【北陸・京都_5】2日目②岐阜から東海道本線&琵琶湖線新快速で京都へ 2023.10.25

Hokuriku/Kyoto trip 2023 From Gifu to Kyoto on the Tokaido Main Line I came to Gifu from Takayama on the limited express Hida. After this, transfer to the Tokaido Main Line and head to Kyoto. I will take the 11:49 train bound for Ogaki. To go to Kyoto on the Tokaido Main Line, You will need to transfer once or twice. If the train to Maibara comes, you can get there with one transfer. However, there are no trains bound for Maibara during lunch time, so You need to change trains at Ogaki and Maibara. So, first I’ll take the train to Ogaki. Then we’re off. 11:49 Depart Gifu. Gifu → Nishi-Gifu 11:52 Arrived at Nishi-Gifu. 11:56 Departed from Hozumi. At the next stop, Ogaki, change to the train bound for Maibara. Hozumi → Ogaki Ibi River 12:02 Arrived at Ogaki. I will take the 12:11 train bound for Maibara. Ogaki Station Then we’ll leave. 12:11 Depart Ogaki. Ogaki → Tarui We will soon arrive at Sekigahara. Tarui → Sekigahara Arrived at Sekigahara. 12:25 Depart from Sekigahara. Sekigahara → Kashiwabara We will arrive at Maibara soon. At the next stop, Maibara, transfer to the Biwako Line Rapid Service bound for Himeji. Samegai → Maibara 12:46 Arrived at Maibara. Transfer to the train that stops in front of you. 12:50 Depart from Maibara. Since I only had 4 minutes to transfer, I was unable to photograph the vehicle. We have finally entered the Kansai area. The train I’m on now is the one starting from Omi-Shiotsu. Biwako Line new rapid train bound for Himeji. Maibara → Hikone We will arrive at Hikone soon. 12:55 Arrived at Hikone. Hikone → Notogawa Passing Inae Station. We will soon arrive at Notogawa. 13:03 Arrived at Notogawa. We will soon arrive at Omi-Hachiman. Notogawa → Omi-Hachiman Arrived at Omi-Hachiman. 13:09 Depart Omi-Hachiman. Omi-Hachiman → Yasu 13:18 Depart Moriyama. Moriyama → Kusatsu Passing Ritto Station. We will arrive at Kusatsu soon. Arrived at Kusatsu. 13:22 Departed from Kusatsu. Kusatsu → Minami-Kusatsu Arrived at Minami-Kusatsu. 13:26 Depart Minami-Kusatsu. Minami-Kusatsu → Ishiyama Passing Seta Station. We will soon arrive at Ishiyama. Seta River The Seta River is the only river that flows out of Lake Biwa. This river flows from the Uji River in Kyoto to the Yodo River in Osaka. Arrived at Ishiyama. 13:30 Depart Ishiyama. Ishiyama → Otsu Passing through Zeze Station. We will arrive in Otsu soon. Arrived at Otsu. 13:34 Depart Otsu. Otsu → Yamashina 13:38 Arrived at Yamashina. We will arrive in Kyoto soon. Yamashina → Kyoto Kamogawa 13:43 Arrived in Kyoto. I arrived in Kyoto. Kyoto Station Kyoto Station is really crowded. After checking in to the hotel, Sightseeing in Kyoto. We will continue this in the next video. In the next video, we will head to Arashiyama in Kyoto. Please check out the next video! See you in the next video! Hokuriku/Kyoto trip 2023 From Gifu to Kyoto on the Tokaido Main Line Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel if you like!

北陸・京都旅 第5話 岐阜から東海道本線&琵琶湖線新快速で京都へ

▼8泊9日の旅 2日目の行程 撮影日:2023年10月25日
●高山 9時36分発 (特急ひだ)➡岐阜到着 11時40分
 ※乗車券:藤沢➡?? ¥12,870 を使用
 ※自由席:高山➡岐阜 ¥1,860

●岐阜 11時49分発 (東海道本線)➡大垣到着 12時02分
●大垣 12時11分発 (東海道本線)➡米原到着 12時46分
 ※乗車券:藤沢➡?? ¥12,870 を使用
●米原 12時50分発 (琵琶湖線新快速)➡京都到着 13時43分
 ※乗車券:藤沢➡?? ¥12,870 を使用

00:00 オープニング
01:26 岐阜を出発
03:46 穂積を出発
09:07 大垣駅
10:04 大垣を出発
15:58 まも関ケ原
18:48 関ケ原を出発
20:33 まもなく米原
24:42 米原を出発
29:29 まもなく彦根
31:10 まも能登川
34:43 まも近江八幡
35:50 近江八幡出発
38:12 守山を出発
41:18 草津を出発
43:58 南草津を出発
48:39 石山を出発
52:38 大津を出発
54:40 まもなく京都
57:20 京都に到着
58:12 エンディング


▼【北陸・京都旅】2023.10.24~11.1 の再生リスト



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