【HONDA ADV160】<関東>最東端付近で、地球が丸く見えた! #モトブログ #motovlog

Hi,this is ADV160 uncle. Today, June 15th, 2024, is Thousand Prefectural Citizens’ Day. So, Chiba Prefecture is well known for being home to Inubosaki, the easternmost tip of Honshu, and this time I would like to drive in that direction. The train is currently running near the Oitata Interchange on the Togane Kujukuri (Yuro) Road . This area is also very scenic, so I would like to recommend it in order . First of all, this is the Togane Kujukuri (toll) road. I just left the Fukutawara parking lot right next to the entrance. This road starts at the Togane Interchange on the Chiba Togane Road and goes straight for about 2 to 3 km, then starts at the Oigata Interchange, continues on to the Kujukuri Interchange, and then becomes a toll road for about 7.7km to the Kujukuri Toll Road and Tsugaru Makame . As you can see, there is only one road and there are no traffic lights, making it a very easy road to drive on . The surrounding area looks like rice fields and fields, and at this stage the image already looks like the earth is a bit round, but the weather was very nice that day. Well, the clouds are giving it a summer feel, but it’s still June 15th, before the rainy season begins . The Kujukuri Toll Road ahead was completely closed to traffic as it was Chiba Prefecture Citizen’s Day and a Chiba Prefecture event was being held. However, this time our destination is in the opposite direction, so continue straight on the Togane Kujukuri (toll) road, get off at the Kujukuri interchange, then turn left onto Prefectural Route 30 , a road called Kujukuri Beach Line . From there, I would like to take National Route 126 for a short distance, then take the Choshi Dover Line toward Inubosaki . This time, I mounted the camera on a tripod on top of the Homsen box, but this time I added a rubber band as an aid, which made it even less shaken. It’s a good idea to tie this area tightly to prevent it from falling off . After all, I can’t see the camera at all while I’m running, so if it falls off without me noticing, of course it won’t leave any footage, but the camera itself costs 56,000 yen , so I easily lost it. That’s not possible. Make sure to fix this area properly. Yes, we will exit the Kujukuri Interchange and turn left onto the Kujukuri Beach Line . I entered Kujukuri Beach Line on Prefectural Route 30. The road continues like this for about 25km until Iioka . National Route 126 runs in parallel, and I think the speed will be faster that way because the road is wider, but since I’ve come all the way to touring, I want to ride on a road that has an atmosphere. So I am running on this Kujukuri Beach Line. As for the camera, we have temporarily switched to a chest mount to take footage from an orthodox perspective, but this time we have added equipment that will allow you to use your smartphone as a navigation system, and we are currently testing it. It was a little hard to see the navigation from this angle, so I ‘ve moved it a little further forward, but it’s still very comfortable to use . This perspective is also orthodox, and I don’t think it’s very interesting to say the least , but it’s still easy to understand and the footage gives the feeling of riding a bike, so I think I’ll try using it from time to time. I am. Also , as I will introduce again in the next video, the Insta (360) ONE R was sold out and was very cheap, so I bought it, so from now on I will be shooting videos with two Insta 360 X3 and ONE R. I would like to go there. Since the same road continues, I would like to skip the video to the entrance of Choshi Dover Line . I have arrived at the entrance of Choshi Dover Line . National Route 126 in the foreground is a common national highway , and the scenery around it is nice and the shops on the national highway are lined up all the way, and the entrance to this Dover Line is also the AEON Mall on the right. On the left was Yamada Denki , but just after entering the Dover Line, the scenery started to get really nice after crossing this bridge . It’s called Ura , but it runs along the top of this cliff. Byobugaura is a spot with very beautiful geological formations , but of course you can’t see the strata from the top of the cliff from here, so I think I’ll go to the bottom of Byobugaura after this. However, before that, I passed by Byobugaura and would like to head towards Inubosaki, the easternmost tip of Honshu, but the scenery is the Earth View Hill Park, which is located just before Inubosaki. It’s a little hard to understand the "ga" and "no" , but I’d prefer that one because it’s on a bit of a hill, so the scenery is very good, and you can get a good view of Byobugaura . I would like to head towards the. When you think of the easternmost tip of Honshu, people tend to head towards Inubosaki…well, there’s a monument marking the easternmost point in Inubosaki as well, so I think it’s a great place to go as a touring goal, but most people head in that direction. I’m sure there are many other videos out there, so I’m heading towards Chikyu no Mieru Oka Park, with the ulterior motive that I probably won’t be able to beat the previous channels even if I release the same video . As you can see, the Choshi Dover Line is surrounded by greenery on both sides, with occasional glimpses of the ocean, but there are quite a few ups and downs, making it extremely fun to ride on a bike. There aren’t any sharp curves , so I don’t feel like it’s dangerous to drive that much, and there’s one traffic light along the way, but other than that, there’s almost no place to stop, and the road is such that you can just go straight to the end. Although I think it is very well known as a fast running route in the Kanto region, I would like to recommend it again. As for Byobugaura , just cross this bridge ahead . It’s a bit like an interchange , and you can get out by turning left at the fork and going down, but as I said earlier, the first thing you need to do is go to Chikyu no Mieru Oka Park. I would like to go somewhere else, so I would like to pass this place and move on. Here, if you turn left here, get off the train, and turn right, you can proceed towards Byobugaura. After this, I’d like to get off the interchange on the other side and head towards Byobugaura… I’ve been biting hard just now (lol). It was about 5km from Chikyu no Mieru Oka Park , and for some reason there was an internet cafe on my left… Why? ? ? We finally made it to the Hill Park where you can see the roundness of the earth. On the way, the navigation led me to a narrow road, so I couldn’t get a very good picture, so I cut it out a lot, but this is the Hibi-Hibi Friendship Monument, so it seems to be a testament to the friendship between the Philippines and Japan. is. If you go straight in the direction this monument is facing, you ‘ll find yourself on Luzon Island in the Philippines, where Manila is located, so it’s shaped like it’s facing that direction . Yes, this is Byobugaura right in front of you. It’s a bit small since it’s an action camera, but the scenery spreads out like this. Yes, this video looks like a drone , but it was taken with two selfie sticks connected together. It was extremely stiff. It looked like a fishing rod. Yes, the earth looks round, right? This is Byobugaura. After this, I would like to return to the Dover Line that I came from earlier and go to the bottom of Byobugaura . I left the Earth’s Round View Park and headed back along the Dover Line. After this, we will head to Byobugaura. I tried the selfie angle once. When you use a 360° camera, you can’t help but want to try this angle . After all, the fact that the bike is shown is an attractive angle. Well, some people may say that’s not necessary since the old man will also be in the picture, but please bear with me. Soon we will turn to the left fork and head towards Byobugaura, but from now on there will be a huge fresh fish truck running in front of us, so we will be moving very slowly, so it will be a bit more visually appealing. It doesn’t sound very good, so…oh, that’s that track that was on earlier. After this, I would like to fly to the bottom of Byobugaura. I came to the promenade under Byobugaura. It is a spectacular spot where you can see the beautiful ocean and the cliffs that continue beyond that. As you can see, the cliffs are exposed with many layers of geological formations, making them some very spectacular spots. By the way, Chiba in Chiba Prefecture is called Chiba. If you translate this directly into French, it would be mille-feuille, and there are also some sweets that are famous in Chiba. If you look closely at this stratum , it looks like a cross section of a mille-feuille. I thought maybe this was the etymology of Chiba’s place name, but mille-feuille is French, so I don’t think that’s the case. So, how was the scooter touring near the easternmost tip of Honshu? It is a place that can be reached from the city center in about 2 hours by expressway, so I think it can be recommended as a day trip spot. After that, I took Route 296 in the inland area and took the Higashi Kando Expressway from near Narita to return home, but that road was also a very nice spot that seemed to be near the plateau in Chiba’s inland area, so I eventually got around to it. I’d like to introduce it to you, but this time it’s getting quite long, so I’d like to apologize here. I hope you will watch the next video again . Thank you very much for watching this time . See you in the next video




HONDA ADV160でツーリング!

INSTA360 X3は本当に楽しいアクションカメラです。


#モトブログ #motovlog #ADV160 #スクーター

0:00 地球一本釣りの儀
0:18 イントロ
0:51 東金九十九里有料道路
3:08 九十九里ビーチライン
4:42 銚子ドーバーライン
8:04 地球の丸く見える丘展望館
9:13 屏風ヶ浦へ
10:58 エンディング


  1. 本州最東端って違和感があったので地図を見ると、東北地方の方が100km以上も東なので付近を付けても最東端ってどうなんだろう?w

  2. 【お詫びと訂正】








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