1519-2【キャンプ】【4K】ワイヤレス室外温湿度計付き!ThermoProサーモプロ 2022年モデル 湿度計 温湿度計ワイヤレス紹介(実践編)

1519-2 [Camping] [4K] Wireless outdoor temperature and humidity meter included! ThermoPro 2022 model hygrometer Temperature/hygrometer wireless introduction (practical edition) Put your new gear to use. The manufacturer is Thermopro. The product name is Thermohygrometer Wireless. ■Use a thermohygrometer Use a wireless indoor/outdoor thermometer. Open the box and take out the contents. Take out the main unit and outdoor transmitter. Insert batteries for outdoor use. Insert the battery into the main unit as well. The display below is the temperature and humidity on the main unit side. After a short wait, the temperature and humidity for outdoor use appeared. For outdoor use, place around the table. I will place the main unit in the shade in front of the tent. It is good to be able to take out the stand and prop it up. The temperature is currently around 23-25℃. The sun came out, so we moved to the sun. The temperature suddenly rose. Try putting the main unit inside the tent. ■Unbox 3 gear items Unpacking the gear I recently bought. This is a tent seat for one person. It is an enamel mug. Green colored paracord. I added this because I didn’t have enough sheets. I usually use titanium, so I want to change my mood. Used to tie small items. Bring out the mora knife. Cut the cardboard tape. This one is also green in color. The size is approximately 145 x 210 cm. Weight is approximately 330g. When you open the zipper, a sheet will come out. I would like to use it in another situation. Next is the enamel mug. The manufacturer is Captain Stag. I like the shape and color. The inside is a cream-like color. The brown color on the edges is uneven. Product tag is attached. There are notes written on the back. Finally, there’s paracord. It is 100 feet long and 30 meters long. I tried using a standard 7 core. Cut it to your desired length. This time there were three small gears. Check the thermohygrometer. For outdoor use, the temperature has risen to 27.5℃. The temperature of the main body is 28℃ or higher. The humidity is just right. ■Light a bonfire on a bonfire stand Move things on the table. Prepare the bonfire. Place the pine cones in the fire pit. I’ll try attaching it with Tinderwood. Bring out the mora knife again. Battoning using firewood. Scrape the tip using a knife. Bring out the fire starter. Scrape the starter to get a spark. It didn’t catch fire, so I lit it with a match. Place the Tinderwood in the fire pit. Place the pine cone below so it will catch fire. Stack thin pieces of firewood. Add some dead leaves to keep the fire going. Break the cedar firewood and put it in. We will nurture it until it catches fire. The pine cone and the firewood underneath were on fire. Use fire shears to light firewood. ■Prepare meals Prepare the meal. Use up yesterday’s chicken skin. I put rice and water in the bottle. Golden flavor, grilled meat sauce. It is a base for petit hot pot. This is the chives you put in the pot. I also use mixed salad. It’s drip coffee. We will use these to cook. Move ingredients off the table. The fire of the bonfire is not strong enough. Bring out the VASTLAND fire blowing stick. Blow the fire so it doesn’t go out. Blow gently downwards. Light the firewood little by little. Check the thermohygrometer. The temperature has settled down to 25-26℃. Place the monitor outside so it can be seen. It is easy to use it outside during the day. ■Cook rice in a rice cooker Bring out a bottle of rice and water. I use a titanium rice bowl. I think the larger the quantity, the better. Open the lid of the bottle and remove the contents. Put everything in the rice bowl. Shake the rice bowl to make it flat. Place the trivet on the bonfire stand. The wind was blowing in front of me and there was smoke. I think I’ll turn up the heat and then put it on. Place the trivet again. The firewood rolled and fell. Place the rice on the trivet. Cook the rice so that it is exposed to the heat. The temperature of the main body near the bonfire is 29.5℃. I’ll put them apart so it’s easier to see. ■Make vegetable soup Take out the 750ml cooker. Place the chives in the cooker. I also add a mixed salad. Add the hot pot ingredients. Pour water from the canteen bottle. Place the second trivet on top. Put the lid on and place the cooker on top. Cook two at the same time. The temperature near the bonfire rose to 31.2℃. Even in the shade, the temperature is 26.2℃. It’s spring, but it’s hot around the bonfire. The temperature has further increased to 34.5℃. Consider sun protection and distance from the bonfire. Hot water came out of the rice bowl. It’s boiling over vigorously. The temperature finally exceeded 35℃. It’s hot so I want to stay hydrated. Pour water from the bottle. Served in an enamel mug. The mouth is round and easy to drink. It goes well with other gear. After a while, the boiling over subsided. Put on leather gloves and lower the rice bowl. Open the lid and check inside. Reduce the water a little. Next, lower the pot cooker. The water is boiling and the vegetables are starting to cook. Take out the titanium chopsticks. Mix gently using chopsticks. Cover and simmer a little more. It looks like the food is about to get better. Let it steam for a while. The temperature around the bonfire has settled down to 34.8℃. I think this is because the firepower has subsided. Also remove the cooker from the pot. ■ Grill the chicken skin on a wire rack Move the trivet from the bonfire stand. Serve a small rice bowl as a serving plate. Open the package of chicken skin. Prepare a titanium grill. Place the net on top of the trivet. Use chopsticks to loosen the chicken skin. Place each piece of chicken skin on the wire rack. Cook slowly over low heat. I thought it would be easier to cook with tongs. Instead, turn the meat over with chopsticks. Make sure the fire is not too strong. The color has changed little by little. Let’s grill the meat slowly. The chicken skin is stuck, so let’s take it down. Peel it off with chopsticks, being careful of the heat. Use the fire scissors to return it to the campfire. The meat is cooked and browned. The current temperature is 33.1℃. The fire has subsided further. Remove the meat from the grilled side onto a serving plate. Top with golden flavor and grilled meat sauce. The chicken skin was deliciously grilled. Remove the grill from the bonfire stand. Remove the lid from the rice bowl. Remove the lid of the pot as well. This time’s camping meal is ready. ■Eat camping food For some reason, the temperature has risen a little. Start with vegetable soup. Be proactive about picking vegetables. Next we will have rice. Although it is made of titanium, it was successful this time. I will also try eating chicken skin. It’s fragrant and crispy. It is delicious when eaten with rice and chicken skin. ■Summary A summary of wireless thermo-hygrometers. Divided into main body and outdoor use. You can wirelessly measure the temperature and humidity at two locations. I used it around the table during the day. The numbers show that the area around the bonfire is hot. Place it inside and outside the tent at night. I opened the gear I bought recently. I enjoy combining various things. It will continue to the next.

ThermoProサーモプロ 2022年モデル 湿度計 温湿度計ワイヤレスを紹介します。

#キャンプ #温度計 #ワイヤレス


0:00:00 ■はじめに
0:00:22 ■温湿度計を使う
0:01:35 ■ギア3点を開封する
0:04:08 ■焚き火台で焚き火する
0:05:40 ■食事の準備をする
0:07:18 ■飯ごうでご飯を炊く
0:08:36 ■野菜スープを作る
0:11:33 ■網で鳥皮を焼く
0:13:46 ■キャンプ飯を食べる
0:14:29 ■まとめ

No.1548: https://youtu.be/VZCMWj4qSMA
No.1517: https://youtu.be/02XmfPlKCeI
No.1514: https://youtu.be/ZwvFFYmLBxo
No.1519: https://youtu.be/pzLLjibFBto



CHAKEYAKE 2023年モデル 焚き火台 折りたたみ式 https://amzn.to/49AW2VC

Dajie スツーレ 2022年モデル 【防災士監修】 簡易トイレ https://amzn.to/42a2KzC

茨城県筑西市 ザ・ヒロサワ・シティ http://www.shimodate.jp/index.html

ThermoProサーモプロ 2022年モデル 湿度計 温湿度計ワイヤレス https://amzn.to/42eS9Dt

OneTigris SOLO HOMESTEADテント専用グランドシート https://amzn.to/3srsUxe

VASTLAND(ヴァストランド) テントポール タープポール174cm https://amzn.to/3Lkd8hg

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CHAKEYAKE 2023年モデル 焚き火台 折りたたみ式 https://amzn.to/49AW2VC

ベルモント(Belmont) UL hibasami https://amzn.to/3wsY2xM

Thous Winds オイルランタン ランタン https://amzn.to/3Wbcpmo

モーラ・ナイフ Morakniv モーラ COMPANION ステンレス (Spark Black) [並行輸入品] https://amzn.to/3Ze91HQ

FIELDOOR 火消し袋 炭処理袋 【Sサイズ】 https://amzn.to/3ikIbO8

COOK’N’ESCAPE チタン テーブル 【鉄板+焼き網】 https://amzn.to/3ZRQT6N

VASTLAND 2023年モデル ソフトクーラーボックス 12L https://amzn.to/45zJ6xS

COOK’N’ESCAPE チタン 飯ごう キャンティーン キャンプ https://amzn.to/3ZRRbKV

FORE WINDS マイクロ キャンプ ストーブ https://amzn.to/3VrRcmw

COOK’N’ESCAPE チタン マグカップ 450ml 蓋付き  https://amzn.to/3VvxnuB

COOK’N’ESCAPE アウトドア用マグカップ チタン 300ml https://amzn.to/41VKZ6x






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