Training Report Kitami Pass 21 (English Version)

training report kitami pass 21 February 2019 ground blizzard and low visibility seasonal winds are strong and the snowfall is heavy because of a winter atmospheric pattern heading for the start point with rear fog lights on it’s -3° C at the foot of the mountain the visibility is low because of strong winds and heavy snowfall the road diverges here in the direction of the ukishima park pass and the kitami pass he passed the first oncoming snow plow which had just finished the snow removal on the kitami pass here under the high standard Highway passing the bipoc he followed the national route 333 he passed the second oncoming snow plow and a Truck scattering the snow melting agent he talked to its operators for a while cars behind him could hit him if he stops because of too low visibility up to halfway up a route where the visibility is better therefore there is no picture up to there Final Approach to the summit easy to climb thanks to a strong back wind the road is already covered with 3 cm of snow although the snow removal has just finished snow drifts are present around the summit he passed the summit and he is doing an interval training on the Shirataki side it’s -6° C at the summit the weather got better and the visibility became better better he begins The Descent this day’s snow depth is 162 CM descending in a snowy landscape The Descent was uneventful crossing the high standard highway there are snow drifts the snow gets blown up passing in the snow drifts he reached the start point and finished the training thank you for watching

We are going to present training scenes of the 21st training at the Kitami Pass.

Our websites:
Cycling training on Snow
Snowbiking in Japan

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