
Little girl cried very sadly at her mother’s funeral Suddenly she saw the little sister beside her who was still in the ceremony She ran over and kicked her little sister hard When my father saw it, he immediately ran over to stop him. He hurriedly picked up the little sister on the ground and blamed the second child Why do you treat your newborn sister like this? The second child with tears in his eyes said painfully, "Mom" He died to give birth to this little sister. After saying that, she wanted to do something to her sister again It turns out that the mother of the girl just now was She is a fifty-year-old woman who has given birth So the mother suffered tremendously I gave birth to my third child naturally with difficulty. But the whole family is very sad no happy emotions Because they always wanted a boy But this time another girl was born The mother felt sorry that the husband could not bear the blow So he died in anger Leaves behind husband and three daughters So the second child told me the cause of his mother’s death Blame it all on my newborn little sister This is the dick at the funeral The reason why I kicked my little sister so cruelly Time flies, a few years pass by in an instant The three sisters are also growing up The eldest sister took on the responsibility of being a mother Taking care of two younger sisters My father relied on his fried chicken skills Work from dawn to dusk every day to make money to support the family My little sister has loved it since she was little That delicious chicken that my father fried So her biggest dream I want to open my own fried chicken restaurant when I grow up. But the good times don’t last long Because of my father’s little fried chicken shop It’s actually more popular than some fried chicken restaurants of listed companies. Qian Yunze, the boss of a listed company I came to Li Zhensen in person and wanted to buy his store. But was flatly rejected by Li Zhensen Qian Yunze used despicable means Cut off Li Zhensen’s supply of raw materials Li Zhensen is determined not to succumb to capitalists Opened his own chicken farm and continued to operate a fried chicken restaurant In fact, Li Zhensen and Qian Yunze’s father were very good friends Li Zhensen developed a unique fried chicken sauce But it was stolen by Qian Yunze’s father and kept as his own Relying on this fried chicken sauce he got from a taxi driver Became a business tycoon After Qian Yunze’s father passed away Qian Yunze inherited all the family property But things soon changed Because of his second daughter Chunxiu, Li Zhensen In the end I had to let go of my pride Chunxiu inherited her mother’s piano talent She has always wanted to study abroad, but due to family difficulties Can only work in bars to earn tuition Chunxiu quickly fell in love with her because of her beauty Being stared at and harassed by some restless men Fortunately, security arrived in time to prevent the tragedy. This scene was seen by my father from a distance It made him heartbroken Li Zhensen felt deeply guilty after returning home I feel that I am unable to let my daughter suffer Finally, Li Zhensen went to Qian Yunze Sold the fried chicken restaurant he worked so hard for for one million Qian Yunze had already met Chunxiu several times by this time. After a brief understanding Begins to be attracted to pure and kind-hearted Chunxiu Falling in love with her The next day Li Zhensen asked his daughter to go home Prepare to send her abroad to realize her dream But Junxiu thought her father was joking Thinking that he has no money for her to go abroad The father did not argue as he left Just asked my daughter to check her bank account I want to inherit the legacy of the fried chicken restaurant After learning that his father sold the store to a rival, I ran outside and sat on the ground and cried loudly. Chunxiu doesn’t want to see her father’s hard-working career ruined in one day Came secretly to Qian Yunze’s house If you can’t enter from the main entrance, climb over the wall. Sneaking around and finally arriving at Qianyunze’s room Found the transfer contract for the fried chicken restaurant Just as she was about to leave Discovered by Qian Yunze’s sister To avoid pursuit She threw things in the house everywhere Finally, I entered the secret room by mistake. I discovered Qianyunze Fried Chicken there. Secrets of using Hextech Qian Yunze immediately ordered his men to catch Chunxiu Chunxiu, with the help of Qian Yunze’s secretary Successfully escaped with injuries She didn’t dare go home and ran to the chicken farm Father found his daughter through the scent she left behind Looking at the store resale contract in my daughter’s hand Li Zhensen learned about his daughter’s painstaking efforts and did not blame her At this moment, Qian Yunze’s men also found this place. Just lock the door and poured gasoline around the room Then a fire was lit and Li Zhensen and his daughter were trapped inside. Qian Yunze also rushed to the scene and wanted to relent. Instruct his men to rescue their father and daughter But suddenly I thought of the grudges between the parents of both parties. Thinking of themselves in fried chicken if they died The secret of adding poison will not be exposed Once Li Zhensen dies, the relationship between himself and innocence No one can stop it Just like that, he changed his mind and reached out Stopped his men who were about to save people In the end Qian Yunze decided to turn around and leave Li Zhensen watched Qian Yunze leave and understood The other party decided not to save him until death Li Zhensen burst out when the house was about to collapse The potential within the body throws innocence away from safety He himself had no time to escape Finally died in the sea of ​​​​fire The whole family was devastated at Li Zhensen’s funeral Second daughter Junxiu at the funeral Fighting with my sister Give my sister a slap in the face violently Hit Chunqing’s face hard Blame her for the lack of peace in the house since she was born First, her mother died early giving birth to her. Now her father also died because of her Innocent and self-reproaching, she allowed her sister to scold and attack her Can only cry sadly Soon after, Qian Yunze came to the funeral with fake sadness. Still busy entertaining guests After the guests leave Qian Yunze began to explain the fire to the innocent family Said to be caused by a short circuit in the wire When I arrived at the scene, the fire was out of control. and pretended to be sad and apologized to them Said he was unable to save Li Zhensen Explaining that Li Zhensen sold the shop because he needed money urgently It was Li Zhensen who came to the door on his own initiative. Chunqing therefore broke into his house without permission Steal the contract and hide in the chicken farm He failed to rescue Li Zhensen when he found her So everything is his fault hope they can forgive Qian Yunze’s behavior not only won the favor of the innocent family And got rid of responsibility Later, when innocence needs company the most, Qian Yunze began to actively pursue her Chunxiu discovered on her account The tuition fees for studying abroad left by her father during his lifetime Only then did she realize how much pains her father had put into her. Not only did she fail to understand her father Instead, they blame and look down on him My heart hurts like being pierced by thousands of arrows Tears flowed down uncontrollably That day Chunqing accidentally heard from Qian Yunze’s subordinates My father’s fire was not caused by a short circuit in the wires When he was about to reveal the truth, he was interrupted So Chunqing went to Director Shin alone to ask for the truth. Unexpectedly, Director Shen actually had murderous intentions Trying to freeze innocence alive in an ice cave Fortunately her boyfriend arrived in time Defeated Director Shin and rescued Junqing After returning home, Chunqing learned that her sister had decided to marry Qian Yunze She strongly opposed She has begun to doubt her father’s death It may be related to Qian Yunze So I told my sister about Director Shin. But innocence doesn’t know At this time, Qian Yunze was discussing countermeasures with Director Shen. When innocence comes to ask the truth Qian Yunze pretends to be a good guy and Director Shen plays the bad guy. Quiet innocent doubts with lies Kind innocence lies in lies Still decided to marry this wolf in sheep’s clothing A word from my mother-in-law on the wedding day Make innocence feel uneasy about her own happiness Sure enough, my mother-in-law’s words were not groundless. After returning from their honeymoon trip, Chunzhen and Qianyunze Haven’t rested yet As soon as I walked in, I was met with harsh words from my mother-in-law. Tell her bluntly not to think that she will marry into a wealthy family You can reach the pinnacle of life Remind her that she will always be a lowly woman The mother-in-law drove all the servants away from the house Let the innocence of the sister-in-law serve the sister-in-law for dinner and threw all the cleaning tools in front of her and ordered her Keep your home spotless The mother-in-law looked at the innocent and surprised expression and told her Don’t think that the daughter of a small fried chicken shop owner You will enjoy happiness if you marry into a group daughter-in-law She not only has to assist her husband but also does housework You also have to do laundry, cook and keep the house tidy Until I’m exhausted and broken to pieces This is her in this inappropriate marriage price that must be paid Innocence does not dare to refute I can only pick up the tools on the ground and start working Qian Yunze came home from get off work that night No care for his wife Just a simple greeting to Innocence Then he looked at the lovely wife in front of him Can’t help the impulse in my heart Pick her up and walk to the bedroom Desire to enhance the relationship between husband and wife Late at night when everyone is asleep Get dressed innocently and silently Pick up the tools and start cleaning diligently Early in the morning, Qian Yunze saw his wife through the window in the cold wind Working as a servant in the yard I was very angry and went straight to my mother. Stop scolding her in moderation Tell your mother I know you don’t like her So yesterday I deliberately asked her to go home first let you vent Don’t you think torturing her for one day is not enough? Now you ask her to clean the whole yard Qian Yunze sternly warned his mother not to do it again Childish things that hurt this woman as fragile as glass. Otherwise, if you anger me, the consequences will be very serious The mother-in-law was very angry when her son warned her like this Son’s warning failed to stop mother Instead, the mother became more strict and asked Chunqing and Chunzhen to clean the yard together. In the eyes of my mother-in-law, all the innocent family are servants To teach their sisters a lesson My sister-in-law deliberately said her earrings were worth hundreds of millions disappeared suddenly directly doubt innocence An earring was stolen while cleaning the room yesterday Mother-in-law seizes the opportunity to make a fuss The three of them rushed into Chunqing’s room to search What Chunqing didn’t expect was that The earrings were actually found in her backpack Everyone got the stolen goods, and the mother-in-law immediately slapped Chunqing in the face. Hit innocent face hard Seeing this, Innocence hurriedly protected her sister My mother-in-law did not miss the opportunity to teach her a lesson. beat them harder Almost beating them to death Afterwards, the two sisters hugged each other and cried bitterly My sister blames herself very much for not being able to protect her sister well. Qian Yunze went home at night purely for the sake of his sister It was the first time I told him about being unjustly beaten. But Qian Yunze didn’t show anything I was so angry that I left innocently. The next day, Innocence did her job as a servant as usual. Come to the yard to get the sauce Watchdog barks like crazy after seeing stranger At this moment, the vicious dog broke free from its restraints and pounced on Innocence. Qian Yunze, who was in the room, suddenly heard a scream I hurriedly ran out to see what happened Found that Innocence was bitten by a dog His expression changed immediately I can no longer control my inner anger Angrily took out the shotgun from the trunk of the car Go directly to the dog you have raised for many years Raise the gun and fire three shots Qian Yunze’s crazy behavior It scared everyone at home Innocence shows an expression of disbelief I feel like my husband has become a stranger Innocence was promptly sent to the hospital for rescue Fortunately, the vaccine was injected in time and there was nothing serious. This made Qian Yunze finally feel at ease. But when he saw the bodyguard who was also worried, suddenly remembered something Call the bodyguard over immediately without saying a word He raised his hand and slapped the bodyguard twice on the face. Angrily scolding the bodyguard for being disrespectful to his woman The bodyguard then remembered that he didn’t think much about it at the time. In order to check the injury, I lifted up my innocent skirt The bodyguard realized his mistake He apologized hastily and explained that he was too panicked at the time. In Qian Yunze’s opinion, the bodyguard is just a servant. Don’t even have the right to panic Directly warn him that if he crosses the line again, he will go to hell. After Qian Yunze left, the bodyguard felt unwilling But I can only endure it temporarily In the car, Qian Yunze called his mother and severely scolded her. Why don’t you take his words to heart? Knowingly the dog in the house Will be aggressive towards strangers Why do you still let Chunzhen work in the yard? The mother angrily asked her son if he was crazy Because an outsider spoke to her like this Qian Yunze angrily said that he was really crazy Warning mother again to stop in moderation He threatened that since he dared to take care of him The dog I have loved for decades will kill whenever I say so. If the mother does not restrain herself The dog is dead now No one knows what will happen in the future After saying this, he hung up the phone without waiting for his mother to refute. The mother was so angry that she beat her chest But I can’t say a word Account for this grievance It’s all on my daughter-in-law When Innocence was discharged from the hospital at night, she didn’t wear shoes because she was in a hurry. The bodyguard considerately bought her new slippers. I still remembered Qian Yunze’s warning when I left. keep distance from innocence The wound on innocence’s leg hurts she can’t walk alone I had to rely on the light curtain for help At this time, Light Curtain casually stretched out his arm let her hold her Innocence comes home I was called aside by my mother-in-law with a stern face. Her mother-in-law didn’t care about her injuries scold directly when you get married It’s enough without bringing any dowry Now it brings misfortune as soon as you enter the door It’s really unlucky and unlucky to bring home a woman like you. Tears of innocence are already welling up in my eyes Just trying to defend myself But her mother-in-law interrupted her and told her to shut up. What my mother-in-law said next was even more unpleasant. Talk about innocence for such a poor woman They are all shameless people I just want to disguise myself Marrying into a rich family is just to divide the property She should know her role When Qian Yunze needs you, just stay with him for a while. Then go back to where you were Laundry, cooking and cleaning Innocence can only endure it for the sake of marriage Dragging the injured body to continue working At this time she saw her husband again That extremely irritable side It feels like this man who loves me is becoming more and more unfamiliar The sister-in-law grabbed her brother-in-law by the collar angrily Claiming to avenge his father It turns out that I was blaming Qian Yunze just now she did a lot for him but did not get any benefit You were the main person who killed Li Zhensen I took all the responsibility These conversations were overheard by Chunqing who was hiding aside. She heard everything clearly Only then did she understand her father’s death It was really my brother-in-law who did it She made a panicked sound Qian Yunze heard movement in the distance Hastily signaled to stop talking When Qian Yunze opens the secret door Seeing Chunqing’s eyes filled with hatred Instantly realized that Chunqing had heard the truth Realizing that he was the one who killed his father Qian Yunze immediately knew that he could not let Chun Qing leave. He immediately grabbed her hand Just then, Innocence came in with tea. Qian Yunze could only use fierce eyes Give her a silent warning Tell her not to mess around and then let go and closed the secret door Then drive the innocence away and deal with the remaining matters He hurriedly found Chunqing But now the innocence has disappeared without a trace He was so anxious that he looked around the house But still haven’t found pure love So he returned to his study and ordered his men Start rounding up pure love Just then Chunqing suddenly appeared in front of him Qian Yunze tries to explain that she did not kill her father But Chunqing obviously no longer believes such lies Angrily grabbing Qian Yunze’s collar Claiming to kill him to avenge his father But at this time Qian Yunze Instead of panicking, I told her directly. If you tell everything about tonight let your sister know Then you will ruin your sister’s happiness in life with your own hands Let her live in pain forever Chunqing returned to her room sadly cry loudly in pain She doesn’t know what to do under extreme pain For the sake of her sister, she had to choose to leave Qianyunze’s home But Qian Yunze had no intention of letting her go. Not long after Chunqing left, he sent people to catch her. Want to put her in a mental hospital forever His men broke into Chunqing’s home to arrest her. Fortunately Chunqing discovered it in time and escaped With the help of her boyfriend, she successfully arrived at the station Boarded the fastest train bound for a distant place The next day Chunzhen learned from her aunt Someone with a vicious spirit breaks into the home looking for innocence Innocently worried about my sister’s safety Anxiously, she went to her husband for help. Qian Yunze pretended to know nothing Comfort her not to worry Then he instructed his subordinates to do whatever it takes Find out the pure love and imprison it At the same time, the innocent boyfriend Soon became their tracking target Min Ho rides a motorcycle to avoid pursuit Driving fast on a busy street Minho is so confident that no one can catch up with him A little whirlwind who claims to be invincible in speed However, the next second, a large truck suddenly passed by. Minho died on the spot Time flies and it is already three years later Chunqing works in a fried chicken restaurant Work hard for your dreams at the same time Innocence never gave up looking for her sister She sheds tears every day to apologize to her deceased parents I blame myself for not taking good care of my sister. Despite this innocence, there is still no regrets Working hard to take care of Qian Yunze’s family She was very happy when she found out that she was six weeks pregnant after the examination. she felt very happy But she didn’t know that this was the beginning of a nightmare Husband gives wife a priceless diamond necklace This is the first time she has known her husband It was the first time I felt his romance and I was very touched. Her husband whispered in her ear You are really beautiful Then he eagerly picked up his wife Trying to enhance the relationship between husband and wife The wife hurriedly stopped her husband’s behavior Tell him that she is six weeks pregnant After hearing this, the husband hugged his wife tightly with excitement Sincerely thank her for the surprise After marrying innocently into her husband’s family, she became a servant for three years Although Qian Yunze has been watching Just complaining in front of my mother But this day Qian Yunze finally took action for the sake of innocence Innocence just came back from the hospital Her mother-in-law asked her to wash clothes and cook Qian Yunze directly asked Chunzhen to go upstairs to rest. And tell her she doesn’t have to do these things again Kind-hearted innocence does not want the conflict between her husband and mother-in-law Immediately stated that he would continue to do these tasks My sister-in-law saw the tense atmosphere Quickly take your sister-in-law away from this occasion Qian Yunze told his mother bluntly In these years, when teaching innocence Although I was heartbroken, I did not stop it Do you know why Because she is also your daughter-in-law after all But things are different now Innocence is already pregnant with my child That child will be the future heir of the fried chicken group I will start to love her well Do things for her that you have never done before So please mom, stop being so strict. Treat your daughter-in-law After hearing this, the mother was so angry that she wanted to teach her son a lesson. The daughter struggled to stop her mother The innocent person upstairs is anxious and doesn’t know what to do. Qian Yunze said to his mother again It’s enough that you tortured innocence mercilessly for three years Now I want to give her the identity of the hostess of the fried chicken group Let her live in this home So mom, you should give her the treatment she deserves The mother heard that the hostess’s identity was taken away by her daughter-in-law She angrily yelled that she was the real mistress. What she was most worried about finally happened. Qian Yunze also warned his sister If you dare to bully innocence again, we will sever the family relationship. The fat girl was so frightened that she hurriedly promised that she would behave herself in the future Innocence returns to the room to question Qian Yunze Thinks he’s making things worse at home She was worried that her mother-in-law would be like before torture yourself more severely Qian Yunze told her firmly He will make everything reasonable Just relax and live a good life Remind her to take good care of her body and keep her mood happy to welcome their soon-to-be-born child. This is the first time innocence has felt Qian Yunze full of love for myself Innocently thinking about the arrival of a child will be the key to a happy life but she doesn’t know her every move All under Qian Yunze’s surveillance Qian Yunze is worried about the epidemic Revealed to Innocence the truth about her father’s murder As a result, his relationship with innocence was destroyed. It also harms their unborn children Faced with all this, he made up his mind if someone threatens his family He won’t forgive anyone Even my sister-in-law Chunqing is no exception He ordered his men to do whatever it takes Find Chunqing and take custody of her However, what Qian Yunze didn’t expect was that It was his own carelessness Exposed one’s own scandal Because the phone suddenly rang while Innocence was cleaning up the room Qian Yunze’s cell phone, which was placed aside, rang at the same time. When she checked both phones she found They were all calls from my aunt She uneasily answered two cell phones Sure enough, I heard my aunt’s voice. She was shocked and in disbelief She has always been a rule-abiding person A woman who endures humiliation and sacrifices for her family What is it that makes my husband to do such a disgusting thing This incident made Innocence realize that her husband must have a secret Hiding from oneself So she quietly came to the study I want to find out what my husband’s intentions are Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any useful information due to limited means. However, innocence unexpectedly Found the clue to the secret Chunzhen and Qian Yunze had dinner with the director and his wife Chatting with the director’s wife in the bathroom I learned that Qian Yunze once asked the director to find Chunqing And recently Innocence found in a country fried chicken restaurant This shocked innocence extremely She is in pain Unable to walk, I collapsed on the ground She can’t believe her husband How many things are you hiding from yourself? Why would you lie to your sister about the real situation? So she decided she could no longer sit still and wait for death. You must take proactive action to find the answers While Qian Yunze is not at home She quietly went to find the director’s wife alone Go to that fried chicken restaurant said to be where you find pure love After understanding with the boss Confirm that Chunqing has indeed worked here But Chunqing used the money she saved not long ago I left here to start a business somewhere else. Currently, the boss doesn’t know where Chunqing is. Innocence came to the tin house where my sister had lived for three years. Looking at everything around me, tears can’t stop flowing Crying loudly and blaming myself for not taking good care of my sister Let her endure so much suffering After returning home, his innocent expression was unusually cold Qian Yunze immediately felt that his wife Something different from before He hurriedly stepped forward to grab her and asked where she had been just now. Hearing such questioning of innocence, I feel angry in my heart Instant burst Angrily saying that what you are doing now is too much Do you have to know all my privacy? Only then can you rest assured Qian Yunze saw his wife angry Guess there must be something on her mind So let her speak her mind But at this time, innocence regained its composure She knows she can’t fall out with Qian Yunze yet So I just found an excuse to explain I just went to meet my second sister This made Qian Yunze stop questioning. But being suspicious by nature, he immediately I called Chunxiu to inquire. Sure enough, he found that innocence was still deceiving him Qian Yunze was upset and thinking Why should innocence deceive him? At the same time, Innocence is also thinking about why her husband To eavesdrop on her phone calls and hide things about her sister Then the phone rang suddenly Qian Yunze hurriedly picked up his cell phone and started eavesdropping Innocence guessed that the other party must be her husband Listening to her calls She decided not to be patient anymore and picked up the phone At the same time, he quietly walked behind Qian Yunze This is Qian Yunze’s first time in front of innocence showing panic expression Innocence asked him why he tapped her phone Why does she know the whereabouts of her sister Chunqing? but never told her After a brief panic, Qian Yunze Start defending yourself immediately Explain why you wiretapped your phone It’s to grasp the whereabouts of pure love Chunqing has always suspected that I am her father’s enemy I’m worried that she misunderstood and told you untruths Affects the relationship between our husbands and wives So I want to find her first and patiently explain to her I’ll tell you after I’ve explained it clearly. This is done to avoid hurting you sisters. Innocence does not know which words are true and which are false She shed tears of pain and only asked Qian Yunze Don’t let her have any more doubts Then she silently Holding her aching stomach, she turned around and left. The next day, Chunzhen was having a prenatal check-up in the hospital. A strange man appeared He handed her a letter She found out after checking the content of the letter Written by her father’s best friend during his lifetime Tell her in the letter The truth about her father’s death Advise her to go to prison to see him no matter what. Innocence does not dare to delay with a tired body Go to jail now The uncle burst into tears when he saw innocence lamented my poor child How did you marry such a horrible person? Innocent eyes closed, full of doubts The uncle mentioned her husband again It was he who killed your father In an emotion of pure disbelief, the uncle described in detail Everything he saw that night He was originally going to meet your father that night Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the chicken farm, I saw a group of men in black. They were about to set fire to the whole chicken farm Your dad and sister are trapped inside When I was trying to think of a way to save the father and daughter, Qian Yunze also happened to arrive at the scene. I thought he would help But he stood there I don’t know why he doesn’t move He even prevented others from going to the rescue. Finally, Qian Yunze turned around and left coldly. Leave your father and sister in the flames And your sister was forced by your father to use up his last strength Throw it out of the fire It was not Qian Yunze who saved him He also blocked your sister Don’t let her go back to the scene of the fire to save your father Finally, he told Chunzhen to leave quickly Stay away from this devilish Qianyunze The innocence hearing this cannot bear such a blow She collapsed and fainted Innocence doesn’t know how he got out of prison Recalling Qian Yunze at his father’s funeral That expression of sadness And the things I said in the past to gain her trust At this moment she finally understood everything They were all disguised by Qian Yunze in order to get her. She really wanted to escape immediately from this devil Qian Yunze But considering that this might implicate her father’s friends So she can only choose to endure it temporarily Came home full of rage When innocence faces her mother-in-law again She no longer obeys but directly resists The whole family clearly felt innocent after returning from the hospital It’s like becoming another person At this time Qian Yunze also felt the difference in his wife The innocence back in the room reminds me of the past again Her younger sister once advised her before she married Qian Yunze She was blinded at that time Didn’t follow my sister’s advice At this moment she felt deeply regretful but everything was irreversible At this time Qian Yunze hugged Innocence from behind Try to resolve current conflicts in an intimate way But this contact makes innocence feel It felt like there were countless bugs crawling on her body and it was unbearable My stomach was churning and I almost vomited it out. I really can’t bear to break away She stood up and slapped her hard. Qian Yunze touched his slightly painful face feel a little unbelievable He grabbed hold of innocence He angrily accused her of how dare she hit him You also said you are my woman, how can you refuse me? It was only when Qian Yunze roared that Innocence finally came to his senses. Realizing that I just hit him She knows it’s not yet When I completely broke up with Qian Yunze So I explained to him that I am more sensitive during pregnancy. That’s why you have such an extreme reaction Only then did Qian Yunze let go of his hand Frustrated, he left the room Innocence fell on the bed crying Thinking of what her uncle had told her before Must escape secretly The next day she hurriedly packed some things Want to escape before Qian Yunze notices But she found that she had been People sent by Qian Yunze followed Innocence aware of being under husband’s surveillance It’s impossible to escape So she decided to change her approach At night she suppressed her hatred for her husband and was no longer indifferent. Return to the gentle and sensible wife she was before Qian Yunze couldn’t resist his wife’s tender coquettishness He quickly let go of his guard against her The next day is as usual Prepared breakfast for the whole family early in the morning with a smile on face Can’t see any dissatisfaction The innocent purpose is to make Qian Yunze put down all vigilance Sure enough, Qian Yunze was worried that Chunzhen would find out that someone was following him May cause conflicts again So all the people who were monitoring innocence were removed. We even went out together to attend the director’s dinner party in the evening. It was then that innocence discovered the opportunity Excuse to go to the bathroom After coming out, I took a taxi directly without stopping. Finally managed to escape When Qian Yunze waited for a long time but did not see innocence coming back I immediately had a bad feeling I went out to look for it but was told by the waiter Innocence didn’t even go to the bathroom and left long ago He hurried outside but couldn’t find any trace of innocence Extremely angry, he immediately informed his subordinates Innocence must be found tonight at all costs and threatened that if he could not find his wife Then he will die together with all his men Qian Yunze came to the hotel to check the surveillance video Seeing his wife leave in a hurry without any regret She looked like she was running for her life when she left This made his heart ache like blood dripping He doesn’t understand what he has paid for so many years Is it so worthless? ran home angrily anything related to innocence They all became tools for him to vent his anger. He was so angry at the mother and daughter downstairs We were so scared that we hugged each other tightly. At this moment Qian Yunze remembered the previous Innocence suddenly changes from indifference to passion Only then did I realize that this was all a disguise she was making to escape. It’s all an illusion Qian Yunze picked up the photo that had just been smashed on the ground. and wife’s prenatal checkup report He cried loudly for the first time Innocence is the only woman he loves deeply and the last one He doesn’t want to lose his innocence I don’t even want to lose my unborn child. He couldn’t figure out why he wanted to run away At this time, his subordinates came to tell him the reason The subordinate said that Chunzhen went to prison not long ago Visited her father’s good brother during his lifetime Qian Yunze suddenly realized the problem He came to the prison angrily and questioned the man What exactly did he say to his wife? The man laughed and said He had already told her about killing Innocence’s father. innocence at the same time Walking out of a clinic disappointed She wanted to abort her enemy’s child But because I’m six months pregnant Surgery may endanger an adult’s life She had no choice but to give up the idea Finally she checked into a hotel in a remote mountain village Stay there temporarily she sheds painful tears I don’t know how to apologize to my late father. The days of running around and being depressed Made her morning sickness very severe The soundproofing effect of the rental house is very poor Strong complaints from other tenants In desperation, Chunzhen had no choice but to move away She walked down the street in despair without knowing where she was going. There are no relatives around Thinking of still carrying the enemy’s child in her belly She felt sorry for her deceased father So she climbed up the guardrail resolutely At this time, a chaebol lady passing by I saw the innocence about to jump into the river Ask the driver to stop quickly Immediately stepped forward to save innocence. Then the chaebol’s wife took her to the hospital It was in the hospital that she learned from the doctor that Chunzhen was pregnant. She could not imagine what kind of dilemma an expectant mother must face Want to end life with unborn child when innocence wakes up She did not reveal the truth when asked by the chaebol’s wife It was just the endless heartache that made her cry bitterly After that, Sheng Shu could only let her innocence Sent to single mother rescue center Innocence is like this at the rescue station Lived peacefully for five months One day she suddenly suffered from severe abdominal pain It was finally time to give birth and she was rushed to the hospital. At the doctor’s urging, innocently and reluctantly After many hours, a baby boy was finally born. But there is no joy on the innocent face She couldn’t forgive herself for giving birth to enemy’s child So she refused to breastfeed the baby Don’t even want to look at him In desperation, she ran to the roof of the hospital Want to end my life again For her, life is a pain Fortunately at the critical moment Sheng Shu, who had rescued her, arrived in time Pulling innocence hard and saving her again Later, Sheng Shu worried that Innocence would have thoughts of committing suicide again. He had no choice but to take her into his own home and take care of her On the other hand, Qian Yunze has spent the past five months I have been missing you painfully and never gave up on searching for innocence. On this day, with unremitting efforts, he finally The orphanage he donated found clues to innocence The dean told Qian Yunze There is a pregnant woman who matches the characteristics he described Now at the single mother rescue center Qian Yunze was extremely excited and hurriedly asked his subordinates to drive. Press the accelerator to the bottom and go quickly But after Qian Yunze arrived and investigated, Didn’t find any clues about innocence It turns out that Sheng Shu had already asked the dean to Destroy innocent information Therefore, although Qianyunze found the right place, Little did he know that he had been deceived by the dean he has lost patience Desperately want to see my wife and children He already knew that his child was born So he ordered his subordinates again Quickly determine the innocent position of your wife and sister He plans to use innocence to force innocence to show up That night, with the help of police friends, they I quickly found a fried chicken restaurant run by Chun Qing. But the fried chicken restaurant is empty Innocence has escaped Qian Yunze punched his subordinate angrily He blamed them for their poor performance But what Qian Yunze didn’t expect was that The person who leaked the secret in advance It was actually his most trusted secretary, Guangmu It turns out that Guangmu’s father was also killed by Qian Yunze He has endured the humiliation and hid himself from Qian Yunze for many years. Always waiting for a chance to take revenge Light Curtain treats people like Innocence and others who have similar experiences. Always helping in secret After Guangmu learned that Qian Yunze was the enemy who killed his father, Guangmu I told Chunqing about my escape. Chunqing leave quickly To avoid being captured by Qian Yunze and forcing innocence to show up Finally, with the help of light curtains Sisters separated for many years finally meet again After finding my sister, my innocent mood improved greatly. I planned to say goodbye to Sheng Shu But because the child has a fever Sheng Shu advised Chun Zhen to stay one more night before leaving. at this time Qian Yunze has business dealings with Sheng Shu’s husband Come to Sheng Shu’s house as a guest When Innocence comes out to help entertain guests I happened to see Qian Yunze’s back I was so frightened that I hurriedly turned around and hid. Qian Yunze vaguely recognized that figure Want to step forward to confirm Fortunately, she was stopped by Sheng Shu’s husband. Sheng Shu saw Innocence hiding in the kitchen, trembling all over. I quickly understood what was happening. She blocked innocence with her body and sent her back to the room At this time Qian Yunze saw that figure again It has been confirmed that it is innocence Especially the sound of children crying coming from the room Be more sure of your child He and his wife were in that room But Qian Yunze did not show impatience Instead, he left Sheng Shu’s house quietly. In the car, Qian Yunze finally showed his long-lost smile He told his men that he just heard his child crying. The voice is so bright, it must be a boy Then he ordered his men Surveillance on Sheng Shu’s home 24/7 Looking for an opportunity to get his wife and children back At the same time, Chunzhen Xiang Shengshu Confessed his tragic experience She told Sheng Shu why she wanted to commit suicide It’s because he can’t accept giving birth to the child of the murderer of his father. So she decided to die with her unborn child In this way, he can atone for his father who was killed by his husband. Sheng Shu expressed sympathy for her experience and was very worried about her future life The next day, Chunzhen packed her luggage and prepared to leave Sheng Shu’s house. but she doesn’t know Qian Yunze recognized her last night The outside is already full of people from Qianyunze Qian Yunze’s men saw Chunzhen coming out with the child in her arms. A group of men in black in broad daylight Rush forward and take innocence away by force Then she was taken to a remote villa Qian Yunze rushed there in a hurry Finally met the wife and children I have been looking for Innocence sees her devil-like husband walking towards her I was so frightened that I hugged my child and curled up and shivered. Innocence struggles to break free Angrily denounced Qian Yunze as the murderer of his father Qian Yunze tried her best to defend that she did not kill her father Innocence has completely lost trust in him Didn’t listen to his explanation at all Holding the child in his arms, he ran upstairs Come to the edge of the balcony Warn Qian Yunze again not to come near Otherwise she would jump down with the baby Qian Yunze doesn’t believe in kind wives would do such an extreme thing Innocence tells him to live with the devil for three years Already omnipotent After saying that, I will climb over the railing. Qian Yunze quickly stepped forward Grab the child first set aside carefully Then I saw her again preparing to climb over Rush up and grab her waist Pull her back hard and throw her to the ground Qian Yunze immediately picked up his son beside him Drag up the innocence that has not yet risen Take her back inside Lock innocence in the room He took the children and left to take care of them No matter how much innocence calls him, he doesn’t pay attention Just hold the child tightly and never let go After a while, Qian Yunze felt that his wife should calm down. So he opened the door and let her out I hope I can sit down and have a good chat with her Qian Yunze first gently thanked Chunzhen Thanks to her for giving birth to the baby safely And then explain to her that he didn’t kill her father Tell her it wasn’t him who burned the chicken farm But his men did it without permission When he arrived at the chicken farm Everything is irreversible and she failed to save her father Chunzhen stood up angrily and accused him of stopping lying. She thinks Qian Yunze has every chance of saving her father But he was indifferent Just stood and watched her father burn to death Describe how painful it was for her father Qian Yunze had to admit that he hesitated at the time He just wanted to prove to her father that he didn’t set the fire But her father didn’t believe him Those eyes full of distrust He has been determined to be the arsonist when he realized It was too late to save her father After hearing this, Chunzhen hit Qian Yunze in pain Angrily scolding him that even so, he should save people first She thinks his explanations are all unreasonable I wish I could beat him to death Innocence cannot bear this fact He was so angry that he fainted In the following days, Qian Yunze Taking care of their mother and daughter with all their heart and soul This was the first time in his life that he felt ordinary happiness His irritable heart slowly began to soften But he doesn’t know A revenge against him has begun The light curtain combines the information collected over the years All evidence about Qian Yunze’s crimes were handed over to the police After the police obtained the evidence, they began Hunt him across the globe After Qian Yunze learned about this, He immediately guessed that it was related to his most trusted secretary. So I asked Guangmu to come out After getting on the car, the light curtain Qian Yunze doesn’t talk nonsense either. Ask him directly why he betrayed Light Curtain realized that the situation was not good and wanted to run away but it’s too late Caught by the bodyguards arranged by Qian Yunze He was forced back into the car again. Now the light curtain can no longer hide the matter He admitted that he was the one who reported him Qian Yunze asked Guangmu who betrayed him Ask him if he is cheating on his wife And told him that he had noticed it a long time ago Sensing your sympathy for my wife what i really care about It wasn’t you who made my crime public But your attitude towards my wife Light Screen sneered at Qian Yunze’s words. After sneering, he finally told the truth It turns out that Guangmu’s father once blocked Qian Yunze The road to profit therefore died in his hands Just like an innocent father Also burned alive in a chicken farm He has been waiting for the chance of revenge all these years To avenge my father Light Screen roared You will be punished soon I will expose all your lies in court Qian Yunze learned that Guangmu was here for revenge. not because of his wife So I didn’t say anything more and ordered my men to take away the light curtain. Bring the light curtain to the abandoned warehouse Give him a cruel lesson The light curtain was beaten to death The man in black stopped and left He tried to pick up Call for help with a mobile phone within easy reach But he was too injured to move Finally passed out Fortunately, when Light Screen reported Qian Yunze I have already applied for witness protection. The police found him in time through positioning Saved his life in time At the same time, an arrest warrant for Qian Yunze was also issued. He is spending time with his wife and son Enjoy your time leisurely Don’t care about being wanted Innocence saw the news on TV Feeling complicated inside She wants to see Qian Yunze punished But seeing how close he is to his son when they get home A large number of police have been waiting for a long time Qian Yunze got off the car and asked the police to wait. He wants to send his wife and son home first After returning home, Qian Yunze carefully Kissed my sleeping son Then embraced innocence Qian Yunze was found guilty of instigating murder. Prosecuted for tax evasion and tax evasion Light Curtain appeared in court in time to testify that it was confirmed Qian Yunze’s crime is indeed true All the evidence is extremely unfavorable to Qian Yunze But Qian Yunze’s mother didn’t want to give up. She hired a more powerful lawyer Although the evidence is conclusive The lawyer cannot guarantee that Qian Yunze will be rescued. but proposed a Suggestions that may reduce Qian Yunze’s punishment That is to obtain the forgiveness of the victim’s family So the mother-in-law, who has always been proud This time I knelt in front of my daughter-in-law and begged for mercy. Sincerely apologize to innocence Apologize for bullying and ridiculing her over the years I hope to gain her understanding and save her son once But it is difficult to coexist with the hatred of killing your father This is impossible for innocence At this time, the aunt who couldn’t bear it took a basin of cold water He rushed in and poured it directly on my mother-in-law. In the dead of night, innocence still makes it difficult to fall asleep Looking at the sleeping child She is deeply conflicted Until dawn her heart Finally made a difficult decision She went to the prison to meet Qian Yunze This meeting made Qian Yunze feel very uncomfortable and stood up to leave. Innocence suddenly said that maybe she could write a letter of understanding But that doesn’t mean she has forgiven him But she’s willing to try to trust him again Believe that he did not intentionally kill her father This way she will feel calmer inside This way she and her children can live a better life However, in the final judgment Qian Yunze did not evade responsibility He admitted that although he did not directly instigate others to set fire But it was the fact that led to Li Zhensen’s death. Finally, after Qian Yunze took the initiative to plead guilty, Sentenced to ten years in prison Later, Chunzhen found Qian Yunze again and asked Why did he make that choice? Why is he said to have killed her father? Didn’t he just hesitate and miss the opportunity? That’s why she wrote a letter of understanding But precisely because innocence is under great pressure Still choose to trust Qian Yunze He decided not to evade responsibility anymore I don’t want to bring more pain to innocence. At this time Qian Yunze finally told the innocent truth He did have a chance then rescue her father The real reason for my hesitation is not because of your father and your sister discovered my secret It’s because your father never trusted me Even if I save your father, the misunderstanding is resolved He won’t agree to let you marry me either do you understand I have always focused on my career reject all personal feelings I thought I would never fall in love with anyone But the moment I saw you accidentally I just know what heartbeat is I even thought about the name of the child. I’m deeply attracted to you Every smile of yours is like the warm sun in winter Melted the ice in my heart From then on I vowed to marry you Qian Yunze apologizes to innocence again Give his selfishness to a pure and kind woman brought too much pain and hurt So don’t trust people so easily in the future There are many people like me Don’t give your sincerity easily you will get hurt This is my last request as a husband Five years have passed in the blink of an eye Qian Yunze spends all his time in prison I miss my wife and son because of good performance He was granted one day of family leave This gave him the opportunity to meet his wife and son Seeing my five-year-old son lively and cute grow healthily Can’t help but burst into tears Seeing this, Innocence couldn’t help but shed tears. But good times are always short Qian Yunze has to go back to prison to continue serving his sentence Complete the remaining five years When parting, Qian Yunze told Chunzhen He read the Mandarin dictionary every day in prison Because the names of your three sisters are in the dictionary innocence pure pure love These names all represent purity, kindness and beauty He reflects every day I miss you every day too I know we can’t go back to the past So I will never appear in front of you again In five years I will be even more lonely More depressed This is the last time we meet Please raise our children well After saying this, Qian Yunze left with endless reluctance. Leave innocence with a lonely back A man for his beloved But it hurt her deeply Is it wrong to love someone I think there is nothing wrong with innocence She looked at the direction Qian Yunze left and chased after him. Looking at each other on the bustling street No regrets when meeting Inseparable from love and hate looking at each other waiting for your return

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