1 Comment

  1. What a beautiful place! I want to go there SO bad but I feel like I'll never be able to. So much of the scenery reminds me of here in West Virginia. We have lots of mountains and rivers here as well. When I just ride my bike around my neighborhood, My Apple Watch tracks elevation changes of close to 90 meters. 

    I wish I could read the subtitles and road signs. I saw the one in English that says, "HERE IT" which makes no sense. It would normally be, "HEAR IT", "HERE IT IS", or "HERE IT GOES" or something like that. It seems like there may have been some confusion between the word "HERE" as in "place", and the word "HEAR" as in "listen". Examples: "Did you HEAR that fish jump?" or "The fish jumped up right HERE beside the boat!"

    Also, I like your bike AND your vehicle…it has an interesting paint job. I just got a job offer to sell Toyotas in a town close by and I wish we had kei trucks and vans here to offer because I know they would be a huge success in this economy. They are already getting very popular in many places and there are several import companies importing Toyota Pixis trucks and selling them for 4,000,000 yen…USED.

    なんて美しい場所でしょう!すごく行きたいけど、絶対に行けないような気がする。たくさんの景色がここウェストバージニア州を思い出させます。ここにも山や川がたくさんあります。近所を自転車で回ると、私のApple Watchは90メートル近くの標高の変化を追跡します。

    字幕と道路標識が読めたらいいのに。私は英語で「HERE IT」と書いてあるのを見ましたが、それは意味がありません。通常は「HEAR IT」、「HERE IT IS」、または「HERE IT GOES」などです。「場所」の「HERE」という言葉と「聞く」の「HEAR」という言葉の間に混乱があったようです。例:「魚がジャンプするのを聞きましたか?」または「魚はボートのすぐそばで飛び上がった!」


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