黒塗りシロクマと慰霊のシロクマ. ジョイランド樽前 北海道野生動物公園 廃墟. 苫小牧市. Steel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 08‐2024

Please turn on subtitles in settings I was riding my bike on the outskirts of Tomakomai. Found this place giant brown bear statue Is the total length 5-6m? His face is somehow charming. If you look closely, the inside of your mouth is white. Maybe it was a polar bear? It seems to be old as there are repair marks all over the body. Interested in this giant bear statue, I did some research This bear statue was created in 1978. Opened inside Joyland Tarumae, run by a company called Doo. It seems to originate from Hokkaido Wildlife Park. Joyland began as a hot spring leisure facility. Aiming to attract more customers, In 1979, the zoo opened before Golden Week. The main attraction that attracts customers is the 40 polar bear farm. You can take a bus and see it up close. It was a lion safari park. The location was around 2km northwest of JR Nishikioka Station. Heading towards the zoo ruins on a deserted road What about that blue seat? There are lots of solar panels here too… To the elevated bridge It’s a highway, Hokkaido Expressway. It’s full of spray paint and looks unsafe… Also, solar panels Park your bike here and walk to the zoo ruins. Well, I’m glad I didn’t come by bike. Such a terrible road asphalt is failing It’s bumpy Walking is the correct answer. It’s like this An old villa? Is it a lodge-like accommodation? There’s a chimney… Joyland in the 1970s You can check out some hot spring hotels and vacation rentals. It’s a little higher up, so You’ll probably enjoy the mountains too. On the other side is the golf course There was someone playing earlier. Someone playing golf There’s a street light here corner, the road curves at a right angle Once you turn, the road remains straight that? There are people walking I’m taking a walk Judging from his clothes, it seems like he’s a local. Maybe locals come here for a walk. 2009 map shows the zoo is bankrupt and in ruins Probably here I think this area used to be a parking lot. It’s a parking area, but The trees are already starting to grow Towards the back I can see the building white monkey sign this is? Polar bear? It was a signboard at the entrance to Shirokuma Farm. With the lions at the safari park It was a big draw for customers. tiger sign too There were also leather tools for restraining animals. There’s always a fence behind that shed. This is probably an area where small animals are exhibited. There must have been flowerpots and flowers planted there. It has been left as is. Looks like an animal cage Here, let’s use tires. It’s shaped like a circuit Probably like a go-kart Vehicle leisure facilities A ride stop? No, it’s the toilet after all. oh? There was a ride! Something like this It looks like Nissan’s R380. NISSAN R380 prototype racer cool! Riding this, father and child I guess it went around in circles. ice cream freezer It’s the one I found at the store. You can see an orange building over there. It’s a rental vacation home. collapse has begun Sigh… Ahh… It’s the same as that black painted polar bear. They’re brothers. Exactly the same appearance and shape! It’s my brother’s polar bear. The pedestal has a polar bear logo and Hokkaido Wildlife Park your brother is It’s still out there in the sunlight though. Who is coming to see you now? I wonder how many there are… to polar bear "Since I came here today, Go home knowing what happened to the animals at the zoo." I felt like I was being told Let’s take a closer look around the park Stage show facility ruins In addition to the flashy graffiti drawn on it There are burn marks. A suspicious fire broke out after the park closed. 3,000 square meters of former leisure facility burnt down May 4, 2004 Hokkaido Shimbun Something about the hot spring facility Well, it looks like they made something new out of concrete. It’s a self-made skateboarding course… This is not what the polar bear told me to look at. I came out on the straight road again. That’s where the flower pots and cages were. I can see some buildings in the valley. Graffiti here too Beyond the building ruins Ahh… This is probably where the polar bears and lions were. The moat is deep, suggesting that wild beasts were kept there. The audience stands on that side of the hole. Must have seen an animal Wow, water is piling up. The atmosphere is similar to the polar bear space at Maruyama Zoo in Sapporo. I think this is a polar bear farm. The polar bear farm has a tremendous effect on attracting customers. A long line of cars formed on the national highway. However, this farm facility was not completed when the park first opened. The polar bears were transported via Germany and Yokohama. It was displayed in a cage covered in iron rust. This is where animals were kept and kept overnight. Part of the building has burnt marks Suspicious fire at abandoned hotel Tomakomai May 10, 1999 Hokkaido Shimbun Hmm, there’s no trace of the building. The wood is broken to pieces South of Shirokuma Ranch Atmosphere different from a ranch This must be the area where the lion was. There are traces of a car passing by This is a strict fence I think the area over there is expressway management land. I can hear the sound of a car passing below This means that in terms of location, these small mountains I think it was probably a safari park with lions. In early spring, when the park was about to celebrate its third year of operation, Shocking news that 12 lions have died Overwintering in a small breeding space Due to lack of exercise, I contracted pneumonia. damage the reputation of the zoo Attendance has decreased dramatically After that, cynomolgus monkey deaths occurred. Profits deteriorated and it became impossible to pay the electricity bill. We were in financial trouble and the electricity was cut off. At the end of the year, lions linger on the slopes here. With no heating He must have been lying down hungry. And many animals lost their lives. Animal welfare is on a completely different level. I think there may have been a situation It’s a little far from the administration building. There was a beast soul monument. This is something relatively new. There are traces of flowers being offered as well. The builder was Doo Co., Ltd. in 1991. You built it. Well, what caused these animal welfare problems? In the sense that I feel the pain I feel like I’ve been saved… Well, the animals’ lives will not be returned… Yeah… I can feel the sincerity there. Joyland Tarumae We temporarily increased our revenue by exhibiting rare wild animals. Bankruptcy due to multiple lion deaths Please leave your thoughts and comments.

苫小牧郊外にある巨大なヒグマ像。どうもシロクマを黒く塗ったらしい。この像はかつて数年だけ営業していたジョイランド樽前 北海道野生動物公園に由来すると知り、現地へ。すると、そっくりな兄弟が待っていて「ここで起きたことを思い知って帰るが良い」という。

・ジョイランド樽前 苫小牧市史
・北海道野生動物公園広告 1979年4月27日
・廃屋ホテルで不審火 苫小牧 1995年5月10日 道新
・旧レジャー施設3千平方m全燃 2004年5月4日 道新
・皆さんかわいがってね 白熊くんがお目見え 1979年5月3日道新
・ライオン12頭死ぬ 読売新聞1981年4月10日
・痩せたライオン 週刊朝日1985年12月20日

・Free BGM 甘茶の音楽工房
 [静寂2] [オーブ1]
・Free BGM PeriTune

〇効果音ラボ https://soundeffect-lab.info/

〇使用機材 GoPro9, Insta360 onex2

・どらへび dora hebi @-dorahebi
・RISA RISE /りさらいず @risarise5831



  1. お疲れ様です。

  2. 巨大なクマの像といえば、

  3. 戦争時代のゾウの話を思い出しました。もう現代において動物園も虐待のカテゴリーに入るのではないかなぁ。ちょっと前まで円山動物園の鷲や鷹のコーナーなんて羽を広げることすらできない鉄格子の鳥かごに入れられていて直視できなくて辛かったなぁ。民間の動物展示はまだ許されてるのかな?野生動物は人間社会のペットではないですから。これで自然に絶滅するなら自然の理と考えてほしいな。なにせ自分の飼っているペットですら捨てたり殺したりする人間ですからね。今回は悲しくて考えさせられる動画でした。お疲れさまでした(^-^ゞ

  4. 1979年くらい保育園時代に行きました

  5. 全盛期の頃は苫小牧の駅前からバスも出ていて(はず)、子供の頃にサファリパーク内も構内専用のマイクロバスに乗って見学した記憶が有ります。サファリパークと言っても本州の規模と比べても狭かったですが、パーク内でバスがエンストして、運転手の人がセルを何回も回していた記憶が軽くトラウマになってます。確かフラミンゴとかも居て「北海道で暮らせるのかなぁ?」と思ってました。

  6. 悲しい出来事でしたね。久々に思い出しました。

  7. 北海道でヒグマの被害とかあり、駆除すれば良いのにとか思うこともありますが

  8. こんな施設があったのですね…

  9. 子供の頃オープン直後に親に連れてってもらいました。
    8:25 狭い檻の鉄錆にまみれた白色とは言えないシロクマだけが記憶に残っています。

  10. かつてそういう施設があって、挙句に酷い出来事になってしまったとは! 遠隔地に暮らす私は初めて知りました。道南ではインパクトのある処だったようですけど・・。

  11. もしかしたら行ったことあるかも…

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