秘境の巌頭で祈る乙女をいかに撮るか. 日浦岬 灯台. 函館恵山線 道道41号のドライブ. Steel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 05‐2024

Turn on subtitles using the gear Prefectural Route 41: Hakodate Esan Line Waiting for the return of a loved one who went fishing on this road Santaronakase Rock, Hiuradomon, where you can still drive through the ancient unexcavated tunnel; Hokkaido natives once crossed with a dog in the lead. Iwane Bridge spans the coast of columnar joints It stands beautifully on a rocky mountain with columnar joints. Cape Hiura Lighthouse It looks like a maiden in a white dress praying for the safety of the fishermen. This time, in the order of this postcard, Santa Lonakase Rock, Hiura Cave Gate, Then we will visit Cape Hiura Lighthouse. Now, take the next intersection left turn Is that Tateiwa? To the coastline area of ​​Hokkaido Route 41 The road is narrow I’ll park my car here On the left is a wave erasing block The right hand is a sandbag Walk along the quaint old coastal road Cut-through or open-cut tunnel remains Ah, the information board for Santaronakase Rock is gone… It’s like someone leaning forward and looking at the ocean. It’s a picturesque coast… The rust on the guardrail is also good. Santaro went fishing and never came back. Santaro’s father and his wife were at the beach all the time. Every day I wait for you to come home It turned into a rock. The story is the origin of Tateiwa. santa ronakase rock The image that looks exactly like the picture postcard touches my heart. To Donan Kongo, which is just ahead I arrived in front of Donan Kongo. I think it was a quarry. It has been cut into a staircase shape. This is a columnar joint. The regular shape of the pillars It has a good taste, It also creates a mysterious worldview. Kongo in southern Hokkaido, which looks like an ancient ruin Head to Hiuradomon just beyond Kongo in southern Hokkaido Let’s walk around the tunnel This is the starting point of Tunnel 7. That being said, it’s quite short. Ah, the atmosphere is somewhat similar to the abandoned road at Cape Choshi. It may not even be 10m long. tunnel end Tunnel 6 I like that red rock above the tunnel. I think this is a natural rock, huh? Ah… I can see the ocean through a gap in the rocks like this. It’s tunnel number 5, I wonder what’s up already? I think it’s only about 2m or 3m A short and cute tunnel A distant view of Santaronakase Rock and Hokkaido Kongo. Nested tunnel composition, romantic Hiura Cave: A picturesque continuous tunnel Please try taking pictures too! Now, let’s drive to Cape Hiura. Tunnel No. 7 通過 Passing through Tunnel 6 Passing through Tunnel 5 Tunnel No. 4 pass And there are three left a little further Tunnel 3 I’ll go slowly for a while. This is tunnel number 2. Wow, it’s dark… Yes, Tunnel 1. This is the last one, The best ending… Hmm Well, it was fulfilling. It was a short but enjoyable road. Now, let’s head towards Cape Hiura. Finally, to the lighthouse at Cape Hiura National Route 278, just before Hiura Tunnel left turn There are a few houses lined up here, so drive carefully. There is a lighthouse ahead of Hiura fishing port on the left. A rocky mountain with columnar joints approaches That picture postcard has this explanation. Cape Hiura, with its rocky head and roaring waves, The rock surface looks like a timber fence has been erected. Formed by columnar joints of metamorphic andesite It is known as a suitable spot for rock fishing. Cape Hiura, I came near the Cape Lighthouse. Ah, it’s been 3 years, I feel nostalgic It’s Jizo They are probably praying for the safety of road traffic or fishing. A road once ran here Amazing here The rocks are shattered, it’s an abandoned road. That’s Iwane Bridge Wow, Amazing, the waves You can’t cross this bridge anymore. Please also check out the video taken in this area on a sunny day. The abandoned road of artistic collapse to cross here It’s a little impossible The lighthouse is over there, but it’s over there. How did the photographer on the postcard take the picture? You can’t see the lighthouse from here Again, the postcard description At the tip of the cape Represents the image of a goddess who is pure and noble. You can see Hakusei Hiura Lighthouse This lighthouse operates in Esan fishing fields. Praying for the safety of thousands of fishing boats at sea It resembles the appearance of a maiden Standing on the cape, beyond the blue waves The view of Hidemine and Esan It can truly be called a masterpiece. Today’s final destination I came to Cape Hiura Lighthouse. I want to take perfect pictures There’s a small monument over there First son, place of death Are you from the fishing industry? Hmm Looking towards the sea Wow, that’s a huge wave Climb the stairs to the lighthouse On the left is a fence, and on the right is a rockfall prevention net. Ah… finally to the lighthouse Ha, that’s cool… Created in 1951 You can see Hiura Cave and Kongo in southern Hokkaido. Well, just like the picture postcard, it’s a cape with angry waves. Wow, the back of the rocky mountain was actually a timber fence! Eh! I’m surprised, this is amazing! Such a complicated pillar shape This is rare, isn’t it? Woohoo, I saw something amazing Directly below the lighthouse This is what it looked like right below! of that postcard It’s the angle of the photo. I don’t think you can take pictures from the beach around there. Probably, uh… Climb a steep mountain with columnar joints. That mountain over there? I think the photo was taken from this mountain. Wow, people from the past have courage! I just can’t imitate it. Let me see, Let’s leave here Get off the foot of that bridge, I’ve come this far I wonder if I can take a good photo? Can I climb that mountain? Let’s climb the rocky mountain… Haa, That’s a great picture! From here on out, It’s a bit scary, I guess. That picture postcard-like angle I can’t aim for anything more than this. No, no, Let’s take a picture with best effort… Guided by a picture postcard to Cape Hiura Lighthouse Jizo-sama Stone stacks seen on an abandoned road Emerald seawater reflecting on the brown rock surface A rocky mountain that looks like another world Iwane Bridge, where a group of Hokkaido children crossed Is it a monument to a maritime disaster? A crack in the rock reminiscent of the Sanzu River The river flows into the sea of ​​Esan A chalk lighthouse standing on an unexplored cape A landmark that has watched over the sea since the 1950s A complex feature that looks like a pruned bundle of timber Much better to see it in person… Hokkaido Route 41 makes you feel the thoughts of people involved in the fishing industry. You can also enjoy the rugged yet attractive beauty of the coast towards Esan. It was a fascinating road… Below are three of the best shots I took of Cape Hiura Lighthouse. Which one is your favorite? No.1 Along with the monument of Konpira Daigongen No. 2 To the chalk lighthouse via the rough rock road No.3 A lighthouse standing on a rocky mountain washed by angry waves I met the maiden who protects the sea at Cape Hiura in early spring… Please subscribe to the channel


ぱくたそ 崖の女性

・Free BGM 魔王魂
・Free BGM PeriTune
[Firmamente2 calm]

〇効果音ラボ https://soundeffect-lab.info/

〇使用機材 GoPro9, Insta360 onex2, DJI Air2s

・どらへび dora hebi @-dorahebi
・RISA RISE /りさらいず @risarise5831



  1. もちろん3枚目ですよ!これが1番アングル的に素晴らしい!個人的ですが😊この灯台を建てるのもたいへんな作業だったでしょう。灯台も今や遠隔操作なんでしょうね。昔昔のドラマ?映画?で灯台守のやってましたか?母が観てたような。恵山、ツツジばかりでなくイロイロな楽しみ方がありますね。行けない→ドローンがあるじゃないか!現代は便利です👍️お疲れさまでした(^-^ゞ

  2. 今回も素晴らしい動画ありがとうございます🤗2021年にずっと気になっていた恵山へ初めて向かう道中(なぜ少年は…?)どうせなら海岸線を走って行こうと思い、迷い込んた道でした😅その日は、波が高く自然のパワーを凄く感じる場所でもあり、身の危険も感じました😂

  3. お疲れ様です。変朽安山岩,学生のころ(50年ほど前)使用していた言葉ですね。プロピライト,現在の明確な表現がなくて申し訳ないです。日浦金剛,比較的大きな柱状節理とその層厚,どこから来たのでしょうか?(噴出源が明らかではありません)。柱状節理の大きさは,その成分(SiO2)と流出時の温度に左右されると考えられています。もう少し,考えさせてください(私のフィールドではないのですが)。

  4. いつも、楽しみにしています。

  5. GW中にバイクで大阪に行ったら、俺の12Rが故障🏍軽トラを借りて運んで、返しと往復で金と体力使って疲れたわい😂故障多いから隼に乗り換えようかな(笑)

  6. この辺りの人気灯台と言えば恵山岬灯台ですが、この日浦岬灯台はなかなか趣深い存在ですね。私のお好みは2番です。

  7. 凄い場所行きましたねぇ😅

  8. 日浦の廃道、自然の力で破壊されて道路の痕跡が年々無くなっておりますね


  9. さささ、三番。

  10. こんにちは。道南の海の匂いがする様な景色ですね、初めて知りました😊

  11. 確か日浦洞門は路線バスも走っています。

  12. 灯台はとても素敵です。 元のトンネルが残っている旧道が利用できるのは注目に値します。 百年の歴史ある道をドライブすることができます。 😊

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