I struggle seeking Tokashiku Beach & Aharen Beach

there’s a secret bunker for the Japanese Army special attack boats just in case I need a special attack 20 odd minutes down there to up here to right here it’s price I’ve been walking and climbing and biking and Hiking it don’t feel like no vacation is this the hey there’s a keys in here hi I’m Spencer maybe you’re wondering how I got here well let me tell you well it all started last night over dinner and drinks I ran into into some locals and they recommended tokashiki Island for the best beaches but what do I know about Islands I’m an office worker in Japan but since arriving to okama well I’ve been constantly on the Move C doelling snorkeling I haven’t had rest nor a real vacation it don’t feel like no vacation the next day I took a 10: a.m. fairy from naha the main big island of Okinawa to doosik Island but I get seasick easily so my seasickness and I we had to ride this fairy together under the [Music] Tre we make it to tokashiki Island but I’m dizzy from all the moving around and last night’s dinner and [Music] drinks and the only way to be rid of the sickness is chasing the hair of the dog TOA Shiki area I took a fairy here uh I I just debarked it and disembarked excuse me what kind of weird all these buses I’m not trying to take that everybody who was on the boat is trying to take a bus I’m trying to not do that but to get to the next destination we need Transportation the main two beaches on tokos Shiki Island are a in Beach which is 14 minutes away by car and toos shiku Beach which is 9 minutes away by a car the problem is I don’t have a car but I do find this lovely rental place with cars motorbikes and bicycles to enjoy this island you’re going to have to explore it by either walking renting and that’s it like there’s no other way to get anywhere except for those two options and your boy here don’t want to walk instead of getting a car or motorcycle or scooter I ain’t going to walk I’m thinking about getting a bicycle I see some scooters here but because I don’t have a a license to drive one I can’t rent one what I’m going to try to get after I Lov the exclamation of where to go and park the bikes I’m off to visit the beaches and the way we [Music] go and I’m [Music] slow not going the right way it’s like a forest it’s like the Jungle Out Here For Real where am I going well that looks like it’s going uphill looks like I’m just going to I’m just going to walk this this is crazy we’re we’re walking we’re not going to not [Music] today and that’s how I got here I’m nowhere near a beach bro there’s only two ways to go aaren and tashu bro come on obviously that’s where I’m going [Music] obviously homely where am I going kamoto National Park we here this is hot I’ve been walking and climbing and biking and Hiking it don’t feel like no vacation welcome to aaden beach boy with sunny and also very busy I make my way to the sand this place is crowded and noisy I see a small rock formation a person in distance and I find the hermit crab look we got little Islands over there there’s like this mountain rock formation I want to check out too but I’m going to hop in the water because it’s hot and it’s too much for me from the backside I just kept crawling along walking this way and it’s like a rocky part where there’s not that many people it’s much nicer than the busier part of air and there’s a little dude right there he’s right a little guy right right there some guy is just living the dream I feel that goty come on you can do it oh yeah yeah I wanted to go on top but they told me not to go obvious reasons I was going to try my best to sneak my way up there they caught me doing that too and if I goof on anymore they’re going to kick me out of here so it’s time for me to go for real as I as I got closer I I thought it was a statue and I realized it was a person and they left by the time I get to ask them any questions come on heads toward the sea yeah there he goes with nosy lifeguards the mountain person gone and my Herber CR friend taking off that was my queue to leave okay on my way back I have a 45 minute to almost an hour bike ride up the hills down the hills up another Hill down another Hill don’t forget to hydrate okay H2O it’s good for you oh oh no very sad face uh a just think positive we’re going to get there someday not right now not in 5 minutes but we’re going to get there the top is going to be so sweet cuz then I get to roll out hey man you want to trade bikes brother you want to trade bikes you you want to [Music] trade wa hold up I want that one I trade [Music] you keep going don’t stop let’s go let’s go come on don’t stop let’s go Tashi Island tourism map you’re here there now I’m going to go up that way tashu area guide map we are here the beach is over there we finally make it tokashiki Beach okay now [Music] nice I’m realizing like the beach the climb the ride it’s like a metaphor for life you know like uh you got to climb it and you got to believe that you reach the top and and sure you might complain sure it’s going to be tough sure you’re going to be sweating there’s a lot of hard work but the Ward is on the other side that’s crazy it’s like literally feeling this transformation of growth and greatness then it feels good because you know you did something and if it was tough it had to be tough and not everybody did it and now I get to enjoy the reward by just chilling [Music] I’ve been walking and climbing and biking and Hiking it don’t feel like no vacation [Music]

vlog#449: I struggle seeking Tokashiku Beach & Aharen Beach

#okinawa #naha #tokashiku #tokashiki #aharen #beach #bicycle #island #japan

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