ゲットだぜ!【熊撃退スプレー】酷道ツーリングの追加装備 #モトブログ #ツーリング #バイク

[Music] [Music] everybody starts one way or the other so check out my message to you as a matter of fact I don’t let nothing hold it back if the Scatman can’t do it so can you everybody’s saying that the Scatman St but does and never stutter when it sings but what you don’t know I’m going to tell you right now that the stutter and the scad is the same thing yo I’m the scab man where’s a scat man I’m a scat man why should we be pleasing any politician he who would trying to Che the SE if they could the state of the condition insults my intuition and it only makes me crazy and a hard like everybody starts one way or the other so check out my message to you as a matter of fact don’t let nothing hold your back if the Scatman can do it brother so can you I’m the scat man




★HONDA クロスカブ110(JA60) 乗ってみた!

★HONDA CB200X 淡路島一周してみた!

★YAMAHA XSR155 乗ってみた!

★ホンダ DAX125「淡路島一周」してみた!

★HONDA ADV160 乗ってみた!

★ヤマハ MT-25 乗ってみた!

★SUZUKI ジクサー150乗ってみた!


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★インスタ https://www.instagram.com/soezimax/
★お仕事の問合せ http://soezimax.com/headroom/contact


  1. 監督お疲れ様です。

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