“Witnessing the Breathtaking Beauty of Hanami in Full Bloom”

[Music] Serenity and Hess are congruently in harmony pointed to a direction where good place can be the best moment to come a moment where a goal can be reached going to a better place after you decide to move and struggle forward a footprint on the sand I will mark on the road Sweat and Tears to the ground suffering and Agony to the f a triumphal Place finish a vision of motivation a reason to move on I mission to carry on no matter how hard it is we shall continue our story of bik to work if you choose to become an over Rider you must have an appropriate permanent residence visa or you must be allowed by your employer to get a side job for extra income without a proper documentation you will be prone to be checked by police officer if they see you working as over each Rider if the police officer found you with issues with your work visa they will charge you an offense and a penalty to set up the worst is you may have a jail time if it happens to be that you are not permitted by your company to take a side job such as being a over Rider [Music] I think most of the bike riders here in Japan are only concerned with the distance from their house going to train station unlike in any other Southeast Asian countries there are pedy caps Tuk Tok tricycle and here in Japan you just need your bicycle to ride on even if you need to buy something on the grocery Supermarket you can mostly see a bicycle with a [Music] basket there’s a lot of bicycle parking space all over Japan some are free parking some are paid parking with mostly having a rate of 12 the end for one day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why do we bike to work and question that most of the people are saying that it is a way to save up money instead of riding your car car and consume gasoline diesel or nowadays electrically charged vehicle that is also using your electrical wall to charge the batteries why do we even think about to save up and does it really wor it personally I don’t have an answer yet one thing that I know for myself is that I’m in need of sustainable activity to where I can get myself active and moving in my observation some other people are doing this kind of work because this is the most easy way to move and deliver from My Hope Home Country in Philippines there are a lot of Black Riders who’s doing this kind of job at this moment we are approaching in the vicinity of saitama Museum of Modern Arts the said Museum was having a total area of 8,500 77 square m it was opened since 1982 there are about 3,079 items being housed inside the [Music] museum going back to the bike rider job I commend and salute all of them as I get to know the idea what kind of Courage they have just to earn money to buy foods that their family eat together send their kids to a public school pay their utility bills and their house monthly rental I could not have imagined enough how this simple kind of activity can be an essential to a family to keep their home alive it’s not just one day like this video I did I’m not even close to the place that I intend to go for the people who’s doing a bik work it doesn’t matter how hard it will be it doesn’t matter what the weather of the day it will be as long as they can earn a clean money coming from their hard work I think it is a pure hard work the heart is there to pursue the road that needs to be taken in order to be somewhere no matter what obstacles are there along the way I pity those bike riders that receives a fake orders to which they have lost their money and bike riding effort because of such thing as you hear me coughing it only exhibits how my body talks to me in terms of my endurance what is happening inside was my heart speaks that I need more blood to be pumped out the necessity to cough is to take more oxygen than I normally do by breathing I also felt this time that I’m catching up my breath already I could not even come to think if I can still continue to reach my goal for this ride or doubt myself if I can still move on the video doesn’t show the wind that is against my direction and I face it with a long straight Rolling Road I also came to thank the Uber Eats Rider that cancelled my order along his way I fully understand him now it is hard to Pedal a long distance right right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as I keep moving as I still have more than 1 hour to be at my workplace I didn’t stop to take a lunch break I long this bike to work I was very keen to measure my body if I can do it straight way to my workplace I only stop to the red lights and take the chance to hydrate myself as well I’m mentally prepared as I know there is another higher uphill on my path at this point my mind is telling me to move forward you only stop when you reach the goal if a mile you still need more steps so be it there is a lot of ways to move forward it doesn’t matter how long you take it or how long you do it as long as you hit your goal at the end of it all there is a reward [Music] this is the end of part three please continue following the series on part four as we share some unexpected Road during this Springtime here in Japan as we conclude this episode of bike work see you next time for

Bike to work 1st Trial, Saitama Omiya to Shinjuku #workinjapan Part 3/4

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