[ディープスポット] 支笏湖 / 死骨湖 の転落事故現場へ. 道道78号 支笏湖線. Steel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 06‐2024 草ヒロ

・Please turn on subtitles ・If you don’t like animal carcasses, please refrain from watching. Lake Shikotsu was created by a large volcanic eruption 44,000 years ago. This is a caldera lake filled with water in a depression. The lake quickly becomes deeper from the shore. The average depth is 265m, The deepest part reaches 363m Once a body sinks, it never rises to the surface again. Because there is such a legend, There is also a novel about two people in tragic love singing in a house on the bottom of a lake… At the now defunct Lake Shikotsu Youth Hostel "Dead Bone Lake" goods were on sale Hokkaido Road No. 78 was established in 1970 in the wake of the Sapporo Olympics. The west coast of Lake Shikotsu, commonly known as Section B, is closed to traffic all year round. At the end of the year three years ago, I was taking an aerial photograph of section B from the north side of the Bifue campsite. It is believed that he fell from Prefectural Route 78. Found an abandoned vehicle According to viewer Lucky Strike, The fallen car belonged to a chip broker. Drinking alcohol and driving under the influence every day It seems to be an elderly man who was going around with Polopinai, Bifue, and Morapu. There were no life-threatening injuries at the time of the accident. Is there a reason for the accident other than alcohol? What kind of car was the one that crashed? Near the fall site I saw something like a figure… I started thinking that I would like to go to the field someday. Golden Week 3 years later We decided to investigate the fall accident scene in section B. Departing from the moss-covered Tomon parking lot, which is permanently closed. Take National Route 453 towards Bifue [High traffic volume during Golden Week] There, turn right and enter section A of Prefectural Route 78. The winter closure of Section A has been lifted. Bifue campsite is open To the left of this is the remains of the foundation of the building. If you turn right at the T-junction, you will see the ruins of the pier. towards the left Toward Bifue Campsite Bifue Bridge Bifue River flowing into Lake Shikotsu Section B is ahead Several cars are parked in front of the gate. Get ready to explore… This is the entrance to the Bifue campsite. Now, let’s go exploring Hayabusa-kun, I’m going. Where did the people who parked here go? Current position, red arrow Proceed on foot in Section B I passed two anglers. They come quite a lot. Fallen trees often seen on Prefectural Route 78 Wow…sika deer carcass Amazing sight in the middle of the road Did Hunter abandon it? Or is it the work of a brown bear? By the way, I met another fisherman. The car in front of section B probably belongs to a fisherman. Was the figure seen near the abandoned car in the aerial photograph taken three years ago a fisherman? branching off to a forest road Did the angler go through the forest road to fish on the lake shore? Well… there were some tires thrown away that seemed to have been illegally dumped. It’s quite a rough road. Well, it’s basically the end of the straight line. Look carefully at the top of the tree, I was wondering if there might be a brown bear family climbing there. Look up and pay attention to your surroundings. I’m looking around Currently, there are no items like brown bear droppings (feces). I don’t have one, but I’m walking while blowing this whistle. Super easy limbo dance Oisho, Oops, this time a tree fell down, Good job [Enter the deepest part of section B] Cross the bridge to reach the steep cliff area Well, apparently it’s called Naribashi. The bridge is much more damaged than the Bifue Bridge that I crossed on my bike. The bridge is built quite high above the river. Full of unexplored feeling Wow… There was a big, dangerous hole… I can’t let my guard down curve right here It’s a pretty steep curve The outlook is not good and tension is increasing… If you go around the curve to the right or left I saw Mount Eniwa right in front of me. [There is an animal at the end of the road] A very warm welcome. I was frightened by the appearance of Ezo deer. [Shoot away with whistle] Well, the fact that there are people like that… I don’t think there will be any brown bears nearby. The path is uphill, which puts strain on the legs and hips. Immediately to the left is a steep cliff Also, the carcass of a sika deer Wow, it’s the second one, and it’s in the middle of the road. curve left here Shadowed by a cliff, dark and even more tense. The lake looks far below The guard rope is very low; There is a high possibility that you will fall if you veer off the road… So, if you run along the cliff side, This time there is a risk of falling rocks! This time it was downhill The west coast of Lake Shikotsu is extremely steep. It is difficult to get down to the lakeshore from this road. There are very limited places to get off. This seems like the only place to get off Because it is such a cliff area, the slope is steep even if you go ahead. It seems more difficult to get off I’ll try to get off here somehow. Red x indicates the estimated location of the fallen car I intended to descend from directly above it, but it was difficult to descend due to the steep cliff. Therefore, I tried to get down the slope much closer to it. Well, I managed to get down the slope carefully. When I got off stone beach The lake shore of section B where I got off for the first time It was so quiet that I thought I had lost my hearing. There’s no one here, let alone anglers… Yesterday, May 3rd, there was a canoeing accident. Canoe capsized on Lake Shikotsu? Man suffers cardiopulmonary arrest (HTB) I don’t think anyone is canoeing. Continue north along the Golota stone beach. It’s a really great location Windless and mirror-like lake surface However, it is difficult to walk Hey… oh! That’s it! vehicle and The large fallen tree seen in the aerial shot three years ago can also be seen. Finally, we reached that fallen car! The roof has a large dent, probably due to the impact of the fall. Identify the vehicle type of the fallen vehicle The exterior is also in severe pain and I don’t know the model of the car. Ah, is that operation bar a column shift? Let’s check inside the car For some reason, my pants were thrown away. The interior is also severely deteriorated… TOYOTA on the seatbelt buckle! A logo on the handle? C・・・? CROWN turns out to be Toyota Crown! The man who was a chip broker was on board. If I post to X, A kind person told me it was an MS100 series crown. Is it a 1978 model? column shift crown While falling I must have felt terrible fear. I mean, it’s such a steep cliff, isn’t it? ! Let’s investigate the road and surrounding area where the fallen car fell. I sat on a nearby fallen tree and took an aerial photo. A shocking sight The deep blue part of the lake water is probably several tens of meters deep. From the traces of downed trees Was this what it felt like to fall from the road 50 meters up to the lake shore? After two or three more turns I might have sunk into the abyss If it didn’t fall off the road, the crown would run like this Right over there, and curve to the left Cross the Tanna Bridge, He must have exited via Bifue to the national highway below Mt. Fufushidake. Map of 1935 There is a mountain road that leads to Okutan and a mountain road that leads to Bifue River. However, section B doesn’t even have a mountain road. Wasn’t it a dangerous area where no one could enter? While mowing down the trees on the slope the crown has fallen While feeling the pain all over my body man outside the car I’m sure the drunkenness must have washed away. And on the shore of a completely deserted lake I must have been at a loss as to how I was going to get home from now on. If I forget about that fall accident that happened decades ago, What a mysterious Lake Shikotsu blue… The day before, there was a canoe capsize accident due to strong winds. It’s so calm today that I feel like I’m going to be sucked into the surface of the lake. The majestic figure of Mt. Eniwa is reflected upside down on the surface of the lake. From Okutan to Bifue Prefectural road 78 B section that was passable The Crown ran like this, Did you deviate from the road when the sun went down and it became dark? Or maybe you were startled by a deer that suddenly jumped out. Did you turn the steering wheel towards the lake? I fell onto the lakeshore On a cliff like this It may not have been appropriate to pass through the road. There’s really no sound here. It’s quiet It doesn’t seem like this world It’s really about 5 meters away That seems really deep. Touch the lake water Ugh, that’s cold! If I fell into the lake, I would have a heart attack. gradually, As dusk approached, I would like to go home What appears to be a human figure captured in an aerial photograph taken three years ago Shadows of trees? , angler? Or someone from the bottom of the lake? Vehicle fall accident that occurred on Prefectural Route 78 Shikotsuko Line B section There was a risk that he would sink to the bottom of a bottomless lake and drown. Drinking and driving is bad, but With the opening of a road on the west coast of Lake Shikotsu, Wasn’t there a problem in the first place? Please leave your thoughts and comments.

3年前の年末、崖地に通された支笏湖線 B区間を空撮していたら転落車両を発見した。視聴者から事故当時のドライバーの情報提供があり、GWに徒歩で事故ポイントに向かい、現場検証をした。

・支笏湖モデルと湖中写真 支笏湖ビジターセンター
・支笏湖悲恋 山鳥キク 2020 Kindle
・死骨湖グッズ 旧支笏湖ユースホステルHP 
・支笏湖でカヌーが転覆 HTB
・MS100系クラウン1978 京都トヨタ 

・夏と冬の秘湖 オコタンペ湖へ独歩 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12oPraohS2o
・車が落ちる 死骨湖 ロード https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E65vD1K81gY
・赤い覆道のち秘境コーナリング! 通年通行止めオコタン上級コース
・不思議な水中線路と 支笏湖 ブルー. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f6qBAypZOQ
・二人の愛を演出 超隠れ家ホテル遺構の探索 支笏湖グランドホテル
・帰ってきて! 今も花咲く 廃キャンプ場. 支笏湖オコタン
・恐怖の死骨湖温泉. 千歳市 支笏湖 トマリの湯.

・Free BGM 魔王魂
・Free BGM 甘茶の音楽工房
 [Thanatos hypnos] [Flare] [オーブ1]
・YouTube Audio Library
 -Earth appears by Brian Bolger
-On the island by Godmode

〇効果音ラボ https://soundeffect-lab.info/

〇使用機材 GoPro9, Insta360 onex2, DJI Air2s

・どらへび dora hebi @-dorahebi
・RISA RISE /りさらいず @risarise5831



  1. お疲れ様です。そう,昔は私も,MS-60前期型で4年,後期型で2年ほど,不整地駆け回っていました。最低地上高が高いのと,FRで力があったので,現在の普通乗用車では行けないようなところ行ってましたね。ぬかるんだ不整地,急坂下りで,"あ~~~"と思ったこともありましたけど。若気の至り。。。。。。

  2. お疲れ様です。

  3. 過去にこのB区間を走破された視聴者さんもおられるようで羨ましいです。残念ながら自分はそのわずか後くらいの世代。地元出版の地図🗺上では通れる表記になっていましたが、実際に訪れると一部崩落のため通行止になっていました。その翌年も「工事中🚧」で通れずでその後3~4年トライを続けましたがついぞ通行可能時に出くわしたことはなく、そのうちチミケップ湖から先、オコタンまでの道も完全閉鎖されてしまい夢と消えてしまったので、今回の探索は非常に嬉しいです。改めて、最初の映像に映っていた車🚗左脇の「謎の人影👻」は、普通にガクブルものですね~☠

  4. もはや車道として復活するのも無理っぽいですね、、。6:43辺りのガードレールは長年上から流れて来た土で埋まった感じですね。このクラウンは落ちた場所が急勾配なのと、引き上げで国立公園内で木を伐採出来なかったかもしれないので、引き上げられなかったのかもしれないですね、、。

  5. あの転落車は時折注目されますが、あの場所まで下りられるんですか。コラムシフトのクラウン・・・(遠い目をしてしまいました)。

  6. 水なかったら崖のちょっとした踊り場に偶然引っかかったようなものでしたね。

  7. 30年ほど前、苔の洞門への近道だと思って、丸駒温泉から支笏湖西岸の道をCBR250RRで走りましたが、オンロードバイクでこの道に入ったことを後悔する道でした。

  8. 待ちに待ったクロブサくんの季節到来ですね。



  9. 0:51 の方の提供情報では、美笛やモラップへチップを卸していた方とのこと。1970~80年代は屋外キャンプ全盛時代ですから、支笏湖名産魚としてテントやバンガロー宿泊者向けに結構な需要があったのでしょう。飲酒運転とのことですが、もし転落事故を起こさなかった場合、その区間なら検問や取り締まりはありえないので、10年飲酒運転を毎日続けてても捕まらなかったでしょうね😅。当時の支笏湖温泉~ポロピナイ間は有料道路。仕事で毎日往復してたら結構な額になったでしょうから、東岸~南岸の舗装道は使わずにこの道を常用していたのではと推察されます。

  10. お疲れ様でした😊

  11. 浅瀬だと思って湖に裸足で歩いていったら急にとんでもなく深くなる…そして見事な支笏湖ブルー…。支笏湖の美しくも恐ろしい部分を象徴するかのような場所ですね…。

  12. お疲れ様でした🙇
    隼さんの動画は本当に興味深く行きたい所だらけですが、如何せん徒歩で行くのが…僕には元気と勇気が足りません🧓  気をつけて活動されて下さい🙇

  13. ここは支笏湖アングラーの間では通称「クラウンポイント」と呼ばれる釣り場所ですね。

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