市川 と フライフィッシャーマンたち │ A Home Of Fly Fisherman
We should cherish our hometown more. What made me think this way was the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in 2011. I hope that the hometown where we were born and raised will remain unchanged forever. The mountains and rivers that I have been familiar with since I was a child. I hope that these natural environments will remain beautiful forever. With this in mind, I am protecting the river in my hometown. It gave us a strong desire to continue enjoying the fishing we love for a long time to come. In the past, even this quiet area was bustling with activity. Although it was in the countryside, people were living bustling lives. The mountains and rivers were also brimming with life. It was very lively. This is true in Kamikawa Town as well, but the population is declining all over Japan, and the number of children is decreasing. At the same time, people have fewer opportunities to interact with nature. However, one might think that natural areas close to human settlements will be a good environment if left alone, but it’s not that simple. Whether it’s mountains or rivers, unless humans take some initiative and coexist with nature, they will become desolate. Fallow fields and abandoned farmland are also problems. This is due to the decline in the number of farmers who can take over the business. Rivers have the same problem. The organizations that manage the river are also aging, and it is predicted that they may disappear in the future. Fisheries associations are responsible for protecting the marine resources and environment of Japan’s rivers, but as the organizations are aging, their activities are shrinking year by year. As a new initiative, in the Ichikawa River that runs through Kamikawa Town, anglers are carrying out activities similar to those of the fishing cooperative. Their activities are supported by many fly fishermen. Therefore, rather than just fishing for recreation as in the past, we will protect and nurture the river where fish can swim and where we can feel the activity of life forever, and pass this on to the future of the region. It is our role as anglers to carry this responsibility, and I believe this is a new value that anglers should have. Many people who agree with our vision have gathered at the Ichikawa River, which runs through Kamikawa Town. They call themselves "RIVER KEEPER" rather than "ANGLER" or "FISHERMAN". There is a phrase called "match the hatch." It marks the moment when aquatic insects crawl up from the riverbed, become adults, and all at once prepare to fly out from the surface of the water. The fish are aiming for that moment. What kind of aquatic insects are emerging at this time of year? To match that moment, I tie flies that resemble aquatic insects. It’s about predicting natural cycles. I feel that fly fishing has a huge educational element to it, as you learn about the activities of living creatures and the natural environment. One of the reasons large rainbow trout are released into Ichikawa River is to protect the fish from cormorants. In addition, there is another reason: anglers have the desire to catch big fish, so we want to help them achieve that desire. Rainbow trout can only live in cold, clean water, and their ecology is also very delicate. I think it is no exaggeration to say that it is a barometer of the environment. In other words, the fact that rainbow trout have established themselves in this river indicates that the water quality and river environment are in excellent condition for living creatures. Rainbow trout cannot be released into areas inhabited by Japan’s native species, but the impact of this species on the environment has been evaluated positively, and the river is actively used for activities such as releasing eyed eggs. Will trout fishing become a part of Kamikawa Town’s scenery? And will the fly fishermen save their hometown? It has been quite some time since Japan started talking about regional revitalization and regional innovation. Many efforts to promote regional revitalization are based on the assumption of economic benefits. It could be a fast food event or a cheesy character business. In addition to creating fishing spots, we also sometimes hold experience events and outdoor events. However, I feel that the true value of the countryside lies in this deserted, tranquil landscape. Especially for people who grew up in the countryside, there are a lot of memories attached to it. However, as people grow up, they tend to move away from their hometowns. And as we grow older, looking at this peaceful, nostalgic landscape will remind us of childhood memories and the warmth of family and community. At that moment, it becomes something truly precious and irreplaceable to you. Of course, there are many people whose hometowns are in the city, but everyone feels nostalgic for the countryside. That is why I want my hometown to remain beautiful, rich, and full of human warmth forever. I hope that the passion of one fly fisherman in such a small town will bring something to the future that cannot be measured by numbers alone.
川の資源や環境を管理する各地の漁業組合は、高齢化などにより年々その活動を縮小しており、将来的には消滅していくことも危惧されています。兵庫県神河町を流れる市川では、そんな漁協に代わる新しい取り組みとして、釣り人達による釣り場づくりや環境保全が行われています。兵庫トラウトファウンデーションを主宰する浦上健作さんは、子供の頃から慣れ親しんだ市川の釣り場づくりと環境保全を通して、里山地域における自然との共生の大切さを訴えかけています。そして「トラウトリバー市川 神河C&Rエリア」は多くのフライフィッシャーマンに支持されており、トラウトフィッシングや自然とのふれあいを楽しむ人達が沢山訪れています。浦上さんの想う「故郷の再生」とは、今一度、人がその身近な自然に関心を持ち、さらにそれらとサイクルすることによって何かをもたらされていくのかもしれません。
【English subtitles available】
In rural areas of Japan, organizations that protect the fishery resources of rivers and conserve the environment are aging, and the continuation of their activities is in doubt. Kensaku Urakami, who was born and raised in Kamikawa town, Hyogo, works with volunteer anglers to protect the Ichikawa River that flows through his hometown. His activities are now successful, and he has the support of many fly fishermen all over Japan.
・兵庫トラウトファウンデーションHP = https://www.npohtf.com
#フライフィッシング #リバーランズスルーイット #それでも川は流れる
私は韓国人です. 日本語は下手ですが、すばらしい映像、感銘深く見ました。