ゼファーで日本一周『淡路島 ツーリング編』【バイクで日本一周 旅】

put oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] n Can You Feel the Fire Within Can You Feel the fire burning in I know it’s breaking through I know it’s break breaking through I know it’s breaking through I know it’s breaking through so come close Don’t Let Go come close a bab you’ll never know why I love you so my heart is Catching Fire I just feel so fine with this fire this fire this fire this fire the fire is burning inside me it’s burning my heart is Catching Fire I just feel so fine with this fire this fire this fire this fire feel the fire burn within Can You Feel the Fire Burn in I know it’s breaking through I know it’s breaking through I know it’s breaking through I know it’s breaking through so come close don’t let go close up bab you’ll never know why I love you so my heart is Catching Fire I just feel so fine with this fire this fire this fire this [Music] fire [Music] this [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] aah oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] hey man how the hell you doing I’ve been just F living life with the new in my mind all I he is music watching your mouth move damn you look stupid I feel like everyone’s a stranger small talk with your Nur s nebor she’s real hot but they said they never date her H I agree but you did and I hate her you want to get away you better get in line won’t go another day of wasting any time I’ve got a lot to say can’t hold it in this time got no filter I got no filter no filter I got no filter no fter I got no fter no fter I got no fter no filter I got no filter hey man can I get a papor jaer I know see you later sometimes I just want to be a hater got to watch down the top 40s with the Chaser your boy St feeling like a waiter scraping my my n get and chees crater before you go sir you at the side of w that’s all right I’m aware of the danger you want to get away you better get in line won’t go another day of wasting any time I’ve got a lot to say can hold it in this time got no filter I got no filter no filter I got no filter no filter I got no no fter no fter I got no fter no fter I [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] do you still know me together we grow we are like rainbows the star R wor will you be happy will you be brave we are like rainbow [Music] would you stop to know me would you let me go we are like rainbows a shimmer you can hold will you be happy will you be [Music] sa


⑧うずの丘 大鳴門橋記念館
⑩大鳴門橋架橋記念館 エディ

motor cycle travel
japan travel vlog

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