スズキGSX-8Sで江戸時代の宿場町と霊峰を巡る | 日本再発見の旅 #gsx8s #木曽 #御嶽山

[Music] last track the forest through the trees forgot what I was chasing spent so many nights living out that sea that my heart is gone bacon everybody was close to me all stay on dry now I’m driving back on inate West I just got to feel something not going to wait till the morning because something’s going to change my mind I don’t want to change my mind change my mind oh I want to stay right here right here chilling with my friends for another year I would walk away from the spotlight for the good light come on turn your ha in the Dre pain in the power and I your friends and your minutes in the hours I would walk away from the spotlight for the good life for the good life my best friend and apologetic tax s to come over the whole damn town has been waiting for the day when you come back here there was dancing and talking and scks on the grill and I think that I will be all right and my ex from high school still looks just the same as she did back in 2009 not going to wait till the morning let never put the night on night never put the night all night oh I want to see right here right here chilling with my friends for another year I would walk away from the spotlight for the good life come on tell your ha in dream pain in the power enemies your friends and your minutes in the hours I would walk away from the spotlight for the good light for the good light and they I said I was crazy for leaving my money but it never made me happy or L life is just too short to never do what you want to what do you want to do oh I want to see right here right here chilling with my friends for another year I would walk away from the spotlight for the good life come on turn your in the Tre pain in the power andies your friends and your minutes in the hours I would walk away from the spotlight for the good light for the good light

#クシタニ #SUZUKI #GSX-8S #長野ツーリング #御嶽山
#木曽福島 #中山道 #阿寺渓谷






####KUSHITANI #クシタニ #バイク #バイク用品 #motorcyclesupply #motorcycle #バイクのある風景 #バイクのある生活


  1. 御岳はほとんど行き止まりなイメージでしたが、かなり良いところですね🏍³₃


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