1542【キャンプ】【4K】2024年春夏限定 キャンプ場!埼玉県三郷市 かわまち三郷リバーサイドキャンプ場紹介

1542 [Camp] [4K] Spring/Summer 2024 limited campsite! Introduction to Kawamachi Misato Riverside Campsite, Misato City, Saitama Prefecture Head to a new campsite. The location is Misato City, Saitama Prefecture. Kawamachi Misato Riverside Campsite. ■Basic information about the campsite Found it on Google Maps. I made a reservation from the website. This location will open on April 1, 2024. This is a limited time event until August. After that, it will be decided in the future. You can check business days on the website. Overnight stays and day camps are available. These are divided sites, free sites, and RV sites. Day camps are free sites only. There is also a BBQ and dog run. Accommodation is from 13:00 to 11:00 the next day. Prices start from 2,750 yen for solo. The RV site costs 3,300 yen per vehicle. Day camp is from 11:00 to 17:00. It’s 2200 yen for solo. Please park in the temporary parking lot and register. Cars are allowed on the site. Free sites can be parked in free parking lots. Facilities include toilets and water. There was also a display of a kitchen car. The Edogawa River flows in front of you. There are supermarkets and convenience stores nearby. Check the website for details. ■ Head to the campsite It’s near the campsite. Head to the riverbed of the Edogawa River. Turn right before the bridge. Wait for an oncoming car to come from below. We pass each other at the top and go down the hill. There is a cycling road along the way. Go down the hill and turn left. Park in the open area below. I arrived at a temporary parking lot. A train is passing nearby. Get out of the car. The temporary parking lot can accommodate about 10 cars. Check left and right and cross the road. This area also appears to be a temporary parking lot. Edogawa Sports Park is in the back left. The reception is behind this. No entry is allowed from here on. When you turn around, you can see the slope you came from. ■Receive Cross the grass and go to the reception. The reception looks like this tent. Review the rules on the table. I received the reception inside a tent. You will need to submit a questionnaire when you leave. The toilet is on the embankment in the back. There was also a shop at the reception. There is an ash dump site near the reception. ■Check the division site This area is a free site. A nice car is parked there. The ground is covered with flowers. The edges of the site are fenced and recessed. Information board for paid areas and restrooms. It looks like you can go to the toilet from here. Behind the free site is a section site. Once you enter the area, you can drive your car. It is divided by black and yellow ropes. The first one is the S03 site for solo users. Sites are arranged in order. ■Check free sites Go around and check out the free sites. There is a free site around the reception area. There are many day camps on Sundays. There is a bench nearby. A temporary toilet came into view. This is a night toilet for guests. Turn left and walk along the grounds. You cannot set up deeper than the signboard. Go deeper. This is a free site up to this point. It is prohibited to set up under the bridge. You can see the Edogawa River in the background. Walk back in front of the bridge. Across the bridge is a barbecue area. Trains pass by frequently. That’s all about the free area. ■Carry luggage to the site Transport your belongings to the site. There was a dog run near the reception. You can play inside the orange fence. We have carts available for rental. I want a bridge to get to the parking lot. I went back to the car. Get in your car and drive near the site. Thanks to your kindness, I was able to use the section site. It is possible to drive close by. We arrived in front of the division site. Get out of the car. Transport your belongings to the site. You can hear the train here too. I carried it back and forth about 5 times. It’s close to the car so it’s not a problem. After unloading, move to the parking lot in the back. Make sure you haven’t forgotten to take it out. It is possible to travel by bicycle. I park my car and come back on my bike. It can also be used to go to the toilet. Leave the bicycle loaded and close the door. Get in the car and make a U-turn. Head towards the temporary parking lot. Turn right at the bottom of the slope. Go a little deeper. Turn right at the blue color cone. This area is said to be a parking lot. It looks like it’s also an RV site. You can see the sports park in the back. The parking lot is large. Be careful of the potholes along the way. I will leave the survey as it is the last one. The blue bridge is the road we came from. Check the blue pole in front of the parking lot. There was a guide map nearby. The campsite is a wildflower field. ■Check the toilet I assembled a folding bicycle. Return to the campsite. Get on your bike and continue the same way you came. Drive while being careful of cars. Enter the section site. I came to the place where I left my luggage. I will continue to check the toilet. There is a car stop along the way. There are stairs and passageways. There’s no one there, so I just keep climbing. In the middle, we turn and go up further. You can see the site from above. Above is a rest stop on the cycling road. Enter the cycling path and proceed. A kitchen car was out. I arrived at the toilet. The men’s section is at the back of the car. There is no water fetching or cooking facility. You can see Edogawa clearly from the top. The section site is around the grass on the left. There are quite a few if you walk there. We recommend bicycles for transportation. ■ Pitch a tent at the plot site Return to the site and pitch your tent. Go down the slope you came from. There are no people around, but be careful of your surroundings. Descend while applying the brakes. People are playing freely on the grass on the right. I went down to the bottom. This is a temporary occupancy sign for this location. I’m back to the section site. Push your bike in. This time it was instructions for moving the car. Check the scope of your site. Turn here and head towards the fence. It’s a triangular site probably for solo use. The area next door is for the general public. It says R07. I will also check the neighboring sites. This is a rectangular site. The sites are arranged side by side. There is also a divided site on the left across the road. A sign indicating the direction of the car. I’m not sure where it’s coming from. Return to your luggage and set up. I set up a tent on the site. This is the view from the front. This is the view from diagonally in front. This is the view from the side. This is the view diagonally from behind. This is the view from directly behind. It’s nice to be open when no one is around. ■Brew tea with a burner I sit in the front room of the tent. There is a sense of openness and it feels good. It’s raining lightly. Remove the gas burner from the bag. Take it out of the case and place it on the table. Assemble the burner and attach the CB can. Use it by placing it on the table. Brew honey apple tea. Place a 750ml cooker on top. Open the lid of the canteen bottle. Pour water into the cooker. Keep the bottle lid closed. Light the gas burner. Close the lid and wait for the water to boil. Remove the tea bag. Place the tea bag into the mug. Use chopsticks to check the cooker. Once the water has boiled, turn off the fire. Wear leather gloves and open the lid. Pour hot water into the mug. Waiting for the tea to be made. Remove the tea bag from the cup. I’ll have honey apple tea. Enjoy the aroma of tea. It’s tea time with a view. ■Summary This is a summary of campgrounds. I temporarily parked in the parking lot and accepted. I moved the car and unloaded my luggage. I moved to the parking lot in the back and came back. It would be nice to have a bicycle and a restroom. I used the division site. There is a free site near the reception. It will continue to the next.

埼玉県三郷市 かわまち三郷リバーサイドキャンプ場を紹介します。

#キャンプ #キャンプ場 #埼玉県


0:00:00 ■はじめに
0:00:22 ■キャンプ場の基本情報
0:02:20 ■キャンプ場に向かう
0:03:53 ■受付する
0:04:36 ■区画サイトを確認する
0:05:33 ■フリーサイトを確認する
0:06:56 ■サイトに荷物を運ぶ
0:09:59 ■トイレを確認する
0:11:51 ■区画サイトにテントを張る
0:14:19 ■バーナーで紅茶を淹れる
0:16:37 ■まとめ

No.1539: https://youtu.be/idOf5icyj8o
No.1542: https://youtu.be/Cm4_Hn0f8bk



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