
[Music] baby golden know just can’t get stop me wonder strug [Music] [Music] I keep on waiting for the hurricane to come and watch the magic that you brought away but somehow all the colors just keep getting brighter yeah I’m feeling it you baby golden time moves I know it’s just can’t get enough I mat I never foret just sing [Music] [Music] [Music] don’t you ever I keep on waiting for the hurricane to come and watch the magic that you brought [Music] but somehow all the colors just keep getting Bri yeah I’m feeling [Music] it you baby [Music] golden Just Can’t Get Enough me mat I just one single touch not be wor [Music] I [Music] [Music] oh the streets [Music] upx [Music] feel invisible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back we take us spin down the high never let go so we drive to the show and we shout don’t know how it go to Feel the Rush again and it’s never coming down we’re invincible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w a [Applause] [Music] do I have what it Tes to make you fall in love with me am I the real deal or just another one of those who fak it maybe I don’t really know you maybe I don’t really know myself let me rest in your arms until the morning comes and Fades away our fears I I want to grow up with you cliche to say but is true tell me you see me just as I see you [Applause] [Music] sometimes I don’t know why I keep trying so hard to change should I turn on the lights and let you see me just the way I am can you tell me your secrets it is time to let our guard down I can promise you anything but loving you loving you tonight I want to grow up with you cliche but it’s true tell me you see me just as I see you I want to blow up with you cliche to say but it’s true tell me you see me just as I see [Music] you do I have what it takes to make you fall in love with me and my the real deal or just another one the those are faking

#飯能新緑ツーデーマーチ #ウオーキング #60代夫婦


  1. こんばんは!


  2. こんにちは、良いですね、皆さんでウォーキング。それにしても20Kmは凄い。奥様の背中、ナイスです。MAMMUTのリュック素敵です。受付シーン見たらお揃いですね。アクションカムで撮影ですか?手持ちですか?ブレを感じないです。ozumo ポケットみたいです。曲にあったカット割りが、流れにあって見てて、こちらも楽しくなって来ます。お洒落な、ウォーキングでした。完走、うん?完歩おめでとうございますENDのスナップがないのが寂しい🥲

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