
oh it broke down right here man look at that look at that no way I have no idea if there were [Music] casualties oh man [Music] good morning people it’s 8:30 in the morning we are in the small town of agasul we’re getting our bikes ready it is really really hot here it is the dry season right now it’s been like 38 40° during the day but somehow it’s really weird because we have had Heavy Rain the last couple of of days um but anyway today we’re going to be driving up into the mountains to a different place and the weather will be completely different it’s going to be pretty chilly but uh yes we spent here some days and we’re missing the road so we can’t wait to leave already it’s quite humid today we had heavy rain until this uh morning so now the sun is coming up but the humidity feels o okay well I guess bye-bye aasu land let’s go nobody like absolutely nobody in this town where is a helmet you guys it’s Sunday and it’s quite early in the morning so the only thing that’s up open in this town is the bakery and the church there were already people at the church at 7: in the morning hey doggy be C careful careful buddy today we’re going to be driving for about kilomet we’re heading up north towards mongi mongi is a small town and it’s part of the Heritage towns of Colombia it was declared a Heritage town in 2010 along with uh 11 other municipalities the temperature is completely different there at night it drops down to 9° celsius compared to the 38° here that’s a big big change what’s special about this little town it’s that um it was once the biggest supplier of soccer balls in Colombia uh apparently we need to go left but we can’t so let’s see before heading to mongi we’re we’re going to be stopping at the lake Tota which is the largest lake in Colombia you guys there is even a white sand beach at the lake I can I can wait to see that the road we’re taking right now it’s actually one of the main roads connecting agasul to sooso which is another quite big city not really big but compared to the towns we’ve been visiting it’s quite it’s quite big and a bridge on this road broke down couple months ago and apparently this road was completely closed for a couple months I asked around at aul and they told me the road was now uh open there might be some parts where the road is closed but just for short periods of time so I hope that’s going to be the case I guess we’ll find out fore we’re now leaving behind the Colombian wetlands and we’re heading straight into the mountains the mountains you see ahead are probably part of the Andes mountain range the Eastern Mountain mountain range and the lake we’re going to be visiting is actually nestled in the Andes Mountains that’s why the weather is going to change a little bit you guys it’s really amazing how in Colombia in a single day you can go from riding under the scorching Sun 38° 40° and then the same day you can go up into the mountains 3,000 m above sea level where the temperatures are were cold and all of a sudden you’re in the middle of the Colombian Andes amazing wow right over there that’s the Andy mountain range you see today the day is perfect you see very very very clear all the Peaks from the mountain right over there beautiful man beautiful wow man these mountains we haven’t had this this view this kind of view in a in a long time so wow it’s impressive [Music] [Music] man we made it to some sort of little town it’s called pajarito a little [Music] bird very active this time of day okay oh this must be a huge Landslide man it says this is a very unstable Zone AKA Landslide Zone oh yeah I believe oh yeah look at this yeah these are the what they call the military Bridges which are basically temporary Bridges and that’s the one that broke look at that man look at that wow I have no idea if there were casualties that’s why this road was closed for so long wow man the bridge started right over there you see that part there and then he goes all the way down look at that man look at that I think this is the first road closure thank you apparently we can go through cars cannot but motorbikes can another military Bridge here I don’t see the broke the broken one is just underneath us another road closure they’re not letting bike truth this time it says it is forbidden to stay on the bridge maybe it’s not that stable wow the view is beautiful from up here oh it broke down right here man look at that look at that no way no way wow man this road is pretty scary W this one’s even worse than the first one when you take a look at those bridges you say well man it’s it’s catastrophic but it’s like well you just go through you know but when you think that it can happen when you’re on the bridge that is nerve-wracking it really is meat man outside gosh we are completely surrounded by the Andes that mountain range you see on the right it keeps on going all the way there beautiful man look at that Peak over there wow look at that we’re going to get dressed now it’s really cold up here need to change my gloves I need to wear my my outer jacket nice nice and [Music] warm this jacket is honestly perfect for the climate in Colombia you know because you go from driving uh in very high temperatures to driving in between the mountains where it’s pretty cold so awesome love it wow man those are literally walls of rocks just in front of us incred inredible incredible wow you feel absolutely powerless next to these huge mountains how stunning wow oh they are long hair cows look at that Las de on Las Vas [Music] foree foree [Music] well I guess we’re going to make a quick stop here see if they have something hot to drink H not ready yet [Music] gra MH no Che love this fore [Music] [Music] [Music] o wow oh co for for [Music] fore wi us [Music] [Applause] okay night [Music] fore fore yeah [Music] apparently the the white Beach right next to the to the lake has been closed for nearly 4 years 4 years you guys so basically there are restaurants along the way and you can take a look at the beach and maybe from anywhere from here you can go down but it’s not the same place that we were hoping to see so um we’re just going to go ahead and keep going to mongi [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] monkey we made it to Monkey you guys we’re finally here wow the streets look so pretty and the little houses they look really really nice well we made it to our hotel this is it should be a parking place here let’s park somewhere here for now we did it we made it to our hotel room and there were no like uh couple rooms available so they gave us a family room we’ve got one two three four five beds five bits you guys look at the type of blankets we have now before it used to be just uh this type of blankets now we have this fluffy one here as [Music] well welcome to mongi this is one of the 12 villages that will declare in 2010 Heritage Village here in Colombia we are at the main square and it’s absolutely beautiful beautiful [Music] for we’re back at the hotel now so guys if you like this video don’t forget to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe subcribe down below to our Channel see you in the next adventure ciao


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⭐️バイク用品 割引クーポン一覧⭐️
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🎵 動画の中で使用しているBGMはこちらのサイトを使用してます👇

#冒険家夫婦 #モトブログ #コロンビア


  1. 到着地の街並みは素晴らしいですね。アンデスの山並みも本当に素晴らしいです。昼食のニジマスもサイズも立派で身が赤くてとっても美味そうでした。日本ポピュラーに食べるニジマスは、養殖物がほとんどなんで身が白っぽくてあまり美味しくないんです。多分食べられたのは天然のニジマスだと思います。食べた〜い😢

  2. こちらの前に30年前のメデジンを説明する動画を見ました。現在のコロンビアがどれだけ安全に感じるか。それでも反政府勢力などお気をつけください。あと砂にも?素晴らしい景色の動画いつも癒されます。ありがとう…ニジマス美味そうでお腹すきました

  3. アンデスの雄大な景色素晴らしいです。湖は観光地化されているのですね。モンギ、は街が凄く素敵💓ダルメシアンみたいな牛さん可愛かった❗️

  4. 軍用橋があるって凄いな〜😮

  5. 動画観ました😊

  6. 聳え立つアンデス山脈の雄大さ凄い景色に感動🥹❤

  7. カイトさん・オリちゃん

  8. 今日はダートが無かったので移動はスムーズでしたね、途中の橋が幾つも崩落しているのは驚きました。

  9. トタ湖の白い砂浜の閉鎖は残念でしたね。私も綺麗だと話で聞き、ネットで調べたら何と美しい所だと知って2日かけて行きました。そしたら写真と全然違ってて、白い砂浜ではなくグレーでした。多分日の当たり具合とかで変わってしまうんでしょうね。期待が大きかった分残念でしたが、閉鎖されていなかっただけ良かったです。観光のボートに乗る事も出来たし、砂浜とは反対側のトタ湖が見える綺麗なレストランでニジマスを食べる事も出来たので満足した旅でした。😄

  10. 凄いね!あっという間に熱い所から、ジャケットを着る寒い所へなんて。地球温暖化でどこでも災害が多発で大変ですね。モンギの教会は素敵、さすが世界遺産だけのことはあるね。いつも見ています、頑張って❣

  11. たっくさんの距離を様々な事に遭遇しつつ、やっとたどり着いた宿で数日過ごしただけで、「出発が楽しみ」ってどんだけ冒険好きなの!って驚いちゃった。

  12. トタ湖きれいですね
    この先も、どうぞよい旅を ♪

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