1569【キャンプ】【4K】無料でデイキャンプ可能!埼玉県八潮市 中川やしおフラワーパーク紹介

1569 [Camp] [4K] Free day camp available! Introduction to Yashio Nakagawa Flower Park, Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture Head to a place where you can do a day camp. The location is Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture. The name is Nakagawa Yashio Flower Park. ■Basic location information Found it on Google Maps. Day camp is free and no reservations are required. There is a parking area and a play area. Day camp can be held in the play area. Parking is not permitted in the play area. Camping and fires are prohibited on the website. I actually asked because it was unclear. Usage hours are from 6:00 to 18:00. You can pitch a tent in the play area. You can use fire, but BBQ is not allowed. Open fires are prohibited, but bonfires and gas can be used. You can boil water and make drinks. It’s good to have lunch or snacks. BBQ is prohibited, so grilling meat or vegetables is not allowed. There are restrooms near the play area. Next door is a flower garden. In front of the parking lot is Flower Park Marina. There is a baseball field next to it. Nakagawa River flows next to the play area. This is a day camp only; overnight stays are not available. You must take your garbage home with you. Check the website for details. ■ Head to the park It’s near the park. Turn right on the way. Pause and go left. Go a little further and it’s diagonally to the right. Go up the hill and enter the embankment. Go diagonally and go down the hill. The parking lot of the park came into view. For now, let’s go all the way to the back. You can see tents and tarps in the back. Park in front of the stone divider. I arrived at the park. ■Check around the parking lot I got out of the car. Beyond the stone divider is a play area. First, check the parking lot side. The parking lot is to the right of the divider. It’s very spacious and can park many cars. There is a sign near the divider. Vehicles are prohibited from entering on Saturdays and Sundays. Does that mean you can enter on weekdays? There is a map of the entire park. ■Move to the play area Enter the play area from the divider. This area is concrete. After a short walk, it becomes gravel and grass. If you want to pitch a tent, it’s best to pitch it on the grass. If you go all the way to the back, you can see Nakagawa. There are people fishing. Go down the stone stairs. It will come close to the water surface. The weather is cloudy, but the river is calm. This is as far as you can walk. Go up the stairs and return to the play area. Let’s go deeper. It’s a sign that says it’s dangerous ahead. You can see a flower garden in the background. It looks like they are using a machine to take care of it. You must take your trash home with you. I came to the far left. This is the signboard for Nakagawa Yashio Flower Park. This is the entrance. This is the information board for the flower park. On the back right is written "Waterside Raku School". Walk to the edge and go back to the right. This is the overall state of the play area. ■Check the toilet Enter the parking lot and look for the restroom. Some people spend time under the tree in the back. There was a signboard along the way. Tents cannot be set up in the parking lot. The website is difficult to understand because of this photo. Return to the road and continue on. You can see the marina behind the trees. The entrance will be locked at 6pm. I’m back near the entrance. There is a fork in the road here. For now, let’s move to the right. There is a vending machine in front of the marina. No one other than those involved is allowed to enter. It says Flower Park Marina. You can also see a tarp in front of the bridge. I asked the person in charge where the toilet was. It is not in the park, but on top of the embankment. You can see the bottom from the top of the embankment. Return to the play area from the stairs. You can see the play area at the bottom left. The seagull building is a landmark. You are not allowed to enter here. You can use the stairs to reach the play area. A little further down there was a toilet. It is also a cycling road. It seems that the park has separate jurisdiction. It is also a resting place for cycling. You can see the playground beyond the fence. ■ Pitch a tent in the play area Return to the site and pitch your tent. I’m going down the stairs. I’m back at the play area. Continue straight to your car. Open the car door. I brought a folding bicycle. I assembled the bicycle. I installed a side bag. The tent was attached to the handle. This will make it harder to fall. Push your bike into the square. I’ll be in this area next to the parking lot. It’s spacious enough for one person. I set up a OneTigris tent. This is the view from the front. This is the view from diagonally in front. This is the view from the side. This is the view diagonally from behind. This is the view from directly behind. You can enjoy the river right in front of you. It was right near the parking lot. ■Drink a drink in front of the river I sit in the front room of the tent. This is the view from the sitting position. I think you can see it better if you are in front of the river. I brought bread and coffee. Brew coffee using gas. Bring out the SOTO table. Assemble the table. Flip it over and place it in front of you. Turn on the SOTO gas burner. Spread the legs and assemble. Take out the CB can and connect it. Once assembled, place it on the ground to the right. Remove the canteen bottle from your bag. First, take out the cooker. Drink from a 300ml mug. Boil water in a 750ml cooker. Open the lid of the canteen bottle. Pour water into the cooker. Keep the lid on the bottle. Light the gas burner. Place the cooker on the trivet. Close the lid and wait for the water to boil. Prepare drip coffee. Open the package. I received an explanation sheet from the person in charge. How to use the play area. Prohibited items are written on the back. Open the top of the filter. Spread it out and set it in the cup. I look towards the river and wait. Steam came out from the lid. Turn off the gas burner. Put on leather gloves and lower the cooker. Pour some hot water into the filter. Let it steam, then pour hot water. I enjoy making coffee. Mayonnaise is melting under the bread. Will it taste better if I roast it? Take out the titanium Sierra cup. Place the bread in the cup. Light the gas burner. Roast lightly over low heat. Return the bread halfway through. It was hot so I wore leather gloves. The surface of the bread has become crispy. Lower the cup and turn off the heat. Remove the coffee filter. I’ll have some coffee. Drinking coffee outside is delicious. We also eat bread together. It’s slightly warm and contains bacon. Enjoy day camping in front of the river. ■Summary This is a summary of the park. I entered from the embankment and parked in front of the divider. You can set up ahead of the division. The toilet is located at the top of the stairs. There is no water so you will need to bring your own. You can do a day camp in front of the river. Open fires and BBQs are prohibited. It will continue to the next.


#キャンプ #キャンプ場 #埼玉県


0:00:00 ■はじめに
0:00:22 ■場所の基本情報
0:02:15 ■公園に向かう
0:03:13 ■駐車場周りを確認する
0:04:01 ■遊びの広場に移動する
0:05:58 ■トイレを確認する
0:08:21 ■遊びの広場にテントを張る
0:10:09 ■川の前で飲み物を飲む
0:14:31 ■まとめ

No.1569: https://youtu.be/t7udOtJvK48
No.1551: https://youtu.be/9aFc75e6qAk
No.1542: https://youtu.be/Cm4_Hn0f8bk
No.1540: https://youtu.be/0SIiKfN5dOg



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