廃道が陸の孤島にした、思い出の黄昏スポットに立つ. ルーラン海岸 アモイ洞門と義経の涙岩 石狩市厚田区. SteelSteel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 7‐2024

Please turn on subtitles in settings Ishikari City Airroad Atsuta The sunset over the Sea of ​​Japan from here is spectacular. Last year, I heard this song by Yukino Ichikawa. I remembered another sunset spot Xiamen Cave on Lulan Coast A twilight spot along Old National Route 231 in Atsuta Ward In the past, many people spent romantic moments here. But now I can’t just go there This is because it is located between two tunnels that have been abandoned and are closed. Last September, I went to the Oshimanai tunnel on the current road. It would be impossible to climb up the slope above this tunnel, as it would be too steep. I used a drone to photograph the Luran coast along the old road. The rocky mountains loom large into the sea, As expected, the Loulan Tunnel was closed. Crossing a rocky mountain with a drone A sunset spot that turned into an isolated land island has appeared. I would like to see the Xiamen Cave from the old road side instead of the sea. But it’s not easy to get there through steep mountains. However, Atsushi Nakamura passed through the Nohiru Mountain Trail. I found a video of them reaching the Luran coast. The path was a hard one, pushing through the pathless mountains. Nakamura said at the end of the video that he would like to see the sunset from the cave. I was moved by Nakamura’s challenge. Also passing through the Nohiru Mountain Road I tried to go to Amoy Cave. If you follow Nakamura’s route on the map, It was a 2 hour and 40 minute journey that went deep into the mountains and descended into the valley. Approaching from the daylight side seems to take more time. But I would also like to stand on the Louran beach. Actually, I went to the Anse side entrance of Nohiru Mountain Trail. It suddenly started on a steep slope and I felt depressed. Looking back at the images taken last year near the Roulan Tunnel. A truck was parked mowing the grass, and there was a flag indicating that the felling work was in progress. It appears that the logging crew was headed for a power line on the ridge. There must be a path up the rocky mountain! From this discovery, I walked to the Rouran Tunnel, The shortest course was devised to climb up the rocky mountain and descend into the valley. I purposely left in the afternoon and aimed for the view at sunset. Going north on National Route 231 I could see the Rouran coast in the distance. Roadside Station Airroad Atsuta Always crowded Not here today Watch the sunset on the Luran coast Takinosawa Tunnel here on the sea side There is a wonderful waterfall called Anze! There is a waterfall if you walk along the covered path. arrival Park your bike where it won’t obstruct traffic. Parking is prohibited in this space Now I came to the Oshimanai Tunnel on the current road. Now, let’s go to the Luran coast. Walking along old Route 231 The road is abandoned and the guardrail has been removed. It doesn’t seem like there were that many falling rocks. Is the concrete foundation on the right the remains of a rockfall prevention fence? Oh, the melting snow is falling from above. A good coastal road has become obsolete… yeah? Was there a sign of some sort? It’s a warning It says that we will not be held responsible for any accidents that occur here [music] The sea is sparkling and beautiful Coastal road passing under a sea cliff Arrived at the place where the logging work truck was parked. That’s an amazing cliff Can you climb up? It’s so sudden! The nameplate of the tunnel is here Probably for a commemorative photo in front of Roulin Tunnel. Roulan Tunnel Completed in 1971 Total length is 165m Well, I’ll see if I can get there from this coast. Well, that assumption is a bit unreasonable. I can’t help but get soaked wet, There are many wave-dissipating blocks and reefs, and the sea seems deep. It’s a little impossible this is… Xiamen’s cave Yoshitsune’s tears are I can’t see it from here because that rocky mountain is in the way. Let’s climb the rocky mountain I found a slope that I could climb Now, which way should we go? There’s a road here What is this railroad crossing barrier like? It seems to have some meaning After climbing about 10m The slope is steeper than expected Is this a path taken by animals or by humans? Maybe both answers are correct. Oh, the path is clear Phew, there was a rope over there. Absolutely~ Please tell me that from the beginning. It might have been a lot easier if I told you this. Pink tape appeared at the end of the rope. A steep slope that makes it difficult to stand upright I guess it’s right above the pointy cape. There’s pink tape here. If I go there and fall, I’ll be in trouble, so maybe this way? It’s a slope that will hold up your legs… You can’t climb unless you hold on to a tree branch. Wow Amazing, right above the rocky mountain I probably climbed about 100m. Well, the rest is an easy win, right? (claps lightly) There was a boundary marker There is a lot of sika deer droppings around here. The atmosphere is strange… A lot of sika deer droppings are falling, but I can’t see them at all. Maybe a brown bear is nearby Enforce electronic whistles Descend the valley while paying attention to your surroundings A net has been placed on the slope to prevent falling rocks. Maybe it’s easier to get off Breathtaking slopes… This is it (rockfall prevention net) As I walked carefully, I remembered those words. Ruran is an Ainu word that means the slope where the gods walk. God, I don’t want to meet a brown bear on a slope like this. The stepping stones on the Luran coast look small. It’s almost there The occasional marker is a good sign. After this, the slope was quite steep, so I refrained from taking pictures to concentrate on the descent. the last steep spot There are no trees here anymore, so grab the roots It feels like it’s coming down Just a little more, Fight. I managed to get down the cliff! Haa Loulan coast closed by two abandoned tunnels Finally arrived! I can’t believe I can’t come if I don’t go this far! Old National Route 231 Xiamen Cave! It came from that valley river. Well, there used to be a herring house here. Old Oshima tunnel 1971年竣工、全長880m The yellow frame is impressive Let’s take a look at the coast Water from Tanigawa flows through the culvert into the Sea of ​​Japan. Impressive stepping stones or the ruins of a pier? Unfortunately, it seems a bit difficult to get down to the coast from here. If you force yourself to cross the fence, I’m so tired that I can’t help but fall. Although, The cave is bigger than I expected, almost big enough for a ship to pass through. Yoshitsune’s Tears Rock was also evident. Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who fled to Ezo, rested his boat in a cave. I cried thinking about my beloved Shizuka Gozen. impressive scenery the sun is setting Toward the north entrance of the Roulan Tunnel Now I’m alone on the Rouran coast There is an opening monument Osamu Ono, Sapporo Development and Construction Manager There are some large falling rocks around here. I hope you don’t fall into Ono’s name. Rouran, it’s really steep. Roulin Tunnel is only 165m long. to come here I climbed over the rocky mountains and descended into the valley. Even if you wear a torso length, it seems difficult to reach this point. Let’s take a bird’s-eye view of this unexplored region Nowadays it’s difficult to get here without a boat. Luran coast The slope that God walks through Walk along the old road to Rouran Tunnel I came over the mountain in the shortest possible time, but it was extremely difficult… Now, let’s take a closer look at the closed twilight spot. Cave and rocks filled with legends and memories Come on, on the stairs Let’s go down to the beach! Everyone, come quickly! Let’s cross the stepping stones together! and Of memories, sea ​​bathing and In the place of sunset… We all took a photo together, right? In front of the cave… Really swim and then take a boat again It’s like a sea tunnel you can pass through… 1996: Following the Toyohama tunnel collapse accident When the plan to replace National Route 231 was brought up. Kenichi Makino, the mayor of Atsuta Village at the time, You can go to this sunset spot by car. I want the old road to remain Although I asked the Hokkaido Development Bureau, My wish didn’t come true because safety was my priority… In this way, everyone enjoyed swimming in the sea in summer. I came to see the sunset over the Sea of ​​Japan. The tourist attraction was closed off to an abandoned road. It is not recommended to cross this mountain to come here. Because it’s the slope that God takes However, it is sandwiched between the Rouran Tunnel and the Oshimanai Tunnel. Even if it becomes a completely unexplored area Tourist attractions of yesteryear Still wonderful…. Some of the people who watched this video Some people may have taken commemorative photos here. I forgot to take pictures in the 90’s I’ll take a commemorative photo now. I wanted to see the sunset here Climbing the cliff became difficult when it got dark, so I headed back home. I returned to Airroad Atsuta on the current National Route 231. Many people watch the sunset from here. At the Luran coast From that sea cave I wanted to see the sunset… Luran Beach in Atsuta Ward, Ishikari City Famous spots at twilight It was closed off by two abandoned tunnels. Memories engraved in the hearts of many people It is forever Please leave your thoughts and comments.

石狩市厚田 ルーラン海岸、アモイ洞門と義経の涙岩があり、海水浴や黄昏スポットとして人気だった。しかし、2003年、国道231号の付け替えで2つの廃トンネルに閉じ込められ、陸路ではアクセス困難になってしまった。市川由紀乃さんの曲を聴いて再びルーラン海岸に行ってみたくなった。

・あいろーど厚田 http://aikaze.co.jp/
・Nakamura Atsushi 氏 石狩市 ルーラン海岸 探索

・Free BGM 甘茶の音楽工房
 [Flare] [オーブ1]
・Free BGM PeriTune
[Holy Place]

〇効果音ラボ https://soundeffect-lab.info/

〇使用機材 GoPro9, Insta360 onex2, DJI Air2s

・どらへび dora hebi @-dorahebi
・RISA RISE /りさらいず @risarise5831



  1. 北海道ダントツ難読地名、濃昼😊黒ブサ君初っぱなからいい場所を選びましたね。標識の場所からもいい夕陽が見れそう。夕方を目指すと帰りは辛そう。ほんとこれ自己責任とはいえキビシイ。1人動画ですからくれぐれもお気をつけて!楽しかったです。お疲れさまでした(^-^ゞ帰りの走りも含めて。

  2. 旧道から見るルーラン海岸キレイだったんでしょうね。

  3. 贅沢なプライベートビーチ感がありました。


  4. 海岸の道が廃道になってしまって残念な気持ちと、落石がやはりあるんだなと…

  5. かつて太島内トンネル(新)の建設に携わってた者です。

  6. 何度もキャンプした懐かしい海岸の風景を見れて感無量です。ありがとうございました。

  7. こんばんにちは、北海道日本海沿岸はやはりどこも崖沿い新旧トンネルの宝庫ですね、札幌より以北は行くのがなかなか困難なので動画を通して秘境旧道を見れて嬉しく思います、ただ他の探訪者の皆さんと同様に無理せぬように・・

  8. そうでしょ、夕陽を見たら帰りは大丈夫かなと思って見ていましたが、

  9. たいへん好いものを見せていただきました。洞門のところで顕著ですが、脆くて崩れやすい岩質に見受けられます。

  10. お疲れさまでした。 普通では見る事のできないもの、ありがとうございました。 往路で上り下り、動画には残っていませんでしたが、復路でもまた上り下りと大変だったと思います。 ケガなく、熊とも出会わず良かったです。

  11. 初めてコメントさせていただきます。6月中旬から7月にかけて、林道走行及び鉄道の廃線遺構の見学をメインとした、バイクツーリングを予定しています。Steelさんの動画で色々な情報を得させていただき感謝申し上げます。道南エリアにルーラン海岸をはじめ魅力的なスポットが多いですね。

  12. このGWに、229号の積丹区間と231号を走りに渡道しました。懐かしいはずの道は、steelさんの動画で予習した通り新しいトンネルで走りやすくなっており、どちらも呆気ないほど簡単に通り抜けてしまいました。安全かつ便利になった分、無くしたものも大きいなあ…と感じた次第です。まあ、もう離れて30年ですからね…😢

  13. 隼ビュー(勝手にいってます)ドローン絶景ですね。昔母を連れててルーラン観に来たり、友人と海水浴にきていました。混雑も無く車は停車できましたが、もう普通には行く事は叶わないのですね、道民として、この絶景を共有できないのは、残念至極😢です。改めて時の流れの速さを感じざる得ません。ありがとうございました。

  14. 30年ほど前、よくここで遊びました😂子どもを連れて海岸に降りて、おにぎり食べて、岩のり取りなんかやったりして面白かったなあ❤あの景色にはもう会えないと思ってましたが、動画あげて下さり感謝です😂

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