ココ行けたら裏山なんて へー ですわ

living life every day lat night not okay all I want and I pray all I need are some better day [ __ ] me I’m looking in the mirror so fogy but I’ve never seen clearer I don’t really think anyone can save me and honestly I’m not really sure I want saving I like to be My Own Worst Enemy there’s no risk if you don’t try it anything so I’m going just get bying everything see you in the next life to be a better me I don’t think that my EXs on straight got to flip it and grip it and go and get an x-ray what’s wrong with me I just feel way pushing on my chest ande till I suffocate better change my mindset meditate it’s pretty cool that I’m Al better days I walk here I Cate I can change elev I days yeah all I need days and I pray I believe in the I’m kind of stuck between a rock in a hard place do I work hard

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