
A notoriously violent delinquent in the town He fell down in front of a petite and weak blind girl. A large guide dog that transformed into a girl Loyal to protect the Lord The heroine Xiaoxue has amblyopia I can only vaguely feel a little light and color It’s like the world is covered by thick glass Although fate is unfair But Xiaoxue is particularly strong Live a positive life every day this morning Xiaoxue went to school with a blind cane as usual She walked very fast on the blind road Looks like ordinary people But halfway through Xiaoxue discovered A few bad boys were squatting on the blind road chatting. It is dangerous to leave the blind road due to visual impairment Xiaoxue had no choice but to ask them to get out of the way. But the gangster Kurokawa in front of him had no intention of giving way. I mistakenly thought that Xiaoxue was here to provoke me. In debate Koyuki accidentally kicked Kurokawa in the vital part The master of fighting was immediately knocked down by him As a result, Kurokawa’s two brothers reminded Only then did Xiaoxue realize that she had hurt someone He quickly held her face to check the injury She never expected A word of concern for myself Let the innocent Kurokawa fall in love at first sight Kurokawa quickly explained to Xiaoyue The scars on my face were left long ago After no love, Xiaoxue is busy going to school Apologized to Kurokawa and left in a hurry from this moment on The figure holding the white cane Can’t get out of Kurokawa’s mind After arriving at the blind school Xiaoxue told her classmate Xiaokong Xiao Kong said excitedly Kurokawa is the rumored super gangster who can fight one against a hundred. Remind Xiaoxue to be careful Xiaoxue feels that she has nothing to do with Kurokawa anymore She didn’t take it to heart Go to school the next day Kurokawa secretly followed Xiaoxue I saw Xiaoxue buying her favorite honeydew buns Kurokawa, who was hiding nearby, was even happier than Koyuki After Xiaoxue left the convenience store Kurokawa finally couldn’t help but stepped forward to talk. He is no longer as arrogant as before very humble Apologize to Xiaoxue for occupying the blind path yesterday Under Kurokawa’s constant questioning, Xiaoxue just told him her name But he always felt that Kurokawa was a weirdo So I quickly found an excuse to leave. afternoon Kurokawa Rai misses Koyuki in the cafe he frequents The two younger brothers saw his expression of joy Can’t help but tease him about whether he is in love heard this Kurokawa suddenly realized It turned out that when she saw Xiaoxue Feeling itchy I just feel like it After school Kurokawa once again guards the road that Xiaoxue must pass Her persistence frightened Xiaoxue Hurry and hurry home Innocent Kurokawa yelled, “I don’t want to retaliate against you.” i just like you Xiaoxue has never seen such a confession before Blushing and ran away Xiaoxue always thinks of Kurokawa’s face when she comes home He feels that there is nothing about him that attracts bad boys He decided that Kurokawa was deliberately teasing him. On the other side, Kurokawa Search online for how to express love with high emotional intelligence Make up your mind to express your feelings clearly the next morning Kurokawa meets Koyuki again Submitted a 20-page love letter I was extremely moved by myself Until I saw Xiaoxue’s expression was wrong Only to find out that good intentions lead to bad things The weak Xiaoxue You have to use an electronic annotator when reading textbooks. How could she read such a long love letter? because of this matter Kurokawa checked a lot of information about disadvantages Understand the world in Xiaoxue’s eyes I understand this girl who is always smiling better How hard life is The screen changes Xiaoxue accidentally broke her white cane when she came home. Kurokawa, who was hiding aside and observing, immediately stood up He stretched out his arm to support Xiaoxue Kurokawa was like her guide dog along the way Protect her very carefully because of visual impairment Xiaoxue’s touch and hearing are particularly keen She could always tell whether Kurokawa noticed details This made Kurokawa find her even more attractive Kurokawa sent Koyuki to her sister Koizumi’s beauty salon When I left, I gave him another letter. After Xiaoquan found out that his sister was dating a bad boy, Especially worried about her safety But Xiaoxue had already changed her mind by then I confidently advised my sister not to have any prejudice against Kurokawa anymore. night Xiaoxue originally planned to read the love letter Kurokawa sent her But suddenly I remembered the bad memory At that time, in order to protect her A teenager fell into a pool of blood in a car accident Think of this Xiaoxue silently put the love letter deep into the drawer the next morning Kurokawa couldn’t wait to ask Xiaoxue how she felt about the love letter. It turned out that Xiaoxue didn’t look at her at all but not angry Still smiling at the girl she likes on the way to school Xiaoxue told Kurokawa It’s been a long time since she went for a walk in her favorite park Although the stubborn Xiaoxue did not say the reason But Kurokawa understood immediately Blind path to the park Blocked by illegally parked bicycles At this moment Kurokawa thought to himself I must do something to help Xiaoxue Stormy weather after school Xiaoquan specially put down his work to pick up Xiaoxue and take him home. When passing by the park Xiaoxue and Xiaoquan saw Kurokawa surrounded by police People around were talking a lot Talk about the delinquents led by Kurokawa Stealing everyone’s bikes Hearing this, Koizumi said to his sister seriously again She is really not a good person Listen to my sister Don’t hang out with bad boys like that anymore At this time, the police escorted Kurokawa to Xiaoyue. Disappointed Xiaoxue shouted to him what the hell are you doing? For Kurokawa Xiaoxue’s distrust More hurtful than any gossip She felt that all the strength in her body had been drained away After being handed over to the police Fortunately, there were witnesses who proved that they did not steal the car. Kurokawa and others were released the next morning Kurokawa was not waiting for Xiaoxue on the roadside Xiaoxue thought life would return to peace But I keep thinking of Kurokawa’s face It turned out that unconsciously She has become accustomed to Kurokawa’s company Kurokawa’s subordinate Alu found Xiaoxue after school. Tell her the truth about the car theft incident In fact, Kurokawa and them did not steal bicycles. Just remove illegally parked cars Move to a nearby parking lot Kurokawa does this It’s to make Xiaoxue like before Easy access to the park Then Alu said to Xiaoxue seriously Although Kurokawa seems unreliable But he is a kind man I hope you don’t misunderstand him In the past few days since Ah Lu left, Every moment with Kurokawa Always in Xiaoxue’s mind She regretted not knowing the truth I casually doubted Kurokawa Thinking of this Xiaoxue, I ran home immediately Found the love letter she threw away What surprised her was There are only two big words written on the letter paper: "Like" Even Xiaoxue, who has poor eyesight, can see clearly At this moment, Xiaoxue couldn’t help laughing Kurokawa’s sincerity made her feel warm in her heart To apologize to Kurokawa Xiaoxue wanders the streets alone Ask every passerby about Kurokawa’s whereabouts But when people heard that he was looking for bad boys Everyone quickly avoid him Koyuki, who couldn’t find Kurokawa, sat on the roadside in frustration. Ask the person next to you Have you ever seen a tall delinquent? Although he has scars on his face But he’s actually a good person The mouth is not good either Not scary at all hear this The man next to me suddenly cried bitterly Only then did Xiaoxue realize that the person next to her was Kurokawa Have always been feared Kurokawa is treated like a beast This is the first time I heard such a comment Turns out she’s not scary at all It turns out she is quite nice. Koyuki sincerely apologizes to Kurokawa and invited her to go for a walk in the park Arrive at the park Xiaoxue held Kurokawa’s arm and walked among the flowers The two look like a loving couple But The clumsy Kurokawa suddenly said something shocking Let’s not meet again in the future Because we are not from the same world Xiaoxue thinks that Kurokawa dislikes her for having a disability So she let go of her hand with some inferiority complex. Kurokawa continued: I was abandoned by my parents since I was a child. Being kicked out of school He also visited the police station many times He is a hopeless person but you are different from me you have family and friends Just an ordinary person I heard Kurokawa say she is an ordinary person Xiaoxue burst into tears instantly From small to large Both relatives and strangers are all because of her If she is special For the first time, someone thought she was just an ordinary person Koyuki categorically rejected Kurokawa’s request to break up He still wants to continue getting along with Kurokawa See the world he cannot see through Kurokawa’s eyes Kurokawa, a famous delinquent in the town Falling in love at first sight with Xiaoxue, a girl with amblyopia From then on, he became Xiaoxue’s loyal guide dog. Xiaoxue, a tsundere girl with a vicious tongue, despises him on the surface In fact, my heart feels sweet because of Kurokawa This afternoon Kurokawa hides in the cafe as usual and indulges in nymphomaniacs He kept praising Xiaoxue to his younger brothers. Seeing Kurokawa’s infatuated look Orange, the cafe employee who has always had a crush on her A little jealous She also wants to be the girl in Kurokawa’s heart The next day is a holiday Xiaoxue made an appointment with her classmate Xiao Kong to watch a movie together As expected, I met Kurokawa again at the same place. Two people are talking Kurokawa curiously asked Xiaoxue how to choose movies. Xiaoxue smiled and explained that the cinema has a special APP Describe movie scenes Helping people who can’t see it enjoy movies At this time, Xiaoxue learned that Xiaokong could not attend the appointment due to a cold. Kurokawa immediately excitedly said that he wanted to watch a movie with Xiaoxue The originally arrogant Xiaoxue wanted to refuse But I feel Kurokawa’s loss Couldn’t help but agree. After arriving at the cinema The two of them went to buy food together all the time Xiaoxue always has trouble seeing the menu clearly. And order the most common drinks and snacks Now with Kurokawa’s help She can finally choose the food she wants to try Kurokawa originally thought the two could have a sweet date Unexpectedly, Xiaoxue wanted to watch a scary zombie movie After the two of them sat down Kurokawa enthusiastically handed Xiaoxue popcorn Xiaoxue said that she would accidentally drop it on the ground Rejected him politely The movie will start soon Kurokawa suddenly held Xiaoyue’s hand Just when her heart was beating fast Kurokawa took a handful of fragrant popcorn Put it into her hand With Kurokawa’s help Xiaoxue can also watch movies and eat popcorn normally Kurokawa is proud of his cleverness Suddenly he saw Xiaoxue leaning towards him Could it be the legendary kiss? Kurokawa immediately closed his eyes tightly Waiting for Xiaoxue to feed her lips next second Xiaoxue handed her chenna bar to her mouth It turns out that Xiaoxue just wanted to return her snacks throughout the movie Xiaoxue listened to the explanation in the headphones with great interest Kurokawa was so frightened by the horrific scenes that he shivered. Xiaoxue snickered in her heart It turns out that bad boys can be so cute sometimes. at the same time Orange heard about it from Alu Kurokawa went to watch a movie with Xiaoyue I feel as uncomfortable as if a jar of jealousy has been overturned. She ran to the cinema angrily Zheng Huan happened to see Kurokawa and Xiaoxue having a fight. At this moment, Cheng Zi felt a strong sense of crisis. She understands that if she doesn’t act again Kurokawa will be robbed The screen changes Xiaoyuki and Kurokawa are choosing drinks at the self-service machine Invisible Xiaoxue buys a drink Like opening a blind box This time Xiaoxue drew a bad blind box I bought the black coffee I hate most A surprising discovery in Kurokawa This kind of coffee has some points to give away bosozoku jacket activities So she asked Xiaoxue I will give this coffee to her when I buy it in the future I took the opportunity to ask Xiaoxue for her phone number. It seems that the two of them are about to exchange contact information Orange, who was hiding aside, finally couldn’t help but rush over. interrupted them It just so happened that Kurokawa had to leave for a while. I had to ask Chengzi to take care of Xiaoxue As soon as Kurokawa leaves Orange holds Xiaoxue’s white cane Meaningfully speaking, when I was bullied at school It was Kurokawa who saved me She is always so sympathetic to the weak That’s why I can’t worry about you I really want to use a white cane too This way Kurokawa will always protect me. hear this A painful memory appeared in Xiaoxue’s mind As age increases Her eyesight is getting worse After reaching junior high school The white cane of the top student Hand it to Xiaoxue, who has almost lost all her sight Xiaoxue shouted in collapse Doesn’t holding a cane mean I’m disabled? Why should I let the whole world know that I can’t see? than never had Losing what you once had is even more painful Xiaoxue who has seen the beautiful world Unable to accept this cruel reality Stubborn and unwilling to use a white cane Xiaoxue sneaked out in the afternoon Go see your childhood sweetheart whom you have a crush on for a long time Agui’s football match But he was almost hit by a car on the way important moment Agui stepped forward to save Xiaoxue But her foot was injured Can’t compete Although the injury is not serious Xiaoxue still blames herself very much from that day She accepted her fate Become a weak girl who doesn’t cause trouble Until Xiaoxue moved She didn’t even have the courage to see Agui After the memories are over Xiaoxue felt extremely aggrieved at this time Kurokawa comes back with a wet handkerchief It turns out that he deliberately Wet the handkerchief to wipe the stains on Xiaoxue’s clothes. At this time, Xiaoxue’s mind was filled with what Chengzi had just said. She pushed Kurokawa away Angrily shouted at Kurokawa and Orange I don’t need your sympathy How do you understand my mood? Xiaoxue took the white cane and left quickly Kurokawa didn’t even have time to react the next morning Xiaoxue asked her sister Xiaoquan to drive her to school Deliberately avoiding Kurokawa waiting at the same place Kurokawa can’t find Koyuki Can’t contact you either She’s like a lost puppy Too anxious to rush around Stupidly wait until the afternoon At this time, Koizumi, who was worried about his sister, found Kurokawa His eyes were red and he said please. Don’t wait here for Xiaoxue People like you don’t understand her pain What Koizumi said Kurokawa is extremely disappointed camera switch Xiaoxue is chatting happily with her mother Mom mentioned that when Xiaoxue went out to look for Kurokawa a few days ago, panic Forgot even the white cane The mother smiled and said to her daughter I haven’t seen you so impulsive in a long time I heard Dad Xue say that Xiaoxue couldn’t help but think of every moment with Kurokawa Arrival of Kurokawa Her calm heart was rippled and added color to her monotonous world At this moment, she suddenly missed Kurokawa very much Xiaoxue couldn’t help but came to the vending machine I pray silently in my heart If you could choose that black coffee I’ll just see her A miracle happened Xiaoxue just bought it based on her feelings. It turned out to be really black coffee She came to the old place and called Kurokawa’s name But there was no response Then she remembered what Kurokawa said He is the most popular bad boy Although she has never been to a red body I’ve never taken a bus myself. But she still bravely embarked on the road to find Kurokawa Finally got on the bus with great difficulty But found that I took the wrong route I had no choice but to be embarrassed The bus is here A strange voice said to Xiaoxue Are you an acquaintance of Kurokawa? Do you need help This man is Kurokawa’s master of bad friends The strongest gangster tied with Kurokawa Master met Kurokawa and Koyuki in the park So I recognized her on the street The master looks fierce But he is as talkative and enthusiastic as Kurokawa Escorted Xiaoxue all the way to Kurokawa’s house The two of them just arrived at the door of Kurokawa’s house I saw the blindfolded Kurokawa fall down the stairs It turns out that during this period of time Kurokawa has been simulating the life of a blind person He hit his head and hands all over because of the burns and blisters. Just to understand Xiaoxue’s feelings Kurokawa said to Xiaoyue with a silly smile. Although my eyes can no longer see There are a lot of inconveniences But I can feel closer to you I understand your mood better than before After Kurokawa finished expressing his feelings, Just reacted suddenly Asked why Xiaoxue was at her door This time, the shy Xiaoxue rarely spoke the truth. Because I want to see you She soon regretted it He quickly took out the black coffee and handed it to Kurokawa to cover himself up. Kurokawa couldn’t believe that Xiaoxue actually remembered this agreement Immediately reveal a sunny smile Watch this young couple immersed in sweetness The master left silently Feeling a little lost inside Then Kurokawa took Xiaoxue to the cafe she often goes to She wants to prepare a special screening for Xiaoxue here Kurokawa knows that Koyuki loves the Edo series of movies But there is no oral version of the first part So he decided to become a video description artist himself Explain to her This time Xiaoxue was eating her favorite popcorn Listen to Kurokawa’s passionate commentary My heart is quickly filled with sweetness After watching a spoken word film in a coffee shop Kurokawa carefully sent Xiaoxue home But halfway, I met Xiaoxue’s sister Xiaoquan. Xiaoquan saw his sister was with a bad boy again Trembling with anger Without any explanation, he dragged Xiaoxue home. the next morning Koizumi is still angry Still looking coldly at Xiaoxue at this time Koizumi saw his sister cooking with a kitchen knife Immediately scared and pushed her away Sister Xiaoquan is always overprotective of Xiaoxue I’m afraid that Xiaoxue will be hurt a little bit She said in a cold tone I never agree with you associating with bad boys You can’t meet again The stubborn Xiaoxue refused to give in The two sisters were very unhappy The camera goes to Kurokawa escorted Koyuki to the blind school as usual Construction is underway on the roadside Xiaoxue can’t always hear clearly what Kurokawa is saying. She sighed and said, "You are so tall." If only I could be 10 centimeters taller It will be easier to talk to you heard this Kurokawa immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Koyuki The two look sweet I happened to be caught by Xiaoxue’s classmates and teacher. Xiaoxue immediately blushed That afternoon Kurokawa rang the doorbell of Xiaoxue’s house with a gift. The top student opens the door but no one is there Only saw a mysterious gift box This anonymous gift instantly caused the Xiaoxue family to explode. A family of three excitedly opened the box I found a pair of girly red high heels Koizumi mistakenly thought it was a reconciliation gift from her ex-boyfriend I feel disgusted and sweet at the same time the next morning Kurokawa shyly asked Xiaoyue if she likes high heels Only then did Xiaoxue understand That pair of shoes is actually a gift to myself Xiao Hei looked at Kurokawa who forgot to put the postcard Looking annoyed Xiaoxue felt sweet in her heart She understands that Kurokawa gave her high heels I want to get closer to her It turns out it feels so good to be cared for and cared about by others. Kurokawa bought high heels for Xiaoyue Not a penny now I can only drink free boiled water in coffee shops every day at this time The master rushed in fiercely But he didn’t come to fight Kurokawa today But to show off that I have found a job In order to become a good man in Xiaoxue’s eyes Kurokawa decides to follow in the master’s footsteps Find a stable job However, he interviewed several companies No one dares to hire him Famous people in this town Bosses always repeat the same sentence We are a service industry Do not hire bad boys The scar on your face will scare away customers We don’t need troublemaking employees Although Kurokawa clenched his fist But I still endured it He can’t let his reputation get any worse On the other side, Xiaoxue learned that her sister had thrown away her high heels Immediately run to the garbage dump to look for it This is very difficult for her who is weak But she still spent the whole afternoon persistently found shoes Kurokawa can’t find a job at night Huddled up in the rental house dejectedly Suddenly Xiaoxue called Xiaoxue said to Kurokawa excitedly This is the first time I wear such beautiful shoes thank you very much After hearing that Kurokawa failed to find a job, Xiaoxue gently comforted him and said you are very innocent. Also very straightforward It’s always a pleasure to be with you Someone will definitely appreciate you After listening to Xiaoxue’s words The haze in Kurokawa’s heart dissipated instantly When the two were chatting happily Xiaoquan broke into Xiaoxue’s room I discovered that my sister was actually wearing the discarded pair of high heels. Koizumi’s face was full of shock and confusion Then Xiaoxue told her sister the truth This pair of shoes was a gift bought by Kurokawa with the money he saved. After Koizumi learned the truth, My opinion of Kurokawa has not changed On the contrary, I hate Kurokawa even more. That man doesn’t understand Xiaoxue at all Invisible to the eyes Give her such dangerous shoes You’re just kidding her safety. Xiaoquan couldn’t help but yelled at his sister and such careless people You never know when something will happen when we are together Do you know your situation? Don’t make me worry about you so much, okay? Xiaoxue, who never wanted to be pitied, responded with red eyes. you always stop me Don’t let me do anything You just throw me around as a problem Xiaoxue hasn’t finished speaking yet I was beaten hard by my sister She was sad and aggrieved Lock yourself in the room and cry The top student watched his two daughters quarrel Can’t say a word She knew both sisters were right What’s wrong is just ruthless fate the next afternoon Kurokawa randomly walked into a DVD store I accidentally discovered many horror movies with narrations Immediately proud fantasy The scene when I came here on a date with Xiaoxue Just to give Xiaoxue a better experience Kurokawa also simulated the dating process as if no one else was watching. Teach Xiaoxue how to bend down and salute Kurokawa conducted a rehearsal very seriously Just as Kurokawa was immersed in fantasy The cute little snow in front of me Suddenly turned into a kind old grandma The old lady doesn’t know how to use the self-service machine to ask Kurokawa for help. Kurokawa is needed for the first time I helped him without hesitation right now master in suit Suddenly rushed in in a hurry It turns out that he was just hired as the store manager by this store The old lady in front of me is actually the master’s grandmother No wonder He is not afraid of the fierce-looking Kurokawa at all The old lady smiled and said thank you for your help. you are such a good boy These words flowed into Kurokawa’s heart like a warm current. After sending away the old lady Kurokawa kept giving advice to the master For example, the store sign is too small Things are piled up in a mess The classification is not done well It is inconvenient for the elderly and people with poor eyesight to find things The master was surprised to find How can Kurokawa be so considerate of the weak? This is exactly the person his store needs urgently I just thought it was so big The teacher immediately sincerely invited Kurokawa to work in the store For Kurokawa, it is a timely help. He happily accepted the master’s proposal Became a DVD store employee Kurokawa first time Tell Xiaoxue the good news Happy to say I found a job It feels good to be needed by others Kurokawa’s words caused ripples in Xiaoxue’s heart She also wants to be someone who is needed at the same time Xueba came to the beauty salon where Xiaoquan worked. Snow Pa, who is always as childish as a child This time he rarely showed his stability as a father. Xue Ba knows better than anyone else Xiaoquan paid the most for Xiaoxue To take care of my sister Koizumi never travels, participates in social gatherings, or goes shopping I don’t even have time to go out with my boyfriend She gently told her eldest daughter that after her mother died, You paid too much for this family Take a rest when you are tired If you want to run away, run away. Too dependent on relatives It will only make each other breathless I’m still here at home Dad hopes that you and Xiaoxue can be happy After listening to Snow Daddy’s words Koizumi fell into thinking Should I let my sister go and let her be independent? Xiaoxue took the initiative to break the ice at night Come to Koizumi’s beauty salon She asked her sister to accompany her to the clothing store But I don’t let Koizumi help me pick out clothes. Just want my sister to know She can do many things independently Xiaoxue walked into the clothing store alone With the help of the store clerk Picked out a suitable dress Back to Koizumi Xiaoxue smiled and said I have grown up There are many things I want to try myself Sister, go and enjoy life too You can go on a trip, have a date, or have a dinner together. After all, you are my favorite person At this moment, Xiaoxue and Xiaoquan both had tears in their eyes. Even if there are quarrels There will be disagreements They are still the sisters who care about each other the most a few days later Kurokawa is already completely familiar with the work in the DVD store Suddenly she heard the familiar sound of the white cane I saw Xiaoxue wearing red high heels and a beautiful dress Slowly walked to Kurokawa I accidentally stepped on the air and fell into his arms. Xiaoxue said with an embarrassed smile It seems I have to practice more Only then can I come to you safely Kurokawa was moved and hugged the girl tightly in his arms Every time I see Xiaoxue Her love is even deeper Koizumi watched quietly on the side I couldn’t help but get red eyes It seems From now on, someone else will protect his beloved sister. Kurokawa just got paid in the afternoon Take Xiaoxue to the cafe to eat Buffy The two chatted happily As close as a couple in love Orange working in the cafe Watching their relationship heat up rapidly The jealousy in my heart is almost overflowing Taking advantage of Kurokawa’s inattention Orange suddenly kissed him The weak Xiaoxue is right next to her but saw nothing End of episode Hello everyone, I am Xiaoyu What I’m sharing today is a youth romantic drama This is the love-delinquent and the girl with the white cane As mentioned in the previous episode of the fourth episode To celebrate finding a job Kurokawa asks Xiaoxue to meet at the cafe The way they are intimate Make Orange, who has a crush on Kurokawa, feel jealous When Kurokawa is not paying attention Orange kissed Kurokawa in front of Xiaoxue Then Cheng Zi left as if nothing had happened. Kurokawa was afraid of being discovered by Xiaoxue Dare not speak out Did Xiaoxue see it? This question has been bothering Kurokawa for several days. It makes him feel uneasy even when he is working This afternoon Koizumi came to Kurokawa’s workplace After Song Xiaoxue came last time Sister Xiaoquan is fascinated by the tall and handsome master I often come to chat with the master on the pretext of renting CDs. Xiaoquan is busy getting close to the master Kurokawa always asked her about Xiaoxue After learning that Xiaoxue couldn’t see the specific movements of people around her, Kurokawa finally let go Take a breath and smile On the other hand, Xiaoxue decided to follow Kurokawa’s footsteps Find a job that suits you When the recruiters saw that Xiaoxue was disabled, They all declined her Xiaoxue fails every interview Kurokawa is always by her side to comfort her. Kurokawa smiled heartily and said, "I’ll work with you." It’s the happiest thing in the world I really don’t understand why those stores don’t hire you. hear this Xiaoxue couldn’t help but smile As long as Kurokawa is around No matter how great the difficulty is, it seems insignificant He found the motivation to move forward again the next morning Xiaoxue asked her classmates and teachers at the blind school He confided his troubles about not being able to find a job. The teacher said to her patiently that is because You haven’t found a job you really like yet If you really love a job Recruiters can feel your sincerity After listening to the teacher Xiaoxue couldn’t help but fell into deep thought After class, Xiaoxue went to her usual burger restaurant to apply for a job. When Xiaoxue is a customer Every clerk was kind to her But after she became a candidate Everyone showed doubts about her abilities Just when she felt like she was going to be rejected The store manager who often chats with her Suddenly broke into the lounge I hired her without hesitation Xiaoxue didn’t expect that this job application would go so smoothly. I immediately happily told Kurokawa the good news. Soon Xiaoxue’s first day at work will arrive. Xue Ba and Xiao Quan have warned each other a lot Then he reluctantly sent her out. When Xiaoxue arrived at the burger restaurant, she found that in addition to the store manager The other store clerks were not very friendly to her. Most people think she is a troublemaker As expected Xiaoxue had a rough first day at work She couldn’t see clearly the busy clerk in the kitchen Often a disservice Finally, the clerk asked Xiaoxue to stand aside and watch. Don’t let her continue working after get off work Xiaoxue overheard the shop assistants complaining Why does she get paid just to watch? We are very busy You still have to take care of a weak person I heard that there are government subsidies for hiring disabled people The store manager probably did it just for this subsidy. You just hired her, right? hear this Xiaoxue’s fragile self-confidence completely collapsed It turned out that the store manager hired her without hesitation. Just to get subsidies Is it possible that apart from her status as a disabled person? Is there no other value? at this time Xiaoxue met the store manager who had just gotten off work She plucked up the courage to ask why you hired me. Is it for subsidies? The store manager said she just wanted to be with someone like Xiaoxue Working together with motivated people After hearing this Xiaoxue felt suddenly enlightened She firmly told the store manager that starting from tomorrow I will work harder Early the next morning Xiaoxue started to learn how to fry French fries Although often burned by hot oil But she never complained During her break, she recorded on her mobile phone Be familiar with the layout of the kitchen while at school Xiaoxue also used the annotator to carefully read the employee handbook Xiaoxue works so hard Not only to realize one’s own life value There is another more important reason When she can work independently like Kurokawa She plans to confess her love to Kurokawa After my friend Xiao Kong knew everything, Thinking that Xiaoxue finally came out of the pain of the past Can’t help but feel happy for her At this time Kurokawa came to the coffee shop I learned these days Chengzi has been locking himself in the room and sulking Unexpectedly, Chengzi heard Kurokawa’s voice Run out of the room to see him immediately Immediately afterwards Kurokawa found a place to be alone with Orange He whispered that if you have any troubles, you can tell me If it’s because of what happened last time Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. turn out to be The innocent Kurokawa always thought that Orange’s kiss was only for I heard this accidentally Orange couldn’t help but collapse Shouting that it was not an accident I just like you After Cheng Zi finished speaking, he ran away shyly. Kurokawa was left alone and messy in the wind this evening Kurokawa fell into endless entanglements He thinks he likes Xiaoxue But he couldn’t bear to let go of Chengzi, whom he had been with for many years. Kurokawa couldn’t help but ask himself Am I a playboy? In the end, Kurokawa was so worried that he didn’t sleep all night. The next day he wandered aimlessly on the street I happen to meet Xiaoxue’s blind classmate Aoyama Kurokawa couldn’t help it Confess your emotional troubles to Qingshan He was hesitant between Chengzi and Xiaoxue Is this the legendary Aquaman? Qingshan smiled and replied: There is not only one kind of love. Although I have never seen the color But I know apple red is different from sun red The way you like Xiaoxue and Orange It should be different Kurokawa understood immediately Yes, her feelings for Chengzi are like a brother to a sister. But I love Xiaoxue Kurokawa thanked Aoyama Go back and look for oranges right now Orange is wearing headphones at this time Thinking back to the first time she and Kurokawa met At that time Chengzi was bullied by girls who were jealous of her I have a hard time every day When she was most confused and painful Kurokawa gave her his headphones And tell her things she doesn’t want to hear Just put on your headphones You don’t have to care about other people’s feelings From then on This headset has become Orange’s talisman It was also from that time She fell in love with Kurokawa wholeheartedly The memories end here Kurokawa sincerely said sorry to Orange I always treat you as my sister Can’t respond to your feelings Orange couldn’t help but smile bitterly She understands that Kurokawa has never liked her the other side Xiaoxue still works at a burger restaurant every weekend Even though she has memorized every machine in the store Mistakes are still common when working in positions even injured The complaints from the clerks gradually reached the store manager. that morning The store manager made a surprise inspection of Xiaoxue A few questions in the employee handbook The clerks were surprised to find No matter how tricky the question is Xiaoxue can answer questions fluently The store manager smiled and said to Xiaoxue, I believe you can You’ll be in charge of making the French fries today. This is the first time Xiaoxue has been assigned a job She was extremely nervous Xiaoxue pressed the button of the French fries machine by mistake Orders are piling up Her face started to feel hot Just when I’m about to cry A familiar voice came from outside It turns out that Kurokawa learned that Xiaoxue was not going well at work. Came here specifically to cheer her up Kurokawa shouted, Koyuki, come on regardless of his image. Don’t Give Up Gained Kurokawa’s Support Xiaoxue felt that her whole body was full of strength She wiped her tears Have the courage to return to work finally Xiaoxue made a portion of French fries through her own efforts that moment The clerks who had laughed at her before praised her. you made it Well done After this success Xiaoxue’s operations become more and more skillful she finally felt I am really a member of the burger restaurant After get off work, Xiaoxue called Kurokawa. Ask him to meet in the evening The thought of confessing to Kurokawa The little deer in Xiaoxue’s heart is jostling However, Xiaoxue, who was immersed in joy, did not know Chengzi secretly followed her with an unhappy look on his face

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