福岡から憧れのビーナスラインへ!!/おっさんのひとり旅 2024【VFR800F・モトブログ】

Hi! I am a Hakatakko rider. Hakatakko are going on a trip by themselves again this year! Watching the sailing operation is somewhat exciting. It is now a 12-hour ferry journey to Osaka South Port. The 2024 SSTR was postponed to October due to the earthquake, leaving the end of May open. Plan a trip on your own because you’ve gone to all this trouble! The tour will take you to places in the Central Region that you didn’t get to last year. What will the trip be like this year… Arrival at Osaka Nanko! The journey has finally begun! In the morning it is motorway travel. The Motorcycle is ride straight towards Nagano Prefecture. Parking area visited a few years ago when I went to an F1 race with my son. I miss it! This parking F-1 is on display. This is indeed a mecca for motorsport! I was most enthusiastic about F-1 in this period. About six hours from Osaka South Port… Arrive at Suwa Lake Service Area. Lunch time here! And dessert! I had this last year and it’s so good! Now, one more moment! Today’s main event! Riding the Venus Line! Venus Line, the Venus Line of your dreams… Exciting! Let’s go♪ Let’s have something sweet. Second soft serve of the day.(laugh) It’s the rider’s duty.(laugh) Observatory located along the Venus Line, at an altitude of 1,700 m. The Yatsugatake and Southern Alps mountains can be seen from here. There is a Motorcycle Shrine that you can visit. The Motorcycle Shrine is dedicated to Sarutahiko, the ‘Great God of Michibiki and Michihiraki’, and is said to be beneficial for ‘traffic safety’ and ‘safety on the road’. It was built at the foot of Kurumayama Plateau, halfway along the Venus Line, as a place of prayer for traffic safety for motorcyclists from all over the country. I wish for the safety of travelers and riders all over the country… Next, head to the ‘Venus Line Kirigamine’. I hear you can see Mt Fuji… Shy and hiding.(laugh) I will have a short break and then head to the hotel where I will be staying today. The Venus Line was a little rough on the road but the moderate twists and turns were fun! The scenery was a bit like the Yamanami Highway in Aso, but different from Kyushu, with nice views! I think I’ll ride again tomorrow morning. Go around Suwa Lake and take a short diversions to the hotel. Well, it’s been a long road!(laugh) Thank you for your help this evening! Eat the Houtou you’ve always wanted. I missed out on eating there last year when I travelled alone… Try the ‘duck meat Houtou’. Healthy with plenty of vegetables! There were large pumpkins all over the place. The portions were larger than expected and quite filling. A drink while reflecting on today’s journey… Nope! I’ll have two drinks and go to bed.(laugh) Continue to Day 2 of the solo trip! preview of next installment The second day of the trip alone was… After a morning ride on the Venus Line. Birthplace of Honda Motor Company Head to Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture! Please watch for the next edition.


0:00 オープニング 大阪から長野へ
5:57 ビーナスラインスタート地点
9:09 車山高原へ
14:57 ビーナスライン霧ヶ峰へ
17:35 諏訪湖へ
20:40 エンディングと次回予告




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#モトブログ #VFR800F #honda
#名門大洋フェリー #鈴鹿パーキングエリア #諏訪湖サービスエリア #諏訪湖 #ビーナスライン #道の駅 ビーナスライン蓼科湖 #蓼科BASE八ヶ岳ソフトクリームスタンド #ミュクレソフト #女の神展望台 #白樺湖 #車山高原 #単車神社 #霧ヶ峰富士見台 #ビーナスライン霧ヶ峰 #カンデオホテルズ茅野 #甲州ほうとう小作


  1. 長野県に行ったら、ビーナスラインは走ってみたいと思っております🤗

  2. こんにちわ
    今年 阿蘇かビーナスラインのどちらに行こうか 迷ってます (住まいは 双方の中間点です)
    どちらも それぞれ魅力があると思いますが 博多っ子さんだったら どちらを先にお勧めしますか?

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