目的地のないサイクリング…?/濃霧の朝に、ただ晴れ空を待ってみました。/ミニベロで初夏の自転車時間 in 明石サイクリングロード /自転車のある旅。

welcome to this channel Let’s pedal our bikes today while feeling the early summer sea breeze. But the weather is bad. There is a thick fog this morning and visibility is poor. When the temperature rises, the fog will disappear. It’s a quiet morning, looking forward to the sun clearing up. For now, coffee time Drinking coffee while listening to the sound of the waves is delicious. In this kind of weather, a cold, strong cup of coffee refreshes my mood. I will wait patiently until it clears up. I’m riding my bike, waiting for clear skies. I hope it clears up soon. Detour to the shrine I like the quiet atmosphere of the shrine in the morning. I feel better. It will still take some time for the weather to clear up. There is no destination today. I’m cycling to wait for the weather to clear up. It feels strange. The coast is quiet and there are anglers in the distance. Each person has a different purpose for coming to the coast. My visibility is poor, how far should I go? The scenery remains the same, but the distance traveled increases. I wonder if it will clear up soon. I decided to go back to the coast and wait for the weather to clear up. It’s the second coffee time. The fog has cleared and it has become lively. The scenery at the beach is boring unless it’s sunny. The coffee is clear. When the sun shines, I feel brighter. It’s a refreshing blue sky. The seaside season is starting to become lively. Summer is starting with excitement. It feels good to run along a sunny beach. I feel the sound of the waves. The wind is also pleasant. I feel great♩ I’m pedaling my bike while humming. When I looked up at the clear sky, it was beautiful. Thank you for watching.






0:00 濃霧の海辺でコーヒータイム
1:59 晴れ空を待ちながらのんびりサイクリング
5:49 本当に晴れるのか、不安になり始める…
6:57 霧が晴れて賑やかになってきた!
8:22 晴れた海辺を自転車で走る!
10:33 霧晴れの空が綺麗でした


【 撮影機材 】
・DJI Osmo Action 3
・Sony α6400

【 location 】
兵庫県 明石サイクリングロード

Luminous Rain by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100169
Artist: http://incompetech.com/



  1. おぉ江井ヶ島海岸と明石サイクリングロードじゃないですか?めっちゃ綺麗ですよねー、私のお気に入りの場所です!

  2. 明石サイクリングロード、潮風と波の音が心地良い素敵なコースですね😚🎶

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