[Review Phim] Yêu Nhầm Con Gái Ông Trùm Xã Hội Đen Và Cái Kết | Review Phim Hàn Hot

This guy and his team rode a motorbike to attack a car. The person in the car was his archenemy. Even in his wildest dreams, the male lead wouldn’t have dared to imagine that one day the two of them would meet in this place. Under the clever arrangement, the car quickly crashed into the barbed wire in front. Two people were already waiting. The people in the car had no other choice but to quickly get out of the car and escape. Old Bac took off his hat, causing the person in front to The bewildered face because of his appearance goes back to many years ago , when he was young, Mr. Bac had a very beautiful love with Ms. Giang, but for boys, love is only beautiful when no children appear. Giang painfully looked at the long scar on her stomach that was still bleeding and had not yet been sewn up. Mr. Bac had harmed her child, a red baby less than 15 months old. From that moment on, Ms. Giang swore that if she could not take revenge on Bac, she would not a human being. It was Nam’s father, a wolf-hearted man, who took away her baby, who had not yet been born. Ms. Giang was a nurse and Park was a coal mine worker. When he learned that his lover was pregnant, he It’s unacceptable that because of his passion for wealth, Park cruelly left his girlfriend to follow a rich lady. Mr. Bac thought his current lover was a big obstacle for him, so he found someone to handle his girlfriend first. Cruelly, the baby in Ms. Giang’s womb was dealt with . She was thrown in a deserted place with no one around. Ms. Giang lived and died on a cold night. She experienced such a terrible night that no one expected. Ms. Giang can survive. But perhaps the pain of losing her child is so great that she can overcome all of her children and is also the motivation for Ms. Giang to take revenge on Mr. Bac. She has been in the hospital for a long time. Finally, had the opportunity to take revenge that year. Bac’s wife Ha gave birth to her firstborn son at the hospital where she worked. Ms. Giang went to the baby room and found Mr. Bac’s child, preparing to kill it to repay the pain of losing her child. But right when the child was about to give birth, Ms. Giang still couldn’t do it. However, she couldn’t forgive Mr. Bac like that. Suddenly, a very bold idea came to Ms. Giang’s head . She looked at the child born on the same day. Thang and Mr. Bac’s son, Ms. Giang decided to exchange the two children’s positions. The remaining child was the child of a purely Agricultural family. The next day, Mr. Bac called a plane to pick up the child who was just waiting to return home. Ms. Giang stood far away. Gritting her teeth in hatred , watching Mr. Bac leave, she wanted Mr. Bac to never know this secret, while Mr. Bac’s real child was being held by another woman and preparing to go home to the poor family. was kicked out of the hospital because she didn’t have money to pay the hospital fees. The mother saw a child from another family who was born and had a good life from the beginning and felt sorry for her while she didn’t even have money. paid the hospital bills but she did not know that the carefully cared for child was actually her biological son. Minsu’s husband felt extremely happy to have another handsome son . But even so, he was still very happy. He loved his eldest son. Father and son confided in each other. The father told his son that whatever fate he had in the future, he must take good care of him. After that, father and son made a promise to each other as if they were one. The omen pointed out that the next morning their family was separated. After many goats met their father again, they were in two different worlds. All of this was caused by Mr. Bac’s father for standing up against his actions. Because of Lao Bac’s exploitation of workers , he confronted him . Dong, the president of the workers’ association , stood up to demand justice for all workers by organizing a strike and direct confrontation. With old Bac, old Bac, in order to remove the thorn in his eye, sent someone to attack Dong Ly Dong. As soon as he entered the cellar, he was hit by a bomb and was completely unlucky. told him that the goats were playing in the mine and had heard all this cruel plot. When the goats learned that the danger was threatening his father, he ran with all his might to the mine to save his father, but before he could get there, In the distance, he heard a loud explosion and then a large cloud of dust rose . He knew he was too late after the accident. Old Bac, wanting to regain the trust of the workers , deliberately pretended to lead the rescue team to mine guns and mines. He also held a solemn funeral for Lyang at the coal mine. He pretended to show his pain and in front of everyone proposed to compensate Ly Dong’s family with a large sum of money while the younger Dong goat wore Even though he was full of anger , he still didn’t know what to do to avenge his father. The crowd of goats told everything he knew to his mother. His mother angrily criticized Old Bac for being a murderous demon despite pretending to be human and Warn him to remember that today when he hears about this feud, you will definitely avenge your father’s wrongful death. From the moment his father passed away until his burial, Dong Goat did not say a word because he knew that only through actions . Only this feud can be resolved so that my father can rest in peace. Time passes quickly and it has been 10 years. Dong goat with the enemy in his heart has become a young man and his younger brother Dong xu has been Changing places also grew up under the care of the Eastern Goat pretending that the real drama begins here. The woman and her husband were brutally murdered by the mine owner, living in the bottom class of society with the desire to find For the past 10 years, she has constantly written petitions and complaints to relevant agencies, but all petitions have been stopped by the mine owner. Powerful to stop this woman’s actions . made the mine owner angry. He arranged to arrest her. A group of people confronted a weak woman. They beat her brutally. They warned her that if she didn’t take her family and leave this city. The sooner the better, later on they will take the lives of Mrs. Dong goat and Dong Xu’s entire family. After growing up, they were heartbroken to see their mother hurt and unable to hold back their anger. However, the mother stopped Dong. goat Give up revenge immediately because with their current strength this is like fighting an egg against a rock in Dong goat’s heart Feeling very helpless he went to the warehouse to get the shirt his father used to wear and cried loudly Dong Xu Seeing his brother suffering like that, he also ran in to comfort him. Looking at his 10-year-old brother, Dong goat revealed the truth that their father had been brutally killed by Old Bac for the past 10 years. Goat always felt guilty for not being able to save his father, which made him very miserable. Dong Xu with tearful eyes comforted his brother that it was not his fault. After all, at that time he was only five years old. The two brothers stood above. The mountain peak swore that no matter what the price had to be in the future, they would seek justice for their father, but Dong Xu was still young when he saw the enemy leading the evil and could not keep his mouth shut to let Old Bac know his determination. The two brothers’ revenge, Mr. Bac immediately had the intention to kill them , but Mr. Bac did not know that Dong Xu , who was being tortured by him, was actually his biological son and Min hun was his biological younger brother. When Dong Goat returned to Old Bac’s house, he ordered his subordinates to destroy Dong Goat’s family. At this time, Dong Goat admitted his mistake on behalf of his younger brother and was scolded by his mother. His mother repeatedly reminded him that if he was not patient, it would cause trouble. It’s a big deal when the wings haven’t fully grown yet, putting yourself in a dangerous situation. There’s only one way to meet the ancestors. Mom knows that they have to leave this place right away, otherwise Old Bac will definitely take action against the two sons . In the middle of the night, Old Bac ordered Dong Goat’s house to be burned down, luckily in the situation of the brothers’ mother Almost at the cost of their lives, the whole family escaped in a spectacular way. At this time, the goats were still able to control the hatred in their hearts, but the goats were still small and could not bury their hatred anymore. A barrel of gasoline was poured into Mr. Bac’s house to take revenge. He wanted to burn the person who killed his father, beat his mother, and burned down his house, but as soon as he activated the lighter, Dong Goat was able to run over and try to stop him. However, Dong Goat was one step late, the fierce fire immediately spread. Dong Goat wanted to extinguish the fire but was unable to do so. He could only ask his younger brother to quickly run away, and he wanted to try again. Discovering that there was fruit, Mr. Bac left the house and saw a group of goats running away. His brother realized that he had caused a big problem because of his rash moment and kept apologizing to his brother. Dong goat did not blame his brother one bit. Because I remember the promise I made to my father, promising to take care of my younger brother, I decided to take responsibility for the fire and leave this place to earn money to support my brother’s studies. I remind you that in the days without you. need to study properly to prepare for revenge in the future. The two brothers hugged each other tightly and sobbed, from now on I have to take my place. You know, I don’t have to protect my mother and anything . not yet Yes Dong goat got on the train last night to the city watching his brother slowly fade away Dong Xu was full of regret and sobbed Dong Xu Please ask me to take care of my mother and aunt will we meet again soon Dong Xu no If you want to be away from your brother, you have to try your best to study. I love you. I love you more than the sky in this life. The person I love the most is you. Please come back soon, brother. However, as soon as the goats left, Mr. Bac left. I took the police to Dong Goat train station and on the train I saw the police chasing me. My younger brother was miserable and didn’t know how long he would have to wait before he could see his older brother again, whom he considered like a father . You underestimated the power of Mr. Bac, the rich and powerful man, Mr. Bac called to demand that the ship was crowded with goats and could not escape in time and was arrested by the police when facing his hated enemy. He could not suppress the hatred in his heart for Mr. Bac in front of the police. He recounted what he had witnessed about Mr. Bac. Dong goat loudly recounted the scene of his Father being killed. However, the surrounding policemen Stuffing cotton in his ears pretended not to hear , but this made Mr. Bac feel worried that if the crowd of goats really witnessed his crime, he would most likely be criticized by the crowd of goats. is a murderer and will have to face investigation so he has instructed his staff to find ways to eliminate Dong goat, old Bac does not want to be crowded goat, an uncertain factor preventing him from becoming the successor. The next day, Dong Goat ‘s mother was miserable, knowing that she could not stay here any longer, and decided to leave this place with her family . The train station chief’s niece , Hanji, came to say goodbye. Dong Xu, two innocent children, both had special feelings for each other and they promised to never leave each other. Watching Dong Xu gradually drift away from each other, Hanji ran after him for ten miles, only to see Dong Xu leave in pain. Min Hun also came to say goodbye to his close friend who was born in the same year while passing by his father’s grave. Dong Xu held a memorial service for his mother, asking Dong Xu to swear at his father’s grave that before passing the exam for the position of prosecutor and To avenge his father, he will never step foot on this land again. Min Hun arrived in front of Dong Xu’s burned house and saw the big fat pig burned in the fire. He knew that it was Dong Xu’s family’s only asset. Min Hun’s good nature makes him happy couldn’t stop crying he couldn’t believe that all of this was caused by his father whom he was always proud of but everyone said so including hanji whom he also loved This hurt him painful and difficult to accept Dong goat was judged as the cause of the fire and was imprisoned, but Mr. Bac bribed the prison warden. Mr. Bac wanted Dong goat to forever disappear from this earth while he was in prison right away. As soon as he entered prison, Dong Goat was pinned down and beaten madly by a group of powerful prisoners. However, no matter how he was beaten, Dong Goat always showed that he would not give up. Unexpectedly, Dong Goat’s indomitable attitude was successful. High appreciation from the powerful prisoner. This prisoner is very smart . He understands that even if he follows the prison warden’s orders and beats Dong goat, he will not gain anything. He will also be responsible for something. At this time, he was plotting a plan to escape from prison and needed a young and courageous person like Dong Goat to become his prey. However, Dong Goat flatly refused because he wanted to be transformed into an exemplary prisoner. soon get out of prison to take care of his mother. If he escapes prison, he will walk the path of escape and not return until that day. His mother, with an aching heart, came to visit him. The mother restrained her heartache and sat. one side didn’t say a word, she always thought that Dong goat was the one who caused the fire and was still angry with him for 10 years of hard work, she hoped Dong goat could pass the exam to become a prosecutor to get revenge. Because of the father’s tragic nature, all of the mother’s hopes rested on Dong goat. But now not only have her hopes been broken, but her son has also been thrown into prison. Dong goat feels ashamed because she knows what she did. Mother was disappointed that the person he was the most dependent on was also her mother. Dong Goat could only kneel before her mother and ask for her forgiveness , but mother was very disappointed with Dong Goat, her younger brother seeing that his mistake had caused his brother a lot of harm. He wanted to tell the truth but was stopped by a crowd of goats when leaving. Mom told Dong goat that this was the last time she would visit him and they would meet again on the day he became a new person, Mom. No matter what anyone says, you are still my eldest son. When Dong Goat watched his mother leave with tears in his eyes, his mother suddenly didn’t feel well and fainted. Seeing that, Dong Goat immediately panicked. His sister was now crying . hatched and ran to him to tell him that her mother had been beaten many times by Mr. Bac’s men, causing damage to her kidneys, and because there was no money for treatment, the condition had been prolonged until now, making her kidney condition very dangerous. Currently, the only way is to have surgery as soon as possible, but that requires a large amount of money. Mom doesn’t want you to worry, so she asked us not to tell you the truth. There are so many goats we can’t hold back. I felt emotional and cried loudly because of that reason. Dong Goat found the boss in prison and decided to escape from prison with them no matter what happened, even if he had to step into hell. Dong Goat was also ready. do everything to make money and save mother with the participation of Dong goat the prison escape plan that choi has been planning for a long time was done at that age a group of people escaped without any trouble This made Choi appreciate Dong Goat’s courage even more, so he wanted to help Dong Goat and introduced him to his boss Kim Chinh Kim changed Dong Goat’s life in the cold sea water of minus 100 degrees. There is a treasure, whoever can pick it up will receive a handsome reward but diving can lead to death. However, because of his mother’s surgery money, after leaving a will, he did not give up and jumped down. with the aura of a goat-like protagonist who has used up all his strength similar to strength of nine cows and two tigers to successfully pull the goods up. Thanks to that, he earned enough money for his mother’s surgery. He secretly went to his younger brother to hand over all the money he had paid with his life to earn and Remind your younger brother to save Mom not to tell her that he has come and must take care of the family for him. Dong Goat did not dare to stay long for fear that his mother would be disappointed. Once again, when he learned that he had hidden in the closet, he could only endured the pain without looking back and left with teary eyes but when they returned they discovered that Kim had been assassinated and was lying in a pool of blood as they were confused as police sirens rang out from outside. He immediately realized that someone was deliberately placing them in a trap so that they would be responsible. He pulled Dong Goat to prepare to run away, but Kim still had a breath of Dong Goat’s kindness. No matter what, he wanted to give Kim went to the hospital to be treated like that. Dong goat carried Kim who only had one breath and ran to the hospital. Because he was taken to the hospital in time, he was lucky to escape this life thanks to this life-saving grace. Kim appreciated Dong Goat even more when he learned that Dong Goat, in need of money, arranged for him to work as a waiter at a casino here. Not only did the salary be high, but helping customers put on their shoes also brought in generous tips. This made Dong Goat witnessed the ostentation and spending of money without hesitation. This also inspired Dong Goat’s fighting spirit, his brother, that he would create a great career while Dong Goat worked hard to earn money to support his younger brother. His younger brother did not disappoint everyone in his studies when he became a good student at school. However, his younger brother’s words at this time pierced Dong goat’s heart, Dong Xu said that his brother’s love was not earned. In a just and transparent way , he no longer accepts the money earned by his brother in a dirty way to realize his dream. He said that if mother knew about this , she would definitely not use any money. from Dong Xu’s brother saying that it’s better for me to let go and not study anymore than a crowd of goats saying that boy that’s clean money That’s money I’ve shed blood and sweat and earned legitimately how can you say that Dong Xu Being young and completely unable to understand the Endless Pain in his brother’s heart, he loudly told his brother that no matter what happened, he would use all his strength to protect his family. After speaking, Dong goat stood up and left , but what Dong Goat did not expect was that old Bac had not given up his determination to destroy him , so he bought a dozen of Choi’s henchmen named Dong Goat, who was ambushed. Fortunately, he was After trying his best to escape the snake, after failing to succeed, he captured Dong Goat ‘s younger brother as a hostage to force Dong Goat to put himself into a trap, but Dong Goat is not stupid. He knew that if he continued to move forward, there was only one way. The road of casualties If you want to save your brother, you have to arrest the mastermind before a crowd of goats ask for Old Bac to be arrested to save your brother, while you go to meet the poisonous snake to just delay the time of seeing your brother with blood stains on his face. His face and knife were placed right on the angry goat’s neck, wanting to rush forward and tear the enemy apart , but with his younger brother in the enemy’s hands, Dong Goat could only kneel down hoping to exchange his life to save his brother at this very moment. Choi succeeded in capturing the old North Snake Snake. Seeing that his boss had become a hostage, he had to let go . Dong Rong saw the wounded face of his younger brother Dong Goat and couldn’t hold back his tears. Next, he asked. Choi took his younger brother home first and then Dong Goat was full of anger and wanted to settle a grudge with Mr. Bac. He did not expect that at this time the police had arrived and Dong Goat was arrested again , but when Dong Goat woke up, he discovered that he was At sea, it turns out to be a golden wish repay Dong Goat for saving his life. He helped him escape and planned to take him abroad to develop. Hearing that, Dong Goat immediately disagreed. If he leaves, who will take care of his mother and younger brother ? Just like that, he left and after speaking, he jumped into the sea. At the same time, the mother saw Dong Xu’s whole body injured and felt very angry. She was completely disappointed with Dong Goat. He not only escaped from prison but also participated in the crime. gang and even made her younger brother become as pathetic as she is now. She decided that from now on, she will only have Dong Xu as her son , even if many goats come back to take in the family , she will never accept him. was her son too, but after saying that, she couldn’t control herself and burst into tears. On the other hand, Kim had a very difficult time saving Dong De from the sea. Dong goat knelt on the ground and repeatedly asked Kim to take him back to Kim’s lungs. I felt like I was about to explode. Why did I meet such an idiot? He told Dong Goat that Mr. Bac was now targeting him. If he didn’t leave, not only him, but his whole family would also suffer the consequences now. When he had no ability, the best thing for him to do was to leave and become strong , but as soon as he arrived in Macau on the first day, Kim was kidnapped by a group of strangers Dong Goat wanted to save him. But even though he tried his best, Even with his own strength, he could not keep up with such a four-wheeled car in a strange country without money. Dong Goat felt very helpless. A year passed quickly. Dong Goat relied on his strong will and courage. his courage has succeeded in standing firmly in a strange city where every centimeter of land is as precious as gold. How will he build his future ? A woman stepped forward and started biting at the man. The situation almost got out of control when a cleaner was pushing a garbage cart toward them. The cleaner wasn’t paying attention and couldn’t avoid it in time and directly knocked over a large trash can in front of the woman. What are you doing? Do you know how much this set of clothes costs? The woman angrily scolded the cleaner and apologized and tried to clean the stains on her body, but this action made her even angrier and she slapped him later. Then she left angrily, but after the woman left, the man did not blame him but instead came forward and thanked the cleaner, please help me get rid of that girl. The man said, make the cleaner feel better. I felt very confused about this scene being observed by a rich lady named G He from a high floor in the countryside. G He was fascinated by the handsome appearance of this janitor and the janitor was Many people came to Macau to develop 10 years ago. During the past 10 years, he did all the hard and dirty work just to earn a little extra money to send home to help his younger brother and sister study . He did not disappoint everyone and successfully passed the law school. He looked at the photo of his talented younger brother, Ms. Giang and his mother, in the crowded newspaper. He couldn’t control his tears. All he had paid for all these years, he felt. Seeing that it was all worth it, he eagerly drove his motorbike through the streets, remembering the promise he made to his father and the things he had experienced with his younger brother, his heart filled with emotion. In the end, he did not disappoint his expectations. His father’s hope was successful in raising his younger brother to become a talented person. He went to the beach towards home and called his relatives’ names loudly to express his nostalgia, but the goats never thought that on the other side, his relatives had not heard any news about him for the past 10 years. They all thought that he had left this world. It turned out that the letters and money that many goats sent home for 10 10 Last year it never reached his mother but was sent to the priest there The priest went to study abroad until he returned and discovered the letters that the goats had sent back. At this time, the priest brought all the letters and money in front of Dong goat’s mother. Everyone just found out that Dong Goat is still alive. This made Dong Xu’s younger brother very excited, even though his mother still talked about Dong Goat as an unfilial child, as if he no longer had that child , tears of sadness flowed from his eyes. In her eyes, she has shown her longing for Dong Goat over the years. During this time, she has always shed tears in the quiet moments of the night, remembering Dong Goat. Now she finally knows that Dong Goat is still alive. was the greatest consolation for the lady on the east side. He worked even harder. One day, he saw two boys getting on the train, dressed beautifully and splendidly, pretending to be sneaky. Because before that, he had overheard them. The person they were planning to bomb the western restaurant on the train knew that everything was about to happen. He quickly picked up a gas canister from the side and ran into the restaurant, wanting to save the restaurant owner, and this restaurant owner was Mai. The person that the crowd met in the morning was kissed strongly by a woman and at this moment mik was being threatened by these two boys forcing him to sign a contract to transfer the restaurant to protect them. He had to agree. At this critical moment, a crowd of goats carrying gas cylinders arrived. He quickly realized that Circuit was being held hostage in a sea of ​​people. He pretended to be a chef coming to demand his salary, then quickly jumped onto the dining table and pushed m got down on the ground, he whispered to M about his role and pushed them towards the Out Door. At this time, the two kids realized Dong Goat’s trick and pulled out guns and threatened him to return the hostages, but Dong Goat was very calm . Binh opened the valve and pulled out a lighter to warn them that if they didn’t want to leave, they should leave quickly. Dong Goat’s fearless courage made the two kids scared. The police siren also sounded right after that. The kid just knew how to run away. Only then did Dong Goat breathe a sigh of relief. He wanted to leave like that, but Mike did not appreciate what Dong Goat had done, blaming him that if the gas tank had really exploded, the consequences would be. unimaginable Dong goat was carefree. Activated the lighter and placed it near the gas cylinder but nothing happened. Turns out the gas cylinder was just an empty cylinder. Dong goat’s actions made da he on one side laugh happily and Her interest in him increased in the afternoon when the goat received a large contract to deliver goods to yachts . But he did not expect to meet again . This meeting turned out to be deliberately arranged by her. wanted to go on Dong Goat’s boat and mik used a box of leftover food as payment to get Dong Goat to agree and so they successfully approached Dong Goat and sat on a boat together Looking at Dong Goat from From sipping and enjoying the remaining rice, her look made Dong Goat feel strange and she directly gave him a nickname Oai Oai called Uncle Beggar Dong Goat did not care about his chest and scolded him. She wondered why she was so young and worked as a waitress in a pub. This made her, a young lady from a rich family, so angry that she threw a bowl of water in his face and felt like she had to go to the bathroom. so she went to Dong Goat’s house but did not expect that the smell in the bathroom would be so unpleasant along with the appearance of a cricket. She quickly left with an uncomfortable look and looked around at her living environment. Dong goat on the street couldn’t imagine such a place. Luckily, he was also an easy-going girl. She sat down and had a nice chat with Dong goat. Dong goat never thought that this girl will affect his whole life after that. Dong goat drives a small motorbike to take him for a walk The girl who had never experienced life like this was once again captivated by Dong Goat’s handsome beauty after taking him to her destination. She looked at Dong Goat with sparkling starry eyes then. She came up and kissed him. I didn’t eat him. Maybe you don’t believe it, but that was my first kiss. The young lady from a rich family fell in love with a poor guy. She looked at her torn underwear. like a fishnet hung up to dry and picked it up with surprise. My God, how many years has this underwear been worn ? Phoenix You won’t have to worry about eating anymore. If you catch me, you can continue to wear gold underwear that weighs several pounds and is studded with diamonds. However, Dong goat is not affected and said he still likes his underwear to be like fishnets because it’s more airy and cooler than many people don’t know that the girl in front of him is not only the young lady of a rich family but also the daughter of a wealthy family. The casino group and the president at this time did not know that two guys were watching and taking pictures of them from afar. They also gradually became close to Dong Goat and discovered that he was very suitable to work at the casino, so invited him to come just when he thought his career was finally on the right track. His and G’s photo was placed in front of his enemy. Lao Bac quickly recognized him. disappeared for 10 years and is now hiding in Macau . Initially, the old man could not reach a business agreement with the chairman , so he planned to attack his daughter . Being with the chairman’s daughter makes things more complicated. The secretary next door suggests that this is a good opportunity to tackle both goals at once after coming home from the winter and discovering The village friend who lived with him was lying in a pool of blood while he was checking the situation. He was attacked from behind and was knocked unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he saw that his friend’s wife, who was pregnant, had been captured. The kidnapper wasted no time telling Dong Goat that if he wanted to save her he had to kidnap her within the specified time and bring her in exchange otherwise he would have to prepare a hike. ceremony for the woman Dong goat had no choice but to agree then he was forcibly taken to the horse racing yard where he needed to carry out the kidnapping plan g he g he saw a crowd of goats appear next to him and I felt very excited and thought he had changed his mind and wanted to pursue her. Dong Goat didn’t want to hurt her. Dong Goat presented the truth to her about him coming to kidnap her. What was surprising was that G. hi Not only did she not feel scared, but she also felt excited. She felt that her current life was so boring that it was crazy. However, there were always bodyguards around her. She thought Dong Goat was joking. with her and because she wanted to experience the feeling of adventure, she came up with the idea to escape from the bodyguards and let Dong goat kidnap her and take her to a restaurant and before the bodyguards could catch up, she ran into the kitchen and Exited through the back door, then got on the motorbike that Dong Goat had prepared in advance and left with joy. However, when she arrived at her intended destination, she realized the truth that Dong Goat had actually kidnapped her, she was angry. angry and kicked him once during the transfer process. He became angry and asked the crowd that you are a goddamn bastard. Was the reason you approached me in the first place just for this purpose? No man like you lives in such a despicable way, it’s better to withdraw and stab yourself If you don’t have the courage, why is it that your despicable villain is imprisoned in a villa surrounded by people holding guns and strictly guarding Dong Goat because he wants to save his friend’s wife, he can only endure the tyranny. hook from G he Miss g he’s temper made the guards dissatisfied when they saw that. Dong goat immediately stepped forward to let B protect g he g he in boredom danced in the playground above. The lawn and the goats also joined in. He jumped around him and in the meantime when the guard wasn’t paying attention, the goats gave him a key to the boat. The goats didn’t want to leave. Here, the goats tried to pull. The attention of the leader of the kidnappers to create a chance for them to escape with the power of love. They tried their best to jump over the fence towards the speedboat at the beach. She thought that hope was right there. right in front of her eyes , but while she was running, she didn’t pay attention and got entangled in a net. The fish left on the road got trapped by her feet and couldn’t be freed . Meanwhile, the leader of the kidnappers wanted Dong Goat to kill him himself . Dong goat immediately understood that the leader wanted to blame him and turn him into a murderer. He tried to find a way to just delay time by talking , but in the end, his attempt to escape was still discovered, boss. ordered his subordinates to open fire to kill the man. The East Goat quickly rushed forward and pushed the man who was preparing to shoot out of the upper floor window. However, many other subordinates received the order and began to shoot continuously towards the man who was standing there. Trapped Dong Goat did not care about the pain on his body, quickly stood up and defeated all those who threatened his life. He saw that someone had run to the dock and was about to catch Dong Goat. up to hinder them but in the end he could hardly deal with many lucky people alone. At that moment he finally freed his feet from the net and regained the ability to move. She quickly took out the fire extinguisher. next to her and attacked her pursuers. However, when she finally ran to the speedboat, she was confused and didn’t know where to put the key to start it. After a while of searching, they finally found the right place, although However, at that moment, the boss led many subordinates with cruel and malicious faces and approached the situation. It was very critical. The boss kept shooting towards him. Seeing this, Dong did not care about his own life and stood up. to protect him and endure the crushing blow he saw and was very worried, luckily the tycoon ran out of bullets he took the opportunity to drive the speedboat far away but she could not leave Dong goat alone. fled so she drove the ship back and waited for Dong Goat. At this time, Dong Goat became easy prey and was controlled by the Boss and his gang when the Old Goat was angry and prepared to kill Dong Goat. He was shot at. legs and fell down. Next, a police siren rang out in the distance. It turned out that Mai led the police to arrive in time. Finally, everything was safe after dramatic and suspenseful situations. He quickly went ashore and hugged tightly. Dong Goat who was wounded in the heart this time Dong Goat endured the bullet for her made her heart completely belong to him. This beggar man at his friend’s family hospital was safe and successful in his life. giving birth to a chubby and healthy boy. The woman gave the goats a newspaper saying that when she was arrested she was eavesdropping and the man in the newspaper was the one who directed everything from behind. Dong Due saw and realized that it was Mr. Bac, with whom he had a deep attachment. He did not think that Mr. Bac had also come to Macau and discovered him at this time. With this new hatred, he decided to find him. Bac to solve everything very quickly Dong goat found out information that old Bac would be greedy attend a birthday party tonight as he is preparing for his revenge plan tonight jah he went to gah he’s father wanted to meet Dong goat to express his gratitude for saving his daughter’s life when When he met her father, he learned that her family background was indeed very large. If he had a Phoenix, he would completely change his life. However, even though the president highly appreciated her ability to Dong Goat has talent but cannot accept this poor guy as his son-in-law. He will help Dong Goat develop his career as long as Dong Goat promises not to steal his daughter’s heart, but Dong Goat doesn’t have it at the moment. I believe that everyone should live according to their heart and conscience if they have to hide their true feelings . Hearing from behind, she felt extremely happy. She was afraid that Dong Goat would agree to his father’s conditions for fame and profit. Then Dong Goat also frankly told the president that he was just looking down on this poor guy, right ? wanting to have more contact with them, Dong Goat told her that he hoped they would not meet again in the future Dong Goat decided to leave, making his heart feel like it had been stabbed by thousands of arrows, the pain was unbearable. However, what happened next changed the outlook on life that Dong Goat had always been steadfast in. Dong Goat gathered a large motorbike gang. He wanted to make Mr. Bac pay for some motorbikes and the car that Mr. Bac was using. started a life-and-death chase. Dong goat performed a beautiful jumping move, directly breaking the window of Mr. Bac’s car. There was no way back, so he had to get out of the car and run away. The group of people chased him into a car. At the end of the road, Mr. Bac was held tightly by two people and was kicked hard. Immediately, his face was covered in blood. The goat picked up a stick and continuously hit Mr. Bac, but when he was about to stab Mr. Bac with the stick, he self-inflicted. restraining himself, the good nature in his heart did not allow him to kill Mr. Bac. If he did so, what would be the difference between him and Mr. Bac, and right at the moment he was hesitating, the sound of a police siren rang out. Goat climbed on the motorbike and prepared to go, but a big truck crashed straight into his cousin, hitting him and falling into the sea. Don’t know what his fate was. Fortunately, Dong Goat survived. From the press, he heard about the news. The war between his younger brother and Old Bac in his home country came through the phone from Dong’s younger brother’s mouth. Goat knew that their family had been tortured by Old Bac and his son to the point of crying. His brother was miserable and didn’t know what to do next. Dong Goat’s heart was in pain and he felt his hatred for Old Bac’s family increase even more. He asked his younger brother to keep his spirit strong. He would return soon. So to become stronger. The goat crowd had no choice but to agree to the president’s request not to capture gah he’s heart with the hope of his support This made jah he once again indescribably heartbroken. This man was originally supposed to live in a poor family , but because of a woman ‘s revenge from the day he was born , he was switched places with a child from a tycoon family. And from there he grew up. In a rich situation, there is no worry about life, while the real heir of a tycoon family has to live a life full of hardship and misery. The contradiction of fate causes two people to have their destinies switched places. This was destined to cause a fierce battle. Min hun and a group of people broke into Dong Xu’s house because this area had been planned by the government as a development zone with Thai Tinh Group in charge of building Min hun. This forces everyone The indigenous residents had to leave soon, but the compensation for resettlement was so little that the residents here could not accept Min Hun’s unrecognizable face and insulted Misu in his words, making him angry. so angry that he poured a bucket of cold water on Min hun. Mihun angrily ordered his subordinates to destroy miun’s house. But what Min hun didn’t know was that the misun he insulted and bullied was his biological mother under the influence . of old Bac Min hun also became a violent and cruel businessman. He led a five-year construction team and wanted to demolish the entire Misun village. Determined to refuse to submit and lie in front of the excavator to protest during the war. Mun ‘s life was hanging by a thread. Dong Xu and his classmates and a large number of villagers arrived in time to prevent a tragedy. Unfortunately, a child had just been hit by a collapsed wall in the rubble and did not survive after efforts to cure them. This made Dong Xu , who was studying law, feel extremely hopeless and blamed himself for not being able to protect them. However, Min Hun hated Dong Xu to the core . Because the person he loved deeply, Hanji always loved Dong Xu to get Hanji Min Hun, without any means, deliberately arrested Hanji and brutally tortured King Dong Xu as a reactionary element, so Dong Xu also was arrested and deliberately detained with Hanji for the sole purpose of letting Dong Xu know that the woman he loved the most had betrayed him. After completing all the work, Min hun released Hanji, only then did Hanji Realizing that all the dark plots were caused by Min Hun standing behind her, she faced Min Hun’s love and was determined not to give up or lose. She hid in the bathroom and cut her wrists in the bathtub. Luckily, Min Hun was able to detect and prevent a tragedy , but a crowd of goats under Min Hun’s arrangements were imprisoned in a dungeon with no sunlight and were brutally tortured. Old Bac even wanted Dong Xu to die immediately. But he did not know that Dong Xu was his biological son when Dong Xu was facing the danger of going to meet Dong Goat’s older brothers along with the president and his daughter who had returned to the country. Dong Goat plane read in the newspaper about his younger brother’s disappearance and felt very worried. The news about Dong Goat’s return made the old man very shocked, not understanding how a person who died was not only alive but also alive. Also combined with his arch-rival, a man with great power like the president, he quickly ordered to prepare in advance and needed to stop the Trouble from Dong Goat right from the cradle of Dong Goat because he wanted to be strong. Than gave up her feelings for him and chose to be a subordinate to the president, making him look down on Dong Goat. She considered Dong Goat as her father’s hunting dog. People often say that the deeper T’s hurt , the deeper her love. He could only find a little comfort for his wounded heart by constantly scolding Dong Goat. When he returned, Dong Goat immediately contacted his mother and learned that his younger brother had been detained by the police. kept in a hell-like prison now, Dong Goat can only beg for the chairman’s help to save his younger brother. This for Dong Goat is a difficult task, but for the Chairman, all he has to do is open his mouth. The Chairman agreed easily because after finding out, he knew it was Mr. Bac’s plot behind his back. The Chairman said he didn’t know if it was a coincidence or fate that our enemies were the same person. who promised tonight to let Dong goat meet his younger brother. During the day, Dong goat performed his first job for the president after returning to the country . During his mission, he met Dong Xu’s classmate, Samin, but The crowd of goats did not know the identity of somin At this time, Samin is also looking for a way to rescue Dong Xu. Samin is the second daughter of President Min Hun. In the Korean newspaper, she went to her father to ask for help, but her father told her that Dong Xu already had someone to help her. Support Dong Goat after completing the mission and on the way back met Samam Min who was also returning like that. Through several meetings the two began to know each other so that Dark Dong Goat stood in a sad scene waiting for help. At this moment, my brother appeared . A car came from afar, then stopped and threw a person down. As soon as the car threw the person down, it immediately left. The crowd of goats, with one hand, approached carefully and called out his name . Even though he hadn’t seen his son for 10 years, Dong Xu quickly recognized from his voice that it was his brother. The two brothers finally met again under the dark sky. He saw his son after 10 years. Their eyes fell like rain. There were no words that could express the longing for mother and child for 10 years. At this time, they could only hug each other tightly and sob, but when they returned home, mother turned around and wanted to chase the child away. The boy left the house and saw his son returning safely. Mun was finally relieved, but she never wanted to forgive Dong Goat for his previous actions of escaping from prison and joining the Gang now. Dong Goat even is a henchman in the casino, this makes Miun feel extremely disappointed in Miun’s heart. The hatred towards Mr. Bac For doing something wrong to her husband, Misun’s hatred is getting deeper and deeper. Now she sees many people. Xu has passed the entrance exam to a major law school and can become a prosecutor to avenge old Bac Mun. She doesn’t want Dong Goat’s low self today to affect Dong Hai’s future. She even feels contempt. Every coin that Dong Goat earns, claiming that they are dirty, she asks Dong Goat who has just returned home to leave her house and never appear in front of her and her younger brother again. Dong Goat’s sister endures the pain. leaving behind years of bitter victory and effort. Only you can understand. Every penny you send home is money that you have to work hard for from morning to night because you put all your hope of revenge in her coins. removed all obstacles that affected his future, causing Dong Xu to lose the woman he loved the most and was in pain and did not want to live. Before that, Hanji was smoked by Mi, leading to her now being pregnant with his child. Mr. Mun determined not to allow Dong Xu to continue to interact with Hanji so that Dong Xu would no longer think about Hanji and ruin his current education . Mun did not care about feelings and forced Hanji and the baby in her womb to marry Min. Huong must not ruin Dong Xu’s future. These words are like rubbing salt into Hanj’s wound for the sake of his son’s future . The determination to take revenge in my heart feels like I have to do so. Dong X is Her only hope now is Hanj has finally made her heartbreaking decision. She can give up everything, including her life, but the only thing she cannot give up is the innocent child in her womb because Since she was born, she did not know who her father was because her son Hanji painfully agreed to Min Hun’s proposal before the wedding. Before the wedding day, Hanji went to the military unit to say goodbye to Dong Rong. The two people loved each other deeply. but not being able to be together made them feel endless pain. Dong su promised because of love that no matter whose child Hanji was in his womb, he would accept her. Hearing this, Hanji felt satisfied, but she was not. intending to do so, Hanj did not reveal to Dong Xu what his mother told her. In the end, she only wanted Dong Xu to bless her and then There, he hid his heart of love Dong Xu deep inside his heart and left In a lot of pain Dong Xu watched Hanji gradually move away. His heart was in pain and couldn’t help but blame himself for not protecting the person he loved, but on Hanji and Min Hun’s wedding day. Dong Xu still came to attend the ceremony when their eyes met, the two suddenly shed tears. This is an image that makes Dong Xu feel so much pain. It’s clear that they love each other deeply, but now they have to witness the person they love so deeply getting married . With someone else, three years passed quickly. Her feelings for Dong Goat grew deeper and deeper. During a party, she couldn’t control herself and once again confessed her love to Dong Goat, expressing that she was ready. giving up everything for him but Dong goat knows that with his current Broken life he will only harm Jaho’s life who has been waiting for him for three years and he told her to leave. The president knew about his daughter. Confessed his love to Dong Goat at the dance party last night and he absolutely did not allow Dong Goat to be with his daughter, so if he did not agree, he would put Dong Goat in a death situation because he was worried about her safety. Dong Goat’s whole family agreed, but her father did not keep his promise. He deliberately sent Dong Goat to Busan to compete for casino territory. With the Gang there, Dong Goat knew that this was a risky mission , but to To repay the chairman’s kindness over the years and to save his younger brother, he had no other choice. The conversation between the two was accidentally overheard. From outside the door, when a crowd of goats came out, leading Lui to rush in. opposite room with the father and asked why he had betrayed his promise to warn him. If she harmed Dong Goat even a little bit, she would never forgive him for everything he had done. The president felt helpless. can promise to send some more people to protect Dong Goat to make sure he won’t encounter anything. He with teary eyes went to Dong Goat’s room today after he went to Dong Goat’s mother’s house for the last time. I also understand why he tried so hard all this time. Turns out everything he did was to protect his family. He said that she could give up her feelings for him. But he had to promise one thing. With her I have to survive, I’m afraid that this time when Dong Goat leaves, he won’t come back. But this is also an opportunity for him to change his fate. He knows that he has to take a risk. Dong Goat is no longer a Stupid young man. Like before, he came to Busan alone to negotiate with the boss across from him. Although at first he was surrounded and beaten by a group of people without the ability to respond, but because he dared to come alone, he was definitely prepared. Before coming, he had evidence of the insect’s secrets and used it as a condition for negotiations. In the end, the group of goats not only escaped safely but also succeeded in cooperating. with the partner and obtained the right to transfer the casino when he came out, people were anxiously waiting. Seeing the goats return with blood on her body, her heart was truly removed, but the tears kept falling. The goats kept falling. gave the transfer contract to the chairman. At this time, the chairman did not expect Dong Goat to be able to handle the job so well . Although he outwardly praised Dong Goat, in his heart he felt a deep fear. for him to ensure that his daughter and Mike will succeed in getting engaged tomorrow. The president wishes Dong Goat not to appear at the engagement venue and at the same time to remove the biggest obstacle on the road to happiness. the happiness of his daughter, the president, relying on his gratitude over the years, arranged a final mission for the goat crowd indicating that after this mission they would no longer have a relationship. Dong Goat, who loves Trong Nghia, can only agree. The next morning, Dong Goat drove a motorbike to start a new journey. But before leaving, he stopped in front of the door. He didn’t know how long it would take after this trip. can see the woman he loves again maybe that is really forever he really wants to see her one last time in her house the person who is feeling pain hears the sound of a motorbike and knows it is crowded with goats so She ran down like crazy to meet him but her father predicted it and stopped her. She was at the door telling her that if she didn’t want to see a crowd of goats, she should go back to her room for the person she loves jah he just can accept the pain at this time, Dong Goat drove his motorbike away alone. Jah He and Mike’s engagement ceremony took place under everyone’s blessing. At the same time, Dong Goat, while carrying out his mission , fell down. fell into Mr. Bac’s trap and was once again beaten by a few dozen people holding sticks. From the past to the present, the red leaves fell and was buried under the dust. Everything had a beginning and an end. Dong goat was not affected. After beating him , Mr. Bac arrested him and falsely accused him of being a murderer. His goal was to destroy the faith of Dong Goat’s family so that Dong Goat’s mother could see that the son she had hoped for was actually an evil person. In the end, Mr. Bac was not afraid of the chairman intervening to save Dong Goat because he knew that Dong Goat had become an abandoned pawn on the Chairman’s side after getting engaged and preparing to return to Macau with you by chance. Seeing the news of Dong Goat’s arrest in the newspaper, this made her very shocked and worried. When she finished buying the ticket and returned, G he had disappeared gah he Called his father. At first, he wanted to call to blame his father. asked why he didn’t keep his promise to protect Dong Goat , but when she heard the cold tone from the other side of the street, her heart was filled with anger, realizing that both she and Dong Goat were being toyed with by her father, she immediately hung up. Then she decided to take Mike’s engagement ring off her finger. She decided not to let her father control her life anymore. She wanted to pursue the love she wanted . asked him to find a way to rescue his brother, but at this time, the undergrad was just a student at the University of Law. When he arrived at the police station, he couldn’t even meet his brother and was kicked out. luckily when he left there he met the Chairman the chairman was very worried about his daughter’s safety after she went missing he knew that this time he needed to rescue Dong Goat If it weren’t for his character G he She may do something irreparable but the chairman once again warns Dong goat You must clearly separate yourself from ra he Dong Xu thanks to the help of the chairman has the opportunity Meeting his brother , seeing his brother suffering the pain before his eyes, Dong Xu felt very self-blame every time he was in trouble. Dong Xu was always the one to help, but when Dong Xu was in trouble, he realized himself. So helpless, in the end, Dong Xu told his brother that he was staying at their house after leaving. Dong Xu got angry and ran to find Mr. Bac to solve everything. But he was held tightly by two bodyguards and did not let him go. Min Hun angrily grabbed Dong Goat’s collar and wanted to attack, but was promptly stopped by Hanji, who loved him, with the guarantee of Dong Goat’s chairman. He was quickly released when he returned home and scolded by Dong Goat . Dong Xu blamed him. Why did he run off to find Mr. Bac on his own without knowing the current danger? You are all my mother’s hope. If something happens to you, what should I do? Miun also stepped out at this time. What Dong Goat just said were her concerns I can let Dong X destroy the future because my brother has lost his trust and decided to cut off all ties with Dong Goat and from now on the two will have nothing to do with each other anymore. This is a big hurt for me. With Dong Goat stepping forward today, everything he has sacrificed is for this family. He patiently and painfully nodded in agreement with his mother’s words. At this time, he also walked out. She finally knew how much Dong Goat had endured. There were many sufferings and difficulties to continue living. Finally, the goat reminded his younger brother to take good care of his mother and family. Then he pulled her away without looking back. They came to the beach and looked at the woman in front of them. willing to give up everything because Mr. Dong Goat finally peacefully faced his true heart, no longer hiding and determined to love the woman in front of the lady of the tycoon family for love. But run away with the poor guy. The poor guy promises to leave everything behind and live a normal life with her here. I’ll go to the beach to fish and you just have to cook your favorite dishes and wait for me to come back. About him, she will be a fisherman, she will be a fisherman’s wife. This beautiful picture of the future is the life that Lady of the tycoon family wants. But when she heard this, she couldn’t feel happy but felt heartbroken Because she can’t be selfish because of love and make Dong De give up on her family, more importantly, she can’t let Dong De give up his determination to exonerate his deceased father because he loves her. Don’t want to burden the person he loves. Dong Goat is very emotional and for the first time confesses his deep feelings to him. As long as you agree, I will have the courage to climb on the fishing boat and escape to peace with you. forever for gah he at this moment with Dong goat’s words in his heart gah he was truly satisfied and had no regrets the next day when east goat woke up gah he’s bed became empty Dong goat knew that gah he because he once again made a heartbreaking decision But when his heart ached thinking that he would never see him again gah he gah he now appeared behind him with tears in his eyes then hugged him tightly Dong duê jah he realized that she no longer had the courage to leave him . Even things cannot separate them because they cannot lose each other , so let’s cherish the present time and love each other. Every day is like 1000 years, loving every day is like loving 10 years, even one more day, one more hour is good, forget all worries, two happy people cherish every minute and every second as long as you are together, everything is happy . Even a cheap necklace makes a woman feel like she owns a treasure and is extremely happy, carrying on her back the sweetest words of love. Dong goats walk under the dawn on the beach when tired. They lie down on the sand when they are hungry and then go catch some fish in the sea to eat. Although life is simple but very happy, what will come will come. The president and his subordinates came to this place. wanted to pull Dong Goat to run away but Dong Goat didn’t want to let him go. He had to live a life on the run. There were things that needed to be faced right from the start. The chairman separated the two people from each other then picked up a knife from the ground. Everyone says Dong Dao is their right hand, so today you will destroy this right hand. From now on, there will be no more relationships. The president raised his right hand first and then ordered his subordinates. I slashed my arm like that, all the hatred between him and Dong Goat was over. Time passed in just another moment, two years ago Dong Goat opened a scrap collection station and lived a simple life now. The president suddenly came to Dong Goat Since losing Dong Goat, he always felt insecure without Dong Goat. His work abroad became chaotic, so he offered half of the shares of the casino in Busa, hoping Dong Goat would return. helped him, but Dong Goat flatly refused. Over the past two years, Dong Goat has reformed and his relationship with his mother has returned to the way it was. Just realize his mistake and live well. Misun will never give up on you. He looked at the Belgian maple leaf that the president left on the table. Misun was very worried that Dong Goat would once again embark on the Road with No Escape to the East. After endless efforts , he finally found the worker. was bribed by Mr. Bac with a sad conscience, this worker revealed threats from Mr. Bac to him. The worker revealed the truth about being seduced by Mr. Bac to cause an explosion ahead of time, causing his father of Dong goat’s death. Dong Xu recorded everything and prepared to become a prosecutor to help his father clear up the injustice of these years. Even though Dong goat had passed away, he knew and was close to Miss Samin. of a tycoon family, one day Somin received inside information that Dong Su had passed the Judiciary exam with top results in the school. She immediately announced this news to Dong Xu Dong Xu with great joy . to his brother and shared this exciting news, the two brothers hugged each other tightly. Dong Xu did not disappoint his brother’s expectations. Thanks to his efforts , however, on the same evening a high-ranking government official The government personally came to meet and set conditions in front of the crowd to help the Chairman. Resolve urgent work abroad, otherwise Dong Xu’s future will be difficult to guarantee. After all, with a history of being arrested and identified as a terrorist. Dong Xu’s activities did not immediately agree but began to hesitate. Dong Xu with his excellent achievements was interviewed by the media. Dong Xu unexpectedly took advantage of this opportunity to tell about his Father’s injustice. He passed away and expressed that the first thing he would do when he became a prosecutor was to help his father clarify the truth. Mr. Bac’s family had seen this interview on television, but the old president did not know the truth about the case. accident at the coal mine and thought that Dong Xu must have misunderstood his son-in-law so as not to cause trouble to the family by a Prosecutor. So the old chairman quickly made an appointment to meet with Dong Xu personally, hoping to resolve the matter. This misunderstanding, however, when Dong Xu presented the tape recording proving that Mr. Bac was at fault, it clearly described that Mr. Bac had instructed to cause the death of Dong Xu’s father. Everything became clear after listening. The old chairman couldn’t believe that his son-in-law had done such cruel things without telling him. His emotions were so strong that his blood pressure rose and he lost consciousness right where his head accidentally hit the table. A lot of blood flowed out. Dong Xu quickly checked the situation and exactly at that moment, Mr. Bac ran in after hearing Tien Tien and immediately slandered Dong Xu as the culprit right at the critical moment when Dong Xu was about to become a Prosecutor. The brother who was arrested by the Dong Goat police had no other choice because his younger brother decided to go to the chairman and agreed to help him solve the problem in the hope that he would rescue his younger brother without leaving anyone behind. How soon Dong Xu was safely back home when he asked about his brother. Dong Xu was now on a flight to a foreign country. His lover, whom he hadn’t seen in two years, was stuck. four-sided and confined to a hospital bed, the man could only shed tears of pain without any intention of helping because this was just a treatment process. It turned out that it was previously ordered by the president of Dong Goat. came to Macau to expand the casino business in this place and help his authorities before easily solving all problems during this process the crowd of goats was led to a hospital by a woman and secretly secretly met someone who was G He who hadn’t seen him in the past two years for two years He was forced to break up with Dong Goat and when she arrived in Macau her spirit collapsed She didn’t want her strong love ruined Dong Goat’s life so she chose to marry Mike and decided to self-destruct because of her illness. Dong Goat looked at how she endured such pain for him. He couldn’t hold back and cried loudly and ran away . When she went out at this time, she seemed to feel Dong Goat’s presence and when she woke up , she quickly ran to the iron door and frantically called Dong Goat’s name. Dong Goat immediately found her and angrily punched him in the face . My heart is also filled with endless pain, watching the woman I love miss another man day and night, making me even though I love him, I can’t feel the anger between the two of them fighting each other with a punch to release. The pain and despair in their love. The next day Dong Goat received an urgent call from the president asking him to return to his country because old Bac was planning to attack him before leaving Dong Goat secretly . Looking at her one last time, he did not dare to approach her because he knew that now he would only bring more pain to her. He could only endure the pain and turn away. He still saw her familiar back. always dreaming and remembering , it turned out that everything yesterday wasn’t just a dream, he really came to visit her, he didn’t forget her when Dong goat left , sitting in the car with tears streaming down his face, crying like a child, he also felt the same way. Feeling helpless, he could only hope in his heart that he would live well after returning to the country. The President let the crowd know that Mr. Bac had collaborated with government lawmakers who wanted to plunder the domestic casino business if This matter was not resolved well after Lao Bac attacked the chairman. He will drag Dong Goat down with him to solve this problem. Without hesitation, he directly kidnapped that congressman and found evidence about him. I paid Mr. Bac a box of dirty money. Then he threatened the congressman to sign a guilty plea blaming Mr. Bac to solve the problem quickly. In just half a day, a crowd of goats had finished handling all of this trick of Mr. Bac. Dong goat made Mr. Bac completely unforeseen and unable to contain his anger to get back the evidence of his crime . He had no choice but to transfer a highly valuable piece of land to Dong goat this time, Mr. Bac. lost to the crowd of goats, making the chairman laugh until he was upset. Dong goat’s working style was exactly the same as when the chairman was young. That’s also the reason why he always appreciated the crowd of goats, so the chairman decided Entrusting all the company’s finances to the manager, he completely considered him as his successor to train, but Dong Goat did not feel happy because he knew that behind this glory was actually a place. The crowded prison with his bones, his lifelong dream is actually just wanting to live a peaceful life with the desire to live with his family and have a good life. But up to this moment he has no distance to turn back. starting over from when he saw that the crowd had come to her. Her health quickly recovered after being discharged from the hospital. G he suddenly appeared at his scrap collection point before the Fiancé found out who she wanted. keep the most beautiful memories for yourself. Today is the day she and mik held their wedding. Dong Goat also arrived at the scene of the ceremony. They all had a lot of things to say but couldn’t say anything. with Dong goat that she will live well while Dong goat Only his eyes were filled with tears from beginning to end he didn’t say a word just stretched out his hand and they imagined together This is his wedding the president couldn’t bear to see witnessed this heartbreaking scene , but because he wanted his daughter to marry a good man, the president was forced to do so. However, his daughter’s life did not turn out the way he expected in a moment n years have passed. Under the guidance of Chairman Dong Goat, he has become an important figure that cannot be underestimated in the casino world, while Dong Xu has finally become a prosecutor with real powers. Followed the Righteous Path and the other followed the opposite path. I didn’t know what the outcome would be later. It turned out that after 5 years, she returned to her country because of her failure in the war for inheritance. To ensure his family’s safety, he was forced to return to his mother’s house to stay temporarily. This made the president feel very depressed. His daughter had not become what he had imagined , even though five years had passed . The feeling between Dong goat and jah HE is still there but when they meet again they are not nervous or excited like before but like the most familiar strangers simply greeting each other but from both their moist eyes there is It can be seen that the deep longing between them is still strong. On the first day of accepting the position, the prosecutor was preparing to take action against Mr. Bac while his older brother felt satisfied and reminded his younger brother to be careful. Carefully step by step, Mr. Bac was angry about Dong Goat’s actions. The appearance of someone made him feel even more scared than that day. Dong Goat and a mysterious woman held an opening party for him. The bank service they were in charge of, Mr. Bac also came to the party. However, when he saw that mysterious woman, he was so scared that his legs trembled and he quickly ran away because of that mysterious woman. It was Ms. Giang, the ex-girlfriend he once abandoned and hurt. Ms. Giang ran away to the old man. It turned out that the man in front of her eyes had killed her unborn child and left her in the wilderness. Ms. Giang was the one who has inherited all of her husband’s assets and returned this time to take revenge for what happened in the past, wanting to destroy everything of Mr. Bac. Although facing the threat from Ms. Giang, Mr. Bac looks Tran Tinh but Inside, he felt a crisis. Unexpectedly, their conversation was accidentally eavesdropped by Min Hun, who was hiding to the side. He couldn’t believe that the father he was proud of had done such things. Afterwards, in order to prevent Ms. Giang’s revenge, Lao Bac decided to sell his group’s electronics company to raise capital to prevent uncertainty and he felt he had to destroy her. Giang can leave this world with peace of mind. However, Mr. Bac’s sale of the electronics company created an opportunity for him to negotiate with Ms. Giang to buy back the electronics company and use it as a launch pad. To accommodate the foundation of Thai Tinh Group, Dong Goat’s decision unexpectedly created a conflict of interest with the chairman because the chairman also had his eye on the electronics company that Mr. Bac wanted to sell, looking at the current situation. Dong goat has become a strong direct opponent of the chairman. This makes the chairman feel very dissatisfied towards Min hun due to the appearance of Ms. Giang. Min hun finally knows the true identity of To find out clearly the hatred between Ms. Giang and his father and why she wanted to put the Thai Tinh Group in such danger, he decided to commit suicide. I found Ms. Giang and when she got there, he immediately knelt down in front of her. But Ms. Giang didn’t care at all. She immediately turned around and left the office. Min hun didn’t give up. He pursued and forced himself into Ms. Giang’s car due to Ms. Giang’s persistence. Min hun, Ms. Giang felt there was no need to hide anything from Mr. Bac anymore and she revealed to him that Mr. Bac had killed her and the child in her womb. But at that moment, the car suddenly shook so strongly that it turned out there was a Two other cars were frantically attacking Ms. Giang’s car. She knew that this was Mr. Bac’s action in this Bach robbery situation. Ms. Giang revealed a secret that only she knew even when she was about to nail Ms. Giang. She also wanted Min hun to know her true identity, then she revealed the truth that Min hun was not Mr. Bac’s biological son while Min hun still couldn’t believe this truth. The car they were sitting in crashed . and flipped over 980 degrees before stopping. Ms. Giang was injured in the head and lost consciousness while Min hun was only slightly injured and was still conscious. At this time, a man appeared outside the window. Min hun realized it was a one of the trusted subordinates next to his father after the incident Min hun returned home and took a hair from old Bac to do a DNA test and verify the truth. The test results were quickly returned and when he saw the text indicating that there was no father-son relationship between him and old Bac. he felt collapsed to learn more about his true identity. Min hun decided to meet Ms. Giang again but Ms. Giang did not want to reveal it. revealed anything. However, Min hun still guessed that the truth was that Ms. Giang intended to kill his newborn child , but because she couldn’t bear to take revenge on Mr. Bac, she exchanged that person’s son with his son. Mr. Bac’s son was born right after being born at the hospital and the only person born with him on the same day at the same hospital was Dong Xu. This means that Dong Xu is Mr. Bac’s biological son and when he was born, Mr. Everything has come to this point, Ms. Giang also admitted that she said that it was up to him to reveal this secret or not. This made Min Hun sink into deep pain as a woman who had been so insulted and hurt by him. turns out to be his crazy mother and the father who has lived with him for M years is the Enemy who killed his father. He can’t reveal this secret or lose everything he has right now because of that. He decided to take the inheritance of the corporation away from the old man on the other side. When he received Mai’s will, his legs immediately became weak and he stood in place. In the letter, he expressed his deep apologies to gah he for him. knowing that gah he and he were together were never happy, his greed created misfortune for her so he hoped Dong goat could continue to protect g he returned home then Dong goat received The news of his half-brother ‘s death on the boat Dong Goat immediately turned red, even though he and the woman he loved the most were married , but the two were also best friends. The president fell into trouble. in a state of deep helplessness, he still criticizes his father if it is not his father. Mike goes to fight for the family inheritance. Also in this war for the Family, the chairman is completely angry that he wants Hired someone to kill Dong Goat’s older brother and wanted to stop him, afraid that he would fall into danger, but the stubborn chairman did not listen and secretly summoned the gang members. This time, he didn’t just want revenge. for mik but also wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the disobedient Dong Goat on the afternoon of the same day, the president hired someone to kill mik’s brother in the toilet and the person who was supposed to report Maik’s defense instead blamed Dong. Goat today is a happy day for Dong Goat’s sister Dong Goat sent many people to guard to avoid Trouble. Min Hun has arrived at the wedding venue but they haven’t had time to say a few words. Those who want to avenge Mike’s brother broke into the wedding, one of them pulled out an 80cm long knife and stabbed the chairman. However, the chairman had prepared in advance and easily stopped this attack after chasing away the crowd. That person went to Dong Goat and suspected that Mr. Bac had allied with the other side. Otherwise, why would Min Hun be here? Min Hun, full of resentment, told Dong Goat that he had nothing to do with today’s incident because how could he? could sabotage his own sister’s wedding. This statement confused Dong Goat and he warned Min Hun. If he didn’t say it clearly, don’t think about returning alive. He took Min Hun to the riverbank and then beat Min again. I want to know what this means. This is a painful and difficult truth for a man to accept. The younger brother he raised and devoted his entire life to turns out to be the biological son of someone who killed his father and the son he always hated was actually his biological younger brother. Min hun did not keep it a secret from the crowd and told the truth that he was the younger brother of the goat who caused the affair. This picture is Ms. Giang, the person who wanted to report to Old Bac. If you don’t believe me, you can find Ms. Giang to verify. When the crowd heard Ms. Giang admit the truth from her story, he was miserable and angry and rushed to try. He wanted to kill her on the spot, blaming her for using someone else’s fate to achieve her revenge goal because she had caused his family, innocent people, to endure incomparable pain. However , in the end, Dong Goat still could not beat Ms. Giang, but he warned her to keep this secret until the end. Otherwise, she would not survive this cruel truth, causing Dong Goat to completely collapse and sob. Not only does he not know how to face Dong Xuan and Min Hun in the future, but also his efforts over the past M years have been devoted to the enemy’s son , he feels he has lived his life In the deception, not only was the emotions wasted but also the whole life was wasted, the whole family stood by and watched Dong Goat cry without understanding what happened at the time when Dong Goat was in the most pain when the president was assassinated . It turned out that Mike’s brother’s subordinates wanted revenge. However, the chairman’s bodyguards promptly discovered and came to the rescue, but he was held hostage by them. The chairman informed this incident to Dong Goat expressed that the kidnappers asked either him or Dong Goat to exchange their lives in exchange for him. Dong Goat felt the pain not only because this incident was based on gratitude to the president. Through all the years and deep feelings for her, he knew he had to come and save Ms. Dong Goat, knowing that if he came, he might lose his life. Before he left, he met someone who was Min Hun’s wife, Hanji. and their son Dong Goat wanted to meet his grandson. When he met the baby, he used a sign of greeting that Dong Goat was so familiar with, which touched him deeply because That sign was something passed down from people. father has passed away. It seems that Min hun has recognized his true identity, otherwise he would not have passed on this sign of identity to his son. Turns out Hanji also knew that Min hun was Dong goat’s younger brother. are all very worried about this truth. If Dong Xu knows, he will definitely not be able to bear it because currently Dong Xu and his biological father are facing each other like two knives. This is what makes Dong Goat feel. difficult and painful but on At this time, there is no better way to solve this problem. In order to avoid many people being hurt, I had to ask Hanji not to reveal this secret for a while. After that, Dong Goat also met his mother’s sister. He was about to leave for a while to save his family. He was worried about what might happen between Dong Xu and Min Hun, so he revealed the secret to her, hoping she would take care of the family in his absence. She couldn’t do anything. Accepting this painful truth after solving everything, Dong Goat met the kidnappers in exchange for him. Even though the person he loved was someone else’s wife, he still wanted to keep the promise he made to gah he. Previously, in order to protect her with his life, on the gah he side, a mysterious person came to the imprisoned girl and told her that the president would definitely not come to save her. The only person who came could only be a crowd of goats because All of this was pre-arranged by the chairman with the aim of eliminating Dong Goat and the reason for telling gah He these things was because Dong Goat once saved his life gah he fell into deep surprise but She still didn’t believe that her father would use her to get rid of the goats, but when she saw the goats appearing alone on the pier, he was completely panicked. She kept struggling and signaled for the goats to leave quickly and at the right time. Suddenly, a police siren sounded and a group of police cars arrived. Dong Xu quickly turned out to stop his brother from going to the place. He used his power to take advantage of the time his brother was negotiating to arrest the criminals. The smuggler helped his brother rescue him. How could the kidnappers surrender easily ? The two sides started a fierce battle. Dong goat saw that he in the bullet storm was about to be taken away again by a group of people. Mr. No. Hesitantly, he rushed into Dong Xuan, feeling very worried and asked the Forest Police to shoot, but his voice was buried in the continuous sound of gunfire . Unfortunately, Dong Goat was shot in the arm and fell down. Finally, thanks to the help of The dedicated police succeeded in stopping the ship and saving Dong Goat and G He. When they learned the truth, they were very remorseful towards Dong Goat and didn’t let Dong Goat get hurt anymore because of her. She decided to keep her distance from him. Dong goat We shouldn’t meet anymore and Dong goat understands everything he says as long as it’s what she wants him to do, he will agree whether it means protecting her or leaving her but he There was only one request, which was for her to live well. After speaking, she turned around and left the room. At this moment, the doctor called Dong Goat into the office and asked him if he knew that he was pregnant. This time, he almost died . was startled and had a miscarriage and reminded him to pay more attention in the future, even though it was very normal for him to be pregnant with Mike’s child , but he felt an indescribable disappointment and his expectations were completely shattered. The man, in order to save the kidnapped president’s daughter, went alone to exchange his life, but when the daughter was rescued, the president aimed his gun at him because there were so many goats and he fought over the right to buy the star. He thought that Dong Goat betrayed him. He directly wanted someone to shoot Dong Goat , but at this important moment, he arrived in time. She told her father that the traitor was herself, so she asked someone to tell Dong Goat the price. She immediately grabbed the dagger. If you don’t let Dong Goat go, she will kill herself immediately. After speaking, she suddenly became exhausted and fainted . Dong Goat hugged her and told the president what happened. Pregnant with my child This is my mother’s blood. This statement just came out. The president was finally satisfied and at Min’s side, for a moment, he and Hanj discussed the problem of handling their current identities. Unexpectedly, their conversation was accidentally missed by his mother Hearing this information made her feel like she was struck by lightning. She could not accept this truth. She never thought that Dong Xu was her only child. Two families with intertwined fates accidentally met. staying at the same hotel, unexpectedly, Min Hun’s children were so naive that when they saw a crowd of goats, they used hand signs to greet them, causing Hanji to panic and quickly stop them. In this group, only Miun Lao Bac and Dong Xu did not know the truth . Everyone else looked at each other and saw the complexity and pain in their eyes. The woman could not imagine that the son she had loved for more than 30 years was not her biological son. actually living a difficult life right next to her he really didn’t know anything and in a state of not knowing what was going on he fought back and tried to kill his Father this is truly a fact cruelly to clarify the cause of everything, Min Hun’s mother went to Ms. Giang to confront Ms. Giang, not hiding it, she recounted how Mr. Bac cruelly tortured her and also how he killed the child in the house. She said that all of this was Mr. Bac’s fault and that it was also her revenge against him. Min Hun’s mother, who initially felt disgusted by her husband’s cruel actions, was now even more disgusted. hate him all because of this evil man, the sins he committed caused her to endure such suffering. She screamed in front of Mr. Bac, expressing the burning anger in her heart because he not only destroyed destroying her son’s life but also her own life. Some secrets, once revealed, will be like a broken flood. The dam overflowed uncontrollably that day. Mun accidentally overheard the conversation between her sister and Dong Xu finally learned this shocking secret that had been hidden for nearly 30 years. She felt like the world was collapsing before her eyes. Dong Xu had always been the son she had high hopes for. She had worked hard to raise for 30 years not only her child , but also the child of the enemy who killed her husband. She was so angry that she rushed into Ms. Giang’s office. She didn’t want to believe it. that everything that was happening was true and thought that Ms. Giang was lying. But Ms. Giang affirmed that everything was true. Misun could not control the anger in her heart and rushed over, grabbed Ms. Rang’s hair and beat her while This shock and pain that Miun has to endure is probably a thousand times more severe than that of Min Hun’s mother because Dongsu has been Miun’s hope for the past 30 years and now becomes the child of the enemy. This shock makes her spirit sad. Miun completely collapsed when she met Dong Su, she immediately scolded him that he was a scoundrel who was not her son but the biological son of the evil old Bac, but immediately after that she kindly asked after him and asked her sister to hurry up. Quickly prepare a meal for Dong Xu then while talking she suddenly fainted her mother because she suffered too much shock leading to temporary panic causing mental panic but Dong Xu felt that what she said was definitely not true. It’s baseless. I keep asking Dong Goats to clarify the truth, whether what mom said is true or not. Things have come to this point. There are some obvious things that have to be faced. Don’t hide them anymore. tell me that everything my mother said is true that I am the shy son of old Bac Dong Xu collapsed and ran into the hospital room and pulled a strand of Mun’s hair I wanted to prove that all of this was just a lie But The truth is the truth when Dong Xu saw the results on the paper proving that he had no blood relationship with Mun. His legs were shaking and he sat down on the stairs. This was a painful feeling. ten thousand times more painful than losing the person he loved, the person he had fought until now and wanted to kill because of Hatred Killing his father turned out to be his own father. At this moment, he not only felt not only felt the endless pain in my heart but also felt the heartache of my brother and mother when they learned the truth. He didn’t know what purpose he lived for anymore. Dong Xu ran madly into the street. He screamed at him. Remember Old Bac pressed him into a bucket of dirty water. He remembered Old Bac beating him half to death. He remembered being falsely accused of being a murderer. Now that this person was his father, he seemed to have lost the meaning of life early the next morning. Xu decided to go home and look back at this place one last time. Dong Xu was angry and asked him why he didn’t come home last night whether he had the Dong family blood in him or not Dong Xu will always be his younger brother and his mother’s son. His brother’s words made Dong Xu suddenly choke. Dong Xu is a bad boy. He doesn’t read books but runs away to play. He doesn’t want to study law to revenge for his father. Why did he hug C’s mother? It was at this moment that he decided. I intend not to think too much anymore. After all, he will always be a mother’s son. On the other side, Ms. Giang is preparing to deliver a fatal blow to Mr. Bac to take revenge. She has revealed the truth that Dong Xu is his biological child and she invited him to a villa in the suburbs to meet. This made him think that Ms. Giang wanted revenge to the point of crazy and was talking too much but he still arrived on time at the restaurant. At the remote meeting place, Ms. Giang was ready with her gun and pointed it straight at Mr. Bac as soon as he got out of her car. Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, after the gunshot went off, the bullet only hit her arm. Mr. Bac, on the other hand, captured and beat Ms. Giang thoroughly. After a period of torture, Mr. Bac finally learned the truth about Ms. Giang having switched places with the two children in the past. At this time, Ms. Giang started again. Laughing Because she invited Dong Xu here, the purpose was so that Dong Xu could witness with his own eyes what kind of devil his father was and let Dong Xu, a prosecutor, personally arrest him. This Devil is committing a crime. She wants them to kill each other before her eyes. Dong Xu arrested Mr. Bac on the charge of illegally detaining people. However, on the way back, Mr. Bac started telling about his unfortunate past. I said that since he was young, he lived in an orphanage and experienced the coldness of this world, so in order to succeed, he had to use every means to reach the position that many people admire him for today. don’t regret what he did. Old Bac still has a thick face and is proud. Dong Xu is not ashamed to be his son. They have the same bloodline. To succeed, they are willing to sacrifice everything just like he tried to learn. To avenge his father, Dong Xu said that each of them pursues different things. Old Bac’s words made Dong Xu feel like a knife cutting into his ears. He stopped the car and chased Old Bac out of the car. This time, Dong Xu decided to forgive him. Bac to make up for his kindness, he warned that next time he will not give up and will definitely bring this Devil to the light of law when the secret about the identity between Dong xu and min hun is exposed. The person that this man raised for 30 years happened to not be his biological child, but this man was not only not sad, but also smiled very proudly because his biological son is a much stronger prosecutor than anyone else. With this weak and useless fake child, Mr. Bac has long seen that Min Hun is annoying and immediately wants to kick him out of the house and not let Min Hun take his child and wife with him, all just to make room for his child. My biological son knows these feelings Thankful because the last nourishment in Min hun’s heart completely disappeared and he declared that he would cut off all ties with old Bac when they met again they would become enemies of the Middle Heaven after finishing speaking Min hun left home without looking back, an Anonymous person sent Dong Xu a package containing the process of illegally transferring a large amount of money and detailing every step, just follow the account number and you will definitely be caught . a big fish even the Minister has difficulty with such a large sum of money not only said it can be investigated and moreover it involves people at the highest levels The Minister asked Dong Xu to find understand clearly Who sent this package and what is their purpose? Dong Xu remembered that a few days ago, Mr. Bac said he would give him a big gift. His heart couldn’t help but be complicated in Dong Xu’s heart . What did he want to refuse ? Old Bac gave it to him, but when faced with this opportunity to become famous, he fell into a state of pain. Min Hun, after being kicked out of the old man’s house, returned to his mother’s house. His mother was obviously drunk when she saw her son. Having been raised by the enemy for 30 years, he could not hold back his emotions but tears sparkled in Min Hun’s eyes . He knelt down before his mother and said I was wrong , I was wrong. His mother did not kick Min Hun out but let him lie down. In Dong Xu’s room, Dong Xu still had Dong Xu and bought two roasted chickens, his mother’s favorite dish, and planned to have a meal with her, but when he returned home, he discovered Min Hun lying in his room, angry . again he grabbed Min hun who was sleeping and screamed But now he is Dong Xu He wants to take back everything that belongs to him Min hun’s words made Dong Xu completely collapse and he couldn’t react. I can’t because inside my body is Old Bac’s dirty blood. He finished speaking like a crazy person. He wanted to run out of the house. His mother cried and ran to stop him , but he still left the house without looking back. He had no place to go. So he could only go back to the office and pour out all his anger on the criminal documents that Mr. Bac sent him, but what he didn’t know was that the person he was investigating was his older brother . Bac suddenly received a copy of the illegal transactions of the securities company under his name and at that time, Ms. Giang called her grandfather, asking Mr. Bac to unconditionally hand over the company’s shares. This securities company , otherwise she will publish this information in the newspaper. Mr. Bac was so angry that he wanted to explode. He was convinced that Min hun had betrayed him. So he arrested and brutally beat Min hun. A little consideration of the situation. However, this incident was not caused by Min hun. Even though he was beaten to the point that he could not stand up, he still did not give in to Old Bac’s anger and took Min hun to the villa. of Ms. Giang preparing to face him directly If Min hun really sold him out, he would not hesitate to kill Min hun because Min hun holds too many of his secrets . Min hun’s bloody face His anger boiled and he rushed forward after a chaotic battle Min hun was finally rescued at the same time The Chairman never let go of Dong goat he wanted wanted to use a large amount of money to make Dong Goat’s company bankrupt . He wanted to stop his father and immediately decided to cut off the father-son relationship. The president was so angry that he called the person who imprisoned him and decided not to. Let her see Dong Goat again and remind her to stay home and rest. She said the pregnancy was just a lie to him. Turns out he wasn’t pregnant with your child. In the beginning, she deliberately asked the doctor to tell her. Dong goat said that she was pregnant just so that Dong goat would not come close to her anymore because she was afraid that Dong goat would complain because of this. The president was almost crazy with this false pretense and kicked him out of the house but after he told her that she was pregnant. left. The Chairman vomited a large amount of blood. After the examination, he learned that the Chairman had terminal lung cancer. He immediately laughed. He is a big tycoon in the business and political world who does not hesitate on the battlefield, but he After this small illness took his life, he left the room and asked his subordinates not to talk about this to anyone. At the same time, he also knew that once he passed away, his situation would become very dangerous. Enemies hiding in the dark will quickly appear, especially old Chairman Bac. Feeling the need to find a way to eliminate him, Dong Xu returned after leaving home again to find Min hun was still there and Unable to let go, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. He immediately asked his mother who was her real son between him and Min Hun. Faced with this difficult question, his mother could not say a word. Tears kept falling, not receiving an answer. Dong Xu was completely disappointed. He turned to leave and this time he packed his luggage. His mother looked after him with teary eyes. Dong Xu always waited for her. He stopped but did not receive any response from her. Mother’s Silence said it all. Finally, Dong Xu left the house and rented a small room to prepare to start living alone that night. Coming to Dong Xu, he bought Dong Xu a robe and then gave him a set of files that were the president’s criminal documents that he spent a large amount of money to buy as long as he could. Capturing Chairman Dong Xu will definitely become famous in the investigation world, but to capture the Chairman he needs to overcome the mountain of many goats. Faced with this famous opportunity, Dong Xu hesitated. However, the old man showed very confident and not at all worried that Dong Xu would refuse because Dong Xu was his RT son. Meanwhile, the chairman had also begun to take action. He bought dozens of old Bac’s close people even though he lured him to a bank. Suddenly, a group of motorcyclists appeared, heading straight at Mr. Bac. In a situation where he could not retreat, Mr. Bac was pushed down a cliff. Fortunately, Mr. Bac did not stop. Dong Xu quickly went to the hospital to see his father. Dong Xu’s intestines almost died. Dong Xu’s heart did not know how to feel. The authorities informed Dong Xu that they suspected that the Chairman wanted to eliminate Mr. Bac while he was infatuated with Mr. Bac constantly calling Dong Xu’s name, making Dong Xu suspicious. He suspected that perhaps Dong goat had caused this incident, but when Dong Xu returned home, he encountered the chairman’s people being ransacked and the criminal documents that Mr. Bac gave him also disappeared . immediately Called Dong Goat and made an appointment to meet at the Chairman’s house but when he arrived at the Chairman’s house he discovered that he had no evidence. Instead, he was insulted by the Chairman. Dong Goat immediately pulled Dong Xu out of there. And he had a bit of anger towards Dong Xu, admitting that when he saw Mr. Bac’s tragic condition, he felt heartbroken, after all, he was still his biological father and Mr. Bac had also received the punishment he deserved. I don’t want my brother to continue to hurt Old Bac. If my brother continues to use cruel methods to treat bad people, even if it were his brother , he would completely put the two brothers in prison. has turned against each other. The tycoon’s chairman has lung cancer and only has about 3 months to live. The forces under him are restless and preparing to take action against his daughter. Wanting to gain control of the group, the chairman did not expect that even though he had been teaching all his life, there was no one he could trust by his side . The only person still standing by his side was the crowd of people he wanted. In fact, the president once considered Dong Goat as his son and raised him, but Dong Goat chose to be independent. He loved and hated Dong Goat at the same time, but now with the short remaining life time, it happened. The only thing he couldn’t give up was the girl. He asked Dong Goat to protect her on his behalf and not let her out of his sight. When he knew he was looking for her, he decided to object. She didn’t want Dong Goat to be dragged into it because She will only bring danger to him but he is more steadfast now than ever. He has lost her too many times and this time no matter what he will never let go even when she is pregnant with her child. Mike’s children He didn’t care about all that. Mr. Bac finally left the hospital. Next to him was his biological son, Dong Xu , who had been missing for 30 years. In his heart, Mr. Bac felt extremely satisfied, son . His biological mother finally returned to his side. His daughter-in-law was also very smart and talented, Ms. Giang. The two were once lovers. Mr. Bac took this opportunity to suggest that the two of them choose a date to get married. Kissing a happy family is the most wonderful thing. Dong Xu also agreed with everything he had lost for Min Hun. Now he must return to his old position. Hanj said nothing as if he agreed with what he said. of Dong Xu However, there was a complicated feeling in his heart that could not be described, but immediately after Dong Xu returned to the Minister’s office, he proposed to exclude Dong Xu from the investigation related to the chairman. The reason was Worried that Dong Xu will be biased and protect the goats, the thing that Dong Xu feared the most has finally come to pass. His brother has finally become an obstacle on his career path to prove his integrity. immediately expressed to the minister that if his brother really committed a crime, he would personally put the stake in his brother’s hands because the chairman’s criminal record had been stolen. He called Mr. Bac and asked him. Do you have a copy of that document No and asked him to hand over the copy to you. He pledged to put the chairman and the crowd in jail. Unexpectedly, Mr. Bac actually had a copy. He laughed so much that he couldn’t hold back because Because in the end, his son also sided with the chairman and he was kidnapped from the hospital. The enemy used the chairman’s life to threaten him and announced that he would give up the right to manage the corporation. However, immediately When J was about to announce his resignation, Dong Goat suddenly pushed the chairman into the room. It turned out that after learning that two people had been kidnapped, Dong Goat immediately led someone to rescue the chairman. When the chairman appeared, all the members were immediately afraid of the president. Announcing that he would transfer the succession to many goats, he once again protested her father’s decision because she knew that no matter who sat in this position, they would definitely fall into danger. didn’t end and it was at that moment that the president revealed to Dong goat that gah he had pretended to be pregnant. It was all a lie from her to protect Dong goat. Dong goat couldn’t hold back his tears . The chairman told Dong goat that From now on, he really handed over everything he had to him and reminded him to manage the company well and not do bloody things. After he finished speaking, he fainted and a crowd of goats brought the president in. Seeing that the goat still did not leave the hospital , he immediately wanted to kick him out of there. The goat took advantage of this opportunity to express his feelings for his younger brother who became a prosecutor and his older brother. inherit a dark career in casinos Bac Dong Xu was almost mad because he was investigating the casino’s secret money case. This also means that his brother chose to stand on the opposite side of the Minister to ensure fairness and transparency. The Procuracy once again proposed that Dong Xu be transferred and that Dong Xu’s career as a prosecutor would also end here. Dong Xu immediately refused the Minister’s order and once again affirmed that he was sure will force Dong Goat to come before him. Mr. Bac knew that his son’s situation was not very bright, so he used half of the company’s shares as a condition to entice a shareholder belonging to the chairman’s faction to announce the crimes committed by the president he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to help the crowd gain recognition and nurture him to become the most famous prosecutor in the country however the conversation between the two was recorded thanks to This accusation made Dong Xu arrest dozens of high-ranking officials with close ties to his chairman, thus becoming a model of justice for the public . At the same time, Dong Goat received a call from Dong’s younger brother. xu Dong xu announced that early tomorrow he will summon the chairman but the chairman now only has one breath left. Can’t even get out of bed Dong xu thinks that his brother is deliberately creating conditions for the chairman and immediately expressed that if the chairman was not convenient to move, he would personally come pick him up. However, at this time Hanji had fallen into the company’s tax evasion investigation and Mr. Bac was introducing Dong Xu to a girl who was his daughter. The high-ranking official ‘s investigation this time was clearly arranged by himself in order to free up his daughter-in-law’s position and prepare to give up his once very effective assistant Hanji if controller Dong Xu could get married. With the Prime Minister’s lady, it will be a big event for the whole country. After eavesdropping, everything was completely lost. Hope the next day Dong Xu quickly dispatched an ambulance to the president’s house. clearly He was determined to take the president away. The two brothers, who were once close friends, now became enemies, met again to hinder Dong Xu Dong goat played a recording for him before the recording ended Dong Xu had tore it up. He never thought that his success would be bought with Dong Xu’s money. Do n’t let him take the president away. He used the publication of this recording as a threat , but it was in vain. Dong Xu did. forced the person to take the chairman out of the room after a series of events. The chairman clearly didn’t have much time left. He reminded the two of them that they must live well in the future. At this moment, the chairman seemed to see the image of his daughter and Dong Xuan entered the wedding ceremony. The Chairman finally said sorry and then completely left this world when he saw that the Chairman had passed away. Dong Xu was very surprised. Dong Goat couldn’t stand it anymore. He punched him hard. His face was rough, he couldn’t believe that the younger brother he once loved had become so cruel. On the other hand, the father had paid a large sum of money to buy evidence of his son’s crime. Who would have thought of the process? The transaction was secretly filmed once it was made public. The reputation that Dong Xu had just built would disappear, even this uniform was not sure to keep Mr. Bac telling Dong Xu to rest assured because he had a solution. For this case, he directly ordered to kidnap them right in front of the crowd. As long as they were in their hands, the crowd wouldn’t be able to create any trouble. A prosecutor who always talks about justice knows his father well. I’m committing a crime but he doesn’t stop me because it’s related to his own interests, but Dong Goat knows that Old Bac will definitely not forgive me Dong Goat. had already escaped from the back door. Old Bac was so angry that his face turned pale. He immediately ordered that Dong goat’s mother, no matter what method he used , must destroy him. However, when he felt stuck, Dong goat ‘s mother suddenly found him and it turned out that after he was captured and abandoned by the old man, she was imprisoned. Min hun couldn’t bear to see the person he loved so deeply be thrown into prison and moreover, his child also needed a mother to take care of. So I volunteered to bear all the sins on Hanj’s behalf. My mother knew that Min Hun had gone to prison and immediately went to Mr. Bac to find an explanation. Mr. Bac Tic burst out laughing at the woman ‘s arrogance and arrogance. This and immediately sent a message to Dong Xu that if he wanted to save his mother in just one hour, bring all the tapes to the villa in the suburbs . Dong Goa was almost crazy with anger. He called Dong Xu. They both went to Dong Xu’s villa and immediately took out the tape . At first, he just wanted to threaten Dong Xu a little. He never thought about making it public. Dong Goat immediately said that he didn’t know anything. These were all Mr. Bac’s personal actions. When he entered the villa and saw that his mother was not injured, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Dong Xu just wanted to get angry with Mr. Bac, but his mother interrupted her and told Dong Goat to take out the tape. recording because Min Hun is still being held in prison and Mr. Bac has promised that if Dong Goat hands over the recording tape, he will find a way to rescue Min Hun. Dong Goat will immediately destroy the recording tape. Is this for you ? What’s the value anymore? No matter what the coin does, he will never use such despicable tricks on his once closest younger brother looking at the two brothers who have now become enemies of each other. Their mother finally realized their mistake because of a hatred that two brothers who once had deep feelings became each other’s biggest enemies. It was time to let go. Mother knew Dong Xu had the ambition to succeed. Goat wants to avenge his father and the two brothers cannot avoid a confrontation, so she asks Dong Goat to swear in front of her that he will never take revenge on Old Bac again. He lives his life. Dong Xu lives his life. Don’t be entangled anymore, don’t quarrel anymore. The brotherhood between the two of you should end here. Many goats cried and promised to do the same, and many coins have long since shed tears like rain. A 30-year brotherhood is also in the same moment. This moment has completely ended as Mr. Bac’s people did a cruel thing to Dong goat’s car. Dong goat took his mother away. In the car, he asked his mother if she wanted a daughter-in-law. He would take her. He returned home in the next few days. Nhu But at that moment the brakes suddenly stopped working on the ambulance. Dong Goat held his mother’s hand tightly , a deep hatred arose in his heart. Dong Xu was a police officer. A famous officer gets the attention of the people, but this honor is built on money. When faced with random anonymous letters like this, many people secretly clench their fists even though the incident has not happened yet. Publicly sending things like this to the control agency is clearly a form of intimidation. The brother who promised not to make the incident public is now turning around and attacking Dong Xu, so angry that he wants to explode. But what he didn’t know was that this Anonymous letter was sent by his father to the Procuracy because the chairman was no longer there. Dong goat is now the biggest threat. Old Bac decided he wanted to see Dong Xu arrested. Dong goat and locked him in prison so that Dong goat could feel the pain of being tried by the younger brother he once loved, so old Bac bribed some people around Dong goat to hide some forbidden items in the casino. This news is quick. quickly gained a large number of people Feeling extremely angry, he knew and immediately led a large army to the casino without any concern. He began to search everywhere in the office. It was clear that the two brothers were arguing fiercely again. But just as Then a subordinate walked in carrying a packet of flour. This made Dong goat and g he completely surprised with clear evidence that Dong goat could not deny and immediately knew that someone was definitely slandering them . Dong Goat’s security guard stood up and asserted that everything was caused by her and had nothing to do with Dong Goat Dong Xu. With little hesitation, he immediately arrested Ghe a few days later when Dong Goat was find a way to rescue him. He received an urgent phone call. It turned out that after Lao Bac rescued Min Hun, he arrested Min Hun and asked Dong Goat to bring a box of cash to the harbor to capture people at the same time. Dong Xu also received a call denouncing that there were people trading prohibited goods at the port, clearly this was Mr. Bac’s plot to trap Dong goat and bring money to the port, but right after exchanging hostages . The other party said that they wanted to give him a special gift. Then they gave the goats a box and inside that box was full of bags of flour. Only after seeing the other person run away did the goats realize they had been attacked. donkeys but everything was too late. Dong Xu led a team of police to surround him with the situation. The evidence was clear and hostages in hand. They captured a group of goats. However, on the way to bring Dong goat back, several cars blocked them. On the way back, a group of people got down from the car and started rescuing Dong Goat. A few police officers were absolutely no match for them. Dong Xu could only watch as his brother was rescued. On the other hand, the car brought him to the scene. The court was also blocked and she was also rescued. When the two reunited, they hugged each other tightly and began to hide. When Dong Xu heard the news, he was so angry that his lungs would explode and immediately ordered a search of the entire city. He must arrest his brother for trial. The man brought his girlfriend to meet his mother for the first time, but it also became the last time the crowd of goats and children became wanted criminals. They also planned to run away. When they met their daughter-in-law for the first time, At first, my mother had no time to prepare anything. She only knew that the situation was very urgent. She only reminded them to live happily and considered that they had agreed to this marriage. The two of them could only hide in a motel . on the mountain They threw snow together and sat in rocking chairs kissing. She only had to open her eyes to see the person she loved the most. They held a wedding without guests. Even though it was very simple, the lovers went through it. After so many hardships, I will finally be fulfilled. I will love and respect you. I am willing to marry you whether happy or sad, healthy or sick. I will still love and respect you after the wedding. Dong goat shared his joy. This joy was over the phone with his family, but the love between them was not blessed by heaven. When he returned, he was shocked to see the scene of his newlywed wife being taken away by a crowd of goats. He used all his strength to save her but did not do so. How could a person with two legs run faster than a car with four wheels? He could only stand there in despair, watching him being taken away. However, Dong goat quickly knew who had kidnapped him. It turned out to be a man. The criminal organization from Macau knew that Dong Goat was Dong Xu’s brother, they kidnapped him to threaten Dong Xu, they wanted him to convince Dong Xu to free their big brother from Dong Goat prison, there was no other way. Other than making an appointment with Dong Xu to meet alone, this was the first time from beginning to end that Dong Xu had to bow his head and beg Dong Xu to do something as long as he could save him. Hey Dong Goat showed his willingness to let his younger brother handle it freely. managed himself and informed Dong Xu that he and jahe is married. However, at this time, Dong Xuan stands on the stance of fairness and honesty. Not only does he not agree to help Dong Goat, but he also puts a pair of handcuffs on his hands to arrest him. This makes Dong Goat feel It’s hard to accept that the younger brother for whom he previously sacrificed everything is now so cold and heartless on Min Hun’s part. He wants to avenge his father’s death, so he made all the evidence of the crime public. Mr. Bac’s actions in front of the media made Mr. Bac completely unexpected. He quickly prepared to meet with high-ranking government officials to overcome this crisis. Ms. Giang did not appear for a long time. She was looking for her. to Dong Xu She just wanted to see how old Bac’s son had brought his father to the trial table. She didn’t expect that people sharing the same blood line would end up being the same to make Dong Xu realize his mistake. Right now, Ms. Giang has presented evidence to prove that all of Dong Goat’s crimes were committed by Mr. Bac. Dong Xu finally woke up and it turned out that everything was done by Mr. Bac who wanted to use him to eliminate him. Dong goat while Dong goat did not blame him and sacrificed everything for him. Chinh himself abandoned Dong goat when he needed it the most and even captured Dong Xu. In the end, he knew he was wrong. Dong Xu was angry and wanted to find old Bac Chi. on his nose and declared that he would send him to prison to receive the punishment. However, Dong Xu no longer had this chance because Ms. Giang’s lifelong wish was to kill this demon Bac to avenge his actions. I cruelly abandoned you in the past. Ms. Giang bought dozens of secretaries from Mr. Bac. Before that, Mr. Bac knew that he had no hope anymore. He was preparing to bring cash to find help, but right on the way to the letter. Signed and gave him a boy who said it was a sedative and when Lao Bac drank it, he immediately fainted. When he woke up, the person sitting next to him was Ms. Giang. She stepped on the gas pedal hard and rushed straight towards the big ocean ahead. In Mr. Bac’s panic, Ms. Giang let go of the steering wheel, knowing that there was no way to save him. Mr. Bac also calmly closed his eyes, perhaps this was a worthy punishment for the crimes he had committed. On the other hand, with the help of his authorities, Dong Goat escaped from prison. Dong Xu immediately knew that his brother wanted to do something, which was to rescue him, who had been kidnapped. Dong Goat tried his best. Overcame many difficulties and finally found the ghe. But at this time, Dong Goat was seriously injured and only had a little breath left, not daring to hesitate except Dong Goat tried to endure the wound and tried to get the ghe out of there. But people put a gun to his head and warned him that if he dared to move, he would be killed in the street. At that moment, thousands of pounds hung by a thread , and a large number of police arrived and surrounded them when they saw him. Dong Xu’s eyes once again showed a soft look like before. He blamed himself and said my brother was too late. I’m sorry. Dong Goat knew that the younger brother he had loved for so long had returned. The two brothers looked at each other. Their eyes were full of heartbroken tears. The criminals used Dong De as a hostage and asked to prepare a plane, but as soon as they were freed, the police outside decided to attack immediately. Immediately, gunshots rang out and everything became chaotic. An angry criminal pointed his gun at Dong Xu. At that moment, Dong Goat discovered it and jumped in to protect Dong Xu. After receiving the last shot, all the criminals were arrested and brought to justice. However, at that moment Dong Goat was shot in the heart, his life was quickly falling into disarray. critical condition Dong goat throughout his life has devoted half of his life to his family and the other half to the person he loves and his deceased father has always been the guiding light in his life. He has never lived for myself Finally Dong Goat ended his short life in the screams of pain from G He and Dong Xu Time passed a year passed and luckily Gah He gave birth to Dong Goat a son help everyone have spiritual support when remembering him and no longer resent him. Two families whose fates are linked have finally come together to enjoy the happiness that they had to go through many ups and downs to achieve . forever living in their hearts Ok today’s movie review is over. Goodbye and see you again in the next episodes

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Link Phim: https://youtu.be/BYPt4iQtXMA

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