have a hint of fantasy in my heart from time to time He will be nice to us with this illusion But if he is withdrawn He will definitely hold a grudge against us As the saying goes, a gentleman is easy to deal with Villains are hard to guard against In the future, my family is afraid that there will be no peace of mind Lu Zhiqing, you don’t look very old But when he thinks about things, he is very mature and comprehensive It’s a rarity People have weaknesses We have that too We cannot ignore the merits of the dead I can’t ignore the safety of my mother and two children The county magistrate, you will listen to my daughter-in-law You’re angry for us today Duan Rong won’t bully us anymore in the future What Lu Zhiqing said makes sense But you remembered it for me In the future, there will be tricky problems at home Be sure to go to the prefecture and tell me Put your name on it The people below will bring you to me More than 8 o’clock Zhao Ziyi and his secretary drove away from Duanjia Village Duan Mingjie took out Yuan’s head from his pocket and put it on the table Gu Fulan’s eyes lit up I’m so good-looking Mother, let me see Lu Yao held Yuan Datou I rolled over and took a closer look Daughter-in-law, what are you looking for? See the English on Yuan Datou Lu Yao smiled reassuringly I’m looking for this string of words What is this written I want to spell the phone, but I can’t spell the words It can’t be a fake This is a foreign language Duan Mingjie and the three of them looked at Lu Yao together Isn’t this something from our Republic of China? Why do people still have foreign languages? This is an abbreviation of a foreigner’s first name It’s the person’s signature version This ordinary Yuan Datou is more valuable There are several kinds of signed versions of Yuan Datou The signed version of Yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China is the most valuable I think this seems to be the third year of the Republic of China Originally, it was just a casual look I didn’t expect it to be really a signed version Yaoyao, you know so much I’ve only heard that Yuan Datou is worth a lot But I didn’t expect there to be so many Taos in it Duan Mingjie rubbed Lu Yao’s head My daughter-in-law is amazing Lu Yao was embarrassed by their praise My uncle is very fond of antiques When I was a child, I saw a thousand-character version of Yuan Datou’s picture My uncle searched for many channels but couldn’t get it I didn’t expect us to pick it up Then you see if that piece is also a thousand words Lu Yao took it and looked at it Unfortunately, not the signed version It’s just three years of the Republic of China! It’s also worth a lot of money Our family has made a fortune Mother, we’ll sell them together tomorrow Didn’t you say your uncle liked it? Keep this signed version for him The other one was sold No, no, no This one is very valuable To say the least, it costs 500 yuan 1,000 blocks are possible Duan Mingjie was stunned It can be sold for so much money I’ll say less The one without signing can probably sell for two or three hundred My uncle wanted it before Buy a signed version of Yuan Datou from an ancient player Give him 2,000 No one sells it I’m good Gu Fulan suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe Big surprise smash to her head Duan Mingjie frowned The second brother of the mother and child board has a round head I still want to give it to Yaoyao’s uncle It was originally picked up by Yaoyao Let’s sell one for two or three hundred Look at it I’m okay with that If it’s not for younger siblings We can’t pick up something so good If you sell it, you don’t have to give it to me Duan Mingcheng knew the concerns of the third couple The third child, you are married From now on, what you and your brother and sister have will be yours Don’t think about giving it to me I’m your brother I didn’t give you anything You can’t take advantage of both of you anymore The second said so Gu Fulan was very pleased After the divorce, the second child is also a lot sensible Well, I know you two brothers are of the same mind Just according to what the third child said This piece is for Yaoyao’s uncle The other one will go out and sell it tomorrow I’ll take the money first Gu Fulan looked at Lu Yaoyao lovingly You’re right You’re a lucky star Since getting married Let’s sandwich a succession of good things Lu Yao blushed I do seem to have a koi physique Duan Mingjie and Lu Yao took two Yuan heads back to the house The door closes Lu Yao hugged Duan Mingjie’s waist from behind Duan Mingjie, you’re so good I knew I wanted to leave that thousand-character plate for my uncle Yuan Datou took it for me Even knowing that it’s worth a lot of money There was no hesitation Fool stuff is what you pick up If you hadn’t married me It’s all yours It’s none of our business Lu Yao bit his lip That’s right But that’s what I am If Gu Fulan and Duan Mingcheng have a bad attitude It has to be occupied I’m going to fight back But they didn’t Instead, he supported me to leave the most valuable Yuan Datou I was embarrassed Lu Yao saw the marks on his neck in the mirror Woo, I don’t have the face to see anyone The second level in the morning Gu Fulan’s eyes widened in horror in the room Then he turned his face away in shame and stopped looking Yaoyao, hurry up I’ll make something delicious and I’ll be waiting for you After saying that, Gu Fulan ran away Lu Yao scratched his head looked at Duan Mingjie Mother, what’s wrong I was happy just now I’ll come along It’s as if my mother-in-law has seen something amazing Scared away Yuan Datou sold it for 400 yuan Lu Yao woke up completely Really when did you go My second brother and I went to the black market in the early morning to sell it The price is a little higher I asked for 500 and grinded for a long time and didn’t give it It was sold for 400 It’s okay for the price I thought it would sell for 300 at most An extra 100 yuan is also a happy event early in the morning My mother-in-law looked at me with the eyes of the God of Wealth It turned out to be because of this Why did the young lady suddenly have a hellish expression just now Duan Mingjie glanced at his neck I touched my nose weakly I don’t know Twist your head Lu Yao saw marks on his neck in the mirror Whining I don’t have a face to see anyone Daughter-in-law, don’t worry My mother was also young Definitely understand us The daughter-in-law was really angry Not next time Duan Rong came over with a smile on 100 catties of wheat Sister-in-law, I’ll count the wheat for you The third one knows the number one after another Duan Mingjie walked over He took the wheat from Duan Rong’s hand It is placed under the table in the hall You can’t let something so valuable out of the house lest anyone steal it The branch secretary is here I don’t know if I’m here Lu Yao smiled and said nothing My sister-in-law’s previous things were all about me It’s also my son’s Now he has been punished Let’s not talk about it I will take good care of you in the future Don’t let anyone bully you I also forgot about it Zhao Ziyi came a few years ago He also told me to take good care of my uncle Come to one But at that time, Zhao Ziyi was just a small clerk I didn’t take it to heart Who knew that Zhao Ziyi could become the county magistrate Did we tie the 45 centimeters in our house? Remember, remember, remember The 30 points awarded by the county magistrate have also been recorded for you Gu Fulan didn’t speak Duan Rong took the initiative to find a topic several times There was no one in the house to pay attention to him Duan Rong hated it in his heart Smiling I’ll go back first I’ll send you Duan Mingjie followed When I went out, I saw Duan Rong, a fellow villager standing not far away Deliver wheat to Gu Fulan’s house early in the morning alarmed the villagers of Duanjia Village Everyone was waiting to see Duan Rong’s joke Retribution comes so quickly Duan Rong gritted her teeth with hatred But at this time, he can only grit his teeth and swallow blood The county magistrate did not explicitly say that he would remove me from my post I can’t figure it out for myself The county magistrate will do what they will do in order to live up to the blue Before the results are available I had no choice but to compromise What is that case? These people are watching my jokes If you encounter something, you still have to come to me This is over I am also the most beloved branch secretary in the village I don’t know what the county magistrate said to you last night I’m not going to find you a job? Lu Yao smiled and shook his head There is no county magistrate, just chatting with my mother talked about the past few years Let’s find her later Lu Yao didn’t talk about her Duan Rong didn’t want to ask directly The county magistrate is a hairy man You can come to me in the future I’ll fix it for you Lu Yao smiled and didn’t answer Didn’t you graduate from high school? There is still a shortage of teachers in our village After 15 you go to work You are highly educated At home, the old talent is buried It is also the loss of our Duanjia Village I’ll hand over the children of the village to you We are all at ease Eat people with a short mouth Gave him a job Lu Yao will definitely have good things to say to the county magistrate Over the years, I have worked as a secretary It’s good, nothing wrong Maybe the county magistrate won’t pursue it after he finds out If it’s a past life Lu Yao will definitely accept this job There aren’t many teacher positions A lot of educated youths are grabbing Lu Yao also fought for it But it didn’t work out Now he has his own plans And I don’t want to be a secretary That’s a good thing People in the village always say that daughters-in-law don’t work If there is a salary for teaching, don’t say it It can also gag the mouths of the villagers But I can’t guess what my daughter-in-law thinks It’s better to stop making noise There is no need for a branch secretary to teach We do have something right now What a great job He didn’t want to You said I’d do it for you That is true Didn’t I give you more than 100 yuan last time? That’s all our family’s savings To you, my mother fainted in distress that day Yesterday the county magistrate came We don’t have anything good to entertain Ming Huanghuang asked me for money Matter purifies me I don’t have any money anymore I took them all to see a doctor for Huawei 16 The doctor said that it could be cured But you have to take medicine for a long time If not, there is hope They won’t stay that long, either Lu Yao raised his eyebrows It can still be cured That’s great This is the result of a good heart It’s because you’re kind-hearted So you can’t see us Can’t open the pot isn’t it It’s spring this year Obviously, the tuition fees of the two children were borrowed from others I’m really afraid that the creditor will come to me and make trouble The daughter-in-law really opened her eyes and said nonsense Duan Rong also knew that Lu Yao was talking nonsense But he couldn’t argue with it said that Duan Huawei saw a doctor Didn’t Liu Yuyan pay? He said he had no money You believed Duan Rong hoped that Liu Yuyan would be rich But his mother’s family can’t He didn’t have any filial piety And when they got married, their family didn’t pay a penny, not to mention the dowry also posted them 200 yuan upside down You are so kind Liu Yuyan has a lot of small coffers Last time, you showed off with me He has 300 dollars I was there when I said it Really fake I don’t know But that’s what he told me Why don’t you go back and ask him? Duan Rong’s face darkened I’ll go back and ask him Then I’ll wait for your good news Duan Rong left with a snort Little fox Lu Yao smiled dragged Duan Mingjie home Gu Flan sat on the stool and sulked Mother at the latest The secretary will send back the money we gave him No way If the mother is the secretary to send the money back Don’t sulk, okay? If only he could give us the money back Then I’m not angry at all So We didn’t eat anything, and we didn’t say anything It also took a big advantage The Taoist secretary’s family suffered Naturally, I have no reason to be angry But Duan Rong, that old turtle Definitely won’t give the money back Duan Mingjie pulled Lu Yao back to the house My daughter-in-law is very good at teaching Why don’t you want to? If I go to teach, I have to be a secretary I don’t want that And I have my own plans What you’re saying is I just wanted you to teach You don’t have to work in the fields It’s like how much work I’ve done This stupid man I wish I wouldn’t have to do any work You gave us 186 bucks before you were ignorant 9 gross 7 I will give you back 187 Let’s pass this matter, okay Gu Shulan was dumbfounded Lu Yao smiled Said give the money to my mother Duan Rong handed the money to Gu Fulan Gu Fulan still didn’t react in shock Looking at the bright smile on the daughter-in-law’s face She felt unreal Okay, okay people Duan Rong had a heart attack and was about to faint If it’s cheap, sell it Xiang Wu gave way to teach Haruka He refuses to be material Tomorrow, our village will hold a Lantern Festival party Do you have any good ideas? Lu Yao, since you treat me like this Then don’t blame me for being rude Don’t snatch your man I won’t be surnamed Liu Lu Zhiqing Tomorrow our village will hold a Lantern Festival party Do you have any good ideas? Lu Yao shook his head No You’re from the city Wen is highly educated He is the most talented educated youth in our Duanjia Village I’m sure you have a good idea Don’t worry, I won’t do you any wrong When the time comes, you will be given 10 credits Lu Yao was still unmoved Lu Zhiqing Ming Ming and Zhiwei are going to perform on stage You can coach them When the time comes, the county magistrate will definitely come and watch If it’s good There will be rewards Last year or the year before last There was a child who sang well I was selected to study on the 10th floor Lu Yao was moved I don’t need this opportunity But obviously I need it with my two children One said to go to the city Gu Shulan’s eyes lit up But she couldn’t agree for Lu Yao Okay, I think about it Seeing that she agreed Duan Rong breathed a sigh of relief I just hope that tomorrow the county magistrate will come Can change my mind Duan Huawei has enough money for treatment Duan Rongqi gritted his teeth Mu Zhiqing was right There is Yu Yan, a slut He hid his private money behind my back Not admitted at first Speaking of his room rental That’s when I took 50 yuan out I didn’t believe he was only 50 When he entered I saw where he hid his money I went over and took it out As a result, there were more than 300 Don’t you wonder where his money comes from? It seems that Liu Yuyan has taken on a lot of work Maybe I made a lot of money before Lu Zhiqing, what else do you know? I don’t know anything I just don’t think Liu Yuyan has any way to make money You also know that he is patriarchal Won’t give him money That his money Where did it come from That adds up to 500 dollars He can’t be pouring soup behind your back? Duan Rong is a clever man Yes The branch secretary is trading backwards, but it is speculative It was the demon who was caught and educated We don’t care if Liu Yuyan changes it or not I’m worried that she’ll affect you I’ll go back and ask her You ask her, and she won’t tell the truth Duan Rong looked at Lu Yao She knew that Lu Yao and Liu Yuyan did not deal with each other From that night, Liu Yuyan caused a sensation in the whole village to find Lu Yao said that Lu Yao was ruined The two of them don’t deal with each other Lu Yao wanted to take revenge on Liu Yuyan Duan Rong didn’t want to be Lu Yao’s knife But what Lu Yao said was right If Liu Yuyan is really speculative Then I really can’t do it as a branch secretary What’s more, my fate is still in the hands of Lu Yao It is impossible not to be convinced Lu Zhiqing: What should I do? You can pay a little attention at night Look at what he did at night You won’t know if you catch it red-handed That’s a good idea Thank you, Lu Zhiqing Don’t thank you, I’m afraid that you will be affected by him The whole village was waiting to see the jokes of our two families Surely you are also worried that we have spoken ill of you to the county magistrate So that you can’t do it But we didn’t say anything You’ve been a party secretary for so many years So many good things have been done You can’t do something unfair and it will take your credit away You gave us little shoes last time Certainly not your intention Mu Zhiqing is reasonable It was indeed usurped by Liu Yuyan’s traitor What I did was what he intended It has nothing to do with Liu Yuyan I don’t want to talk much about your family I’m just worried that you’ll be removed from office all of a sudden I think it’s because of us No, it won’t I believe in you My daughter-in-law really has a way of fooling people That couldn’t be better You can rest assured I’ll make sure the kids behave You also pay attention to Liu Yuyan I’ll follow him The branch secretary left Lu Yao shook his body happily The little guy with a black belly I’m so black-bellied Do you still like me I like you everything Especially the appearance of a black belly It’s particularly painful Liu Yuyan’s matter will be known sooner or later Say it out of my mouth It’s better to let the branch secretary find out for himself When the time comes, they dog-eat-dog Let’s watch the play and listen to the daughter-in-law The two of them returned to the house I saw Gu Fu Are you a god? In the morning, he said that Duan Rong would pay back the money It turned out that the evening had not yet arrived She really came to pay it back Lu Yao was embarrassed to tell him the truth Forget it or don’t talk about it Otherwise, I won’t be able to keep the image of my little fairy Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie went back to the house The daughter-in-law is in the afternoon and tomorrow Let’s pick him up later Take her out to play Buy something delicious Okay, that’s right I’ll see if my dad and my uncle have sent me something Duan Mingjie wanted to ask him about his family several times In the end, I didn’t dare to ask Forget it, let’s talk about it when my daughter-in-law wants to talk about it Duan Mingjie was riding a bicycle to land Yao Lu Yao sat in the back seat and hugged Duan Mingjie’s waist The bike came to a jerked stop Liu Yuyan, are you wrong? Liu Yuyan bypassed Duan Mingjin and went straight to Lu Yao Did you tell my dad that I was rich? Did my dad give you the money? Lu Yao stood firm looked at Liu Yuyan’s angry and distorted facial features Immediately laughed It seems that he is very angry All at once the money from the sale of the flesh was gone And one and a half gave me this greatest enemy Anyone else will collapse Yes, I told the branch secretary that you have money You have the money and don’t give your man a lot of medical treatment Your father asked me for money I’m doing it now It’s just to treat others the way they do I just wanted to give 150 As a result, Liu Yuyan admitted behind her back I just took out a few dozen more dollars Liu Yuyan pointed at him with trembling fingers It is very rude to refer to people Also, you’re sure you’re going to quarrel with me here Now the branch secretary is obedient to our family I’m not happy and the branch secretary to file a complaint Say something you shouldn’t say in a hurry You are the one who suffers Liu Yuyan’s face turned pale Scared legs weak Lu Yao approached him Liu Yuyan: How did you get your money? I know that, and so do you Not much else I wish you a prosperous business Liu Yuyan subconsciously took a step back It’s horrible Lu Yao is terrible She is no longer the gentle and kind person she used to be Lu Yao, who is easy to talk Liu Yuyan should be careful when walking next time Don’t hit me in my car again There will be another time We’re not going to brake Lu Yao sat on the back seat of the bicycle Hold me tight and sit down Well, let’s go Liu Yuyan looked at the back in the distance Lips tremble This slut How dare you threaten me Thinking of Lu Yao’s neck, there were vague marks Liu Yuyan was extremely crazy Why is Lu Yao so well moistened by men is still a young strong man like Duan Mingjie And I’m in it for the money Accompany those old men who have passed far away Duan Mingjie is tall and big It’s definitely tough in bed Liu Yuyan even began to imagine The feeling of Duan Mingjie pressing on him It must be more comfortable than those old men Since Lu Yao is the one you treat me like this Then don’t blame me for being rude Don’t snatch your man I won’t be surnamed Liu Be sure to make good money Buy milk powder for your daughter-in-law I won’t be surnamed Liu Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie went to the post office Sure enough, my father and uncle’s package had arrived My uncle also wrote me a letter Lu Yao went out of the post office to protect the environment Everyone is responsible I saw a woman selling chicken cakes on the other side Duan Mingjie thought he wanted to eat Hurriedly went over and bought it Bring me 10 This is your daughter-in-law It’s so good-looking I guess I bought it for your daughter-in-law Auntie, did you make it yourself, oops This little daughter-in-law is not only good-looking It’s still a personal essence The woman thought it was Lu Yao I’m worried that what he does is not as delicious as what is sold in big shopping malls I really did it myself My relatives belong to a chicken cake factory Will do this I’ve been learning from him for a long time You can rest assured that it is exactly the same as what is sold in the big shopping malls And it’s much cheaper than the big malls I think it’s delicious Come back next time Okay, then we’ll buy it back and try it On the way to pick up the section Mingming You say I sell chicken cakes and bread What do you think You will do it Yes, after graduation My uncle was going to ask me to go to the bakery to send mail It’s okay to be idle I learned it after doing it a few times My daughter-in-law is amazing Duan Mingjie: What about my plan? A pound of chicken cake in a state-run shopping mall costs two cents Some even cost 5 cents But the cost is about 3 cents It’s quite a lot of money I think it’s okay Then Duan Ming came back The three of them went home Lu Yao opened the two packages Both packages are huge Lu Yao opened the one his father sent him first There is malt milk in it Two bottles of alabaster Two sets of spring clothes and two pairs of shoes There are also some food stamps and money that are valid throughout the country Uncle’s package Two more shirts and pants than his father Meat tickets and industrial tickets Gu Fulan and the others were dumbfounded The people in the city are really rich Your family sends you so many every month West No, mother It’s usually busy, and when the season is about to change, they send me clothes Isn’t it spring soon? So they sent me spring clothes Usually it’s just some money tickets and food I guess it’s because I didn’t go home for the Chinese New Year this year Uncle they are distressed Just sent a little more Russian yes, what is that? My uncle still treats me like a child The milk powder was sent Mother, you usually drink it for the two children No, no, no It’s something from your mother’s family You drink it yourself It’s not cheap at first glance I haven’t even seen this thing Sister-in-law, this is milk powder to milk powder Something for small children to drink High in nutrients Zhiwei and Yanyan are the ones who grow their bodies It is more useful to give them to drink than for me You, oh, you make a cup for Zhiwei and Yanyan first How could I soak this thing? It’s like bubble malt cream Okay, too Lu Yao took out a set It is more suitable for Duan Mingming’s temperament of spring clothes Obviously, you try If it suits, you can wear it I don’t want this garment It’s not cheap at first glance If you say it, I’ll give it to you If you’re embarrassed Buy it for me when you earn the money Take your sister-in-law’s heart Russian Duan Zhiwei and Duan Yanyan walked over drinking milk Can you drink it? It tastes weird and a little fishy Drink this to grow taller If you can drink it, drink it The two children didn’t say a word I raised my head and drank Back to the house Thank you, daughter-in-law Why did you start to see so much again? Just be nice to me in the future Well, for sure Lu Yao sat on the bed Open the letter from your uncle to him The letter said that Yaoyao did not go back So I bought him more The milk powder was bought by someone he asked someone to buy in Shanghai It can also be drunk by adults It can improve immunity But the daughter-in-law gave the milk powder to the two children Duan Mingjie secretly swore in his heart Be sure to make good money Buy milk powder for your daughter-in-law Uncle is so good to you My grandfather is my uncle and my mother and two children The two of them have a good relationship It’s also a love for me Do you want to go back? Letters on the dictionary The lines were asking Yaoyao when she would go back Let’s go a little longer She wasn’t mentally prepared yet At night, Lu Yao bit the pen and meditated Are you writing back to your uncle? How’s it being written? I’m thinking about what they’re going to do tomorrow to be a blockbuster Just think about it You’re really taking it to heart How can you just think about it You know why our county doesn’t hold a party on Chinese New Year’s Eve Do you want to hold the Lantern Festival? It’s not just a formality Let’s have a good time After the branch secretary said I’ll just check it out truly In previous years, there will be 5 places to study in the city every year There are high school students, junior high school students, and elementary school students Obviously, he and his two children have never been out of the county If there is a chance to go to the city What a learning opportunity There are dozens of townships in our county So many kids performing Our village has been running for so many years None of them were chosen Their requirements are definitely high Lu Yao suddenly remembered his previous life The first Spring Festival Gala held nationwide At that time, Duan Mingjie was already a successful businessman Say I’m bored at home alone So I bought me a TV I know what to do There are no sketches at this time It’s just a drama or something Then rehearse a play Let Duan Mingming take the two children to perform on stage Duan Mingjie saw that he was in good spirits There is also a lot of anticipation You go to sleep first I’m going to bed a little late tonight It has to be written Tomorrow we have to rehearse all day Time is of the essence At 10 o’clock, Lu Yao finally finished writing He showed it to Duan Mingjie You see how it goes Is there anything to improve on? It’s roughly written that a family is patriarchal The son is unproductive The girl has good grades But the father and mother insisted that their son go to school Don’t let your daughter go to school I didn’t get my way to arguing with my parents about going to school The last one left his homeland Married to a good man I also became a teacher When he came back, his father wanted him to help his brother The girl didn’t want to He came back this time to tell his parents Equality Women can hold up half the sky You are not allowed to look at other girls I don’t watch anyone but you It would take 4 people You and your brother can make a cameo Let the second brother go I really can’t do acting My man is so handsome In case it’s a lesbian who comes to check What a look at you Let’s let the second brother come First, you can see if there is anything that needs to be improved You can get rid of marrying a good man You meant to say that men and women are the same Women can hold up half the sky Then there is no need for this man Let the girl be recognized in the out-of-town school From teaching elementary school to teaching high school It has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents This is a better reflection of his abilities Duan Mingjie, you have a very high understanding That makes sense I’m just saying it casually No You said it very well Just change it as you say We’ll go to bed when I’m done Duan Mingjie It feels like I’m shooting myself in the foot I still want to hurt her How does it hurt her so late If I add another episode of a husband beating his daughter-in-law How many men in our village beat their daughters-in-law Through this, you can also knock and knock on them Daughter-in-law, don’t worry I will never hit you If I hit you Let me die a good death I didn’t say anything about you Then I support you in writing it My man is the best man in the world I will never do a jerk that beats my daughter-in-law The next morning Lu Yao called the four of them to the courtyard Show them the script What is this for? Sister-in-law, you’re going to let us appear in a drama at night It’s a drama In the afterlife, it is a sketch There is no skit yet The branch secretary said If the performance is good Selected by leadership You have the opportunity to go to the city and study Do you want to go? Xiao: I want to go Do as I say Let’s start with the words Obviously, you took the two of them with a pair of words Teach all the words you don’t know in the shortest possible time Don’t memorize it for a while, talk too much during rehearsals Naturally, I remembered it Second brother, I remember you went to high school You know all the words I won’t let you let the third brother go up Duan Mingjie flashed to the side Last time, you said you were going to share it for me It just so happened that my daughter-in-law gave you a chance Duan Mingcheng blackened his face What the hell is this? Let me act It’s better to let me farm is still playing a wreck who beats his daughter-in-law I don’t act Lu Yao held back a smile Gu Fulan glared at Duan Mingcheng You come when you are a brother I’ll come to the market, I’ll come Obviously, no problem Sister-in-law rest assured Wrap it around me Can Yaoyao do it? You Don’t worry, our interests are relatively new Everyone else is decent Trust me, I’m sure I’ll stand out At least one will be chosen Okay, let’s start rehearsing Don’t take it as an endorsement It’s like reality Don’t be inhibited, be as natural as possible This afternoon The villagers of Duanjia Village had an early dinner Assemble in the brigade Soon There was an uproar in the crowd Lu Yao looked over along the sound source found out that it was the county magistrate Zhao Ziyi who came over Bent down and hold Gu Fulan’s hand Auntie, you’re here too My daughter and two children are also going to perform on stage And so we followed I’ll watch their performance for a while before leaving Duan Rong walked over It was Lu Zhiqing’s idea for you There may be a surprise The county magistrate can read it before leaving Zhao Ziyi looked at Lu You Then I’ll have to take a look Well, then I’m waiting for your review You go get busy I’m watching here Don’t entertain me What is the matter with you calling me? Duan Rong brought a pot of hot tea And a bag of melon seeds I don’t swallow it myself I don’t like to eat melon seeds Duan Huamei and Liu Yuyan took the stage Duan Huamei also deliberately dressed up Haruka turned his face to look at the man beside him You are not allowed to look at other girls I don’t watch anyone but you The relationship between the third child of your family and Lu Zhiqing It’s so beautiful It’s not sticky day by day I was happy when I saw it We’re talking about our age I just want to see the happiness of my grandchildren here Lu Yao blushed How did I forget to lower my voice I was about to say that the one above is my daughter was said so by Lu Yao I don’t know what to say The county magistrate only cared about discussing their relationship as husband and wife How can you still have the heart to watch the show Lu Yao must have done it on purpose Liu Yuyan sang on stage The eyes kept looking at the county magistrate Originally, he wanted to go on stage alone But Duan Rong’s father and daughter I have to let him take Duan Huamei to the stage It’s just a matter of coming to power I also want to dress up Duan Huamei better He made it a little ugly It’s a good foil to his daughter’s good looks Father and daughter have a race I will not accede to their unreasonable demands I’m hoping to attract the prefectural magistrate this time Liu Yuyan watched the county magistrate watch their game I don’t know what Lu Yao’s slut said The county magistrate turned his attention away Don’t look at me anymore The two of them watched Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie intimacy I’m so angry Because I did not get the green of the prefectural magistrate I didn’t have any intention of singing Until the song is broken The crowd burst into laughter The two of them also attracted the attention of the county magistrate Duan Rong’s face darkened Such a simple thing can be smashed by a dog The two children were in good spirits Courage is commendable He is worthy of being the county magistrate Speaking makes people feel like a spring breeze Duan Rong was embarrassed to say that this was his daughter It’s a fucking shame Liu Yuyan took Duan Huamei to see the county magistrate Do you want to graduate and teach in the village? If you don’t want to The teacher’s quota let Duan Mingming Or Lu Yao, that slut takes you away, and you will follow me Behave well in front of the line leader The two walked up to Zhao Ziyi Liu Yuyan smiled pretentiously The county magistrate is my sister-in-law You’re the county magistrate You don’t even remember me looked at Liu Yuyan’s face as black as the bottom of a pot Lu Yao tried his best to hold back I didn’t laugh out loud The county magistrate, this is my daughter This is my daughter-in-law You two are doing a great job The county magistrate even praised me You must have taken a fancy to me The county magistrate was not able to invite you to our house for dinner last time Let’s go to our house for dinner after a while Thank you for your kindness But I’m going to leave after watching the show When are you going to perform on stage? The county magistrate will be their turn next Zhao Zi looked forward to it Stop it Put the show of Duan Mingjie’s family at the end It’s just to keep the county magistrate Why didn’t my father let me go to school? The whole village looked at it The people below were in an uproar Lu Zhiqing This is a little play I rehearsed for them Small drama You can take a look first Stage It’s useless for a girl to go to school I want to save money for my brother to go to school and marry a daughter-in-law My brother has poor academic performance It’s not fair to have a good job The stage was fierce The people below look attentively Especially Duan Mingjie played that paragraph according to Duan Mingming Many women in the village feel the same way Many people also have red eyes Sisters of Duanjia Village Aunts-in-law We were very happy I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to you tonight Since I was born I’m used to seeing men spanking women I also saw more parents Put all your hopes in your son Even if the son is not promising The girl has a chance I don’t let my daughter go to school In the eyes of most people The girl is a money-loser When he is old, he will have to rely on his son to support him But as long as the child has a chance Both men and women When you’re old They will all feed you the same Think about it One of the boys who grew up with a preference How many are promising? How many are filial when they grow up Because of your preference Let them gradually be selfish I would like to welcome you here In the future, it will be possible to achieve equality between men and women I hope that the girls from our Duanjia Village will come out can be more confident You can have the opportunity to read and become excellent And the aunts and aunts Sisters-in-law, brothers and sisters I hope that in the future, when you men beat you You can rise up and resist Don’t go against the grain You are obedient It will only make them more unscrupulous So we lesbians have to unite Protect yourself That’s right My sister has said everything that should be said I don’t want to say much As a son I will be filial to my mother As a husband I’ll be as right as I can My daughter-in-law is good Won’t scold her will give her the best things in the world As long as I still have a breath of energy The dirty work at home is not her turn A man’s fist is an outsider And not his own daughter-in-law Men who beat their daughters-in-law are incompetent As an older brother I will do my best to get my sister to study In the future, when I have children I was also able to pamper my daughter One is his strongest backing Aunt Xiao, don’t worry about fish I will protect my sister for the rest of my life You’re right A brother is like a father In the future, I will not let my sister suffer The child didn’t come to my house I’m scared Because I don’t have a father or a mother Many girls in the village are disliked by their families I’m also afraid of being disliked Although the family was very nice to me But I have to think about it every day when I go to school This is not my last day of school But after my child came to my house He told me I am the princess of the family I can splash and roll I can cry I can be less sensible It was the child who told me Let me do what I love to do As long as you don’t hurt others Lu Zhiqing, this show is very good It is also clear that he and the two children are doing well I just came up with an idea Not much to contribute I don’t agree with that If it weren’t for you They didn’t have such a good idea The county magistrate was right There is no daughter-in-law Our family won’t be as good as it is now You’re doing better than I expected The relationship between you and your husband is truly admirable It reminds me of when my wife and I were younger The county magistrate must be a good husband I can’t compare with Duan Mingjie My man is indeed a good husband Duan Huamei trembled It’s a vixen So many people are still flirting with men I really don’t want to have any face at all Yaoyao and Duan Mingjie have a really good relationship You don’t know yet, Yao Yao and Duan Mingjie have the best relationship in our village Wherever he went, Mingjie had to hold Yaoyao’s hand And kiss in front of all of us Many people envy it The people around looked at Liu Yuyan one after another Where is he Meimu It’s clearly a complaint It turns out that I have a good relationship with my man Let so many people admire it But it’s also Some couples look like they are separated Many men also beat their daughters-in-law Unlike Duan Mingjie, who is particularly good to me Usually they don’t want me to work Everyone should admire me Lu Yao, you still have to be shameless You can’t tell what the wheat means You are from Henan Pulling and pulling outside, Qingqing, me, me, and you are still reasonable Flower girl shut up for me I’m telling the truth How many people in the village said that Lu Yao had taught the children badly In broad daylight, Henan people kiss their mouths There is no shame in it Children do the same Sooner or later, it will ruin our Duanjia Village I’m telling the truth How many people in the village said that Lu Yao had taught the children badly Kiss men in broad daylight A little shame Children do the same Sooner or later, it will ruin our Duanjia Village What a big hat Duan Mingjie and I are husband and wife Isn’t it the love of our husband and wife? It’s better than after getting married It’s better to be unclear with other men You say yes, Liu Yuyan Liu Yuyan was so angry that her teeth itched." I didn’t dare to speak I’m afraid that I will open my mouth Lu Yao shook out her business No husband and wife want to be intimate like you Go home and be outside, who will I show me? Oh, go home and make love, and no child will see it You won’t teach bad children I said that some people are used to hiding their ears and stealing bells Duan Mingjie and I are husband and wife As long as it doesn’t hurt other people’s feelings Everything is reasonable I believe Every parent wants their children to have a happy marriage And we’re setting an example for them You’re a strong argument It’s me who is strong in words Or you can’t love it You talk less nonsense Originally, I was reluctant to say it But you’ve always been dissatisfied with me Now I have reasonable doubts You still have thoughts about Duan Mingjie that you shouldn’t have You talk nonsense, I don’t Lu Yao, shut up for me Duan Hua was so angry that he wanted to get started What’s going on Duan Rong looked at his daughter Suddenly I had a terrible thought in my heart I’m afraid the county magistrate doesn’t know At the beginning of this year’s Lunar New Year Duan, the female comrade, went behind my back to express her heart to Mingjie said that I am not worthy of Duan Mingjie It will only drag him down He also said that he was 10,000 times better than me It will definitely be happier to be with him Lu Yao, shut up for me Duan Huamei was so angry that she wanted to get started Zhao Ziyi glared angrily Why do you still have to fight in front of me? Hurry up and get me home Don’t be ashamed here The county magistrate is really embarrassed It’s because I’m not strict in education When I get home, I will educate her well What’s going on Speak clearly before you go His own daughter actually posted Duan Mingjie upside down This makes me lose face Comrade Duan Huamei tried to persuade Duan Mingjie Divorce me and marry her But Duan Mingjie didn’t look down on her Just like me I originally thought that Comrade Duan Huamei was dead I just found out today One she still holds a grudge against me There’s nothing wrong with liking someone I’m a good man I know you like him I don’t blame you either But you can’t love Just come and scold me Zhao Ziyi looked at Duan Huamei Duan Huamei was stared at with a weak heart Lu Yao, he slandered me I didn’t have the whole village watching If I admit it Will you still have a face to see people in the future? My daughter-in-law is telling the truth In the past years, you said to me that you liked me Want to marry me But my family is poor We have another village party secretary I definitely won’t agree to you marrying a poor boy like me After I reject you Thought you were dead But on the first day of the Lunar New Year this year You’ve found me Yaoyao and I are married I was happy with him So please don’t come back to pester me in the future You’re a family Of course it will be towards him Since that’s the case Do you dare to swear I swear I just said It’s all true Otherwise, you won’t be able to die well, do you dare? Duan Huamei’s eyes were flustered What would I not dare Okay, then you swear that you don’t like Duan Mingjie I didn’t persuade Duan Mingjie to divorce me and marry you Otherwise, you won’t be able to marry for the rest of your life You can’t have children Life is mediocre Do you dare to swear Lu Yao, don’t go too far Lu Yao laughed Why do you say I’m going too far? If you don’t have a weak heart Nature is not afraid to swear Or do you not dare to swear at all? I’m afraid of retribution Duan Huamei’s finger landed on Lu Yao Trembling all over That’s enough, get me on my way home It’s not shameful enough Duan Huamei’s eyes were red Turn away The villagers were all in a hurry Thinking that the Zhishu family looked down on Duan Mingjie His daughter misses Duan Mingjie in her heart Even if Duan Mingjie gets married, he is willing to marry him It’s a big deal Zhishu was completely trampled under his feet I can’t pick it up Duan Rong’s face looked like it was soaked in hot chili water The sarcastic gaze of the whole village Zhao Ziyi’s face is not good-looking The tone is not very good It’s a new era Pay attention to the freedom of love There’s nothing wrong with liking someone But I knew that people were getting married, and I was still in a hurry It’s a moral issue Duan Rong lowered his head in shame It is the county magistrate who educates Since it is a new era Nature is different from what it used to be Lu Zhiqing is right Husband and wife love is the best home education for children We’re not as corrupt as we used to be So don’t move still Button a woman with a chastity hat Yes, yes, yes The county magistrate stepped up to the stage Today’s gig Personally, I think It is the best held in our county in recent years Comrade Lu Zhiqing’s idea is very good It also does a good job of beating some patriarchal parents And those who don’t have the ability But the man who pours his anger on the woman and the child This drama tells these people They are not right It’s a new era Equality I hope you can keep up with the times Times Nurture the next generation The audience applauded solemnly Liu Yuyan stared at Lu Yao Qimei, a pig teammate, can only do it brutally In the end, it didn’t work I also put myself in I’ve never seen anything so stupid Zhao Ziyi shook hands with Gu Fulan after coming down It’s not too early to sub-time I’m going back I’ll come back to see you when I have time You are the ears Don’t come to see us We’re all fine Good, good, good Lu Zhiqing and Duan Minghua’s two children will be handed over to you I am assured that they must be educated to become talents Rest assured, I’ll treat them as if they were gone Back home Daughter-in-law, are you afraid when I beat someone today? Did you hit them hard? But no It’s acting It’s not true It’s so big I didn’t hit him At most, he said a few words in the training hall Yanyan, I haven’t even beaten and scolded him It was just scary to look at Actually, I just touched them lightly What you said yourself is not true I see it very clearly below You didn’t use any force at all And I know exactly who you are Not only will I not be afraid of you I feel so safe seeing you As long as you’re there I’m not afraid of anything The county magistrate should be very satisfied with your performance tonight I think he’s very satisfied That’s it, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity Hopefully, the three of them will be chosen Don’t think about it, let’s do our best anyway I don’t regret whether I can do it or not Those words that Yan said on stage I really didn’t expect that I was very uncomfortable How could he be so well-behaved I thought I was good enough for their brother and sister Especially Yanyan But today it seems that I am not good enough Still didn’t give them enough peace Thank you, daughter-in-law Say no more thank you In the future, let’s be doubly good to their brothers and sisters Well, daughter-in-law There was not much work in the fields in the spring I want to go out and try it again Being idle at home is also idleness It’s better to go out and see if there is a way to make money You wait He wanted to try the chicken cake first If you can make chicken cakes Duan Mingjie didn’t need to go far away The branch secretary came over after 5 days Lu Zhiqing, you guys I made a good choice Duan Mingming received a reward from the county excitedly lifted Lu Yao’s sister-in-law high My sister-in-law couldn’t stand it Duan Ming was not at home He must be happy to know the news The county magistrate originally wanted to come in person But he has facts that he can’t leave Specifically called me Let me tell you the good news The county magistrate said your performance was exceptional The implication is good The above is particularly satisfied Our village has also been rated as an advanced brigade this year Duan Rong is really happy The county magistrate said Let him go to the commendation meeting tomorrow Congratulations to the secretary Or to your credit If only it weren’t for you I don’t have that chance Wu Zhiqing: Thank you very much I promised you 10 points and I will honor it Knorr also rewarded Duan Mingming with 10 yuan Reward your family with 50 pounds of wheat And that’s not all It is rated as an advanced brigade every year Each household also has 30 catties of sorghum rice Our village is stained with your light That’s great Sorghum rice though is a coarse grain But in the spring season Many families have run out of food 30 pounds of sorghum rice for everyone It’s also relief food Duan Rong was ashamed I hate Lu Yao and Duan Ming and Jie Sizhen But I have to admit it Lu Yao is capable It is also atmospheric for people No wonder his son is obsessed with him like this The son’s injuries have been done The doctor also said there was hope for a cure for me It’s so much that it doesn’t seem like I’m a human being Substance clearing In the future, the grievances between the two of us will be written off It was me who was wrong before I’ll put on little shoes for you But not only do you not hate me He won me such a great honor I’m so ashamed Just say what you want to do in the future I’ll do it for you What Duan Rongmei said was Every year, it is rated as the branch secretary of the advanced brigade There will be 100 catties of wheat There are also bonuses How else to say that Duan Rong is a personal essence The county magistrate is obviously not ordinary to our family Not for anything else For the sake of the county magistrate’s relationship The branch secretary will be reconciled with us Not to mention this time I really won him fame and benefits Here’s why The reason why he was unwilling to be an enemy of Duan Rong at the beginning If the county magistrate removes him from his official position Now the two of us will never be so harmonious I’m not a saint But I want my family to live a safe life When to go That is, the day after tomorrow at 5 p.m., we will meet at the train station In less than two hours, I arrived at Sile Accommodation was all arranged Obviously, I went No money for food and lodging But you’d better get him some money Look at what’s up It’s easy to buy and buy something to eat for the two children Arrived home on Sunday night There is no need to ask for leave Lu Yao and Duan Mingjie came to high school told Duan Mingming the good news Duan Mingming jumped up happily on the spot He was very happy to be able to study in the city What makes him even happier is being able to teach in the village Brother brother Pinch me Let me know it’s not a dream I’ve been worried about going to school for more than ten years After graduation, I will go back to farming My family has also provided for me It’s good now You will be able to earn money after graduation Duan Mingjie’s ex-wife glanced at him Slammed his arm hard Duan Ming screamed in pain yelling and then laughing It’s not a dream, Lu Yao glared at Duan Mingjie A pair of black eyes are very innocent He made me pinch Then you can’t pinch so hard Duan Mingjie touched his nose in embarrassment Duan Mingming suddenly hugged Lu Yao and turned around several times Lu Yao screamed in fright Duan Mingjie Watching his sister hug his daughter-in-law in a circle Gou Chun smiled Let your sister-in-law come down Duan Mingming let the road go down far away He looked at Lu Yao excitedly The gratitude is palpable Thank you, sister-in-law You are my benefactor Duan Mingjie and Duan Rong drove a tractor back to pull sorghum Stop at the entrance of the village to start the distribution Liu Yuyan and Duan Huamei stood at the back of the crowd Looking at Lu Yao’s family, there is no scenery Beloved Angry, his facial features were distorted Dad is such a shrewd person How did you give birth to such an idiot In the past few years, I have spoken ill of Lu Yao everywhere Smear Lu Yao’s good image in the hearts of the villagers Seeing that everyone hates Lu Yao more and more As a result, the 30 catties of sorghum rice were shot I want to talk about Lu Yao again in the future I’m embarrassed to say it They are all educated youth You keep saying that you are better than Lu Yao As a result, people rehearsed a play Let my sister-in-law go to the city to study As for you, you didn’t do anything for me Do you still scold me for being a sister-in-law like you? There is a kung fu to complain about me Let’s think about what to do Liu Yuyan was so angry that her teeth itched Duan Mingming and the two children will leave in the afternoon Lu Yao prepared clothes and snacks for them He took half of the chicken cake he had made gave Duan Mingming an extra 50 yuan My sister-in-law gave me the reward of 10 yuan I was also given an extra 2030 yuan Enough for the three of us to spend Give it to you Lu Yao stuffed the money into Duan Mingming’s pocket First time to go to the far door You have to have enough money The city is more prosperous than ours You’re going to see a lot of things that you haven’t seen before If you find something you like, buy it Don’t hesitate to see what you want to eat Each of the three of you has wronged yourselves Duan Mingming reached out and hugged him Sister-in-law, how can you be so good to me You’re my sister Of course I’m going to be nice to you Wait until you have a chance I can count on you too My sister-in-law waited for me to graduate and work I’ll raise you well I’ll wait for you to raise me Duan Mingjie stepped forward and hugged Lu Yao’s shoulder I will raise my daughter-in-law myself You take care of yourself first When you go, help me find out about the chickens over there How to sell cakes and bread Mother, help me make chicken cakes I’m going to sell it in the county tomorrow Good Saturday morning Everyone saw Duan Mingjie riding a bicycle With Lu Yao There are two big pockets hanging from the handlebars Mingjie Road Educated Youth You’re going to be relatives No, auntie My daughter-in-law made some chicken cake We went to the county to sell The villagers’ jaws dropped Lu Chiqing can also make chicken cakes Do whatever you want I don’t know if I’ll be able to sell it I know I can’t sell it, but I still do it You’re burning too much money Lu Yao, you don’t look at what you’re doing Lu Yao, you don’t look at what you’re doing It’s strange if you can sell it You have clairvoyance I didn’t even take it out You’ll know what my chicken cake looks like You can imagine it What can you do? It’s not a waste of eggs and noodles yet The little money Duan Mingjie earned I’m going to have to let you spoil it Don’t you know that he is hard also kept saying that you were the lucky star of their family I see you’re a broom star I don’t care about your It’s not your turn to worry about our family’s affairs Is my daughter-in-law a blessing or a disaster? We just need to know it Duan Mingjie, I really think about you No, you don’t Speechless, Duan Mingjie said it so clearly It’s also shameless to post on the Internet It’s funny Yaoyao, I didn’t know you could make chicken cakes Why didn’t you tell me before? There’s so much you don’t know You’re not who I am Why should I tell you Yaoyao, I’m worried that you won’t be able to sell it There are many chicken cakes in large shopping malls What you make is ugly and unpalatable If you can’t sell it, it’s not that you have smashed it into your hands Don’t you just want to eat chicken cakes? Usually Mingjie gives Haven’t satisfied you yet? Why are you so greedy Lu Yao hooked his lips What I want to eat Duan Mingjie won’t buy it for me I still need to put that into it Of course you’re going to have to put a lot of thought into it Once or twice, forget it You eat it every day Who can afford you? Even if it’s my daughter-in-law who eats chicken cake three times a day I, Duan Mingjie, would love to buy it for him If I were a woman It’s hard to eat some snacks I can only say that my husband is incompetent Duan Mingjie, you like him so much Lu Yao wouldn’t have been this idea I don’t care 30 pounds of sorghum rice Sent to us by the municipality We are also grateful to the educated youth of the country I’m definitely not going to buy Lu Zhiqing I’d like to buy the chicken cake You have to be rich, too If you want to buy it, go to the state-run shopping mall to buy it Do you have to buy it here at Lu Zhiqing? If he sells it for a high price We’re not embarrassed to bargain Lu Yao hooked his lips coldly Rest assured, everyone The chicken cake made by my Lu Yao can’t be sold I won’t take it back and force it to buy and sell The cranes who spoke just now all bowed their heads Lu Yao looked at Liu Yuyan’s aunt and sister-in-law I’m on my first day of business Haven’t gone out yet Your sister-in-law can’t sell one bite at a time I don’t know if businessmen pay attention to jackpots Is it auspicious You two don’t shy away from looking at me It’s easy to talk to, isn’t it? It’s what you have to say Don’t think you don’t know My nieces and daughters-in-law look delicate Actually, it’s a big deal How much is Yaoyao chicken cake a pound The fourth aunt doesn’t need to I can’t sell it out, so I’ll be back and I’ll send you some What are you talking about? It’s sure to sell out Then I can’t sell it to you You are me four Can I sell it to you for someone else’s price? I’ll have to keep it and sell it to someone else I’m making so much money I’ll do it when I come back in the evening It’s better when it’s hot I’ll let Duan Mingjie send it to you when it’s done Okay, then I won’t rob you Pick up the bowl and eat I’m talking about you people Some people are going hungry I have been blessed by my nephew and daughter-in-law You only have 30 catties of sorghum rice I’m also worried about my niece and daughter-in-law Pick up your money bags Nor do I look at myself They are cleaner than your faces My niece and daughter-in-law don’t look at it, and I say something else The good guy and the fourth aunt are also single You see, we don’t mean that either The main thing is that you really can’t afford it Lu Zhiqing: My family is poor But I keep your kindness in my heart If one day our family needs chicken cakes I’ll buy yours It doesn’t matter if you buy it or not, it’s all voluntary I’m not going to do it Fight for 30 catties of sorghum rice for everyone Let me do what you do for me Yaoyao, you have to do what you say Try to sell your chicken cakes So everybody is happy Don’t worry, you won’t sell I can sell my chicken cakes Liu Yuyan’s face flushed Yaoyao, how can you say that about me I’ll just say how you are Everything has been done Don’t let me say it yet Deliberately said specious It is to add blockage to Liu Yuyan’s west Lu Yao: I’m a friend to you But you say that about me Don’t you just rely on the fact that you are now the benefactor of the whole village Even if it’s bullying People won’t scold you But don’t forget Your family has also taken the benefits Our big guy took it from the government It’s not you who gave it Liu Zhiqing is right The sorghum rice was given to us by the government We deserve it The man who hated Lu Yao also joined the discussion Just because of Lu Zhiqing’s drama It’s been a bad time lately At this time, I will not let go of the opportunity Listen to the arguments getting louder and louder Liu Yuyan couldn’t help laughing Why is Lu Yao loved I’m just going to tell everybody Lu Yao didn’t do anything for them The city government is right If it weren’t for the drama written by Lu Zhiqing Let his family play it We didn’t have a chance to get 30 catties of sorghum rice Whatever you guys say I wrote down Lu Zhiqing’s favor As for what you think, it’s your business Not to mention 30 catties of sorghum rice That’s the impact that drama brought me I have become a young man all my life Liu Yuyan: You say so much I just want to tell people not to thank me I didn’t do anything for them either Don’t you have to speak for me? I didn’t mean that I’m just telling the truth I don’t want people to be kept in the dark by you You’re still as good as you always are But it doesn’t matter Conscientious Whatever you say They are still grateful As for those who are ungrateful Even if you don’t say it today It will be forgotten in the future You don’t have to be this wicked person in front of me That seems stupid Instead of fighting with me every day It’s better to think about how to live your eyes well Bouncing around every day Much like a clown Duan Mingjie, let’s go Liu Yuyan looked at Lu Yao’s back hatefully Teeth clucked I’m going to see if he can sell it

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