幕西 遊郭 料亭裏のトンネルは地獄絵図の地下診療室へ. 室蘭市. Steel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 10‐2024

Please turn on subtitles in settings A manga set in the Muroran Bakusai red-light district "Parental Cliff" In the early Showa period, she was sold to a brothel by her parents. Four girls aged between 11 and 16 One of them is a geisha. I ended up selling my skills at a traditional Japanese restaurant. The remaining three sell themselves as prostitutes in a brothel. Leading a horrible life 1872: Construction of the Sapporo Main Road between Muroran and Sapporo begins. Brothels are established around Bakunishi to cater to rough laborers. There were constant fights on the slope in Bakunishi, and it was also called Murder Hill. 1872: The Hokkaido Prefectural Government officially designated Baku-Nishi as a red-light district. It became a place where big names in politics, business, and culture gathered. 1904: The Russo-Japanese War breaks out Two years later, the 7th Division, which fought fiercely at Hill 203, returned triumphantly to Muroran. 1909: North Japan Steel Works Muroran District established Bakusai pleasure quarter was crowded with restaurants and brothels, and at its peak In 1922, Muroran Ward became Muroran City and was turned into an arms factory. Military personnel became more prominent in the west of the Shogunate. Muroran in 1919, with the huge steelworks standing out To the east of Sokuryo-san there is a large shrine and a hospital. The area between them is Makunishi Town. According to Muroran City, in 1943, under the command of the Naval Landing Force, A tunnel was dug to connect the Tokiwa restaurant and the city hospital. In 1945, during the US air raid on Muroran, The underground clinic in the tunnel Wounded soldiers were carried in and it turned into a scene of hell. Head to central Muroran via the Shiratori Bridge Aim for that mountain Running up the hills of Shimizu Town An exhilarating winding road The contrast of blue, green and red is eye-opening We reached the top of Mt. You can look down on the port town. I walked up more stairs The purpose is not to see the view… It came down a little bit This is where there are various antennas. There’s a concrete block over there. There are remains I think it was the Navy There was a surveillance facility. Muroran Fortress Battery Observatory Remains Pink arrow from Survey Mountain To the bottom of the slope in Makunishi-cho Walk to the bottom of Makunisizaka Here Here used to be the arch of the Bakusai red-light district. In 1920, a gatepost reading "Baku Nishi Yukaku" was erected to indicate the entrance to the brothel. Apparently there are traces of the foundations of a gatepost remaining, but where? Is this it? The square concrete foundation is partly visible. Once again, this is the slope of Bakusai This slope was once a red-light district. Along the slope were rows of restaurants, brothels, and other related facilities. From that British coffee shop I will climb the hill The building that looks like a former red light district is no longer there. It was all demolished, It appears to have been converted into houses and apartments. Muroran Prince Hotel was previously a department store (Marui Imai) It’s a flower shop. The white building on the right was formerly It was Muroran Watchman Kenban is an office that arranges geisha for customers and calculates the tour fee. Right next to it The slope leading to Muroran Hachiman Shrine Beautiful flower path It seems that the men came to the entertainment district on the pretext of visiting the shrine. Pine trees planted by Emperor Showa and Emperor Taisho 1936 Emperor Showa visits the palace, tension palpable There is a monument directly behind the Emperor’s Pine Tree. Cenotaph 1945 Naval Bombardment Dedicated to the souls of the victims On July 14, 1945, US Navy aircraft bombed Muroran, home to a thriving arms industry. Grumman plane shot down thanks to the efforts of the Muroran Defense Force On the following day, July 15th, the US Navy’s battleships fired their guns at the enemy. 173 shells hit the steelworks, reducing a large area of ​​the city to ashes. Well, let’s go. To the former site of Tokiwa restaurant Behind the Muroran Prince Hotel Waiting room and the back of the garage Go down the steps of Hachimangu Shrine and follow the road. Behind that apartment That’s the back entrance of the Prince Hotel. Go through the narrow alley between the hotel and the apartment building. So this is where Tokiwa was. I think it was a pretty big restaurant. In the guidebook for the entertainment district at that time Tokiwa’s ad was particularly large. 1938: Newly built with the main entrance facing the Hachiman Shrine As a high-class restaurant, it became a social gathering place for important people in the city. Three beauties registered with Muroran Watch Featured in the Hanamachi Guidebook Muroran’s Popular Geishas I’m sure they entertained us with their beautiful dancing, singing and shamisen playing. There must be a bomb shelter tunnel somewhere around there. Apparently it was possible to enter the area until relatively recently during the Showa period. I’ve heard that students use it to commute to school. The tunnel is about 50m long. It was tall enough for a person to stand and walk on, and was about 4m wide. The structure is curved in an L-shape to prevent explosions. Three rooms, including an operating room, are set up. It was used as an evacuation center and emergency medical center during air raids. I’d love to go that far, but I guess it’s just not possible… I can’t really tell where the tunnel is…I’ll try looking from another place! I wonder if there are a lot of red-light districts lined up Oh, those stone walls! Don’t feel the era Looks old… The atmosphere is great! law This is the very base of the mountain. And behind those trees! A quaint mansion appears! Buildings reminiscent of the past can be seen peeking through the residential area. As we went further up the hill, we saw a familiar sight. It’s just like a scene from "Parenthood Cliff"! I’m drawn to that mansion This house must have been well restored to maintain its dignity. Do you understand? That mountain is where I walked a while ago. I guess he must have gone that far… Today’s Makunishi-cho, with houses lined up along the slope Aerial photography from the 1960s The red arrow indicates the building of the restaurant Tokiwa. What did the tunnel look like? There was a path that led directly above the tunnel. Not the stairs leading up to this radio tower. Follow the path towards the bush This side is Makunicho But there are lots of trees I have to go through the bush… This is probably the tip between Makunicho and Tokiwacho. It’s at the tip of the ridge between the two towns. Around here There must have been a tunnel underneath here, an air raid shelter. Again, the slopes of Makunishi-cho Apparently there was an apartment in that jungle. Originally, it was inhabited by women who worked in brothels. It is said to be a dormitory-like building. Now It seems like the building is collapsing spectacularly. Beyond the Makusei Hall building I went to Makunisaka again. If you go up the hill from here There were many brothels lined up "Meiji-ro" at the top of Makunisizaka The combination of a row of brothels and a portable shrine procession An impactful composition Going downhill Was this a bathhouse? A long-standing public bath called Kotobuki-yu The ladies probably took a bath here before going to work. Much to the regret of local residents, it closed in 2005. History Go down Makunisizaka and head to the next location Move to Tokiwacho, the former municipal hospital site with a tunnel This is Tokiwacho 1-chome The building across from this vacant lot Hokkaido government housing complex Here is the city hospital building. Apparently there was also a ward for infectious diseases. After passing the housing complex, turn right and go up the hill. I think it’s around there. bomb shelter tunnel, It was also connected to a hospital. There’s a ward here… That’s it! Apparently the tunnel was filled in because it was dangerous. That’s it, over there That concrete-reinforced cliff There’s a bomb shelter there. And there was a tunnel leading from the restaurant to the ward. Returning from Tokiwacho towards Makunishicho, Searching again for the remains of the tunnel behind the restaurant Heading towards Makunishi-cho, looking down at the mountain that separates the two towns The watch shop is open Pay attention between buildings This was a bank. The bank was a fairly old building. a…. It’s suspicious over there Tokiwa restaurant is around there. I think it was in front of the new apartment building. Zoom shot When exposure compensation is performed Yellow closure marks? Towards the end of the war, the restaurant Tokiwa was bought by the military or the city. A tunnel was dug nearby and used as a link to the hospital and as an air raid shelter. Valuable photos showing the tunnel excavation process The pit entrance is square. This yellow, square, closed area? Maybe it was the entrance to a tunnel. If the yellow closure marks are tunnels, It is believed that this line led to the hospital. During the air raid by the US military on July 14, 1945 Military ships in the harbor were attacked and heavily damaged. Many wounded soldiers were taken to this underground medical center. It was transformed into a hellish field hospital. Soaked and dirty with seawater and heavy oil Emergency surgery for seriously injured people was repeated without anesthesia. The smell of blood and screams fill the dark operating room, illuminated by bare light bulbs. Most of the wounded died Their amputated legs were piled up in buckets and left behind. I came to the open sea of ​​Muroran. This is M Land That’s Telegraph Beach. Tokiwacho, Shimizucho And then there’s Mount Survey… Walking through the beautiful port town of Muroran, War relics There is a record of horrific war damage. And it is blocked off behind the cliff reinforcement. There was indeed a horrific incident There is also a history of women who sold themselves and performed in brothels. Running, walking and feeling Muroran Looking back at the deep history, Leaving M Land [Music] Please leave a comment with your thoughts.

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  1. 良く調査されましたね。お疲れ様でした。疲れた体には、味の大王の隣の和菓子屋さんのきんつばがおすすめですよ。😁

  2. 親なるもの断崖読みました。

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