Becky tiene celos de cheng #freenbeck

[Music] chapter 17 limit could be confusing literal imaginary Or maybe just the opposite maybe it was there but she was trying not to think about it or look at it And if she could forget it but not the limit walked through her entire being inside her head and in her chest Like a strong blow, in two days all kinds of feelings had visited her, some of which still accompanied her and seemed to be fused in her body and with no desire to move away, on the contrary, they were distributed in excess and stagnated in her unconscious, the only place not allowed to do so. and although she wanted to get rid of them, they were there only to make fun of her. As many times as she wanted, Rebecca Armstrong had experienced firsthand what the crazy called her madness of loving jealousy, she could not deny herself and it was time for her to do it. She was annoyed by Chen’s acceptance at once because she saw him as her worst competition, Main Chu, and they already agreed that he was the most handsome boy in school, and although she wasn’t interested in him that way, others did and too much and FR sarocha was no exception on Monday after seeing FR leave in another car and accompanied she knew only one thing if the teacher rejected her just because of a bad attitude something inside her stirred and put her in a bad mood she threw her to the attack and ended up responding in a purely defensive way. It seemed like a wall that dragged her to a limit with the desire to throw her to the other side, but she held on wherever she could and she didn’t know how long she would be able to avoid being thrown. It was the first time that she It affected the distant treatment of a teacher and her punishment because FR punished her and Chen ended up unharmed by her own prank. That bothered her. Things between them were changing and she didn’t want that to happen. The end. It seemed to do her good. With a smile, it made her heart sink. and when he said his name it made his skin crawl, he was once again reaching the limit of something else and he was understanding what but he still didn’t want to accept it, no, that didn’t mean that FR didn’t think Exactly the same thing, that’s why after turning over his thoughts that Wednesday, he She got up ready to talk to her. She would not share her classroom with the teacher now, but she would finally attend the institute for another class. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and after telling Z to wait for her inside, she leaned against the tall Tapia who was holding the shield. from the institute on the Sidewalk and steps from the street he couldn’t pretend not to see her he bit his lips removing the nerves then he moved them up and down and ended up passing his tongue thousands of times over his lower lip just to calm the moment and wait for For a mini snowflake to appear, she sighed with relief when she saw her turn the corner, she took both hands to the strap of her backpack and she felt so that the wait would come to an end. Finally, she saw her and ended up parking against the sidewalk in front of her. She swallowed hard several times. and she remained standing when she saw her go down, take her things and then walk towards her, her stomach gave a strong hit when Becky saw her smile, fin sarocha smiled at her again and for her it was more important than any medicine they could invent as soon as he took a step towards her. When he had to shake his head when he saw the car moving again and driving away, he discovered in just a millisecond a man driving it and then hearing the horn being honked twice. FR caressed his shoulder, once again taking him out of that sea of ​​feelings, jealousy. Good. days Becky How are you today she looked up stupid smile that she wanted to erase if that Stranger was the author of it she got out of his sight with a sudden movement and turned around the impulses were the only thing that could combat against that extreme interest that she had about FR but suddenly Chen crossed his mind and he ended up stopping suddenly. Fin hit his chest against her back and his annoyance went away when he heard her laugh. "You’re weird," FR told her as he stopped in front of her again. She gave her a smile before raise your shoulders, bad day, call from memory the answers for this Friday’s lesson, Becky responded with Pride and modesty, getting FR to raise an eyebrow, she hired a guy, no, then who took her car is Nicolás, a friend of dad’s who is a mechanic when he was traveling. I started hearing strange noises in the engine. He lives in the next town and will fix it. The problem says that in the afternoon It will be ready, why are you asking? Ah, mechanic, Becky whispered, wishing not to be heard, nothing seemed strange to me, nothing more, so it’s class for Friday. I like it because I’m very demanding. Hey, I copied the answers from Non. If they are wrong it’s not my fault Anon asked Fring with a loud voice and a grimace on his face Well yes he was the only one who copied the questions and Main chu nial and Genen must have done it too but I’m talking about Non and Zeng Zeng didn’t copy them either. she asked, raising her hand to the sky in a gesture of frustration. Becky raised her shoulders. "You’re annoying me, Rebecca, go to your class," she said before turning and starting to walk inside. Hey, hey, just kidding, Becky stopped her before she reached the stairs. FR She turned around instantly and why did you do it? I already told her once that she looks pretty when she gets angry, she said shamelessly, taking a step forward and invading the teacher’s personal space. Fin blushed immediately and avoided her sight. I remember I told her. after lunch on Wednesday or a week ago today we have another appointment right that’s not a date Becky Of course it is for you Sorry a work appointment signs papers or what do I know all those things you did the other time that’s called work appointment he said slowly as a joke Don’t kid me I’m not doing it listen today I have to leave training later because the next Monday the competitions start but he will wait for me anyway right What time do you leave 2:30 Oh Becky you leave almost one hour later I can’t wait for you that long Okay then you’ll have lunch then we’ll see you in the office do you think you can stop managing me as you please I don’t need a secretary miss agenda miss sarocha they both heard the director shout ka meters away from them their students are already in their living room Could you have the consideration of entering please? Becky raised both eyebrows, annoyed by the interruption and by the man’s treatment, Frina felt completely red-faced and leaving Becky without a greeting, she passed by the man and got lost in the hallways. Armstrong pointed out to her. the man and what are you waiting for see inside also see inside too Becky imitated him with mockery after passing in front of him what did you say Armstrong I’m leaving I’m leaving He was finishing putting his things in the briefcase at the end of his hour When while his students They were standing looking for the exit. The door was knocked twice and a light and soft permission made her turn her head quickly. Becky watched the rest leave and even greeted some of them and then walked towards her. She didn’t understand what was happening but she didn’t have time. To think about it, one of her folders fell due to nerves, inches from her. Becky took a long step and ended up picking it up and handing it to her with a smile. She pressed her lips together, making Becky lose her gaze on her cheeks, probably because of those dimples that were forming. at her when she smiled easily and sincerely she cleared her throat when she saw aoi standing next to her chair watching the interaction between them something happens Armstrong was just coming to deliver this Becky said with a blue polka dot folder and on it a box of chalks see "Yes, I can be a secretary," he asked her as he walked behind her until he left things at the end of the desk. "Have a good day," he said back and leaving the place, FR Rio shook his head and when he looked up to leave, he noticed the penetrating gaze of aoi on her barely said goodbye with a weak wave and left the room quickly Becky had told her to go out and have lunch alone while she did her daily practices and passed the time until they had to go together to the city municipality office was in the place where he met Becky in the morning when he decided to retrace his steps and wait for her in the library, he entered silently and quietly greeted the woman with large glasses and a shirt who granted the loan of the books and demanded the return of the books. She approached her when she remembered that some of her students could not acquire the first one that she had already given for reading. The woman told her that there were only two copies of that title. They shared it or passed it from one house to another, but they had to return it the week they were taking it, frina felt the idea seemed like it perfect. Besides knowing that he couldn’t give another proposal, he has the courage to teach in that room. The woman told him with her gaze under her glasses. She frowned . It is their responsibility that they return it. I don’t know how to deal with any of them because they have never appeared here, it is clear, of course, but it gives a different kind, not just literature, the woman Rio, under her breath, something happens, she has already gained the attention of some of almost They are all very pleasant to deal with, if you say so, I or any teacher who gives them 5 minutes can confirm this. I doubt it. Mr. Thomson gave it to them years ago and they wasted it just like everyone else. But Professor Thomson teaches foreign languages. They don’t take that. class, I’m talking about the singing club , miss, apparently those children like to dance, sing and all that nonsense, but their averages don’t allow it. He opened his lips, he knew that, but he didn’t know about the direct treatment that the teacher had given them. He thought it was interesting, he remembered. that Nia liked to write, Sen, to play instruments, just like Chen, she already danced for her own pleasure, while Non Hen, Chun, and Main opted for singing. I still didn’t know Rebecca’s taste, but surely she wasn’t off that list too, and there’s a room for that too. That’s what he asked timidly, trying to completely formalize the idea in his head and so that the choir room wouldn’t sound so disorganized and sometimes they use the auditorium but only under Thomson’s supervision do I understand and do you know if there is another unoccupied room to teach the same class but with another teacher Yes yes which one that some call the basement is a large room at the end of the hallway below and there are only the electricity cables there it drips when it rains and they store the old musical devices that are no longer used Oh it sounds dangerous I don’t think so It’s actually because no one uses it and no one will do it, leaving the visit to the library halfway through . He politely said goodbye to the woman and walked in search of the director as soon as he arrived at the office. He knocked and entered in a matter of seconds. He raised his head again. eyebrow as a sign for me to speak I found out that some classrooms participate in the singing club, in fact everyone except my students I can know exactly the reason if you know the subject you know the situation don’t make me repeat it miss sarocha I still don’t understand that method Why Everything It should be based on a simple qualification. Being a teacher, I am a little worried about its scant conclusion. Some insons place the prettiest girl as the most popular girl and that she is the captain of the most important women’s team in the place. The same thing happens with a male figure. You win and your students do nothing . For this reason, the singing club is one of the most respected and demanded classes by students. Every year there is a competition regarding it and the Institute has already won eight cups. Thanks to that, it understands that its students would only break the good streak how do you know the talent for certain things is born have you heard asen play the guitar or enchant or have you read something that nial writes You have done it finally opened his mouth to refute believing that the question was going to be another another with the that she could silence the man’s words and make her proud, but that took her by surprise, no sarocha, that’s a mess where even some animal must be there. I will make it available unless it is dangerous, it is not, the electrical renovations were years ago. there it only drips because of the rain Perfect then Mr. Thomas barely earns 15% more than his salary with the singing club you will settle for 3% caut tensed his jaw he was not expecting another separate salary but he couldn’t do things for free he nodded Without thinking about what he really wanted, he stood up and Kaula inspected as if he were from another planet. I hope something good comes out of all this, miss. For my part, I still don’t see the point in having a good day. It had lasted so long. The conversation with Cau When it was time to see Becky, she had shown up outside, the cheerleaders were saying goodbye to each other and the girls from the athletics group were doing the same. Kaky came to her with both hands on her jacket and wearing a pleasant smile. AC finally walked, cutting her head. distance and in a second they were facing each other How was your class What are you doing here I thought I was going to have lunch First then I’ll tell you there breadstick of course I’m starving answered Becky and they both started walking what time will your car bring you will let me know but probably before of the 4 I don’t want to travel at night so on Monday you start the competitions how is that Like everywhere the high school athletics team against another to see who has the guts to face us as a team there are no individuals Yes and I participate only in one category up high Ah I’m waiting for it that’s pure adrenaline and the cheerleaders Well as long as they’re not competing with their routines they’ll support us every year it doesn’t matter if you’ve ever won I haven’t even lost a competition since I can remember This is my thing Oh I’m sorry, Miss, display case full of glasses , I didn’t know your humble side, I joked, stopping at a corner, the two of them looked at both sides and when they saw the empty streets, they crossed ahead without any problem, FR said, smiling, opening the door of the restaurant and allowing Becky to go through first. Once the chestnut stayed next to her at the bar and they both ordered their lunch salad with pieces of fish among my favorites, Becky said as she took her plate, she finally took hers and it consisted of the same thing, she didn’t want to accommodate the chestnut again with red meat The waitress gave them two bottles of water and finally they sat at the same table as last time, today we won’t talk about my classes Or if you don’t want to, that ‘s not okay, said Fring with a smile, will it bother you to see me now in another class, eh, I still I have to talk to you about it but I have a surprise for you, a surprise, tell me about it. Fring rolled his eyes. You know the concept of surprise, right? I’ll tell you about it on Friday. I’m sure you’ll love it. It won’t be another class, but with more reading or things to think about, right. No nothing. About that, in fact, only Nial will need a pen and a notebook, only he, I don’t understand, it doesn’t matter, I’d better change the subject, like, I would rather like him to clarify what happened on Monday, Becky said, moving her hands between importance and not the matter, what happened on Monday, what It happened with me and Chen, you were there Becky And you know why I acted That way you really like Chen so much that he defended him I didn’t defend him Becky I thought you had understood everything Listen calmly don’t start to get upset Becky told him when she noticed the tone raised from the teacher and her face of annoyance only just that it hurt me the way she did it felt an imaginary slap hit her face Becky sounded weak and with a touch of sadness I wish I could say the same to her but I couldn’t and not because I didn’t He felt alone because he had to keep certain things in order and Rebeca Armstrong was the living disorder in his mind that wouldn’t let her. I understand that what he said bothered you but you shouldn’t have hit him. You understand my point. Things could have been arranged differently and not. You opted for her, I didn’t have time to listen to my morals, my body has a life of its own, it knows it, and mine and everyone else’s. Chen could have acted the same. What would have happened if he hurt you. Do you have any idea how I could have felt? No, you don’t. Because of that same body that speaks at will, you do and undo things at will, Becky. And I’m sorry if I sound cruel, but it’s time for you to stop and think, every act has its consequence. You had the one that corresponded to you, and Chen, what with why he didn’t have it Why everything always falls on me alone Because I had that slushie thrown at him the first day or why I disobey her sometimes or why he does everything you say Why he doesn’t and I do because no You deserve to treat yourself like this how you act with others is how your feelings move is how you feel and show something that you are not I’m like that no you’re not and you know it yen is an idiot and you know it too I can’t support you with That’s what FR said, taking a bite to her mouth. Becky raised her chest in annoyance. "What if I told you that you were nothing more than an object of joke for him? Becky asked quickly when FR brought her eyebrows together in confusion. Something in her mind was screaming at her to stop." ahead of time but inevitably his body would say something else again something was going to go out of plan but he couldn’t act oblivious to that, he didn’t make that face. He’s a stupid guy who only thinks about you in a small way when he turns to the blackboard his gaze doesn’t focus on your back Or not the nice guy and the teacher’s favorite looks down below But what does it matter he does the activities and Raise your hand congratulations Chen, you read the book and what are you doing with your classmates, a stupid bet to see who goes out first with Miss Sarocha And why? Because that’s how we are, we talk before we think and then we have to wait for the consequences. He likes that Chen ended up asking, leaning over the table and With annoyance in his voice for imagining that FR would end up defending the boy again, he threw the fork against his plate, moved the napkin he was holding and based a small space on the table to rest his elbows and hold his head, there he fixed his gaze on Becky was intimidating, but the brunette didn’t flinch. She ended up crossing her arms and leaning against her chair. FR looked for her bag. That’s true. She asked when she put it on her thighs. She also calls me a liar. I asked you a question. Armstrong, I’m sorry, but it was a bet, she asked. with some heaviness in her throat something that was not her saliva nor the salad she had tried Something similar to kilos of stone that hurt her and threatened to continue with who with Becky she shook her head with Non no Then with whom she asked between her teeth, squeezing her briefcase until he squeezed it bey scratched his throat and leaned over She just wanted to prevent it from happening to adults Chen bragged that you flirted with him he smiled because he said that you also did it towards him he exchanged it for 100 dirty bills and I didn’t like it I don’t like that compare women like this and and you shook your hand with his stop Becky stop now the brunette could hear how consciousness was wandering in her mind and something was turning under her stomach but she couldn’t turn back anymore she wanted to face the glassy eyes With those who finally looked at her but she couldn’t, I already told her what it was. Where are you going? She asked him, standing up quickly. And following her arm in arm, turning right on the sidewalk, go to your house, Rebeca. No, no, yes, don’t make me say things I don’t want. Tell them why only I should say unpleasant things Tell them you don’t know that dolls don’t speak Armstrong told him as he crossed the street without even seeing Becky crossed imitating him before reaching the sidewalk a motorcycle passed By hearing the driver’s scream Becky God enough of acting That’s what he told her as he helped her get up and finally sat her against a wall. I’m sorry, FR, I’m really sorry, he said, stretching his leg. Rose had been almost nonexistent, but a small pain was bothering her. You should apologize to the motorcyclist. TT. Sorry about the bet. God. Woman, let me finish the sentences, I should leave you here, spoiled and immature girl. Well, do it. I already apologized, but do you think that with that everything will be solved? It’s a fact. I’ll leave you here, said Fring, running towards the corner and turning it to get away from the brunette, he began to walking looking back repeatedly Becky did not follow her so many teenagers who only thought with the hormones and she was the object of them now that she thought about it Becky had bet Becky imagined herself leaving A jolt in her body almost threw her completely to the floor Either it was like that or she was throwing judgment on her student and in the worst way, but that’s what Becky herself had told her. Becky ran a hand through her hair as she slowed down the walk. What she cared about the least was Chen, who was already humiliating him from his position. Friday is when she saw him, what bothered her now in a pleasant way were Becky’s words, they excited her, they annoyed her, they raised her temperature and made her get into a strange position. She hit her forehead, how hard could it be to organize her thoughts, and so that The moral was first, she had to see her father soon and since her degree as a psychologist she could no longer control anything. And that could end badly. The worst thing was that she wanted to go back and see if Becky was still there, load her into a taxi and take her home. Yes, that’s it. he would do without stopping he turned and took five steps he stopped he turned again he shook his head and continued he had to get away from fan for that day he smiled he was reaching the corner and would cross the street he would call Nicolás and he would leave there in less than an hour Becky yelled at scared when behind a wall in the corner the brunette stopped in front of her, blocking her way. How did you get up? You weren’t hurt. She’s still upset. Don’t remind me. Get out of the way. I don’t take up a whole sidewalk. Pass by there. He pointed to her side and she turned away. He bit his tongue. Yes, he had more than 20 m to pass, but his legs did not move. Becky’s smile seemed like a traffic sign that forbade it. Hey, let’s be serious, Becky said in a calm tone of voice and approaching her. Unfortunately, what happened? the bet is true and I know that I am taking it totally lightly but I already apologized and I would like you to accept those apologies neither you nor anyone deserves to be treated like that really do not be angry with me please finally he clenched his jaw and moved it From one side to the other, it was so difficult for her to open her mouth and say the right thing. No, Becky, you acted wrong. Don’t apologize because I’m not going to apologize. I’m your teacher and you owe me respect and countless things. When she left, Irin always fell asleep or pretended to. Because I told her that it was a politician’s speech in the middle of a campaign with her friend, she always ended up getting upset. But now with Becky things were happening so differently and she really wanted to start figuring it out because she raised her chin, she was going to give the speech, okay, Becky smiled hugely and she She hit the floor with her foot in frustration. I was also young and I did stupid things. But it would be very respectful of you that what you do does not involve other people, especially someone superior to you, I know. And thank you, you have to return next week to the municipality. FR nodded yes I should do it for four Wednesdays in a row great another lunch that part is going to be expensive I’ll invite the next one FR raised an eyebrow what’s that I’ll invite but no breadsticks it’s going to be something different Becky points out I think we should have this today Whether she signs up or not What do you think is a surprise, you didn’t mean the one she has prepared for us and I, don’t be egocentric anymore. Becky called her FR, taking a step forward and staying centimeters from her student. Becky took another and raised her head. The distance was too useless to me, FR whispered after taking a general look, no car could be heard nor anyone walking by, I like spending time with you, he said with a shy smile and a blush on his face, Becky raised two eyebrows and opened her mouth smiling. I know everyone ends up telling me the same thing when they meet me Fin rolled his eyes and bit his lip in a funny way Becky laughed and added I like his company too Thank you for that because I’m lucky that he wants to spend time with me I was a bother to him You at first and silenced her by reaching out with your hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and listening to her sigh quietly. Your hand shook as you walked away and Becky’s skin suddenly froze until she managed to show a small shiver. Go home, I don’t want to anymore. Give you problems with your parents, calm down, Zeng will cover me, she already called her mechanic , yes she lied, she would do it when Becky left her alone, otherwise she suspected that the brunette wouldn’t leave. It’s okay, since she barely had a bite, Beck said here, taking his hands to his backpack and opening it. To look for something inside, take, he said, stretching out his hand and handing him a white napkin wrapping a small ball, the trip is long and you must take care of yourself. He ended by placing it in the palm of FR’s hand and then shaking it. I took from the bar. Before I followed her, I’ll pay for it another day. Finally, she smiled. She couldn’t say anything against those words, much less the actions. She had a problem. She liked it too much, making the most of the moments with Becky. Memorizing everything she said and smiling at each one. action she was committing she didn’t know when she could ask her body to stop she knew it wasn’t going to obey her anyway Becky stood up on her feet and ended up leaving a loud kiss on her cheek She stopped breathing for a second take care of yourself and drive with caution until On Friday it seemed to her that Becky told her the limit of Listening to what her student was telling her against the limit that her ears allowed her to Listen was null. She was unable to distinguish whether the figure walking meters in front of her was Becky walking away or if the The brunette’s words had been joking or sincere, it didn’t matter at the end of the day. Her mind kept repeating them and she allowed herself not to repress them. The limit between getting angry with Becky and delighting in her for her gestures or movements was disappearing and becoming just one that she should analyze, but for now she didn’t want the limit between remembering that she was a teacher and a scholar. his student and certain things had to be suppressed he was moving away and with no intention of either of them avoiding returning him the term that determined his conditions had neither a maximum nor a minimum degree of division at that moment it was disappearing to give him the freedom to enjoy something completely new regardless of how it sounded in his mind and thinking about how it will sound in other people’s minds. FR took his cell phone and asked for his car. The trip home had never been so short.

Fanfic lenguaje del amor, Freen es maestra y rebecca su peor alumna
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  1. Hola mafer.el capítulo estub genial..pero xq otra voz solo espero qe los capitulos sean completos y no se acorten….Mafer una pregunta xq tardas ms tiemp n poner los capitulos…besos😘😘😘😘

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