【4K 小笠原父島#4】宮之浜海岸シュノーケル Miyanohama Beach Snorkeling

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From Lucky’s Picture Diary

We came here by bicycle!

Panting like a russet car, we cycled up the road that leads from the Omura shopping street to the other side of the mountain, which we could see from the Ookamiyama shrine.

The distance is only 700 meters, so once we crested the hill, it was an easy descent.

On our first day afternoon in Ogasawara, we took the road toward the weather station, which seemed a long way away, but this road was easy to access the Miyanohama Beach.

When we swam at Miyanohama Beach for the first time, we snorkeled only on the right side of the beach. I was a bit disappointed because there was not much coral or fish.

This time, we swam mainly on the left side of the beach and found an amazing world that we could not believe it was the same beach.

There were endless coral formations that we had never seen before, and schools of colorful fish swimming in the water.
We even met a napping sea turtle.

It was so beautiful that we wanted to swim there forever and ever.

#小笠原 #宮之浜 #シュノーケル

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