#オートバイ に乗りたい方必見‼︎#バイク目線動画🤭迷ってる方ぜひ見て!岐阜→福井県池田町 トトロに会いました🐻‍❄️ #トトロ #冠山峠道路(岐阜県-福井県)2023年11月19日開通 冬期も通行可






往路 午後1時半に自宅を出発。揖斐川町の道の駅 藤橋、徳山ダムを通過して、3時45分に福井県池田町かずら橋に到着。4時10分にトトロに到着。4時15分にまちの駅に到着。

復路 4時40分にテラス到着、5時にテラスを出発。5時半に徳山ダムを通過、6時15分に道の駅 藤橋。6時50分谷汲山到着。7時45分に自宅到着。




Hello everyone 🤭

This video is shot from the perspective of a motorcycle rider for those who are unsure about getting a motorcycle license.

I drove for 2 hours and 45 minutes one way, passing trucks, driving in tunnels, along river banks, and through mountain areas.

It’s a large motorcycle, so the fuel efficiency is about 18km/L. Gasoline costs 1600 yen round trip, and 3 drinks cost 360 yen.

The total cost of the tour was about 2000 yen.

Since the bike is in silent mode while driving, I don’t think you can hear the exhaust noise. Have you ever noticed a police motorcycle right next to you? Even with a 1300cc engine, you can have a normal conversation if you’re riding tandem.

Outbound: Left home at 1:30pm. Passed Fujibashi Roadside Station in Ibigawa Town and Tokuyama Dam, and arrived at Kazurabashi in Ikeda Town, Fukui Prefecture at 3:45pm. Arrived at Totoro at 4:10pm. Arrived at Machi no Eki at 4:15pm.

Return: Arrived at Terrace at 4:40pm, left Terrace at 5am. Passed Tokuyama Dam at 5:30pm, Fujibashi Roadside Station at 6:15am. Arrived at Yagikumiyama at 6:50am. I arrived home at 7:45.

It was a 6 hour and 15 minute bike trip. 😊

☆If you liked the video, please subscribe to my channel. ☺️

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