【尾道ブロタモリ・海編】隠れ家ラウンジから始まるBROMPTONポタリング!~BROMPTON Tour in Onomichi starting from a hideaway lounge~

Welcome to BRO-POTA TV! This time, we went to meet Mr. Matsumura, who is planning a BROMPTON tour in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, after connecting with us at the BROMPTON LOVERS MEETING held on May 19! Each of the BROMPTON for the tour has been wonderfully customized! The cloud blue chassis and blue BROOKS Cambium C17 saddle match the image of the Setouchi sky and sea. The customization of the standard color, racing green BROMPTON, is inspired by the retro town of Onomichi. SIMA salon, a lovely touring base with a bar counter, originally operated as a lounge and is now used as a rental space. We would like to make the Shimanami Kaido from Onomichi to Imabari, Setouchi and Shikoku more exciting with a BROMPTON tour! The old sign remains outside the SIMA salon. The Onomichi Pottery Tour is a three-hour tour that allows visitors to experience the story of the town. First, let’s get to know Onomichi! What kind of town is Onomichi? When asked, many images come to mind: movies, literature, cats, bicycles, temples, hills, and so on. So more than 130,000 people visit Onomichi annually for cycling! Let’s start the tour with the theme of "What is the mysterious charm of Onomichi that attracts people? It’s kind of like Bra-Tamori-style, isn’t it? Matsumura-san’s black lacquer BROMPTON has a cool, calm custom look! I feel the attention to detail around the handlebars with BROOKS ergon grips and stock brass bells! There is a LORO store in Onomichi that hosts the BROMPTON LOVERS MEETING, so we are reassured that something is going on there. This town corner photo is not a photo…? This photo was a CG from the game "Yakuza 6," set in the Shinkai district of Onomichi! A peaceful BROMPTON slow cycling tour through the town that was the setting for the Polarity Games. Stylish stores line the cobblestone streets. This is Onomichi Zouzu, established in 1582. Nearby you will find a restaurant where you can enjoy cocktails made with local vinegar and a sushi restaurant. The first floor of this building is the restaurant "Dasitosu – Dashi and Vinegar" and from the second floor is SINGAI CABIN, a place to stay. This is Yasaka Shrine, a local shrine with a long history. In the old days, when there was an epidemic, a god came from Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, and today it is enshrined together with Itsukushima Shrine. The head shrine of Itsukushima Shrine is located on Miyajima Island in Hiroshima and enshrines the water goddess Ichikishimahime-no-Mikoto. This location is a little inland from the coastline, but there used to be a coastline at the location of this shrine. The stone wall that used to border the sea is said to have been left behind, so let’s go take a look! It’s getting more and more like "Bra-Tamori", isn’t it? Kintaro, a shish kebab store next to the shrine, has a cute sign. At the end of an alley that would normally go unnoticed, an old stone wall was left behind! This is truly the realm of BROMPTON slow cycling! The old map clearly shows that the precincts of the shrine were on a jetty and that the place where we are standing now was the sea. This building was once a brothel and is now a chicken restaurant. There is a cat on a narrow path that even light vehicles cannot enter. Will the retro display at Yonetoku’s store be reproduced in the "Yakuza 6" game⁉ As the name suggests, "YUKAKU-SO" is an inn where you can stay in a brothel. Onomichi City Hall has a rooftop observation deck that can be used from morning to night. The City Hall is in an excellent location overlooking Mukaijima across the Onomichi Channel. This observation point overlooks the mountain side where you can see the Senkoji ropeway and the sea side of the Onomichi Waterway where you can also see the ferry traffic. As the starting and ending points of the Shimanami Kaido, many cyclists use the ferry boats on the Onomichi waterway. The scenery of the Seto Inland Sea in Onomichi, the setting for the movies "Tokyo Story" and "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time," is wonderful. From left to right, Mt. Taiho (Senkoji), Mt. Atago (Saikokuji), and Mt. Ruri (Jodoji) are called the Three Mountains of Onomichi, and it is said that the ridge trail connecting the three mountains is the origin of the place name "Onomichi". If you look at the old picture maps, you can see how the town expanded from the mountains to the sea. A ferry bound for Mukaijima is in service. In 2018, an escaped prisoner from the Oi Shipbuilding Workshop of Matsuyama Prison in Imabari, Ehime Prefecture, made news when he swam across the sea. The pleasant seaside path continues on to ONOMICHI U2. A relief from Yasujiro Ozu’s masterpiece "Tokyo Story" is on display. We would be grateful if you could subscribe and press the Good button. If you would like to join one of our tours, please see the link in the description. Thank you for watching!


Welcome to BRO-POTA TV!
In this issue, we meet Mr. Matsumura, the representative of Funmachi LLC, who organizes BROMPTON tours in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and tell you about the charms of Onomichi!



BROMPTON LOVERS MEETING Vol .10!しまなみ海道に、過去最多となる250名以上のBROMPTONオーナーの皆さまが大集合♪

重大発表あり!BROMPTON LOVERS MEETING Vol .10 inしまなみ海道 後編~You must want BROMPTON!~










3倍 欲しくなる!
「ブロンプトン輪行のススメ。車→鉄道→渡船 のんびりポタリング旅♪」




20年前の英国製ブロンプトン レビュー!








「サイクリング」      「ポタリング」
□ スポーツ         ☑ レジャー
□ ストイック        ☑ のんびり
□ 長距離          ☑ 短距離
□ ヒルクライム       ☑ 坂は下りが中心
□ 男性が中心        ☑ 女性も気軽に参加OK♪








The BROMPTON bicycle




Music created by Alrik Fallet, check out his amazing work here!



1 Comment

  1. ブロポタTVへ、ようこそ!


    Welcome to BRO-POTA TV!

    In this issue, we meet Mr. Matsumura, the representative of Funmachi LLC, who organizes BROMPTON tours in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and tell you about the charms of Onomichi!

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