超神ネイガーショー(午後の部) 2024.1.2 いとく大館ショッピングセンター

Greetings Hello everyone Hello, a very cheerful greeting Thank you very much and Happy New Year. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the superhuman movie, so we hope to see you again this year. Thank you, thank you, yes, today. I will be the moderator. I am Ki-onee-san. Please remember me as Nacchan. Thank you. Thank you. The superhuman meeting will start soon , but I have three requests from Nan-chan. First, let’s start from where you are. You will be on stage, but please do not come out in front of us. If you use something like a monster, you might get hurt , so please watch while sitting. Yes, and 2. Second , this is the support band that everyone has now. This is what everyone used during Riser’s award , but if you’re in a pinch, you’ll hit the button as hard as you can, telling you to do your best. Please support me.Everyone, just try it once, okay.And if you spread it out, it will say, “Hold on, Superhuman Nager.”If you feel like you’ve lost your way, just have your friends hold up this, and it’ll be like Nager. It gives me power, so please hit me, cheer me on, and finally the third thing: Yes, it’s okay to take photos and videos. Yes, please take as many photos and videos as you can and upload them on SNS with the hashtag Choujin Nager. However, in that case, there will be friends around you and people shopping behind you, so please be considerate of their privacy.Yes, how many friends do you have who will keep these three promises? Yes, all of them. Thank you. Yes, if you don’t mind sitting in the back. The blue seat is still open a little, so please sit in the front and watch it together. Yes, I’d like to call a superhuman movie. When I said chan, everyone was big. Please say it out loud and call me. I’ll try it once and it’ll work out perfectly. I’m sure it will reach even Hitonegar, so I’ll go to the next performance with an even louder voice than I did now. I’m not going to come . Autumn people, papa, I am Daja Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food and Beverage Association F. And I’m an ordinary fighter in Daja, who is very charming in the pants he wears with a hole stuck to his face. My favorite food is rice. Akita’s rice will do its best for us, right down to the rice that is in our rice.In order to make our Daja Association a strong organization due to the lack of personnel, we need to secure young people. If that’s the case , then scout out the innocent-looking military forces here. I will never allow evil to take place . Everybody applaud! If you ‘re going to beat us, it’ll be a shame until we defeat you. Go, come on, everyone, I’ll cheer you on. Do your best, do your best, go, go , do your best, go, do your best, Reiga. Kamakura Knuckle Clear [Applause] [Music] Ah, you’re the only one , so don’t be in such a hurry now. Now that I know your power, it’s enough. I’ll put off competing with you for a while . I’m looking forward to washing my neck and waiting until the time comes. Now that I’ve received a compliment, let’s eat together. [Music] To celebrate New Year’s Eve, I would like to do a quiz together with Nager. Yes, I’m giving Nagar a wonderful gift to people all over the world, so please come and join me . First I did a quiz once during the year, so thank you very much. Hey, before we start, I want to take out one human, so please wait for a while. Ah, that was a little early. Yes , I did a quiz about the letters on the back. One question. I’m going to show you the eyes.Natsu-chan is going to give you a quiz.And there are three choices, so if you think this is the one from these three, please raise your hand.Okay, then I’m going to give you three quiz questions.Question 1 What are the letters on Rhaegar’s back? I just asked him to spin around a little bit, so some of his friends may have seen it. 1 [ Music] Rice 2 [Applause] Mugi 3 Potato Oh, my friends, I understand . I ‘ll give it to you. Please go to the front of Tao. It’s okay to stay like this . Yes, please sit next to Ga. Come with me. Please face everyone and tell me your name. Yes, please tell me your name. [Music] Yes, thank you very much. Correct answer: 2 people, let’s go to Seno, yes , No. There are letters written on it.The yellow fluttering on this shoulder reminds me of Inaho, the rice cook.Actually, Nager usually wears a rice bowl.Here, there is a letter ko on his back, which says yes . So, let’s move on to the second question. Everyone, please join us. Okay, here we go. Second question: Rhaegar’s love. Rhaegar’s favorite vehicle . Which of the following three is it [music] ? 1. Mike 2. Rolling [ Music] Car [Music] Car Yes , I’m here. Do you have any friends who came from within the area today ? Well then, I’d like you to ask the two boys sitting in the back. Now, please close up here for a moment. Please tell me your name.Yes, thank you.Then I’m going to go all over the world with degrees.Yes, I’m the biggest pipe.Yes, congratulations.Please get me a present from Rega.I’ll take a picture with you.Thank you very much. Congratulations! By the way, where are you from today? This is Oka. Thank you very much, Morioka. So, Meiga’s love is a KTM 250duk, which is a motorcycle. Mega also likes touring, so please try touring with Haiga. So, last question 3. Do you want to go? 3rd question What is the name of Tom Kaito, the long-nosed Tom of the evil organization? Okay, friends, I’m at a loss as to what to do, so I guess I’ll ask the person in front of me who’s wearing a hat at the back. [Music] Please go to the front . [Music] Please go next to Mega. Yes , I’d like each of you to give your name.Yes, I’ll do it for everyone.Yes , thank you.Okay, so I’ll go with the correct answer.Yes, I’m the number one college student.Congratulations.Now, each of you will receive a present.Yes, look at the camera. Turn around and look at me. [Music] Okay, thank you. Now, please go back to your seats. Thank you from the back. The correct answer was eco. Hey, everyone who has a long life. Thank you for taking part in the quiz. Well, that ‘s all for now. I hope everyone enjoys it. Thank you for joining us. Today, I’m going to teach you how to be a hero. I’m going to teach you how to be a hero. I’m going to teach you how to be a hero. You know how to confirm, but it’s a fake greeting. Good morning, hello, good evening. Can you say it properly? Greetings are passwords between allies. Greet properly and increase your friends. If you have friends, don’t bend. This is it for you. I’m also a hero [Music] If you notice the screams in the forest, you’ll run at the speed of an echo Jin Shirakami -san Mt. Takao Life was becoming more and more unnatural, but now that the mountains are no longer touched by humans, weeds and weeds are multiplying, and the wild animals that used to live in the mountains are coming down because of humans. If humans continue to interfere with Satochi and Satoyama, things will become very serious.If there is no balance between nature and modern society, there will be no good children. I don’t even know what kind of kid this evil creep is. What are you talking about? You ‘re taking advantage of the ugly place I live in. After all, even in that world, you’re half as good as me. Even if you don’t do anything, I’ll be fine. The Akita of the future has already disappeared.It would be nice to wait 50 years, but it would be boring, but hey, there’s no point in destroying everything here and now. This white land that Akita is proud of in the world is disappearing. What are you talking about? You’re destroying natural heritage. It’s a treasure for humankind. Nature is a precious forest that everyone should cherish and protect. It would be good to give life to faith, but what is that all about? It will die out anyway, and there is no victory for the spider . Nature, I won’t even let you read. I’ll protect Akita’s nature. [Music] I’ll protect it, but I won’t say anything . I’m going to fight this futile battle. Time’s up. Let’s go. We’ll all cheer you on. Do your best. Do your best . Evil is the power. [Applause ] ] Wealth is a good thing. I can leave one scar on this body. If that’s the case, then how about this? Don’t worry about wearing it. Potasword, white slash, flash, do your best , do your best, do your best. It’s hard, do your best . I’m pushing you, do your best, do your best . This is going to get high and high. Do your best. It seems like it’s getting bigger right now. Do your best. Don’t lose, don’t lose . Keep doing your best. Oh, do your best. The wrestling technique has started. Go, do your best. I don’t have a battery, but do your best , everyone. This is a notice because we don’t have a battery for the sound, so everyone, please support us for a while. I’m sure we’ll be able to do it. [Music] I remember it because I just watched Do your best. It looks like it’s going to be a lot of trouble, but this is it. Will there be any pro wrestling moves? Oh, try your best, try your best, hey, it’s not good, don’t push it, go , go, this is a good match. It’s hard to see everyone, so it’s very exciting. Go, try your best, try your best, I won’t go back. [Music] Do your best, it’s bad luck [Music] , [Music], do your best, please help me, do your best, do your best [Music], do your best , do your best, do your best [Music] , do your best, try your best, try your best, try your best, try your best, try your best, do your best, try your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best, do your best . I ran out of time to call out the megas that were lost and destroyed. I ran out of time to call out the megas. Rekar is here. Do your best, try your best, try your best, defeat them , do your best, go! It’s time to see everyone’s special moves. I want to see their special moves. Taise, do your special move, do your best, do your best , do your best, do your best, Kiritodo over there, do your best, oh everyone, I thought I was going to cut you, I’m not going to do a special move, I’m going to take a killing move , go crash, I defeated everyone, haha, everyone, there’s a bit of a noise, attack. What’s more, it turned out to be a hot and passionate professional wrestling battle, and Megah won safely, so everyone please give us another big round of applause. Yes, Hihimo, you fought to the very end. Please give us a round of applause. Prega, you fought alone the entire time. Yes, thank you everyone. Now, I’d like to take a moment to say a few words from Regahon, who came here. We ‘ve done our best to deal with things like this . We’ve been here since the New Year. Thank you very much.If you missed it at the end of the year , you can still watch it on YouTube.Thank you for your continued support.Thank you very much for today.Thank you.Thank you very much. It happened, but did you enjoy it? It was fun, friends. Thank you. It was my first time to do a live commentary of that professional wrestling. Thank you. So I said yes, and the commands were negative and Zeon. We’re going to have a photo session with Collider, but the pro wrestling has already started, so we’ll take a short break before we start, so everyone please sit here and wait for a while. JA






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