
This wind! It’s been blowing all night It’s starting to rain outside now The weather here Very, very dry It’s not easy to get rain It was pretty cold sleeping here last night Now let’s go out and have a look It’s raining The temperature is also quite low 9 degrees It’s chilly Oh, put on your slippers and have a look Wow, cold air. It finally began to rain on the prairie There’s life on the dry prairie at last I wonder if the green leaves will grow in a few days Rainy day Can not get out Just lie down here Let’s get a clip of yesterday’s video I have to leave this RV today after two days It’s cold. It rained all night yesterday Heavy rain It’s finally sunny today But there will be some light rain Look at that cloud over there It’s all coming in slowly It’s a headwind today I’m going to the city, 60 kilometers down Go stay there I’m going to wash this dress All wet and permeable Because rainy days are especially humid It’s starting to rain again And the wind is so strong It’s a good thing I brought this jacket Otherwise it will rain. The body is wet and cold from the rain You see It’s a good thing the rain wasn’t too heavy There’s no more down ahead You see the clouds have moved behind Go on, go on Hard down rainy ah What a stroke of luck Wait for this rain to ease up It’s so cold this day Liu Weiyuan. Ah yeah I watch your videos every day I feel like I admire you Hide from the rain Come on in. It’s okay. My husband says Is not Liu Weiyuan I said it could be And then we stopped there Is there anything you need Ah no No need. No need Is that right? Are you tourists We are the one Go to Xilin Gol to see the grassland No green on this side of the prairie Well, it’s been so dry this year All became wasteland Yeah, because it’s not gonna rain this year Look at today. It rained a little yesterday, too This year, the Inner Mongolia grassland is particularly dry and short of water How about these two days? It rained a little Look at the yellow grass on the prairie Not until around August To slowly start green ah In fact, most of the terrain of Inner Mongolia ah Or the Gobi Desert Grasslands are just a few There’s still part of it. Be arable So, all the way here Almost see less grassland But the rest of the way Grassland will gradually become more and more Have some beef jerky Bear one’s hunger This beef jerky Very, very hard But I can keep my hunger at bay This dark cloud. It’s coming right over It’s over 60 kilometers of cycling today It’s a little difficult to get downtown But anyway It’s too late to get downtown It’s not easy. A shallow puddle of water could be seen on the prairie Another light rain I was drenched in water I feel like I might catch a cold today My body is sticky It’s a little chilly The cow’s face is white What a cute, cute calf lamb The grass over here It’s pretty thick baa All over the mountains All the lambs The two little lambs got out That sheep! All over there Master, the sheep got out The sheep got out The sheep ran away. Over there The bike has travelled 2,000 kilometres I finally got a puncture There was a wire Tie here I’ll make it up now I finally got a puncture I’ve been riding this for over 2,000 miles and I haven’t done it Ah, for years. For years Where have you been? Where have you been to Inner Mongolia It feels like a toy car Big cities are different Look at the beautiful environment here high-rise The sun is going down I haven’t eaten all day My stomach is already rumbling with hunger Come and pick up a delivery Jingdong Hey boss Hey boss right His name is Liu Weiyuan Liu Weiyuan Yeah, this is the order number This is a microphone My old microphone It’s broken. Go back and take it apart It’s getting dark, too Found a cheap hotel Go get a room And then go find something to eat I haven’t eaten all day He came out hungry It smells good in here It’s all hot pot and stuff At 8:30 in the evening, I came to the big city of Xilinhot They opened a very fancy hotel for 150 bucks It’s very clean. You know what? This is a smart hotel Let me show you Here you are. Turn off all the lights Have turned off the light There you go. Turn on all the lights Have turned on the light It’s really, really nice Close the curtains Hey, it’s not that sensitive Little degree is here Close the curtains. The curtains have been closed. It’s a great deal It’s the first time I’ve ever lived in such luxury Let me show you Very clean And the bathroom is clean It’s getting late I should probably go out to dinner, too This is my face Much thinner I didn’t eat today So go for a hot pot dinner in the evening The owner of the hotel recommended it It’s downstairs at the hotel All right, I’m gonna wash my face Wash your hands Go out to dinner These two clothes Let it soak first So dirty Come back and wash. Bought a new DJI wireless microphone In the future, the radio will be better in the windy place My old one’s broken This is the charging cable And then this is the adapter It has everything it needs I’m more than ever All trying to gain weight But every day is hungry and full of food It’s hard to put on weight Now come out and eat instant-boiled mutton The lamb here is as famous as ever It’s right here Arrived at this restaurant Very crowded Eating hot pot alone can be a little lonely When you’re ready, turn it down The good stuff is almost gone We’re supposed to leave at 9:00 They eat here. I’ll leave after dinner Order a lamb There’s a lot of people here They’re all getting off work I just ate I ordered a mild spicy pot Beef and mutton And this rich dish Start with this lamb And then this is beef more Is that a louver or a hairy belly This is what I prefer to eat The hot pot in Inner Mongolia is really amazing That’s the first bite It must be delicious Yeah, this dip smells good A lot of sesame seeds well This taste value It’s so delicious. It’s almost ten o ‘clock And some more of this coriander 160 A hot pot to eat down Came back and bought a big watermelon I still like to eat fruit in Inner Mongolia I feel like I came back from hot pot feeling fat Maybe it’s the mind The best and most affordable hot pot is in Inner Mongolia There’s one more place That’s the Tibetan hot pot in Tibet Very cheap You can eat a buffet hot pot for a few tens of yuan The best and most affordable barbecue in the Northeast All right. Very crisp hydrated Dry mouth, solve greasy well This watermelon is so sweet Not so bad comfortable A white A black Two clothes for him to dry It’ll be ready tomorrow These pants just got soaked in And then this hat This hat is all sweat Wash it. Wash your socks, too Soak for an hour I was looking at my phone I studied the bike routes on the map This is far from Hulunbuir 1,000 kilometers to go My trip to Inner Mongolia The final destination is Hulunbuir Hulunbuir Near the Greater Khingan Mountains Near the Mohe side Near the Root River What about the three northeastern provinces I rode it last year So what about this year? I’m not going to ride it After arriving in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia I will go to Shandong Province by car Then ride Jiangsu Province Finally back to Zhejiang This is the route I ride around China It’s all planned So this year will be the end of the tour Arrived in Xilinhot city Take a day off We’ll start again tomorrow Now it’s time to come to Minsheng Shopping Plaza See if you have something to wear And buy supplies for a day or so Go inside and take a look Buy a suit Bought a quick drying clothes No coat. Wander around again It’s quite a big mall over here Go shopping at the supermarket Buy some fruit A box of spicy rice, please Two yuan It’s cheap. Have some of this Purple potatoes can be eaten for breakfast Boil the water for 10 minutes It’s easier to cook these smaller ones Here are canned oranges Here are canned yellow peaches Twelve yuan Taste the yellow peach Half a watermelon Six yuan Can’t lift it This is pretty heavy Half is enough And a reticulated melon This melon is still delicious Small. Buy some sausage There’s salami 31 yuan a box The Sichuan-flavored cured meat should be fine 36 yuan This is also 36 yuan I’ll buy a pack. This is on the way. You can eat it as a snack It’s nice to be bored and go to the supermarket Not that much stuff, though I can pass the time, too There are all kinds of brands on the containers here beer What kind of beer do you have for shopping Three bottles of this Heineken This beer is okay Go out for a walk Bought a quick-drying coat This kind of clothes It’s perfect for a rainy day outside Take a look. I feel pretty good It took a long time to pick out a dress like this Take a look behind It’s all right. I can’t see back there Overall, I’m pretty happy with it I usually buy clothes If you don’t meet someone you like I don’t want to buy it This dress is okay I was thinking of buying a hardshell jacket But hardshell jackets are expensive And I didn’t pick anything I liked So I’m going to check it out online Is there any suitable What about this room? It’s also messy. I’m gonna pack my stuff And then this dress I cleaned it all up You can change it on the way What about tomorrow? I’m about to leave Silinghot In the big city I don’t know where to go It’s boring. I don’t really like being in the city Pack one’s bags Go out to dinner Start for the prairie tomorrow

While cycling in Inner Mongolia, I arrived in Xilinhot City. I checked into a hotel to rest for a day and enjoyed a delicious hotpot meal.
【單人單車環華騎行中國 | 內蒙古】
【Single bicycle ride around China |Inner Mongolia 】


  1. 小劉哥經歷這麼刻苦的旅途,人也廋了不少!兩邊頭髮也有點斑白,多府壯觀大草原牛羊真美!..特別辛苦都因為要負的東西太多!又要拍、剪輯、找露宿地!…可能有一天你會"鳥倦知還"吧!

  2. 看偉元吃西瓜的樣子,感覺很好吃,現在我們家人也很喜歡吃西瓜了。

  3. 給偉元ㄧ點建議 拍攝不用的原材料若有雲空間可以留著當然最好,等待旅途中斷再編輯類似總集篇。畢竟新粉很難馬上跟上騎行進度,或者也可以避免ㄧ直問同樣的話題。再來就是原材料可以再重製重剪成紀錄片搭配沒有曝光的片段用以發行,用自己的騎行作為商品並不為過吧。不過ㄧ切還是等環華結束再說吧。當年窮游幾次旅行睡無數次機場吃泡面加上沒車步行20公里回火車站還是步行景區,也算勉強能體會偉元的辛苦。偉元是愛旅行大於騎行,不過很少人有毅力騎那麼遠幾千公里又是沙漠無人區、高山、零下20度的鄉村。

  4. 年輕夥子好幸運遇到你這個大前輩阿😂那個女粉絲也好有心去找你,偉元是不是對陌生人容易覺得害羞啊😅感覺你會詞窮不知道要聊什麼😂騎2000公里才扎胎也太強,你對自行車的性能是不是好熟,一個人吃火鍋有點寂寞?你都一個人騎行這麼多年了,寂寞對你來說是家常便飯了啦😂下雨騎車好遭罪…真的要買個護目鏡,你耳根子很硬一直講不聽😅你吃火鍋也不會胖,因為每天消耗太多體力了,洗澡的部分算是粉絲福利時間了🤣🤣但那熊根本沒遮到兩點啊🤣🤣🤣

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