[ENG SUB] 七年时间,小伙从中国骑行穿越非洲、欧洲16个国家,再回到中国广西,消费低空气好人淳朴又热情,遇暴雨被粉丝姐姐收留,时隔四年再次来到蒋姨家中,超开心!【陶三丰的草根之旅】

January 1, 2024 Cycled from Qinzhou to Dongxing Hello, friends! I am Tao Sanfeng Currently in Fangchenggang City, Guangxi It’s January 1st, the start of the new year in Dongxing City Also, it’s New Year’s Day Wishing you all a happy New Year Joyful New Year’s Day Safe and smooth Reflecting on 2023 I’ve been safe and successful It’s been fulfilling Though with some regrets But I still have opportunities In 2024, I will embark on a new journey Chasing the Northern Lights in Iceland Visa processing will start gradually For the next month I’ll be cycling in Guangxi From November 30th, taking a bus to Lhasa No video updates during this month It’s been a month Thanks for your patience Let me share some unusual events of the past month That happened since then I left from Gaze My luggage was shipped with Zhongtong Express It took around 10 days to arrive in Guangxi The bicycle was sent from Lhasa through Wenxiang Logistics At that time, they told me It would take 10 to 15 days to arrive So the original plan was around December 10th to start cycling in Guangxi However, the bicycle, from shipment to receipt, I just received it the day before yesterday It took a whole month So I chose not to come to Guangxi Instead, I went to the Northeast ahead of time Because there’s an event to attend in the Northeast I’ve been staying in the Northeast during this time For about 20 days Learned some ice sports Snow sports Mastered these sports almost Also experienced the Northeastern tradition of hot baths Basically, some cities around Harbin And some snow attractions I’ve played with them one after another The activities are also over So the bicycle has arrived I quickly flew over to pick up the bicycle But then another thing happened When I was skiing in the Northeast I received two calls from Dongxing, Guangxi They called me I didn’t answer at that time Later, I called back in the evening Still no answer I called back the next day Still no answer After that, I called the main station I told them who I am What I do I said traveling I explained my situation About the cycling situation No fixed address I explained to them I said to them I want to store my package there for a week So, I called the courier But couldn’t reach you Either you register Or you help me Just tell the courier My situation Store it for a week But by the fourth day It was sent back to Gaze Then the courier called me I answered and he said your package Oh, it’s returned At that time, I didn’t answer the call I said I didn’t answer Didn’t the main station call you? Right, they called you and explained the situation You didn’t call me I said you returned it He said quickly intercept it Started contacting his boss Hurry, intercept Intercept, intercept The final result was This package You have to intercept it after arriving in Gaze Then return it I thought it takes 15 days to send Then another 15 days to return Another month of waiting Luggage Now, you see, my bike doesn’t have a rack I went online I told the courier to send it slowly I bought a new rack online Cheap, around a hundred yuan I also bought a new sleeping bag A new tent New gear I bought quite a few things So, I’ll just make do and ride like this For a month Cycling in Guangxi Originally, my plan was in mid-December If I cycled in Guangxi here Two months would be enough to ride back to Shandong along the coast Now, if I want to ride back to Shandong from here In terms of time, it’s not enough So, I temporarily changed my plan again I’m preparing to spend more than a month exploring Guangxi Tomorrow, my newly bought tent and rack will arrive Now, I’m carrying a backpack Then I took some I took this small bag The bike Everything came over without any major problems At that time, the chain fell off The handlebar was crooked But no major issues Next, I’ll head to the downtown of Dongxing Tonight, I’ll meet a friend We’ll have dinner The hotel there is also arranged for me It’s been a long time since we met I haven’t ridden for a month Embarking on a new journey Feeling like flying freely on the road Especially going from minus 30 degrees Directly to above zero, twenty or thirty degrees Spring is warm, flowers are blooming Trees provide shade Fragrance of flowers and fruits in the air Wow This feeling is really amazing Now, departing from the overpass to Dongxing downtown Let’s go Hey, a month of no updates Also being sick for a month I haven’t stopped taking medicine this whole month Friends Let’s not talk about this Being sick every day is really annoying I had a fever when I was in the snow town The fever was so high that my left ear was blocked I couldn’t understand anything, and the boss was scared High fever of 40 degrees There was no big hospital there Only a small clinic I got injections and took medicine in the snow town Just for medication and injections, I spent nearly 5,000 yuan I basically bought from all the big and small pharmacies there At that time, I went to eat iron pot stew Northeastern people are very enthusiastic The boss saw me and said With what you’re going through, take this medicine He gave me a green little package He said during the pandemic, this medicine worked for him So, I took that medicine as well I took both Chinese and Western medicine During that time, I had a fever Maybe my adventurous spirit was too wild I had a fever It’s like today, the fever is gone At night, I’d be under the blanket, sweating after taking medicine After sweating and the fever going down The next day, I’d ski and ice skate again Then, I’d have a fever again Skiing and having a fever, one after another I simply didn’t rest well But then, I still wanted to ski and play I still wanted to learn I just kept going Now the fever is completely gone It’s just a cough And the people I played with were also infected by me At that time, they said I had the flu Now, we’re in a completely new environment Such a good place is indeed suitable for recuperation After about ten days or half a month, everything is fine Now, there’s still about 30 kilometers to go to my friend’s place Hey, where did you ride from? Yunnan, Dali I toured around Hainan Awesome Riding through three provinces Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi Ah, I’ve ridden through all of China You’re amazing, hahaha I’ve been riding for 6 years Six years Uh, in the past few months I was in Ali Went through uninhabited areas and such I see your bag is open It might fall off Nah, it’s fine Your health is really good Exercise is good too He’s 61 years old Wow, can’t tell Really can’t tell Our main focus is on having fun Playing is the main thing Are you camping at night? Or staying in accommodations? Staying, staying in accommodations No camping No cooking either Just focused on having fun Enjoying life through eating, drinking, and playing Hahaha Well, I’m off Okay, I’m going to Dongxing to meet a friend We’re also going to Dongxing We’ll meet again in Dongxing This weather is perfect for cycling Recently, there was a bicycle race in Fangchenggang These big brothers are almost 60 years old They rode from Yunnan through three provinces to Guangxi Wow, impressive But I’m even more impressive Haha, let’s go, let’s go You can see a lot of private cars Because Dongxing City It’s connected to Vietnam Backed by the Ten Thousand Mountains So it’s a border city So, there will be border checkpoints here There are also border checkpoints when leaving the country All kinds of checkpoints But this time, I didn’t bring my passport to Guangxi So I won’t go there Border stability, reform sets new standards Welcome to the border city Dongxing Haha Arrived in Dongxing Another 5 kilometers Then back to the country gate Dongxing International Gate Scenic Area All selling fruits Remaining 200 meters to the destination So many people Arrived at the destination The destination is on Xinhua Road Cycling navigation ends where, where I’m already underneath this cafe Here Where to put the bike? Hello Can I leave my bike here? I’ll have a coffee upstairs Here? Okay Sure, sure Straight upstairs, right? Okay, let me go in I have a friend here Hey, Xiao Le Long time no see Haven’t seen you in 3 years, right? Three or four years Has it been three years? That year you abandoned me in Chengdu Is this my package? Ah Which year do you think it was when you abandoned me in Chengdu? That was the year of the pandemic. Which pandemic year? 2020? It’s 2024 now, four years have passed. Let me introduce you This is Liu Xiaole We haven’t seen each other in nearly three years In the past three years, we haven’t met We met before in Nepal And we’ve met in China Both of us are wanderers overseas And him Mainly wandering around Southeast Asia I’ve been to Europe and Africa It’s been a year Do you feel like I’ve changed a lot? You look handsome Exactly. He abandoned me in Chengdu three years ago Haha At that time, it was the year of the pandemic And then, our plan to cycle around Guangxi was also canceled Now, we’ve planned to meet at the Dongxing Port City In this city Do you want to go to Vietnam? I don’t have my passport with me No worries, Do you have your ID card? Yes, I do Just one day. I’ll check it out later Really? You’ve arranged everything for me What kind of coffee is this? Vietnam De Le Coffee How do you drink it? Stir it evenly After stirring, put it here Put it in the ice You prepare it for me One moment This is Vietnamese coffee Vietnamese coffee I haven’t tried this kind of coffee before Here you go, chef When we were in Nepal Chef Liu cooked and fried, and I had to assist him every day Washing pots and scrubbing dishes. Back then, I couldn’t even cook. In these years, we’ve all grown a lot. Have you noticed I got taller? No, just got more handsome. I did get taller. I grew another 3 centimeters. Let me taste this Vietnamese coffee. Haha, looks like your face slimmed down. Two extra layers on the belly, though. Try it. So bitter. What’s the rush, not taking a big gulp? Drinking coffee is meant to be savored slowly. you know it well. Haha. Cheers! Long time no see. Happy New Year. Yeah. Hello, everyone, my friends. I am Tao Sanfeng. The current location is on the side of Dongxing National Gate Port. These days, my friends have also gone to Vietnam. I’ve stayed at Poly Lai Hotel for another two days. Because I found there’s another package. It’s necessary to use it. So, I waited for the package for two more days. Now, basically, all the packages are ready. Consider it as traveling light. It’s almost there. The equipment from Tibet before, well, it will take about another week to arrive here. I’ll ride along the coastal road. Straight towards Fangchenggang There are no places for bags in the front. It’s very light, two small bags at the back. I bought this 22-liter one on Taobao. Very cheap, just over a hundred yuan. Including this top bag. It seems to be somewhat waterproof. Also, around a hundred yuan. Currently, these are packed with my tent. And some clothes. I didn’t bring food, drinks, and cooking stuff. After a while, when all my equipment arrives, I’ll bring them over and install them. That way, it will be complete. For now, I’ll just ride like this. The rear tire pressure is not very full yet. Let’s go first. Shaded by green trees, this season, if in our Shandong. At my home, all the leaves are dried. Dry branches and fallen leaves. After crossing this bridge, the coastal road is ahead. I’ve stayed in Dongxing for many days. Overall, this city is very quiet. Their average salary is around 2,000-3,000. Close to Vietnam, the temperature is relatively hot. It’s much warmer than Nanning. Leaving the coastal town, China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau is building houses here. I’ve looked into the housing prices here before. It seems to be around 4,000 per square meter. Maybe it’s around 5,000 in Beihai. Actually, the housing prices here are around 300-400 thousand. You can buy a 110-square-meter house. The air is also good. It’s suitable for staying here for health. When the time comes, I can have a stable place. But there are young people here. Not many. Most of them are renting here. Rent is not cheap either. 800 per month. 1,000 per month. Slightly better neighborhoods, for the less desirable ones, it’s 500-600. There are many trucks on this coastal road, too many private cars. I’m not planning to continue. I plan to find an intersection ahead, turn right to the seaside. The scenery on both sides, small villages and towns, is a bit more beautiful. There are fewer cars, and it’s more comfortable. There’s also the Great Qing Dynasty No.1 Boundary Monument Scenic Area. There’s an arch. What kinds of noodles do you have, boss? Ah, we have rice and noodles here. Chicken noodles? We’re out of chicken noodles, right? What else do you have? Except for chicken noodles. Pork head meat noodles. We have everything, no worries. Pig trotter noodles, right? Pig trotter noodles, pig trotter noodles. Eat here. Outside. Okay. A serving of pig trotter noodles. Let’s taste it. Next time, I’ll try Guilin rice noodles. Let’s try all kinds of rice noodles. Put a little chili. I feel like noodles, each place has a different taste. Each place’s noodles are a bit different. But overall, the feeling is similar. And that egg, it seems to be the kind with feathers. I didn’t dare to eat that. Look at this noodle, it’s flat, some are oval. I prefer this flat one. Look at this pig’s trotter, Let’s continue the journey. Entering small villages and towns. The environment here is much more comfortable. Today’s weather is misty, a bit cloudy. In the next week, it’s going to be this kind of overcast and rainy days. I don’t know if it will rain when camping at night. Caught some fish, grandma! Ah, good! This is for cooking and eating. Drink, drink, drink. Ah, drink and eat. How much is this per kilogram? Hurry up and buy it. I’ll ask, haha. 3 yuan I can’t understand Guangxi dialect. 3 yuan. Hmm, 3 yuan per kilogram. 3 yuan Okay, I can’t translate this. I have to record it. Oh. You’re digging here, inside. You have to go inside to dig. It’s all dry here. It should be ebb tide. It’s all dry. All these snails were dug by the old lady. It seems to be 3 yuan per kilogram, I don’t understand. Haha. Okay, I’m leaving. Grandma! Goodbye! Bye bye. Sea snails! Ah, I really want to buy some. Because if I buy them, I can’t cook them. This time, I don’t have pots, bowls, and pans. When my equipment arrives, we can cook some seafood. Grandma is quite old. Liu is going inside to dig these sea snails. Look, there are some fish ponds here. Some tin houses, and some tile and wooden houses. They raise fish here. It gives me a kind of look, that side is the urban area. Here, it feels like a secluded paradise. The environment is very comfortable. This place should be a village similar to a dock. All the fishing boats are docked here. Large and small. The water from the lake here flows into the sea, and the water flow is quite fast. During the days in Dongxing, while waiting for the delivery, I originally wanted to find some time to surf in a nearby place, to experience it. But after asking some local friends, they said it’s too cold this season, and the sea water is too cool, so there’s no surfing anymore. Or go to Sanya. I don’t know about Beihai. I thought it wouldn’t be worth running so far just to surf, so I stayed here for a few days. Look how dry it is. You can see a few scattered locals digging some shells below. Some things are so dry that they come here Go that way to reach the sea. How much is this sweet potato? It’s 10 yuan per kilogram. 7 yuan. 7 yuan per kilogram? So, it’s around 2-3 yuan for one? Help me get one. You choose, which one do you want? I’ll help you pick. Get a slightly larger one. Is it sweet? How sweet is it? Sweet? Take two sweet ones. Get two, get the ones that are slightly warm. The warm ones are easier to handle. 4.7 Alright, done Okay. This village is nice, Wutou Village. Every household’s walls are covered with murals. so relaxing Everyone is playing mahjong at home. There’s a lot of red culture around here. There’s a temple over there. Just passed a checkpoint. It’s a border checkpoint. This is the outskirts of the city. They check your ID when you enter and leave. I passed through here when I came. The sun is slowly setting. The sunset tonight is beautiful. Let’s ride another 10 kilometers ahead. There’s a town up ahead. About ten kilometers. I’ll find a camping spot there. Just a few hundred meters away. Found a few containers on the roadside. These containers provide shelter from the wind and rain. Looks good. This is a toilet. But now there’s no food to eat. Not sure what’s on the other side. There’s more here. This place is nice. Let’s continue to the town ahead. Stay in the town ahead. Might not find houses like these. Might have to camp outdoors. Mainly because there’s no food. I’m hungry now. Justice. This place is relatively bustling in this small town. A concentrated area. There’s also a kindergarten. In this area. I’ll take another stroll. Not much to eat around here. Ah, found it. Here is a place for milk tea, juice, burgers, and snacks. Let me take another look. Hmm, these two kids. My bike fell just now. quickly came over to help me up. The whole town, from over there. Walking over. A little more ahead and we’ll be out. Met someone selling stir-fried dishes by the roadside. Only fish and some vegetables left. I’ll have the fish and vegetables stir-fried. I’ll pack it to go. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to find a camping spot when it gets completely dark. Camping spot. Tourism. Road trip, road trip. Cycling, right? It’s 20. Alright, alright. Rice is packed, it’s packed. Alright, alright, alright. Let’s go, ah, good. Thank you, brother. If we keep going forward, is there any open space to pitch a tent? Where to pitch a tent? Open space. Set up a small tent. Is there any ahead? No, there isn’t. In that open space. By the seaside. Here is also fine. Here is okay? Yes, haha. Sure, sure. Then we’ll eat here and pitch a tent afterwards. No more space ahead, right? There’s no open space ahead. None, none. Oh, over there is fine too. It won’t block the way for this car to go out, right? Here? Ah, is this your yard? Yes, yes, yes. Alright, then I’ll pitch a tent here. Bike touring, right? Yes, yes, yes. Cycling. Eat inside. Ah, everyone’s eating, right? Okay, okay. I’ll set up the tent first. I was thinking your yard might not allow tents. I need to go further ahead. Is here safer than there? Good, great. I’m from Shandong. Shandong, right, right, right. Tonight, Huang is being accommodated in his restaurant yard. I’m also working there. Now, I’ll quickly organize the bike and tent. I’ll pitch my tent here. This place is quite good. Alright, I’ll set up the tent first. Ah, the tent is set up. Then, let’s have some food. Check out the new equipment. I haven’t set it up since I bought it. When my mom hears the shouting at home later, I’ll be scolded when I go back. will you? You tell her. Tell mom. His mom won’t let him shout like that. Then you tell mom. Like this. It’s quite firm. Why is it so hard? There’s a sponge inside. It’s inflated with air, and it’s firm. This way, it won’t be cold. No quilt, huh? Not cold. Is this a mountain bike? It’s a type of road touring bike. This small blanket is just right. This sleeping bag won’t be cold. Right, cover it and it won’t be cold. Sleep inside and cover it, and it’s fine. Boss, pack these and let me sit in and eat. Thanks, boss. Haha. These are two fish and vegetables I fried. Then there’s this. The boss said to sit in and eat together. That’s alcohol. I don’t drink alcohol. And there’s porridge. I’ll just eat these; it’s enough. Yes, warm, warm. These folks from Guangxi are too warm. This restaurant next door. There are many folks from Guangxi in there playing dice. Drinking. Let me show you this new tent. This tent, it feels like it’s made of the same material as my previous tent. It’s still a very spacious double tent. I’m thinking of sleeping on this side in the future. and putting luggage on that side. This side is very safe. Just now, I chatted with the guy here for a while. Both sides have cameras. There are cameras on that side too. I’ll just put the bike on this side. No need to worry. The bike will be right here. So, my next cycling plan in Guangxi, is from Fangchenggang to Nanning. Then, further into the mountains from Nanning Possibly going around Guilin. Because it’s a deep cycling trip. Guangxi will take about a month. on the journey Take it easy. You don’t have to follow a planned route. Maybe explore villages on this side, and then villages on that side. Experience the mountain villages in Guangxi. Some coastal cities in Guangxi. Slow down. Take it easy. This is my upcoming cycling plan in Guangxi. Because it’s almost Chinese New Year in February. So, around February, maybe a bit before the New Year, I’m planning to go back home. After the New Year, probably around March, at the latest in March, I’ll venture back to Sweden in Europe. Then continue my global cycling journey. Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. After completing these countries Europe is almost done. I’ll figure out other European countries to visit. So, this year’s cycling plan is like this Later After finishing Europe, there are many friends wondering if I’ll go to the Americas, or Australia, or visit more countries. About these, I haven’t decided yet. We’ll see about that when the time comes. I’m just planning my trip for this year. Today, I’m really lucky. I met such a friendly owner. Very welcoming. He gave me cola and orange juice earlier and water Told me I can use the restroom there. And there’s a sink there for washing. He gave me hot water again. People in Guangxi are so warm. Why do I like this place and its people? The scenery, the air, it makes me yearn for it. I’m even thinking that when I have money, I’ll buy a house here. Come here for a vacation in the winter. Wouldn’t that be great? Haha. The weather is getting warm. My feet… smell a bit. This sleeping bag is blue and yellow. It’s suitable for this season. It’s nice. It’s good, and it’s my first time using it. I also want to go to the bathroom. The owner told me there’s a restroom over there. Right there. You can use the bathroom here. There’s a sink. You can wash up. I’ll wash my face first. Later, I’ll bring toothpaste. Brush my teeth. Wow, wow. It’s so warm. Anyway, every time I find a place with water, I try to wash up as much as possible. Maybe tomorrow’s camping spot won’t have such good conditions. Alright, friends, let’s rest early tonight. This sleeping bag is really comfortable. It feels a bit hot when covered. There are cars passing by on the roadside at night, but it doesn’t bother me much. Once I’m asleep, I can’t hear anything. Actually, I sleep more peacefully that way. Turn off the light and rest. See you tomorrow. It rained last night. You can see a lot of rain above the tent. This tent can protect from rain well. This is where I slept. It’s quite comfortable. Morning. We eat together? Okay, thanks. Guangxi braised pork. You still need to boil it. It’s a specialty, right? Is this vinegar? This is red vinegar. I’ve never seen red vinegar before. You use this to stab it to let the taste in? Yes. And add salt. Add salt. You prepare food at day and make cuisines for customers at night? No, I’m a feast cook. Feast cook? Then you must be a master chef. Ha ha. How many years have you been doing this? More than 30 years. Okay. I’ll leave you be. I’m gonna pack my things. Okay. Last night, I was at Jiangshan Town, Fangchenggang City. There is a restaurant. The owner allowed me to camp at the courtyard. In the morning, he asked me to eat porridge with him. I had a proper breakfast. He is a very nice man. Now I’m gonna pack my belongs. It rained last night and the tent has a lot of water thereon. I have to shake it away and dry the tent. Let the wind dry it for ten minutes. I think it should be enough. I’ll continue to Nanning today. There are two stools. Just leave them there. Okay. What’s that? This is braised pork. We just made that. Add some chili. Whoa. Great. Crispy. Yeah. The skin is crispy. With chili. And it’s not greasy. Appetizing. Delicious. Delicious. Pot-stewed meat. Delicious. Ha ha ha. The repair shop and the restaurant are owned by the same boss. I need to refill some air. Because the air in the back tire is not enough. I just need to pump some in it. The I’ll be going. Okay. Okay. Until next time. And we can contact on WeChat anytime. Okay. Okay. Goodbye, boss. Okay. Okay. You’re all bosses. You all. Ha ha. Goodbye. Goodbye, madam. Okay. Goodbye. Okay. Until next time. People here are really kind. I’m still against the wind even in Guangxi. It rained just now. I rode on the national highway for whole day. I rode 30 kilometers at once. The trucks are too many on the road. I’ll ride for twenty or thirty kilometers more. It’s 2:30 p.m. I’ll ride until 5 or 6 p.m. I’m gonna keep an eye for a place to camp while riding. I don’t want to camp in the open today. Provincial Highway 515. Then I’ll ride away from national highway. I found a bridge. Above me is the Hepu-Napo Freeway. It’s a freeway. I see benches here. There’s some debris piled over there. I can camp here if I have no other option. Camp under the freeway. There are several houses. It’s even a convenience store. I can buy something to eat. It’s great. Then here it is. An accident occurred here, leading to one death. It’s scary. I don’t care. This is a great place to avoid the rain. Okay. I’ll camp here later. Hello, sir. Can I camp here for the night? You can. -Sleep? -Yes, you can. That area is more flat. I can camp anywhere in the area? Okay. I’ve already set up the tent. I just flat the ground a little, so that I can sleep more comfortable at night. Air pad, tent, and sleep bag. This white bag. Inside it are the snacks I bought from the previous town. These are my food for dinner. I put my bicycle aside, and didn’t dismount the belongs. I just locked the bicycle to the handlebar of the scraped tractor. I can feel it getting colder the further north you go. I’m gonna sleep. I just had some bread and instant noodles for dinner. And the I’ll go to sleep. The mosquitoes and insects, including snakes, can’t get in. The tent is completely sealed. No need to worry about snakes and insects getting in my tent. This kind of tent, you see, there is a cotton net on the inner surface. There is also a layer of cloth on the outer surface. This is actually a tent for summer. But winter is too cold to use this tent. The ground below is not bad. But there’s a bulge in the area near my butt. I need to dig it a little. But I’ll just sleep. Let me try. A safe night. My bicycle is still here. It has been raining since the midnight. It’s almost 12 o ‘clock. half past 11 o’clock. The rain hasn’t stopped. It keeps pouring. I have to get up and pack my things. There is a town ahead. I need to eat something there. It was lucky that I found this bridge. Or I might have to sleep in the rain. The tent was completely wet when I got up. Above me is the freeway. And beside me is the provincial highway. Okay. I’m gonna pack up my tent and things. I don’t need to dry it. Just pack them. And hit the road quickly. It’s already past the noon. The sound of the rain does help the sleep. You see, the vehicles constantly past by above last night. But I still slept well. I hear no noise. I had a great sleep, until past 11 o’clock. I’ve packed all my belongs. This is garbage I made yesterday. Last night, I bought a bowl of instant noodles at this store. And I asked the owner for hot water. Many small green vegetables are grown in the yard. I’m now at Dashi Town. Small peas, green vegetables. Scallions and cabbages. The fence is made of loquat branches. I need to get something to eat for lunch in town. Luosifen. Guilin rice noodles. Char siu rice noodles. Beef brisket rice noodles. Here then. Owner. I want a bowel of Luosifen. Okay. Anything to serve with? We got meat. Meat. Okay. And fried eggs. I want a fried egg. Okay. I’ll eat here. Just after the meal, it’s raining again. Electric tricycle. This kind of vehicles is popular in America lately. Thanks to a blogger. Although it keeps raining, the coat is waterproof. You see. The water can get in. It’s dry inside. This road section is under maintenance. I noticed that wherever I go, the rain follows. I might be a god of rain. Perhaps. This situation happened before. I guess I couldn’t find a proper place to camp tonight. In that case, I have to stay at a room. I need to find a hotel. The rain is heavy. And the ground is wet. Uphill ahead. The bag is also waterproof. The water can’t get in. The plan for today is to Datang Town 20 kilometers away. My feet are all wet now. And I feel a little dizzy. Look at my hands. The skin is wrinkled. Looks like they are soaked in water for a long time. They turn like this after I rode for a day. Ha ha. Nanjian to Dashi. I’ll take a break from the rain here. There are many banana trees down there. The bananas are covered. They should belong to a villager in that house. The views in these days are not very good. So I just focused on the riding. I’m following the National Highway 235325. It’s over 30 years. 30 years? Yeah. I’ve been riding for over 30 years. I stated at 1979. The first trip is riding an old bicycle to… from Golmud to Lasa. I’ve been Nepal. I’ve been Southeast Asia, Europe. You rode in Europe? Not Africa. Africa is too turbulent. I stopped at Egypt. Whoa. You’re amazing. Too turbulent. That place. The Alps have a great view. There is basically no vehicles on the road in Switzerland. Yeah. Only me and the sound. The sound of rotating wheels. No people. That road is perfect. I also rode around France. From Paris to Switzerland. Oh. You’re amazing. I rode the hardest section. After that, I think it was less hard than the roads in Guizhou. Ha ha ha. The altitude in Guizhou is not high, but there are many mountains. Uphill and downhill. Yeah. Many fluctuations. There are more level roads in Europe. There is only the Alps. There is no people. Few people. Few people. Eh. -You… -Wherever you ride, you meet only one person over 100 kilometers. Only one person over 100 kilometers. Miracle. Ha ha ha. Tao Sanfeng is famous. This man is in his 70s. He has been riding for over 30 years. He went through Europe, through China. He even went to Nepal. He is definitely a great man in the community. What a luck to meet such a person! It’s lucky. Thanks. Then I’ll be going. -You keep it up. -Okay. -Goodbye. -Okay. OK, OK. Goodbye. The rain has stopped now. I’m leaving. Be careful. Okay. Goodbye. I asked if they knew my name. That man said Tao Sangfeng. "You’re the Tao Sangfeng?!" That man. I wasn’t even born when he rode. After nearly 20 years of riding, I just came into this world. We’re more than 50 years apart. But we choose the same way to live. We’re doing the same sport. I know some people having rode for one, five, or ten years. I’ve never seen one riding for 30 years. I’m so impressed. He’s a legend in the cycling community. We talked a lot under the pavilion just now. He traveled a lot of countries. He has cycled for over 500,000 kilometers. Can you believe it? Over 70 years old. For 30 years. He rides on the road for half of his life. Can you not be impressed? In front of him, I’m just like a baby. We took pictures, together. It’s so lucky that we met each other. I look forward to meet him again. Now I need to keep going. Hurry to the town ahead. And find a place to stay. The trucks pass by one after another. Too noisy. Here I am. I arrived at Datang. There is a hotel at the roadside. I’m gonna to find out. To see if it’s okay. If so, I’ll just stay here. Can I put here? Yes. Okay. I’ll move the bench. The room is on the fifth floor. And the bicycle is at the hall. First floor. One night for 80 yuan. There is a room, 100 for one night. But I took the 80 one. I’ll just stay here. I’m gonna show you the room. The passage is wide. The bed is here. There is a table. This is window. Bathroom. I can take a hot bath tonight. It’s hard enough being in the rain all day. It’s foggy outside. It’s raining again. It’s completely wet. I have another pair of shoes. The bigger high shoes. I’ll put on my clothes and get the shoes upstairs. This room is so cold. I’m shaking. Drizzling rain. Why is so dark outside in this hour? Let’s walk ahead. To see if I can find a place to eat. This hour is probably to late. Hello. You got any rice noodles? Yes. How about chicken rice noodles? -There’s none. -What do you have? Beef brisket. Then beef brisket rice noodles it is. Okay. I’ll eat here. Beef brisket rice noodles. Okay. I wanted to eat rices. But I can’t find the place. So I decided to eat rice noodles. I’ll go back to sleep when I’m done. Check the weather forecast. Still rainy. It will still rain tomorrow. I finished a bowel of this. But it was not enough. I ordered another. Two bowls. I’m full. I’m full now. It’s good. Better than that I ate at noon. I’ll get back to bed soon. I’m back at the hotel. There is a singing competition. 10 yuan for one songs. I just singed up. And ordered one song. I’ll sing for you later. Let’s sing! Thanks, everyone. Hello, friends I’m Tao Sanfeng Now riding in Guangxi My current location is in Datang town of Nanning I didn’t camp yesterday Instead, I found a hotel and stayed here for one night Today I’m going to downtown Nanning Now all the luggage is packed Ready to go It’s rainy again. For the current season the rainy days in Guangxi are also coming I’m getting wet again for just a short period I will have a place to stay when I arrive in Nanning this evening Guys There was a female follower who has always been supporting me and watching my videos This time I came to Nanning. She contacted me in advance and vacated a house for me She got all new stuff for me such as gas, kitchen, bed sheet and cover She asked me to go there early and take a rest for a couple of days I was delayed for waiting for the delivery So this time I go there, I’m gonna have dinner and chat with her in the evening Damn it I’m gonna find a roadside kiosk and take a break The rain really doesn’t end day after day The rain today will continue till 6:00 in the evening Just right when I arrive there the rain will stop The next few days are Friday Saturday Sunday It’ll all be raining these days. Only after Monday will it clear up After I get to Nanning and take two day’s rest I’ll get back all my equipment mailed from Tibet So I’ll have all my equipment at hand I’m gonna keep going I gotta ride even if it’s raining Oh, such road condition It’s so hard. Come here. I got mud all over my legs from all the cars going both directions Why doesn’t this part of the road end Oh my God My word! I can’t stop I would be done if I stopped It’s all mud Go go go How could there be a road like this My word! Speechless It’s so bumpy that my kidneys are about to fall off Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa No, I was covered up It should be almost over in front Just hang in there and I can get out Ah, good. It’s all mud on my sneakers on the pants, and on my bike hum It’s all black See if there’s a clean puddle ahead Need a wash It’s so impolite to go into other’s home in such a state So dirty I just saw a puddle I’m on the big road now There’re another 25 kilometers to Nanning city There’s a big puddle ahead Just take the car down and wash it I need to wash my shoes and pants But the water is a little yellow Rerouted for you Please proceed west along the current route No, forget it. Forget it This one up there will do This small one The water is black This way it look much cleaner not that much yellow dirt But my bike is dirty, too It’s all mud Look, a white one has turned black The pouch has been covered with mud It was all splattered by those cars Let it be like this for now It’s really hard riding in the rain It’s not comfortable at all It turned white all of a sudden Look, the mud is almost washed off It looks a lot cleaner And no mud on my pants OK Great fortune Go on I’m a drowned rat Continue along Pingle Avenue for 750 metres This road is called Pingle Avenue There are residential buildings on both sides of the road Some of them haven’t been finished yet Under construction Mirage perspective It kept raining. All right Oh, the traffic is heavy The rain won’t get to me in the tunnel I have arrived. It’s raining harder and harder I said the rain would stop at 5:00 and 6:00 It turns out to rain heavier and heavier Now I’ve arrived at underground parking lot of this residential quarter ah Wait for that sister She should be here soon Today is another wet day Take a hot shower tonight Wet throughout my body Ah, my bike Wait a minute. Let me move my bike Can I leave the bike here? Do you feel secured if you leave it here? Is it safe here I don’t know Do you have a lock? I have I Let me just move the bike towards me or your car won’t go in All right. Here you go All right You can move you can leave the bike at the entrance At the entrance? Fine. Because all our neighbors know each other OK, OK. OK Where can we get upstairs? I’ve been looking for it for a long time Middle In the middle OK, OK OK Right. Wet You can go back a little bit Right right right I’ve already at Sister Xin’s place She doesn’t want to show up in the camera Ha-ha. These are all specialities Super delicious I’m gonna have a treat tonight Thank for Sister Xin’s warm hospitality haha Dine Too many people Today is a happy day Guys, I’ve had enough I had local Guangxi specialties It tastes very authentic After eating, Sister Xin sent me back The house is very clean It has two bedrooms a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom The cleaning is done very well The floor has also been cleaned up She doesn’t live here for the moment This house seems to be for sale It also happens to be unoccupied so she let me come over here and stay here at will Particularly enthusiastic Very generous Let me show you This is the kitchen. There is a table and the sofa. As by the time I got here I had been in the rain all day I was wet inside out Just spread these clothing I’ve changed into a clean long Johns and taken a hot shower My shoes are wet, too Over here is a toilet Outside is the balcony There are some flowers and laundry This is the bedroom The bedroom. I covered the bed with the new sheets and bed cover just now I’ll sleep here tonight And then over here are my charging devices Look, I come alone but has taken up the whole house Oh, some are in line Some are still being charged There’s a bedroom here, too Right. I would like to express my special thanks to Sister Xin for her warm hospitality It’s really a happy thing to have such a particularly warm environment after a hard riding day I just got a message from Sister Xin She told me that there was medicine in this cupboard I looked for it It should be this. There’s some cold medicine in there And some fever medicine Anti-inflammatories or something Cure for cold I can drink this later Take it if I need it Take whatever I need She also prepared a card bag for me That kind of holding ID card changes and coins etc. That’s very considerate Guys And now it’s raining all over again If I went camping tonight it would be too much damp Look at this bed, guys Big and soft haha Tomorrow, Sister Xin will go back to hometown with her family to deal with something She has asked me to go together and take a look at the scenery along the way in her hometown I still want to rest because I do have been riding in the rain for days Though not wet on the body it’s a little damp I’m gonna sleep till I wake up naturally tomorrow The kind that sleeps like a baby Eat something when I get up Take a stroll around the neighborhood Take a day off So we’re not going live stream tonight No for tomorrow as well I’ll edit the video as soon as I can The main thing is that I’m a little tired Let me edit the video tomorrow Guys, you won’t have a video to watch tomorrow all day I come to Nanning this time apart from visiting new friends I also want to visit the old friends As early as 2020 when I was riding in Guangxi I’ve come to Nanning There were teammates at that time We lived together at an aunt’s house It’s Aunt Jiang. I don’t know if you remember that If you want to see that video you can go back to look for the video three years ago about Nanning, Guangxi You can check it out So this time I come here, I am thinking to visit Aunt Jiang again and see how she’s doing Right? After all, I’ve arrived here already Because if you leave here it’s not sure how many years it’ll be from now when you come to Nanning next time Hey, this is also a little wish of mine I can finally have a good rest tonight I don’t have to worry about my bike being stolen By the way My bike is on the first floor of the basement It’s locked up over there And the luggage was all brought up All right, guys I’ll have a good rest tonight I think I’m gonna sleep till noon tomorrow See you the day after tomorrow. Good night. Today, on the roadside, I encountered a temple. It’s amazing! Jinlu Temple is right next to the Yong River. This temple, was built during the Ming Dynasty, in the Zhengde era. It has a history of over 500 years. Many local uncles and aunties brothers and sisters are having their meals here. I am also sitting at this table to taste the local dishes. Take a look, Ahahaha! We’re on camera, hahaha! This can only be described as our Guangxi’s home-cooked dishes for welcoming guests. Honored, honored, honored! You said there’s not much variety in the dishes, but there’s chicken, duck, fish, and meat, hahaha! Although Guangxi is considered a border city, and develops slowly, Guangxi has its own humanities and culture. Yes. There has always been a reason for Guangxi. In the past, it used to be called "Wolf Soldiers" by northerners. In the past, we guarded the border. Possibly, in terms of personality, it’s a bit For example, Shandong people are reserved, but we Guangxi people are straightforward. The same, right? Yes, yes, that’s why He said, the current government’s direction is to focus on culture, to excel in the cultural sector. Because with culture, there is heritage. The boss said it’s about cultural inheritance. What is cultural inheritance? Excellent! Right? Hello, everyone, I’m Tao Sanfeng. Currently, I am in Nanning, Guangxi. The rain has finally stopped today. There hasn’t been any rain since Monday. Now, we can ride under the sunshine. Three years ago, I cycled to this part of Nanning, Guangxi. At that time, I stayed at an aunt’s house. It’s Aunt Jiang. She lives alone. Her children rarely come back. So, this time, I thought of coming here again and visiting this aunt. I told her in the evening, and she said, "Sanfeng, you’re here again!" She was very happy. She had already prepared some dishes and oil tea for me. She’s inviting me to come over for dinner and a chat. Now, I’m planning to ride along the Yong River, approximately about 10 kilometers. To see the sunset, then head directly for dinner. The climate here in Nanning is really nice. It’s very comfortable when it’s not raining. No wonder so many people come here to live. Let’s take a look at tonight’s sunset. The sun is glowing red. Setting off towards the sunset, some people are jogging here, and others are practicing Tai Chi while cycling. Including this elder brother, he is practicing a standing posture, a type of Tai Chi. It exercises our balance, explosive power, hand strength, and core strength. I’ve tried this before, and I’ve practiced martial arts. Cycling on the greenway, Oh! Crossing the Yong River, passing through Yingqiao Bridge, The sky is so beautiful. Right. Pure milk, huh? Pure milk. This one has it. Ah, the pure one. This one is fine. Not the high-calcium, not the high-end, none of those. How much is this? 45, 45. Take two boxes of Maofeng tea, and two boxes of Jasmine tea. Alright, alright, that’s good. There’s also beef jerky. If Auntie’s teeth aren’t good, she might not be able to eat it. Is there any with intestines? No need, no need. Okay, you just leave it, I’ll handle it. Yes, I’ll pack it. Tie it up. Alright, boss. Such a familiar feeling. We’ve arrived. Auntie! Here, here! I thought you couldn’t get in. I’m in, I’m in. Oh, all the dishes are ready. Long time no see. I bought you some tea leaves and a carton of milk. I also brought you a pack of that powder. It’s okay, it’s okay, have a drink. Oh dear! Ah! You shouldn’t have bought tea leaves. I’ve lost weight too. Really? Oh yeah. Look, there’s also this powder. You can take this powder; I still have some. Not this one. It’s from a sister. She gave me two bundles. I can’t eat them all now. Take one bundle and eat. I still have some. Just eat it. There’s not much. I didn’t buy much. I didn’t bring much. It’s okay, it’s okay. Stop being busy. Just this, we can eat a little. Ah, let me stir-fry the dishes. I haven’t seen you for such a long time, hahaha. Yeah, yeah. You’ve grown taller again. Yes, I’ve grown taller again. You can tell? I’ve grown 3 centimeters. Grown another 3 centimeters. Yes, I’ve grown taller again. So I said, taller and more handsome than before. Taller and more handsome. Good, good, good, growing again. Now my head doesn’t shake anymore. No more head shaking. Last year when you came, my head was shaking. I’m quite energetic now. My spirits and condition are quite good. Yes, yes, yes. Just last week, I turned 65. When you bought from me, I was only 61. Yeah, four years, four years, four years. Really, hahaha. Haven’t had your oil tea in four years. Four years without drinking your oil tea. Ah, hahaha, good, good. There’s still so much sour plum wine. Is it still the sour plum wine? Here, have a drink. The one we drank last time. Oh, last time when I came here, there’s still so much left from four years ago. Drinking here after four years. Ah, it’s still the same bottle. Still that can. Not finished yet. There’s still a bowl. Oh, good, good, good, good. Ah, good. I treat you as my own child. Ah, hahaha. Like coming home. The room hasn’t changed much either. You’re quite well-behaved. You make friends everywhere you go. Yes, hahaha. I’m happy as long as I can remember you. Two years ago, or something like that. Well, that. Oh, Yangzi came here. Stayed here for ten days. Stayed for ten days. And then? Then he left. Oh, okay. Let me do it. Okay. I’ll do it. Alright. I… I’ll scoop the vegetables out. And it’s ready, hahaha. Auntie always says it doesn’t suit my taste. But it suits my taste very well. Beef meatballs. These are beef meatballs. Beef meatballs. Lift the lid. This iron lid. That lid, uh, that plate. That one. That plate. And there’s braised pork. A specialty of Guangxi. I had it for lunch today. Too much. We can’t finish it. Not much, not much. Really can’t finish. You can’t finish it. No, you eat it. Wow, too much. Lamb, beef, duck, braised pork, vegetables. Oh, my. You’ve worked hard. You’re really working hard. Not hard. This table full. These two, like this, are good for dipping. Yeah, dip it like this. Yes, I’ll scoop rice for you. I won’t eat rice first. Let’s eat some vegetables first. Oh, if you don’t want to eat rice, don’t eat rice. I’ll eat more vegetables. And have a little wine. Eat more vegetables. It’s probably a bit difficult. It’s okay, I’ll take my time. No problem. It’s okay with the sour plum. Even if it’s a bit sour, it’s okay. Okay. This, by this year’s May Day, will be nine years. Nine years. No more, um… Well, at least you can still have a taste. Still let you have a taste of these. Ah, good enough. Can’t pour it out. Unless you pour out the sour plums, um, then you can… Okay, okay. Okay, good. Enough for you, enough for you to drink. I can’t finish it. I’ll just have a little. If I drink too much… I won’t be able to ride my bike back. You have some, and I’ll have some. You have a bit, and I’ll have a bit. Right. It smells so good. I’ll just drink it straight from the bowl. Mm, just drink it straight from the bowl. This big bowl here. Here. Okay. Here, mm. Cheers. Nice to meet again. First encounter. Cheers. Thank you for coming to see me. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for remembering me. Oh, I’ve missed you. So touching. Mm. Mm. Oh, it’s good. I don’t know if it suits your taste. It’s good, it’s good. Try our Nanning roast duck. Roast duck, roast duck, it’s good. This, this, this. Yeah, it’s quite famous. Bought from that shop. This one is original flavor. This is original flavor. This is sour plum flavor. Sour plum flavor, I’ll start with the original. Sweet taste. Dip in the original. This is… This is the original, it’s salty, good. If it’s delicious, eat it; if not, skip it. Mmm, delicious! Haha, delicious! You seem to be doing well. I’m also very happy. I said, I see you’re in good spirits, Huanguang. I’m also very happy. Seeing you like this. Safe and sound. Yeah, we don’t worry anymore. Don’t worry, everything’s fine. When you went to Dongxing last time, hmm. I was worried you’d cross into Vietnam again. I didn’t go. Vietnam is too chaotic. Hmm, hmm. Pay attention to your safety. Hmm. Cheers. Ah. Wishing you a bright future. Thank you, Aunt Jiang. Wishing you good health. Healthy and well. Hmm, hmm, smoothly. Hmm, healthy and well. OK. Time passes too quickly. In a blink, four years have passed. Four years have passed in a flash. Hahaha! Aunt Jiang is planning to pack the duck for me. Quite hard work. And everything is ready for me. Oh, can’t eat anymore. We’ve had our fill. I’ll sit for a while, then I’ll leave. Just this little. I said that I would pack it for you. The bowl is too small; it won’t fit. Can’t fit, add another bowl. No problem, no problem. You can keep some for yourself. There’s not much meat left. Just a few pieces of meat. If you cook noodles or something, add some, it’ll be delicious. You can have it for breakfast, or lunch, these two. Eat slowly, alright? Sure, sure. You live far away. Alright, friends. I’ll say goodbye in a bit. Goodbye, everyone. Haha, goodbye. Auntie is very happy. Haha, so cute. Haha, so happy. Tonight, there’s another one. Did you get everything? Yes, got everything. Got everything. Then I’ll leave. Auntie, okay. Take care of your health, and be safe. Take care of yourself. Alright, alright. Rest more if you’re tired. Yeah, the weather is not good. If you can stay at a hotel, don’t cut corners. Sure, okay. Rest assured, no problem. I’ll come see you again next time. In dangerous places. Yeah, yeah. Life, a person’s life only has one. Right. Cherish it. Right. Still so young. Yeah. Right. Yesterday. Yesterday’s video. Taking a shower, pouring water on shoes in that little place. Too dirty. Oh, the door frame is high. Haha, okay, then I’ll go. You, you’re finishing this so quickly? Okay, then I’m leaving. Okay, don’t bother sending me off. Take it easy. Take it easy. Thank you for coming to visit me. Oh, next time I’ll come again. I’ll come to visit you again. Yes, come again when you’re in Nanning. Yes, come again. Yes, next time you’re in Nanning, come again. If you have nowhere to stay, I’ll give you a room. Okay, okay, good. Yeah, that’s great. This is the busiest street in Nanning. A commercial street. Hello, hello, hello. Long time no see. Haha, long time no see. Is this your shop? Where did you put your luggage? My luggage is in a sister’s house. There’s an empty room. Right, still there. Yes, yes, yes. I’ll go back later. I’ll leave my car here. You close at 12, right? Yes, yes, yes. They’ve been following me for a long time. Oh, my, haha. It’s Long. And this? Gao Heng. Brother Gao, haha. Haha, surname Tan. Tan, hello. Everyone’s busy. Alright. I’ll wash my hair first, and I’ll leave my bag here. Sure, you can leave it. Good. Leave it here. The manager is personally cutting my hair. I’ve had it permed. Just a little more to the left, like this. Just about right. A little more to the right. Look at the camera. Like this, like this. About 4:6. I haven’t cut my hair for about a month. Yeah. Initially, I wanted to be a chef. Chefs or selling clothes, right? Then, I walked by a barbershop. I thought the business was good. Your business is quite impressive too. Actually, it’s quite impressive. I remember the most panicked moment in your videos. When you encountered wolves. Yes, that’s true. It’s true, really. It was dangerous at that time. Why wasn’t it dangerous? Good luck. Were there any tough times outside? Tough times? Well, apart from the car breaking down. Yes, there were. There were. But overall, it’s okay. I’m generally happy every day. Ah, right. Haha. We’re done. It’s done now. Yeah, it’s done. Take a look at the hairstyle. Everyone, give your feedback. Give your feedback. Look at Long, the manager. Haha, the cut is indeed good. I am very satisfied. Very spirited. Smart and handsome. Mainly, I wanted it shorter on the sides and around. Haha, keep it up. It’s almost 12 o’clock now. They are closing. There are no employees left in the shop. I’ll head back. Give me another hug. Really. Next time. Next time. Are you all still here? Of course, we are. Let’s have a good meal next time. Sure, time is indeed a bit tight. Yeah. Alright, I’m getting ready to go back. Have a safe journey. Thank you, thank you. Have a safe journey. Now keep going. South country village Na garden cottage Live in the national 4A level scenic spot Prices here are in one of those villa resorts Very expensive This big green frame is called the Frog Gate Frog, also known as "Maguai" is the totem of Guangxi rice farming culture The shape of the frog gate derived from the image of Maguai on the bronze drum in Guangxi and is made by hand-woven bamboo weaving technology, the large and small frogs sitting on both sides represent the protection from the god of thunder and pray for good wealth every year Buy some fruit, handsome? How much? Do you want this one or this one? Is this better or this one? The same They’re all equally good It’s just a matter of size Oh the size difference How much? Bigger 3.5 bucks, smaller 3 bucks 3 bucks for the smaller Yes. Can I go in and pick it myself Sure. Do you want to pick a lot? I’m not gonna pick. I’ll just take a few Take five Five. If you just want five just choose here no need to go inside I’m not picking. I’ll just take some from here What kind of orange is this? Orah mandarin? Orah mandarin Orah mandarin, orah mandarin from Guangxi Yes. Is it sweet? Sweet. Yeah? OK Four bucks and twenty cents. 4.2 bucks? 4.2 Go home or travel? Travel. Oh, travel MHM. haha To Shanglin? oh Going to Shanglin Right. Go there just by riding? Right. All right. I"m leaving OK, go ahead. OK Orah mandarin Oh, my God. That’s too many Baskets of orah mandarin Look, they are all over on both roadsides I can touch it with my hand Many fruits have fallen onto the ground Is there a feeling of returning to the village? My friends. The New Year is coming. Going home Apart from orah mandarin here are also dragon fruits the dragon fruits on the ground Hey, there’s another one. This is pomelo, sugar pomelo Pomelo, dragon fruit Orah mandarin, tomato And yellow ones. What is this, wax gourd? And also eggplant This is supposed to be an estate Orchard, vegetables And chili. Anything can be grown here Everything grows extra fertile Sweet, fragrant and big Be virtuous all over the world Wise Taiping I’ve come to Taiping town Wow, a lot of riders Taiping Town. I think it’s an offering to a god It’s cool under the big trees Look at the shape of that tree like fan blades spreading out like this Its roots stick right in the brick A big banyan tree more than 40 years of old It’s very unique. The mountain of Wuming the water of Wuming and the scenery of Wuming has its unique beauty haha This is a large water tank by the side of the road I’m in the middle of the mountains now Wuming’s orah mandarin This orange is very sweet Have a taste Wow, that’s sweet Delicious And ham sausage Orah mandarin Now I have come to Shanglin County guys. This is a small village I’m taking shelter from the rain in a court under a shed I looked at the weather report The rain began to fall after I rode over a mountain Nanning begins to cool down in the future with continual rainy days Just right that I got to Shanglin also means riding in Guangxi will end ahead of time Tell you about it Because there’s some concrete news coming from Europe Next month I’ll have got all my papers sorted out therefore If I’m going back to Europe some visas will need to be reissued including personal identification information proof of assets bank statement including some bank cards used overseas Visa, MasterCard Previously in Europe I used UnionPay A domestic bank card After two withdrawals it got frozen I don’t know why It hasn’t thawed out yet It can only be used at the manual counter So this time I’m gonna get all these papers and formalities ready but these things take 20 days in advance to prepare Around the end of February or early March I’ll be heading for Europe Just right to spend the New Year at home Have a good New Year with mom and Dad Because the return to Europe this time to continue the journey I didn’t finish I don’t plan to return to China in two to three years Many followers all have been looking forward to my return to Europe Chasing the aurora and going to Iceland were also promised which are also one of my own dreams So it’s going to start in a while My friends. This is a nice shed There is a horn I think it’s the radio station in the village But is this chaff or something drying down here? Some sawdust If there were no such thing I could set up a tent here, sheltering from the wind and rain It seems impossible now I’m going to check out the village later to see if I can find a place with an open space and a roof and ask the locals whether I can got an accomodation New planned route. Please proceed northeast along the current road Not many people in the village come out on this rainy day Hey, there’s some music playing over here Ah, it’s already in the village Someone’s warming themselves up here Go to ask hello. Hey, hello. Hello. Basically I’m here for a cycling tour, uncle I’m wondering if I can find an empty space tonight to set up a tent and spend the night I’m from Shandong Shandong side come here haha Hey, wait a minute All right Shandong is far away. Oooooh. Yeah, yeah, from Shandong Here at my side He asked if you’d eaten I haven’t eaten yet haha If you haven’t, later wait until the evening No, no, no. Wait until later Wait a minute. Too enthusiastic, ha ha ha I’ll just find a place where I can get out of the rain I just went around but I seemed to have not found one It’s all right. Just stay in the house Because of the weather we have here is also very cold Ah, it’s true when you’re out at night Are you in the army? Ah, no, no, no, no, no, just military fans hahaha Wow, that’s very enthusiastic Thank you. Thank you You’re welcome. Do you want to get something to eat first? No, no, no. I got food in my bag Just grab a bite later We’re pretty casual, too Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah I’m not hungry. I’m not hungry You guys just get warmed up here every day If it rains that’s pretty much what we do here Because we can’t go anywhere on a rainy day Most people stay at home on the fire Wet How long does it take you to come here from there? This time I came from Dongxing I came to Nanning from Dongxing I’ve ridden for a dozen days to get here from Nanning Whoops More than ten days Yep Emm I’ve been riding for years I’ve been riding for seven years 7 years Yeah, seven years covering 17 countries Yo ha ha ha That’s amazing. Ah-ha Amazing Right. Cousin, who is this? From Shandong, huh? From Shandong? No problem. There are rooms on the third floor There’re rooms and quilts as well And his home is lively Is it down there? Yeah, my house is up front Usually if we have some activities in the evening we’re mostly at his house Get some briefcases. The fourth uncle, kill a goat tonight Ha ha ha ha The fourth uncle asked if mutton is eaten in Shandong We eat mutton over there, too hahaha Today is really a lucky day We just had a long chat at the family up there and then came to Uncle Meng’s home I’ll be repose here behind me tonight on the third floor The future schedule will be updated from time to time and through live broadcast from time to time I’ll see you then. Bye


🌈希望在路上遇到的每一个人🥰 🌈
能给他们带来欢乐😁 🌈
传递一份能量、收获一份善良❤️ 🌈



  1. Hello Brother Tao. I enjoy your travel videos. Very brave to travel alone on bicycle! Hope I can visit u in China soon! Welcome to Canada if your journey's take you here. Stay safe and be well brother. 🙂

  2. 蔣阿姨千叮万嘱就是我要說的👍路上安全第一!為了健康不要省錢應住宿就住,多吃蔬菜和水果少吃辣,還有下雨天最好戴頭盔,長期頭被雨淋老了會頭疼,不要在森林露宿小心野獸出沒,兩個女孩子騎行在西藏無人区露宿,結果被狼群吃了只剩下一地殘骸😱所以千万要小心安全至上,陪上性命真不值! 祝你所有行程平安順利健康 快樂🧧🍎🚴🏻‍♀️🌈😄

  3. 这两天看完你欧洲的视频,里面有很多我们生活过的城市,忍不住要说几句,
    3, 早晚冷,帽子必不可少,洗头用冷水湿着风干是大忌,会落下病根。


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