
The cherry blossoms are starting to fall already. Long time no see! My monthly touring adventure has begun again! As you can see, I’m in Shizuoka Prefecture. I’m in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. I forgot the name of this road. I’ll take a look at the map in the overview section for reference. Today’s tour takes me through the mountains deep in Shizuoka Prefecture. This way leads towards the depths of the mountains. My first destination is Okuohi-kojyo-eki station. The details of the route are in the overview section. Today, I’ll have lunch at a restaurant along the way. The birthplace of wasabi cultivation is just up ahead. I’d love to try some wasabi rice bowl if they offer it there. Let’s get going! It’s 6:01 Oh, it’s a tea plantation. Seems typical of Shizuoka, doesn’t it? Hmm, is that… a crow? There’s a crow over there. Move aside, please. Watch out, it’s dangerous! Today is Thursday, April 11th. Fun times! I come for a trip. I feel like I’m really on a journey. Quite a few cars are passing by. The sharp curves here are amazing. It’s so serene. It’s an absolutely amazing place. The cherry blossoms haven’t fallen much yet. Maybe it’s because of the high altitude. It’s just starting to sprout leaves a bit. The view is fantastic. I want to take some photos. I can hear birds chirping. It’s a quick trip from Shizuoka City to here. Let’s go! What a beautiful view! It’s so high up! It’s narrow I’m really adventuring This is so much fun! Wow, this place is incredibly fun! Feels like I’m climbing again. The ground is all wavy. It’s a blast! Riding a bike through curves feels similar to gliding on a snowboard. It suddenly gets narrower. There’s a really sharp curve ahead. The cherry blossoms are beautiful. It’s so much fun! I’ve crossed over one mountain now. 6:43 Feels like I’m going downhill forever. I’m been going downhill for a while now. The flowers blooming here and there are so pretty. The cherry blossoms are beautiful too. Stop From here, it’s Prefectural Route 77. The cherry blossoms are beautiful. The old town scenery is lovely. That’s a river. The flowers are incredibly beautiful. The cherry blossoms here are just at their peak. Sounds great! The river is so big, it’s kind of scary. The cliff is amazing. The view is absolutely stunning! This bridge is really nice. Look at that huge plume of mist rising over there! I wonder if the dam is releasing water. It’s releasing a ton of water. It’s amazing. Wait a minute, isn’t that incredible? The sound is incredible. I’ve arrived at the lake. I’m almost there, I think. I’ve reached Okuoi-kojyo-eki station. I hear the sound of a woodpecker. Ah, I can totally see it! So, that was Okuoi-kojyo-eki station In reality, when I saw it with my own eyes, it looked quite small. Maybe it looks clearer when you see it on TV or something. The lake looks beautiful, doesn’t it? The water surface is really clear without any waves. Wow, that mountain is covered in cherry blossoms! The road gets narrower from here. I think this road has a lot of rockfalls. There are a lot of stones falling. Whoa, that’s a big one! This mountain seems really prone to collapsing. That’s incredible, that spot. Hey, check this out! That’s huge. There are a bunch of stones like this scattered around. Wow, a rainbow! What’s up with these bumps on the guardrail? Whoa, the guardrail over there is down! What’s going on? That guardrail over there looks brand new, doesn’t it? Alright, let’s go. Let’s be careful of falling rocks. Right as I say it, here comes one, a rock! To the right! This way, perhaps? I wonder if I’ve cleared the rockfall zone. Wow, the irrigation canal looks nice. A big truck just passed by. Oh, it’s a dam. The water surface looks beautiful. Seems like it’s been nothing but enjoyable roads today. I’m up high. This place is high up. Hold on a moment. What a beautiful view. The cherry blossoms are beautiful. It’s cold. It’s getting chilly. 7:46 Which one is the right path? Is this the right way to go? Okushizu station, Fujimitouge I took a break at Okushizu station. Saying goodbye to the Southern Alps, let’s move forward. Wow, that’s amazing. I’m running low on gas Looks like I’m not reaching Umegashima. Wow, the mountains are beautiful! The mountains are layered, one after another. Hold on a sec. The road suddenly turned to dirt. I didn’t expect a dirt road here. I’m scared I would have crashed if I wasn’t paying attention. The sign says "Sound Horn." I don’t see the "Sound Horn" sign very often. Huh, what’s that? Wow, I’d like to take a photo real quick. Scary Amazing Oh, I can see Mount Fuji! Seriously? It’s high up. This scenery is amazing. Ah, this side is impressive too. Even though we’re deep in the mountains, the lanes are divided. This makes for an easy drive. The road is really winding, though. It’s fun. The rocks in the river are amazing. A big one’s coming, so let’s wait a bit. Thank you! It’s impressive how that huge truck made it through this road. The checkered pattern on the road is cute. There’s a big one coming, so let’s wait a bit. Isn’t this place amazing? Amazing rocks. Wow, that rock over there! Garyo Bridge. I wonder if it’s famous or something. It’s huge. It was worth it just to see this waterfall today. It’s fun. It’s enjoyable to see landscapes like this. Riding a motorcycle is fun! Motorcycling is so much fun! This nimble vehicle. The WR250X is so light, it’s almost like riding a bicycle. It moves so briskly, it’s like a bicycle that pedals itself. I can go anywhere with it. I left home at three in the morning today. I usually depart around that time when I go touring. I’m always a bit sleepy when I wake up. I feel reluctant to set out on a tour. I feel like giving up touring and doing some gardening instead. Just engaging the clutch to get the bike moving from home is already fun, and then I think, "Yeah, setting out on a tour was a good idea after all." That’s how enjoyable riding a motorcycle is. It’s still incredibly fun, isn’t it! Beautiful scenery. The scenery of tea fields and rivers is lovely. Thank you! It’s incredibly beautiful. Tea fields are incredibly beautiful. They’re picturesque, aren’t they? You have to do some reversing for passing cars. Are you OK? Should I back up? How far should I back up? Let’s back up to the tea fields. Since there’s space here, maybe I’ll back up to this point. I wonder if he can pass the other car. Sounds tough. 8:55 That bridge looks nice. Stress is completely gone. The river looks beautiful. It just feels like living in this scenery now. Not thinking about the past or the future, just focusing on the present moment is the best way to relieve stress. It really does look like a river from Shizuoka. I wonder if the mountains ever experience landslides or avalanches. That might be why there are so many rocks and the riverbed is wide. The river is too wide. Is this a different river? There are a lot of rivers here. Let’s try to find a gas station real quick. here I’ll pause the recording for now, but I’ll make sure not to forget to resume it. You all understand, right? I did the same thing as last time. I forgot to press the record button again. I have to admit, I surprised myself this time. I said not to forget to press the record button, didn’t I? It’s like forgetting the moment after saying it. What’s going on? Is it aging? So, I went all the way to the dead end of Umegashima, then turned back a bit. On the way to Umegashima, I went to a place called "Machu Picchu of the Sky." There were expansive tea fields there, and the scenery was really beautiful. The scenery was absolutely stunning. Of course, I didn’t manage to capture a video of that place. I’ll take a quick photo. Fortunately, since I’m going back the same way, it’s good that I’ll have the chance to take some photos. It’s just a shame that I couldn’t capture a video of the "Machu Picchu of the Sky." It was a quiet place where people live. So, it might be a bit difficult to go there with noisy motorcycles. Next, I’m going to a place called Ohya-Kuzure. I explained it when the recording wasn’t on, but I’ll say it again. It’s a place where the mountain collapsed during the earthquake in the Edo period (1858). It’s one of Japan’s three major landslides. I’ll go check it out since it’s a place where I can see that. It’s cleaner than the road to the "Machu Picchu of the Sky" that I went to earlier. This place is the only one that’s turned into a dirt road. Wow, there are a lot of rocks! It’s scary. Wow, this is amazing! Is this the place? I’ve arrived. Did that mountain collapse? It looks like it could still collapse even now. I wonder if it’s okay to go in there. It’s incredible. It’s almost too rugged, isn’t it? It’s completely collapsed. So these are the collapsed rocks around here. 10:50 Alright, shall I go to a restaurant? Let’s enjoy the scenery along the way to the restaurant. It feels like rocks just fell down right now. Boom! That’s amazing, the way it collapsed. It looks like the river might get buried. Turn right here. I wonder if it’s okay. I’m back on Prefectural Route 29. The valley over there is amazing, isn’t it? The flowers there are amazing. They’re incredibly beautiful. The "Machu Picchu of the Sky" is just ahead, to the right. Right there. I don’t think it was captured well, but it’s just ahead to the right. Wow, what a nice view. This is such an amazing view. It’s the best. Can you pass through? It’s really narrow. I’m running alongside the river. I’m flowing along with the river water. This bridge has a charming atmosphere. This is it. It’s called "Utsurogi," 11:22 Oh, is this wasabi? Wasabi fields and tea fields are lined up side by side. Is this it? Wow, I wonder if this restaurant is quite popular. Should I not go after all? Can I go this way too? Let’s go inside. wsabi rice set meal. cold soba wasabi tempura katsuobushi rice The white one was delicious. Thank you for the meal! I ate at this restaurant. The URL for the restaurant is in the description. I’m feeling a bit better. The wasabi bowl was delicious. There’s no way I could finish all that wasabi. I guess that’s to be expected. The lady at the restaurant told me to add wasabi little by little because I’d end up in tears if I used it all at once. If she hadn’t told me, I might have put all the wasabi in at once. There was katsuobushi on top of the rice. Then I pour soy sauce on top of it and dip it in wasabi before eating. Mostly, it’s the flavor of the katsuobushi. It’s a katsuobushi rice bowl. There were also menus without katsuobushi, so those might allow you to enjoy the taste of wasabi more. If I come next time, maybe I’ll try that. After this, I’ll return to Prefectural Route 29 and head south. That wraps up our mountain touring in the depths of Shizuoka. Afterwards, I plan to take the Shin-Tomei Expressway and head to the south side of Mount Fuji. 12:11. It’s been 9 hours since I left home, considering I left at 3 o’clock. Today’s touring route is around 500 to 600 kilometers in total. It took a while because of the mountain roads. This road feels really nice. These winding curves are so much fun. stop I’m back on Prefectural Route 29. The cliff over there is collapsing. I wonder what that thing in the middle is. Oh, there is a suspension bridge. Oh, the guy are crossing it. He seemed a bit hesitant, though. He must be scared. He did his best. Take a look at that. The collapsed area is quite impressive, isn’t it? The trees are sliding down. There are quite a few touring enthusiasts around. I’m going to hop onto the Shin-Tomei Expressway and warp ahead. I’ll be taking the Shin-Tomei Expressway. I’m currently driving on the Shin-Tomei Expressway. Mount Fuji looks stunning, so I’ve resumed filming. Isn’t it amazing? Alright, I’m done with the expressway! The engine feels great. This road feels really nice. It’s fun! I’ve warped to the southern foothills of Mount Fuji. It’s an amazing view. It’s a bit reminiscent of Aso, isn’t it? That wraps up this month’s touring. This time, I really enjoyed those winding roads. It’s the best, right here. I’m on X (Twitter), just so you know. The URL is in the description. I occasionally tweet about touring plans and photos during the tour. If you feel like it, I’d be happy if you followed me. That’s it for the touring. Let’s meet again next month. Please subscribe to the channel.




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#オクシズ #ソロツーリング #旅


  1. 動画を楽しみに待っていたので更新嬉しいです。GWに自分も奥大井湖上駅に行きましたが、362号線と60号線は林道に近いような雰囲気を感じました〜 これからも応援しております〜

  2. 地元民です。

  3. この辺りは裏庭感覚なのでよく行きます。コースはだいたい頭に入ってます。そしてこのオクシズコースは全て静岡市内w静岡市から一歩も外に出ていない。MT-09でも走るけど、脇に林道もあるし主道でも荒れているところがあるからオフ車の方が楽しめるかも。私はトリッカーに携行ガソリンタンクを積んで出かけてます。

  4. 先日、YZF-R7で行きました。セパハンにこのルートはきつかった😅

  5. 大井川上流辺りは自然が素晴らしい👍以前オジンgrで寸又峡温泉で一泊、883でツーリングして来ましたが凄い渓谷でしたね!気を付けて走ってください。

  6. 雨畑林道が通れていたころは52号線から入って大井川上流の集落を回って東名に乗って帰るのが定番で年に1,2回行っていました。10年ほど通行止めですがもう開通しないのかな。せめて豊岡梅ヶ島線が開通していれば行けるんですけどね。無理かなあ。

  7. この辺りは未舗装の林道も沢山ありますが昨年の台風で崖崩れ多発してまた通行止めになりましたね。

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