「タチバナ家のテレビ」第318話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

I am a TV. The TV in the Tachibana household. The Tachibanas’ TV. (TV) We went deeper into the cave and we saw… (TV) Moments later, we saw something shocking! It’s drawing it out. But there has been nothing shocking following such claims, has there? It’s always like this. You can never trust what other people claim. This isn’t about that. The TV is the problem. Even if you say that… Right? Yes. I can’t help you if you say that. Mother, where’s the video I recorded a while back? It’s on top of the TV. It’s not there. Is it in my room, them? I am not a table for videos. I am not meant to hold a cactus, either. I don’t want any of that water on me. Sometimes… No way! I can’t hang up the clothes outside because it rains. Even so… Mother, what is this? It can’t be helped. There’s no place to hang it. And the TV is great for drying. It’s warm. I see. Nonsense. Never hang anything on me to dry. I wish everyone would look at me. I’m not as popular now, but in the past I was well loved. Mother, when does Chopi start? How many minutes? Mikan, you’ve been asking a hundred times already. About how many minutes there are left. But I want to see quickly. I’m home. Have you been watching the house? Yes, we’ve been fine with the TV. I love the TV. Sometimes things went a little too far. What are you doing? I wanted to draw Chopi that’s on TV. Ugh, come on. This marker doesn’t come off easily! That time was a bit dangerous. (TV) Next you add soy sauce and alcohol. (TV) Yes, using the big spoon… Wait, it’s too fast! Slow down! I didn’t get to write that just now! Let’s see. That won’t do. I fear for our meal. The TV has done so many things wrong. [1 minute cooking] That’s not my fault. It’s because Mother is a poor cook. How about we go to the bargain sale in front of the station? Of course we’ll go. I’ve been waiting a week. You’ve been waiting? In that case, this Sunday… (TV) We’ve talked, but we’ve decided to go our separate ways… They’re breaking up after all! Who do you mean? You know, the famous help couple… Oh, Mrs. Tachibana. You mean the mask couple. Oh my, right. I wonder if it’s on other channels, too? Please don’t use your foot on my remote. I’m home. Hey. Nothing’s on. (TV) A more luxurious car. (TV) A more luxurious car. (TV) The more open it feels the more you ride. (TV) The more open it feels the more you ride. Doesn’t it feel good when you come across the same ad on another channel? I know that feeling. That’s why I switch channels like this. – I do that often, too. – I know, right? (TV) Hossan promises you your ride. (TV) Hossan promises you your ride. It’s over. My remote gets pressed pretty often. Sometimes it disappears. (TV) White is preparing here. (TV) This is a safe spot. Honey, look. [Daily newspaper] It’s a waste of electricity. I’m turning it off. Oh my, where’s the remote? I don’t know. Strange. (TV) Hello, this is Hokkai’s Canteen. (TV) Hup! (TV) Sorry for being so sexy. (TV) Please direct your anger at the TV! Though this is just a recording, of course. I should prepare for dinner. Oh my, the remote. I turned on the TV earlier… Strange, where is it? Even if you ask, there’s no way it would move about on its own. Yes. Mrs. Tachibana, delivery. Yes, please wait. Hello. Now that dinner’s ready, I’ll watch TV while I wait… Huh? Strange. I put it here just now… It’s gone. Did I drop it? It’s gone. If I didn’t put it on the table, I went to the kitchen next, then I collected the laundry on the veranda. Where has it gone? My remote moves around often. (TV) Satomi, I can’t let you leave tonight. (TV) I’m Satonaka’s wife. (TV) I’m the wife of the man who slandered you! (TV) What about it? (TV) You’re the only girl I’ve wanted for ten years. (TV) Because I thought of you, [Peaking music] I was able to hang on. (TV) Yoshihiko. [Embarrassed atmosphere] (TV) Yoshihiko, I… You kids should sleep. Father, I’m a high schooler now. How can I sleep so early? Then study! This is an outrage! This drama is popular in school! Huh? Why isn’t it working? There’s no batteries. Oh, Father. Please don’t play around with my remote. I’m the Tachibana’s TV. I’m a member of this family. That’s probably what it thinks. Atashin’chi. [Please subscribe to the channel, Atashin’chi] Red rose of passion, and jealousy.

#あたしンち #情熱の赤いバラ #atashinchi







▼期間限定公開 特別映像

「タチバナ家のテレビ」第318話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]



  1. すべてのエピソードを YouTube に追加する

  2. 6:37


  3. 1953(昭和28)年に日本でテレビ放送が始まり、これからの時代は コンテンツも高画質で見れる時代

  4. 1950(昭和28)年に日本でテレビ放送が始まり、これからの時代は コンテンツも高画質で見れる時代‼️

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