
wow [Music] man look at this view but also look at the abyss right here man if you fall you’re [Music] dead oh man [Music] good morning people it’s 50 in the morning we are here in this beautiful town of mongi we absolutely love this place today we’re going to be leaving it’s a little bit cloudy today unfortunately but we are prepared for any kind of weather so I guess that’s okay we need to finish packing up our stuff here and then I guess we’ll be ready to go the L in charge of the hotel here just brought us some cafesito nice for this cold weather super really good just a nice warm up before heading out on our motorbikes okay well I need to get the bike out of here kaido will help me not to fall okay no no foras ready let’s go what a beautiful little town I feel so lucky to have come here before masterm comes here because it’s definitely going to happen it was already declared a Heritage town in Colombia so there’s going to be lots of people coming here for sure today is going to be another day Riding acris Mountain so it’s going to be probably a bit chilly we’re going to be heading to the town of rakida which is just about 200 km a little bit less than 200 km away from here and it’s going to take us about uh 3 hours we’re going to aboid the main roads because we are missing riding Offroad so I have no idea what the road conditions will be like like I don’t know if it’s going to be like a kind of easy off-road or a hard off-road but I guess we’ll find out on the way there this town of rakida it’s um all little town Colonial architect it is very well known for its handmade Goods there are a lot of local artists and selling their goods there it is a very very small town and uh yeah we’re looking forward to go there it is really cold this morning it wasn’t that cold when we walk out to have breakfast but right now ride in the motorcycle it feels really cold I think it’s about 12 13° now it’ll get a little a little bit warmer during the day there’s honestly something about this place something very very Charming the little houses up in the mountains the green around um probably also the cold weather I don’t know but it’s it’s beautiful we actually had quite a lot of rain yesterday so I don’t know if it’s going to be mud today oh I have no idea so far it’s it’s been super Dusty y all the off-roads were taken uh yeah lots and lots of dust but probably that’s why I have no idea how the road is going to look but we might have mud today yeah even here there’s a little bit of mud here and there like right here there’s a railway here wonder if it’s still in use maybe at the time it was used to transfer for um carbon yesterday uh in muso we saw this little shop selling like handmade goods made out of carbon so yeah must have been used for that I guess we haven’t been in a big city in a while so it’s a bit chaotic and they’re organizing some car some kind of event here maybe there’s going to be a festival in this town in a couple of days no idea it looks like we’re finally finally living the city behind a I can’t wait to be riding in between the mountains look at all this this is all Peach you guys boxes and boxes and boxes of peaches wow man we the only thing is that these beaches are super polluted here next to this road look at all these people cycling here they must be part of a group because they’re followed by the police we seen a couple groups like this today oh is the Italia they’re from Italia man is the Italian selection of cycling maybe there’s a competition or something there’s another group up ahead let’s see this is a smaller group though there only three people this one is from can see no idea man strongman Colombia or maybe this is a Colombian thing you guys I’m going to Google this I want to know what kind of um competition is coming up ahead big big city up ahead that must be tuna I’m honestly not really excited to go across the city we went from riding in between the mountains where there’s barely anyone living to come in here to this city where the mountain is absolutely cover with houses and buildings wow some we traveling two Travelers riding two up on a motorbike wow look at all the houses on this mountain right here lots and lots and lots of people Liv in here look at how step this is woo wow we made it all the way to the top of the mountain guys we’re all the way at the top there is a little like kind of Road Side Station let’s see what they have here I want to drink something hot we’re having a local drink called and the traditional way to have it is to put a tiny piece of cheese inside just deep it in there it’s good man it’s really hot be careful okay [Laughter] wow offro this fore [Music] [Music] [Music] z b a go oh there spe get wow why ass seeing all the locals with that Poncho makes me want to buy won come on it might not look like it because there’s a lot of trees but we’re currently riding right next to an AES right here oh there’s a house up here man uh maybe it’s abandoned not sure woo only Warriors leave up here I’m telling you real survivors oh man woo man this View beautiful sometimes it’s hard choosing between keeping an eye on the road or enjoying the views it’s a bit muddy Sandy Rocky a mix of everything this road will be completely different with heavy rain here [Music] wow man look at this view but also look at the abyss right here man if you fall you’re dead wow beautiful almost fell there I don’t trust Mad Men I don’t trust it even if it’s just a little bit o [Music] what w [Music] woo man that was a big hole woo okay there’s land for sale here this is quite steep I don’t know if you can tell on camera but it’s quite steep deep well I think the offroad fun it’s over seems to be paid from now on we’re getting closer to the town oh apparently I was wrong there’s still a little bit more of off-roading we came from over there wow we crossed all of that mountain o oh well I guess we made it to rakir nice little town right in time for lunch well it’s almost 2: p.m. wow so many colorful houses wow man look at that this must this must be the main Square ponchos clay figures clay statues all over the place yeah this place is very very famous um for the statues and little figures made out of clay oh man three on a motorbike our hotels must be somewhere up ahead okay the road we just took to come all the way here it’s actually it actually goes across the mountain the normal road goes around the mountain and that’s the road normally people take right but why do you want to take a pave Road when you can take a muddy Dusty and rocky road ride we only crossed a couple on a motorbike uh when we were there up in the mountain nobody else was there nobody this is going to be home for tonight a very cozy tiny apartment over here Kao is already doing our laundry and super with our super scraa bag this apartment is actually located like about a block away from the main Square which is fantastic and we have a balcony here look at that the electric cord is just here though yeah it doesn’t for we found this local restaurant where there’s their local aako it is really really good and I guess I mean we’re just going to take the afternoon off visit around walk around and just discover this little town so if you like this video guys don’t forget to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe down below to the channel see you in the next adventure ciao CIA we barely made it to our hotel man this is that the light is out it’s coming and it’s going man [Music]


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⭐️バイク用品 割引クーポン一覧⭐️
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🎵 動画の中で使用しているBGMはこちらのサイトを使用してます👇

#冒険家夫婦 #モトブログ #コロンビア


  1. 最後の30秒が冒険の締め括り。山地で豪雨だと怖いですね!思いの外観光地多くて癒されるコロンビアは旅行先でも良いのかと思ってしまいます。今回もオフロードお疲れ様でした。

  2. 久しぶりにフラットダートじゃないオフロードでしたね。

  3. ラキラの街に敷かれていた石畳は、もしかしたら焼き物かな?

  4. アップロードご苦労様です、毎回楽しみにしています。ところで毎回思っているのですが、各地で宿泊中に編集して都度アップロードしているのでしょうか?もしそうであるのならば、お二人のほぼリアルタイムに近いのでしょうか?

  5. 景色見ながら運転は大変ですよね。ましてきれいな景色だと。

  6. 動画観ました😊

  7. コーヒーに黒砂糖にチーズだって🧀想像できませぬ。ブルーチーズに蜂蜜が合うから、甘いコーヒーとチーズも合うのかな?傾斜地の段々畑風の農地がちょっと日本的だったり、満ち満ちの斜面の宅地だったりダートの田舎道にもそそられます。目的地の陶器の町の壁画の素晴らしさにも圧倒されました。毎度バラエティーに富んだコロンビアの風景を有り難う御座います。お二人の動画のお陰でコロンビア通になれそうです(・・;)この先もお気をつけて。

  8. 完全にオフロードにハマっていますね。わかります。舗装道路より砂利道、平坦な道路よりアップダウンや土手登り、下り道、オンロードよりオフロードが面白いですよ。

  9. なんとか作ったような山道を抜けると、カラフルな街に到着。

  10. バイクは13℃を下回ると確かに寒いですね。ローカル/オフロード大好きです。落ちたら死ぬ。今回もすばらしい景色有り難うございます。

  11. カイトさんを前走するオリさんのバイク経験値が確実に進化している。老舗・そば屋の出前え並みの安定感がある。

  12. ラキラの町はディズニーアニメ映画・Encanto(コロンビアの山奥の町の話)に出てくる町を思い出させてくれる雰囲気を持った場所だなぁと言うのが印象です。お土産屋も沢山あるって事は、メインロードから観光で来る人も結構いるのかな?オリさん、コロンビアに戻ってから、ローカルの食生活にどっぷりハマってて笑える。中南米人は本当に甘い砂糖味好きですよねぇ。チーズの組み合わせもちょっと『え〜っ』だけど。私も、時々、気絶させられそうになります。笑

  13. 今日も、素晴らしい山並み感動的でしたね。イタリアの自転車の選手は高地トレーニングに来てるんですかね、Kaitoさんポンチョ似合いそうだから黒砂糖水克服すれば立派なロコですね😂

  14. Porque vocês tiraram a tradução para o português? A Ori fala muito em inglês. Voltem por favor a tradução do português. Muito obrigado. Você fazem um lindo trabalho.

  15. 雰囲気の良い街ですね、日本と比較はできませんが津和野に行った時に感じた感覚を思い浮かべました。

  16. 自転車レースの件だけど、もしも撮影日が1月末頃ならコロンビアナショナル選手権、

  17. 綺麗な田舎町ラキラに無事ついて良かったです。この町の工芸品や民芸品も面白そう。

  18. 動画の撮影&編集お疲れ様です。

  19. マイクロバス🚌、続き待ってますわ😅 気を付けて旅を楽しんで下さいね。40年ぶりのリターンライダーでホンダCRF ラリーに乗ってる66歳ですな😂

  20. モデルの様な美形のカイトとオリに会えた事が嬉しくて夢の様な一日でした。これからも応援してます❤ありがとうございました😊

  21. 今日の動画も楽しかった。都会育ちのお二人のチャレンジは見ているだけで学びが沢山有ります。ありがとう!

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